Thursday, September 22, 2022


18 September, 2022

I thought the end would get here sooner, waiting for it is boring.

Just a random thought, is the internet what brought all this transgender nonsense?  Just dealing with chat sites would do it, particularly sex chat.  You think you’re talking to some hot girl who has nothing better to do on the internet but really it’s not her.

As far as I know, chat sites are no longer around, probably for that reason but also with improved technology.  There’s no point if you can’t see them, just pay for a stripper if that’s what you want, but if you’re deluded enough to self-identify as female here...

It’s not difficult to imagine where that mentality would go.  Those who are really focused on this wouldn’t have anything more important to do in their lives and use of the internet makes them feel they can go all anywhere however they present themselves.  Or else they’re oppressed.  Democrats would already be using arguments like that to get new voters whether they’re real or not so this would be an easy win.  Pretending to have sex isn’t the only thing one can do with pretending to be a made-up gender.

□ [“Mayor Adams Calls Migrant Bussed to NYC a ‘Humanitarian Crisis’ But Disagrees that Biden Should Focus More on the Illegal Immigration Crisis”]

This is just generic collectivism, that’s why he’s on television.  Everyone at all levels must get involved with this because he says so, they don’t get a choice in the matter.  New York City is “nearing its breaking points” which means it somehow wasn’t at a breaking point when it had 2500 fewer people a week ago?  How does that work?

He’s specifically asked if the “Biden administration” should do more and nope, that won’t help, he doesn’t that.  Hence him saying everybody else had to do the work.

□ [“They’re Back!  Clintons Reopen Their Global Pay-to-Play Operation”]

Trump must have gotten been really close to something on them if they shut everything down until they could help steal the election, then wait before they got it restarted.  60% of their donations are “administration fees,” they call that “charity.”

Do they handle human trafficking or just negotiate the deals?  Hillary even claimed a couple days ago that sending illegal immigrants to Democratic states was “human trafficking,” how would she know how it works?

□ [“Developing:  Deal to Avert Rail Worker Strike May Fall Apart”]

As I said, throwing money at a problem doesn’t solve things, plus there’s also issues like sick days and other absences.  Democrats just call in sick whenever they feel like it and nobody misses them but that’s not how real jobs work.

Keep in mind, railways have existed for a few centuries, almost as long as Joe Biden.  They know how many jobs they need to fill just to keep functioning.  But trains are no longer a part of our collective consciousness despite their importance to our economy, so there aren’t a lot of new workers coming in, especially to fill in for people who are sick or mourning a loved one or any other reason.

Without those workers, the trains can’t run.  With Democrat hiring policies, they can’t get more workers.  That’s a cliff they're trying to drive over.

Workers can’t put up with having so little time off and companies can’t run trains with fewer workers.  It’s not like living nearby, this is nowhere near as fast as an airplane and it’s about going all over the country, not to mention the fuel and maintenance needed the entire way.  This requires paid employees, leftists don’t know anything about that.

Don’t forget, the price of using rail will go up, which means everything shipped by rail will go up as well as the cost of employees to produce those goods.  That won’t help inflation.  What are you going to do, hire trucks to ship everything?  That will require workers and gas just to replace what’s already there.

I keep saying ‘strike’ but they want it all broken and it is, so just get on with it.

□ [“Two-and-a-half year delay in German howitzers for Ukraine?”]

Haven’t heard much lately about Ukraine smashing Russia into little-bitty pieces like we were told a week or so ago.  Now Germany’s support is going into slow-motion, it’ll be about 30 months before their weapons for Ukraine are produced and shipped.

I guess if you expect the war to still be going on by then but...  Is fuel required to produce howitzers?  That might also lead to the delay, or maybe it’s the EU’s guidelines that state “Member States will not allow exports that would provoke or prolong armed conflicts or aggravate existing tensions or conflicts in the country of final destination.”

Ok, that one can probably be ignored, EU rulers have the “divine right” to do so.

□ [“Hungarian PM reportedly said Ukraine conflict could last until 2030”]

Which lines up with the rulers’ plans, how about that!  It might explain some of the problems Hungary is having with the EU these days.  Hungary is dependent on Russian energy and has deliberately not gotten involved with the sanctions or sending weapons to Ukraine.  They also know what Russian invasions are like.

Things like this make me suspect Putin is in on the conspiracy.  The EU isn’t much but it probably needs to be broken like the world rulers think the USA does.

