Thursday, November 10, 2022


07 November, 2022

If this is the last day of existence... I was right all along, pay up!

Really don’t have much tonight.  I’ve been working on the book as always but we’re just getting ready for tomorrow’s stolen elections.  The media is still promoting possible Democrat defeat, undoubtedly just building up tension for the amazing surprise comeback, however many days it takes to finally count the votes the way they want.

I’m sure sane people have made preparations to catch the thieves, who have also made plans to avoid being caught.  If this were a rational society, I’d be confident that true Americans will win.  But no, I don’t expect that anymore.

Tomorrow is a ‘blood moon’ eclipse, I’m sure all the witches will be out casting spells for that.  There may be some validity to witchcraft but I don’t think humans are capable of perceiving that that.  There’s also a lot of nonsense or willful corruption.

Government propaganda has recently been putting out how much safer Democrat-ruled cities are than everywhere else, except for murder.  The people this propaganda is aimed at never see any obvious issues with the analysis.

For instance, why is the murder rate so much higher in these Democrat-run cities?  Shouldn’t that get a lot of attention or is murder just not that important to the rulers?  Did the rapists and thieves all get promoted to murder so that’s why it’s changed?

Do the cops just ignore most crimes?  Because if cops don’t even bother to look into a crime, it doesn’t get counted by the statistics, thereby lowering the total number.  So what are the police doing in these cities?  They don’t stop crime, are they spending as much time counting murders as they spend counting votes?  They could just tell citizens to piss off and come back when you’ve been killed.

Some media has been suggesting that Biden might not always tell the absolute truth about some things.  CNN even tweeted a few facts that contradicted Biden:

Gas prices weren’t over $5 when Biden took office.  The Social Security hike isn’t a Biden achievement.  The Trump tax cut didn’t “only” go to the top 1%.  Biden didn’t cut the debt in half.  Biden didn’t get Congress to pass a law to forgive student debt.

Just think of all the voters who would have believed Biden if CNN hadn’t spoken up.  Who else could they turn to for the truth?  But tomorrow, CNN will report Biden’s great victories given to the nation and the world.  Their audience will just accept that.

□ [“24 Year-Old Shuts Down Major UK Highway, Demands End of Fossil Fuels, Says She’s the Victim”]

No matter what happens in tomorrow’s elections, the entire world is broken.  Every generation has its psychopathic self-absorbed lunatics but for most of history, they needed to actually learn something useful just to get food regularly.  Blame technology, but now a whole generation can be raised with this injected into their brains deliberately.

I’m sure that a lot of people don’t actually fall for this, hopefully a large majority, but face it, way too many do.  The people in charge want us to abort our children and if we don’t, they’d mentally poison them.  These creatures are the ones cutting down the world’s environment, making people suffer for our rulers’ self-approval.  Even all they do is block a highway, these beasts are the true servants of the true masters.

□ [“Scientist Discovers 100% of Global Warming Models Over-Predict Global Warming”]

They start by making up their desired results, then ignore any actual facts to impose this onto everyone else.  They always pick methods which will profit themselves from other people’s suffering.  That’s socialism/collectivism in action.

Collectivism is effectively centralization.  Authority all comes from a few.  The rulers don’t need to know the outcomes, just making decisions is good.  Obedience is expected and disobedience is punished, depending on law-enforcement competence.

This would explain the “new world order,” the ruling authority of those who united under their global warming theories to impose their decisions at our expense.

08 November, 2022

I'll stay up late tonight.  Maybe there’ll be another blood moon showing up!

I saw the ‘blood moon’ last night.  It was so sexy and if the moon’s bleeding, there’s no way she can get pregnant.  What?  Ok, I’ll start over.

Voting machine problems are coming in to show why Democrats and their media pets knew we’d have to wait a long time for vote counts.  None of that ability to count like there used to be, or counting machines that worked for the 19th and 20th centuries.

Were these machines ever checked in the last two years or did they just wait until election day to see if there are any problems?  As always, I cite the military, they don’t wait until battle to see how their weapons or equipment works, or even how to use it.

Do the rulers think this will work or is it part of the plan?  At least it helps our side if they’re too stupid to prepare anything, my big worry is that this is part of the scheme.  If nothing else, the country will get shut down for a week or three until they pull off the latest theft-of-the-century or until enough of us are willing to take it to the streets.

