Friday, December 9, 2022


06 December, 2022

But when do we get sympathy *from* the devil?

Saw another video of someone attacked by the vaccine.  She didn't die (on video anyway) but couldn't stop shaking in exactly the way we've seen from people suffering from the vaccine.  She turns to the camera and cries "we need help!"

This is what our rulers have imposed on us.  Now only the non-vaccinated can expect to not have this problem up to and including death.  Everybody else has to fear for their lives because we can all watch people losing theirs.  And even the non-vaccinated know that they won't stay healthy forever.

They are deliberately imposing terror upon the masses.  That's part of the plan, assuming we don't die.  Or even if we do, it's a win-win for them.

□ [“SoCal: Huntington Beach Elementary School Principal Commits Suicide at Disneyland"]

Reportedly he was falsely accused of child abuse which, if you're not rich and famous, means the end for you in California.  So if true, this is certainly understandable but...  Disneyland?  You're so distraught by false accusations that you're going to end it all in the happiest place on earth?  People will see you, they'll watch, they may even be entertained.

Most people who do this deliberately are alone.  They don't pay expensive tickets to get into a public place.  If you're going to do it, I guess jumping off a roof is a good way to make sure there's no turning back but can't you use a building nearby?  Never mind the basic concept of suicide, something about this just doesn't seem right, and that's assuming it was a false accusation.

If it wasn't?  Is there any chance that a popular school executive could be abusing children?  In California???  Whether he's innocent or not, this is what he and his peers have brought themselves to, where we can basically assume that child sex-predators are everywhere and aren't the slightest bit sorry by their deaths, however painful it is.  At worst, we'll occasionally be wrong.  That's the world these people have created.

□ [“Overbearing Protective Orders Placed on Paul Pelosi Trial. Why is This Being So Protected??"]

Because the elites get to show that they're better than everybody else by keeping secrets.  We wouldn't be able to see that if they didn't tell us there were secrets we're not allowed to see.  That's why the media has totally dropped all attention on this case, that's how it can be kept secret from their viewers.

There are multiple versions with large gaps in the explanation but they aren't going to show us the cameras.  You know, the ones showing this Trump supporter broke into the house.  But that totally happened, the rulers say so.

They're not going to give the Trump supporter's confession either, that way there's no doubt that he's trying to kill Nancy Pelosi because Trump told him to do it.  This way they can just talk about domestic terrorists and never ask if any illegal immigrants are involved.

It sounds like Ukraine actually fired some drones into Russia.  It doesn't sound like there was much in the way of casualties or damage.  For some reason, what strikes out at me is the resemblance to the rocket attacks on my first deployment to Iraq.

These happened in my later deployments but the first one was really where this went on.  Every day or so, someone somewhere would fire a few rockets at us.  They rarely came anywhere nearby, though you'd obviously be told to see protection if you're outside when it happens.

But they only got three shots.  Any more and it would be too easy to track them down.  I'd assume security was able to catch some anyway but I never checked.  Outside smoking a cigarette, 1SG bums one, we chat about whatever and suddenly the first rocket goes off.  He snaps "get inside!"  I obey, but get at least one more puff, and make sure the cigarette is put out.  Can't go inside with it lit, right 1SG?  And I want it available when I come back out in a little while.

But that's the impression I get from this recent report of Ukraine attacks.  It just seems like a show they're putting on, pretending to do something to avoid an upcoming attack from Russia.  We'll see...

□ [“Germany Orders Farmers to Slash Fertilizer After Dutch Government Shuts Down 3,000 Farms to Comply with Global Warming Goals"]

They're trying to cause a famine.  There's no other reason for this.  The people giving these orders and punishing anyone who disobeys will blame it global warming.

They're shutting down farms, they're making food production more expensive, they haven't even gotten to the real hunger stage yet and are already insisting that people must eat less.  Before long, they'll charge us for breathing.

This is happening all across the supply crisis.  We can see storages of back-up supplies are being cut down, meaning that when they're needed, they won't be there.  I definitely think they'll hit this winter because by next winter, we'll have suffered enough and more preparations than we're permitted now.  Hopefully we will have overthrown our rulers by then.

07 December, 2022

Actually it's a sober fact that the matter is stone-cold.

□ [“Biden to Announce 2024 White House Bid After Holidays"]

As expected.  They're not going to stop stealing elections, they just got another one last night so Democrats have guaranteed their Senate majority.  They could just declare Biden the winner and wouldn't even have to waste time pretending there's an election.  The only thing that can stop Biden is his age and the people around him who want to take over.

At worst, Biden's officials will investigate and arrest anybody who dares to run against him.  This is what liberals have always wanted.  Sure, they'll complain about others but when they do this it's totally different.  Because they say so.  And they know best.

