Sunday, November 27, 2022


24 November, 2022

Yankee Doodle went to town, riding on a diesel-powered vehicle...

I’ve only played part of the Died Suddenly video.  It’s an hour long, but quite depressing.  Yet government sycophants keep insisting that there’s ‘no evidence that the vaccine had anything to do with these hideous blood clots affecting so many people.’

So when will they show any interest in this?  They could demand the government do something about it like they demanded everyone pump this untested chemical into their veins.  Why is this only happening now instead of any other time in history?

But no, they’re completely willing to ignore all that.  Many people dropping dead, no big deal.  The government knows that.  Companies which got billions of government dollars to sell this chemical without a one-year, three-year, five-year or ten-year long-term test aren't going to look into it either.

□ [“Top Virologist and Member of FDA Advisory Panel Who Voted For COVID Vaccine Emergency Use Authorization Dies Suddenly from a Brief Unknown Illness”]

At least a few higher-ranking people went for the poison.  This one was a black female, don’t know if that’s relevant.  She won’t be getting any sympathy, either from the people who opposed the vaccine or from people like her who demanded it.

Her obituary specifies that she didn’t die from the virus.  Well, no, it’s not deadly.  That’s what the “vaccine” is for.  It’s things like this that makes you fantasize that there really is an afterlife and she winds up in a place that punishes her for this.

One thing we should start doing is working out who does or doesn’t have this poison, you know, to track who is or isn’t likely to die from it.  There would be other relevant uses, if there’s a need for a suicide bomber, who’d be more likely to volunteer? 

But how do we find and track this info?  People who haven’t already had the poison aren’t likely to get it now but they’d justifiably be unwilling to trust anybody else.

There’s also difficulty in making a list.  Maybe you can ask a dozen people from your neighborhood but that won’t get very far.  The government that caused this could make a better list.  Would the internet even be available?  I don’t have a solution or even a glimpse of direction, just trying to identify one of the many problems we face.

□ [“Power Outages Possible in Parts of SoCal on Thanksgiving Due to High Winds”]

Decent people would be prepared for such a thing.  There have been winds in California for at least a few years, the rulers even claim the wind can provide electricity.  Yet our masters seem to compete for who can inflict more suffering on the masses.  Don’t know if California is winning but they’re certainly ranking highly on the scale.

Which do they want more of, power or suffering?  Sure, they want both, but if they had to pick, which one would they go for?  Fortunately the voters don’t get to pick between them.  You get one, you get the other, everybody’s a winner.  Except for the voters anyway.  And there’s always fewer of them, at least legally.

□ [“CNN Trans Guest Refuses to Acknowledge Colorado Shooter’s Gender Identity, ‘That’s a Man’”]

This insane guy in a dress decides *he* gets to choose what other people self-identify as?  Who died and made you king?  The whole point of making up your gender is to prove that you get to ignore reality, science and how you look to everybody else and there’s nothing they can do about it.  But this dude standing in the way of that.

I’ve never seen any specific references but near as I can tell, once upon a time basically everybody was identified as female and only boys who grew-the-f*ck-up could self-identify as men.  As I said, I don’t know if that’s how things really worked back then, but I really think we should get back to that.  Girls like being girls and women will be happier that way.  Meanwhile the boys will actually see a purpose to growth and maturity except for the insane boys who will just have to suffer for being insane.

Banning guns is clearly the next step now that they’ve stolen another batch of elections.  Only our masters will be permitted to have guns to use against the rest of us.  Also anyone who crosses the border because nobody checks that.

They’ve got the economy collapsing, we’ll run out of food and energy, now they’ll come for the guns.  Bill Gates is buying farmland and they’ve got Antifa as ground soldiers who will be supplied.  The government is demanding more and more power, disarming the rest of us will be an immediate goal.

25 November, 2022

We can see why the tyrants had to take the US military down.  Partially it was just an easy target, they *all* have to get vaccinated, so this would get rid of the youngest, strongest and best-trained men.  But it's also because the military would have obviously stood with the people as a resistance.

The soldiers (sailors, airmen, marines) wouldn't turn against their families, their home cities and states and the nation they vowed to protect. That's why they had to be taken down first.

