Wednesday, October 5, 2022


01 October, 2022

This isn’t going to be a happy new fiscal year...

□ [“Kamala Harris Suggests Hurricane and Disaster Relief Should be Based on Race”]

“It is our lowest income communities and our communities of color that are most impacted by these extreme conditions and impacted by issues not of their own making and so we have to address this in a way that is about giving resources based on equity and understanding that we fight for equality but we also need to fight for equity understanding that not everybody starts out at the same place and if we want people to be in an equal place sometimes we have to take into account those disparities.”

So white people have to go to the back of the line.  But what about white people of low income, or are poor white people to be left behind people of color?  How will you punish those white people who don’t get to the back of the line?

□ [“Putin Charges West with ‘Satanism’, Offers Ukraine Cease-Fire – Zelensky Refuses, Vows to Fight”]

This just gets better.  Ukraine is begging to immediately join NATO so the new world war can officially start.  No reason to think that won’t happen, the rulers want that.  Look at how much money Ukraine’s rulers are bringing in, they don’t want it to stop.

They don’t even need to explain why they haven’t tried to join NATO in the last ten years.  For that matter, given all the massive victories the media tells us Ukraine is winning without being in NATO, why bother joining anyway?  They don’t need us.

Such insanity is why the Nord Stream attack is considered deliberate even we still don’t know any details.  Why did they both go off in one day, not several months apart?  Our own so-called Secretary of State calls it a “tremendous opportunity,” not the reaction of someone who opposes massive sabotage to a country we’ve never declared war on.

They now have an excuse to seize US fuel and use taxpayer money to ship it to Europe.  The EU rulers can use it to bribe their followers while leaving everyone else out in the cold until they go along with the masters.  Ukraine gets to keep its slave states from voting to leave, thanks to worldwide leftist support saying ‘that vote doesn't count.’

Putin also called it a “religion in reverse” which is probably a better term than “satanism,” but whatever hits the mark.  That is what we’re fighting.

□ [“Exclusive:  Expert Toy Industry Insider Reveals Marvel and Star Wars Merch Struggles”]

Now this is interesting, Star Wars toy sales have burned out.  They replaced the classic characters we liked with non-entities with just as much promotion, so sales are down 50%.  The article isn’t clear what years they’re compared to but that’s quite a drop.

Marvel isn’t doing well either.  Spider-Man, Captain America and Iron Man are the only big sales but Marvel/Disney demands 50% be female like Scarlet Witch or Black Widow.  Even girls don’t buy girls’ toys, they want to be feminine!  Barbie is much more believable.  If she really wants to get superheroes, Spider-Man is also more believable.

Marvel even demanded stores buy a case of Eternals toys for every case of classic characters?  Oh come on!  I’ve read the Jack Kirby comics (and a couple spin-offs) and I barely know who those characters are, much less ever wanted to play pretend with them as a kid.  But the stores are forced to pay for things that won’t sell?  That doesn’t help.

These days I’m far enough from my comics – mentally, not physically; my dozens of boxes are on the opposite side of the wall I’m writing this at – so I can’t recall any similar examples.  I know Marvel and DC made tons of offers to promote whatever new titles they had but I can’t think of any direct market example requiring stores to order an issue of one title just to get permission to order copies of a title they sell regularly.

Many comics stores shut down from all the trash Marvel and DC were throwing that nobody wanted to buy, are they trying to do that with toy stores?  You must buy Falcon-self-identifying-as-Captain-America just to buy Falcon toys?  Stores have to pay a lot of money to promote these licensed characters, which one will they choose?  It’s their money going out the window and at least the Falcon can fly.

Are they really trying to sell Agatha Harkness toys or is that just a joke for people who know the character?  I like Agatha despite never reading her appearances beyond the initial Fantastic Four, but nobody in their right mind wants an Agatha Harkness toy.  And yet this very bad idea is on t-shirts and placed next to Spidey and Cap?

Also 01 October, 2022

I’m not going to think of a headline and you can’t make me!

Not sure what to write at the moment.  I’ve been looking into rock bands and even listening to music once in a while.  Obviously I’m still trying to figure out Guns’n’Roses, occasionally looking at Van Halen.  For one thing, although I was never a huge VH expert, it strikes me that David Lee Roth was basically the template for Axl Rose.

