Sunday, July 31, 2022


27 July, 2022

You'll only inject me with that vaccine into my cold, dead hands!

□ [“Top Chef Alum Dies Unexpectedly of Heart Attack at 46”]

Most of them are athletes but I do try to keep track of the famous people dying, not just the old ones I’ve heard of but those who die at a young age.  A heart attack at age 46???  Under normal circumstances we’d take as a given that this guy was very unhealthy and in the picture he looks like he might be a little overweight but not by that much.

But we’re not in normal circumstances.  We’re watching people in their 40s and below die of heart attacks and related causes all over the place.

□ [“Epstein Groomer Ghislaine Maxwell Transferred to Cushy 'Low-Security' Federal Prison in Florida Where She Can ‘Learn to Bake, Partake in Inmate Talent Shows, and Teach Yoga’”]

This way she’ll be easier to take her down.  By that I mean ‘sexually,’ obviously *no one* would attempt any violence on Jeffrey Epstein’s partners.  Just look at how hard everybody worked to keep him from committing suicide in prison three years ago.

She sexually abused children and supported others who did that, you can’t put a person like that in a maximum-security prison.  That would be offensive.  It’s not like she gave any names of child abusers she supported, who’d want to hear about that?

□ [“China Deploys Troops and Tanks to Russia – International War Games Scheduled for Next Month”]

How much are ‘war games’ and how much is actual war, or threats?  Being part of an actual conflict would give Democrats an excuse to cancel elections and from being caught stealing elections.  That a win-win for everyone except the Free World.

These are the “war olympics.”  Seriously?  36 nations taking part from August 13-27, including Iran, India, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Armenia and Venezuela.

□ [“Fashion and Fury:  Ukrainian First Lady and Husband Do Staged VOGUE Photoshoot”]

That’s how serious this is to them.  Nobody would say a photo shoot takes time away from running your country at war.  They don’t have anything better to do, there’s nothing important going on these days.  If there were, they would be focusing on that.

Say, do Ukrainians even follow Vogue?  Not just in general, but especially these days?  They might not even know their heroic leader is posing for romantic photographs!  At least if they were followed Vogue regularly, they’d have something to take their minds off the shelling and the dying, but they’re getting nothing out of this.

What are the Zelenskys getting out of it?  I mean other than their pictures on the cover of one of the world's biggest magazines about fashion.

Hmmm, I see there was a Ukraine version of the magazine founded in 2013.  Good to know.  They’ve obviously found some way to keep publishing during a war.  Ukrainians weren’t suffering enough these days so they had to regularly read Vogue.

□ [“Boris Johnson tipped to become next secretary general of NATO”]

So that’s why he quit, to get a promotion to the pseudo-military imposing the New World Order.  They may not have publicly defined it that way yet, but they define and re-define things and will send men with guns out for anyone they don’t like.

England, and elsewhere in Europe, didn’t get much wind recently so their wind-power systems aren’t useful.  They used natural gas instead, which they’d been saving for the winter.  So now they’ll have less fuel this winter, just as they prepared.

Biden is also planning to release millions more of fuel barrels from our Strategic Petroleum Reserve.  This would put us more at risk than we already are, brought to us by the same people think we’re already at war with a nuclear power.

The media is immediately going with “recession”s brand-new definition.  No matter how bad the economy is, it won’t be a recession until the people in charge say so and it’s not “two quarters of negative growth,” never mind how easy it is to find recent media examples of this very definition of a recession.  They said that about Mexico just last January.  There’s already a video of numerous media people saying just that, even putting them in unison which is a neat effect.

Even Brian Deese, who insists that two quarters of negative growth is not how a recession is defined, said the exact opposite in 2008.  He’s telling the media to use the new definition now and, like all government servants, they obey.

28 July, 2022

The government has changed how a broken leg is defined, so just take some aspirin and walk it off.

□ [“More Than 50 House Republicans Now Calling For Biden To Take A Cognitive Test”]

That’s not going to happen.  It’s like telling Europe to stop buying Russian fuel.  They really like the way it’s going now and they’re not going to change.

It’s not like when Trump was challenged for a cognitive test and took one in July 2020.  Democrats set standards, they don’t live up to them.  That’s for inferior people, those who can pass a cognitive test.  You don’t find those among Democrats in charge.

