Saturday, October 15, 2022


11 October, 2022

□ [“Muhammad/Mohammed/Mohammad Top Baby Boy Name in UK”]

Those Brits sure like honoring a slave-owner, it’s not any liberal will complain.  That would require them to live up to what they pretend to believe in.

This supports the invasion their leaders have been doing for decades.  Muslims have always been able to use the infidel, this is one more step on world-conquest.

□ [“‘Progressive Policing’ In Action – Washington Criminals Call 911 While Fleeing From Police Because the State’s Woke Laws Prevent Officers From Pursuing Them”]

Those in charge won’t do anything about the people who break the laws.  This must be a world-wide conspiracy, these lunatics could never have taken power otherwise.

□ [“Planned Parenthood Cartoon Encourages Children To Get On Lethal Puberty Blockers If They Feel Transgender:  The Drugs ‘Work Like A Stop Sign’”]

Notice that the most eager supporters of Muslim invaders are those making this horrific monstrosity happen, their true motivation all these years.  If I’m right and leftists are ‘self-identifying as Republicans’ to sweep next month’s elections, they’ll get to impose even more of this.  As it is, not too many of our rulers who claim to disagree with the left will actually do anything to stop them.

I’m reluctant to say this actually is ‘demon worship’ but whatever demons there are must be very happy with this.  Those who *do* worship demons are also taking full advantage of it, imposing this everywhere they possibly can.

How long have they been doing this?  Well, that may be a pointless question, the demons operate on a different time scale.  There’s also no benefit to thinking about them but my point remains the same, those who rule us use these monsters for get that far.

□ [“French Politician and Ex-Presidential Candidate Jean Lasalle Says COVID Vaccine Nearly Killed Him – Claims Macron and Others Faked their Vax Status”]

Then there’s this.  It’s completely believable, that’s the problem.  Even if we believe otherwise, we cannot conceive of a mentality to actively spread this poison to so many millions of people.  Even if they’re really doing that, we just can’t comprehend it.

Yet there’s no concern about all the young healthy people suddenly dying of heart problems.  Nobody shows any interest in that, much less concern.

□ [“Here We Go:  Biden Covid Czar Says Pandemic Not Over”]

So his boss was blatantly lying, which sets the example for this guy.  His boss had a plan to end the pandemic, was that a lie too?

This is one of those examples to give the impression these people don’t pay any attention to each other.  You’d think someone somewhere would have enough sense to make sure these very simple claims don’t contradict each other.  Yet here they are.

Or the pandemic won’t end until Biden is elected POTUS, that would explain it.

12 October, 2022

It's good to keep a down man hard

□ [“Despite Previous Claims, Pfizer Director Tells EU Hearing Vaccine Never Tested for Transmission”]

Europeans are required to carry an “unvaccinated” passport regarding a poison that was never tested.  She’ll tell the EU but not the US.

It’s like their explicit goal is to reduce as much population as possible and given who all’s in on this, it also seems likely they aimed it at whites.  They’ll lie about testing the vaccine and the rulers are exempt, it’s not like they’d stick to the truth elsewhere.

□ [“U.S. Army Identifies 18-Year-Old Soldier Found Dead in Her Barracks, Cause of Death Unknown”]

A young barracks soldier found dead used to just be some tragedy and everyone moved on.  Now we take it as a given that it’s enemy action imposed by her superiors.  Can’t be heavy drinking or suicide or anything like that or they’d say so off the bat.

□ [“Biden Shamelessly Claims His Son Beau Died in Iraq”]

What the hell?  Beau deployed to Iraq in 2008.  He died of brain cancer at Walter Reed, Maryland in 2015.  This is...  I can’t even qualify it as lying, senility or even just repeating what he’s told to say.  It’s too ludicrous to even meet any of those standards.

And the people who support this want to punish others for “disinformation”?  This may be an indication of what they really want, to flat-out ignore the truth no matter what and not put up with any complaints.  They’ll decide the standards for everybody.

That’s who our enemies are, anyone who puts up with this guy.  He doesn’t know where or how his son died so he’ll make up anything, and that’s the *best* explanation.

