Friday, September 30, 2022


26 September, 2022

It'll help if Biden does Stonehenge tonight.  Best production values he's ever had on stage.

□ [“Russia-Germany Nord Stream 2 Pipeline Loses Pressure from 300 to 7 Bars; Unknown Cause”]

Darn, what a shame something like this could happen to the second big pipeline providing Germany with all that earth-killing fossil fuel from the evil Russia.  But it’s completely an accident, no cause for alarm, enjoy the global warming this winter.

I still wonder if this is a Russian weapon or just part of the globalists’ end to fossil fuel.  It could be both but it’s gotta be one of those options, there’s no other explanation.  Germany just doesn’t want to transfer Deutsche Mark Euro into rubles?  Not likely.

□ [“China Doubles Down on Fossil Fuel Usage Despite Its Commitment to Globalist Elites”]

Things like this show that, more than its allies, China is running the show.  They make generically vague claims about saving the earth which leftists obey, plus all their financial support.  They help steal elections so Democrats can ruin everything, China keeps doing exactly what it wants, supposedly killing the earth with fossil fuel.

No leftist has the slightest complaint about it, even though China is Russia’s ally.  Obviously China knows how to handle people like that, those who think this will make energy more efficient and want to impose their will on the rest of us.

China’s fine with everyone being forced to buy their solar panels, they just won’t use that crap themselves.  You can see why they fund the green movement.

□ [“Canada Removes All COVID Border Requirements – Vac-Proof, Plane/Train Mask Requirements”]

More nations are finally dropping this pretense of some horrid virus killing us all.  On the one hand, that’s good, it points out the US and world tyrants who still pretend it’s a thing.  On the other hand, I have to wonder if they’re going to hit us with another virus, maybe a real one this time, and use that as an excuse to seize even more power.

□ [“Florida National Guard General:  We’ll Activate Unvaccinated Service Members For Hurricane Ian”]

Will they be permitted to be unit members or will you just send them in to do the work so you all can stay home where it’s safe and warm?  They’ll all die from the virus anyway, might as well get some use out of them while you still can.

What will the reaction be?  Maybe the National Guard will call in sick.  They’re not vaccinated, this would be the perfect excuse.  It’s not like the commander wants to put up with them anyway, that’s why he punished them for not taking the poison.

□ [“Joe Biden:  ‘Inflation is… Do You Have Less Money From Your Paycheck’”]

□ [“Once Again, Biden Blames Gas Station Owners for His Record Gas Prices”]

And this is what they foist on us, someone with no clue what inflation is.  He doesn’t know how anything works but now he’s back to taking no responsibility for gas prices.  The federal tax break ended over a week ago so they’ll soon skyrocket again.

At a guess, I’d say that’s where the final break will come.  Once prices reach what they were a few months ago with no sign of stopping, that’s when enough people will have had enough.  Of course by then it’ll be too late to do anything about it.

So as usual, I don’t know.  It’s something to write about, I guess.

Also 26 September, 2022

The word “stupid” doesn’t really apply here but I’ll use it for lack of a better term.  Some people really are too stupid to live.  It’s not a lack of intelligence – Biden doesn’t count, he obviously lacks that – but they’re missing some aspect of general intelligence.

We live in a world where everything is labelled to specifically tell you to not do something stupid so you can’t sue if you do it anyway.  They call it “protecting children” but do those who support this actually know that a child is an immature human beings?

It's like these people never matured themselves so they project this onto everyone else, and excuse themselves by doing it "for the children."  And that's why they're all taken down to drag queen strip joints these days.

For most of history, it was a case of telling kids not to do something or they’d die.  If they died, everyone had to get by without them.  That’s why reproduction rates were so high, the best chance to safely reach old-age.  This was thrown away decades ago.

Perhaps ‘maturity’ is what individuality consists of.  I’m not sure what to add to that, recognizing oneself and others as individuals is how progress is made.

27 September, 2022

Why doesn't the government just declare that beer is free?

□ [“Liberal Politico Journalist Thinks The Constitution Must Be Rewritten To Stop Donald Trump”]

They want to get rid of the Constitution anyway, Trump has nothing to do with this.  This is just a mindless obsession, I can’t even conceive of how one gets to that.

This is an example of why I suspect Trump was actually part of the conspiracy.  Might be wrong, hope I am, but it’s believable that he sided with Obama, Hillary and the rest just to give the left an excuse to overthrow everything.  “Year Zero” is a really good way to describe their views and it’s not hard to think Trump was deliberately part of that.

