Tuesday, December 13, 2022


10 December, 2022

But then how are people going to buy me?  This must be stopped!

□ [“Nigeria Bans ATM Cash Withdrawals to $45 per Day to Push Digital Payments"]

They're all going to be doing this.  The banks won't permit us to access our own money and they are charging us for the privilege.  It's not going to be long before this is happening all over the world and it's not going to be long before they just take the accounts for themselves.

What are we going to do about it?  I know some/many people are getting as much access as they can to printed cash before it runs out but there needs to be a back-up plan.  At this point I wouldn't be surprised if the codes on dollar bills are programmed to destroy the cash when someone pushes a button, then what'll we do?

There's a question of how long it'll take for them to do this, there's also the very sensible warning that it will take much less time than we expect.  It's taken them less than two years to get to this point and they've been promising to get rid of money for a lot longer.

Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution is basically all it has to say about money, and I'm sure legal scholars could add much more, but it seems pretty clear that it's a federal authority.  It doesn't specifically forbid states or regions to coin their own money but the implication is quite there, as is the specific forbiddance of counterfeiting.

Sure, you can point to other parts of Article 1, Section 8 that Congress ignores (how are the wars with Syria and Russia going?) but my point is that it's a very relevant place to stand and say 'we're not taking part in this anymore.'  I'm sure people who know banking would disagree but as a basic starting point, just swap dollars for Resistance Coin.

□ [“Federal Court Blocks Biden’s Transgender Surgery Mandate"]

Big deal, the masters will just ignore the courts like they already have.  They really want to stick their knives into children and get their hands on penises.  They really like forcing people to disobey any religion our masters aren't imposing.  They're going to keep doing this and, given what we've seen so far, soon it will be mandatory for everyone.

They've already got the mindset that they can ignore anybody else's rules, they always start from a position of power and privilege and always see themselves as deciding the future for everyone else.  I think one line they've always followed has been perverting the concept of religion, mostly in legal form, so that they can self-identify as having one while silencing every other.

Scientology is probably the most successful example, they only want rich people getting involved and will sue anybody for any reason they can find to silence them [and create poverty.]  I'm sure there are other examples, looking at cults would be an obvious story.  Jim Jones and Charles Manson were both quite popular in California but usually cults are either based on an established religion [Jones] or based on their own delusion [Manson] but they were quiet influential.  As was L. Ron Hubbard who (from what I've heard) wasn't much as a sci-fi writer but partied with a lot of rich, famous people and wanted to stay there with them.

I definitely think influence like this has been affecting leftists for the last half-century, which is why they rule today.  They've all been pushing for this, whether they knew it or not.

□ [“US Army Col. Poses in Uniform with 'Pup Mask' – Secret Army Pup Kink Patrol Exposed!”]

Something we don’t really want to know about but our masters insist.

“Pups” and “Pup handlers” wear stupid looking masks that you wouldn’t expect from someone over the age of 9.  This may be when they were influenced but I digress.  Colonel (retired) wearing dress uniform with that mask on to show he’s one of the cult.

I recognize many of the ribbons although I’ve long since forgotten what any of them represent or which ones go wear on the uniform.  I do recognized Airborne and Air Assault.  Other pix show him making out with some other guy in a dog mask, who self-identifies as a captain.  How... moral.  Obviously they aren’t the only ones doing this.

If he recently retired, he would have joined around the time ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ was started, early in Clinton’s first term.  Safe to assume this was always the goal.  He’d have joined around the time ‘Don’t’ Ask, Don’t Tell’ began, early in Clinton's first term.   As gay men, he works out a lot because it makes men look attractive.  As leftists, they’re all about corruption and ignoring regulations whenever possible.

So Clinton wanted this.  National security was no longer a big deal so commies were free to go anywhere, infest the military and tear it down.  They’ve all lead to this.

More info on twitter is coming out.  It's about what you'd expect, yes they spied on people, yes they banned those they didn't like, yes they claimed they never did such a thing and it certainly wasn't for political reasons.  Naturally they singled Trump out, even contradicting their own rules and regulations.  They would only help one side and attack the other, because they're so fair and open-minded.

