Thursday, December 1, 2022

202212 Scrapbook - 20221201

28 November, 2022

If you don't cross the road, you're a chicken!

□ [“IRS Warns Taxpayers to Report $600+ Transactions in Venmo, Paypal, Other Third-Party Networks”]

Yeah, because rich people spend $601 on paypal.  Shouldn’t they be going after the rich or would that be too in-line with the last few centuries of leftist rhetoric?  There’s a lot more poor people to go after, even those who can afford 601$ for anything.

Not sure how but there will definitely be an underground network for this.  The rich have to pay their accountants to find deductions anyway, it’s the poor who will have to waste time and energy trying to figure out how to give the government even more money.  We know which side our rulers are on, that’s why they imposed this rule.

They’re going to come after us to seize property and bank accounts, probably why they hired thousands and thousands of new employees who are authorized to carry guns.

One thing that’s really puzzling is why there’s so little focus on all the young healthy people suddenly dropping dead, along with all the rest who are also die suddenly for mysterious reasons.  It’s one thing to say the rulers and their servants don’t want anyone to mention this but why doesn’t everyone else talk about it as much as possible?

If you’re so scared of a so-called virus that you go bonkers at the slightest hint of it, why would people literally dropping dead not affect you at all?  There’s not direct censorship so why is there such a lack of discussion?  Even if tv networks refuse to say anything about it, other networks could, there’s local stations or even the internet.  Any of this would bring more attention to the deaths we all see happening.

Just the government silencing this should cause resistance, what else are they are they hiding?  Then there’s the people who watch the sports as a 22 year-old athlete drops dead.  The teammates, the fellow athletes, the audience, etc who watched it happen.

It’s not like this just started yesterday.  You’d think there would be massive protests as we see in China, Iran, Europe or Brazil.  They can do it but we can’t?

□ [“Here We Go:  Fauci Says We Need Multiple Covid Booster Shots Each Year Due to New Variants”]

So those who don’t have the original shouldn’t bother starting now, they’ll never catch up, but those who did take the drugs are addicted for life.  Good to know.  They’re wearing the chains you forged in life and they’re trapped forever.

Does anybody ever ask Fauci about that?  What about people who aren’t taking part?  Can they just go on with their lives as they’ve been doing all this time or will they soon be under your thumb?  Put him on the record for opposition to our freedom.

□ [“Biden Admin Can’t Account for $20 Billion in Aid to Ukraine”]

Well, that explains why their lawmakers unanimously voted themselves a raise, the money our rulers flooding in wasn’t being tracked.  We give them $60 billion and a third of it somehow gets lost.  *Our* money was probably also funneled through FTX.

It’s easy to say George Soros and his self-appointed world masters were recipients but you still have to wonder.  Could it be China and their allies?  Could this be used to fund a private military and support?  This does help explain all the people totally focused on Ukraine regardless of what else is going on in the world.

But Soros and probably others certainly help themselves to taxpayer money, that’s probably how they became massively rich.  Then others will think they know what they’re doing and invest in whatever example Soros+ sets, which adds to their fortune.  But I would guess that taxpayers still put in the most.

Don’t know how true that is but I’m thinking it’s partially/largely true.  How many billions of dollars vanished when Hillary was Secretary of State?

□ [“China Is Building The World’s Largest Quarantine Camp In Guangzhou with 90,000 Isolation Pods”]

And with that, China takes a big step forward as the leader of the world, or the “role model” as our rulers call it.  How many camps has California set up, those wussies!  You have to be more like China, your leaders say so.

That’s what fighting a virus is all about, doing whatever you want to the people you’re in charge of and getting more people to be in charge of.  It would be easy to add people to these camps for hate-speech or those who might have voted for Trump.  What liberal would oppose that?  It’s not like they have to vote on it or anything.

Put the people in cages, take them out whenever you want them to do something, put them back in the cages.  They’re your property, you don’t even have to give them food or water.  You’ll just find more people to put in the cages, what could be simpler?

□ [“University of Cambridge Dean Claims Jesus Could Have Been Transgender”]

Well that would explain why you and all your peers are so opposed to Him.  That’s the first thing that comes to men when you stare at this guy’s dick, ‘he must be transgender!!!’  It’s so obvious when you think about it.

Hey, you think Mohammad might be transgender too?  That would explain why his worshippers don’t permit any pictures of him.  You should suggest that to your peers, see what the response is.  What are they going to do, get offended?