This is happening across the world.  In addition to Brazil's internal conflicts, Peru has just had its ruler stage a coup.  Other South American countries are fighting as well, and that's just one continent.  This is going on all over the world.

It's easy to say 'have trust in God' but we didn't get the last century of unheard of prosperity by waiting for God to provide it.  He put us here to do the work so we need to start making it happen.

□ [“Duke University Hospital Denies Life Saving Kidney Transplant to Dying 14-Year-Old Girl for Being Unvaccinated"]

They are blatantly promoting death with this, refusing to use their medical skills where necessary just so people can die.  What oaths did they take for this?  If this girl doesn't take the poison, we'll let her die!  A totally preventable death is guaranteed to happen because the masters want it.

The virus has nothing to do with a kidney but the rulers say otherwise.  This horror appears to be overwhelming.  I'm sure not every doctor is involved with this monstrosity but we need a way to distinguish.  Sooner or later we'll all need medical care and this just guarantees death if we don't get a way out.  Just think of how many more are in on this.

□ [“Racist New York Democrats Demand Reparations for Black Residents, Say $223,000 Per Person Not Enough"]

They'll help themselves to other people's money, something about skin-color, and then say they aren't getting enough money.  They oppose money just as much as they oppose defining people by the color of their skin, so that makes sense.

They only pick one skin-color to do this with.  It's like they know nobody else would be stupid enough to fall for it.  LBJ knew how to keep a certain skin color where Democrats want them for the next 200 years, and that was back in the 1960s.  They're not going anywhere, just as Democrats had decided for the previous 200 years.

If they wanted blacks to do something else with their lives, they'd have told blacks to do something else with their lives and blacks would have obeyed.  It's not like they can survive without whitey, or they wouldn't need so much money after voting Democrat all this time.

□ [“Congress to Roll Back Covid-19 Vaccine Mandate For Troops"]

So they are going through with this, because of Congress, now the military leader who said the pandemic was over.  That guy still wants to force poison into everybody's body.  So does his secretary who handles the military.

Far as I know, the leaders aren't actually mandated to get the poison the way they mandate the servants to get it.  Given how willing they are to lie - the vaccine prevents the virus, it will end the pandemic, it will cause no other harm - there's no reason to think they've even taken it in the first place.

One thing I've noticed, and have mentioned elsewhere, is that our rulers all seem to be in an abusive relationship and they all pick the same side.  They all seek to deny reality and aspire force that on the rest of us.  They *will* use force, without hesitation or the slightest bit of guilt.  The only people they hurt are bad people, which includes everyone else.

They manage to find each other, the way people with similar traits always find each other.  I'm coming to the theory that this is one of the fundamental traits of our enemy, the leftists who want to destroy everything.  It's fundamentally anti-life and they all share that goal, whether they realize it or not.  Many are not smart or competent enough to know what they're doing or reach any high rank from the process, but there are those who do.

For most of history, they have been outnumbered or ignored or just sensible enough to keep it to themselves.  But that's not the case any longer.  It's quite possible that this is what religions are referring to when they claim to stand against wealth (while making sure they get as much as possible for themselves) that such prosperity provides too much opportunity for the abusers.  Freedom and liberty creates its own weakness simply by permitting these creatures to exist and thrive.

We see [far too few] resistance movements going on across the world against our tyrants, because many people recognize that if America is gone, they have no back-up.  Unfortunately, we have far too few Americans taking up resistance now.

This won't stop unless we take action.  Our masters want to increase the death and misery for all existence.  Every day, there's a new directive to double down on this, to ensure their foot on our face forever.

We must step away.  Leave only their sycophants to produce and protect them.  They'll reach the disaster point very quickly and they'll do it without us.  That won't stop the disasters but it's the best option we have.  Getting away from the abusers is the only chance we have.

08 December, 2022

If you knew then what I know now, you'd still have no idea what I'm talking about.

So the military has been added to the list of groups not included in the vaccine mandates.  That list includes Congress, its staff, the Judicial branch, the White House and its staff, the CDC, the FDC, the Post Office, the people at the companies that manufactured the vaccine and illegal immigrants.

But everybody else is required to take it.  The vote was 350 to 80 so this is obviously a big sign, although it's really just saying 'stop forcing the troops to take more poison than you've already given them.'  A lot of the 'yes' votes may have just been putting on a show to contrast the 'no' votes who insist on the poison.

By the way, the bill also gives another billion-or-so dollars to Ukraine, how did that miss anybody's attention?  Because they haven't gotten enough money from us.  It's a good thing Russia hasn't quit after losing everything for the last ten months or we'd stop giving Ukraine so much money.

□ [“Indonesia Criminalizes Sex Outside of Marriage – Will Apply to Tourists as Well – Also Bans Opposing 'State Ideology'"]

And just think, we used to be told how wonderfully liberal Indonesia was, with its Muslim-majority.  Well, liberals told us that, anyway.  And this is what the Muslim-majority wants.

