Sunday, September 25, 2022


23 September, 2022

I woke up this morning and self-identified as a woman.  Then I took a dump and felt much better.

□ [“It's Official – Right Now 2022 Stands as the Worst Year in US Stock Market History”]

Obviously there are different measurements for however you want to look at it.  In this case, the DOW has dropped over 6700 points since it was 36,338 on January 1.  Over 1/6 of its value gone in less than 10 months.  Our rulers probably identify that as a ‘positive thing,’ proof that their economic policies work as planned.

And where are these jobs that Biden brags about having created?  They aren’t for people who have any money for investments, they’re too busy trying to afford food and rent.  We’ve only begun “fall,” what an appropriate term.

□ [“Karine Jean-Pierre:  What We Are Seeing Is a Transition to a More Steady and Stable Growth”]

They have no idea what stability and growth is.  That would require thought and they oppose thought.  What she’s actually saying is that they’ll make the world the way they want it and don’t care how much suffering that causes in the process.

This is definitely one of their planned steps for tyranny.  The economy should be completely destroyed by the end of the year.  The only real question is how they’ll steal the elections in a month and a half.  They’ll have a back-up plan even if by some miracle we actually win, probably via the economy and whatever wars they’re starting.

Oh, and there’s also the increasing number of mysterious deaths from people who all took the so-called ‘vaccination,’ probably another part of the back-up plan.

□ [“California Bans Sale of Natural Gas Heaters by 2030”]

The left has definitely worked out who their leaders are.  The state can’t provide electricity now but somehow poor people are going to be able to pay for whatever brand-new inventions the rulers foist upon them.  Nothing could go wrong with this plan.

They’ve already got people escaping while they still have a chance, what do they think will when the corpses pile up in accordance with the rulers’ plans?  That alone would make realistic leaders stress that they need to be warned in case there’s a mistake somewhere, yet they all line up with their sycophants to run off the cliff.

One reason is probably a desire to be envied (and obeyed) by other leftists.  It’s not literally wow, look at all the poor people you killed! but that’s the result.  This may be how they go about picking leaders, whoever’s insane enough to do this and has followers.

Obviously they hope to get other states following and copying the master.  Is the goal that basic or do they really have a plan for this, or think they have a plan?

□ [“Russia Claims it Eliminated Former Blackwater Mercs and Azov Fighters in Ukraine”]

This is still going on.  Naturally we have no clue if any of these war reports are even remotely accurate but at this point, I’m basically convinced that this is all part of the conspiracy.  Throwing money and weapons in that direction and hopefully distracting westerners while our rulers expand their power without a problem.

A couple weeks ago reports kept telling us that Ukraine was wiping the floor with Russia, basically just like we’ve been told for the last seven months, but this time it’s true!  For all we know, they’re all just sitting around and making up these lies while drinking... whatever Russians drink.  Probably not coffee.

Yet the media isn’t letting up on this.  They don’t have to suffer like poor people so they’re fine with that.  We need to change that immediately.

□ [“‘Tehran’s Streets in the Hands of the People’ – Crickets from Jihad Squad!”]

Democrats not supporting the people rioting against tyrannical rulers, what a surprise.  Fortunately the government hasn’t banned guns, for themselves anyway, so I assume the protestors will be taken down sooner or later.

They support the Ukrainian people but not Iranians?  What’s the difference?  Skin color?  Religion?  Leftist preference for their rulers?

24 September, 2022

You know what?  He's on second.

□ [“Quadruple Vaxxed Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla Tests Positive for COVID Again”]

Is he getting it so the unvaccinated don’t have to?  It’s barely been a month since he last had it, what is he taking those shots for?  You know, the vaccine he promised would prevent the virus 100% of the time.  The vaccine he said people were literally “criminals” if they spread “disinformation” about.  That vaccine.  Why’s he taking it?

Nobody will call him on this.  He’s rich, nobody will even get near him if they might ask him about this.  They’d probably be charged with “criminal” acts if they tried.

□ [“Climate protester set himself on fire at tennis match and instantly regretted it”]

It’s (vaguely) amusing, a 20-year old runs onto court to protest global warming by setting himself on fire.  He immediately realizes that fire is hot and puts it out.