Also 28 November, 2022

One fun way to pass time is to measure it like a 24-hour clock, starting at 12 midnight and counting today as 12 midnight the following day.  I split it into AM and PM for convenience but if the Live Like a Suicide EP was released at 1200 midnight, then:

Appetite For Destruction was released at 1224 AM

Lies was released at 0118 AM

The Use Your Illusions were released at 0310 AM

Spaghetti Incident was released at 0438 AM

Chinese Democracy was released at 0239 PM

The first new concert with Slash and Duff was held at 0733 PM

“Absurd” was released at 1107 PM

And “Hard School” was released at 1113 PM

My math might be off by a little but not by much, that’s Axl’s band summed up in one day.  I could add Velvet Revolver and Slash’s albums but it would take up a lot more space, as would including Metallica or the Chili Peppers or whoever.  You could make your own 24-hour clock with those bands but then you have to redo the whole thing when they release new music.  With Axl’s band, you just add days and nothing else changes.

29 November, 2022

They can't gaslight if they ban gas

□ [“Biden Calls on Congress to Avert Nationwide Rail Strike After Union Rejects Labor Deal"]

They finally found a new excuse to seize more power.  They don't have any way to replace the workers but they can use goons with guns to impose their will.  Woodrow Wilson and Harry Trudeau used nationalizing as a weapon, you think Biden's not going to follow in their footsteps?  The Secretary of Transportation has obviously had nothing better do, he's just been sitting around and waiting for this.

Is it more important to seize control of transportation or just destroy it?  I'm sure they'll pick either but which one is the primary goal?  My guess is that they'd want to seize it because at some point some of them would realize that transportation and shipment is required to move stuff around.

The trains are needed to move supplies across hundreds-if-not-thousands of miles.  That's not something that can be done over night or by a few people, they aren't going to be able to just tell the military to do it.  Unless they've been training their private army for exactly this in lieu of IRS or weapons training, those people can't replace the workers either.

□ [“Dutch Government to Shut Down 3,000 Farms to Comply with Global Warming Goals – As Food Prices See Highest Increase in Decades"]

They're all in on this.  Any decent government would be looking into what needs to be done to keep people from starving to death, these governments are encouraging exactly that.  They'll be looking for other ways to kills as many of us as possible.  Notice that our government isn't saying 'stop that, let your people grow food.'  That's all you need to know.

This is the level where they absolutely do have this planned.  However good or bad their plans are, they have a lot of knowledge and experience in the respective matters.  For half a century, the European Union has had to deal with multiple nations who all act differently, and they've been dealing with nations that escaped communism as well.  They've been able to see how supplies and transportation and protection and authority are used in different ways and different places.

Everybody has to deal with the US so they all had to deal with that as well.  They're still pretending that we have our own separate nations but that's about the only weakness I can see.  We don't know how well trained they are to actually control our lives but they've certainly had experience.  We don't know what preparations they have but they definitely have something ready to go.

The fact that they're eagerly saying we need to start eating bugs should prove that.

□ [“Third Crypto Boss Dies in a Week"]

And what is the third time something happens?  That's right.  First guy died in his sleep, second guy was found a couple days after he drowned, this one was in a helicopter crash.

Just because of the way things go these days, my first instinct would be that they all had a reaction to the vaccine.  First guy almost certainly, second guy most likely, third guy it's entirely possible that he or the pilot just suddenly died.

Maybe it was the vaccine but that would mean our rulers have a lot more control over who dies from it and when than anybody would expect.  And if it wasn't the vaccine, that brings up the question of which side they were on and who sentenced them to death?

Was it our masters, keeping the crypto fraud secret?  Was it their fellow crypto conspirators making sure that nobody betrayed them?  Was it the enemy, whoever that is, targeting them?  Are there other relevant forces involved?

Every day, it gets more clear that the world is unquestioningly at war.  I've known that for a while, other people have known it for even longer.

□ [“Sam Brinton, Biden's Genderfluid, Puppy Perversion Official In Charge of Nuclear Materials, Charged With Felony Theft of a Woman's Luggage"]

As often as I disagree with the premise, I don't mean to say that our enemies are sane or intelligent or competent.  They definitely have some skills to let each other get away with anything, but that's not the same as productive ability.

This loon didn't turn in any bags before getting on the plane, so there would be no reason to think there were bags to pick up unless you intended to steal them.  Then when he was caught, he said the bag was his, or at least the clothes inside of it were.  Then he said he just took it by accident and made sure to keep it with him all the way home, because that's what you do with things you never ever intended to steal.

