Saturday, November 19, 2022


15 November, 2022

If I knew I would have gotten away with this, I would have tried a little harder.

There’s the Bohemian Club, which basically explains the conspiracy I’ve been looking for.  Very rich, very famous people.  They do include visitors which I should look into, I’d assume their lower-ranking members make their own clubs.  It’s also likely that people form rival clubs whether or not they’ve ever visited here.

I’ve probably heard of this before but someone on Facebook posted a link to a 2011 Washington Post article covering this along with a 2000 video of the ceremony.

Nothing better to do, just some thoughts.  Based in San Francisco, looks like they’re interested in demon worship and possibly human sacrifice.  There’s influence from the Druids and Babylon.  That’s believable although there may be no direct connections.  Maybe it’s something they just made-up as a neat idea.

There’s bagpipes as the ceremony starts, a body is carried in for the Cremation of Care.  It’s midsummer night, obviously a date going back at least to Shakespeare’s time.

The ritual specifically mentions the passage of time, remembering long-gone friends.  “It is a dream, yet not all a dream.”  “Beauty is eternal,” citing the growing of plants and moss on Babylon and Tyre’s remains.

“We turn to one [she] alone.”  Nature, of course.  This is followed by flattery as though describing a nurse or babysitter.  She’s always faithful, it’s *others* who fail.  “Little children that believe don’t ever doubt her beauty or her faith.”  If you kill the kids, they’d die without ever being unhappy.  They never learn and *that’s* the goal???

Bagpipes, if that’s what sound this is, followed by an announcement that “Dull Care is slain.”  The crowd applauds.  Dull Care is a male by the way.  His body will be burned, the “corpse of care.”  There’s a transition – I’m guessing there was nothing to watch so the film was cut – and when we return a body is to be brought across the water, which dates back at least as far as Greece and Hades.

The sound here is a standard orchestra.  These events have gone on since before recorded sound, no idea if this is a recording or if there’s a live band playing off-stage.

They celebrate Dull Care’s death.  He doesn’t get to rest in peace, they set him on fire.  Suddenly there’s a screech and something calls out “Fools!  Me ye cannot slay!”  He will always be there, they’ll see him in the marketplace.  So they’re going to keep fighting – it’s not *all* a dream – and some will prevail against him, others will lose.

But they’re safe for a space here, protected from Dull Care by... trees.  Midsummer sets them free, so he spits the fire out and it’s time for a song.  I think it’s supposed to be the Owl singing, part of their worship.  It’s unclear, do they want the fire going?  Is that good or bad?  Why the hell are they even taking part in this, just to keep the tradition going?  Isn’t that what they claim to oppose in the real world?

Then the fire is started again and there’s applause.  Along the poolside, more fires start with more applause.  Then they go out.  There’s nothing to watch and the poor filming is only partially to blame.  I could easily envision kids tugging on their parents’ arms and asking “can we go now?”  That’s probably why the lights and fireworks start.

It’s like doing this is meant to somehow magically releases them from all the rules of daily life.  If that was the case, why do they bother having guards or Secret Service?  Keep them outside or at least let them participate in ignoring all the rules.

16 November, 2022

My girlfriend just dumped me.  She's must be a Putin-worshipping nazi.

□ [“Trump Files FEC Paperwork to Run for POTUS in 2024 – ‘America’s Comeback Starts Right Now!’”]

Immediate response is 'why bother?’  There may be some value to come from this.  Good or bad, he’ll be a target.  He always is but the tyrants will focus directly on him.  This may let others slip through, distracting them to be so overboard that we’ll be able to form the revolution immediately and throw those bastards out.

But he’s still Trump and isn’t going to change.  He’s too old for this.  As an ‘elder statesman,’ fine, he’d be good at that, but we also need to purge the leftists who self-identify as Republicans and he couldn’t do that when he was actually in charge.  What chance does he have now that they’re openly turning against him again?

So I dunno.  We’re falling apart and waiting for death anyway.

□ [“Trump Vows To ‘Dismantle Deep State’ By Making Term Limits For Members of Congress”]

Perhaps that’s the target, Trump can show a resistance movement is needed and could definitely provide inspiration for it.  Problem is, we need more than that, something definite and immediate.  There’s too much suffering, we can’t wait until Republicans take a very small House majority and nothing else, much less another two years.

I’m desperate to find something to be optimistic about, maybe Democrats will go so insane about him that they drive everyone else into the resistance movement, more than they have already.  They’re already going to hit us by winter as the food and gas will run out.  We need to start a movement now.