There is a sense of hope, it’s these creatures who want to rule us.  Stupid enough to break into a public event just to set himself on fire but too much of a wuss to last ten seconds.  You may be surprised to know this but the beast does not self-identify as “he.”

That is what the enemy throws at us.  There won’t be too many tears for those creatures burning, it’s the ones who can actually cause damage to the rest of us that I worry about.  They aspire to create more and more of these organisms, easy to rule, easy to waste, no independence of their own.  And kill the rest of us.

□ [“Biden On Another Vacation in Delaware; 40% of Presidency on Vacation w/No Visitor Logs”]

He’s so productive at whatever his job is that 40% of the time, nobody wants to see him?  Or does he just lie and claim he doesn’t see anybody but he actually does?  It’s not like they’d discuss classified information on the phone or the internet, there are regulations against that.  Some things must be done in person.

But nobody wants anything to do with Biden, go figure.  Nothing is going on anywhere in the world that the CiC should be informed of.  He makes no decisions for his subordinates to follow.  No economic problems, nothing in the giant bureaucracy he’s in charge of gets any attention from him for almost half of every second of every minute of every hour of every day of every week in the last 20 months.  That’s how he is.

Or is this false?  Hunter may have new business associates bringing in a lot of money, don’t want anybody else to hear about this.  Or that 8-going-on-25 year old Biden felt up the last time he was in public, she’s being brought in for a “private visit.”

If the POTUS isn’t working, he's old, stupid and lazy, kinda resembles Joe Biden.  If he’s working, the public deserves to know about it.  The fact that our rulers don't want us to know should tell us exactly what they’re working on, opposition to us.

□ [“Obama’s ‘Safe Schools Czar’ Pushed Books Encouraging Kids to Meet Adults at Gay Bars for Sex”]

That would probably have been about the time they started pushing this made-up gender nonsense, they already wanted sex with children.  It’s not clear if the Obama administration really started this – although it’s obviously where they started calling anyone who disagrees “racist” – since the Clinton administration had already been pushing that as well.  Back then, gays didn’t want anything but to get married.

I don’t know how much the Carter administration pushed this, being a newborn at the time, but I assume they did.  As did Europe, which had gone a generation without a war thanks to the US protecting them, so they were busy for a few decades of pushing this “Union.”  Looking back, there’s a lot of stuff that you can see and wonder if this was a direct intent to impose the tyranny we now all have to live under.

Also 24 September, 2022

So the month is ending, time for the next step of our rulers’ master plan.  I assume they’ve broken it down by months and years for convenience, that’s how I look at it, for simplicity’s sake if nothing else.  Naturally it’s broken into two year periods, accounting for elections, free or stolen.  Also they clearly have a plan to handle this next one.

If nothing else, there’s the evidence of recent memory, Clinton and Obama’s mid-terms.  Given how much work they put in to “win” 2020, they can’t permit rejection a mere two years later, not again.  So what are they going to do about it?  Steal elections, of course, but they haven’t reached a Cuba/Venezuela level of the beloved ruler always getting 99% of the vote.  There has to be a back-up plan, probably more than one.

They can’t run on their record, even leftists aren’t stupid enough to do that.  I bet they have a lot of candidates self-identifying as Republicans – hence the ‘uniparty’ term being used for the last several years – but that’s a similar problem.  They’re used to doing that for a long time, there’s a natural desire for something ‘new and different.’

They could cancel elections for war, virus, whatever excuse they invent.  It’d work in the short-term but makes their tyranny too obvious.  They need to at least pretend to actually care what people think, even those who don’t mindlessly agree with them.

It’s quite likely they’ll change voting rules to make theft easier, the main question there is ‘what defense do they have against being caught?’  Even those who don’t believe they’ll steal the elections know they’re going to try and will be watching, so the left needs some deeper plan to get away with it.

For all I know they intentionally intend to lose and just shut the country down after the election.  That seems as likely as anything else.  It’s even believable, this could be where their plans come in, sending their troops everywhere to destroy everything.  They’d need foreign help because they haven't disarmed the populous yet.  Foreign assistance would probably also be used if the election thefts actually go through.

Still 24 September, 2022

Considering how little I pay attention to pop culture, it’s odd how much thinking about it I do these days.  The death of Nurse Ratched obviously made me think of the movie which brought Jack Nicholson to the world.  Wasn’t remotely his first movie but it was how we knew him.  The novel was a multi-level analysis from a drug-fueled hippy, the movie is just a psycho in a nuthouse, but both were very entertaining.