Sure, there's ways around it.  Pay a woman to marry you, have sex with her, then pay her to go away, it's done all the time.  [er, so I hear.]  It doesn't do anything for poor people but screw poor people. [er...]  The point is that the women will give up the pussy for the money and men with money know what to do with it.

Sure, liberals will say they don't support that but they also claim to support people who claim to be whatever new gender they just heard about, so it's not like you have to take them seriously.  But Muslims do, and a lot of people have learned about Islam in the last 20 years.

I do wonder if things like this were part of the plans made after 9/11.  We have a response like Afghanistan and Iraq to demonstrate unquestionably how we actually behave in a civilized way and what we're capable of doing in war.  Meanwhile the left sucks up to Muslim leaders who know how to use the infidel as puppets.

And, well, this is where we're at.  Islam looks like a much better option than what the left has to offer, and the whole world can see that.

□ [“Climate Czar John Kerry Says American Taxpayer Money Should be Used to Pay Other Countries Climate Reparations"]

Take from the slaves and give to others, how nice of you.  Can't say they're not slaves if you can take whatever you want from them and give it away without their consent.

Notice that Kerry won't be part of this.  He could give up all his mansions and that would be a decent chunk of money that he's taking from other people, but no, he'll keep every single mansion no matter what.  And private jets and boats and everything else he owns.  Because he cares so much about the planet.

Also notice that he goes straight to the taxpayer.  Suddenly all the leftist rhetoric that government prints all the money it wants gets ignored.  It has to be taken from somewhere else, no doubt about that.  Government doesn't just make money happen.  And then they'll go back saying that's exactly what happens so don't complain about government spending.  Just don't expect the rich liberals to lose any money over it.

□ [“Trump On Who Is To Blame For Midterm Results: 'I Can Name Them All!'"]

Then just name them.  It's things like this that show the negative side of Trump that so many people worried about in the first place.  We don't need a speech about how you *can* do the things you claim to want to do which would damage your enemies.  That just comes off as whining because you never bother to get around to it.

Maybe there's a plan to this but then stop the whining and get on with the plan.  We don't need speeches, we need direction and leadership.  We need a resistance movement.  We need to go on strike.

□ [“Liberal Media Outlets Are Laying Off Staff and Shutting Down Operations"]

So leftist media will be doing better without these people than it did with these people, is that what they're saying?  Or are they saying that Biden's economy is so great for everyone that they'll be quickly picked up for some much better job than a crappy leftist media place?  The viewers want to know.

NBC, NPR, Washington Post, Gannett, CNN, they're all dropping people, just to name the media I know anything about.  Meanwhile the New York Times is going on strike today.  For 24 hours, just so you don't think they're too serious.  That just doesn't look good, taking a day off work to whine while ignoring people suddenly don't get to work.  I guess they could learn to code, see if that helps.

□ [“House Passes Bill to Codify Same-Sex Marriage – Measure Heads to Biden’s Desk"]

Another hit.  This is why the concept of marriage is gone.  I'm sure it'll be back but it might take a couple centuries.  Or just being conquered by a civilized nation, if any of those ever exist again.

They're doing this just as gays run schools and insist that kids must know everything there is to know about anal, which is clearly the example they're setting.  You'd think there would be some pushback, trying to prove that they actually believe in morality, or decency, or even consent.  Wasn't that long ago, it was just two adults doing what they wanted in the privacy of their own bedroom.  Now it's everybody has to do it your way, no choice in the matter.

I have little interest in scripture but even I've been looking into Sodom and Gomorrah lately, as have a lot of others.

Between the economy, the tyrants and the increasing vaccine-deaths, we're all breaking down.  Why isn't there anybody fighting back?  Why isn't anyone organizing any resistance?

Maybe it is going on in private discussions, particularly not on the internet.  Fine, but there's no way to know that.  We need to take a stand together.  The longer it takes, the worse it's going to get.  If I had money, I'd be paying people to work out a resistance movement.  If I had authority, I'd be giving speeches and orders.  But I'm support, I can handle logistics.  That and writing, which is why I keep putting out these pamphlets as often as possible.

But we need actual leaders, men with vision who can make and fulfill plans, who recognize what's needed and what has to be done.  Those are the primary targets of our enemies, precisely because they're so talented and inspirational.  Without them, there's nothing.

09 December, 2022

Making my way in the world today takes more than I've got.

□ [“Tina Turner’s Son Dies Suddenly and Unexpectedly, age 62"]

We’ve mostly been hearing about celebrity deaths for those that are old and sick.  Now, all of a sudden we've started hearing about some that are younger.  Not the celebrities themselves, but their children or other associates.  Didn't take the same vaccine as the parents, hmmm?  Were they disobeying or did they just think all the vaccines worked the same?

