Monday, December 5, 2022


02 December, 2022

It's true that I always lie but it's also true that I'm always wrong.

□ [“Underage New Jersey High School Students Forced to Perform In Drag For Eager Adult Faculty Members"]

I think this is deliberate.  Not just that they manipulate children this way, but now that it's more and more known that this is exactly what they're doing, they're doubling down on it, showing off how bad they are and what are you gonna do to stop them, hmmmm?

They're all in on it.  Even those who don't actively take part know about the ongoing grooming and do nothing to stop it.  The left, the Democrats and their masters have known about it for a long time.  This is why civilization is being destroyed, its whole existence had depended on either eradicating these creatures or at lasting saying 'keep it to yourself.'

They'll never keep it to themselves by choice, they will always force it on everyone else no matter what.  That's why they always have to seize power wherever they can.

It's probably where sex trafficking is handled.  School would be the best place to single out which kids you want and take them home, or wherever.  That's why they want to ban parents, they'd just get in the way.  Wouldn't surprise me if this turns out to be inspired by decades of projections, calling parents "abusive" as an excuse to tear down the family and have their way with kids.

□ [“Zelensky to Ban Ukrainian Church After He Bans Media Outlets and Opposition Party"]

Naturally.  This is what they wanted.  It's what all the Ukraine supporters we've heard from over the last ten months have been eager to see.  Not only can government shut down media for saying what government doesn't want to hear, not only can it ban political parties it doesn't like from running in elections, but it shuts down religion too.  How much better could this get for Ukraine supporters?

It does sort of hurt their arguments though.  You going to complain about Putin silencing media, elections or religions?  Well then, now you've got Zelensky acting more like Putin, doesn't that make you happy?  Or Trump, for that matter.

And like banning Europe from using Russian oil as leftists have always wanted, Putin deserves the credit for this.  They couldn't have banned the church without him.

□ [“Switzerland to ban electric cars from roads, order games consoles off during power shortages to reduce energy consumption"]

Well this is something.  You ban the use of energy to promote use of this other energy and then you ban the other energy too, that makes it look like your goal is to ban the use of energy in general.  Except for your rulers of course, that's a given, but still...

The existing forms of energy obviously worked too well, you wouldn't be able to ban them unless rich people who'd invested in the inferior forms could get the government to require it.  Doesn't matter how badly it works or how much you get to pay China and Russia to produce the inferior forms, the government gets control and the rich people get a profit.  That's win-win and only the peons lose so that can be ignored.

Just a note, it does sound like there will be protests by the railway workers.  Don't know how big they'll be or what effect they'll have, but that's definitely something.  They should all just self-identify as having a virus and not come in to work.

□ [“'Tipping point': Has China begun a retreat from zero-COVID -- and is it too late?"]

No.  The optimism is nice but at this point we need a real, undeniable victory/enemy defeat before I'll take it seriously.  Sure, China's leaders are worried about any resistance the people have but that's what totalitarians do every day, worry about the people turning against them and winning.

Sure, they're tired of the tyrants imposing this 'zero-virus' policy but that's the way the masters want it.  They'll stick together and they'll use the force.  They'll also inspire our masters to do the same thing.  That's why they gave us the virus.

□ [“Los Angeles Mask Mandate Set to Return as Covid Cases Rise"]

And nobody's going to ask why they didn't bother to stop the virus.  Nor is anybody going to ask why they dropped the masks if they weren't going to stop the virus.  Why not just force people to keep cloth on their face all day every day?  It's not like it makes a difference, or that their leaders have to follow the same rule.

Just follow China's example, what could go wrong?

□ [“Elon Musk Reveals Why Twitter Suppressed Hunter Biden ‘Laptop From Hell’ Story"]

This is coming out.  Slowly, so it'll be a while before we really hear anything interesting, if anything interesting there be.  If anything, it'll be interesting to find the dozens of federal agents who verified that the laptop's contents were totally fake, see what they have to say.  Assuming they were real people who weren't just following a script, dunno what the odds of that are.

Not sure if it's good or bad but one thing that sticks out is that these tweets covering the release are made by Matt Taibbi.  To the best of my recollections (which aren't particularly trustworthy) he's always been a devout leftist but one of the rare strain which...  Not even sure how to describe it, but it's like they believe what they're saying, yet still accept the possibility that they can be wrong.  When they are wrong about something, they change direction.

Never been a follow or tracked his work, I only know what little I've seen or heard about, but that's the impression that I've had from his reputation.  Correct me if I'm wrong, maybe I'm mistaking him for someone else, but there are leftists capable of that.  I suspect, not sure how to prove, that those are the type who can actually grow up and stop being leftist.

