Saturday, September 17, 2022


13 September, 2022

Her majesty's a pretty nice girl but she hasn't said much to me lately.

□ [“Change?  CNN Debunks Race Hoax In New Segment ‘Upon Further Review’”]

A leftist media organization is saying that a black woman is lying and it’s wrong to blame whites for something?  Ok, they don’t use those actual words, but that’s the point they’re making.  The chick said she heard racial slurs during a volleyball game but no one else did, not even the ones filming the event on camera.

The only thing that could be worse would be if they had investigated it before reporting this.  At least they dodged that bullet, as did the college this took place at.

Any other hoaxes CNN has reported that they might want to investigate?  The phrase ‘innocent until proven guilty” was invented for a reason, by a certain skin color.

□ [“Naked and Afraid:  Michigan Provost Suspended After Caught Driving Naked While Masturbating”]

We’re all breaking down, some of us more than others.  It’s things like this that make me wonder if this is actually an example of a resistance movement.  Obviously we don’t know if there is one, but solid Democrats seem to be the ones crumbling faster. 

We’re all being torn apart but those who acknowledge reality will stay in better shape than the others who will just grow more destructive and tyrannical.  That actually gives me hope, assuming I’m right about an underground resistance movement.

□ [“Joe and Jill Biden Leave White House For Sudden, Unplanned Trip to Delaware… to Vote”]

Was this just an excuse to keep him from doing anything for the rest of the week since he’s not officially on vacation?  It just seems odd.  Last night Trump reportedly made an unscheduled visit to DC, is there something going on?

□ [“Biden Celebrates 'Inflation Reduction Act' As Annual Inflation Rate Is At 8.3% – Markets Crash”]

Gotta keep pretending there’s no recession, indoctrinating whoever might fall for that so the facts can never change their minds.  The truth is the real enemy.

□ [“Karine Jean-Pierre:  'Today’s CPI Data Show More Progress in Bringing Global Inflation Down Here at Home’”]

Inflation went up even gas prices were much lower for the last month.  She’s blatantly lying (or repeating someone else’s lies) and they’ve got to keep pushing this.  We won’t be affected by inflation after they’ve taken all our money.  But as it is, small businesses are getting wiped out.  The engine of the US economy has to die.

How long until people start using foreign currency from nations not actively trying to destroy their own wealth?  Our rulers will keep trying to make everything digital so they have complete control, people are going to look for other options.

Of course everyone else is having problems.  China and Europe are struggling, pretty sure smaller nations are as well.  But this is what our masters want.

□ [“September 16th Deadline – Major Freight Railroads to Strike Costing Economy Over $2 Billion/Day”]

I haven’t followed what the problems are, I just say ‘go on strike!’  Naturally this is the only union in the country needing government permission to strike.  Which side do you think the union leaders are going to be on?  Hint, they won’t side with their workers.

It’ll suck for everybody but it already sucks for everybody.  We’ll end up shutting down one way or another, do it on your terms, just call in sick or vanish for a few weeks.

□ [“Leo Hohmann:  Biden’s Executive Order Designed to Release Transhumanist Hell on America”]

Then there’s this, an “Executive Order on Advancing Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing Innovation for a Sustainable, Safe, and Secure American Bioeconomy.”  Biden signed it yesterday although it’s written in scientific jargon so obviously he never read it.  Someone who can read it describes it as:

"Clinical trial safety standards and informed consent will be eradicated as they stand in the way of universally unleashing gene-editing technologies needed to merge humans with A.I. In order to achieve the societal goals of the New World Order, crimes against humanity are not only legal, but mandatory.”

They’ll be pushing their controls into every vaccine and ensure those are required for everyone.  Next year Biden is expected to give the World Health Organization control over this, sovereignty over anything they call a “health emergency.”  It’s the 2030 Agenda, cataloguing everyone everywhere by the end of the decade.

Well, I don’t know if this is true, but it’s certainly believable.

14 September, 2022

You want a funny headline?  Here!  THIS is your funny headline!!!