□ [“Los Angeles County Drops Plans to Reimpose Mask Mandate After Beverly Hills, Long Beach and Other Cities Push Back on Covid Tyrants”]

It’s nice to hear someone is standing up after two years of this nonsense, but it just looks like ‘rich people won’t obey our laws so we’ll drop the laws.’  A week or so ago, the chick in charge of Los Angeles County Health just went to a basketball game without a mask, so it’s not like she believed she was in any danger.

If the virus is so dangerous and the POTUS they voted for hasn’t stopped it, why did they ever end the mandate?  It worked so well!  We know the answer, they know masks do nothing for a meaningless virus but it does get obedience and expand tyranny.

□ [“DC Mayor Bowser Requests National Guard Activation For Illegal Aliens Influx Bussed From Texas”]

You can’t treat DC the way they treat everyone else!  They’re special!  Their borders must be protected!

This DC Mayor even tweeted that DC was a “sanctuary city” on July 18, 2018.  That’s why they’re here.  They’re sending these people everywhere else in the country, but won’t welcome the non-white invaders themselves.  It’s not like there’s any chance of violence or anything bad happening.  And even if there was, that’s how DC wants it.  Republicans will naturally get the blame for these violent invaders terrifying DC.

This isn’t about a “melting pot,” these people are coming to a land of “diversity” to keep their tribes strong and against everyone else.

□ [“Facebook Begins Censoring Statements That Biden Has Changed the Definition of a Recession”]

The media is all-in on this, literally changing the definition as it’s been in textbooks for decades.  They already did that for “woman.”  A “vaccine” used to be something that would keep you from getting a virus.  There’s also “disinformation,” “illegal alien,” “voter suppression,” “insurrection,” “domestic terrorism” and “racism.”  They now mean what leftists want rather than what the actual words.  Hell, they keep redefining "liberalism" whenever the results of their latest actions make them look bad.

But naturally they don’t admit they’re just supporting the rulers.  They don’t have to, they’ll just censor anyone who challenges them and claim the definition has never changed despite quotes from leftists who actually used the now-censored definition.

Do they want people who actually stick with the truth at all costs or do they want people who say the Taliban can never regain Afghanistan, there is no inflation, gas prices aren’t rising, there’s no shortage of baby formula, Russia won’t invade Ukraine and there’s no recession?  Well, we know who they want.

□ [“It's Official:  Second Quarter GDP Comes In at Negative 0.9 Percent, US Officially Enters Recession”]

So this was today’s big news, or at least it would be if the media actually reported it.  Will they fill airtime with stories about how wonderful poor people’s lives are now?  They wouldn’t be anywhere near as happy as they are right now, thanks to Joe Biden!

Amazingly, Biden was allowed to come out and say a few barely-coherent words.  He doesn’t know what a ‘woman’ is but he knows what a ‘recession’ is and this ain’t it.

It’s not helpful to anyone, even Democrats, at least if they genuinely want to help the economy.  You have to recognize reality before you can do that but these people believe reality is whatever they make up.  So now any of them who do recognize actual economic problems have to obey these lunatics, pretending there’s no problem.

Hell, they might as well redefine “heart attack” because of all the young people getting them, thanks to the vaccine.  The administration would look bad if they said the vaccine was giving heart problems, so just change the definition.  Oh wait, they already did that, now they call it “Sudden Adult Death Syndrome,” don’t they?  Do they still say Ukraine and Russia are at war or did they change the definition of “war”?

I’m not sure what else to say to this.  They’re trying to decide what reality is and nothing will stop them.  I can’t believe this is happening and it’s just getting worse.

29 July, 2022

We’ve still got one more chance, send in the sharks with laser beams attached to their heads!

□ [“Excess Death in Australia”]

This is from Australia’s Bureau of Statistics official government site.  However accurate they may or may not be, it’s the official record and deaths from January-April 2022 are up well over 10% compared to the average from the last five years.  Despite the deadly, horrible virus, they even had fewer deaths last year than they do now.

But Australia also says 96% of their population is vaccinated against that horrible, deadly virus, yet the casualty rate is much higher than it used to be.  No matter how many lies the government imposes on the people, they can’t hide the bodies.

Is their birth rate also decreasing, because that will also cause a major population reduction.  There are anecdotal reports of this happening to birth rates elsewhere.

□ [“Wikipedia Changes Definition to ‘Recession’ to Please Regime”]

So this is the next step, media censorship of anything the leaders don’t like, even if they or the same media said the same things recently.  Do they expect people to believe them or at least go along with it?  That’s not how humanity works.  We keep records precisely to track events over time, including when people say and then contradict.