□ [“Biden Says He Taught Family to Ski in Colorado, Climbed the Grand Canyon ‘From the River Up’”]

The people actually in charge are probably doing this deliberately to show off ignoring reality as much as they want.  At worst, they aren’t blamed, Biden is.  For all we know, Beau was sacrificed to the demons and this was just an excuse they told the media.

□ [“California makes it illegal for doctors to disagree with politicians”]

Specifically it’s about the virus but in a very short time, it’ll be expanded to gender mutilation and everything else the ruler don’t want to be disagreed with.  They know more about everything than the people who actually do anything.

Another example, his spokesman just said that disposable income was up and gas prices were down.  Is she lying or does she just have no clue what life is actually like for the several hundreds of millions of people she supposed to “inform”?

There’s an old joke about tyrants limiting everything to two categories, what’s forbidden and what’s mandatory.  Yet that’s the direction they’re going here.

□ [“Boom, boom!  Out go the lights!”]

France is turning the Eiffel Tower lights off.  One of the world’s most notable sights and it ends after sunset.  If that isn’t symbolic of our masters, I don’t know what is.

They’re doing this across Europe and the US.  The Federal Reserve is “loaning” $3.1 billion to the National Bank of Switzerland which needs the money for some reason.  Things like this really make it look like the Russia/Ukraine thing was always part of the plan to give the rulers an excuse to shut electricity off and make their people suffer.

By the way, I haven’t seen any reports on Ukraine without electricity.  Maybe a few comments about Russia being totally defeated as we’ve heard all year.  We’ve given $54 billion so far, how long until Ukraine’s rulers vote themselves another raise?

China and Russia have been working together for a long time, they signed their first treaty 333 years ago, in 1689.

I’m still working on my history project.  Don’t really have much to say, this is more of a note-to-self, but the late-1600s seem to be one of those crucial times in history.  I try to avoid paying much attention to specific people or events but enough comes through to make it look like the world was shaking up in very similar ways to today.

That’s the basic nature of history.  We move in a certain direction that we’ll never see that it all means.  The frustration makes it understandable for people to refuse belief in God.  Of course I was easy.  I realized one day that if there is a God, it’s better to believe in Him than not, and if there is no God, it doesn’t matter if you believe.  Simple as that, four options and belief in God was the best of the lot.

I’m not a big fan of organized religion.  I think God (and the adversary) work through every single individual in existence on a much more complicated level than we can remotely perceive.  Scripture is essentially a discussion between them, which is why it’s been so inspirational for so long for so many of us, with all our differing opinions.

But no matter how true it is, we each have to live our own lives.  That’s why I’ve always been so interested in history, just to see what the debate was like at different eras, even though I can only perceive the smallest fraction (and these days, not even that.)

13 October, 2022

All I needed was a title for this essay and my plans would be complete.  Curses, foiled again!

Unlikely, but it’s possible Biden’s comment about his son dying in Iraq will actually prove his incompetence.  I assume they’ll wait until next month’s elections are stolen, but being so wrong about his son’s death is too big a deal to ignore.

This encourages others to look at what else he’s said.  We’re closer to nuclear armageddon now than we’ve been since 1962.  That means we are closer today than a month ago, or a year ago, or when he took office, much less during Trump’s Presidency.  Yet Trump’s the one they claimed wanted to start WWIII?

You can’t have it both ways.  You don’t die in a place you left seven years earlier.  It’s like having a car accident today and blaming a drunk driver two years ago, if you’re stupid enough to say that, you shouldn’t be in charge of anything.

But Biden isn’t in charge of anything.  His own staff ignored him when he said the pandemic was over.  And I’m just citing things he’s said in the last month or so, never mind his role in the civil rights movement or career as a truck-driver.

Will the media erase any reports on Beau’s death they made in 2015?  If they didn’t report his death in Iraq, they can be charged with “disinformation.”  It’s yet another scene from 1984 put to life, making up someone’s death in a warzone to hide the re-writing of history about whoever we’re at war with.