In-between the book and the movie, it was also a Broadway play starring Kirk Douglas.  He wanted to star in the movie but was too old by that point, so he had his son produce the results.  Odd how Michael Douglas first started as a producer first and only became an actor later, but that’s not too different from Jack Nicholson’s early career.

So now you’ve got rich, famous people and families leaving the 60s and intending to impose leftism on the world through pop culture, but it really started earlier than that.

Kirk Douglas had worked closely with Vincente Minnelli soon after his marriage to the template for Hollywood children, Judy Garland.  Douglas also starred in Spartacus, based on the virtually-unknown Roman rebel who had always been a leftist icon.  For that movie, he fired the director and replaced him with the then-unknown Stanley Kubrick.

Meanwhile Nicholson had worked in Hollywood for a decade before remotely having any acting success.  Yes, there’s movies like Little Shop of Horrors but they were famous after-the-fact for Nicholson, not the other way around.  And then he suddenly becomes the writer of Head, the Monkees movie.  He wasn’t known for anything but got hired for the Monkees???  What sane person would even make that decision?

Wait, this is Hollywood, there are no sane people.  Nicholson had a very active sex life in his home, sharing it with like Roman Polanski whom you might have heard of, probably not the only such incident in Nicholson’s home.  Polanski would share a woman with Charles Manson who was close to some of the Beach Boys and Grandpa Munster...

Hollywood is connected in ways we can’t conceive of because we’re not insane, they try to disguise by not putting it on film for everyone to watch.  Kirk Douglas only died a year or so ago, after Michael Douglas became Hank Pym, the one-true Ant Man.  Nicholson is in his waning years, to put it mildly, nothing else could stop the Joker...

Or maybe it can, Nicholson’s successor as Joker died mysteriously right before that movie came out, an actor with roles such as gay cowboys.  I know I’m just drawing lines between different people and events, but I really think this is part of Hollywood’s “religion,” including leftism and devil worship.  We can only see what they allow us to.

I’ve suspected for quite some time that the villains are the actual ‘heroes’ in leftist eyes, the movie endings are just to appeal to an audience.  The Joker now stars in his own movies these days.  His Heath Ledger movie came out just a couple months after Iron Man, which led to that particular series of blockbuster movies which climaxed with Thanos wiping out half the universe.  What leftist would oppose that?

Just look at the MCU finale, Cap is broken and stands alone.  Then who walks in, the Black Panther!  Never mind the name or that whole implication, that’s another actor who suddenly died close to his big movie’s release.  Frankly I’d like some proof these people weren’t killed through religion-based human sacrifice like the Aztecs used to do.  The media just reports what they’re told, oh so bad, he was so young, etc.

And then we suddenly get this deadly virus that is guaranteed to kill anybody who’s not vaccinated by a drug that will also kill them, brought to you by the rulers that famous Hollywood people spent their whole lives trying to establish.  They live in an imaginary world and really don’t like it when people disagree with them.

Yet again 24 September, 2022

If you can read this, you know the English language.  Wow.  Mind totally blown!

Another example of leftism’s long-term directions in pop culture, take British punk rock.  Turning street gangs into bands wasn’t a new thing – the Beatles and the Who basically started that way too – but this was a more deliberate attempt to overthrow the system to start again the leftist way, another example of “Year Zero.”

Punk had its moment in Britain where they inspired a decade of more-competent musicians, U2 being the biggest example that comes to mind.  They didn’t really get any traction in the US but they did inspire a lot of others who did.  Obviously I’m simplifying things, you can argue that punk rock was inspired by the New York Dolls, Iggy and the Stooges and the Velvet Underground.  That’s fine but it’s a separate discussion.

Anyway, punk rock and its inspirations did grow through the US rock scene, with ties to Hollywood as well as technological advance in general.  Among others, David Bowie spent a couple decades with more influence, including punk, techno and glam rock.  I'm working on a theory that this is intended to push rock to its peak, working from the early-70s to the late-80s.  Glam rock was what got the most attention.

Your opinion on the quality might vary but Motley Crue, Poison and Warrant had hits and media attention, building up to Guns’n’Roses.  I’ve thought more about G’n’R in the last few years than I did when they were technically an active band and still haven’t figured it out, but essentially Axl Rose was their weapon designed to crush everything.