But now reality is whatever the latest thing they say happens to be, even if it contradicts what they said yesterday.  That’s why they're in charge.

We keep making the joke about how 1984 was *not* a training manual but WTF?  How else would they come up with this idea without that scene as an inspiration?

I’ve occasionally thought Biden would make for a lousy “Big Brother” but at this point, I have to wonder if that’s exactly what they plan to do with him, keeping him in office forever.  Wikipedia will never have to list the date of his death.  For all we know, the real Biden has already died and we just haven’t been told.

There needs to be some point where reality intervenes despite what our rulers say.

□ [“China Threatens to Shoot Down Pelosi’s Plane if She Makes a Stop in Taiwan”]

And here’s an example.  Is there really a conflict or is this just a façade to fool the people?  I wouldn’t think faking this was remotely possible but given the last year and a half, I can no idea what qualifies as genuine reality.

There are three options, from least-likely to most:  She goes and gets shot down, she goes and doesn’t get shot down or she doesn’t go.  Whichever happens, what is there to believe in?  It’s not like we’re at war with China, Nancy hasn’t ordered Congress to vote on that.  Can’t be that important.  If it were, our democratic leaders would vote.

Now *that* is definitely the sort of mentality that would think they can re-write any historical records the way they want at any given moment and nothing can go wrong.

□ [“Republican Party Threatens Trump, Won’t Pay Legal Fees If He Announces He’s Running in 2024”]

This is the ‘Uniparty.’  They pretend to oppose the other party but work together to keep power and oppose anybody who disagrees, anybody who wants freedom.

True “Republicans” would rather oppose Trump than win elections and obviously winning elections isn’t important anymore.  Whether the two sides have been doing this for years or for decades, they aren’t now.  Frankly, I think it’s gone on for a while.

I didn’t suspect it at the time, but in hindsight, John McCain and Mitt Romney were definitely part of the Uniparty.  No idea if they were intended to lose, but they always worked close with leftists.  At least McCain brought Sarah Palin to national attention, Romney didn’t even do that much.

Obviously we’ll never know if this was planned or if they just moved onto the other side, likewise any other Republicans in Washington DC.  I have to wonder if it’s just something about being rich and powerful that drives people over to leftism or if our masters deliberately make this happen.  They take over as many institutions as possible and drive them into the ground.  Don’t know how or even why, but they do.

How could a leftist pretend to be a Republican for so long that they win elections all the way to the top?  No idea, but once they get there, they immediately turn on their supporters.  You’d think the Republican Party would at least put out a statement that “ANYBODY WHO SUPPORTS TRUMP, DON'T VOTE FOR US!!!”

In a sense, they do say that.  In a recent interview, RNC chairwoman Ronna McDaniel said “The party has to stay neutral, I’m not telling anybody to run or not to run in 2024.”  That defeats the point.  If the party is neutral, it’s not worth voting for and if they decide who can’t run, they cut out potential winners.  Those who are cut out may decide to run on their own and win, then they’d owe Republicans nothing.

Republican leaders could at least say they’re on the side of Republicans, but that would mean disagreeing with Democrat attacks on Republicans, and who wants that?

Also 29 July, 2022

□ [“World Economic Forum Urges Public To Eliminate Ownership Of Private Vehicles”]

They certainly don’t use public vehicles to come to this get-together so right there they demonstrate that their rules won’t apply to them.  Beyond that, it’s clear that they just use excuses for traditional marxism, ‘no private ownership for anybody except us.’

Do they not know how government works?  No government operates without individual people, and individuals want their own stuff.  They’ll let the government pay for it, at least if they’re in command, but that’s how tyranny operates.

The whole point of freedom is that you don’t have to listen to those who claim to be in charge, but the whole point of leftism is to oppose that in every individual.

30 July, 2022

The aliens demanded I take them to our leader.  I told them now is not a good time.

□ [“WTF?  Biden Seems To Think He Sent Americans Checks For $8,000”]

This may be an example of why our secret rulers need to shut Biden up. We Americans know we didn’t get any checks like that, so the question becomes if Biden is deliberately lying or if that’s just what his masters told him to say.

Probably the latter, Biden’s never had much of a clue what he was saying, even back in the day.  In 1978, he released an ad which quoted him, “The spiraling costs of inflation are ripping into the fabric of American society.”  You think he has a clue about that?  The people who pretend to listen to him sure don’t even think of this.