I’m pretty sure he wasn’t – “In reality, they’re not after me, they’re after you.  I’m just in the way” – it’s just their obsession with projecting their own collective behavior onto individuals they hate.  Like him or not, Trump definitely qualifies as an individual in exactly the way that made this country great, which is what they want to destroy it.

I have realized why I suspect the end of September will be when our tyrants attack next.  It’s the end of the federal fiscal year, government offices close their 2022 budgets and open up 2023.  I used to automatically know that, back when it was part of my job as supply sergeant.  Then again, my unit’s budgets were somewhat different so I barely noticed, but many others are required to pay attention to such things.

□ [“Germany Likely to Keep Two Nuclear Power Plants on This Winter to Prevent Blackouts”]

We’ll see about that.  Are they really going to break their own rules on nuclear plants?  Sure, they’ll obviously break their own rules, but just to keep their people from freezing?  What kind of rulers would support nuclear plants just for that?

It’s possible the Nord Stream 2 pipeline was sabotaged.  From what’s reported – trust it at your own risk – the pipeline had some explosions hours before it started leaking.  That doesn’t make for good sabotage.  Nord Stream 2 had never started operating in the first place, so what would be the point?  Were both pipelines sabotaged?

Germans who didn’t want to freeze this winter were protesting the government for shutting down fuel so why would damage be relevant?  Russia might have done this to give Europe more problems with its own sanctions.  Ukraine might do it because they didn’t want the pipeline operating in the first place.  Then there’s the guy who has nothing to do with setting US policy, he made this statement on February 7, 2022:

Biden:  "If Russia invades...then there will be no longer a Nord Stream 2.  We will bring an end to it."

Reporter:  "But how will you do that, exactly, since...the project is in Germany's control?"

Biden:  "I promise you, we will be able to do that."

Gotta say, that’s about the best excuse imaginable.  No one would suspect Biden of speaking for the US government.  Who in their right minds would expect him to have a plan and follow it through?  It’s JOE BIDEN fer criminy’s sake!

This is how complicated international intelligence can quickly get.  If it actually happened this way, every side has a reason for doing this and a good excuse for not doing it, and those are just the parties we can identify.  Some German gang, German company, German rulers?  Someone somewhere else in the EU?  China, Iran or North Korea?

But Europe is screwed.  They wouldn’t have fuel coming in even if they immediately apologized to Russia and erased the sanctions.

Also 27 September, 2022

The only thing that can save us now is a new Guns'n'Roses album!  But I'm confident...

□ [“Democrat John Fetterman Has ‘I Will Make You Hurt’ on His Right Arm that He Now Hides”]

I’ll be pondering this for a while.  In theory, it may just be a stupid tattoo some random stupid person happened to get, but the guy is increasingly known as a devil worshipper and only people like that would want this idiot in charge of anything.  He delights in setting murderers free and torturing the public, so he insists on tattooing a quote from this band’s most popular song?  Doesn’t seem like a coincidence.

Nine Inch Nails is a band I didn’t listen to.  MTV heavily promoted acts like them which, along with gangsta rap, is what drove me away from popular music.  NIN was basically one person doing all the noise music himself via electronic, ignoring the value of an actual band.  Not a huge seller, he’s still been very influential on acts ranging for Tori Amos to Guns’n’Roses to Johnny Cash, whose last hit single was a cover of the song Fetterman quotes on his arm tattoo, “Hurt.”  What kind of coincidence is that?

One problem with discussing famous people is that they’re all surrounded by non-famous people so it’s basically impossible to find real connections or influence.  It’s one thing if they share the same drug dealers or bimbos but other than that, you can’t do much more than draw connections with other famous people and have no clue if that’s right.

As an example, Axl Rose wanted to make music less like G’n’R and more like NIN, which is why he’s done almost nothing for the last thirty years.  The members of the band ditched him so all that’s left is an ongoing never-ending reunion tour of the old hits.  But you’ve also got Johnny Cash covering the song and even doing an awesome video for it.  Things like that show something is clearly going on under the surface.

But then, Cash has released eight albums since the last real Guns’n’Roses album in 1993 – nine if you count the Highwaymen – and he died in 2003!