□ [“Overzealous Democrat Lawmakers Move to Bar President Trump From Public Office”]

They’ll keep pushing for this.  Safe to assume most Republicans will vote for it.  Will it work?  Under normal situations, this would be idiotic, but that’s our rulers for you.

But given all the government agents they used for January 6, they’ll just say it’s an insurrection, which is usually stopped by government agents before they start but not this time.  No shooting or deaths (except one supposed-insurrectionist dying), how odd.

That’s how the KGB used as many agents as possible to infiltrate any group opposed to the government and lead them into a trap.  You can see the influence Russia had on the people who mindlessly repeat how horrible Russia is.

They’ll need concentration camps, or maybe they’ll just inject us with digital trackers.  The sky’s the limit for these people.

□ [“Schumer Calls For Amnesty For Millions of Illegal Aliens Living in US Because ‘We Have a Population That Is Not Reproducing On Its Own’”]

You opposed reproduction long before you pumped all this poison into as many bodies as possible.  This really is living up to the stereotype of ‘fire the populace and get a new one.’  You going to check any of these newcomers for viruses or guns?  I assume they’ll be told how to vote or you’ll punish them.

He joined the House in 1981 and moved to the Senate in 1991, for the last 40 years his job has been to write laws, but he’s remotely interested in those laws being broken, he’ll even reward people for doing that.  How does that work?  He could just repeal them since he’s in charge but somehow never bothers with that.

□ [“Biden to Veto Proposed Senate Resolution ending Covid Emergency Declaration, 13 Dems Vote Yes”]

Do any of them even listen to themselves?  Biden said it was over, he’d end it on Day One, yet he doesn’t want it ended.  Even Schumer voted ‘yes’ but *now* the ruler refuses to go along with the people passing laws.  Leftists don’t complain about that.

It may just be a hoax so Democrats can say ‘we tried, Biden won’t permit us’ and maintain the faux-virus tyranny.  It’s their standard behavior.  “Branch Covidian” is becoming a popular term these days.  Population decrease, that’s what they want.

Protests are continuing around the world, three million yesterday in Brazil.  Mexico and others, these have been going on for a while.  Hopefully those who believe in actual nations are standing up.  As an American, I downplay other countries but they exist for a reason and their people deserve to be respected.  It’s the rulers who disagree.

That’s what we need to unify against.  A lot of the world’s problems are really caused by our masters or similar creatures who are stuck in lower-ranking positions.  Usually in government but sometimes elsewhere.  Obviously it’s difficult to figure out who is on which side, which is why I keep saying we need to go on strike.

First we just stop and do nothing for them.  I think that will make it easier for our side to identify who is part of this.  From that we can form a resistance, where we work for and with each other.  Those with more individual ability will get more individual benefits, setting an example for the rest of us as well as collective benefits.

Our tyrants are probably inspiring the rest of the world, showing that without the US, there’s nothing to fall back on.  That’s about the best I can say, we need a rebellion.

□ [“Biden Says ‘Preliminary’ Info Makes a Russian Missile ‘Unlikely’ Responsible for Poland Attack”]

What happened to blaming Russia for everything?  Now we have to worry if it really was a deliberate attack, thanks to our leader’s puppet being openly doubtful about that.  They’re wrong about everything else, why would this be different?

And now Democrats are (slightly) not-to-blame for Congress never declaring war on Russia as they’ve pushed for all year.  Sure, it’s still two months before that’s an issue but they can start blaming Republicans for not declaring war now, getting all the benefits of military planning/expenses and Congress won’t be involved, just as liberals like it.

Trustworthy as anything else, reports say Ukraine fired the missile at Poland.  Maybe they aimed at Russia and missed.  It’s certainly plausible, gotta give it that.

It’s been over a month since Russia turned off much of Ukraine’s electricity, heat and water, we haven’t heard anything about that.  If it’s been repaired, you think they’d say that.  If it hasn’t, well, Ukrainians can’t be happy about the government winning every battle but not bothering to fix the electrical grid.  If they’re waiting for China to send supplies in to build solar generators, just pay them off with cryptocurrency.

17 November, 2022

I’m going to love him and hug him and call him mad!  MAD!!!

Little is being said about the missile attack on Poland, like it was immediately known to be either a complete accident by Russia or even deliberate by Ukraine.

But it does show how irrelevant NATO is.  If NATO members are bombed and people killed, NATO doesn’t mind.  If Russia had done it, we’d be immediately at war but Ukraine never bothered to join NATO either, so meh.  What else is new?