But of course the people who tell him what to say get what they wanted.

□ [“Where’s Pete Buttigieg?  Record Container Ship Backlog Develops Off East Coast Ports”]

He’s busy doing what the wants to do, duh!  Prices are raising everywhere and supply chains shutting down.  It cost $3800 to ship supplies from Asia to the US in 2020, it was over $17000 by October 2021.  You think Buttigieg didn’t make that happen?

Sure, maybe he’s busy spreading monkeypox and finding new children to stick part of his body into, that’s a possibility too.

□ [“Los Angeles County Bans Observers From Monitoring District Attorney Gascón Recall Vote Count”]

They’re just showing they can steal elections without any negative consequences.  This DA used to do this in San Francisco, he must be one of Nancy Pelosi’s people.

It’s probably not a big deal, they’re just showing how they no longer need real elections.  We can’t observe the people counting votes, they don't work for us.

□ [“Pelosi in July 2008:  Two Quarters of Negative Growth Is ‘Technical Definition of Recession’”]

And for the last fourteen years, no one has pointed out that she had no clue what she was talking about.  Pelosi herself doesn’t mention that she was completely 100% wrong and no one should have listened to her.  The media shouldn’t have promoted her saying this and no one asks what other falsehoods they’ve put out to the public.

This shows why they can redefine whatever they want whenever they want.  No one even bothers to keep track of their lies, which helps them get away with anything.

The government is going out of its way to show they’ll make up whatever they want, even contradicting what they’ve said before.  This sort of thing makes me wonder if there’s really a plan to show the world how leftists actually are.

We can see their claims.  We don’t even know what’ll happen in the near-future, much less make any long-range plans.  We see regular economic statistics and data and there’s no reason to believe it.  Then the mass media immediately obeys the orders to redefine “recession,” which itself was created just to let the media avoid using the term “depression,” because much of their audience had lived through the Great Depression.

Changing words doesn’t change reality.  The point of words is to define reality as closely as possible.  Leftists oppose this, which turns them against the rest of us.

Biden could copy Bill Clinton and say “I feel your pain,” although nobody would believe him because he caused this, but it would be an attempt.  As it is, Biden just copies the elite, saying we peons don’t remotely understand what he’s doing.

Biden claims he’s responsible for sending each of us a $8000 check which he never did and we never received, and also that he’s responsible for lowering gas prices a little bit.  But he never accepted the blame for raising them so high, so fast.

Of course Bill Clinton also told us the word “is” didn't mean “is,” so they’ve been pushing us in this direction for a long time.

Also 30 July, 2022

Three Zero days without Joe Biden being diagnosed with Covid!

□ [“Quadruple Vaxxed Joe Biden Tests Positive For Covid Again… Will Restart Isolation”]

O-F-F-S!!!  Is this how dangerous and deadly and awful and nasty this virus is, that you can get it twice in a couple of weeks?

Or is this just how worthless the vaccine is, that it’s supposed to protect you from the virus and you can still get it repeatedly?

Or did Biden never lose this mean and ugly virus?  He just doesn’t take tests which actually work in detecting it, so testing ‘positive’ or ‘negative’ is meaningless.

Or does Biden just ignore what the highly-trained doctors told him to do?  They’re highly-paid to look after him but if he does that for his own health, he wouldn’t mind doing that to the rest of us.  Can’t tell him what to do!

Or did the people who surround Biden decide that he needs to be kept out of sight and this was the best excuse they could think of?  Can’t say he fell off a bike, can’t say he has cancer, let’s just go with this one again.  What’s the alternative?

“We’re eight months into this pandemic, and Donald Trump still doesn’t have a plan to get this virus under control.  I do.”

This was put out on October 15, 2020 under Biden’s name.  Aside from him, who else is stupid enough to believe he has a virus under control after taking charge sixteen months ago when he gets the virus twice in two weeks?  That’s a “pandemic.”

There’s a reason we have no reason to trust these people, the government or their media toys.  As the saying goes, ‘flu me once, shame on you.  Flu me twice...’

Still 30 July, 2022

Could leftism just be about emotion-based decisions?  Not thought, which would require each individual to think for themselves, but emotion with no basis in reality outside of each individual but they ‘feel’ it does.

This would explain leftist inability to actually do anything while simultaneously insisting that they’re the only ones who do anything that matters.  Thought would be needed to do anything in reality and they don’t focus on that.