The media obviously couldn't ignore deaths if they were celebrities, did any real celebrities die from the actual virus? It know it was added to the cause for a bunch of old, sick people, blaming the virus for what would have happened anyway.  But the media is definitely avoiding to cover the deaths of people who die from the vaccine.  How do they decide which deaths matter and which deaths don't?  We already know celebrities won't die from the vaccine, they got the fake version.

More is coming out that the world economy is going to get much worse.  Anybody who doesn't think Biden is POTUS already knows that, but they've been trying to hide it and are failing.

One of the main points was to crush the world economy.  Obviously a lot of a people would die, which our rulers were fine with, and whoever's left will turn to them in desperation.  Maybe they'll be open for bribes too, but they will impose their command over the world at any cost, especially ours.

Another problem, Alberta is getting ready to declare its independence from Canada.  Stuff like that is probably happening around the world too.  We know some US regions are trying to get out of the states they're part of.  Near as I can tell, most of it is about resisting the leftist rulers who refuse to recognize that any region is the way it is because that's what it is.  They always think they're the masters who can dictate what everybody else will be with them in charge and that's not how reality works.

□ [“FBI Reportedly Investigating at Least Five Electricity Substation Attacks in Washington and Oregon Similar in North Carolina"]

Is it Antifa doing these attacks or is it the FBI itself?  Probably the former, the FBI is just there to protect the private army.  But you never know, they may use some outside agents here or there.

One thing there should be is more in the way of security.  Just guards and contact info could help.  You'd think such places would already have these but apparently you'd be wrong.  I would think more and more businesses and residences should be looking at who they can get just to keep an eye on things, because obviously what we have now isn't going to work.

One example could be an apartment looking for a few residents who don't have jobs.  Each of them is expected to spend several hours a day patrolling and in exchange, their rent is reduced or otherwise covered by the landlord.  I'm not sure how the operations would be handled or how you know who to trust, and the bigger the city, the more laws there probably are against such a thing, but it would be an underground organization to help people.

There's sites that produce energy, grocery stores, gas-stations...  It would be a way to get like-minded individuals together for protection before it's too late.  If possible, supply and logistics could be included to provide required goods to each other.  And what about medical care or dental?  Sooner or later people are going to have problems and if nothing else, easing the pain will be a huge benefit.

□ [“Transgender Biden Official Faces Second Felony Charge for Stealing Luggage From Airport"]

So now it's not once, but twice he completely forgot that he didn't actually have any luggage, so he helped himself to someone else's.  What can they do about it, stop him?  He's going to put his hands on whatever he wants and he doesn't need permission.

How many others has Joe Biden picked impose their will on the people who just take anything they want?  We know the charges are going to be dropped for this guy, who else is following his example?  These are our rulers, they can do anything.  They self-identify as saying so.

His picture hasn't even been taken off the wall at his government office.  He'll be back and he'll want more.  He'll need new dresses to show off his fame and fortune.

Yeah, I know, it doesn't actually qualify as "he," but for convenience sake, I'll use that term.

I've been saying for a while that Hollywood and related-locations have created their own pseudo-religion and I suspect human sacrifice is one of its practices.  We probably won't get actual proof but recently there was some convincing speculation.  I do wonder if that's what's actually being done when we hear about some old famous person.  They're sick, old, hopeless, whatever, they can be bumped up in line for demons in the next sacrifice.

Ok, that makes sense.  Kirsty Alley died recently.  I was surprised that I've seen as many comments about her as I have, people with some positive memory who only knew he from tv or movies.  But that wasn't the odd part.

Ted Danson, whom I haven't heard of in a couple decades, issued a public statement, it's bad that she died, she was a wonderful actress and person, etc.  One thing that was strange is that she's the first major cast member of Cheers to die.  Yes, Coach died after the third season but the show was only starting to become a hit at that point.  With few exceptions, everybody who appeared multiple times is still alive.

Ok, that happens.  But in Danson's statement, he'd mentioned that he had been on a plane and done something he almost never does, watched an old episode of Cheers, then got off the plane and heard the news about Kirsty.  Um, ok, neat coincidence, or spooky if that's how you want to see it.  I can believe he doesn't watch Cheers, but all of a sudden he just up-and-decided to do that.  And cites Kirsty's behavior in that episode as showing her abilities.

He didn't specify which episode it was, but there aren't many episodes where you can say "It was the episode where Tom Berenger proposes to Kirstie."  *That's* the one he decided to see out of nowhere?  This is where the 'coincidence' notion starts taking a beating.  It's an old episode because Cheers is an old show, but it's newer than every single other episode.  How do you pick that one out of an eleven year run and not even mention it?

I get the impression he knew what would happen and when, if not specifically to who.

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