Tuesday, November 15, 2022


I'm posting the pamphlet as images, just to see how that works.  This post is made from jpgs that came from a pdf that came from a word document that compiled material written around the internet or on my computer.  So you could say it's been around.  I've also posted it as normal below these images, just for you old-timers.

Really, since people don't give me money for this😞I'd like to find readable ways it can be printed out and maybe passed around.  Isn't that what a pamphlet is for?

Let me know if this works better or worse than the way I've been posting them up to now.  I do like the 'pamphlet' approach so that's one thing, but on the other hand, that's a lot of extra work.  I'd really rather just post a pdf file and have done with it.

And then I'll post it like normal, just so you can have it both ways.

11 November, 2022

Non-veterans must be even more miserable today...

□ [“Hollywood Virtue Signaling: Actor Rainn Wilson Announces Name Change to ‘Rainnfall Heat Wave Extreme Winter Wilson’”]

This can’t be just virtue signaling, it looks like cult-behavior more than anything else.  It really doesn’t look like celebrities have much of a fanbase these days.  I’m sure there are some but those would mostly be the old who still have fans left from back when the audience was real, or the latest youngsters pushed out.

Do a lot of people rush to whatever new movies or tv shows this actor is in?  At most, some people might have a clue who he is and maybe like his work, but it’s not likely they’d skip movies, tv shows or whatever if this guy isn’t in it.

So that leaves Hollywood cults as the place to show ‘virtue’ off to.  Probably more than one of those although they probably also serve the same master, and I don’t just mean Satan.  That’s what ‘virtue signaling’ really is, showing off to the higher-ranks, not the peasants.  So who’s in those higher-ranks?

There are probably professional advantages but I’d think those were secondary.  That’s where ‘cult behavior’ comes in, it’s about showing off for the leaders.  Also an attempt to win over lower ranking cult members but that still seems largely secondary.

Is it anything to this beyond basic ‘earth worship’?  Maybe there is and I haven’t figured it out, maybe there isn’t, the entire pseudo-religion built from that.  The people in charge don’t put cloth on their faces like they demand everyone else do.

You can see this with all the fuel and gasoline rich people use to go to these fancy events.  If they believed what they were saying, they wouldn’t go, they’d use this new-fangled invention called the internet to communicate with each other without killing the earth, or even the telephone.  Even the poorer/lower-ranking members of the party have to use those, they aren’t allowed/can’t afford to attend with their masters.

They have all the aspects of a religion except for actual belief in what they’re saying.  It’s used to give orders to servants who never complain about the leaders doing exactly what they ban others from doing, treating it as a “sin” without using the word.

□ [“Construction Halted at Obama’s Presidential Library After Noose Found on Site”]

Oh, this one is totally different from all the other frauds.  The security here is probably just as good as at the Pelosi’s house.  You’d think someone at a construction site would be saying ‘hey, free rope!’ but instead they all run away like little girls.

Elections continue to be stolen, at least those that haven’t quit counting for a long weekend.  They needed to push the tyranny beyond election so they sent out every bribe they could think of.  There are probably more, but obvious ones include delaying the train-workers vote for a strike and unconstitutionally cancelling the college debt.  The Supreme Court ban of Roe v. Wade was probably to help boost voters who want to execute babies who aren’t old enough to fight back, which falls into line with the demon worshippers.  Then there’s always the push to seize guns.

That’s probably why Biden claimed the pandemic was over despite his own staff saying it wasn’t.  They’ll do anything to fool people long enough to get past the election.

They may even start noticing the massive increase in deaths for healthy young people but if it helped the government get this far, what incentive is there to change now?

That's why I really can’t say these elections were stolen in the sense that we use the basic term.  Something is being done on a much-higher scale, that’s why the first thing we need to do is stop moving.  Let those who obey our rulers show how productive they are, self-identifying as resourceful and competent.  They can prove it themselves.