□ [“Biden Declares ‘The Pandemic Is Over’”]

LOL wut???

19 September, 2022

Oh boy, things got worse today!  How about you?

□ [“DHS Intelligence Report Shows Venezuela Emptying Prisons to Send Dangerous Convicts to US”]

What a coincidence, liberals love Venezuela and its socialist dictator.  This may even be where they got the idea to start releasing those people here.  They’ll be popular with Antifa and BLM, got to use that experience so we can be more like Venezuela.  Maybe we’ll be real lucky and they’ll all have viruses!

And who knows where they are?  Biden ships them all over in the middle of the night so we won’t know until they strike.  You think he sent any to Martha’s Vineyard?

□ [“Today Britain Says Goodbye to Queen Elizabeth II and Looks into an Abyss of Uncertainty”]

I watched parts of the funeral.  Not a lot, it’s over six freaking hours long, but bits and pieces.  It’s not really about Liz – I can call her Liz, we’re tight like that – but it really feels like The End.  Westminster Abbey has been around for almost a thousand years and one gets the impression that the tyrants are all eager to smash it down.

Charles just looks old.  I barely recognized him in the parts I saw until they’d showed him several times and it had to be him.  I’m sure if I’d seen the whole thing, he’d have been in a specific place doing what you’d expect from whoever’s standing there.

Elizabeth really did oversee an era.  The Beatles were just a passing thing for her, John Lennon was 12 years old when she became queen, not how commoners see them.

□ [“Biden Delivers a Mess of a 60 Minutes Interview, Leaves His Handlers Scrambling”]

No idea when it was filmed or how much editing was required, but there he is.

He insisted again we will defend Taiwan so whoever’s in-charge of the White House once again had to put out a disclaimer that we aren’t really going to do that.  Who would you believe?  China knows better, who do they believe?

He says inflation is “just up an inch.”  Anybody who has to pay for things out of their own pocket knows otherwise.  A leader with a working brain would know it’s part of his job, but Biden says there’s no problem.  He can’t even fake it, he sure won’t fix it.

It’s clear he has no clue what he’s talking about.  Inflation is at 8.3%.  It hasn’t gone up but that doesn’t mean it’s stopped, much less gone down.  It’s still at 8.3%.  If you’re speeding a car at 100 mph and it doesn’t get faster, that doesn’t help.

He also just decided “the pandemic is over.”  His administration didn’t know that, they all insist that we keep getting tested for the virus every week, at our own expense if necessary, and they hope we die if we aren’t vaccinated.

The media will need to censor anyone who quotes Biden as putting out “disinformation,” or as Biden literally said, “the proof of the pudding is in the eating.”

□ [“Will The USA and NATO Wake Up To The Current Shanghai Cooperation Organization Meeting?”]

Meanwhile Russia, China, India, Turkey, Iran, Pakistan, Egypt and Saudi Arabia are meeting about their new alliance this week.  A lot of populous non-white countries there, so NATO won’t do anything about it.

This group is willing to ignore Iran’s support of terrorism too, how will that work?  Oh wait, it’ll work against us, that’s why Biden gives them so much money.

□ [“The End of Beer”]

The US and NATO are busy trying to get rid of beer.  Not officially but they want to get rid of CO2, it kills the earth, so if it also carbonates and packages alcoholic drinks, tough breaks.  CO2 prices for brewers have gone up over 1000% since June, that’ll affect customer prices.  Also jobs if they can’t stay open at those skyrocketing costs.

So in addition to other problems, government actions are leading to the banning of alcohol.  Because that worked very well last time, didn’t it?

20 September, 2022

□ [“County Texas Sheriff Opens Criminal Investigation on Florida Sending Illegals to Martha’s Vineyard”]

Texas is investigating Florida for something to do with Massachusetts?  That isn’t a state or county-level job.  Does Texas just have nothing else to do?  Were some of those sent to Massachusetts supposed to be part of the sheriff's trafficking ring or something?

□ [“Unexpectedly, the USAF Has Critical Shortage of Pilots Even As It Has Too Many White Officers”]

Well, if everything white people do is racist, inventing airplanes must be racist.  The guy who said you can’t take on the government without flying an F-15 runs a government that can’t get people to fly an F-15, funny how that works.