He's been told how to return the bag to its proper owner but still hasn't followed through on that.  Technically he's currently on leave at work but he's not going to be punished and there's no reason to think he'll ever bother to return the bag.

So yes, this is an example of the elites looking out for one of their own [how do you self-identify as one of them?] but it's clearly a blatantly stupid authoritarian thing to do for no reason other than you can.  They *do* have plans but they also have to put up with creatures like this on their side.

□ [“'If the Purpose is ‘Let’s Get All the People Vaccinated, Particularly the Elderly,’ Then Okay' – Dr. Fauci on China’s Lockdown"]

Experienced tyrants (as there are in China) know how to handle piddly idiots like him.  They know he's just going to follow them no matter what.  What's he going to say, '*don't* put your people in camps!!!'?

Our rulers have had to make a public statement about China trying to squash all the protesters but made sure not to say anything that might be conceived as support for the protestors.  For one thing, China wouldn't appreciate that.  For another thing, from their viewpoint, saying something about it might inspire Americans to protest and that can't be permitted.  If it's not following the Cultural Revolution's example, it's bad.

30 November, 2022

I'd put up new virus decorations but they're more expensive this year for some reason...

□ [“Fleetwood Mac Icon Christine McVie Passes Away at 79"]

"A short illness."  "Respect the family privacy."

Given her age and (one assumes) her history of drug use, normally this would go by unquestioned.  She's old and drops dead all of a sudden, no big deal.  But thanks to our rulers, this always looks suspicious from now on.  She's close to Joe Biden's age, fer pete's sake.

If the virus is such a horrible thing, as our rulers insist that it is, then they need to drop the 'privacy' and publicly report what she died from.  Otherwise we're going to wonder what they're trying to hide.

Ok, the rulers could just lie and say she fell off a ladder or something, it's not like we'd know the difference, but still...

□ [“Biden to Union Workers in Michigan: 'Ten Years Ago, How Many of You Knew What the Hell a Supply Chain Was?'"]

Anybody who works in a supply chain knows what a supply chain is.  Biden is saying that union workers are stupider than he is.  Couldn't he just say he took too many hits to the head during his time as a football star or truck driver?

On the bright side, our masters are doing everything they can to destroy the supply chain so soon, no one will know what it is.  Even better, when they seize complete ownership, they're going to ban unions altogether, just as every other communist nation does.  And these union leaders are the ones who helped make that happen.

□ [“Biden: 'It’s Gonna Take Time to Get Inflation Back to Normal Levels'"]

It didn't take that long to get this inflation after you seized power although to be fair, for the last two years these people have been saying there isn't any inflation.  Or that it's transitory or Russia's fault or whatever the current excuse is.

Now that the stolen elections are over, they can double-down on smashing the economy the way they've always planned.  They break it down and then say only their solutions can fix it.

□ [“Biden’s Energy Advisor Amos Hochstein: 'Eventually We Are Going to be Phasing Out the Use of Oil'"]

Except for you and your fellow elites, that is.  You're rich and powerful so you'll expect something works, you don't want to be treated like you treat the rest of us.  Not that he doesn't refer to any specific plan, just "eventually."  That shows us who's going to lose out on the right to travel first and who isn't.

That's not unheard of, every communist dictator insisted their rule would "eventually" fade away.  Just not in their lifetime but they promise...  Such regimes also require complete measurement and details of every single object in their empire, to make their rule work smoother.  Obviously that's what our masters are doing.

You'd think they'd be announcing the plans to replace it with whatever-they'll-replace it with.  Pay China and Russia more money for the rare metals required for their solar projects or something?  They know nothing about how this works, they just want to destroy it and will figure out what to replace it with sometime in the unforeseeable future.

It's like they've finally figured out how to make tyranny perfect and nothing's going to stop them now.  What would they be doing differently if that were the case?

□ [“New Study: Don't Worry About Reports of Vaccine Injuries, They're Mostly Caused by 'Misinformation' About the Existence of Vaccine Injuries"]

Probably the same study I've mentioned before, but this really is just a more complicated version of bullying your little brother, 'stop hitting yourself!  Stop hitting yourself!  Stop hitting yourself!'

They say it's so scientific, they never even need to question why this reaction to stress never caused people to just drop dead at such high numbers before, or why the people dropping dead are all vaccinated against the same fake virus.  That would be one of the first things you look for, how many of these dead people have had experimental chemicals pumped into their bodies recently.  Yet the people who know everything never think of this.