There’s some obvious differences but also some similarities.  They each entirely believed that the band was entirely focused on them, no matter what.  In Roth’s case, had he ever heard Eddie Van Halen play guitar?  How can he have so little comprehension of how any fan could have the slightest interest in the band that wasn’t about DLR?

He left the band and thought everybody would follow him.  He did get attention as the front man but that quickly dwindled away.  Eddie may have run out of juice but he was still a guitar legend and could add keyboards for a competent singer.

Axl was a competent singer and played keyboards.  Slash is also a guitar legend but would be the first to admit he’s not at EVH’s level, but Axl took ownership of the band as a priority.  He made sure everybody agreed with him no matter what, so he’s been surrounded by yes-men ever since and as a result, doesn’t do anything.

Roth’s decades-long solo career is rather empty and on tour he basically only sings Van Halen songs, but at least he has a half-dozen albums to show for it.  He has to be David Lee Roth, which I would not condemn anybody to, but it’s something.

Slash has always been productive, no matter what he was going through.  I always like the point about G’n’R as the most drug-abusing band ever and they still showed up on time for every single concert.  Except that one guy who didn’t even use drugs, but he kept everyone waiting for hours.  Sometimes he just didn’t bother to show up at all.

I’m a Sammy Hagar fan.  His music isn’t brilliant or anything but it’s enjoyable rock’n’roll which was always his goal.  He also knew that being a rock star could end badly at any time so once he started making money, he invested in things that didn’t depend on a famous rock star selling the product.  That’s why he’s one of the richest rock stars ever.  [probably, it’s not like I keep track of that stuff]

But something about the 1980s music scene and Hollywood influence picked Axl and Roth as the front men, which basically ended popular music of any real quality.

02 October, 2022

Democrats always reveal themselves if you let them, so don't let them.

□ [“MSNBC’s Tiffany Cross:  ‘There Have Been a Spike in Homicides That Has Nothing to do With Democrat Policies, Of Course’”]

As always, another leftist example that makes you ask if these people are really this stupid?  She self-identifies as black and female but really?  Is she blatantly lying to her audience or effectively signaling to those ‘in the know’ that this isn’t true?

Underground movements can do that, even with famous people.  This would promote that leftists are doing this to despite pretending to defend leftists.  Probably not, she’s just saying what she’s told to say and possibly believes it, but it’s possible.  People who know how to do what’s called “gas-lighting” can turn it the other way.

I definitely hope there’s a world-wide movement to fight leftism.  We can all see that their goal is for federal to overrule state and local.  They only cite lower-level government on issues that ‘everyone else must obey,’ as we’re seeing in California these days.  It’s always the rulers deciding for everyone.

I’ve also noticed that many people, myself included, are taking as a given that what’s going on here is some sort of devil-worship.  What else would keep these people so ludicrous?  The devil never gets an objective blocked by someone under his authority.

I don’t even know if I believe in a devil but it sure looks like what our rulers are after, using earth-worship as an excuse to cause as much suffering as possible.  Nobody can possibly disagree with them, only the evil would think they’re wrong about anything.

Don’t have much to say today.  It’s like we’re just out of time, it’s over now.  Don’t know if anyone else feels that way or just me.  God willing I’ll try again later.

03 October, 2022

When is the government going to issue me a funny headline?

□ [“Metrolink and Amtrak Suspends LA-San Diego Service Indefinitely Due to the Ground Shifting”]

The ground is shifting.


Ok.  Is this normal for the region?  Does southern California regularly shut train service down because... because the ground is, uh, shifting?  Is that a common occurrence that you might have been able to prepare for on a regular basis?

A tropical storm caused an ocean surge and that shakes the land up.  Uh-huh.

I guess you’ll save a lot of gas this way, it’s not like people will be allowed to drive cars to make up for the lack of railways.  It’s also not like they’re rich enough to buy one of those electric cars the rulers love but never use.

Trains are also useful for transporting supplies, will that have any problems?  We haven’t even gotten into asking if the people who live there are properly vaccinated.

□ [“Biden Secretary of State Blinken Says Nord Stream Explosions ‘A Tremendous Opportunity’ for Europe to 'Remove Dependence on Russian Energy’”]

So they can depend on US energy or is the point to stop them from using energy in the first place?  Either way, you’re obviously quite happy about it.  Good thing the pipeline was so violently shut down or you wouldn’t be so happy.  That gives no clue whatsoever about how the pipeline was sabotaged.

