Friday, December 30, 2022


27 December, 2022

□ [“Stanford University Walks Back Plan to Eliminate ‘Racist’ and ‘Harmful’ Words Like ‘American,’ ‘Grandfather’ After Backlash”]

They’re pretending to go back, this was just seeing what got the most pushback.

Either this is all planned or our masters are close to the real goal – totalitarianism and death – so the rest of their side is rushing to join in.  They’ll erase anything they don't like from our minds and the more they look, the more they see that they don’t like.

27 December, 2022

□ [“Secretary Pete Buttigieg AWOL as Massive Southwest Airlines Cancellations Across Nation”]

He texted a celebration of Kwanza, what else could he possibly have to offer?

It’s odd that this is happening to just one airline, far fewer cancellations for any others.  Why would Southwest suddenly go incompetent on one of the busiest weekends of the year?  It’s similar to the suggestion that the string of attacks on our power-grid are actually some form of resistance.  There are certainly industry-specific government regulations which the rest of us laymen wouldn’t know anything about.

Without giving any details, I’m paying more attention to Southwest’s problems than usual.  Haven’t used airplanes much for a few years but Southwest was usually what I went with when I did.  Back then I’d noticed that something about them was different from other airlines.  I didn’t have enough experience to see the difference which is why I’m guessing this may be some sort of industry-specific tyranny.  Or maybe all the employees are just going on strike, which would be kinda cool.

Or maybe the government is just trying to shut airflights down for everybody but them and Southwest was hit first for whatever reason.  The government has given them over $7 billion since the virus started, could that be relevant?

27 December, 2022

Thinking again?  What's wrong with this guy?

□ [“Russian President Dimitry Medvedev Releases 2023 Predictions:  Oil will Reach $150 per Barrel and US Dollar will Lose Its Status as Global Reserve Currency”]

Like it or not, Russia’s rulers just come off as having a better understanding of what’s going on than our rulers do.  That’s not a complement to Russia.  Remember, our masters still insist we’re not in a recession and won’t be changing their minds any time soon.  They say the supply chain is doing fine.  On one day for Christmas weekend, over 2500 flights were cancelled just for one airline, and our so-called Secretary of Transportation was nowhere to be found.  This isn’t the first time that’s happened.

There’s no trustworthy sources, but if there was, it might be interesting to see percentages of required tasks and responsibilities Russia’s rulers can actually accomplish, basic things like making sure citizens can travel and buildings have working heat and electricity.  America’s leaders used to be expected to do that too, before they started stealing every election they could.  They’d have been taken out of power if they’d failed.

Some of the other predictions are kinda iffy.  At least I hope they are.  I’m fine with the EU falling apart, but why would Britain re-join the EU before that?  Poland and Hungary will take over parts of Ukraine, Germany will get other Eastern Europe regions?  That *somehow* leads to war between France and Germany, plus Ireland shaking up.  Civil War 2.0 in the US, I’ve been predicting for years so no point there, but all the big economic systems will collapse so the world will basically all go digital.

I said it was more realistic than Biden, that doesn’t mean it’s realistic on its own merits.  I haven’t even bothered to cite a couple other predictions.  At least if we had coherent leaders, there would be a basis to shrug it off, ‘no chance of that happening.’  But we don’t, so like it or not, there’s a very sensible reason to ponder what Medvedev knows that we don’t.  That’s what our rulers have given us, that’s how they want it.

27 December, 2022

□ [“MSNBC Guest:  Indict Donald Trump Or America Becomes A ‘Banana Republic’”]

Black woman is too stupid to know that we already are.  She’s been doing everything she can to make this happen.  For all these years, they’ve been trying to indict Trump for anything they can make up and have completely failed.  That’s what a banana does, over and over.  That’s what these people are.

She’s just repeating the mindless rhetoric that possesses all those incapable of questioning it, people like her.  The rest of us need to just step back and get away from them.  Let them pretend to themselves, at least for as long as the food and light holds out.  We should have nothing to do with them.

27 December, 2022

□ [“'Make Sunsets' Startup Releases Particles into The Atmosphere to Stop ‘Climate Change’”]

They have the power to control weather by releasing sulfur and they don’t need anybody’s permission.  Nothing can go wrong.