This is similar to the latest Senate nonsense, trying to ban Trump from running for POTUS with a blatantly-unconstitutional Bill of Attainder.  The Constitution is what gives the Senate any authority, but they’ll ignore that and see no downside.

I’m probably just being delusional, but could this be part of the plan, showing an actual of what the Constitution means?  It applies to people you don’t like just as much as it applies to you.  If you’re going to ignore that, they can too.

□ [“The Biden Administration Is Still Pushing For Their Unconstitutional Student Loan Bailout”]

Why not just admit they ignore the laws?  That’s literally what “seizing power” is, you don’t need the laws so you throw them away.  Just admit it.

They’re trying to indoctrinate all the people stupid enough to get college loans that they’d never bother to repay.  Yeah, these people have already been indoctrinated but when has that ever stopped a totalitarian?  That’s what they teach their students to be.

It’s well-known that they aren’t aiming for people with ability or competence, or even respect for those qualities.  People who learn how to do things will look for jobs that help pay off their debts.  Instead our rulers aim for those who are capable of nothing without government intrusion in every aspect of their lives and can only demand more.  I still can’t figure out the ‘why’ but that’s basically what collectivism is.

They’re making these helpless creatures as a weapon to enslave or destroy the rest of us.  It’ll fail but will also make the last two years of disaster look like a minor hiccup.

□ [“’Sometimes Life Creeps Up on You’ – FTX Owner and Dem Donor Sam Bankman-Fried Blames Ex-Girlfriend for Collapse of Company and $32 Billion Loss”]

How did I lose tens of billions of dollars?  Well it all started when I met this girl...

That’s actually believable if we don't take it too seriously.  But it’s quite possibly just a major attempt to destroy all currency.  It won’t work but that won’t stop them.

Men with knowledge and ability won’t use it for free.  Our tyrants love the Marx line about ‘from each according to ability to each according to his need’ and will impose that complete fantasy with force whenever they get the chance.  They don’t maintain their mansions according to their “need” but they always keep their mansions.

We can’t actually measure ‘need or ‘ability’ so someone in charge has to make the decisions and force obedience, that’s collectivism and totalitarianism.  Individualism is permitting individuals to make their own decisions and take the consequences.

Just noting, his girlfriend is really unattractive.  Some women do have ability or knowledge, they’re capable of recognizing the importance of looking as good as possible.  Men are men, women are women and it’s best for everybody if we use what assets we have.  This chick obviously opposes that and got billions of dollars to show for it.

□ [“Nancy Pelosi Gives Up Leadership After Republicans Take House Majority”]

□ [“Steny Hoyer Retires From Leadership After Republicans Take Control of the House”]

□ [“Democrat House Majority Whip James Clyburn Steps Down From Leadership”]

This may have been the main point for whoever was handling the stolen elections.  These people were alive back when FDR was only in his second term as POTUS.  Back when they weren’t aborted, there had only been one War to End All Wars, World War II had barely begun.   It’s time to give their jobs to someone else.

It’s still a surprise.  I really didn’t think they’d quit as long as they were breathing.  Ted Kennedy stayed in office long after he was too old and sick to ever show up to work.  For another thing, I assume they’ll quickly drop dead, unless there really is a secret group who runs everything and they’re still in it.  They wouldn’t have stayed this long if they weren’t addicted to power so going cold turkey is basically death anyway.

So I think this was deliberate, a decision made by those actually in charge.  Or maybe it’s not really a demotion, they’ll just put a puppet in the actual seat.

□ [“Mar-a-Lago Raid Story Falls Apart After Midterms, New Leak to WaPo Reveals Trump Took White House Records as ‘Mementos’”]

Strange that they put this out through a leak.  Why not just say ‘this is what we did, this is why and these are the results’?  For novelty’s sake if nothing else, but it would look like they actually know what they’re doing.

As expected, they found nothing but souvenirs from Trump’s Presidency, and put that out through an unnamed leak.  This won’t give our masters more approval from their minions, much less from anyone else.  All they did was show that they’ll send a lot men with guns into anybody’s house if they want and no leftist sees anything wrong with that.

Is that the real story or were there also documents from Hillary’s unsecure private server?  The rulers have already shown that gets even less attention than souvenirs.

18 November, 2022

So where will the next "minor incursion" be?

□ [“G20 Leaders Issue Joint Declaration For Global Health Passport to ‘Facilitate International Travel’”]

You can use those as proof of ID for voting, or you could if leftists didn’t oppose using ID’s for voting.  Maybe they’ll go with it if they can keep stealing elections.