□ [“Amtrak Cancels All Long Distance Trains Starting Sept 15 as National Rail Strike Looms”]

This may be the next attack tyrants are planning.  The federal gas tax-freeze ends on September 15 and Biden won’t accept any blame for the massive price increases we’ll have.  It hasn’t stopped inflation anyway, but now we’ll get total shortages.

Notice we don’t hear anything from the so-called ‘Secretary of Transportation.’  He sure doesn’t like getting involved with transportation problems like these.

□ [“Could California Gas Car Ban Happen at the Federal Level?  Buttigieg Wants It to Happen ‘Quickly’”]

And here he is.  This is the opposite of how transportation is supposed to work but that’s our rulers…  He’s thrilled that the government tells people what they can and can’t buy and doesn’t mention how the same government tells people not to use what they were told to buy, as California has been doing with charging electric cars.

This is genuinely scary, we’re actually on disaster’s threshold.  I still wonder if the government might fake a deal in the next day to avoid the strike but either way, we really don’t know what’s going to happen next.  Yes, our masters have monstrous plans but they’re leftists so it’s not going to work.

□ [“Biden to Fill Strategic Oil Reserve At $80/Barrel 2 Years After Dems Blocked Trump at $24/Barrel”]

My guess is this is just some level of government the left doesn’t give any thought to.  Whoever handles the SOR knows it should stay filled and someone eventually got this to Biden’s desk.  If his puppet masters had known, Biden would have said months ago that we must never fill it ever again, we’ll get a wind or solar reserve instead.

But that didn’t happen so Biden just signed whatever was pushed at him.  In a way, it’s a good example of leftists hating money so much, they’ll spend way more than a sensible person would.  Of course it’s not their money.

□ [“Denmark Bars Covid Vaccines for Almost Everyone Under Age 50”]

More countries are doing this.  I still haven’t seen any definite message (other than ‘don't take the vaccine!’) but it’s looking like a lot of people realize that something’s wrong with this and are doing an immediate turn-around on the demand for it.

It seems like Europe is having enough problems that they don’t want to dump more onto their people than they have to.  Notice there hasn’t been any mention of Sri Lanka for a while now, don’t want to give the peons any ideas.

I’m currently having my own problem with the masters’ virus/vaccine demands.  I may or may not go into more detail on that later, just putting it out there, but our tyrants do not want to get away from this.  I also think it’s just part of our nationhood, the US is much larger than Europe with oceans on both sides so we’ve always kept apart from them which we take as a given.  Of course we have our own problems, as do all of them.

□ [“Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky Injured in Car Accident”]

□ [“Putin’s Car Attacked in Attempted Assassination Plot”]

The date of Putin’s event isn't listed anywhere I can find but the same day?  Two car-based problems at once?  What are the odds of that?  How believable is any of this?  About as believable as the latest reports that Ukraine is totally winning everything, Russia has no chance whatsoever, just as we’ve been told for the last seven months.

How much of the actual Russian military is even involved, as opposed to the local forces?  Will this get anybody to start cheaply selling earth-killing fuel to Europe again?

There is also something going on with Azerbaijan and Armenia.  Because we don’t have enough problems these days.

No idea what’s going on here.  If our communications get turned off in the next few days when disaster hits, we won’t have a clue what’s going on then either.  Putin may retire victorious but our masters will insist he was defeated and destroyed.

Or this could all just be US mercenaries trying to shoot him.

Also 14 September, 2022

□ [“R. Kelly Found Guilty on Child Porn and Sex Abuse Charges”]

Jeez, how long has this thing been going on?  Looking it up, he was first busted for childrape in the 1990s, then again in 2002 and 2009.  I have no idea when this current bust happened, but apparently he was also accused of running a sex-cult and the music industry as a whole covered for him.

Well that sure fits in.  His underage wife Aaliyah died in a plane crash just a couple weeks before 9/11, nice timing.  For some reason, I remember being on the internet around that time and, what was probably a spambot, was annoying me and others about how sad her death was, etc.  Spam or a real person, it just seemed strange to be that obsessed.