28 September, 2022

Everybody loves me and hugs me but nobody ever calls me “George”

So far there’s no indication on the Nord Stream pipelines being hit.  I’d certainly blame the US but that’s just a generic reaction.  I think the self-identified world rulers made it happen.  That doesn’t give any clues who, how or why, but that’s my bet.

The pipelines are far underwater so it’s not like some street gang just came along.  It would have required a lot of equipment that’s simply not available to people who aren’t supported by a large government.  Bill Gates or Trump or whoever could fund it but just throwing money won’t provide the equipment or personnel who can operate it.

As far as Biden’s comment in February, I assume he heard about this somewhere and nobody told him to shut up about it.  It’s reminiscent of another quote of his, five or six years ago I think, about he and his son’s adventures in Ukraine:

"If the prosecutor is not fired, you're not getting the money.  Well, sonuvabitch, he got fired.”

Well son of a bitch, now there’s no Nord Stream 2.  Just because of who we are, I do assume US forces were involved somewhere but that’s just a guess.

□ [“Trump Offers to Step in and Mediate a Peace Deal Between Russia, Ukraine and the US”]

Ok, this is hilarious.  I mean, it’s a fair offer, he is POTUS, but I doubt the stolen administration will go for it.  How are they supposed to get a war if Trump’s around?  They’d already worked on this for a year and a half and now it would all go to waste.

I would love to see this as a shout-out which the entire world responds with a “YES!!!”  Get someone competent back in charge!  If Eastern Europe and Germany demanded this, that would be a major defeat for the self-appointed world government.

There are probably Europeans who don’t want to freeze this winter, putting them on the opposite side of their rulers.  In theory, this could start the resistance.

While this happened, people in Luhansk, Donetsk, Zaporhyzhia and Kherson voted to rejoin Russia.  Ukraine and the US will say the vote wasn’t fair but we aren’t the ones who get to decide that.  If we were, our rulers would already be world dictators.  Meanwhile Russia will accept the vote so now they’re defending their own territory.

And look at the timing.  The US is ending the fiscal year with rulers who seek to destroy us.  Britain is trying to figure out life without QEII.  Europe is already low on fuel and we all are suffering, economically, mentally and physically.

This was planned, is it Russia/China’s doing?  The world tyrants?  Some other devil worshippers?  Trump?  Are some or all of these working together to dominate us?

□ [“Biden asks if dead congresswoman is at White House speech”]

"I want to thank all of you here, including bipartisan elected officials like Rep. McGovern, Sen. Braun, Sen. Booker, Rep. – Jackie, are you here?  Where's Jackie?  I thought she was going to be here – to help make this a reality."

That’s not something you could do to suggest ‘she’s here in spirit’ without mention that.  You thought she’d be here and she’s not, she died in a car crash two months ago.  Someone, we don't know who, put you and your wife’s name on a public statement, claiming her death “shocked and saddened” you.

I could see that at his age, everybody you know is dropping like flies and it may be hard to keep track of who’s left, but that’s not really a complement about Biden.

□ [“Chaos in Briefing Room; White House Reporters Repeatedly Ask Karine Jean-Pierre About Biden’s Confusion Over Late Rep. Jackie Walorski”]

Wow, reporters asking real questions about someone self-identifying as POTUS.  When was the last time that happened?  But his black gay female spokesman just babbles and avoids questions about what’s wrong with him, that’s how she got her job.

The media might be scared.  They don’t know the planned schemes to steal the upcoming elections and they’re reaching to the point where they can’t ignore this.  They need to portray some competent leader and they’re not getting that.  If I were there, I’d say ‘don’t worry, the elections are already fixed,’ but that probably wouldn’t help.

29 September, 2022

How much will the new fiscal year charge us for?

□ [“Rapper Coolio Found Dead of Cardiac Arrest in Los Angeles"]

Another one bites the dust?  It’s not like I’m a huge Coolio fan or anything, but as far as I know he didn’t have a major drug habit or anything like that.  Age 59, it looks like he was ready to go on tour.  Maybe he’d be required to get a “vaccine” before it started?  Probably not, he’d probably already gotten it, with or without the boosters.

□ [“Far-Left Salon Mag Gives Up On Term ‘Latinx,’ Proposes Equally Ridiculous Alternative ‘Latine’”]

It’s just a bump in the road, they’ll keep telling dark-skinned people how to use their own language.  You can see that with the switch to latrine latine.  If languages determine words by accounting for the two genders, those languages must be changed.  As always, the rulers follow the 1984 example to simplify what people can say.