As expected, after a few quick stories, the news ends.  At best they have some bits about voting problems so we know the steal is still underway.  Obviously a fair election has nothing to report until winners or losers start showing up but that means there’s nothing else to do but wait for the bad news.  Then they’ll say the election is over. 

□ [“CNN Panel Shocked!  Exit Polls Spell Trouble For Democrats:  7 in 10 Voters Unhappy with State of Nation and Largely Negative on Biden"]

People who can actually think and know how manage the use of their time make sure to show up on election day to vote against this tyranny.  No matter how the elections are finally stolen, the media must be very stunned right now at the sight of so many people who clearly didn’t vote for the most popular POTUS in history.

They’re right there!  They showed up on time!  Fewer of them are willing to hide their discontent from the mass media like they usually do.  Ok, you’ll eventually get many bags full of votes late tonight or the next several days, but this is reported by people who actually believe in polls and their polls don’t make them look good.

□ [“Biden In Hiding, White House Calls a Lid; Marc Elias and the Democrat Machine Go For the Steal”]

Biden’s been sent to the basement, probably doesn’t even know what day it is.  It sounds like he’d been helping his party about as much as he helped the USA so even his masters won’t bother.  Haven’t heard from Harris, I guess talking about voters in public isn’t really her thing.  She prefers to approve of men in more private circumstances.

Biden doesn’t have a press conference set up, usually one is scheduled for the end of the election.  His people haven’t even decided when the votes will be finally counted?

Marc Elias shows the point, claiming Republicans “know if every eligible voter was allowed to cast a ballot and that it was counted accurately they’d lose.”  Just admit the outcomes are already prepared and this is just a dog-and-pony show for the rubes!

News from the east coast started to come in, all Republican victories so far.  Right now, I’d guess that it will be the sort of Republican victory expected in a fair election.  Unless they’ve got the stolen votes ready now – too lazy to take care of it beforehand? – we’ll be looking at a Republican congress next year.

So the issue is a) how many of these Republicans are actually liberals in disguise? and b) what will Biden's masters and the outgoing Congress do before January?  Oh, and don’t forget c) two years ago we went to bed and Trump was in a solid lead then.

□ [“Nancy Pelosi Sits Down With CNN and Compares Husband’s Attack to January 6th”]

I didn’t know someone called the cops on January 6 and said the house had been broken into, I thought they actually had security in place.  Nancy probably did this interview so the story will finally go away because the truth just makes her look bad.

Also 08 November, 2022

□ [“Bestselling fantasy author Neil Gaiman and his singer wife Amanda Palmer announce they are divorcing after their 11-year ‘open marriage’ broke down”]

I’ve been trying to figure this out, why even have a wife if you’re rich and famous enough to bang anything you want?  Gaiman is English so he doesn’t even need to limit himself to females of legal age.  Maybe in Thailand or something, but really?

Interesting timing, the Sandman tv show started three months ago, Gaiman got his wealth and fame from the original.  Gotta admit, I wouldn’t have recognized anything if the trailer didn’t say “Sandman.”  The Boys may have changed a few characters but I saw recognizable costumes.  Sandman didn’t have much of that.

Studios have finally figured out how to turn comics into movies so they're eager to eat up and spit out a massive franchise, but they’re also realize that there really isn’t a whole of worthwhile material to use.  You can take pieces of the best superhero stories over the decades and put them together for a movie or three but there’s not much else.  Funny animals?  Teen romance/comedy?  Beyond that, you have to convince the owners to let you make a film and they usually have little-to-no interest in that.

You have to give the comics creators tons of money just to get the rights to start a media franchise and those comics were made by people who never wanted to be part of this.  At best, they’ll take the money and then get the rights to their work back several years later after the company gives up trying to make a movie/tv series.

09 November, 2022

Decades of saying goodbye, Miss American Pie is finally gone!

□ [“CNN Hack Loses Control, Warns Viewers: ‘Stay Off of Social Media, People. If You’re Trying to Figure Out Are There Really Issues with Voting… Trust Us Here’”]

That’s what censorship was for.  Can’t find what he actually said about voting issues.  If there are, it makes Democrat wins look suspicious.  If not, it makes Republican wins look good.  Then there’s CNN’s ordinary-trustworthiness.  He probably just didn’t know what to say but he’s paid to be on TV.  ‘Watch me’ is all he could come up with.