But it all lines up, you got the cult, you got the child rape, you've got popular culture on your side against everybody else.  How many more of these are going on as we speak?  And what does it say about a certain skin color who just drops their kids off with a guy known for raping children, and then leaves them alone together.

What the fuck do you have to be to think that's a good idea?  This is pop culture so it's probably not limited to one skin color, that's what our elites do.  R. Kelly is from Chicago, born and imprisoned there, but this links up with the 'Atlanta cult' I mentioned a couple days ago.

This is why family is important, to *not* let this shit happen to anybody.  That's what blacks have always had taken away and what leftists are always about destroying.  And they're the ones shoving it into your children on a daily basis.

15 September, 2022

I've been wrong before.  Oh wait, I haven't, never mind.  My bad.

Rumors that the train strike has been prevented, some agreement was just reached.  No details yet.

That news came out early this morning.  Now it's late afternoon and so far I've found only one other article saying this, adding that the railworkers are accepting a 24% pay increase.  It's actually unclear, that was the offer made, not sure if it was accepted.  And there's been no other news on this.

Obviously I hope it's not true.  To the extent I've paid any attention to anything about this potential strike, it wasn't about money.  Not sure what it was about other than generic descriptions of the tyrants, so I won't go any further on that, but it didn't sound like something people would put up with just by being paid more.

Found a little more, it's just an offer, they haven't yet voted on it.  Also a little more detail, they have to work 14 days straight, 12 hours a day.  No breaks like sick leave or dead family member either.

□ [“More Disney Employees Arrested in Latest Florida Child Sex Sting: Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd"]

Disney would be a logical place for child molesters to hang out, a good chance to find the kids.  No idea how long they've been at this, but it explains the purchase of stuff like Star Wars and Marvel, trying to tie it all together to overrun everything else.

□ [“Illegal Alien Standing Outside Kamala Harris’ Home: 'The Border is Open…Everybody Believes That the Border is Open.. We Came Illegally'"]

Otherwise, this is the big news today, illegal immigrants doing what they've always done, only now they're in leftist neighborhoods.  And of course the left is complaining about it.

They're homeless, don't you care about people who don't have a home?  Or are they the wrong skin color?  You just don't want to be treated the way you treat others?  You have enough diversity, you don't want more?

But instead they're crying and begging for federal government help, assuming they aren't just moving the invaders somewhere else.

□ [“Martha’s Vineyard Homeless Shelter Coordinator Melts Down Over Illegals Flown to Island: 'They Have to Move From Here to Somewhere Else'"]

Then seal your borders.  I know you hate being in a free country but until you finish destroying it, people can go anywhere.  And this is just fifty people, imagine how Texas, Arizona and New Mexico have been dealing with the millions for years.  But they call that border "secure," *THIS* is a "humanitarian crisis"?

Just put them in your limos, there's plenty of space there.  You'll have to get rid of those fuel-burning cars anyway.

Martha's Vineyard even posts signs saying:

"We respect women - we value black lives - we stand with our lgbtq community members - we stand with immigrants, with refugees, with indigenous people and with people of all faiths - we stand with our community - all are welcome here."

Not much room there for saying you can't let the wrong type of people just come in.  The federal government you support has been shipping these invaders all over the country since January 2021.

And now the media is showing that these rulers don't want *those people* near them.  What does that do for their ads promoting everybody to come in?  You wanted the borders gone, this is what the result is.  It's racist to oppose them being there, you said that for all these years about the border states.  You're a "sanctuary city," do you even know what that means?

□ [“Judge Rules NYPD Can’t Fire Cop Who Refused to Receive Experimental Covid-19 Shot"]

After over two years, there's at least a little pushback against the tyranny inspired by the virus.  The media is still hiding this but more countries are standing out against the pseudo-vaccine.

To the extent I've been looking at grocery stores, they do just seem to be even emptier than they've been for the last year or so anyway.  The rulers are definitely trying to hit us with this for the fall and winter.  Crime is up, particularly murder.  Medical problems are up.

We are breaking down, that much is obvious.  I really want us to go on strike.  Hell, I want us to fight back, but at least going on strike is the best option these days.

