Wednesday, November 23, 2022


20 November, 2022

Telling a joke about Biden is like drowning a glass of water.

Just an idle question (or idol question, as the case may be) why doesn't Marvel just get the Black Panther actor they hired in an alternate universe?  Or even the same guy who's not dead yet.  They claim to believe in multiverses, right?

One gets the impression that all of a sudden they'll decide that none of the 14 million alternate universes have ever had any other actor play Black Panther who survived and no alternate universes have anybody who disagrees with that either.  They claim to believe in this infinity of options where anything can happen but will always find specifics that no one is permitted to disagree with.

An alternate universe where they've been making Black Panther movies since the 70s as they've done with Superman, Batman, Spider-Man, Wonder Woman, etc?  Not permitted.  An alternate universe where the Black Panther is a white guy?  That'll get you shot in the streets.

□ [“They’re On the Other Side: Republican Establishment Is Gathering Votes to Reelect Ronna Romney McDaniel as RNC Chair"]

A perfect example of how leftists have infiltrated their opponents by self-identifying as whatever.  Once upon a time, losing a run for POTUS was the end of your career.  You failed to get to the top so that was it.  There were a few exceptions here and there that was generally it.

Not anymore, Mitt Romney's in his mid-70s, why would he quit?  And he's made sure to put family members in key positions like this one.  Doesn't how matter how often they lose, they'll stay right there.  Their subordinates agree.

□ [“Emmanuel Macron at APEC Summit: 'We Need a Single World Order'"]

That's your problem, not ours.  They only make these speeches when they're surrounded by their fellow tyrants.  Why not hold off until you can go to down into the streets of Paris to say this?  Let the people see you as you really are and see how they respond.  I think we'd all appreciate watching that.

But you wouldn't have the guts for that.  You're the tyrant, the people aren't part of your plans.  If they were, France would be a member of the APEC group meeting in Bangkok where you're making this speech.

We can see why they need to steal all these elections around the world and why they've met here.  What else is there to do in Bangkok?

□ [“Schiff Claims ‘Evidence is There’ That Trump Engaged in ‘Criminal Conspiracy’, Enough to Make Criminal Referral"]

You just woke up yesterday morning and found something no one had ever seen before.  If they had, you would have used it before now.  Maybe your previous accusations wouldn't have failed so horribly if you'd found this one magical piece of evidence.

Obviously his servants are going to believe this without question.  We need to stop putting up with this.  They're wasting our time and our money for no better reason than to spread as much misery as possible.

They never try to charge Harris for ordering protestors not to stop.  They never charge Maxine Waters for ordering protestors to chase Congress down anywhere and not let up.  They never charge Nancy Pelosi for ordering protestors to start uprisings all over the country soon.

They're all in on this.  We need to have real uprising against them.

As fall nears an end, people are starting to complain about the lack of heat.  That often happens when tyrants are in charge, we didn't have that problem with Trump.  Rulers are there to prevent basic problems like this, not cause them.

But this is what our self-appointed world rulers demand.  I still go back and forth on whether this has been a deliberate plan all along or it's just the direction their kind always goes and they don't give it much more thought than that.  Parts of it definitely seem like a deliberate plot, other parts seem too stupid for anyone to go along with.

They're taking away food, energy, heat.  I really think water is going to start running low before long.  One thing that's needed is a list of the most-important back-up supplies, as well as those that are necessary even if they're less-important, as well as any important details on storage and maintenance.

What food and drink lasts the longest?  What are the best containers?  Is there a way to maintain electricity and even fuel?  How about protection?  Carrying guns is an obvious choice but what others are useful?  This is all stuff that it's better to have and not need than to need and not have.

Today is Biden's 80th birthday.  There's a lot of obvious comments to make, he's was born closer to the Civil War than to today, he's not even aware of what day it is, etc.  I looked up what was going on in the world at the time.  Tweety Bird's debut cartoon came out the following day.  Casablanca debuted a couple days later.  Then Jimi Hendrix was born and the Manhattan Project had it's first nuclear chain reaction.

That's about all that sticks out, you can find that sort of stuff looking at any point in history.  Other famous people and events around the same time, it makes for neat coincidences.  The only real effect is to show how bloody old our master is and his closest allies.  The final "Little House on the Prairie" book was getting close to release and they were close to that era than they are to today.

Richard Nixon was POTUS when Biden joined the Senate, that gives you a hint how long ago that was.  We've had eight real Presidents since then and half of those were two-termers.

If we're lucky enough, everybody gets old, but the point of being old is to know when to get out of the way.  Biden and his puppetholders don't know that.  That's why they're in charge of us.