So how do we put together a resistance?  My vote is to go on strike but that still requires unity and we're going to need to fight back regardless.

□ [“Researcher Claims Anti-vaxx Groups’ Fear Mongering and Scare Tactics Cause Vaccine-Related Adverse Events Like Blood Clots and Heart Attacks"]

He's from Australia, maybe that explains it, but why has this only started happening now and why is it only happening to the vaccinated?  Why haven't the unvaccinated been dropping dead of three-foot bloodclots for the last two years when people like you kept telling us we're going to die?  Why weren't people worried about the virus getting them before a vaccine was ever invented?  Why weren't people being attacked by Antifa or called racist getting them for the last several years?

The fear-mongering cause side-effects in the vaccination process?  Can't do that without the vaccine so what you call 'fear-mongering' isn't the problem.

I'm trying to figure out how we can get a count of people who have died from the so-called vaccine.  An immediate problem is that we have no way to trust it.  We could start a website or facebook page or something for people to post on.  DATE, STATE, CITY, LAST NAME, FIRST NAME, AGE and any specific notes about the death, 'they were driving a car and passed out,' 'proof of blood clots,' 'I miss my daddy' or whatever the poster adds.

Ok, that makes a way to organize the deaths and it would at least help to single out frauds.  I don't know how it could be managed but it would make a start for counting the number of people who've died from this poison.  I don't know how trustworthy it would be either.

But the point would be to start getting a count of this atrocity.  At least this way if you're going to list somebody, you can look them up and see if someone else has already named them.

So what is their plan for seizing guns?  This is something where I totally believe they have something in mind, beyond just passing a stupid law like they've been doing for decades.  If I'm wrong, ok, fine, we'll all keep our guns and go on with our lives.  But I don't expect that to happen so what will they do?

They couldn't get the police or military to just start raiding our houses.  It would be a suicide mission for any officers that try and none of them would go along with that.  Their antifa and blm wussies would be even less capable and probably a lot more fun to use as target-practice so that's not an option either.

They did bring in about 83,000 IRS agents who are trained to shoot but not trained to audit, that’s definitely a possibility.  Still, one would think they’d be in a similar category with police/military.  They’re going to get shot back.  There’s a different personality trait for joining the IRS, are they mindless goons with guns?

So what else is there?  I assume they're willing to impose house-to-house searches like typical fascists, could sleep gas be dropped on a block or three at once to make that happen?  They've got the internet and keep records of legal gun/ammo purchases so they'd be able to pick their targets more carefully.  Access to our phones or computers might help point to a direction where weapons are stored.

I do think they'll have some celebrities openly announce that they're giving up all their guns and everybody should be like them.  Maybe they'll even include their security guards.  Yes, this seems unrealistic but look at who we're facing.  I don't expect them to be automatic failures just because they're leftists.  If it'll cause more suffering for more people, they're almost guaranteed to win in the short-term and possibly in the longer-term.

Start from the premise that they'll succeed and then try to think of every possible option that would be required to make that happen.  Does the vaccine include an electronic bug that can be used to turn people off when you raid their houses for guns?

It's also time for them to finish strangling the economy.  They impose their Environmental, Social and Governance cult [ESG] on every possible business to destroy profit, in addition to taxes, gas prices and inflation.  From investments to pensions, they'll decide what you're permitted to do with your money and charge you for the privilege.

They were so blatant about insisting the economy is fine and we're not in a recession a few months ago that I'm not sure we can remotely trust any of their future economic reports.  The very-rich can just add bribes onto the expense list, no leftists will complain about that.

What is it going to take to get a resistance movement started?  I don't remember the details but a couple days ago I saw an article about women going out to pray non-stop in front of one of the tyrants' headquarters.  There's probably better options but at least that's something.

26 November, 2022

Of course my conclusions will be totally different if the robots are sexy!

□ [“Get Woke, Go Broke: Disney’s First Openly Gay Teen Romance Flops At the Box-Office; Receives Lowest Rating Ever for a Disney Animated Feature"]

Obviously there's a board of directors but Disney has so many sub-companies that it's probably much more complicated than that.  So who does or doesn't decide to do this?  What job do you have where you can say "I vote against doing this movie" and Disney employees can ignore you and spend $180 million anyway?  Obviously there are certain people who's approval is required or that money's not being spent.