It's not that interesting, maybe you have to be a twitter follower to care one way or the other.  At least there's some hidden info coming out about our rulers, that's definitely something, but I'm not sure how much it really means.  They're going to keep doing it anyway.  They'll infect everywhere else as much as possible.  Do they have some personal interest in twitter?

Possible, they seem to really like the short, simple, direct communications.  Obviously I have no interest whatsoever in stuff like that.  It is one of those things where there's only 24 hours in the day so ignore what you're not interested in as much as possible, and twitter is one of those things that's really easy to ignore.

It's like giving Russia a weapons dealer who supports the Taliban and al-Qaida while stealing money from Ukraine, all in exchanged for a black lesbian pot smoker who's given female basketball the most promotion ever by being arrested.  There's really not much there to pay attention to, unless you're into that sort of thing.

□ [“Washington Post Lost Half a Million Subscribers Since Biden Took Office"]

A number of possibilities, were they Trump supporters?  Were they 'bots and there was no point in keeping them around now that the media would obey their rulers?  Did the media somehow turn much stupider than it had been over the previous four decades years so people suddenly quit?  Is this part of the overall collapse of the media, so it would happen no matter what?

I do think there should be more in the way of local media.  Granted, I'm trying to give a way pamphlets to inspire a resistance movement, but there's still something there.  It would probably have to be an underground movement, but one would think putting together information for people to read - printed, not internet - could definitely find a place.  I'm trying to figure out a way to do it without spending money I don't have, but I would definitely think there's something to work with there.

Then again, if we figure out how to invent a brand-new internet which our rulers don't have access to, the problem would basically solve itself.

11 December, 2022

Popular music ended the day Pete Best was fired from the band.

Interesting statement by Newt Gingrich about the stolen elections.  In an interview with NPR, he was very carefully walking through specific legal requirements of what can or can't be said.  The people who stole the elections say there was no theft so that can't be mentioned.  Gingrich points to what we're seeing come out from twitter and the funding.

He points out that courts rejected claims that elections were stolen, they never even looked into how the elections were rigged in the first place.  In that sense, according to the rules the leaders set up, Biden did genuinely win the election, but otherwise...

Ok, no idea if that's a valid claim but it's certainly interesting.  Democrats were allowed to make that claim about Trump for four years without ever actually pointing to any theft and they certainly didn't want to point to any elections that were rigged.

Of course where the hell has Gingrich been for the last two years on this?  We really do need some evidence that not all Republicans are allied with leftists all the way down the line and just occasionally look like they aren't.  And yes, I would include Gingrich in that.  This is where the need for resistance comes out, there needs to be someone actually in charge.  There always is, that's human nature, but there's more inspiration from seeing who it is.

Can't follow a leader in the dark any more than you can fight an enemy in the dark.

□ [“World Health Summit Member Admits COVID Lockdowns Were Political Not Scientific"]

They all knew this from the start, that was the whole point.  Can't spread tyranny without a political excuse, people would just ignore you.

This is one of those totalitarian things where they're both upfront about what they're doing and lying.  This was all common knowledge by everybody there yet I'm genuinely surprised anybody actually went on video and said this was a mistake.

They're going to do it again.  Either with this fake virus or with a new one, or both.  They'll completely ignore how damaging the vaccine was and how worthless the cloth on your face was and insist everybody do it again.  They're already restarting that in liberal US cities, assuming they ever stopped, and it's going to be a federal directive.

There is some point where some of them will be stopping to ask 'are we the bad guys?'  Our rulers lie about wanting to return to normal and then are doing everything to keep it from being normal.  By an amazing coincidence, this increases their power without limits.  They never support people's right to disagree, they never say we can just ignore them if we want.

The only way they qualify as being "competent" is by including "evil."  They don't have one without the other.

□ [“German Molecular Biologist Unveils Concept of World’s First Artificial Womb Facility Which Can Incubate up to 30,000 Lab-Grown Babies a Year”]

And that’s it.  They’ll get rid of us and manufacture our replacements, that seems to be the most obvious plans.  The rulers say the world has too many people but they’ll make their own sub-human slaves that will know nothing about life or family, only that their masters brought them in and will take them out.  The rulers self-identify as God.