But our New World Owners put new rules out and will punish us for disobeying.  We may get the ID's tattooed on us, a good way to keep track of slaves.  If we don’t show law-enforcement the right symbol, we’ll be considered an escapee and must be chained.

Nations used to decide for themselves who could enter but our rulers have ended that.  They’ll get inside you and don’t need consent.  That’s how the master operates.

Russia and China are members of the G20, nobody thinks tyranny will result.

□ [“Stop the Steal:  Truckers and Indios Back Bolsonaro, Start Shutting Down Brazil”]

Just seeing “truckers” in the headline gives me a little hope, we need more of that.  If I had any authority, I’d tell every trucker on the planet to take a few weeks off work.  That would make a huge difference right there.

Reportedly the US railway workers are finally voting on a strike.  We’ll see if there’s any chance of progress.  At least Brazilians could stand up to tyranny, with the native Indios who oppose the so-called environmentalists seizing their land.

The self-appointed world rulers are stealing elections outside of the US.  Have to wonder if any free elections are permitted anywhere that allows elections at all.  Well, do without truckers for a week or three and we’ll see how worthless those elections are.

□ [“Biological Male Takes First Place in Seattle Girls’ Track After Placing 72nd in the Boys Competition”]

These examples will keep increasing, a perfect demonstration of why we should go on strike.  Those big, strong women-with-a-penis are just going to keep beating sissy little girls-with-vaginas unless someone puts a stop to it.

Ok, there’s nothing wrong with smashing those stupid girls, it’s actually kinda fun (so I hear).  But just think of how much better life would be if those real women did something more important than smacking those bitches down over and over.  Just sit on the couch and eat chocolate, girlies, that’s all you're good for.

And just think, none of these wussies even has the brains to self-identify as a big, strong man-with-a-vagina and try to set any sporting records there.  That shows who’s really superior to who, even to feminists.  They called us all misogynists but can’t complain about that now.  The change has come, she’s under my thumb.

□ [“San Francisco Starts Guaranteed Taxpayer-Funded Income Program for Transgender”]

How will they actually confirm if people self-identify as whatever made-up gender is on the list?  Will a physical or mental examinations be required?  If people get money for going to your office and saying they're whatever-gender, a lot of people might just come in for the money.  Kind of like Paul Pelosi’s house, but never mind that.

There’s apparently 97 genders on the list to choose from.  How hard will it be to self-identify as four of five of those and get paid for each?  How are they going to check?  They’re doing this because transgenders are apparently so poor that they need the money.  So they’ll deny inclusion of specific genders while taking their money.

□ [“What in the wide, wide world of sports is going on with the Paul Pelosi story?”]

Haven’t paid much attention to this lately.  Our masters want it silenced but now someone has apparently seen the police video.  They say Paul definitely opened the door himself, then returned to the hammer-holder who *then* decided to beat Paul up.

It’s still not clear if there actually was a “third party” but the odds are that there wasn’t.  Just Paul and his latest boy-toy getting a bit rowdy.  NBC’s The Today Show reported this, adding that Paul and this Trump supporter were completely alone in the house for thirty minutes between the police being called and arriving.

NBC immediately banned that report and suspended the reporter, it didn’t meet their “reporting standards.”  When did those become relevant?  People can just show up and appear on The Today Show without running their material through fact-checkers first.

NBC also adds that the reporter was suspended because his report “inflamed right wing conspiracy theories.”  Doesn’t matter if it’s true, they just want to prevent people they don’t like from being proven correct about the truth.

Then a local NBC station also reported seeing the video and yep, Paul opened the door and chatted with police for a while.  Then he returned to his attacker to get the required hospital visit and brain surgery approved.  That doesn’t do anything to explain the required censorship of The Today Show reporter who put this out before the elections.

Maybe Paul just went back to the guy to say “please hammer, don't hurt me” but then he had to stop.  Hammer time.

19 November, 2022

It is NOT the eye of the tiger, don't believe the lies!

Just heard that Greece and Turkey have been getting into arguments and war is now a possibility.  Great, more to keep track of.  Their conflicts go back at least as far as Russia and Ukraine, but they're both NATO members so we'd probably ignore them, favoring the non-NATO Ukraine over all.

□ [“'We Cannot Let Them Get Away with It – Enough Is Enough' President Trump Responds to Garbage Special Counsel Investigation"]

It's good to know that he's going to continue pissing off our rulers but really, sh*t or get off the pot.  Six years of this, we don't need another stupid generic legal fight.  We really are at the point where it needs to be something more serious.  My vote would go for a strike but simply taking the fight to the streets has its advantages.