I’ve always wondered about Beau’s death.  Biden was the obvious candidate for 2016, a sitting-Veep who’d already tried to run for POTUS twice.  Hillary could have been Veep but if Biden was an option, a one-term Senator/Secretary of State had no chance whatsoever of winning the primaries no matter who she was married to.

But suddenly Biden had a reason to not run for POTUS, what a coincidence.

Also, he’s usually seen blatantly reading from notes, was he doing that here?  Whoever writes the notes told him to say Beau died in Iraq and Biden obeyed, or did they just tell him to mention Beau’s death and he has no clue where that happened?

But nobody in the media gets paid to ask for this to be explained.

□ [“Saudi Arabia Foreign Ministry:  Biden Tried to Coerce Us to Cut Oil Prices Until Midterm Election”]

He tried to collude with a foreign country to affect an election..  Democrats have spent years demanding that the POTUS be impeached for a phone call like that.  But now they’ve done a complete 180, it’s totally fine to deal with foreign nations to help win elections, it’s only lowering the price of earth-killing fuel for a whole month.  Why even bother, they’ve already got enough votes to win next month and they’ll just get more?

But if Saudi Arabia doesn’t give in – which they can’t, Saudi is only one of the 23 OPEC+ members – then the US will cut off any other federal support.  Such as military aid in the war they’ve been involved in for several years.

Making a threat, all because they don’t help you in an election.  This shows that Democrats are entirely confident they’ll win.

□ [“Supreme Court Denies Trump Request to Intervene in Mar-a-Lago Raid Case”]

□ [“January 6 Committee Unanimously Votes to Subpoena Trump”]

□ [“Biden White House Advisors on Accelerating Inflation:  Everything is Moving in the Right Direction”]

This is deliberate, it’s what they wanted and needed to steal every election they could.  If this committee thought January 6 was such a big deal, why did they wait to subpoena Trump until the last minute?  Wouldn’t a show trial have made them look good?  Well, maybe if they have anything relevant, unlike all the other investigations.

Are people gathering more cash these days?  Obviously I have no evidence, it’s not like I can spy on people using the ATM (darn it ☹) but it seems like people are trying to get an extra 10 or 20 here or there as back-up cash when everything collapses.

That’s understandable.  It does sound tempting.  It would be help with trade for an immediate period if the electricity or the internet goes out.  If that happens, just take it as a given that whatever money we have online is gone forever, and then what will we do?

I’m not totally confident – which is why I haven’t done this – but I can’t see any obvious problems.  Potential problems, yes, forgery, dealing with people with no interest in money.  It wouldn’t work as a long-term solution but it makes sense for the short term.

□ [“United Nations weather agency head says Ukraine war may be a blessing for climate change efforts”]

We know.  That’s why you support it and one reason I suspect it’s was always an agreement with Russia.  You get to shut the US and Europe down and make the people suffer as much as possible, what could be better?  Putin is the hero in your eyes.

And he sides with China who produces all the solar panels so the climate will stay the same.  They’ll make more money, at least until the rest of us starve or freeze to death.

Haven’t heard much lately about the Russia/Ukraine thing.  Nobody’s claimed responsibility for the bridge bombing, not even the nation that has a postage stamp celebrating the bombing ready to release.  It’s the internet age, who knew government bureaucrats had nothing better to do than make envelope stamps?

Haven’t heard how Ukrainians are getting by on electricity either.  Haven’t even found any government officials promising to restore the climate-changing power system Russia bombed.  Just victory after victory for Ukraine.

It’s entirely possible our masters *are* at war with Putin and Russia.  They know everybody would believe them – at least everyone they take seriously – so Russia would just give in.  But (so far) that hasn’t happened, now all they can do is double-down.

The US military is busy adding genders, our rulers are going to need a draft if they really want to fight a country Congress has never declared war on.  And some Democrat somewhere may actually ask WTF at some point.  The rest of us already know but our rulers don’t take us seriously.  I’m sure we’ll still be subject to the draft though.  [But they should ban men from the draft as being too oppressive and violent.  Only other genders.]