I don’t remember if there were articles like this in November 2020 but this was how the media behaved in 2016.  Hillary cancelled her victory celebration a couple days earlier which looked strange.  Are elections stolen in some way before they ever happen, so the leaders make the actual decisions?  The media would certainly be told. even posted a promotion for election results for a black Republican running for governor, even though the man is running for the Senate.  If we only paid attention to CNN, we’d have to rely on false information.

□ [“GOP Wins Enough New Seats To Retake House – Another Dark Night for the Pelosi Family”]

Still “unofficial,” it’s odd that this info comes out early.  Republicans needed five seats for a majority and got six from Florida, assuming there aren’t still counting fake votes and they don’t lose big-time elsewhere.

Then there’s the theft.  It was already started by the time I went to bed.  Next morning there wasn’t much of a victory.  So far, Republicans *might* take Congress, that’s all.  Democrats added Senate seats and I haven’t find out about state elections.  But I haven’t looked much, it the victory for freedom wasn’t loud and clear, it doesn’t count.

We should have gone on strike and shown that all they had was theft.  Now we should go on strike to show that they won everything, so let them do all the actual work, providing food and supplies, transportation, etc.

We need to go on strike and resistance.  They’re not going to stop, they’ll keep pushing harder and faster than before.  It will get darker and coler soon.  On Friday, they’ll have Veteran's Day, then they’ll take Thanksgiving.  By then Winter will be near.

Trump may still have some rounds left but unless they attack now, we need to ignore him.  Whatever credit he’s earned won't help any of us for the upcoming disaster, just as it hasn’t helped for the last two years.  Keep him as an elder advisor but…

And how much of this really qualifies as election thefts?  There was the standard-operation-procedure, bringing in bags of votes after the real people all came in to vote Republican but that can’t be all.  Some of the few Republican victories did involve taking over Democrat seats.  No idea if these are real conservatives or leftists who ‘self-identify as Republican’ but either way, Democrats wouldn’t let that happen if they had an option.

Partially I think the theft isn’t just a case of bringing in boxes full of fake votes but I have no clue what else it could be.  It’s as though high-ranking leaders made the decisions before the election even started but not everywhere you’d expect.

It’s not remotely believable that, say, devil worshippers found they could steal 20 elections and had to argue amongst themselves over what to pick but what other options could there be?  Some sort of computer program that changes the votes?  That’s just as believable but why wouldn’t they do it everywhere?

That means that there are genuinely a lot more real leftist voters than we’d like to believe.  I’d be fine with requiring vote-in-person and a purple marker on the index finger for turning in a ballot as used in Iraq but still, our rulers have brainwashed a majority.

Wouldn’t blame Trump for that.  He might be an excuse for people that just don’t like him but that still requires emotion-based on stupidity to reach the point where your dislike of Trump is more important than eating food instead of bugs.

We really need to go on strike, especially as a minority.  Our rulers do so well without us and leftists can treat us the way they claim all minorities should be treated.  It’s long been pointed out that the individual is the smallest minority and collectivists have always wanted to destroy it, so individuals who oppose tyranny should step away.

Biden was finally allowed to stop using drugs and go outside.  They didn’t even have a schedule ready for him.  The POTUS is the last to be told about something.

“Now I’ve been given a list of ten people that I’m supposed to call on and you’re all supposed to ask me one question.”

Way to make it look like he’s remotely competent.  He’ll probably crumble even faster from now on, not that our masters will stop putting him out there for the cameras.

□ [“Nepotism Meghan McCain Says Midterms are ‘Final Nail in the Coffin’ of Trump’s Political Career”]

He’s only been through two elections in his life and suddenly his political career is over?  You can’t even name any ballot he was on.  Maybe because we finally need more than two hands to count the endorsements he’s made to people who lost elections?

This rich bitch may be showing one of collectivism’s contradictions.  This may be how seeing someone they don’t like makes them say ‘you’re just like [Rush Limbaugh or Fox News or whoever they’re into nowadays].’  It’s a ritual complaint that lets them avoid thinking about whatever the person they disagree with just said.  They invent a pattern to connect the speaker to a collective enemy.

□ [“Norway’s Princess Gives Up Royal Duties to Pursue ‘Alternative Medicine’ Business with American Witch Doctor Fiancé Who Says He Rose From the Dead”]

Their skin-color is easy to guess.  Just another example of satanism for the higher ranks to destroy everything, they do this from the top-down in every sense of the word.