Also 20 November, 2022

Queen's recording career lasted for 20 years and they released 14 albums in that time, not counting live albums, greatest hits albums or solo albums.  And they still had material to work on without Freddie.

20 years!  That's why I'm annoyed about Axl fanboys saying he's just changing his style like Queen did.  Queen's first album sounds a lot different from Night at the Opera which sounds a lot different from News of the World which sounds a lot different from The Game which sounds a lot different from A Kind of Magic which sounds a lot different from Innuendo, and right there is as many albums as Guns'n'Roses has ever put out in their entire career.

That's how growth and change works, Axl has none of that.  Ok, Slash and Duff don't either but they like what they're doing and want to do more of that, which they do without Axl.  20 years ago, Axl was talking about his plan for three albums and still hasn't gotten around to the second album.

Let's add another example, I dunno, Led Zeppelin.  Their career lasted 12 years, four members, someone dies, they quit and all that's left is what they did in those 12 years.  Add that to Queen and you've got two of the biggest bands ever, two dozen albums/tours/videos/etc. in 32 years.

Two of the most important bands in rock'n'roll history combined took less time to accomplish everything they ever did than Axl has wasted.

21 November, 2022

When is the Death Star going to get here? I'm tired of waiting.

It's collectivism.  Somehow they've managed to translate the basis for leftism, communism, socialism, etc. into a skin color.  By focusing on skin color, they can declare their superiority to anyone who thinks differently, just like leftist rulers get to live in mansions because they hate money and their supporters never complain.

Anyone who doesn't agree with them is the 'other' and must be destroyed.

□ [“US Men’s Soccer Team Stands For National Anthem at FIFA World Cup - Woke LGBTQ Crest Nowhere To Be Seen"]

The Star-Spangled Banner is fine, I've always liked it, but that's about it.  Yet nowadays I have played it many times and there are tears in my eyes when I hear it.

Oh God, this is what a national anthem is for.  Inspiration and a willingness to kill these motherfuckers who think they can rule us, shoot or hang or guillotine as many of them as it takes.  They asked for it, they deserve it.

The players are singing along and the audience joins in.  We really need more of that.

□ [“Rail Union Rejects Labor Deal Brokered by Biden White House as National Strike Looms"]

Well get it started then, sheesh.  The union leaders went for the deal, their servants, not so much.  Obviously you can tell which side Democrats are on and it's not the workers.

Just keep doing the votes and eventually you'll steal them, do I have to think of everything for you?  My guess - obviously I have no contact or knowledge whatsoever of what's actually going on - is that the government will just impose itself.  They don't need permission, they'll use force and it's not like they have to do the job so it doesn't matter if it actually works.

□ [“CBS Hacks Finally Admit Hunter Biden Laptop Is Legit, Over Two Years Later"]

It's probably just a hoax.  They'll claim there might be something to win viewers, then either they won't actually release anything or what they do let out is worthless.

Yes, Hunter drugged and molested with the world elites, they probably made sure to film him, but they'll keep it away from the peasants.  Maybe I'm just being negative but face it, there's a lot to be negative about.  If they had video of Trump doing whatever Hunter is doing, would they have insisted it was fake all this time and only started admitting it might be real now?  Would they have hesitated in promoting it everywhere in the world?

As far as I know The Boys tv show has only coincidental similarities to the original comics but I've been thinking alot of the comics building to their climax, and one plot-point was just releasing all the hidden evidence of what all the self-appointed heroes had been getting away with for all this time.  That's what needs to be done here.  Stop teasing and start pushing back.

□ [“Vaxxed and 'Boosted Within an Inch of (Her) Life' Whoopi Goldberg Returns to The View After 'Rough' Second COVID Illness This Year"]

Fat old woman accepts no responsibility for the vaccine failing to do what it's supposed to do but she does order everyone else to put cloth on their face.  Except her costars, they aren't wearing masks either, that's how well the masks work.

Come on, people, the virus is the size of an air molecule.  If you can breathe oxygen, you can catch a virus and you need to breathe every minute of every hour of every day for as long as you live or you'll stop living.  You need a specific quantity of air regularly, reducing what you can inhale only hurts you.

What is she rich and famous for?  Providing an example of how stupid everyone are supposed to be?

I've been trying to figure out the basis for how famous people are designed and constructed by our rulers.  I have some ideas but since I know little about people who are famous these days, that isn't too helpful.  The ones I pay attention to are getting older and dying off ever more rapidly.

