Friday, October 21, 2022


16 October, 2022

This is a nuclear war against the nuclear family.

□ [“It Begins… Netherland Schools Serve Mealworms and Insects to Save Planet from Global Warming”]

The only reason to eat bugs is to avoid dying of starvation.  No sane person would do that any other time.  That’s why our rulers are getting rid of any other options.  You’d expect the rich and famous could show off how they eat nothing but bugs but we’d believe that about as much as we believe them getting the so-called vaccine.

Stuff like this makes me think ‘demon worship’ is really a thing.  How else could you explain imposing this insanity on everybody else?  Clearly they picked 'eating bugs' as a solution and then worked out a problem to be solved that way.

□ [“Climate Activists Vandalize Luxury Car Aston Martin Dealership to Protest Oil Production”]

These insane children are sent to torment as many people as possible.  I gotta admit, I don’t have a clue why they can’t just be shot.  Use a stun-gun if you insist, but whatever.  Or at least drag them into an alley and beat them up.

That’s probably what the rulers are waiting for, an excuse to crack down entirely on anyone they don’t like.  I just don’t see any other down-side at this point.  It will start sooner or later, just get it over with so these obedient tormenters have to find something else to do with their lives.  What’ll they do, practice their religion?  Not happening.

Will there be a run on the banks?  Probably, one more thing to worry about.  I’ve said things about the economy falling apart and expecting our rulers to just turn the internet off, but at least that would effectively shut everything down, no money coming or going.  I hadn’t considered a bank run, which would create problems that start massive and just get bigger and bigger as more people are affected.

The economy just keeps falling.  They’ll release details on the third quarter any time now and our rulers still won’t admit that we’re in a recession.  If they can, they’ll probably just fake the news so they can say how happy we are.

□ [“Pope Calls for ‘New Economic System’ to Guarantee ‘Food, Health, Economic and Social Rights’”]

Which he sure won’t provide for his people.  He just gives orders, nothing else.

Doing it his ways, you get to eat bugs, you own nothing and aren’t allowed to say anything, the government pumps all the poison into you.  This has nothing to do with Catholicism, it’s the leftist religion.  They do it to gain more followers.

I definitely think they’ll try something for Halloween.  Maybe as a religious attempt to summon demons, maybe just a side activity while stealing the elections.  But I’ve seen lot more Halloween signs up than usual and they started a lot earlier.

□ [“New York Congressional Candidate Stars in Porn Video in Order to Show ‘Sex Positive’ Campaign”]

He needs you to see his dick.  He added a famous porn star for flavoring, but it’s all about making sure you see his dick.  If he doesn’t, he can’t gain power.

Is this part of the demon cult?  Is it his own individual perversion?  Is it just something everyone who goes along with our rulers is required to do?  Does it matter?

This is where I can suspect (hope) there’s actually a plan, the left got to steal the 2020 elections so that we’d actually be ready for them by 2022 after seeing how they are.

I’ve said this before but I think that’s how we handled the Iraqi elections, whether or not there was actual cheating.  Extremist Muslims were allowed to win so that Iraqis would be united against them after a year or two.  But there were US forces in charge at the time.  No matter how restrained we were, Iraq knew it couldn’t get us too mad.

But now our rulers are the ones cheating with that level of force.  I’d really like to think people on our side are working at that level with plans but I’d also like some sort of evidence.  Even if Republicans miraculously win most of the elections, there’s nothing to show that they’ll be actual right-wingers.  Things will just continue to get worse.

We need more than that, something that can’t by the enemy or stolen and turned to dust.  Short of an act of God (which I often pray for) we need an organized resistance.  The people need hope, either in support of the resistance or forming their own.  Otherwise, nothing will stop our rulers from pumping more poison into our bodies.

They’ll keep us at their puppets and pets.  Nothing they do is to help us, only to follow their own whims.  In a few years, those of us who are left may be wishing they’d gotten the vaccine because they envy the dead so much.

17 October, 2022

My cult can beat your cult!

□ [“Peter Strzok to MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace: ‘9/11 is Nothing Compared to January 6’”]

That’s true, 9/11 was an actual disaster which killed thousands of people, shaking our nation and the free world down to its core.  January 6 is a made-up problem with fewer damaged buildings or injured people than your average leftist riot.

This is the most insane example (so far) of leftist fantasy and they’ll send men with guns to impose their will on anyone who doesn’t believe in it.  That’s cult-like behavior, focusing on imaginary foes at the expense of everyone who actually exists.