Because at some point the shareholders and other executives would want to know who the hell is requiring all this money to be wasted on garbage the audience doesn't want.  Who is deciding that all this money must be spent here so it can't be spent on something interesting?  Why is whoever-that-is not paying for this $180 million propaganda out of their own pockets?

One thing I think Disney is being used for is funding and laundering.  Child-sex, human trafficking, all that stuff probably goes through them or is at least covered by the Disney logo.  Those who participate would probably add in their own personal interests - drugs or movies like this or whatever - and sooner or later the devil-worshippers would be involved, for convenience if nothing else.

At some levels, Disney's obviously to blame for everything.  At other levels, it's not about them.  If the company wasn't around, something else would take its place.

□ [“San Francisco Plans To Use Robots Capable of Deadly Force"]

Ok, there's that explanation.  New York City already uses them, as does China.  There's some questions about how much each robot costs, how long do they take to manufacture, how many are there, what fuel they use, but that does come across as an obvious weapon for the tyrants to use against dissent.

IRS or Antifa goons are probably capable of using a remote control.  Drop a sleeping gas bomb, the robots could probably monitor where weapons or ammunition is in the house, break in and take it on the spot.  Actually using them as an army of Terminators would be a long way in the future (probably) but there's a direct goal to work towards, especially if you have people like Bill Gates who could manufacture them in their private property or islands.

Off the top of my head, I don't see any immediate way that could fail.  It would be more complicated than that, the manufacturing and maintenance, how do you control such things, issues like that.  Making them bulletproof is probably doable but that would require a lot more electricity and metal which the global warming fanatics would oppose.  I don't pretend to know how these things would work so I'm just speculating.

I doubt they'd turn against their masters but that would be a question that wouldn't go away no matter what so someone has to look into it.  There's also the possibility that someone else might seize control of the robots.  But how many robots would our masters need to have before there's an unstoppable force to use against us?

□ [“‘Everybody Is Very Concerned’: DC on Edge as Chinese-Made Drones Are Detected in Restricted Airspace"]

And if our masters are too decent and law-abiding to think of doing such a thing, their masters aren't.  Just take the movie stereotypes and there's a lot more options than humans could have.  They could fly, they could be used as cars or trucks.  Don't know how small they could get but it might not be hard to disguise them as kitty cats or a cockroach while maintaining their cameras, radios, internet access, speech patterns or loaded magazine.

Maybe I'm wrong but I'd be willing to bet people with a lot more money and authority have been working on exactly this, particularly our enemies.

□ [“Here We Go: CDC Says It’s Monitoring a New COVID Variant Known as 'XBB' – Deemed ‘Most Vaccine Resistant Strain Ever’"]

I can understand them using the same virus that lets them seize all the power but isn't there any point where they'll get a brand-new virus?  People must be getting tired of this one, what with Joe Biden's plan to end it on Day One and pronouncing the pandemic as over.

Sure, they tried to introduce monkeypox but that name is racist or whatever so they'll ignore it.

□ [“Justin Trudeau Lies Under Oath – Claims He Did Not Call Unvaccinated People 'Racists and Misogynists' But Video Proves Otherwise"]

And he knows he'll get away with it.  That's one thing we know about our rulers which sets them apart, they can do anything and flat-out lie about it under oath and nothing will happen to them.  It may not be the only reason Trudeau seized power to stop the convoy but it was probably one of the reasons.

They've been planning this for a long time.  It doesn't matter if Trudeau actually is Castro's son.  We know his mother gave birth to him around nine months after visiting Cuba and did get to meet Castro, she would have raised him to be that type of elite regardless.  He gets to live in a mansion like his father before him.  Leftists love that, it keeps the mood going.

Things like this make me wonder if the convoy and other attempts at a resistance are a charade to trick those who disagree.  I say the same things about the Republican party, given how many of them are obviously leftists.  Part of the leftist goal to defy reality is to prevent people from trusting their own senses or perceptions, another way it shares traits with abusive types and brainwashing.