I've been paying a bit of attention to Disney's financial problems.  As always I'm not close enough to really have any insights but I'm wondering if it's just based on the economic problems we're all suffering these days or if it's something working on a much higher level because Disney's so enormous.  Or both?

One easy argument is that it's all 'woke' so there's no real audience who genuinely wants to see any of their products.  That's certainly believable.  The resent Star Wars releases have just come and gone, the recent Marvel movies are about the same, two ginormous franchises that Disney spent ridiculous amounts of money on and aren't getting anything back.

There's being 'woke' and hiding it enough to actually produce something people might have an interest in and then there's what Disney - and basically all media - is doing now.  But it increasingly limits what they're able to do, even as basic sales.  Spend all this money on a Star Wars adventure that the audience ignores and then they post it on Disney media where the audience still ignores it.  At least selling the tv rights to some other studio would bring in a profit, this is just eating themselves.

There's also the insistence that Disney is run by devil-worshipers.  That's totally believable but there's no proof.  Can't they just be evil without the worship?  The devil can take advantage of them either way.  I'll still think about it but there's really no direction to go on that.

22 November, 2022

I'm not saying it was aliens but you have to stop claiming that I said it was.

□ [“Rhode Island School Official Says ‘Misgendering’ Trans Children is an ‘Act of Violence’ and ‘Needs to Be Dealt With Accordingly’"]

This creature has no idea what violence actually is.  This creature needs to be shown what violence actually is.  That way this creature can learn the facts and say 'wow, violence is totally different from refusing to go along with made-up genders.  I never knew that.'

Basically we should just assume that *all* the people pushing themselves on children are doing this deliberately.  To let them walk away in one piece, they'll have to show proof that they never supported this.  They all want the population reduced, they can start it off.

And notice they're just making the word 'violence' mean whatever they want it to mean, having nothing to do with how words actually work.  And she's obeying the World Health Organization by using their definition which includes "threats" and "likelihood of resulting" in various bad things.

□ [“AP Fires Reporter Behind Bogus Russian Missiles Story That Almost Got Us Into WWIII"]

It's probably one of those firings that gives you a new office with less work and a bigger paycheck.  Even stupider, there were two reporters but only one was fired.  How nice.  Any real news outlet who wanted their reporting to be believable would be horrified at what it makes them look like to blame Russia like they always do for something that was Ukraine's fault.

Not a single person in the entire editorial staff said they should wait to find out if this was actually true before they reported it.  They're not listing those who completely failed to investigate what they were claiming was factual news.  That shows us which way they're all going to go every single time, false accusations to promote the war.

They're not even criticizing Ukraine.  Nothing wrong with bombing a NATO ally and killing people.  Or maybe they didn't, what if our rulers decided nobody actually died when it came out that Ukraine had sent the missiles?  What a neat plot-twist!

□ [“Rep. Matt Gaetz: 'On First Day of Republican Control, We Should Take Over J6 Committee and Release Every Second of Footage That Will Exonerate Our Patriots'"]

So they can destroy the footage in the next several weeks and there'll be no problem, assuming they haven't already destroyed it.  Or you can decide that it's sensitive information and shouldn't be revealed to the public.  Maybe the footage has been altered in the last two years, who's going to know?

Are you ever going to put the prisoners on trial or is that another thing that's fine the way it is?  Sure, you might say you want that changed too, but then you take power and keep it the way it is.  Hell, even I might be willing to go along, I've got a list of people who can be thrown in jail without a trial for several years.  Just say they were 'insurrectionists' and that's all the excuse needed.  Whaddya say?

□ [“Pence Continues to Tease 2024 Run, Says He is Giving it ‘Prayerful Consideration’ and There Will Be ‘Better Options’ Than Trump"]

He has no chance.  His only use would be taking up a spot that could be better filled by someone else.  It would defeat Trump, it would defeat any of Trump's supporters and it would help Democrats, so I assume he'll go through with it.  Political backfighting would be the only thing that changes that.  Remember when one of the Bush family campaigned against Trump in 2016 and lost very easily?

It's just another example of how leftists self-identify as Republicans.  I don't know how or why they don't just sign up as Democrats.  You'd think it's some sort of deliberate conspiracy and maybe it is, that's what I'm trying to figure out.

Maybe there's some specific tasks that leftists blatantly aren't capable of accomplishing?  At least not until they seize power and can purge anyone who disagrees.  As always, I cite the military as an example and of course I have little-to-no experience with the higher ranks (thankfully.)  But they do have to meet a certain amount of military standards over the years just to reach those ranks.