Which is what the media is here for.  They’re only interested in people with nothing more important in their lives, they’ll just watch a lying womanizer claim that the effort required to take over, fly, aim and crash multiple airplanes simultaneously means nothing compared to... whatever people were doing on January 6.

□ [“Grandpa Felonyfingers Grabs a Clearly Uncomfortable Child From Behind to Get In a Quick Sniff”]

The article cites Biden claiming to apologize for putting his hands on little girls’ bodies wherever he wants without permission, I didn’t know that.  I’d never heard of Biden ever admitting that was wrong and he’d never do it again.  Obviously Biden can’t tell the truth but I’d never heard of him saying that in the first place.  He can do whatever he wants to children’s bodies, they don’t get a vote in the matter.

It's like forcing your daughter to take showers with you, she has to obey.  Biden did exactly that but it’s not clear if this was before or after her mental illness and drug addiction.  You know me, I won’t jump to conclusions until we have all the facts.

Notice all the sex-with-children supporters have been much more aggressive about it since Biden started self-identifying as POTUS.  269 public school teachers have been arrested for sex with children since January.  That’s just those who got caught, you think they have any co-workers who oppose the idea?  Not likely.

Whatever their self-proclaimed goals are, sticking it into kids always becomes the first target.  This lines up with the ‘we can do anything we want’ mentality which lets you make up your brand-new gender.  No one can stop you, not even reality.  None of these people ever think they might go too far.  They’d be banished if they dared to say that.

Remember a minor scene in The Fountainhead where (villain) Ellsworth Toohey watches his people babble nonsense about the novels or plays they’re working on.  “Diversity” always comes down to that, Ayn Rand just wasn’t thinking about skin color.

□ [“South Africa Confirms Saudi Arabia Will Join BRICS Alliance with China and Russia”]

Another country will be basing their transactions on the yuan, not the dollar.  These are nations which produce and use oil, coal and related energy sources, unlike our rulers.  Our masters think printing more dollars will help, as will denying the recession.  But we’re not the ones they’re interested in helping.

Do the rulers work for China or for someone else who does?  Are they just doing their own thing and China/Russia/etc. make plans accordingly?  Do these questions matter or can we just say ‘screw it, everything's a mess’ and that’s all we need to know?

What do we expect to fall apart first after the elections are stolen?  Food?  Gas?  The internet?  The economy in general?  Guns?  War?  We can’t wait until then to start an underground movement, much less until winter.  Good or bad, the enemy already has plans in place which puts them at least a step further down the line.

18 October, 2022

Are we having fun yet?  If not, you will be shot.  Twice.

□ [“Seattle Cop-Hating City Council Marxist Wants Police Protection, Vandals Hurl Sh*t at Her Home”]

She’s special, she deserves what she opposes other people having.  She isn’t even injured but she’s the one who matters, at least according to her.  You have to obey.

Leftists never notice the hypocrisy of demanding special treatment.  Then again, for all we know, she faked the attacks just to show how she’s an elite.  Or maybe not, it would require too much self-awareness to damage one’s own home just to call the police.

□ [“Australia Is Now Offering to Pay for Your Funeral if the Forced COVID Jab Kills You"]

“We killed you so we’re going to pay for your funeral.  That’s now nice we are.”

This is how totalitarianism works, so self-absorbed that they never bother asking why they murdered people.  Just see how nice and kind they are to not charge the victims or their families any money to get rid of the body.  Nothing wrong with that and they’ll punish anyone offended that the government forced this to happen in the first place.

The families probably do have to sign paperwork saying that the drugs they were required to take have nothing to do with the deaths, or at least that they won’t sue.  The government does a better job protecting itself than it does protecting its citizens.

“Vaccinated people do not carry the virus, don't get sick.”

 – Rochelle Walensky, CDC director, March 29, 2021

“When people are vaccinated, they can feel safe they will not be infected.”

 – Anthony Fauci, NIAID director, May 21, 2021

“You're not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations.”

 – Joe Biden, July 21, 2021

They were lying a year and a half ago.  That’s not needed if you’re looking after people’s safety, but that’s not what they do.  I’m not totally convinced this was deliberate from the start but the more we learn, the more deliberate it appears.  Just look at the timing, early-2020, as the left demanded the country be shut down and Trump replaced.

I’m still astounded by how many people still put cloth on their face like it’ll help, even when they’re walking or driving alone.  How can you fall for that after all this time?  It’s more believable to pretend you’re Antifa than anything else.