They won’t stop.  Salon could at least mention that five years ago, they insisted everyone use “Latinx.”  If they want people to believe them, they should be able to point out obvious mistakes they’ve made on the very subject-matter they tell you to obey now.

□ [“Occupy Democrats Delete Tweet Telling Hurricane Ian to Destroy Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Estate”]

Dear Ian,

You had one job...

They really want to cause as much destruction as possible.  Just as many people were suffering before this tweet so deleting it doesn’t help.  At least leaving it on twitter would show some decency, making sure everybody knows ‘we’re the kind of people who say this in public.’  Wouldn’t help them win anybody over but at least it’s honest.

Then again, if they were decent enough to do that, they might not want suffering at all.  Besides, all the darkies in Florida vote Democrat, you can just get more.

□ [“Biden to oil industry:  Don't raise prices as hurricane nears”]

These people never set an example of how these things should be done, they just give orders.  It’s not like it would be big of a job, most gas stations are mom-and-pop stores who don’t really make money selling gas, they make it from selling other stuff.

It’s a regular leftist thing to give impossible orders and then punish people for not obeying and then blame them for everything.  Soviet Russia did that with the kulaks, the French Revolution did that with bakers who charged enough money to purchase wheat.

So why not run a leftist gas station to show how not to make a profit on it?  They would be living up to their example.  For that matter, they could also require that no rescue or maintenance vehicles be used during the hurricane unless they’re electric.

□ [“FBI Arrests First Openly Trans Army Officer and Wife For Giving US Medical Records to Russia”]

Making up their own genders and being Russian spies in the US military since 2015, no wonder Democrats have always wanted this.

This insane creature has a security clearance, practically the definition of ‘favored class.’  Certain types of people are chosen to automatically be superior to everyone else and can’t be held to the same standards.  That’s an officer for ya.

The media has a problem though.  You can either cover its service to hurt the USA and support Russia or you can cover this historic figure who made the world safe for made-up genders but you can’t cover both.  So the media will probably cover neither.

□ [“Senate Passes Stopgap Bill to Avert Government Shutdown – Bill Includes $12.3 Billion for Ukraine”]

Gotta get ready for the new fiscal year.  How many of the people voting for it have even read the bill?  Obviously they’ll keep throwing money at Ukraine, it’s not coming out of their pockets, though they probably get a say in how the money is laundered.  None of their media pets will dare to look into this.

What is the point of a law requiring that a budget be passed every single year?  They haven’t followed that law since fiscal year 2008.

More early Biden administration quotes are being found on the Nord Stream pipelines.  I even checked my own books and found articles I wrote with news headlines.

CLOSING IN:  20210217 Germany Defies Biden on Nord Stream 2 Pipeline, Offers Russia ‘Deeper’ Energy Cooperation

CLOSING IN:  20210518 □ [“Biden Ran on a Platform of Accusing Trump of Not Being Sufficiently Punitive Towards Putin and Russia; Waives Sanctions on a Russian Gas Pipeline”]

The Nord Stream natural gas pipeline goes through the Baltic to Germany.  This is influence on western Europe that Russia wouldn’t have if Biden’s masters didn’t tell him to do this.  And just a few years ago, the left was outraged by Russia benefiting from a stolen POTUS.

CLOSING IN:  20210621 □ [“'Why Are You Giving In to Russia on This Pipeline?' – CNN’s Dana Bash Confronts Biden National Security Advisor on Nord Stream 2 Pipeline"]

Because Russia has less power if they can't sell oil around the world.  They have less money and less influence.  Democrats wouldn’t like that.  Didn’t Joe Biden say at every campaign stop that oil makes the world go 'round and if Russia wasn't helped, he couldn't be POTUS?  Besides, Vladimir Putin might get angry and you wouldn’t like him when he’s angry.

CONVOY:  20220207 Clueless Biden Has No Answer on How He Will Stop Nord Stream 2 Pipeline if Russia Invades Ukraine

Ok, I had no major insights or anything but I had some examples.  So did others.

20220128 □ [“State Dept vows Nord Stream 2 will be a 'hunk of metal at bottom of the ocean' if Russia invades Ukraine"]

So obviously some people saw this was coming and reported it to others, including me, so this shouldn’t be a total surprise.  It’s evidence that this was always part of the plan and more proof that the US was behind it one way or another.  It’s also in line with the whole Biden administration and the election theft, past and present.