Or not.  Even there, you have a constant turn-over in the lower-ranks for those jobs with the higher ranks staying in until retirement.  Politicians and appointed officials obviously have different standards.  Anyway, my point was that it's possible these pseudo-Republicans are there for a reason which blatant leftists couldn't accomplish no matter what.  Is it conscious and deliberate or just an example of how people interact?

□ [“Biden Covid Czar: 'We’re Probably Gonna Need to Update Our Vaccine Again Next Year and Have Americans Get Vaccinated Again Next Year'"]

When was the last time you had a tetanus shot?  You also need to get boosters on polio, hepatitis, smallpox, measles, mumps and rubella.  OR YOU'LL DIE!!!

That's your rules, you follow them first.  Of course we know you won't, you wouldn't dream of getting the poison you inflict on everyone else.

And he even specifies that this is something that must take up conversation for Thanksgiving dinner.  That's how unimportant the peons are to our rulers.  You will talk about what they order you to talk about.  Personally I think Thanksgiving dinner should be taken as a planning session for a strike or revolution to start the following week, but that's just me.

□ [“White House Extends Student Loan Repayment Pause Through June 2023 as Bailout Plan Remains in Limbo"]

They tricked the colleges, they tricked the students who were too stupid to pay their own loans, they lied about having the authority to do this in the first place, they used it to steal elections and got away with it, and now, right before Thanksgiving, they say they were just kidding.

None of the people they lied to have any incentive to keep going forward the same direction, but they don't matter.  As doubling down that everybody needs to pay for other people's problems, I suppose that's a good lesson, but it doesn't get anything else.

23 November, 2022

Oh fuck to the 'U'

□ [“Mask Mandates Could Make Return After HHS Report Says Masking Should Be Encouraged Or Mandated"]

Oh hell to the no!  They're obviously going to push this again, nothing can stop them, but we desperately need resistance.  This is basically it, if people will actually obey these rules again, we can just say we're over and done.

It's not about the virus brought to us from a lab in China, it's about compliance.  So ok, it is like China but that's the way our masters want it, all the way up to our deaths which they hope will come as soon as possible.  China is increasing its lockdown of cities.

They're going to push cloth onto our faces and poison into our bloodstream.  What are we going to do to stop them?  We really do need to start working out signs and symbols for our allies to recognize and our enemies to overlook.

□ [“Accused Colorado Gay Bar Shooter Is Non-Binary, Uses They/Them Pronouns"]

With Ukraine bombing Poland, this makes twice that the media actually held off, not immediately blaming their hate-filled enemies and actually waiting to see what the actual facts were.  Certainly with Ukraine and probably here, I assume they'll completely ignore the events so they can continue on with the usual narrative.  It's better than learning anything.  What are they going to do, say transgenders should be forbidden to have guns?

Sure, the FBI had investigated him last year for threatening to bomb his mother but who cares about that?  As I write this, there's another shooting going on at a Walmart in Virginia.  Top-of-my-head guess, are the rulers sending leftists out to do as many shootings as possible as an excuse to ban guns?  That sure sounds believable.  There's a reason they never bring up the blacks being shot by other blacks even though Democrats spent decades banning guns from that skin color.

It's also possible that having a made-up gender makes him an elite who won't be punished for previous crimes, so he gets the chance to commit more.

Some of us have realized that it's better to wait a little bit when news comes out that may be shocking, just to see what further information is released later on.  We know we're at war and we know that our masters and their media are the enemy.  The problem is that from there, it gets difficult to figure out who else sides with the enemy, consciously or otherwise.

□ [“DC Students and School Staff Must Take COVID-19 Tests to Return After Thanksgiving — Despite Mandatory Vaccines"]

What a surprise, increasing their power over the bodies of their inferior servants.  Anything the masters want, they get.  Like voting, they won't be permitted entry if they don't show ID proving that they passed the test, gotta get rid of that 'my body, my choice' rhetoric.

They're not even pointing to how successful this has been against the virus for the last two years.  It's only about seizing power with whatever excuse they can find.  That's what DC is for and it sure doesn't vote Republican.  They're going to be pushing this onto every other school in the world country because they can and no one can stop them.

□ [“White ‘Karen’ Slaps Black DC Uber Driver, Repeatedly Calls Him the ‘N-Word’"]

People walked by and saw them but didn't get involved.  It's Washington DC, if you see a white person smacking a black person, just keep going and ignore it.  The city's mostly black and we know who's in charge.

The woman obviously had no problem doing this.  Her phone needs to be charge, if that's not a reason to physically assault someone, then what is?  Every Democrat would vote for that, including these two.