This all makes a point against racial equality if certain groups identified by their skin color aren’t capable of accomplishing tasks that others can.  Sure, a lot of individuals aren’t capable of flying jets but that’s because ability is a recognizable factor.  The people who focus on skin color ignore ability.  This is the result.

It takes years to train even a basic pilot.  If those we have now are forced to start training the ‘woke’ airmen, it’ll be years before the USAF can accomplish its missions.

Russia, China, Iran, etc. can all see that.  They have competent pilots and don’t bother with insisting they be leftist.  Yes, I assume their pilots have to say other nonsense their rulers want to hear but that’s a different point.  They know about our problems.

□ [“Karine Jean-Pierre Says Covid ‘Remains a Problem’ After Biden Declared ‘The Pandemic Is Over’”]

He said it twice, it's not a typo, he also defied anybody who challenged his mental fitness.  His own supporters ignoring his statements doesn’t make him look good.

Who’s in charge?  Who makes decisions?  Who gives the orders?  Do you report to your boss or someone else?  The Surgeon General says so many people die every day that they need to force us all to take a “vaccine” which has never been tested on humans.

That’s not what you do when a pandemic ends.  Ok, you don’t do that in a real pandemic no matter what, but pretending for the sake of argument that this stupid virus qualifies and Biden is legitimately the POTUS, you are not obeying your own boss!

This does indicate that he really hasn’t been replaced by an impersonator.  He speaks competently in this video but it’s still him.  You couldn’t find anyone to talk that way so people paid to follow his orders can ignore him but everyone else needs to obey.

In a day or three, Biden will undoubtedly come out – or send someone else out – to say it’s not really over.  They’ll find some excuse like he was just saying what he thought which has nothing to do with official policy, something like that.

It’s like they’re the “Branch Covidians,” they want to believe this virus will stay as long as possible no matter what.  Anything else will lead them to mass suicide.  So really I don’t see any down-side to ignoring the virus.

Also 20 September, 2022

I want a cult just like the cult that worshipped dear old Dad!

□ [“Ezra Miller reportedly has delusions they are ‘the Messiah,’ wants to ‘lead an Indigenous revolution’”]

Many of us have been thinking about it a lot lately, trying to work out how leftists always wind up essentially trying to form a religion.  I’d call it a ‘cult’ because that’s basically how they operate in the real world, but “religion” would probably qualify.

The most convenient place to start is if with the rich and famous, particularly those who didn’t require easily-measured talent to achieve their status.  The most-notable targets are young women and girls who are easy to brainwash and are always surrounded by men and boys who are trying to get laid.  The followers grow in number.

A cult leader must have some vision in mind for the followers to go after, the Ezra Miller example looks like it goes along the same lines.  The cult leader as some stand-in for God who can get away with whatever he wants.  If they get far enough, they’ll find more supporters, probably some wealthy ones, and can they reach the next level.

It’s probably common in Hollywood and may explain how they finally figured out the ‘multi-verse.’  The use of earth-worship would also explain the last several decades of environmentalism.  The internet made it possible for them to self-identify as any made-up thing they wanted, defying reality because they never have to actually prove anything.

An unquestioned pretense to be God always seems to be part of it.  There’s also some specific sin to fight, carbon for example.  A natural production of Earth, it must be completely destroyed because they say so, no matter how much our own existence depends on it.  They’ve used this to seize power across all of these decades.

Creating some form of ‘utopia’ is also involved, letting them erase anything or anyone they don’t like.  They decide why you’re a sinner and make you suffer for it.  The “End Times” are always right in front of us until they get what they want.

This is collectivism, no permitted individual freedom.  The master says so.

I can’t think of a better term than “broken” to describe what these people are, those who seek out cults and collectivism.  Their goal is to break the rest of us if they can seize power.  They self-impose whatever trauma they feel just from the sight of anything they don’t like, so all of existence must be replaced by whatever they want.

An individual can be wrong.  He or she can make bad decisions but also have the opportunity to learn from them, as can others learn.  The “broken” collectivist cannot see that and is ruled by their emotions, preventing them from any real improvements.

They are individuals at some level and God’s will is supreme, whether they believe it or not.  This may be why they project their own flaws onto others.

Individuals are too complicated for others to ever fully figure out or measure.  It is easier to identify groups and determine who they are and what they do by ignoring them as individuals.  I think this is the mentality that “broken” collectivists aim towards and how they attract fellow cult-members.  I also think they all use earth-worship, our planet did not submit to God’s will, so we were all created to explain that to her.