Then again, Congress may declare war outright after they steal the elections.  I’m not locked to any of these viewpoints, just trying to get a glimpse of what I can.

14 October, 2022

The Last Dangerous Visions is finally released!!!

□ [“Biden Renews COVID Emergency for 90 Days After Saying COVID Ended”]

Just think, this guy said he had a plan to stop the virus on day one.  That was 632 days ago.  632 days before that was April 28, 2019, when the biggest news in the world was an Avengers movie, nothing to do with a virus killing large numbers of people.

Was he lying or just stupid?  What would have happened if he didn’t have a plan?  He could at least say ‘my plan was really bad and I didn’t know what I was talking about, nobody should listen to me.’  Or would that be too much like the truth?

This whole virus thing was an invented excuse to steal power.  No idea (yet) if the virus itself was created for this but the sheer unity of leftists refusing even the slightest coincidence says it is, not counting how they ignore the massive vaccine-death rate.

Everything they claim to oppose always becomes an excuse to seize more power.  The virus keeps us locked up, how horrible.  Russia invades Ukraine and gives them the excuse to ban gasoline, how horrible.  For some reason, Ukraine gives Hunter Biden money after the last Russian invasion, ignore that.  Trump calls Ukraine, impeach him.

□ [“European Public Prosecutor’s Office investigating COVID 19 vaccine acquisitions in the EU.”]

Our tyrants only know the US, naturally they act like tyrants.  But tyrants in other nations know what it’s like to not be on-top, because they aren’t the US.  At least there’s a splinter of hope that they can turn against our tyrants if they want to get anything done.

As always, my worry is that they’ll focus more on making their people suffer.  Eventually the rulers will turn against each other but we’ll all be dead by then.

We may never know how many were actively in on the poison-vaccine and who just followed orders.  At some point they’ll need to have a purge, the question is when and how.  They’ll still have to deal with our tyrants, and the rest of the world.

That’s why I think our rulers have a plan.  Might be a stupid plan which goes wrong in a million ways, but they’ve got something to start with, more than the rest of us.

□ [“Trump Releases Memo to J6 Un-Select Committee titled ‘PEACEFULLY AND PATRIOTICALLY’”]

If I were optimistic, I’d say there’s still a chance, they’ve got something planned.  Maybe they do, LTC Miller could still be handling things.  But I’m not optimistic.

It would be one thing if we at least had a direction to go in or a plan clearly in place.  That’s the reason I've been putting out pamphlets and booklets all year, trying to convince people we need to go on strike.  But we already know they’re going to steal as many elections as possible in a few weeks and then nothing can stop them.

We need a sign.  Maybe it can come from Trump but I’m ambivalent.  If Trump puts the message out, maybe it’s a good idea and we can unite, but I think it’d be better if people who aren’t Trump do this.  He can come out *with* them, whoever they are.

Which is the problem, we have nobody to follow.  That may be why so many Republicans turned against Trump.  They may be ending their own electoral chances (without cheating) but get to leave us in a position where we don’t know who to trust.

[Ok, that’s a point for local elections where it is ‘one of us’ taking office, but there’s still a trust and possible corruption problem.  Then there’s still the tyrants wiping out anything they want from local or state governments so those elections don’t matter.]

That’s why I recommend going on strike so we have to actually deal with others in our area who are doing the same thing.  We can work together and build something to defend from leftists.  Regardless, we need people who can unite us to take a stand.

15 October, 2022

Whoever put the bomp in the bomp-bomp-bomp, I will find you and I will cut you!

It’s been a few days, we still don’t seem to have heard much about Ukraine beating up Russia everywhere with one hand tied behind their back.  Nor do we know if Biden has bothered to learn when or where his son died.  You’d think somebody would at least make excuses, or just admit that there aren’t any to make.  But no, just silence.

How much more proof do you need that they’ve already stolen the next elections?

□ [“‘Those of You Who Think the Vaccine Kills People Can Use Me as a Test’ – Bodybuilding Icon and Author Doug Brignole Passes Away At 63”]

“Those of you who think the vaccine kills people can use me as a test.  If I die, you were right.  If I don’t die, and have no ill effects, you were wrong, and should admit it (at least to yourselves).  Better yet, you should admit that you were misled, and tell the world who misled you, so other people can benefit by avoiding those fearmongers.”