The CDC has just been legally forced against their will to release a report that 1/3 of the vaccinated population are suffering serious health problems as a result.  You don't keep people safe by hiding all the damage you cause them as a result of pretending to keep them safe.

Fauci is having to testify under oath about how he suddenly changed his mind and decided cloth on our faces would protect us from a virus better than it protects us from smelling people's farts even though he had specifically said the opposite previously.  And all of a sudden his great memory has gone blank and he can no longer remember where he got the notion from.

But he still wants to impose more rules to stop the virus.  It's worked so well for him up to now.

□ [“House Passes Bill to Avert Rail Union Strike – Bill Heads to Senate Where It’s Expected to Hit Roadblock"]

Bernie Sanders is saying he won't vote for it if the government take more control and like most leftists has no idea what he's talking about so he'll probably get what he wants.  He wants workers to get more sick-days but doesn't bother to find out who would replace them if they're sick.  On the off-chance he ever looked into that, he'd say just hire more people but wouldn't bother finding out why railroads aren't hiring more people anyway, since that would be cheaper.

I'm positive they're going to do something, I'm just not sure what.  More government control, sure, but what does that actually mean?  Maybe I'm just out of hope but I assume whatever they come up with will work in the short-run.  It's like boiling a frog, turning the heat up slowly so it doesn't notice until it's too late.  That's what they're doing to us.

I know that there's people who want to resist but the fact that we haven't even figured out a way to start yet is one reason I don't have any hope right now.  We need direction and guidance, a sign that we can follow.  I'm trying to inspire others to be involved but that's about all I can do.  I don't even know if this is having any effect.

There are some areas where I do think something is being done but those are too vague to be of any use or assistance.  Send the signal, put out the word, let us know what can be done or else everything will look worthless and the best we can do is just pray we'll be dead as soon as possible.  That's no way to live, which is how our masters want it.

01 December, 2022

Inflation is even affecting will, it's not longer free.

□ [“Senate Passes Bill to Avoid Rail Strike"]

Well, the enormous disaster I've been hoping for won't be coming soon, near as I can tell anyway.  Democrats side with the business owners, not the workers or unions.  Government imposes its will and everyone just has to suffer.  They will force people to work against their will.  It's possible many workers will quit as soon as they get their back-pay but who knows?

No idea what's going to happen now, other than that things will get worse and misery will grow.  That's how our masters want it and they set the rules.

Europe is showing some videos of people getting sick of the protestors who block traffic, and just throwing them off the road.  They should probably add more violence but otherwise it's fine.

In the clips I've seen, it's strange how the protestors don't even move.  They're completely convinced that no car will run into them but completely useless for anything else.  These are young, presumably healthy people, they're not hurt by being dropped a couple feet to the ground, yet they just lie there where they landed.  Not even sitting, much less standing, much less trying to go after the guy who throws them away.

The only thing I can think if is that they're just so shocked about not getting everything they want - especially given that what they want is to interrupt other people's lives - that they're stunned into immovability.  How can anyone get to a point where any pretense of competence is gone in times of stress and you're just a human vegetable?

□ [“Britain’s Top Virus Adviser:  Country Facing 'Prolonged Period' of Deaths Not Due to Covid, But Because of Lockdowns"]

Yes, we know.  When you lock people up, they can't have access to medical care.  That's why leftists all across the world want to have government-controlled healthcare, remember?  They've said we need to be more like Britain for this very reason.

But notice this gives them an excuse to ignore the vaccine they forced on everyone.  Can't say it was the vaccine that killed you if we forbid all medical care for you in the first place.

□ [“Mask Mandates Back in Effect on USAF and US Army Bases"]

They got to go a few months without being forced to put cloth on their faces but that's over now.  They were all vaccinated but that doesn't mean anything compared to the cloth.

I do give the military a lot of leeway.  They're government property so there aren't many options.  I was given a ton of shots during my ten years and if I was still there, I'd have been fully-vaccinated without hesitation.  The vaccine itself is a problem but for most people, getting it probably wouldn't be a big deal.  Not saying it's a good thing but like it or not, most soldiers get used to it.

But this...  This is humiliation just for the sake of humiliation.  Who do they think is going to put up with this?  The strongest military in history is already having serious problems getting enlistment and re-ups, this will drive them away in larger numbers and much more quickly.  Not to mention all the medical damage our rulers have caused.

Are the vaccinated coming to realize that the unvaccinated were right?  Maybe I'm just desperate for something resembling hope but that is almost-certainly growing among an ever-increasing number of people.  Just the fact that our rulers and their pet-media show zero interest in the number of people catching "sudden death syndrome" shows the rest of us what they're really going for.