There's also something, I think it's called "quiet quitting" or something like that.  It's just the basic concept of only doing as much as necessary to avoid being fired and nothing more.  That's common in leftist tyrannies.  I get the idea, obviously people don't want to outright quit their jobs, but I gotta admit I'm not that impressed by the concept.

We're here to work and it's better to do as much work as we can.  I know it's not actually possible to leave even places we totally disagree with for whatever reason, but I do think that's a better alternative than anything else.  Quit, go on strike, find something else, or if you're going to stay and work, do it as well as possible.

16 September, 2022

Manic recession is a frustrating mess

The only news today is about the dark-skinned immigrants showing up where rich white people live.  Nothing about the railworker strike or lack thereof.  This is very strange.  If it's actually happening, people would need to be told.  If it's not happening, you'd think at least some media would be promoting that fact as well as looking into on what's being/needs to be changed to make sure such a thing never happens again.

Is the work so easy that they'll shut up if you just throw money at them?  I find that hard to believe but what other option is there?  That they are on strike and that's being hidden from us?  That's actually believable but only that the rulers would order that and all leftist media would obey.  There are outlets that aren't leftwing.  Just censoring people for pointing it out would create a backlash.

There's no reason to hope for anything.  At best, maybe they're going on strike regardless.  Now *that* I could see a complete silence about, they're just not going to show up to work next week and the few people who know that also know that it'll create mass panic if that comes out.

I'd totally support them if that's what's happening but it's probably not.  That would be too beneficial for the resistance, to finally draw a line and say we've had enough of the tyrants.  I would definitely prefer advance notice like we were given that something might happen, it would give us time to prepare, but to have them just not work would be a big surprise, particularly since the rulers insisted everything was fixed thanks to them.

Because we need a resistance movement more than we need a functional train system.  That should indicate how important this is.

□ [“Germany seizes control of Russian oil refineries"]

This is still going on.  The government took over some of the subcompanies of Russia's fuel empire which are responsible for about 20% of Germany oil production.  That's not going to increase Russia's fuel supply for Germany, it's just the government taking over what it wants.

I'd ask what they think this is going to lead to, but government seizing businesses is what they're all there for.  They're not doing this for a NATO member, not for a member of the EU, this is because it's what they want.

Also 16 September, 2022

□ [“Disney’s Latest Woke Remake Under Water as Public Weighs In, Over a Million Dislikes”]

I'm positive this is part of their 'cult' mentality although obviously I have no idea what the purpose is.  I never saw The Little Mermaid but if I had and I liked it, there's no part of me that would say 'it must be remade!  It must be remade in live action!  It must be "woke"!'

The original movie is still there for people who want it, but for some reason Disney is doing this with their animated movies.  As far as I know, they're not redoing the original movies, the ones that made the studio what it was, no Bambi or Snow White.  They might have finally gotten around to a sequel to Fantasia which Walt always wanted to make, but that's not what these are.

Ok, looking it up, they have done some of the original classics.  Tim Burton directed 2019's Dumbo, which was not successful.  Cinderella was definitely a hit in 2015.  Lady and the Tramp was released on the streaming service in 2019 so nobody bought tickets for it.  Robert Zemeckis and Tom Hanks just released Pinocchio a week ago, finally putting it on streaming   Snow White is due out in 2024.

There's also Aladdin, Beauty and the Beast and the Jungle Book which were all hits.  It looks like the practice started in 1996 with 101 Dalmatians which was also a hit.  There are also other remakes but I don't know if anybody but Disney really qualifies them as Disney's major cartoon movies.  Some have or are getting sequels.

Who Framed Roger Rabbit came out in 1988, a wonderful movie which we all loved.  This could be where the 'multiverse' aspect was officially established and is known to be where Disney got back into animation, leading to the last couple decades of animated movies and their live-action remakes.

Is it narcissism of the actors who just want the acclaim cartoon stars get?  Is it the studio's inability to come up with any stories people would actually want to see?  Are they trying to claim the rights to every popular story in history?  Maybe to an extent, at least that is somewhat believable, but what other reason could they have?