□ [“Groper Biden Locks Onto Little Girl at Campaign Stop – Squeezes Her Little Cheeks with His Fists”]

It’s been pointed out that he always goes straight for the target but I don’t think it’s like a ‘sixth sense’ or whatever term was used.  I think he’s just told that when he finishes ‘the meal,’ whatever he’s doing at the location, this is what he’ll get for ‘dessert.’

On April 3, 2019, someone with Joe Biden’s name posted on Twitter:

"Social norms are changing.  I understand that, and I've heard what these women are saying.  Politics to me has always been about making connections, but I will be more mindful about respecting personal space in the future.  That's my responsibility and I will meet it.”

Does the person tweeting this even know what “personal space” means?  Joe Biden sure as hell doesn’t know or care.  Our rulers are actively showing how they despise basic decency and anyone who practices it, particularly aiming for children.

That could be why they picked Biden.  If you have any respect for the guy, let him go away and die peacefully.  But our rulers didn’t want to treat anyone like that.

□ [“Biden Destroying US/Saudi Arabia Relationship, Threatening Them for Not Meeting His Demands”]

Are they just trying to start a war against all the oil-producing nations?  That actually seems believable.  Not that it’s the only motivation or even that it lines up with other motivations, but I could see a part of leftists actively wanting this war to happen.

Despite all the decades of supporting America’s enemies, many of our rulers just assumed they’ll be totally victorious, being in control of the most powerful nation in history, despite doing their best to destroy it.  They’ve also lined up with others who want to destroy us, Iran, China, Russia, etc. but they know how to handle idiots like our rulers.

Furthermore, many Muslims around the world also want to destroy Saudi Arabia, or at least take over, like Iran, shi'ite and even other sunnis.  They’re pushing their own agenda but there’s also the self-appointed New World Order with their own plans.  Then there’s other leftist twats, as well as those who self-identify as Republicans.  They’ve got their own schemes too.  These probably all fall into a few groups but they refuse to accept that and so their masters have to treat them accordingly.

I heard some of Peter Strzok’s comments today, dismissing people who don’t think January 6 was a big deal.  He insisted there were actually many levels of conspiracy going on.  I assumed he was just projecting his own views onto others, typical leftism, but it made me wonder how many different conspiracies there could actually be fighting amongst our tyrants.  Of course they’ll hide this to the public but behind-the-scenes they’re probably competing fiercely to control the puppet they put in the White House.

That probably won’t help us but it’s believable.  I do keep insisting that our leftist rulers do have a plan.  That’s true, but we shouldn’t forget that they have at least as many internal struggles as the rest of us.  You and I can disagree and we’ll each go our own way.  They’re stuck together *and* they have to keep it hidden from us, other allies and from real enemies.  They’ aren’t starting off with sanity and this doesn’t help.

19 October, 2022

If you hate yourself and want to die, be sure to get the vaccine.

□ [“Biden Releases Another 15 Million Strategic Reserve Barrels of Oil For Midterm Elections”]

As always, I assume the elections are already stolen so this has nothing to do with that.  The strategic reserve is for the military in the event of an actual emergency so the point is probably to make sure it’s unavailable when it’s really needed.

The negative side is obvious, the military has less to fall back on.  Our masters see nothing wrong with that but how can it remotely benefit anybody else?  The military can have food in some sealand but giving that to hungry people won’t make a difference to the rest of us, so what does the oil do?  The media will say how wonderful it is but they just show their irrelevance to what’s actually going on.

It must about the chain-of-command for the reserve and the decision-making process, to order for replacements and the funding for them.  There has to be some contact with the rest of the oil industry, setting an example for them, but what?

And isn’t it strange that those who claim we’re at war with Russia see nothing wrong with throwing our military supplies away?  Those are kinda necessary in a real war, but Congress has never voted on this so they ignore it.  Because WAR an’ stuff...

This really comes off as some sort of play but it’s not clear who they're staging it for.  Our rulers assume we’re fooled by it but their side seems to be the only ones who really fall for it.  That leads back to asking what’s the point of all this?  Remember, they also want to *ban* fossil fuel, how does that fit into their war scenarios?

□ [“'No!  It’s Not!’  Biden Visibly Irritated When Asked if Releasing Reserve Oil is Politically Motivated”]

Why is he suddenly allowed to talk to people?  I thought the point was to keep him as far away as possible.  Is someone trying to make him look competent, or at least coherent?  What’s the point?  The only people who’d believe whatever he says are the ones who want to get rid of oil and invent their own genders.