□ [“Hillary Clinton Posts V-Day Pix of Her Bosnia Landing – Where She’d Lied About Sniper Fire”]

Just an example of them showing off how much contempt they have for us.  No picture of Hillary with soldiers except for the one time she claimed snipers were shooting at her.  Back then, even the media would say she was lying.  Well, not at the time, but later when she was running against Obama, the media felt obliged to point this out.

So she brings that out now, what a surprise.  She could post a picture of Bill and Monica to say how well her husband convinced the voters to accept her as candidate.

12 November, 2022

I'm Groucho, this is my brother Harpo, this is my other brother Harpo.

As expected, Republican leaders are all-in on working with victorious Democrats and none of them are remotely interested in figuring out how this happened.  Never mind that mid-terms are always bad for the ruling party, look at the disasters imposed on us:

Massive inflation, undeclared war with a country that never attacked us or our NATO allies, a pandemic the POTUS promised to end on Day One, massive death among healthy young people who were all vaccinated against that virus, false accusations against January 6 and Nancy Pelosi's house, planning to ban gasoline and guns, putting imaginary genders in charge of the military and that’s just from the last two years.

So now the plan is to win elections in two years.  Great.  Maybe we’ll be closer to nuclear war in 2024, we’re already closer now than we were in 2021, 2020, 2018 or 2016, at least according to the guy in charge of the nukes who celebrates these victories.

□ [“Mitt Romney Impeached Trump Twice, Says Congress Must Lay Off Pointless Biden Investigations”]

Prime example of leftists who self-identify as Republicans.  Do they really believe in leftism and are just lying about it or are they just following orders to pretend they’re right-wingers at certain times?  There are a lot more of these creatures out there.

He could be pointing out the enormous misery inflicted on the populace by the government he defends but apparently that’s not an option for him.  His kids are highly paid by Ukraine investments, just like Hunter Biden and Pelosi’s family.  This probably includes a lot more family members of people we never heard about.

Our elite rulers probably all work through nations like Ukraine to siphon money which is why they’re pushing WWIII these days.  They can’t permit us to just shrug and go on with our lives, we must obsess about something going on halfway around the world or they’ll self-identify us as the enemies.  This is also a standard leftist tactic.

□ [“Biden’s Top Immigration Official Chris Magnus ‘Resigns’ Amid Border Crisis"]

There will now be purges, those who can be blamed or just don’t fit in with our masters anymore.  Some will probably just be moved to another position, as a promotion, a bribe for favors, avoiding being arrested for something or just getting out of a rut.

I’m sure this happens with every administration.  Most purges probably won't be apparent to us until after the fact, whether in government or outside.

□ [“Get Woke, Go Broke:  Disney Mass Layoffs and Freeze Hiring, Part of a Massive Cost-Cutting”]

The wealthy funded our rulers to destroy the entire system and knew it would just get worse after the elections, so they did everything possible to hold on until then, gas prices temporarily dropping, the railroad strike being delayed, things like this.

Now they’re on more solid ground and won’t bother pretending to pretend to care what voters think.  Sure, they’ll keep getting more ‘woke,’ it’s their only option, but I don’t know how.  Will Disney’s crap be all we’re permitted to buy?  Even if you really like tv and movies, there’s still physical copies of the old stuff that was genuinely good.

There will be an underground movement for that which won’t even need Disney’s leftist rhetoric for advertising nowadays, ‘the haters hate us!!!’  Some people probably do see the product because of that but those who obey all show up on opening weekend.  After that, they don’t bother to see it again and no one else was remotely interested.

It’s an advertising gimmick but you can recite leftist rhetoric without paying for tv or movies.  No matter how devoted you are, there's only 24 hours in the day.

I come from the comics side of things and even the slightest knowledge of history would point out their mistakes which Disney is doing now.  For longer than you’d think, Marvel believed it could sell any piece of crap and were in serious danger of shutting down permanently by the early 2000s.  At least comics are very very cheap to produce. Even the simplest stupidest movies cost at least a few million once you add promotion.