One thing that needs to be made very clear is that we won’t accept this year’s stolen elections like we did 2020.  Yes, I keep saying we should just completely go on strike but regardless, we need to draw a line and say we won’t put up with this anymore.

30 September, 2022

Sir, we're going to need to do a FLIPL for the upcoming elections...

□ ["History Repeats Itself: College Leftists Create Jew-Free Zones on Berkeley Campus – the Home of Free Speech"]

As always, I think the whole point of Judaism is how God proving His point to His Adversary.  The result is that that basically every evil force we know always shows their hatred of the Jews, including many Jews themselves.  So I won't bore you with that again, there's other things to bore you with.

There's the more obvious example:  Leftists are desperately supporting Ukrainian Nazis.  Leftists have always supported Palestinians who are blatantly open about their Jew-hatred and elect only Hitler-lovers from Hamas.  Leftist rulers and their media pets were big fans of fascism in the 1920s and 30s and about the only change they've made from Nazis is to accuse anyone they don't like of being Nazis.

Is that the basic point, to make people so easy to manipulate that you can flat-out be nazis and they'll obey entirely as long as you tell them you're opposing nazis?  The last century of Russia, China, North Korea, Germany and the EU must have had plenty of opportunities to experiment on how to control people that way.  I deliberately avoid learning anything about Project MK-Ultra, but that obviously lines up exactly with the sort of experimentation I'm referring to.

So modern leftism is about following the Nazi example and pretending to blame the Nazis for everything they don't like.  It's things like this that make me wonder if there's some sort of signal they give to identify themselves to fellow-thinkers when in groups, so that most people just mindlessly obey the nazi rhetoric but a few recognize what they're actually doing and can adjust accordingly.

That would explain why they promote diversity and punish anyone who disagrees with them.

□ ["The People Rise Up: Iranian Revolutionaries Take up Arms Against the Regime"]

164 cities in all 31 provinces, now that's a resistance movement.  I was surprised to hear they have weapons.  Assuming it's true, I'm still not optimistic but there is more reason to hope.  And guess who the US rulers are not spending tons of money to ship weapons to.

It would be funny [not ha-ha funny] if that actually is where we're sending weapons, using Ukraine to funnel them over the Black Sea and through Turkey.  That would benefit the world and freedom, I could believe that this is part of what the resistance is doing.  Not a big deal, I also believe that Santa Claus is secretly Batman, but you get the point.

Whoever our rulers haven't purged yet are still able to operate on higher levels and it's safe to assume they can still have underground contacts, with those who were purged or those who were never promoted enough to reach that level.  It's at least theoretically possible that there is a resistance movement operating now, I just wish it would become public.

Whether or not a united resistance is actually taking place around the world, there will be one soon.  Today is the last day of the government fiscal year and we're barely a month away from the next round of stolen elections, by which point winter will be there for a lot of people who are denied fuel.

□ [The Law Dog Files: "Nordstream"]

Don't know how much I believe but this is a very convincing article about the shut-down of the pipelines not being sabotage.  The main argument is that Russians are not known for major maintenance work on their equipment which fuel pipelines require a lot of.  There's also the obvious weirdness of Nord Stream 1 and 2 being hit about 17 hours apart which makes no sense if someone's actually trying to destroy them.

What gets me is how this just happened last week.  The timing is way too good to not be suspicious just on that.  It is possible that Russia intended to shut them down manually and something got out of hand.  As for the delay between the two explosions, it's possible they had gotten the first one but had to wait for someone in charge to sober up before approving of the second.

Anyway, this makes a very good argument that it was not deliberate man-made sabotage, at least from any of the obvious suspects.  Doesn't convince me but I'm not sure what would.

□ [“Awkward: Bill Clinton Tells CNN 'There is a Limit to How Many Migrants Any Society Can Take'"]

This may be a sign for the elections.  I have no idea what Bill Clinton's been up to for the last couple decades but back when he was a public figure, he did have pretty good observation abilities of public opinion.  His first two years in office were trying to push leftism as hard as possible and that didn't work so he backtracked quite a bit.  Playing the long-game sure, but he knew it wouldn't work to impose leftism on everybody right away.

I assume the point was to expand worship of the government as much as possible and he obviously succeeded in that.  Hillary would have been his third term but then we were told her supporters were racist and Democrats totally went along with that.

So anyway, if Bill Clinton sees that this isn't working, maybe he has a point.  Or he's just racist, whichever.

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