 – Doug Brignole, April 4, 2021

So, what do we get if we’re right?  Will you admit you were wrong, at least to yourself?  What will you be doing to benefit others?  Or is this a one-way thing and you’ll die never admitting any of that or helping others to avoid whatever killed you?

I’m a little ambivalent on this deal.  You’re rich and famous enough to mandate everyone must obey you on something you might be wrong about.  At the very least, we need to know who misled you.  Will you just be happy the virus didn’t kill you?

Let us know, I’m really not sure I want to agree to this deal.

Apparently a railroad union has rejected the deal, they may still go on strike.  Just get it over with, obviously neither side has anything to gain from postponing the inevitable, nor do they have enough to offer.  The workers need more help to do their jobs and the companies have to stay afloat in this economy.  The government will only make things worse because they insist on pretending the economy is good.

Also 15 October, 2022

I think "individualism" and "collectivism" are more close to being accurate. It's not self-love, it's that the individual can distinguish between 'this is what I do' and 'this is everything else that has no connection to me.' The collectivist simply can't perceive that difference, everything is about them and vice versa.

At least the individual can recognize when he was wrong about something. 'Oh, that was actually relevant, I should have paid attention to it.' The collectivist can't even move in that direction. Everybody must be interested in whatever they are personally interested in.

And this is the fundamental explanation of why it never works, leftism, communism, whatever you call it.  You can't construct a building or perform brain surgery if you're uncapable of focusing on your own thoughts and actions.

There's only 24 hours in the day, many of which have to be spent on sleep, eat, poop, etc.  It's literally impossible to connect to everything but it *is* possible to delude yourself that you've done that and be surrounded by sycophants who agree with you.

As an example, take someone deluded enough to oppose the 24-hour day.  [I'm sure they exist, there've been people who oppose the 12-month year.]  You can design and follow your own clock with however many hours you want in a day, nobody will stop you.  You will need to be able to translate that when communicating with people who recognize 24 hours, if you want anybody to understand you.

But that's not what the people opposed to a 24-hour day would do.  They would demand everyone else obey their superior measurement of time or be punished.  The relevance of how many hours should be in a day is completely irrelevant compared to imposing their fantasy on others.  It wouldn't even build a working clock which would require an individual capable of building one.

That's as good of an explanation as any of the 'what' they're doing, but it still doesn't get to the 'why.'  We see depressing news headlines every day about their latest attempt to impose this delusion on everybody, particularly children, but it needs to start somewhere before it can be spread around the world.

The best explanation I can think of is 'children who never grew up.'  They made a point of associating with the same type as they grew older and thanks to the modern age, can make a good living that way.  That would definitely explain a lot and be able to cover for generation-after-generation that just becomes more insane.

I'd be able to go with that as 99% of the explanation needed.  It just seems like at some point even these creatures have to recognize when they make a mistake and given that they remain in groups, that would need to be shared with the group.

As always, the military is the example I cite.  The collective unit *is* the point, the individual is expendable.  But the military specifically learns from its mistakes and has long-known how the individual works.

The most obvious example is how they work to solve problems at the lowest level, precisely so higher-ranking people don't get involved.  It saves time for the higher-ups to focus on their own tasks.  It's also respectful to the individual being punished by people who know him and know what he did or didn't do wrong and anything else that's relevant.

Yes, it's more complicated and more things can go wrong, but (a) that's reality and (b) the individuals involved are able to perceive this.  Having to ignore reality to show how 'woke' one is is the best way to ruin anything and the military needs people who can actually survive face-to-face combat.  You can't do both no matter how much you try.

Even outside of the military, one would think there are problems with perpetuating this insanity and never becoming adults, or self-identifying, whichever.  And maybe there are.  To the extent these creatures actually look for work, they aim for jobs that don't require any real product, the media or the human resources department.  Individually it's possible for them to grow up but the collective remains dominant.

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