DC has barely been profitable for a long time, it only exists as a merchandising basis for Superman, Batman, etc. and even that’s being checked out by the new Time-Warner owners.  You’d think megacorporation would learn from this, not do it again.

This is where you’d expect someone in a high-ranking position to be willing to ask “am I going the wrong way?  Is there anything I’m missing?”  How could Disney possibly not have people like that to specifically prevent problems like this?

□ [“Madonna At It Again With New, Creepy Social Media Post-Drinks Water Out of Dog Bowl”]

There’s been a few other recent articles like this about Madonna specifically.  It’s possibly she just snapped and is now officially as loco as we always assumed she was.  It may also be some kind of new-age devil worship, posting weird pictures on the internet as part of some magic spell to help steal the elections.  That's certainly plausible, Alec Baldwin did something similar a few months ago.  Otherwise, she’s just insane.

The rich and famous psychos keep everything as secret as possible.  I keep saying this but it resembles a cult.  No one who disagrees with them about anything is permitted to be around them.  There are many anecdotes about very famous people who doing very strange decisions, an actor who decides that he’ll no longer speak so producers have to handle him accordingly, and stories like that are just the ones the public can hear about.

I do think Hollywood gets the blame, just by having all these creatures together there as residents, using that fame and wealth to influence politicians or their children, or others who also grow up to be rich and famous.  They could have been filming child porn in their mansions for decades, even back when a full crew was required.  What else could they get to do behind closed doors, knowing they won’t be arrested if they’re caught.

That’s also why I started believing demon-worship and human sacrifice is a real thing.  I’m a bit wary when news comes out of some dead celebrity comes out, is that really how they died?  The older they are, the more likely that it was natural causes, but it still makes me wonder...  Even when I’m looking up people who died decades ago.

13 November, 2022

This would be more fun if everybody buys my books.  You can start anytime.

One major sign of leftists + their pawns is the lack of concern for inflation.  The grocery store shows what poorer people have to face but they don’t even pretend to want to prevent suffering.  They feel more self-important by claiming claim there are bigger problems elsewhere which lets them ignore the suffering of tens of millions of others.

The poor just has to live with that, the rulers say so, and will be punished if they disagree.  That’s what all those years of pretending to care about the poor were really about, helping the leftists seize power.  Like worker bees supporting the queen, they’ll at least self-identify as one of those who are actually in charge of everything.

□ [“Democrat Raskin is Terrified Trump Could Become Speaker of the House”]

Oh stop whining, they’re going to steal the remaining elections.  They’ll find enough votes no matter how long it takes, give it a rest.

There will be lawsuits against the theft but judges are already in place to ignore those.  Maybe this guy is just unhappy that it’s taken several days to finish the job.  Is it the lack-of-confidence intended to appeal to other wussies?

□ [“Chuck Schumer:  Midterms a ‘Vindication’ for Democrat Agenda After Clinching Senate Majority”]

See?  That’s someone who knew the results before it all started.  They probably have bills ready to end the Constitution, guns, to mandate vaccine boosters, all that stuff.

Our side is still trying to figure out who might be trustable.  A month ago, I had the chance to ask Senator Ted Cruz what we’d do when they stole the elections and he just said we’d have to watch very closely.  How did that work out?  The lady he was promoting is currently in Congress but will be leaving in a couple months.

Their front-line soldiers will be on the attack.  Sometimes we even get surprised to hear one of them has been arrested or convicted, who would expect that?  Of course it might just be part of the show, even the media on our side can’t be trusted these days.

□ [“FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried Admits FTX Was a Crypto Laudromat for Ukrainian Government”]

Based in the Bahamas, they’ve been going through the new pseudo-money and claiming it’s worth anything.  They’re as long as they can keep adding suckers, just like any standard chain letter.  They’ve also been very useful for Democrats.