“And we’re now the leading supplier of LNG to Europe to help compensate for any gas or oil that it’s losing as a result of Russia’s aggression against Ukraine.”

Any LNG company stock you’d like to mention?  They’re killing the earth with that and more pollution made by transporting the fuel to Europe, any complaints there?

Just tell Germans looking forward to winter how wonderful this opportunity is for you, not them.  You can break any LNG contracts and seize their fuel without permission.  It’s not like it’s just sitting around, waiting to be loaded onto vehicles.  They plan orders out for a year or two and you’re just glad that Europeans get to suffer without energy.

□ [“Study Finds Young Adults Moodier, More Prone to Stress, Less Cooperative, Less Responsible Following Fauci’s Pandemic Rules”]

This was a conscious attempt to cut down everyone as much as possible, and of course they aimed at young people.  They’ve always wanted to turn children into clay, I just wonder if this was consciously included in this plot or if it’s just a standard effect.

They always look to the next generation and they have to tear everything away from the kids.  It’s basically turning them into mini-me’s.  They really do think that’ll work, which it never has yet.  But look at the pain and suffering they’re spreading across the entire population for generations to come.

□ [“Executive Producer Billy Eichner Lashes Out at ‘Straight People’ and ‘Homophobic Weirdos’ For All Gay Comedy Bros Flopping at Weekend Open”]

This sort of mentality really seems central to them.  Sure, it sucks to put a lot of work into stuff that nobody’s interested in but you’re the one who chose to do something nobody wants to see, but why would anybody want to negate the public’s own decisions?  Why not just force everybody to buy a ticket no matter what?

Name a single person on Earth who has no interest in seeing your movie but isn’t evil.  Can’t do it, can you.  And everyone around you agrees.

This is part of the collectivist mentality, I spend a lot of time thinking about it but don’t pretend to understand.  It’s opposing anyone who thinks differently and demanding to be in charge so nobody can disagree.  But how do you deal with people like that when you’re not the one in charge?  Is there some kind of comfort to being watched over?

The only example I can think of that makes sense is that the majority of us were probably children at some point in our lives.  Watching kids is natural and makes perfect sense.  They don’t know anything and their parents brought them here so that’s part of the arrangement.  Yet other people are not required to go along with this.

□ [“‘Anarchist’ Tulsa, Oklahoma Middle School Teacher Wants to ‘Burn Down Entire System’ – ‘F*ck the Parents… I’m Your Parent Now’”]

This system made him a school teacher, as good an example as any for burning it down.  It’s not like there aren’t a lot more of him out there everywhere.

Safe to assume these creatures all came from single-parent homes.  Quite likely any siblings they have came from different fathers.  This is what happens when family is torn apart, the rulers double-down on that to get more servants.

Also 03 October, 2022

How can we resist?  We didn't sist the first time.

When they steal the November elections, they’ll immediately impose a universal confiscation of weapons.  They’re already putting together the men-with-guns to do that for them.  What are we going to do about it?

They’ll probably start knocking on every door with anyone registered with a weapon and probably won’t take ‘I lost it’ for an excuse.  They’ll ignore state and local laws the way they already ignore the Constitution.  What are you going to do to stop them from taking over your home and searching it until they find what they’re looking for?

Remember, they self-identify as ‘law enforcement’ so they have the right to do whatever they want and already carry loaded weapons.  You going to grab yours and go for defense?  If you’re lucky enough to shoot several men before they move, then what?

This is where it’s a really really bad idea to assume they don’t already have a plan in motion.  Maybe if we’re lucky it’s just stupid or crazy but they’ve got a plan.  All it needs to do is *not* be too stupid or crazy.  What.  Are.  We.  Going.  To.  Do.  Then?

Ok, there’s no way they can automatically disarm 50 million people or however many there are, but all they need to do is start and *that’s* the breaking point.  Any resistance and they go full-on-tyrant which they’re already prepared for.  This needs to be planned immediately and simply having weapons available isn't enough.