The official biography is that Bill Bailey moved to Los Angeles to be a rock star.  His first band was named “Axl” and he took that name.  Is that an insane decision or just copying Alice Cooper?  Either way, he became part of Hollywood Rose, which moved members back and forth with L.A. Guns, which eventually combined to become Guns’n’Roses.  And then Axl took sole ownership of *that* band.

G’n’R was hugely influenced by the punk and glam movements and drowning in positive press coverage from the start.  I’ll give Appetite for Destruction credit it deserves but it’s not so brilliant of an album to stand out the way it always has.  It took over a year to start really selling as the band promoted it as opening acts on-stage for bigger bands.

The Sex Pistols have one album, so does G’n’R.  It took years for them to do a follow-up but G’n’R was pushed as much as possible with expensive videos and Axl’s insanity.  I really think the point was to train the fans to be sheep.

Geffen Records released the Use Your Illusion albums on September 17, 1991, then Nirvana’s Nevermind on September 24.  You think this wasn’t deliberate?  The grunge movement ended R’n’R and it’s never come back, even if Axl and his employees still sell out stadiums.  At the same time, gangsta rap took over everything else.

Between them and recording technology advances, that’s where pop music has been ever since.  From there, that’s what’s happened to pop culture and everything else.

Just a couple extra thoughts, this may explain why so many people are still G’n’R fans after 30 years with basically the same setlist.  There’s not much new stuff to add.

There’s Appetite for Destruction.  There’s Lies, half of which was recorded before AfD, the other half before AfD was remotely successful.  There’s Use Your Illusions, much of which was written before or during the AfD period.  There’s The Spaghetti Incident, mostly recorded during the UYI sessions, they just replaced Izzy with Gilby.

There’s the “Sympathy for the Devil” cover if you want to count that, then basically nothing but a handful of tracks created around the turn of the century.  “Oh My God,” Chinese Democracy and two tracks released in 2021, the only finished work from G’n’R since George Bush Sr. was POTUS.  But they still sell out stadiums world-wide.

I really think that the whole point of promoting G'n'R was to train person to behave as sheep and Nirvana was a deliberate replacement.  Assuming Cobain actually killed himself and wasn’t a leftist human sacrifice, you can see why he picked suicide.

He also had to put up with Courtney Love, another example of some hidden famous people level.  In 1984, she posed with Pat Benatar, Mick Jagger and Howard Stern at the “We Are The World” sessions.  WTF?  How does that happen?

25 September, 2022

Warmness is a happy gun

There’s a point where the left simply keeps going over the cliff, on sex with kids or war with Russia/China/whoever, they’ve always said they know the ‘arc of history.’  They can’t be wrong about any part of it.  If they were wrong about something and admitted it, people might think they got something else wrong.  That can’t be permitted.

□ [“‘The Regime has Guns and Bullets but they are Afraid of Our Hair’ Update on the Revolution in Iran”]

I do support the rioters but don’t have high hopes for this.  The mullahs have been able to keep them down for almost 50 years now and that was back when western nations actually supported the people.  It’s not going to work this time either.

I do still think/wonder/hope that there’s some underground movement in place that actually manipulates the ruling class to fail just as they think they’ve won, but we really need a sign of that.  We need hope the most and we aren’t getting that.

Even if the mullahs were overthrown by some miracle, our own rulers will demand the credit, saying they made it all happen, never mind all their previous support for the mullahs.  It would just be an excuse to expand their power even more.

That’s what I mean about the need for hope.  We need unquestionable proof that something that works is on our side.  Yes, God is an obvious example but at least it’s understandable that He won’t just fix everything.  That would be nice but don’t expect it.

There’s the economy, election theft, the wars and poison-vaccine they push on us, their soldiers attacking us and that’s not counting the problems in our individual lives.  I assume most people have at least as many as I do.  This is where we need hope the most.

□ [“Enormous Fire Breaks Out at World’s Largest Wholesale Fresh Produce Market in Paris”]

We still don’t know how or why but the rulers are pushing all these attacks on food and fuel around the world.  There’s no way these can be accidents or coincidences.

Breaking the supply chain, that’s obvious, but how can they do this on such a regular basis?  No notifications or identities, no pattern, no known leadership or planners.