Getting closer to a railroad strike.  It looks like the government is the problem, demanding control.  They don't know anything but they self-identify as 'knowing what's best' and punishing anyone who disagrees.  They can't run a company or do actual work, that's why they're in charge.

Meanwhile the company has to provide and maintain transportation in accordance with the rulers' latest edicts and somehow keep the workers going.  Thanks to the government, there's no way to do all of that so the workers just have to suffer.  Nobody wants that job so they can't hire new people, especially at those prices.  The workers get weak and old, then eventually die with no replacement.

□ [“The Vaccinated Now Account for a Majority of COVID Deaths"]

Is that counting all those who suddenly drop dead?  Because we haven't heard any of our rulers being remotely interested in looking into that.  But they keep pushing this 'vaccine' anyway.  Think there's a connection?  Well keep it to yourself!

Meanwhile, they'll go after babies and children, and keep increasing the funding for whoever is putting this poison out.  They're also the ones who want the population to go down and there's only one way to make sure that happens.

They're demanding everyone waste time taking tests to see if they have the virus, they don't have to take tests for anything else.  Forcing everybody to waste time on this is just a modern version of the human sacrifice from the Aztecs or Egyptians, not something you do on the spur of the moment but it requires ritual and preparation.  The high priests don't want sick or weak people coming around to be sacrificed, they want the young and strong.

It's looking that the money problem with reach a peak by the end of the year.  People are trying to get back-up cash, but they will be denied once the banks refuse to let any out.  They're loading up back-ups too and they support the rulers who have promised to get rid of printed cash just as they've promised to get rid of gasoline and the large population.

Once that happens, we'll only be able to rely on whatever's in our digital bank accounts and that will depend on us having electricity and internet.  Who decides if we have permission for that?  People who don't like being told "get out of my way!"

□ [“California to Ban Gas and Diesel Trucks by 2035"]

This is a state where they've been building a highway for a couple decades and have barely gotten it started.  They have absolutely no replacements for any of these trucks but they somehow believe they'll have all that ready in a dozen years.  They're probably expecting to be a colony for China but there's no reason to think China will actually put up with that, much less send all the materials required to provide any other transportation.

All the drivers of gas and diesel trucks should go along with California's ban right now.  Discuss how it'll be done at Thanksgiving Dinner tomorrow and then just stop driving those trucks in California.  If you live there, don't drive.  If you don't live there, don't cross the state line.  Any Californian who wants the supplies from your truck can meet you at the border.  Or they can do without because gas and diesel are evil and must be banned, their masters say so.

Just stop and let the rulers see what'll happen without you.  They're the ones who want it and they're responsible for the suffering.

Also 23 November, 2022

Today is the 14th anniversary of the release of Guns'n'Roses Chinese Democracy and the 29th anniversary of the release of the album before that.  There's four other songs recorded and released under that band's name, two were released on movie soundtracks in 1994 and 1999, the other two were released in 2021, and that's it.

Most of Axl Rose's employees record and release new music, but that's all Axl has done for 29 years and he's the owner of the band.  I really am starting to think that rock'n'roll was created to indoctrinate the masses to servitude, given how many people eagerly pay attention to this corporate icon and what it pretends to stand for.

There's probably enough exceptions to fill an album or two but basically everything this band-name is known for was created in a very short time.  Appetite For Destruction was the best of the tracks they had available.  Half of Lies was from an EP they had made before Appetite and the other half were acoustic guitar songs recorded well before Appetite was a hit.  A lot of the songs on Use Your Illusions were written back in the Appetite sessions or even earlier, and most of Spaghetti Incident was cover songs recorded during the UYI sessions, they just added Gilby on guitar to replace Izzy.

And that's it.  What else is there to point to?  The cover of "Sympathy For the Devil" which Slash always pointed to as evidence of the band breaking up?  He didn't want to do that in the first place but Axl had officially taken ownership of the band and ordered them to do it for a movie soundtrack.

There's nothing else to work with.  The boxed set for the anniversary release of Appetite included demos and early versions of the songs we knew, along with live versions and quite a few tracks that had never been finished or released.  It even included every single track from Lies (except "One in a Million," strangely.)  The UYI boxed set had none of that.  There's a concert or two from the era and for some reason they added an orchestra to "November Rain," replacing the original track.  Who is this supposed to attract?  Why not just include Spaghetti Incident?

They could at least say there won't be any more.  Some of the employees claim that they'll work on a new album soon, just as previous employees have said for the last few decades.  But Axl says nothing.  It's been over twenty years since he described the plan for three albums and he's said little since.

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