They’ll probably even try to erase gender.  That would be impossible but that wouldn’t stop them.  That’ll just be one of the many experiments they’ll engage in.

This is like a sci-fi fantasy but they’re really going after this.


One valid question is how much of this is really a conspiracy and how much of it is just the same people who think the same way throwing the same shit at a wall as many times as possible until it works out for them?  They have individuals or small groups all over the place, trying the same thing over and over, maybe exactly alike, maybe with slight differences.  These people influence others and can find, or start, a wave.  That's basically what happens in pop culture.

I think there definitely are conspiracies going on that way, trying to move their interests to the top.  But there's basically no way to know how much is deliberate and how much just happens that way?  The best the rulers can do is maximize the quantity and percentage of their influence as much as possible at the expense of everyone else.  How much of that actually works?  No idea.

The megacompanies impose as much as they can with their movies, music, tv shows, etc. but if people don't want to pay attention, it goes nowhere.  What can they do to ensure their success?  I don't know, can't even guess, but I bet the high-ranking employees sure know.  That's why I'm a bit wary about recent news of new media releases doing badly, I have to wonder if that's deliberate, so the rulers can impose the next step of their plan.

My interest is in rock'n'roll, so that's where many of my examples come from.  With the sole exception of how he started, virtually everything about Elvis looks totally manufactured, to the movies and replacing Frank Sinatra's generation.  You would expect the follow up to go along the same lines.  The modern EU was already being planted so perhaps the successors would come from there.  Ok, the Beatles are quite believable in that regard, but Liverpool was not remotely known for music, the whole point of professional songwriting was that the guys in the bands didn't do their own, and the chances of finding a Lennon/McCartney duo are basically impossible for anybody to plan.

After that, sure, you can get a rival band like the Rolling Stones, you can get a clerk in the Beatles publishing company and turn him into Elton John, there's technological advances which change recording studios dramatically, stuff like that.  In America, you've got Andy Warhol getting a group together for the Velvet Underground, who leads to 70s rock, the glam movement becomes more obvious.  Just to pick one example, the VU leads to the New York Dolls who lead to Aerosmith who lead to Guns'n'Roses, whom I am convinced were deliberately picked by Geffen to end replaced by Nirvana, where rock'n'roll ended.  Nevermind and the Use Your Illusions albums were both released by Geffen in late-November 1991, you think that was coincidence?

That's just a very-simplified example, but it's the sort of things I'm trying to figure out.  Yes, you can claim they were all manufactured but face it, the audience was interested.  Music videos didn't exist, much less MTV, but they were expected and decades later, very prominent.

It's things like this which are too vast for any individual human to comprehend, but that doesn't stop a lot of us from trying.

12 December, 2022

I was going to start a civil war, but then there was something on tv...

□ [“Twitter Team Viewed Trump as Leader of Terrorist Group Responsible for Violence and Deaths Comparable to Hitler"]

This stuff is still being released.  People in charge of twitter made up the usual leftist nonsense with no basis in reality and had the authority to impose that on everyone else.  And that's unusual?

It's what they do.  A civilized society prevents them from having any authority but otherwise, it's what they do, pretend to pay attention to someone who pretends to be worth paying attention to.  The fact that you don't need to think or even express any thought that takes up over 140 characters (or whatever twitters limit is) tells you what kind of people focus on this in the first place, and to be so obsessed over it?

And *those* are the people who believe they can be in charge of everyone else?  That's the opposite of progress and only the utterly deluded would think otherwise.

□ [“Mexican Police Escort 20 Buses of Illegal Aliens and Drop Them Off at US Border in Juarez"]

This is just an invasion.  That's what it is.  Who's in charge of this and bringing all these invaders together?  It's just another example of the rulers getting rid of the people and replacing them with new ones who will be more subservient.