There’s definitely an organized attack and we have nothing to go on.  Will they demand government intervention or will it just keep happening until it’s too late?

□ [“Former Press Sec. Jen Psaki Says Democrats Will Lose if Midterms Are Referendum on the POTUS”]

She’s paid to babble in front of a camera, eventually she has to say something like this.  It’s basically irrelevant but what sticks out to me is that she repeats standard leftist nonsense.  Democrats will win “if the election is about who is the most extreme.”

Abortion is legal beyond birth, guns are banned, cars are banned, Iran deserves tons of money, surrendering to the Taliban, forcing a fake-vaccine on everyone and then still getting sick, forcing sex onto kids, pretending we're not in a recession...  How stupid do you have to be to say none of that is “extreme” but opposing it is?

It’s easy to find examples of Democrats opposing this stuff on abortions, sex, guns, etc. just a few years ago, often the same people supporting it now, but Democrats don’t even define “extreme” other than disagreeing with them.

□ [“Biden Slips Up and Finally Agrees with Republicans About Necessity of AR-15s”]

“What in God’s name do you need an assault weapon for?  It’s an assault weapon designed to kill people, to defend America, to defend people.”

No reason to think it’s a slip, the people who tell him what to say are quite clear.  They oppose defending people and defending America.  They call that “extreme.”

The term “assault weapon” is used by whoever’s stupid enough to believe it.  By definition, every weapon is used for “assault” so if you oppose “assault weapons,” you’re actually saying that you oppose every single one of them.

As always, the people in charge who oppose it get to have armed bodyguards, their supporters just repeat what they’re told.  They may throw in “weapon of war” just to be different once in a while.  Democrats in Congress say they’re literally “at war” with the rest of us, so we’ll use whatever weapons we can get because you set those terms.

Republicans in Congress really should keep pushing bills to disarm the Secret Service.  Force leftists into the position of saying ‘we’re special, we get to be protected, it’s the people who vote for us that don’t deserve protection!’

Also 25 September, 2022

How did we get here?  Well it all started when I met this girl...

□ [“Italy Elects Its First Female and Populist Leader in History – Giorgia Meloni"]

A point for the right wing, but obviously I'm skeptical.  I'm sexist, we shouldn't be having women do this.  If there's a benefit, it should be that it inspires men to do a better job.  As individuals, women are capable of doing things, I guess, but so few of them aspire to be individuals and Europe has spent a long time taking advantage of that.

But this does cause another problem for Europe.  Her party won parliament too.  Assuming this isn't a puppet-show, there's now another nation standing up against the EU.  It may not be much as an economic power but it's Italy, there are levels where very few nations can compete.  Egypt, China and maybe parts of Greece are the only real competitors in what Italy has brought to civilization.

It's definitely a victory as far as drawing a line and saying "No more of this!"  We need more of that line drawn.  One thing our opponents have in common is the desire to destroy the very concept of a 'nation.'  By an amazing coincidence, they always seize power in nations and silence any opposition so even though they never govern the world the way they aspire to, they get to rule their nation.  That's what we need to fight.

So now Europe and the United States are headed towards a winter of suffering for everybody who isn't in charge.  They're going to hit us as hard as possible, what are we going to do about it?

Still trying to work out what those of us who live in cities should be preparing for when the crisis hits.  There's back-up supplies and there's an ability to run away but those can't really be combined.  Most vehicles can't hold enough food to get you through the winter and that's without including water, weapons, back-up power supplies or enough gasoline to fuel the vehicle more than once.  Without a vehicle, you'll be able to carry even less and will be stuck wherever you are.

So what are the best plans to make?  How can you set up an alliance with all the strangers in your apartment or neighborhood?  If you don't set up that alliance, what will everybody be doing when shit finally hits the fan?

I get to cite military experience and use that as an example of how people should organize but it's just a fantasy that would put me in charge, and I'd be the first to vote that I not be the one in charge.  Working for the guy in charge is different, I'd be good at that.  But what if it turns out that you're surrounded by strangers with no military or police experience?  That's going to happen more than we want, so what's the best way to handle it?

How much chaos will there be?  Well we don't know, do we?  And this might actually be a time where assuming the worst will happen wouldn't be the best decision because if the worst doesn't happen, then thinking it would means we've screwed ourselves over permanently.

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