Yes, I'm making up a conspiracy theory, that's obvious.  Doesn't mean I'm wrong because Disney is definitely involved in whatever the real conspiracy is.

17 September, 2022

Maybe a :) would make this post more entertaining

□ [“Biden Takes Credit For Averting Rail Strike After His Regime Helped Negotiate a 24% Pay Increase to Union Workers"]

A little bit more coming out indicating that no, there is no strike.  I've already said how disappointed I was about that but it's odd that I can't seem to find much in the way of information about it, or what led up to it.  Is it confirmed, this is the deal, everybody's agreed to it?  Is there a vote?

Even more than the need to go on strike, something about media coverage these days just seems to be missing.  Europe is increasingly making it illegal to take the Covid virus but the US media isn't mentioning that, much less asking why.  Is something wrong with it that all the millions of people who were required to take it should know about?

The so-called POTUS seized power to cancel student debt which Nancy Pelosi and others insisted he didn't have, doesn't that get any discussion?  Bad enough we see all these rich white people flying and driving around to talk about how they're going to ban gasoline and these rich white people oppose dark-skinned immigrants being in their neighborhoods, but it's like the media has just gone black on any actual news.  Haven't seen anything about Ukraine's latest tremendous victory for a few days.

And these are just the major recent events.  I could believe that this is the way the tyrants run the media but even right-wing sites don't seem to be following these any more than need be.  Maybe I'm just missing it but you think someone somewhere would mention this.

□ [“'We’re Not a Border Town. We Don’t Have the Infrastructure to Handle This Type of Immigration to Our City… We’re Not Texas' – Democrat DC Mayor Bowser"]

Border town and states can build walls to keep out invaders.  You totally oppose them doing that.  So yes, you can go through what they have to go through every single day because of you.

You are even stupid enough to claim DC is a "sanctuary city," so either live up to your own standards or admit that you were flat-out lying.  You've even got a federal government right there to provide the "infrastructure" you say you don't have.

Then there's all those mansions owned by Democrats, lots of extra space in there to put people.  Must be one or two hotels in the region, somewhere, with room for one or two more people.

Just consider yourself a stopping-point for the underground rail.

□ [“During COVID Distance Learning ‘Disaster’, Leftists Blew Emergency Money on School Wokeness"]

Obviously they'd swindle as much as they could but the question is if that was the plan or just a side-result.  If I had to guess, I'd say the later.  There's also a question of whether or not they knew the virus/vaccine was a fake which I have no idea.

Congress is sending a letter on this to the Department of Education where it'll be completely ignored.

□ [“Biden Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin Ignored DOD IG Memo for 3 Months that Alleged Wrongdoing with COVID Mandates"]

See?  They are the law, they can ignore any others to impose whatever they want onto everyone else.  If you can do this to the military, you can do it to anyone else.  No laws, no courts, nothing can stop you.

□ [“Hundreds of Convicted Murderers and Child Rapists Given Early Parole by Wisconsin Democrat Governor Evers"]

There is no positive side to this, it is outright desire to destroy everything in their path.  He started these releases in 2019, with his Black Lives Matter aid heading the Paroles Commission, and then the BLM riots started.  Coincidence?  How exactly is this different from Sodom and Gomorrah?

I get it, Democrats are standing with their allies but what does that say about how they treat the rest of us?  They want us executed or at least imprisoned, they want actual murderers and rapists to have free reign.

There needs to be a stop to this.  They're going to steal the elections in a couple months and that's only going to make them double down even more than they already have.  Isn't there anyone willing to actually stand up against tyranny?

All we're doing is giving them more time to prepare for more tyranny.  It's as simple as that, if we don't fight them now, it's over until they decide otherwise and you know that won't happen.  This is what they've worked for all these decades-if-not-centuries.

The cults and the insanity has just feed their lust for power, their inability to accept reality has made them accuse us of their own evil.  How will we do anything to stop them when everyone is just staying where they are and doing nothing?

Only a couple of years ago, there was hope for the future.  Now there's nothing left but "Year Zero" until they get everything they want.

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