But there's got to be more to the plan than that.  The invaders might get close to our rulers' homes, how do they prevent that without specifically enforcing a border?  I don't know, how do they do that for their homes now?  Why are you asking me?

But it's specifically opposing the whole concept of security.  These invaders can bring in mortars and hit the rulers' homes from quite a distance, or using other weapons.  They could even bring in viruses.  And that's just the start of what they could do.

Ok, yes, leftism is fundamentally suicidal but then why do they seek to kill everyone else first?  This is basically why it's so easy to insist that they *must* have a deeper plan.  Otherwise they could be using their own property to hold as many obedient servants as possible first and then attacking everyone else.

One thing I've been wondering is how our rulers handle the security clearance.  We already know they provide clearance to psycho's, liars, thieves and revolutionaries, but I've been wondering how they handle Biden himself.  He doesn't know what anybody's telling him, he has no idea what to say or not to say.  If there's any point where a decision needs to be made and the so-called POTUS has to be involved, other people will need to be right there just to handle that.

I never had the highest levels of security clearance so obviously I would have no clue how they deal with those.  Hell, I don't even know how they dealt with the clearances I did have because I never caused any problems in that regard.  But I and the others around me knew enough to just keep our mouths shut about everything that wasn't specifically related to the task-at-hand.  There's no reason to think the people around Biden will follow that policy, or any others that focus on higher ranks.

So someone who knows nothing and is surrounded by people who want to destroy everything and have access to all the secrets and can pass them on to whoever they want, what would they be doing with those?  Would there be any way to catch them?  We know Hillary passed a lot of classified info around, I would assume different departments are forbidden to do that with each other but no idea if anybody tries to follow those rules.  We know people under Trump worked really hard to keep him from declassifying their secrets.

I dunno.  Ignore me.

□ [“After Dismissing Inflation as 'Transitory' – Janet Yellen Now Claims Inflation Will Subside 'By the End of Next Year'"]

Because then they'll have reached whatever planned stage there is in late 2023, before they start getting ready to steal the next batch of elections.  Has she ever been right about anything?

My guess is then intend to ban printed money by then.  I don't see any way that could possibly work but it's not like they won't try it anyway.  They're going to be hitting us soon.  I still expect them to strike by the end of the year, just because if we make it through this winter, those who survive will be a lot tougher and much less willing to go along with the rulers.

So what are they going to do?  The most obvious thing would be to just shut off our internet, or at least our bank accounts.  We're already watching banks go along with them.  But is that all, or is that even the most likely option?

It seems like North Korea would be the only place you could test these programs without anybody finding out, but that would let China in on the secret.  There might be access to whatever schemes China or Russia practiced for all those decades with leftist support, anything else?

□ [“Karine Jean-Pierre Says Elon Musk’s Memes Trolling Dr. Fauci and Biden are 'Dangerous'"]

These people don't have the slightest clue what "danger" actually is, so they get to spend all their time pretending other stuff qualifies as "danger."  This kind of delusion is the real danger, and the fact that anybody has to listen to them.

If we go on strike, their first response will be to send people out to shoot us, and with that, we'll be allowed to shoot them as much as we want.  If we still pretend to be united with them, they can shoot us but not the reverse.

13 December, 2022

I read Pravda today, oh boy!

I haven't been paying a whole lot of attention to the twitter secrets being released for the last several days.  I did look at them a bit but it really comes off as standard leftist nonsense by people who think they deserve to make all the decisions and have somehow found themselves in a position to do just that.  I'm sure it's important, but unless they've got some important information to put out, it's just not that big of a deal to me.  It's like complaining about a tv show or movies, the less you pay attention to those things, the less you care one way or the other.

But I keep making a point about the way leftists utterly believe they know everything about whatever gibberish they're saying and pretending to believe in.  Just because I don't care about twitter doesn't mean it's not important.  I think it's less important than others do, but I'm willing to accept that I might be wrong.  Hell, even if I'm right, there's can still be relevant information that I'll miss just by not being remotely interested.