03 December, 2022

I get that they self-identify as mutants and as ninjas, but teenagers?  Really?

Musk delayed the release of Twitter texts for an hour or so, claiming it was a final bit of fact-checking.  I'm guessing it wasn't checking the facts, it was checking whatever legality was needed.  Then the first batch came out.

What little I've seen so far says it's basically staff emails about how to hide the truth from the voters, the government supports that.  Which is fine [well, not fine] but so far I haven't seen or heard anything that stands out as an atrocity worse than what we already know about.  More will be coming out today, we'll see if that goes anywhere.

Biden did say that his son's laptop scandal was just a Russian hoax.  Wonder if he's going to be asked about that anytime soon.  Of course these are the same rulers who can be trusted about the virus/vaccines.

□ [“Aerosmith Suddenly Cancel Las Vegas Concert As Steven Tyler Falls Ill"]

First they cut the shows because of the virus.  Then they kick Joey Kramer out for some unspecified reason.  Then they cut the shows because Steven Tyler's going back into rehab for drugs.  And now they cut it again because Tyler is sick.  Is anyone else buying this?

They're obviously pretty old and weak by this point, that kind of stuff is expected.  Actually it's the Joey Kramer thing that bugs me the most.  The drummer is the weak point when it comes to aging in rock'n'roll and it's quite possible he's not up to the job anymore.  But if it were my decision, he'd at least be there on tour or concert.

Of the things I've loved about Aerosmith, one of them is how, except for a few years we ignore now and were before my time anyway, they've kept the same line-up.  They've stopped making albums and anyone who's heard their last one can hear why, but they'd earned a place at the top of rock royalty, but if you're willing to pay money to see them in their final days, you deserve to see all five of them.

I know there's other bands who've had to deal with this but they aren't Aerosmith so they don't matter.  There's the age, the medical issues, few of them making anything anybody wants to listen to and whatever the music industry is these days isn't going to change.  It seems like a lot of them are selling the publishing rights to their songs to big corporations for megabucks which they spent all those years pretending to oppose.

There's also the connection Hollywood and, if rumors are true, Epstein's island.  We do know Steven Tyler had a thing for the younger ones.  So there's that.

Not looking like a lot of news is happening right now.  Ok, maybe the twitter release of conversation about Hunter Biden's laptop is taking up a lot of attention but really?  The virus?  Russia/Ukraine?  Any other form of tyranny our masters want to impose?  The people on both sides could be speaking out but there's not much at the moment.

We're all broken and getting worse, but you can't tell me the World Cup is the most important thing going on these days.

□ [“The Kiss of Death: US Knocked Out of World Cup After Biden Wishes Them Luck Before Game Against the Netherlands"]

Ok, that's still funny.  Sometimes I wonder if whatever-conspiracies there are actually use Biden to signal who's being taken down or something like that, and this would sure fit into that.  Our masters want the US destroy, their puppets are obeying as much as possible, so the US loses a world sporting competition to show that off.

Sure, I just made the theory up a moment ago but think about it, is there anything that immediately leaps out as proof that it's totally impossible?

There's also stuff about Harvey Weinstein and Jeffrey Epstein, you'd think the people who've been lecturing for decades about morality and how wrong it is to mistreat people would be jumping out to talk about these two.  Ok, Harvey is a problem because he's still alive and might get revenge if they insult him, but still...

Just look at how many famous people worked directly for him or for others who worked directly for him.  There's a picture of Oprah Winfrey holding a young attractive nervous-looking chick for him, and she'd not even asked to explain, much less defend herself.  Everybody else would, at least if anybody were permitted to ask.

You don't even get the famous actresses who worked for Weinstein insisting that they were noble, they totally refused to put out for him, because that's how Hollywood works.  Ok, they might have to explain why they didn't look out for anybody else, but that's how Hollywood works.  And they're selling out to China, do we even want to know what their new rulers do in private?

04 December, 2022

This is the essay title you've been waiting for. Now you've read it, happy?

I've taken a look at what's supposedly Jeffrey Epstein's phone roster, his "Little Black Book."  It looks more realistic than the other one's I've heard of so I at least went through it.  At a guess, it was made around 2005 when he was being busted for child-slavery.  A note on the first page lists "2004-2005" and cites some of the people listed as witnesses, with further notes on the last pages.  It's also been out for a while, while googling details, I found a news story that showed a picture from it and was dated early August 2019, a few days before Epstein died.