If I thought it was doable, I’d say that we who oppose this insanity should pick up and move together so we can defend the land.  Hopefully every other nation would fall apart from incompetence so we could start conquest again.  But that’s not feasible.  Even if we go on strike, we can’t physically pack up and leave, much as we’d like to.

So we need a resistance, with support, supply and logistics.  Our rulers want to impose starvation and mass death upon us.  We need hope, we really can’t do without it.

10 November, 2022

Is the last stand over? I'm ready to sit down.

We know they're stealing elections but it doesn't quite make sense.  Ok, some states have actually passed laws to prevent fraud - Florida is the most notable example this election season - but the states that don't clearly haven't been stealing everything.  Even California has a handful of Republicans in its state senate and assembly.

You can argue that they're leftists who self-identify as Republican but how can they win these elections in the first place?  How could you possibly get to a point where the rulers pick Democrats and make sure they lose in local elections?

One advantage their side has is that each defeat cuts down our motivation to keep fighting.  That's one reason I'm arguing for a strike but even so, it's really easy to reach the point where you don't see any motivation to carry on.  'What's the point?'  They feed on that desperation.

Americans were pissed off in 1994 and 2010, what's changed?  We can't say things were worse back then than they are now.  As it stands, it's still a "maybe" that we'll even get the House of Representatives and safe to assume the fraud votes won't be coming in for Republicans.

I will say that if Republicans win that, they should absolutely make Trump the House Speaker.  That may be the job he was born for.

They're going to just keep stealing elections.  At some point they'll steal all of them, or at have puppets pretending to be Republicans.  I thought that Pennsylvania thing was an obvious example, Democrats will easily pick the brainless guy and Republicans really don't want the famous leftist.

Going on strike would be initiative and resistance from people who are actually capable of doing things, or at least know how to support those who do. I think it's the only hope any of us has to survive.

□ [“'The Overwhelming Majority of the American People Support my Economic Agenda' – Biden to Reporters"]

They like spending more money for less food.  They like spending more money for child porn in schools.  They're looking forward to the complete end of transportation thanks to you flying around the world and driving cars when you get there.

Haven't heard how the train strike or the airways strike is going, that should be voted on any day.  At this point, we can assume the vote will be stolen like everything else.    Don't have a clue how but the rulers manage it everywhere else.

One thing we need to do is at least pretend they're a legitimate majority.  It's only damaging our own mission to claim otherwise.  If there's a specific reason to point that out, fine, but otherwise, accept being the minority.

This is where underground resistance would come into play.  I know there'd be code-words and terminology in place so that in discussion with strangers, those 'in the know' could show who they were.  No idea how that works, I never had to deal with such things, but just because I don't know something doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

Then there's the acceptance that we're being spied on.  For one thing, it should be taken as a given.  Ever since I realized I believed in God, obviously someone's watching over me.  God is God, everyone else is everyone else.  That may be good for the soul but in the real world, it means taking it as a given that you're under surveillance wherever you go.  God is watching and so are others.

As always, I go back to supply and logistics.  Food is the most crucial and immediate requirement so how are we going to bring that in?  I think starting on that would be the best way to support a community going on strike.  Who is there that can produce food?  Who has vehicles big enough to transport a day or week's worth?  Who will maintain the vehicles and guard them in transport which will add more expenses?

What do we use to pay for the food and the fuel?  I could see doing it in trade or we could try to use actual money, either printed US dollars or some paper approved by both sides.

There's also spreading the info.  In the modern world, most of us don't even have a clue who our next door neighbors are and we're at a point where we wouldn't even trust internet ads so what options are there?  Flyers?  Posters?  No idea.

We need to start resisting.  That's the only way things are going to change for the better.

□ [“Who Wants to Tell Them?… New Yorkers Beg Hochul to Do Something About Soaring Crime After Election"]

She's getting exactly what she wants and that has nothing to do with the citizens she's in charge of.  That's what they voted for.  Either the elections were stolen or the voters are just too stupid.

It was very obvious for quite a while that the rulers would double down on their insane tyranny immediately after the latest election thefts.  Since the citizens love the rarity of food and the price of gas, do more of that.  That applies to crime too.

Fortunately few people reading this live in New York City because those who are there are completely screwed.  But the rest of us aren't far behind.