Part of it is getting money without having to report it but I’m wondering if it’s also part of the self-appointed New World Order’s financial plans.  Economics is way out of my league but I was really suspicious of crypto-currency as soon as I heard of it a few years ago.  It doesn’t create any wealth and isn’t based on anything tangible, meaning it’s attractive to our new rulers but they wouldn’t want the peons getting involved.

Ukraine is one of the most corrupt nations on earth and would be an obvious place to process these funds.  It’s tempting to say that’s what Russia is after, and maybe it is in the short term, but the Ukraine/Russia issue goes back centuries so it probably wasn’t brought to this point by computers.  Even if it were, it’s entirely believable that Russia would just want to take over the arrangements, not get rid of them altogether.

It’s even more complicated because this is all focused on very rich people (or politicians who become very rich, or who send their children to do that.)  There’s simply no way a poor person could go through all the laws and regulations for each nation, state, district, city, etc., much less utilize them all.  That’s what lawyers are for.

This ponzi scheme may also provide an example of the Russia/Ukraine coverage as Ukraine was winning from Day One.  Their supporters say anyone who doesn’t unquestionably believe the narrative is automatically in love with Putin, no exceptions.

They’ve never heard of skepticism?  They automatically trust the media?  In every other war, the invasion is over when the invader is defeated, why is this one different?  Ranting on about evil Russia doesn’t help, can’t they see that?

Our rulers want to impose that mentality on the lower-classes.  That’s why Biden said last year the invasion wouldn’t happen and would be really small if it did.  Those who believe this war propaganda are on his side, whether they admit it or not.  Biden’s masters do know, as do China and Russia who have handled this for thousands of years.

So how do we find an underground movement?  That’s actually where collective duties matter, you can’t just start one yourself unless you live in the middle of nowhere.  Food, electricity, medical care, those will all require multiple people to trade with.

But you can't just advertise it, that’s how you get caught.  How do you find such people without the authorities getting involved?

14 November, 2022

Is this more fun that smashing my head against a wall?  No, no it isn't.

□ [“'I Don’t Have Any Plans to Step Away from Congress' – Nancy Pelosi Will Not Announce Decision to Run as House Leader Until all Election Results are In"]

She's going to stay in charge, she's too rich and white for anything else.  And no Democrat will complain about that, at least not in public where the peons might be listening.  For all we know, this may be a signal to get the stolen elections over with so she has one less issue to deal with while stamping down any high-ranking Democrat who might think they have a say in running things.

Obviously that's just speculation, maybe she wants the stolen elections to take longer for the same reason, or some other reason.  Not only does she not want to focus on her old, weak husband, nobody's even showing the slightest concern about him anymore.

It's like if something happens to Ken, Barbie can just move into another mansion without complaint.

□ [“NEA Teachers Union to Parents: Educators Know Better Than Parents"]

They've really enjoyed the last two years and they want more.  If you were a child-molester who needed a job, wouldn't a public school be the first place you apply?  You may even know some people who are already on-staff and can put in a good word for you.

Notice how many of our rulers' desires all line up here.  There's sex with children, there's taking down the concept of family, there's the state imposing its will on the inferiors, there's demanding more money for the privileged.  They get to make up new genders and force those down our mouths, and that's just the obvious stuff.

They set the rules and if birth is permitted, that's where they take total control.  There's nothing you can do to stop them, they say so.  They attack "school choice" for a reason.

□ [“Biden: I Don’t Think There’s Enough Votes to Codify Roe v Wade Unless Something Happens Unusual in the House"]

Just another signal that the theft is underway.  They need to molest and sacrifice children to their dark lord.  And he gets away with it by sounding as if he's just an idiot who promised to permanently legalize abortion and completely failed, just like cutting off student loan debt or preventing Russia from invading Ukraine.

At least he's still got the virus to work with, that's something.  Of course he had a plan for that from Day One.  And we still have a lot of people dropping dead for some strange reason that nobody bothers to look into.