Could the explanation be this simple?  They reinforce emotion, ignoring anything which requires thought, with full support of the media, education, popular culture…  They seek to prevent the young from seeing any reason to think, or even knowing how it’s done.  This just makes the problems worse, which they blame on people who think.

You’d think it would be obvious but if they live their whole life surrounded by people who never give a thought to thinking, they’ll only know how to feel about feeling.

This is actually the most optimistic thought I’ve in quite a while.  They obviously can’t win if everything is based on emotion.  We’re still left with the tyranny of their servants who *can* think and I still don’t see how that works, but it would explain a lot.

31 July, 2022

Happy birthday, George Jetson.  I’m not making this up.

□ [“CNN Asks Voters in Foreign Land of Wyoming if They Support Liz Cheney – Stunned by Replies”]

They actually dealt with real people for a change and even left the CNN logo off their cameras.  Was this their first attempt at interviews or had they tried it before and realized that nobody would talk to them because they were CNN?

I don’t pay much attention to Liz Cheney but I know she was Dick Cheney’s daughter.  He was (ostensibly) a hard-right Republican and this is the seed he planted?  I don’t know how to check this out in-depth but it just seems to be a tradition of rich, famous people’s kids and grandkids to all be seduced by leftism.

I seriously have to ponder if being rich/famous like that is an actual sin.  Is this the sort of creature you bring into the world if that’s what you do?  At best, the patriarch takes all the attention and dies with it.  A few have tried but the Kennedy family has done little in public since Ted Kennedy died.  They just enjoy their mansions and orgies.

I am surprised that CNN didn’t find anybody to say nice things about her.  Maybe they did but it was so horrible that the footage was scrapped.  It’s also possible that the point was to show actual CNN viewers – if there are any – what scum these people are.

How long until these networks just hire actors to take part in the interviews?  Just pay the to recite a script about how wonderful Liz Cheney is and everything she does.

□ [“Here We Go:  ‘Experts’ Now Warn Cold Showers Are Causing Heart Attacks In Young Adults”]

There’s a list of other causes these self-identified experts made idiot explanations for, not just Sudden Arrhythmic Death Syndrome – a fancier name than Sudden Adult Death Syndrome, not just saying ‘adults are dying’ – but the headline is what struck me.

Parts of Europe are ending hot showers because they don’t have the energy to heat them and now cold showers are bad for you?  So showers will be past-tense.  That’s how this will work, you can’t take showers, warm or cold.  Are cold baths still allowed?

Remember, these “experts” are also people who claim that cutting your balls off makes you a woman.  They ignore all the centuries that people only bathing in cold water, as well as not risking the death that the brand-new vaccinated are suffering.

□ [“Will She or Won’t She?  Pelosi Leaves Taiwan Off Asia Trip Itinerary”]

They’re going.  Maybe not Nancy herself but one of the other five Democrats she’s doing some Asian tour with will go, just to prove they can.

That’s not a bad thing.  There are sensible reasons to not release such info on your public schedules.  That said, that means they’ll get no publicity for the trip and politicians like publicity.  There’s also the issue that China will know a lot more about what Nancy’s doing and where than we peons do, and they may take action regardless.

They could take her prisoner and have proof right there that she was blatantly lying about not going, or anything else that’s relevant.  Maybe her husband had suddenly bought or sold some Taiwan investments.  He’s gotta find some way to pay for a new Porsche, and probably doesn’t drink the cheap booze either.

Anyway, China has other options to use on Pelosi, publicly or privately, and she’ll be on their turf.  They have options for Biden and Harris too, but Nancy outranks them.

□ [“The ruble is soaring and Putin is stronger than ever – our sanctions have backfired”]

They’ve only backfired if this wasn’t the plan all along.  The west makes their people suffer and blame Putin for it, Putin expands Russian power and influence, and profit given how dependent Europe is on Russian energy.  It’s not like he has to face any voters in the future.  That’s how western leaders want to be.

Oh, Russian billionaires are having trouble getting to their yachts now!  And western populations are having trouble getting food and fuel, which is the way western leaders want it.  You’d think they’d thank Putin for giving them the excuse, even though they were doing that months before Russia invaded Ukraine.

Maybe they do thank Putin, in private.  That’s my big worry, that this was all a deliberate show to increase their tyranny.  Russia expands, our rulers expand, it’s win-win for all of them.  All they have to keep doing is pretend the sanctions work.

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