Most of the names I bothered to look up have their own Wikipedia page so they're definitely somebody.  Some names are circled with notes, others are circled without notes.  Trump is listed and circled without notes.  The email address is listed for Melania, who married Trump in 2005.  The White House number is also listed under its own file.  Of the names I did look up just out of curiosity, many of them were involved with models, professionally or personally.  That would probably explain Trump and Melania.  Ivana and Ivanka are also listed.

Famous names that I recognized include:  Bob Weinstein, John Cleese, Phil Collins, Dustin Hoffman, Mick Jagger, Michael Jackson, Christopher Lambert [Highlander], Simon Le Bon, Courtney Love (her name is also circled without notes), Kevin Spacey, Chris Tucker, Robin Leach, Michael Ovitz, Oliver Sacks, Chris Evans and Joan Rivers.  Famous political names include Henry Kissinger, Rupert Murdoch, "Saud Prince Solman" (Salman), Maria Shriver, Barbara Walters, John Kerry, George Mitchell, Ron Perelman, David Rockefeller and Alan Dershowitz.

I hadn't realized this book was old when I saw Michael Jackson.  It was believable that he'd still be listed but then what about, I dunno, Hugh Hefner?  Larry Flynt?  Carrie Fischer?  They've died a lot more recently and were just as likely to be in on this.  There's several people named Kennedy as well, also likely to be involved but it's such a common name that we don't have anything to go on.  Unless we call the phone numbers listed...

The MJ list cites a lawyer and from what I can tell, that's what information is listed here.  It suggests that the connection was really with the lawyer who had a few short encounters with MJ.  In a way, they were definitely connected, but not that close.  There's no what to know who's listed for that reason, temporary business connections that didn't work out.

Other names aren't famous [as far as I know] but could be related to someone who is, politicians, actors, rock stars and in one case, one of my military commanders.  [Other military commanders I had were definitely related to prominent liberals so I'm just mentioning this for the record]  There's even a Siegel and Schuster listed right next to each other.  Not the ones we all know but could they be descendants?  There's a Peter Soros, George Soros has a nephew of the same name.

There's even a Von Habsburg, oh come on!  Really?  Along with Ehud Barak, it's things like this that make me convinced it really is a conspiracy that's been going on for a long time.

I'm thinking this list of numbers is at least several years old.  It cites Bruce King who is listed as the governor of New Mexico, which he was, three non-consecutive times between 1971 and 1995.  Right next to his name is Bill Richardson who would be New Mexico governor from 2003 to 2011 and has been cited as an Epstein ally since then.  The John Kerry entry cites "John Kerry for President" as one of the available numbers, indicating when this "Little Black Book" was made and when Kerry definitely wanted Epstein's support.

□ [“Democrat Rep. Maxine Waters Praises FTX Founder In New Tweet"]

She's so happy that he's coming to testify before Congress.  When have you ever seen a congressman so joyful about upcoming testimony?  Safe to assume they've already got the verdict worked out, the guy who pays them is totally innocent of stealing the money.

It really does look like at some level these people know they'll get away with anything so they aren't even bothering to try anymore.  Waters could be horrified that people lost so much money, taken from them by the person who's coming to testify, but no, they obviously don't matter.  Don't know if they're poor people but they're definitely poorer than they were before they dealt with FTX.

□ [“Here We Go: WHO Warns Drop in COVID Alertness Could Create New Deadly Variant"]

Funny, we didn't have that problem with Anthrax, West Nile Virus, SARS, Bird Flu, E coli, Swine Flu, Ebola or Zika Virus, and some of those were declared national emergencies.  Yet we somehow just managed to go on with our lives and ignore them all.

They never cite Biden's plan to end the virus on Day One or that he personally declared the pandemic over.  If they did, they'd have to explain why they ignore the POTUS.  They also don't even mention whether or not this new version of the old virus will be affecting people who've been vaccinated more than the rest of us.  That's something that should definitely be looked into, at least if they want to claim to know what they're talking about.

But at least this means they don't need to look into the huge number deadly bloodclots spreading among the vaccinated.  That saves them time and energy.

□ [“Senator Johnson: Censorship of Hunter Biden’s Laptop is 'Just Part of a Much Larger Story'"]

Then reveal the damn story!  Screw classified information, at this point we need to know what's happening and if you're not going to tell us, you're part of the problem.

We know we're at war, the acting-Secretary of Defense said so in 2020, but we don't know how to fight it or with who.  We see info on Jeffrey Epstein or Harvey Weinstein, but it's not clear what's confirmed and what is just speculation.