It's just a late-term abortion, liberals love it.

□ [“Coincidence? Zelensky Calls for Peace Just Days After FTX Is Caught Funneling Millions of Ukrainian Aide Dollars to US Democrats"]

Definitely not a coincidence, the question is who wants it and why.  My guess is Russia and China were the ones who really benefit from the stolen elections and they got what they needed so now there's no further point.

Ok, obviously they got more, just look at all the US bio-labs they got to go through, but it's quite possible they were using this as a ploy to bring in the suckers.  It's only a difference of degree from the invasions of Poland, Hungary or Czechoslovakia.  They set up their own government and continue the mission for world-conquest.

I've always wondered if that was why the Soviet Union finally came down, essentially to send as much sperm as possible into the rest of Europe.  If that's the case, they obviously won that battle, Europe is now more collectivist than Soviet Russia ever was and suffering accordingly.  And it's starting to sound like FTX was used for the same purpose.

Whatever his other faults, Putin is definitely not a collectivist, at least not beyond how he was trained as a young Soviet spy.  He had to deal with these tyrants all his life and now that he's become one, is at least smart enough to know that it's the wrong way to go.  He also has to deal with the problems of ruling Russia, a punishment I wouldn't wish upon my worst enemy.  It's like the worst of Europe and the worst of Asia combined, how do you even get to that point, much less want to be in charge?

So now our rulers are demanding some law against bribing government officials like FTX has been used for all these years and our rulers received all the money.  Because, you know, there are no laws against bribery when Democrats are in charge.

It basically sounds like another example of 'people can't be permitted to do what we do.'  Soon they'll outlaw cars, planes and anything else that uses fossil fuels.  Last year Democrats were already talking about banning printed money and using computer-generated currency instead, wonder how that'll work out.

□ [“De-Transitioned Teen Chloe Cole Sues Fifteen Of Her Doctors For Medical Malpractice"]

They'll just say 'she wanted it, she wanted it so bad, we just had to give it to her!'  Besides, she probably signed every consent form they handed her, 13-year olds aren't known for reading those things.  It's not like any Democrat-appointed judge would rule against the doctors.

We can at least comprehend how teachers would get into where they can get their hands all over a child's body, how the hell does anyone who wants that become a surgeon?  I could see them *wanting* to slice into bodies but aren't there certain standards that need to be passed before you're actually permitted to do that for real, even on a deluded teen?

15 November, 2022

Finish the sentence?  I can't even!

□ [“Iran's Parliament Votes to Execute 15,000 Protestors to Teach 'Hard Lesson'"]

They've gotta show that they can work on the high level of Russia and China.  Sure, they're Persia, they kind of have a history of that stuff, but that's all yesterday's news.  The Biden administration can't keep giving Iran money and begging to buy gasoline if they don't show some stones and stand up to the people who are whining about tyranny or whatever.

Our rulers will make a little noise, they have to publicly pretend to have a use to the peons, but that'll be that.  They've got Israel to take down, no point wasting time about a bunch of dark-skinned people being executed.  Muslims can do that.

There's some meeting of world-leaders going on, G20.  They probably already made all the decisions beforehand, this is just for the press.  Or orgies maybe.  Nobody wants Biden around so they already kicked him out.

□ [“Russian Missiles Hit Poland Border Town With Ukraine; Two Killed"]

One thing I've found weird about this conflict is how it demonstrates the people who believe what they're told without question always come to the same explanation:  Russia is evil.

There's never any variety, maybe Ukraine is evil, maybe something else happened that the media doesn't want us to know about, maybe it's all a sham.  They certainly aren't bothering with any other conflicts in the world today, only Russia/Ukraine.  Syrians can just die, they're not important?  Neither are Yemenis.  Wrong skin color maybe.  But only Russia/Ukraine matters.