So we have leftist cults forming their own basically-interchangeable religions, down to the fact that they don’t like each other, subjecting us to Earth who desires to destroy us all.  From there, we reach cults who practice literal human sacrifice.

21 September, 2022

I'm getting rid of my brain so I can grow up to be like Joe Biden!

□ [“Latest Inflation Numbers Show Germany’s Economy Is Cratering”]

It’s up 46% in August, how much of it is because they’re run by leftists and how much is because they stopped buying Russian fuel like Trump told them to?  Maybe they have happy memories of previous massive German inflation experiences, or maybe they just listen to Joe Biden who says there is no inflation.

□ [“Who’s in Charge?  White House Rushes to Clean up Biden's Pandemic Remark”]

The guy complains that people think he looks weak, then people he’s in charge of contradict him.  He told us to watch him to see how he is as POTUS, here’s the result.

He could just fire employees who spoke out against him so quickly, that would show that he has some sort of authority we should take seriously.  But he didn’t do that.

The people who told him there’s no inflation still have jobs.  Those who told him the Taliban wouldn’t take over Afghanistan are still there.  The ones who said Russia wasn’t going to invade Ukraine haven’t had to leave.  Now there’s this.

There’s no reason to think he even remembers what he said a few days ago (or whenever that interview broadcast a few days ago was taped.)  It’s not like anybody will publicly ask him what he meant by “the pandemic is over.”

□ [“Alabama Embalmer:  Massive Increase In Blood Clots and Cancer, ‘It’s Not Normal, It’s Drastic’”]

They can’t hide the dead bodies.  They’ll censor media coverage but the corpses will still pile up and they’ll just keep increasing in number.

The embalmer and his colleagues have seen a lot of these since early-2021, around the time that the so-called “vaccine” started being pushed.  Throughout their careers, they usually dealt with people who died in middle-age or older, but now they’re young corpses from these “spike proteins.”

□ [“Atlanta Fed Announces Negative 3rd Quarter Growth for Third Quarter In a Row!”]

They probably won’t be asked about this either.  They’d just say they’re totally fine with the way the economy is and anyone who disagrees is racist or whatever.

I’ve heard that railways are planning to reject the deal, there will still be a strike.  Lord, I hope so.  Biden will show yet again that he doesn’t have a clue what he’s talking about it and liberals do nothing but throw money at things.

This shows why they picked him for the stolen election, the stupid guy in charge will get all the blame and the actual decision-makers won’t be noticed.  That’s why there needs to be a real nation-wide strike, actual workers won’t take part in this anymore.

Railroad workers obviously don’t have the freedom other workers have for going on strike.  That’s where they [we?] need the courage to go through with it.  Just don’t show up to work.  Stay at a friend’s house for a week.  If you have a van, drive to another neighborhood and park there.  There will be far more problems within a day or two than arresting them, pretty sure the police will know that right away.

Giving them the courage to do this is the big problem but it would help so much if we can get it started.  We need a resistance, we need to be on strike.  We need it now!  The tyrants’ power and our misery is just growing every day.

□ [“Putin Warns West – His Nuclear Threat ‘Is Not a Bluff'’”]

And then we get to this.  Because what else do we need right now?

Russia does bluff, they just don’t bluff like free countries do.  They’ve dealt with a lot more war on their own turf for the last few centuries than us, and more tyranny.

We know our dictators are blaming Russia for everything and their sycophants believe it without question.  They’re already at war with us so why not throw it together?  Putin has finally started a mobilization to defend/attack NATO and unlike Ukraine, he wasn’t stupid enough to give up nuclear weapons.

A few areas in Donbass and Ukraine will be voting soon on whether or not to re-join Russia.  I’m sure the elections will be as trustworthy as Biden’s.  Putin’s also starting a military draft, leftists will probably approve of that.  But they won’t believe in the vote.

But the US and Europe isn’t willing to fight for Ukraine.  Our rulers just expect to tell others to do the actual work, while making the rest of us suffer for it.

22 September, 2022

They want to reduce the quantity of "deplorables"

□ [“Gas Prices Are On The Rise Again – Despite Biden Depleting US Oil Reserves"]

Yes, for those of you who've been paying attention, the federal tax vacation ended a week ago so the prices will start rising again.  In another week or so, they'll probably be getting back to where they were when Biden forgot his claims to have no influence whatsoever on gas prices.  They won't stop there, they'll keep rising.  First they have to account for everything our tyrants have imposed on everyone everywhere they could, then they have to keep operating while we're all suffering.