At least those who recognize reality can admit when they were wrong about something.  These creatures insist that whatever they say is true even if it contradicts something else they said, and they have men with guns to impose their will on the rest of us.  That's why they call you "racist" and "misogynist."

□ [“Biden Caught in Huge Lie About His Involvement in Rail Strike Negotiations"]

Biden says he has not directly engaged with the negotiations, his spokesman says Biden is "directly involved."  You can't have it both ways.  He sure demanded credit for how well everything was going, strange that he never accepts the blame for how badly everything is going even when his paid spokesman says he's right there, totally involved, can't miss him.

Of course it's Biden so we have no idea if he's lying or if he just has no clue what he's talking about.  Dementia is a horrible thing.  Or maybe he's telling the truth and Karine Jean Pierre is the liar/dementia.

Meanwhile the railroad strike gets nearer, God willing.  Any day now, the companies are going to start shutting down deliveries so that sensitive or hazardous material won't just get stranded and be stolen or dangerous.  The fuel companies are preparing to run out of supplies.  I can't find any specific dates but roughly December 5th is when the strike is supposed to start if the tyrants don't impose their will, so that'll be the end of November when the supply stores are shut down.

Furthermore, what back-up plans does the government have in place?  For a long time they've had people who get paid to think about every possible disaster imaginable and make preparations for the off-chance that they're right.  It's a more complicated and expensive version of having a gun, better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it.

I assume they've thought out everything from aliens invading (from Mars, not Mexico) to electricity ending and we all get to spend the rest of our lives in the new Stone Age.  We may be down to a week or two until that's exactly what happens and we should take it as a given that our masters have prepared for it.  That makes sense, they made it happen, but we'll still have to get through 24 hours a day every day until we die.

How can we get a resistance organized and thriving before it's too late?  Everybody should be getting as much as possible in the way of back-up supplies anyway, but we also need to work out symbols and signs to be able to find each other for support and communication.  Hidden or out in the open, I don't know, but something.

Do you really want your last minutes to be 'I shouldn't have laughed off that guy on the internet who thought the robots were coming after us'?

27 November, 2022

If you can read this, that makes one of us. What does it say? Or don't I want to know?

□ [“Biden DOE official: Democracy is based on white supremacy"]

So does that mean Democrats oppose democracy?  Just a couple months ago, Biden told us to vote Democrat because democracy was on the line.  Or does she ignore her boss like everybody else should?  She is white so she probably expects everybody to listen to her.  At least non-whites are expected to say what she wants to hear no matter how stupid it is.  How else would they be permitted in her presence?

And we can tell her party agrees with her, skin color is all that you need to pay attention to and stealing elections is good for the Democrats because democracy is bad.

Is it possible that the point of the so-called vaccine was to make the world hate the US since we were the ones pushing it on them and taking advantage of their mindless obedience?   Biden and Trump would be blamed for all the deaths and whoever actually made the decision wouldn't even be noticed.

Our anti-American rulers are already doing everything they can to destroy America and effectively salt the fields to prevent anything from growing back.  They're giving away as much money, weapons and influence as possible, favoring those who also want to destroy America so why would they avoid this?

At a guess, I'd say they had dozens if not hundreds if not thousands of schemes like this going on all around the world.  Taxpayer money funded through Ukraine and probably elsewhere, all intended to cause as much suffering as possible.  China, Russia, Iran, etc. will help as much as they can and benefit quite a lot in the process.

□ [“Biden Eases Sanctions on Communist Venezuelan Govt"]

Got to let Venezuela drill as much oil as they can, that's how they make their money.  Yes, fossil fuel kills the earth, what's your point?  You think our rulers don't know that?  Or they at least claim that's what happens, and then do something like this to make sure the earth dies.

It does seem like our rulers are becoming more and more open about not actually believing the crap they recited to seize power with.  They'll still impose it on the rest of us but something about them just seems like they are more honest about not taking it seriously.  Maybe that's one of the perks of being elite, maybe it's just part of supporting America's enemies who know better.