Trump is fine as a symbol but basically every public statement he makes confirms that he's not really going to be much help overall.  I'd certainly appreciate him proving me wrong but time goes by and he just doesn't.  They had the Russiagate nonsense, two impeachments, January 6 and now another "special council" to take him down, at some point just fight back or else go on strike.  Dealing with these creatures is only helping them.

□ [“'People Are Scared – Morale Is in the Toilet' – MSNBC Insiders Fearful as Ratings Continue to Collapse at Fake News Giant"]

Do TV networks have a way to actually count how many viewers each show has?  For decades, they just uses the Nielsen ratings, several thousand households whose tv sets were bugged and counting everything, and that was it.  I can't imagine that's still in place but I'm not sure what they'd replace it with.

Even if they bug everyone's house, they don't get to count how many people watch which show on their phones or whatever other formats there are nowadays.  That's just idiotic, taking a few thousand people who were willing to go along as the sample audience and using that as the basis for everything.  You're ignoring everybody who doesn't watch your shows and have no way of counting anybody who actually does, much less why.

There's a saying - I heard it from Alan Moore in Cerebus #219 - about how an individual person is impossible to predict, there's just too many possibilities to comprehend.  However a thousand people are much easier, they're all going to follow straightforward plans in understandable ways.  A million people are even easier to comprehend and predict.

I don't remember the actual quote but that was the point.  I don't know if it's really true but it's disturbingly believable.  Moreover, it's definitely descriptive of leftism, which deliberately ignores the individual as much as possible at all costs.  This is definitely how the media has operated for decades.  The statement about individuals may not be literally true but it's close enough for media and government.

So how is it possible to run a tv network on this?  I would think the only way is to flat-out ignore anybody else and just promote whatever you/your network's views are 24/7.  Which is fine and that's the most obvious way to go, but that doesn't help advertisers or your parent company.  There's also the potential audience who isn't remotely interested, they can get their leftist news elsewhere.  You're only getting *any* money from them if they pay a regular cable bill, which is another element that I have no idea if it's still used.  It's thankfully been a long time since I've had to deal with cable bills.

Why is MSNBC even bothering with this?  Just announce their network as "leftist propaganda" and they'd probably get more viewers.  They'd certainly be more honest about their product.  It's not like their employees would complain about that, at least if they have any clue what they're doing.  It would be nice to think this is just the on-air personalities having mindless emotional reactions to the disasters we're living through and they support but they could still just shrug and go on with their lives, making the rest of us miserable.

□ [“Steve Bannon Fires Warning Shot: Biden Family Is About to Have their Entire Depraved and Perverted Family Exposed to the American People"]

Same thing as with Trump, stop being a f*cking tease.  If you have anything worth using, put it out now.  Right now.  You're rich and famous, you can promote it as much as you want, but you'd be saying 'It's right here!  Right here!  You can't miss it!  Just look right here and you'll see what we claim is so important!  Right here!'

The fact that they aren't doing that tells us that they don't really have anything important.  He could read the documents he claims to have right there on the tv show he's saying this, but that would be too much like providing useful information he claims to have.  He wouldn't do that.

It's what the leftists have been doing all these years.  Remember that tv show doing a ton of promotion for having Trump's tax returns, major promotion, they couldn't stop talking about it.  Then they finally got to the show where they'd release it and spent the whole show talking about how big of a deal this was.  When they finally got around to reading the documents, it was just a page or two from some generic tax return that didn't actually say anything relevant to anybody, but they sure got promotion for the false claims.

If you have anything important and you want people to actually see it, this isn't the way to go.  If I had proof of the Biden family's depravity, I'd just post it right here and everywhere else I could get to.  People would see it, they'd make copies of it, they'd pass those copies around, they'd be talking about what they saw.  And I'm a nobody, it probably wouldn't be hard to shut me up but the value of what I was putting out would be noticeable in and of itself.  This famous right-wing personality doesn't have the guts to actually do this.

□ [“Text Messages Show VP Biden and His Wife Colluded to Suppress Hunter's Actions With a Certain Minor"]

Fine, it's something but not much.  Too much censored or at least shaded so it's unreadable.  Just post the actual document, put it all out.  It'll suck to be those involved but they've already had to deal with Hunter.  It's basically an example where making the problem worse by including those who suffered will help find a solution.  Otherwise you're just keeping the problem going.

To make up an example, what if Hunter is texting Trump about this?  Would you say you don't want Trump's name released to the public?  I'd say the same thing, just release the actual information and the chips fall where they may.  At this point, I'd say that even if the info was classified.  Just push it all out.

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