Also, if you're paying attention, we're coming up to elections and Democrats haven't shown the slightest bit of worry for how doing this makes them look.  Anybody running for re-election in a free society would realize that they've already lost, there's no way the voters would put up with this.  But that's not how Democrats operate.  Guess how those elections are going to go.

There doesn't seem to have been much going on lately, not that we can see.  We're waiting for them to steal the elections, prices of everything are still rising, winter is coming and Biden's plan to end the virus two years ago has only increased the body count.  Our ruling elites don't mind, they're happy this way.

Obviously I don't have a clue how cults work [my cult is ignoring me; come on, guys!] so it's largely guesswork on my part of what, how or why they're doing this.  But I do think their actions are equivalent to what cults do.

I don't think they deliberately want us all dead.  They want the population down, sure, and it's not their population they want to decrease, but I think it's really more that they've never really given any thought to how things work in reality.  They'll insist that everything is going magically well until it's too late, at which point they want us all dead, far too late to make any difference except, maybe, mass slaughter of those closest to them.

Are the rulers really involved in cults or just using them as pawns?  No idea, can't begin to conceive of how that would work.  It's difficult enough to comprehend of how you manipulate your own followers, but to use them as a tool you otherwise have no connection to?  It is believable and would explain why leftists project 'cult behavior' onto their enemies, but that doesn't give any answers.

Also 22 September, 2022

I noticed we're coming up on the hundredth anniversary of Mussolini taking over Italy.  Back then, the left was sure happy about that, lots of people were inspired all over the world.  Didn't work out but they sure enjoyed it at the time.

I've wondered if some of our history goes around in time loops, for lack of a better phrase.  God and His adversary [Earth] negotiate upon every single action in every single split-second by every single person and this is the result.  I think their negotiations also include different lengths of time.

Like I say, 100 years ago, Mussolini was the big man on the left.  At the same time, the Ottoman Empire finally ended, having spent 600 years replacing the Sequel to the Roman Empire and spreading Islam over a few continents.  Britain was creating Iraq, where human history had started, and a Briton was opening up Tutankhamun's tomb, to get a look back at 3000 years ago.

Legendary cartoonist Charles M. Schultz would be born in November and in Kansas City, Walt Disney was having problems making these new-fangled cartoons.  A couple other big pop-culture names were born or died at the time as well.

I'm sure every month or year in history would look like this if we knew more than individual humans can know, so it's more about looking at these nifty coincidences than anything else.  Like it or not, that's also one benefit to fame and fortune, people still know who you are decades or centuries later.  From God's level (or even His adversary's) every single person, dog or leaf you pass on the street is relevant, but obviously we can't see that now, much less a hundred years later.

It gets even more relevant if you think about it, although that doesn't help find any answers.  I have no idea how famous King Tut had been for the last thirty centuries but he's one of the few pharaoh's we know about now (unless you're into that kind of ancient Egyptian history, not that there's anything wrong with that..)  But we do know that he restored the polytheism his father had imposed on Egypt.  And then his grave waited until the right time for modern man to find it, what a coincidence!

It's also known that Egyptians at the time were very interested in having sex with their children or close blood relatives, something that obviously didn't need to be continued.  It's very unclear what years they were having problems with the Jews, but I tend to think it was around this time, as part of God's message, given Tut's daddy's approach to monotheism.

By the way, also a hundred years ago, Britain was having to pick up Turkey's mess and were looking at the people of the land that would one day be called "Israel."  Look how that worked out.  Might as well refer to these events as a 'curse of the pharaohs.'

I do look back in earlier centuries although it gets much more vague very quickly.  The creation of Brazil is the most notable event of 1822, led by a prince from Portugal, which itself adopted its first constitution that year.  1722 doesn't have anything obvious other than the publication of "Moll Flanders" and the death of longest-ruling Chinese emperor, but 1622 had England and Europe enthralled by wars of all kind in which today's seem like a very deliberate sequel.

Again, if we could operate on the level of God and His adversary, I'm sure we would see many trillions of other connections every single day.  Since I don't work that high (unless I'm bored) this is what pops up at a quick look today.

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