□ [“Pet Ownership Now Under Attack by CNN's Climate Extremists – Says Dogs and Cats are Part of the Climate Problem"]

Animals must be punished for eating what they want to eat.  Meat is bad!!!  This isn't going to be limited to dogs and cats either.  They're basically taking the premise that every living thing is evil and must die.  Owners now have to do “do an assessment of your pet’s diet, cut out waste, and adopt responsibly.”  That includes our masters too, they have to spend time and effort deciding what we're permitted to eat as well.

It's things like this that make me wonder if the real enemy is basically Earth itself.  God's adversary, she [yes, I call the earth a female] can make use of us as long as we're here but we're totally expendable which is what she's been aiming for all these thousands of years.  Wouldn't be hard to believe that God created the dinosaurs to teach her a lesson which she refused to learn, so they went extinct and then God created man.  There have probably been other species being used as well since earth was formed.

Then again, the Earth was probably created just to teach the Sun a lesson which the Sun still hasn't learned either.  The Sun was created to teach a lesson to the Milky Way.  The Milky Way was created as a lesson after the Big Bang.  And all the other moons, planets, stars and galaxies were created for the same purpose by God to lead us away from this hellish existence.  We're all part of the plan.

And all the servants of God's adversary (adversaries) always seem to decide that they'll make the inferior beings into whatever they want, not what the inferior beings actually are.  This requires them to ignore that God could do that to any of us or them any time He wants, but they don't believe in God so that's fine.

So here's another example from your friendly devil-worshiping media, the dogs and cats have to obey their master all down the line.  Our masters have to obey their masters.  Their masters decide everything for us and have men with guns to enforce their will.

□ [“UK Officials Sue Pfizer CEO Over Dishonest and Dangerous Statements About Children and COVID Vaccines"]

I gotta say, this is probably just a waste of time and money.  The courts will defend them, they can poison as many children as they want and pretend nothing bad happened.  That was part of the agreement from the start and nobody stood against it, at least nobody who didn't get paid a lot for pumping out the vaccine into healthy bodies.

More and more video is coming out of people who just twitch and drop dead.  It's happening to enough people that media or internet people are being filmed when it happens to them.  Their heads start turning, their whole bodies start turning, then they collapse on the spot.  It also happens in subways and other places with cameras already operating.

The visuals are very disturbing.  It's not clear how many actually survive but those we see are in lousy shape afterwards and that's obviously after days or weeks of medical care.  It's things like this that reinforce belief in the four horsemen, and Famine's the only one who's running a bit behind.

People sometimes mention that we'll need 'war crimes' trials for these tyrants but face it, that's really just fantasy.  First of all, there's no reason to think we'll ever be able to catch them.  At this point, we're losing the war badly so there's nothing other than delusion to bother thinking about what we'll do when we win.  *IF* that ever happens, it'll be a very different world on all levels.

Second of all, there's also no reason to think we would bother with trials.  Shooting them on the spot would be most likely and convenient.  Maybe use a noose to save money and reuse it.  At best each city might set up a guillotine and we just bring them by for a quick-and-easy end.  Torturing them to death would be fun but that's just a bad road to go down no matter what.

Jabbing them with their own vaccine every day might also be fun but there's just the time and expense involved.  It's not a deal killer but I don't really see the point.  And keep in mind, we'd have to do this with a lot more people than other war crimes trials.  Nazi soldiers were used to set up the new Germany's, it was their leaders who got executed.  Not this time.

What I'd really want, and I know it'll never happen, is to purge all of them from existence just as they're doing to us.  Maybe a few show trials for the big names who hadn't been beaten to death yet but the media and company executives, teachers and basically everybody who pushed this poison on us would need to be taken down.  Saying "we didn't know" wouldn't be a good defense and the population would be reduced quite a bit if I had my way.

That's an example of why I say this is fantasy and it's never going to happen.  First we need to start actually fighting back.  Or more specifically, going on strike.  Cut every possible connection to our tyrants and their supporters.  We're getting ready for the supply chain to collapse so looking for a job is going to be pointless, now is the time to unite as a resistance.

Winter is closing in, the time isn't going to get any better.  If we can go on strike, the disaster will be bigger for their side than for ours.  We'll have the people who can build something worthwhile, all they have is the mindless and obedient, the ones who've been pushing this tyranny for generations.  Let's end them now.

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