We know Hunter was heavily bribed and stupid enough to go along with anything, he passed that on to his father.  We think other nations are involved but it's not clear which ones or why.  I keep saying the Russia/Ukraine thing is just a hoax, Putin's just 'the heavy' to get the blame while the plan continues, it would be easy to say the same thing about Trump.

Remove the fog.  We can't even form alliances because we don't know who to work with, much less trust.  We know that's what the enemy is doing, funding revolutions, resistance, bribes and all kinds of private actions, from human trafficking to whatever pseudo-religion they worship.  They know what they're doing, we don't.

The Russia/Ukraine thing is still going on.  Supposedly Russia is winning again, heavy Ukraine casualties.  Winter doesn't help, I'm sure, but one has to ask how well the equipment handles the snow and ice.  The stuff that was made for the region, that's probably as good as it could be, but what about all the shipments from the US and wherever?  Unless they came from Alaska or something, they wouldn't have been made for that.

There have been invaders in the past who thought they'd handle Russian winters fine and were completely wrong.  But there are also times when Democrats pretended to oppose banning media and church and political opponents and they're completely silent here.  Guess Putin and Trump should have done more of that.

Speaking of winter, has Europe figured out what to do without electricity yet?  They were the ones who insisted on it, at least for poor people, so do they have any plans ready to go?  Those places aren't known for winter heat either.  At least for poor people, notice how we never have to worry about how the elite rulers are doing, they're fine, they enjoy this.

Also 04 December, 2022

□ [“Guns N’ Roses frontman Axl Rose vows to end concert tradition in wake of fan injury"]

Axl has sent a lot of women to the hospital over the last thirty years, but he always gets away with it, so nothing's changed.  Oh, and then there's throwing the microphone stand out into the audience, I guess he's stopping that too.  This time the lady tried to sue so he promised to stop immediately.

Still looking in on G'n'R history and I notice that Axl's always been like this, even before he was rich and famous.  Steven is the only band member who has admitted to being a male prostitute but they were surrounded by rich and famous people in the party zone and they were all known for picking underage girls.  That's the sort of thing I've been trying to figure out, what have these people been working towards all these decades?

“Being bad is a rush.  One time this hippie chick wandered into our studio and she was fucking with our equipment, trying to break stuff.  We wouldn’t call the cops – they’d turn the situation around and hassle us for picking on this poor girl.  So eventually she wound up running down Sunset naked, all dingy, doesn’t even know her name.  The firemen and the cops all came down on us, and I’m sitting in there hiding behind an amplifier.  They got six or seven people lined up in there, and she identifies someone else as me. (He went to court and got off, by the way.)  While the cops are there harassing everybody, asking questions, I’m with this girl behind the amp, going at it, and that was a rush!  I got away with it!  It was really exciting!”

 – Axl, LA Weekly, June 27, 1986

He gets away with it, he's thrilled by that, he says this to the media who reports it, and that's back when he was a complete nobody, except to the LA in-crowd.  This isn't counting all the things he smashed and broke, or the women.  "My Michelle" is a topic in-of-itself.

And he kept getting away with it.  He demanded more and more control of the band, who were drugged out so they went along with it.  I cannot find the specific quote from Slash, but it describes watching Axl beat some chick up and Slash's girl wanted to get involved, but he told her not to, it would just make things worse.

Obviously he prefers to beat up smaller people, like females and everybody supports that, he just keeps rising in power.  There's the famous guy's daughter, Erin Everly.  Why would you even let her go there in the first place?  Then, obsessed with the insane break-up with Erin, he'll devote a bunch of expensive videos to how horrible she was, and hires a supermodel for the actress.  Well we know how that worked out.

Since then, he's stayed almost entirely private except when he's getting a lot of money to go on-stage.  He's never actually said he's given up music but that's obviously what's happened.  He's probably only touring so much because of all the money he's spent.  Those mansions ain't cheap, there's the parties he spent tons of money on during the Use Your Illusion tours, which hadn't made a profit after the second year so they had to add a third.  Chinese Democracy wasn't finished until he had to pay for the recording sessions.

I've always assumed Axl has long-since given up the rights to any of the music he's famous for, it would just be too valuable to take from someone who mindlessly spends so much money.  But this is also where I wonder what people actually do on that financial level.  One would think they'd make investments that don't depend on being a famous rock star, Sammy Hagar is a fantastic example of that.

There's also the underground elite, which is what has had their way with cryptocurrency, funding through Ukraine and are probably getting every penny they can from Biden.  Sometimes I wonder if Axl has actually been putting out music over the years, he just gives it to that crowd and nobody else.

This is the sort of stuff I think about.  That's why we moved out of the jungle, we would have died there.