So there’s about 2 ½ weeks left until the next stolen elections.  Which Democrats will get more votes than any candidate in history?  Is anything being done to stop them?

What ‘before, during and after’ plans does the enemy have?  ‘Before’ is probably simple, forge votes.  If actual votes for non-Democrats arrive, they can be thrown away.  They’ll also take advantage from the virus, Russia and Biden’s promise to ban gasoline.

‘During,’ the main point would be to keep their theft from being discovered.  They longer they make elections last, the more time they have for fraud, but there’s also more chances of being caught.  ‘After,’ they throw out any votes that aren’t for them.

The party in charge doesn’t win midterms so I think that’s what Democrats are aiming for this time.  That way they can double down for the next two years as well as guarantee victory in 2024 even if Biden’s corpse is at the top of the ticket.

□ [“CDC Passes Initial Vote for COVID Vaccine for VCF Program Including 6-Month-Old Babies”]

Other countries are refusing to pump the poison into children but our rulers insist on that.  Only one side actively imposes death late-term abortion.  Europe actually has an advantage in that it’s below us as tyrants, so they have automatic reaction to that.

None of these government officials have to worry about winning elections.  They don’t even notice the contradiction of pumping this poison into children without any permission while kids can make up their own genders.  Nobody’s permitted to disagree.

They are actively imposing depopulation, always part of leftism whether they admit it or not.  At this point, they’re close to honesty about the need for human sacrifice.

20 October, 2022

I'm stopping with the man in the mirror.  Where's the hot chick in the mirror?

□ [“Switzerland to Destroy 10 Million Doses of Expired Moderna’s COVID-19 Shot Worth $285 Million"]

They're throwing money away.  They could have not-purchased that poison and the result would be exactly the same, except for the extra money they would have.

This indicates that the point is to waste money.  They could set it on fire for the same result, although that would be a little too obvious.  This way the rulers can yammer on about how much they care, they'll help themselves to people's money to buy some worthless chemicals and then throw the chemicals away.  The company that makes the chemicals also profits, nice coincidence.

And Moderna has said that only vulnerable adults should take the vaccine, others don't need to.  Which contradicts the CDC making it mandatory for everyone.  Which side is spreading "disinformation"?  Are they working for Russia?

□ [“UK Prime Minister Liz Truss Resigns After Just 45 Days in Office"]

That was fast.  I didn't pay much attention so I couldn't tell if she was a hardcore leftist or actually bucking the system to do something sensible.  Either way, I think she set a record for the shortest term of any PM in British history.  Then again, she's also the first PM to have no white people on staff except her.  No wonder they made her quit.

If you trust polls, they're making Republicans look very good for the elections.  *If* you trust polls.  There are also news articles about Democrats being worried, even saying they've dropped funding for 'safe seats' to give money to 'safer seats.'

Or maybe they've got the votes tallied for the safe seats, now they pay people to take care of the safer seats. Is there any point where there should be concern about the election? Or will the losers just shrug and say 'oh well, better luck next time'? Because Democrats don't do that when they lose.

□ [“Has the media told you about the massive protests happening all over Europe right now?"]

No, it hasn't.  This article was dated the 17th but it covers protests against the food and energy crisis in Paris, Brussels, Berlin and Stuttgart.  That is a good sign, these people don't want to suffer for Ukraine.  They didn't ask for it or vote for it, their masters just pushed this onto them and winter is coming.

One gets the impression that, like the virus, the Russia/Ukraine thing is just an excuse for our rulers to impose more tyranny on us.  They already self-identify as a 'New World Order' and seek to wipe out the concept of the individual.

One thing I've noticed, still trying to work it out, but these rulers always blame the lower classes or ranks for everything.  'The buck stops here' is something they completely oppose, it's always the media who didn't tell the public what the rulers wanted them to hear, it's always subordinates who didn't get things organized.

Like I say, I'm still trying to figure out what this means or how it works, but the whole point of freedom is that lower-ranks can just ignore you because they're responsible for their own lives.  Just because there are people who have more money or authority in their jobs doesn't have to stop them, they're free to ignore you.  But that's what our masters oppose.

Also 20 October, 2022

Be sure to keep your nearest and dearest close by so you can stab them.

□ [“Man Attacked by Assailant Wielding Samurai Sword in a Ninja Suit at Manhattan Subway Station"]

□ [“LAPD Officer Tasers Man Who Slashed His Own Mother with Samurai Sword"]

An increasing number of attacks like this, just random psychos going after anybody around.  I think this is part of the rulers' assault on us, but it's also just a natural response by people who've been broken.  We all have our limits and this is the way the master wants it.  Is it ignorance or are they hoping we'll beg them for protection?