04 October, 2022

Happy birthday, Sputnik 1, 65 years since you left your mother

For whatever reason, the news is filled with stories about amazing Ukrainian victories over Russia.  But it’s strange is that there’s never any mention of casualties, no listing the number of wounded, dead or those taken prisoner.

At least months ago, the news gave constant Russian casualty numbers.  They were higher than British in WWII but the number of Ukrainian soldiers suffering the slightest injury were never mentioned.  Now they aren’t even doing that much, it’s just win after win and nobody gets hurt in these new-fangled wars.  That’s totally believable.

Kamala Harris visited the region last week so North Korea is launching missiles at Japan again.  Remember, North Korea is China’s vassal, i.e. puppet, and probably left to exist because the alternative was to take over the entire peninsula which would mean fighting the US.  They sure don’t seem to be as reluctant these days, maybe because they’re in charge of the people running the US.

China and North Korea aren’t even promoting their heroic women-with-penises in battle.  They don’t report how much time and effort is spent making the sissy little girls-with-vaginas shut the hell up on whatever gender nonsense they're whining about.

Which side is eager to fight a war and which side is actually prepared for it?

It’s also reported that Japan has offered Russia a peace treaty.  They never signed one after World War II – they’d signed a peace treaty in 1941 and Russia only reneged on it the day of the first atomic blast, barely three weeks before Japan surrendered – but for some reason Japan has decided now would be a great time to catch up on that.  Yet Russia’s not interested, Japan is siding with the western countries who are unofficially at war with Russia so Russia sees no reason to negotiate.

Ok, I guess, although it could conveniently break-up Ukraine’s allies, but why did Japan decide to do this now and not ten years ago?  That just seems odd.

As is more typical these days, I can’t find much in the way of news events.  The tyrants are growing in strength, the winter is getting closer every second.  It really looks like we’re all waiting for the collapse.  I’m not close to anybody so I don’t know what plans others are making for defense or productivity so I don’t have anything to say there.

□ [“Karine Jean-Pierre Stumped with One Question on Gas Prices Under Joe Biden”]

This is what qualifies as news these days.  The guy demanding credit for gas prices refuses to accept blame for gas prices.  His spokesman just recites nonsense to avoid the question.  This is what these people do.

Also 04 October, 2022

I’ve always found it odd that so many candidates for POTUS have come from the Senate, especially Democrats.  I’d swear some people were saying ‘no more senators’ several years ago, probably after 2004, arguing that candidates with experience as governor were more qualified.  Obviously that didn’t happen.

Trump and Eisenhower weren’t in government before becoming POTUS.  GWB, Bill Clinton, Reagan, Carter, FDR, Dukakis, Adlai Stevenson II and Dewey were governors before taking a step up.  Bush Sr. had only been Veep.  Mitt Romney was a governor who lost the run for POTUS and then went to the Senate, odd contradiction.

Nixon, LBJ, Al Gore, Mondale and Humphrey had all been in the Senate but were also Veep, a better credit on their resumes.  Some were even in the House too.  JFK was in the House and the Senate before becoming POTUS.  Ford was only in the House before becoming Veep.  Biden, Obama, Truman, McCain, Kerry, Dole, McGovern and Goldwater made the national level via the Senate.  So did Hillary but, well, you know...

So since 1944, 2 candidates (2 R) won without prior government experience and 6 more (3 D, 3 R) won without being in the Senate.  If we pretend Biden actually won, 6 victorious POTUS candidates (5 D, 1 R) had been in the Senate, whether or not they’d been Veep.  1 came from the House (1 R).  4 candidates (2 D, 2 R) lost without ever being in the Senate and 9 more lost despite their Senate background. (7 D, 2 R)

Obviously this is simplified just to define and count the candidates, never mind winning or losing.  But what strikes me is that there must be some concept for the Senate which I’m not sure anyone even comprehends nowadays but clearly existed for a reason.

The House runs for reelection every two years, the Senate gets to skip six years.  I like that numerical simplicity, giving the Senate a sense of authority and not having to deal with voters.  Yes, we can see major problems, but the concept itself is quite nice.  We also see those who spend decades there become mind-bogglingly full of themselves.  I always cite John Kerry who spent almost 30 years as the *junior* Senator.