05 December, 2022

The Declaration of Independence was really popular, why hasn't there been a sequel yet?

Saw a rumor that Biden will be ending the false-vaccine mandate for the military.  Obviously a good thing but it *might* even suggest hope.  The military does have to keep track of what kills their soldiers and since every piece of evidence points to this poison they're forced to take against their will, Biden has to either obey or get shot on the spot for killing the troops.  Considering he pretends to be in charge of them, on a military level that's flat-out treason *and* assault by the enemy.

That would definitely be a long-standing military tradition, analyzing the situation where you have to shoot the person in charge in his ugly stupid face.  Wouldn't be surprised if that's covered in senior NCO training and probably all officers.  Or at least the highest ranks, you probably don't make general without having to go through a class on how not to piss off the people who get paid to surround you with guns.  You already have to lead them into battle and this is much worse.

Probably nothing will happen but it's nice to think there's a possibility.  I definitely think there are military members, some possibly still in uniform, who have plans for this.

One problem that's been growing over decades and generations was the end of family.  I've written this many times as have many others but it's never too silent.  The smartest and most competent men have every motivation to stay away from the collective group, so the reproduction happens with the less intelligent and less competent people.

This just gives the men who are already staying by themselves more incentive to go with that.  It's cheaper and easier if you're not bothering to chase women, much less add children into the mix.  Meanwhile women delude themselves into thinking they can get everything but aren't finding men to love and as a result, fewer children who can get anywhere.

The way to make it work is one man, one woman, together until death and having children from that.  Now the men have no incentive to take part.  Some women also see the problem but they're quite limited just because they're more collective, they're about getting involved with other people, particularly women and kids.  This repeats itself and gets worse and worse for everybody involved, with fewer men taking part.

Those are the men most women are attracted to if they have the option.  They want *that guy* and other men have to work to improve themselves to have a chance of getting the chicks.  Women also work to have something more to offer than sex.  That's how society works and now we have a society that doesn't work.

□ [“Nigerian Leader Issues Warning: Weapons Sent to Ukraine Are Ending Up in Hands of Terrorist Groups in North Africa"]

It's obviously believable although there's no clue if these weapons were just sent by typical corruption, someone helping themselves to a batch and sending it elsewhere, or if this was the actual plan from the start, to seize as many military weapons as possible and arm the enemy all around the world.

It does seem believable.  If Nigeria was lying about where the weapons came from, how would they pick Ukraine?  Just throw a dart at a map and say conflicts from whatever region you hit are where these weapons are coming from?  They're not far from where China is building colonies, I suppose they could be getting their info from China, if you're willing to trust them.  [By the way, Congo is one of China's new territories, doesn't that seem like a match made in heaven?]

So if it's just passing along weapons and supplies that were supposed to go to Ukraine, that's understandable and someone will have to look into who's doing this.  But if the point was to arm as many as possible, while weaking the defenses of everyone else (and banning guns altogether from the public) then this is just utterly spooky.  How do you even get to a point where you think this is a good idea and have authority to pull it off?

Ukraine would obviously be fine with that.  Russia would also be fine and not just because there's less risk of getting shot at, but that would be evidence they were in on the plan all along and this whole thing is a charade.

□ [“Switzerland May Ban the Use of Electric Vehicles this Winter Amid Energy Crisis"]

The supply crisis continues to grow.  Our rulers are trying to get rid of as much electricity as possible, in addition to food and weapons.  I definitely think they'll have to strike this winter with whatever their next step in the plan is.  If they wait until next winter, we might be used to the cold and/or have worked out plans that don't depend on our masters.  Where would they be if everyone didn't depend on them?

It's like Obamacare, requiring everybody to buy insurance and then taking medical care away.  Now they're doing that with electric cars.  Yet no liberals complain about the stuff that's supposed to save the world being taken away from them.  Maybe they do complain in private, but not where anybody might hear them.

□ [“Who Will Care for ‘Kinless’ Seniors?"]

Then there's this, trying and failing to explain the problem.  It describes a 77-year old woman who never bothered to have a husband or kids, now she's old and alone.  As the saying goes, you can get what you want and still not be very happy.

And guess what, the old men are less unhappy because they've found things to do with their lives.  That's what they do, that's what they're here for.  Women are here to provide motivation and interest while producing the next generation who will take care of us when we're old.  Do you expect the government to do that/

Oh, they do expect that.  Well, have fun with that.  I guess you can whine about it but it's not like anybody has to pay attention to you.  You couldn't be bothered to take the burden of raising anyone to adulthood, you were surrounded by lots of people who agreed with that, now adults don't have to take the burden that you've become.

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