That's natural, it's the way life goes, only 24 hours in the day, yadda yadda yadda.  But the reason I bring this up is because someone has pointed out a reason these twitter secrets are very relevant.  It doesn't even have much to do with the content, it's just the reaction that other internet sites must be having, Facebook, Google, AirBnB, and PayPal to name a few.

Facebook and Google are the only two which are more important to me than Twitter but yeah, they've been working for the same goals and they must be freaking out at what might come out about them.  I'm not really sure how relevant PayPal is but as a convenient way to transfer money (and probably steal it) it could be quite relevant.

I know I've heard of of AirBnB but really have never given it any thought, so I had to look up what it is.  Short-term housing.  That's probably quite relevant when moving your troops around the country.  Probably relevant for other reasons too but that's what jumped out at me.

□ [“Joyless UK Civil Service Bureaucrats Ban Members from Hosting Christmas Parties"]

Gotta admit, I suspect it's less about Muslims taking over than it is for leftists to encourage the Muslims taking over, and everything else.  At least Muslims know that the infidel will do what the infidel does.  What other mentality would insist that you must only have parties that *don't* serve alcohol because it's offensive to people who don't drink alcohol, but we don't care who's offended by not drinking alcohol?

'Well the drinkers can just bring in their own!'  Well the non-drinkers can just not drink, but that wouldn't satisfy you.  It's denying other people the choice that satisfies you.  Or not, you can't get enough of it.  You may be an addict.  This follows up with the 'don't have actual Christmas parties' nonsense, it offends people if Christmas parties exist which is bad but it's ok to offend people by taking their Christmas parties away. 

□ [“FTX Founder Sam Bankman-Fried Arrested By Bahamian Authorities – Extradition Back To US Next"]

This is just part of the charade, they pretend to be doing something important but they'll just hide him.  All the people he donated to will defend him, all the people he has info on will keep him silent.  It's not like he's a Trump supporter.

Depending on how the crypto-currency thing goes, they may insist on having him testify.  It'll be kept away from public eyes of course, and the testimony will be written for him, but at least they'll put it on record because they care so much.

Like everything else, I wonder if this was a scheme to prepare for destroying printed money.  Maybe it was just an idea and they wanted to see how well or badly it worked, to see what use could be made of the idea in the future.  Perhaps it was just a trap planned by China or whoever.

I'm really starting to lean toward that 'throw shit at the wall and see what sticks' idea that this is how the left actually works.  It's all done with the goal of collectivism, so they know what they're after, but it also takes advantage of the individual having different ideas or making different attempts.  They're all trying to accomplish the same goal but a conspiracy isn't required.

There would certainly be some conspiracy, that's just the nature of human interaction.  I'd also think that this is the sort of thing secret agents and intelligence would be looking for with their own decades of experience to back them up.  Advertisers probably do too, but they're idiots so we'll ignore them.  What little I know about "herd mentality" doesn't make much sense but there's definitely something there.

□ [“Biden 'Convinced' Prices 'Not Gonna Go Up' – Expects Inflation to Subside By End of Next Year"]

Would this be the inflation that he said was transitory or the inflation that he said wasn't happening at all?  Or maybe it's the inflation that only started when Russia invaded Ukraine.  Is that what he says isn't going to stop for another 12 months?

He's a stooge, about the only use there is for him is to let us know that, whatever Biden says, is absolutely not what's going to happen.  In a way, that's at least a slight benefit, one less possibility we have to bother with, but otherwise that doesn't help.  Of course, helping isn't what he's here for.

Another sudden worry, what if they're *not* trying to tear everything apart right away?  That would give them more time to disarm their opponents, it's not like they have to worry about elections anymore.  Yeah, there's the idea that they'll totally control the world by 2030 and we'll all be living on Mars and wearing hats on our feet [obviously they won't permit hamburgers to eat people.]  But there could be another plan which might take several decades and doesn't involve the rich people who hang out with each other on Epstein's island.

I'm probably wrong, they probably are all aiming for 2030, but this does line up with the 'throw shit at the wall' theory which removes the basic conspiracy theory.  A lot of them would only want to impose communism on the world if they're in charge, and different rulers opposing each other would do a lot to prevent it from every happening otherwise.

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