□ [“PA Governor-Elect Josh Shapiro Vows to Crackdown on Fracking and Energy Sector in State – Affecting Thousands of PA Jobs"]

Despite what I just said, this is proof that the elections were stolen.  They picked this result and did everything necessary to reach it.  The question is how did they do it.  Nobody's going to vote for more of their own money to be seized and break the supply chain even more than it already has been.

There's not even a claim to make sure people suffer less during the transition because they will absolutely be suffering more.  The rulers are fine with the peons suffering.  This is where the underground resistance needs to start moving fuel and other supplies in to their supporters while the rest are starving.

11 November, 2022

Sounds like *someone* hasn't drank enough cyanide...

Random thought, are voters really that stupid?  Democrats know it, they spent all those years as slave-owners and have never lost blacks since.  Maybe that really is their starting point, treat everybody as stupid and punish those who don't obey or try to escape.

It would explain a lot.  If you're smart enough to think of that, they don't want you.

□ [“John Kerry Spills the Beans at U.N.’s COP27 Meeting: They Want to Replace Capitalism with a New Economic System"]

They're all rushing to get there.  The pope supports it, as does Prince Charles (who self-identifies as a king.)  Kerry says his speech was to say “we need to create demand signals in the market where they didn’t exist.”

We don't have a market to eat bugs, you need to create one.  We don't have a market to get rid of fuel except for your jets and cars, that's what you want to create.  You're not going to get it without China and Russia manufacturing everything for you and they have their own requirements.

For the machines that are supposed to replace fossil fuels, China is the world's biggest producer of graphite (natural flake), silicon (metallurgical), cobalt, and the rare metals dysprosium, germanium and lanthanum.  Russia is the second biggest producer of germanium and China is the second biggest on vanadium.  China and Russia are come in third place for producing lithium and vanadium respectively, while the US does make one of its few appearances on the most productive list for third place on geranium.

The US does come in fourth for silicon (metallurgical) and fifth for copper.  China comes in sixth again for silicon, I think they're counting different companies at this point.  Russia comes in seventh for copper.  The US comes in eight for lithium and silicon, Russia is ninth for silicon and China is again on that list at tenth place.

China is also a high-ranking producer of neodymium which is needed for these things.  The Congo produces copper and they're on China's side.  India produces graphite and they're also getting closer to China and Russia.  I haven't been able to find a genuinely good list of what's required and who makes it so keep in mind this is just the best I could work out from what I did find.  Some US allies are on the list too China is definitely the one who will get the most attention for what leftists want, and China knows it.

I've really been wondering how they expect to handle banning gasoline with the underground movement.  If nothing else, people will be looking for ways to bring it in from other countries.  The expense and transport will be a problem but that's probably something that open-borders will help with and I can see it as something where human nature will find away, especially against these rulers.

There's also more attacks on Trump than usual.  Some of it is just a natural reaction to losing, that makes sense.  Some of it is the anti-Trump people who always sided with Democrats whether they admit it or not.  They're part of the enemy we need to fight.  And some of it is legitimate complaint.

There's the 'what have you done for us lately?' mentality which, like it or not, does have a place.  There's also the fact that he can't point to enough in the way of definite victories.  With all the misery our rulers have imposed on us for the last two years, it should have been impossible to lose midterm elections.

There's also the fact that he's just old.  I don't think I've ever seen someone his age maintain such a consistent effort for so long but face it, old is old and he's not going to get any better.  I'd be fine with him in an 'elder statesman' position, or as Speaker of the House if there's a chance.  I'd also really appreciate it if he sets up a resistance movement.  But as a politician, he's done.

For me, it's been consistent failure for the last two years.  I never saw the stolen 2020 election coming but you'd really think he could have foreseen that and made plans to stop it.  For the next two months, I really thought he did have something ready.  But no, he left office and that was it.

Ok, I thought, he's at least put a lot of younger supporters in place to make a move, I thought he was going to strike back against tyranny.  As Biden's puppet-masters immediately imposed misery, I thought that would only build up to something.  Maybe it will at some point in the future but there's no point in looking forward to that anymore.  We have too many problems to deal with now.  The guy who claimed to have a plan to stop the virus on day one still hasn't stopped it and his supporters obviously don't mind.

I don't really have a 'turning point' but if I had to pick one, I'd just say the Pennsylvania thing.  You're running against a complete retard, that should be the easiest thing in the world.  But you pick a leftist who self-identifies as a Republican as the candidate?  Because he's rich and famous?  Trump couldn't find anybody better than that?

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