I’ve never been a supporter of the arguments for limited terms, precisely because it lets such creatures waddle through their own feces for life.  It costs us something, true, but the alternative would be to have them just pick their replacements as subordinates.  People who would do that don’t care about elections in the first place and people who think they’re qualified to be Senator would rather get all the attention forever.

05 October, 2022

If I knew then what I know now, I'd have asked why I didn't learn it earlier.  But I don't so I won't.

□ [“ICAN Wins Lawsuit Forcing CDC to Turn Over V-SAFE Covid Vaccine Injury Data – Shows 7.7% Seek Medical Care After Vaccination and 25% Have Serious Side Effects”]

10 million people signed up for the CDC system and over 700,000 needed medical care from that poisonous vaccine?  But the CDC didn’t put this information out to the public until they were sued multiple times.  How much more proof do you need that they’re actively trying to kill as many people as possible?

Any sensible organization would have immediately called out "STOP DOING THIS UNTIL WE FOUND WHAT THE PROBLEM IS!”  But our rulers kept that secret.  That’s how they define protecting people?  That’s what they consider safety?

This is a death-worshipping cult!  We need to start planning how we’re going to survive and fight back.  The rulers won’t let that happen if they get any say.

They may be preparing for Halloween.  Everything has seemed very quiet-yet-creepy lately.  My neighborhood’s been putting up Halloween decorations up for weeks.  That’s strange but the signal is being put out for everyone to notice.

If they’re going to worship devils, this is the right time of year.

Just a random thought, but maybe Republicans should just follow the Democrats’ example and bring large bags full of votes in next month.  Democrats can’t pronounce themselves the winners and when they complain, Republicans can say ‘you do it too!’

I’m sure it wouldn’t work but there has to be a way to keep them from imposing still-more tyranny.  But they didn’t get to be Republican leaders by having guts.

□ [“Biden Falsely Tells Hurricane Ian Victims Lightning Destroyed Most of His Home”]

So he was raised and educated by the black church, and the Puerto Rican community.  He went to shul more than most Jews have and regularly claims his house was mostly destroyed by lightning in 2004, though it was actually a small kitchen fire.  No wonder he gets to decide who is or isn’t black, they just have to obey him.

He’s been allowed to go out more the last several months.  Not just since he got the virus (twice) but even before that.  It was like the people in charge realized that it didn’t make him look good to be locked away like they did in 2021.  This doesn’t really help but it probably means something to the people who are actually there.

I noticed the Nord Stream pipeline issue hasn’t been mentioned for the last few days, nor has the actual railway workers voting on the train strike.  So Europe won’t have energy this winter and train workers will just keep doing long hard work with no help?

□ [“US Veteran Working on the Ground in Ukraine:  There Is No Evidence of the Billions in US Dollars Sent to Ukraine – Not Seeing Any Relief”]

This is from a squad of veterans who supposedly rescue people now.  They saved several thousand in Afghanistan recently, now they’re in Ukraine.  It’s basically proof that the money is just pumped through for laundering, it’s just not clear for who.

It would be easy enough to say the money is funding the devil-worshipping community to expand their influence across the world.  Maybe that’s true, it’s what I’d bet on, but what the hell are they doing with it?  For that matter, does it mean Russia and Ukraine are actually opponents or is this just a show they’re putting on for the masses?

□ [“White House ‘Having a Spasm and Panicking’ as OPEC Agrees to Cut of 2 Million Barrels/Day”]

Then there’s this.  Assuming it’s true, shouldn’t our rulers be happy with less oil?  That’s the point!  It’s not a problem for OPEC, they can still provide fuel for customers world-wide.  If the US and Europe overthrow our rulers, the oil will still be there.

But the Treasury Department calls this a “total disaster” and a “hostile act”?  WTF are they smoking?  It’s a “hostile act” to not do what the US doesn’t want them to do because it would kill the earth?  Hostile against who?

Things like this make me think the world isn’t as completely dominated by our masters as they want to think, or want us to believe.  OPEC is doing exactly what our masters claim to want, leftists should be applauding them, but where are they?

At some level our masters must know that their global warming nonsense is a complete falsehood, it’s really all about seizing power and forbidding the peasants to use fuel.  They’ll maintain a minimal amount of oil coming in to make themselves happy.  A little more iffy is what the intention was for this lie.  Were they trying to bribe OPEC with price-increases?  Would that keep them from going over with BRICS?

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