Carrying a gun would be much better protection, but of course the rulers don't want that.  For us, anyway, not for them.  They're special, they get to be surrounded by men with guns.  This will make it easier to impose their will on the rest of us.

□ [“'Bidenflation' Rises to 12.8% as Americans Are Watching Their Paychecks and Savings Disappear"]

If this wasn't what they wanted, they'd call it a 'recession,' but it is so they don't.  Of course they blame businesses for raising prices.  Businesses are owned and run by individuals who have to pay attention to what's going on in their lives.  Our rulers want them to obey the collective, which they rule.

I think they're going to hit us on the internet.  We've all been using it for decades and those who came after Generation X have known nothing else.  All they have to do is shut it off and very few people will know any way to do anything with their lives.  Paychecks, bills, bank accounts, entertainment, news, communication, it's all there.

Those in charge of internet companies are all rich leftists.  They'll always turn to the government for absolute power.  There's no reason to think they won't shut off our access any time they see a reason.

There's an argument to be made that it's the world rulers who are falling apart and the recent misery is desperation on their part.  I would like to agree with that, I just don't see any reason to.  The resignation of the British PM after a month and a half suggests that the 'deep state' thought she was too incompetent to help.  Maybe, but why would they learn anything from this?  They'll just find a replacement of the same type.

The left has been aiming for this all along.  The internet made them expand it to cyberspace as well as encourage their delusions.  Since we were all brand-new to the concept, it affected us, some more than others.  The rulers have advanced on it.  And to a large extent, none of us have a clue what we'd do without it.

21 October, 2022

We're not going to make it another two years.

Is there going to be any point where anyone connected to our rulers, or even the media, start wondering why this large number of deaths has been happening all year?  They pretended to be so concerned about the possibility of death before they imposed the 'vaccine' on everyone.  What's changed?

If they were imposing a deadly poison on as many people as possible, what would they do differently?  Ignore the deaths?  Have no curiosity about the cause?  Ignore the survivors?  Celebrate how wonderful things are now that Trump's gone?  So it would be like what they're doing now.

And this just shows that it was deliberate.  No curiosity about any of it, their employers don't want to know.  None of them were forced to get the vaccine, that's how concerned they were about death.

□ [“Biden Lashes Out at Trump: 'Look What I’ve Inherited and Look What I’ve Done!'"]

We can see that just by going to the grocery store and seeing all the empty shelves and what remains costs a lot more.  We can see that by the way you use gasoline to go around and say you're going to ban gasoline and you don't even pay for it out of your own pocket.  We can see that by you admitting we're closer to nuclear war now than we were when you took office or any time since 1962.

You inherited none of that.  You've imposed it on the rest of us like you do with every little girl in the vicinity.  If there was any chance of a legitimate election, you'd have been the biggest loser in US history and anyone who supported you would realize that by now.  You didn't get here with any ability, you got it as a puppet for those who really want all this to happen to us.

How many people who were stupid enough to believe you had a plan to stop the virus on Day One still believe you?

So what are we going to do when they steal the elections?  Can't go to court, Biden will just ignore it.  Can't go to Congress, Nancy will just ignore it.  The goal has always been to make sure federal overrules state or local so we can't do that, they'll just pull out some bureaucracy paperwork that says they're in charge.

So what's the option, riots?  Only Democrats can get away with those, otherwise they'll send men with guns to stop the evil terrorists.  Business shutting down?  That's going to happen sooner-or-later but it'll cause a lot of pain for the business and the customers.  I always vote to go on strike but that has similar problems.

We need a resistance.  A way to provide and protect those on our side while having nothing whatsoever to do with our masters and whatever real people actually support them.  How do we maintain food, electricity and money?  How do we set up communications and transport for others?  How do we organize for employment?  I'll show up tomorrow to work on this but where do I go, who do I work for, how do I get paid?

Sad to say, Generation X is basically our last chance.  We're the only ones who had to grow up before, during and after the internet era started.  Everyone else is either too old to do much or too young to have learned anything except this.  Yes, I know there's a basic human nature born every generation which is what the left wants to erase, but I think that happens on a level we can barely perceive of, much less comprehend.  What I'm talking about is more about day-to-day existence.

I expect them to try shutting off printed money by the end of the year.  I'm positive that won't work but it will be unimaginable disaster for us and an opportunity to expand power for them.  So what are we going to do to resist it?  Sit and wait and hope nothing bad happens?

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