What happened to every life being precious and every death is a tragedy?  We can see other countries find that something is going very wrong with this vaccine, why are our rulers ignoring that?

This is something that would definitely be building at the lowest level, those you talk to personally, at least the ones you know are on your side.  They see the deaths too and are just as worried.

□ [“Has Ukraine's Army Been Reduced By Almost 50%?"]

Haven't been hearing much about the Russia/Ukraine thing for a while.  I still see reports that Ukraine is always winning, Russia is totally defeated just like always, but those seem few and far-between these days.  Granted I don't pay much attention to whatever news there is, but several months ago, you couldn't avoid hearing about it, but now...?

We're still nearing winter and although Ukraine probably goes through it too, Russia's experience of wars during winter is much... bigger.  Their rulers have always had to keep track of what's going on in Siberia and their military has had to train for that.  So we can assume that Ukraine's cross-the-board victories will continue just as they have been.

Did they ever get any air-power back or are the skies still completely in Russia's control as they've been all this time?  That one still gets me, how the hell can you believe the media reports on Ukraine whipping Russia off the face of the earth without an airforce?  And if they have one, where is it?

Also worth noting that, not that we'd hear about this if it happens, but Russia doesn't seem to be getting supplies and equipment from China, Iran, North Korea or its other allies the way Ukraine is being funded by NATO, an organization it's never even bothered to join.  Now that seems quite strange.  If the situation was so bad for Russia, wouldn't they be getting help from their allies?  If nothing else, hasn't Russia long-since run out of ammo, food, fuel for its tanks, etc. like we've been told all this time?

Or are they waiting for the real war to start before they get involved?

Also 01 December, 2022

If I knew then what I know now, I'd have been much stupider then.

Had a thought, not sure what it means or where to go with it, but I noticed that I only vaguely glanced at who posted on the internet and focused more on the post itself.  This reminded me of standard leftist responses, asking ‘who’ specifically said something.  Is that a way to deliberately avoid thinking about what’s was said, instead looking for some alliance or connection to the speaker (or the reverse for an opponent)?

This just seems to be at the core of their mindset, an avoidance of thinking about ideas in-and-of themselves to self-identify with whoever spoke, which they accuse their opponents of doing.  This stands out as a basic personality trait.

It reminded me of a story.  There was once a military battle, not overly famous, where the winners’ victory plan came from a leader who isn’t particularly respected nowadays.  I learned about this battle during a lesson about how even a hate-filled enemy can have a good idea, which thinking people shouldn’t ignore just because he’s bad.

This lesson was followed by my then-commander and sergeant-major trading further details about this battle which I’d never heard of before.  They demonstrated how much thought they had given, as had their colleagues, instructors and opponents.

[This lesson also gave me the title for one of my books which includes a longer telling of this anecdote.  Buy it, read it, love it.  Or else.]

It’s natural to focus on who is saying something and make a difference on how we react.  The military uses this, a rank-structure emphasizing who usually has to be listened to.  As children, we’re forced to listen to adults and quickly learn to single mommy and daddy out as the important ones.  Part of conversation is looking at who you’re talking to, who they are and what relation or relevance they have to you or to the subject at-hand.

Yet some people don’t focus on the ideas being presented.  There are those who respond automatically with ‘you sound like Fox News/Rush Limbaugh’ or ‘you sound like a Trump/Putin/George W. Bush’ supporter.  They easily dismiss anything they don’t like by calling it ‘racist/homophobic/anti-woman/anti-trans/war-monger/etc.’

Focusing on the idea rather than who said it encourages thinking as well as self-doubt.  Is it a good idea, at least partially?  Does it include something my perspective lacks?  Do our viewpoints express the same thing in different ways?  If so, what makes them different?  Is one version better than the other?

This also shows possibility for individual growth and/or advantage.  If your idea is better than mine, I can learn from that.  If my idea is better, I can either help you learn from it or remain silent and let you continue in the wrong direction.  There are multiple options which can only come from focus on ‘what is said’ rather than ‘who said it?’

The alternative is to come across as identical duplicates, reciting the same slogans and catchphrases.  These change on a regular basis to appear more up-to-date.  The speaker may not even know who told them what to say, but whoever dictated knew their example would be followed as an automatic ‘positive’ or ‘negative’ reaction.

Now that we know that, what do we know?  Anybody?  Little help here.

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