No skepticism, no doubt and apparently nothing else to focus on in their lives.  Ukraine's leaders found the time to unanimously vote themselves a pay increase and appear on the cover of Vogue, what could be more important?  Ignore the US bio labs, ignore the cryptocurrency, ignore Ukraine invading Donbass with the same basic motive as Russia, 'it's always belonged to us.'

And anybody who even thinks of this stuff is somehow in love with Putin in a deep and meaningful way.  Because that's the only explanation for why high-ranking US officials send their kids to high-paying jobs in Ukraine while telling the media what to say and what to ignore.

Just once it would be nice to hear some Ukraine defender at least admit that there are conceivable reasons to skepticism.  But that would be like a Nancy Pelosi supporter saying it's really stupid to not have security to prevent intruders at her home when it's obviously all Trump's fault, case closed.

So apparently Russia has hit Poland itself.  That doesn't sound good no matter what the explanation is.  NATO member, not currently at war, it's a bad visual.  There are obvious questions though.  When did Russian missiles become good enough to hit exactly what they're aimed at?  The initial reports say grain dryers were hit, is that what they actually were or were they being used to attack Russia?  We've been sending weapons and equipment to Ukraine for quite a while, it would be impossible to not use Poland as a connection.

But that requires thought, that requires not believing what the Biden-supporting media tells us.  I still wonder how much any of this is actually happening and how much is just a charade.  Maybe Ukraine did it to give NATO a reason to invade, ever think of that?

□ [“NBC Suggests Parents Stay Away From ‘Unvaccinated Individuals’ To Protect Children From Illness That Doesn’t Have Vaccine”]

They're going to bring out a new virus any day now, aren't they?  And this time they aren't going to permit people to not be vaccinated.  That may sound ridiculous - well, it *is* ridiculous - but there are still an idiotic number of people going around wearing cloth on their faces.  The last virus did so much for the rulers, the next one will give them even more.

□ [“Pfizer and Moderna Launch Studies on Their COVID Vaccines to Investigate Any Long-Term Side Effects"]

They've gotten along fine without it this far, why start now?  Probably just finding something to invest money in and avoid taxes for the last year of profit.  Plane trips and new mansions, that should be a good way to find out if there's any long-term problems with the vaccine.

It's not like we have to trust their results anyway, the government will just require us to keep injecting the poison.  The people in charge don't need to take it themselves though.  This is just another sham they put on, partially to entertain themselves and also to cut down on the population.

□ [“G20 Panel Calls for a Global Digital Health Certificate Acknowledged by WHO to Track Vaccination Status"]

There's a reason I keep saying we need a resistance movement.  They are trying to impose their tyranny upon the entire world down to what they want to put into your body without consent.  It's like telling your secretary to give you a blowjob.  If she says no, she has to find a new employer but it's *her choice.*

We need to break away from this collective of creatures to produce our own food, supplies and protection.  This can't be allowed to continue, a resistance is crucial.

The latest report is that Republicans have finally finished enough elections to take over the House.  Assuming those reports are true and no other fake ballots come in, that's the only thing to show for a midterm election after two years of unrelenting disaster.  And we know that many of the Republicans are puppets for the leftist rulers anyway.

That's why I keep saying we should go on strike and these elections should have been part of that.  Just don't vote.  Let them fake many many more ballots to make the election look real.  They'd falsify the win anyway just to keep imposing their tyranny, but they'd know they don't have so many real people on their side and those who sat the election out are those who actually produce and supply.

Making up new genders doesn't provide any food to eat and even those who claim reality is whatever they say it is still require food every single day.  Making the most expensive superhero movie ever won't protect people from being attacked on the streets by the favored class of criminals.  Demanding vaccine ID to be permitted to leave your home doesn't help verify votes from dead people, much less provide any comfort or ease.

We need to stand up and fight them.  We need to turn away and provide for our own communities, not theirs.  We need to go on strike and let them finally see how unimportant they are to anything worthwhile.  They're not going to stop, we have to handle that.

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