What are the odds they’re just releasing actual poison and that’s actually our rulers’ plans for the next year?  This ‘global warming’ stuff is just hype, they’re really after mass-murder and have been inspired by Doctor Doom’s schemes?

Of course, it we’re going to go that far, might as well assume the “vaccination” is actually an immune drug to whatever poison they’ll inflict on the rest of us, wouldn’t that be a hoot?  It would explain why Biden promised the unvaccinated “a winter of death.”

Well this is just depressing.  At this point, I’m far too worried that I’m totally right.  Moving on...

27 December, 2022

Just an idle thought, but could the adversary’s primary goal be to end birth itself?  Only those who self-identify as women can give birth and then only if they get the seed from an actual man, a blatant metaphor for God’s relation to us all, and to the earth.

By giving birth, there’s more of us, all individuals to be dealt with on their own terms.  Then they can reproduce even more.  By ending birth – no matter how late-term you get – that’s all, no more.  The older generations die out and that’s the end.

So our rulers want to end birth and erase gender.  They delude themselves into think they’re right at all costs.  As a back-up plan, they say it’s women who are actually divine, so just go with that.  It takes one child to raze a village, or whatever the saying is.

Probably not a remotely original idea but it popped into my head, so there you go.  There’s a thought.  Raise it, love it, marry it, reproduce with it.

28 December, 2022

□ [“Boston Public Schools May Bring Back Mask Mandate After Christmas Break”]

They really enjoy the power to do anything they want to children’s bodies.  I’m sure a lot of parents are pulling their kids out of public school but they need to become a majority.  We already know teachers are trying to take full ownership of children.

They’re just doubling down on this insanity.  The vaccine was supposed to prevent it, remember?  Now they’re going back to the cloth that doesn’t work either.  Few people are stupid enough to wear when they aren’t required to anyway, so the rulers will force it on kids for a few hours here and nowhere else.  Because they can.

28 December, 2022

Haven’t seen enough misery today, so I'll look up current events to get more.

□ [“Biden Says Ending Title 42 is “Overdue” Before Leaving For Vacation in St. Croix”]

If there was respect for the law, those trying to end the rule against invasion immigration because of a virus would realize that the same government still claims the virus is a deadly threat and we’ll all die if we don’t put cloth on our faces and get jabbed with poison.  A rational person would see the contradiction, but that’s not our rulers.

The invasion is going to happen, it’s just a question of ‘when?’  I wouldn’t be surprised if our leaders just invite the invaders in now regardless of what the Supreme Court said.  They’re the ones who want to ditch the Constitution, what better way to prove that?  No wonder Biden needed yet-another vacation.

28 December, 2022

□ [“Ukraine Calls for Peace But First Russia Must Face Prosecution for War Crimes”]

Victorious nations set courts however they want to put the losers on trial, they don’t beg the losers to go along.  Winners decide, losers don’t, it’s that simple.  So why is Ukraine calling for peace in the first place if they’ve been winning all along?  You’d think they’d rush straight for the Kremlin to see how close they get before either Russia surrenders en masse or Ukraine gets a fancy new palace.  That’s win-freaking-win.

Yet all the self-appointed Ukraine supporters have never acknowledged any of this after all this time.  For all of Russia’s supposed losses in April, July, September, you’d think the war had been over for months.  Just have the military shoot any Russian who gets close and spend the rest of their time playing on their cellphones, or whatever they do when they’re bored.  The only alternative is that Russia hasn’t spent all this time losing, yet that possibility never even gets acknowledged.

At least I’m willing to accept the possibility that Ukraine has won 100% of this whole time, so I ask why they aren’t just taking over Russian territory like every other victor would.  I don’t think Ukraine is winning remotely 100% of the time, but it’s also true that media reporting on a warzone is, by definition, completely untrue.

There are other problems closer to home that these Ukraine supporters never give any attention to.  The US invaded Syria on September 22, 2014, how’s that going?  Will we ever take Assad out of power, one of the primary goals to invading, are we just waiting for him to die of old age?  Will Congress ever get around to declaring war?

What is it about Ukraine that deserves all the attention and everything else must be ignored?  Laundering money for cybercurrency?  Biolabs?  10% for the big guy?

For that matter, why is the US military having such enlistment problems if we’re at war with Russia and leftists totally support that?  Why don’t they volunteer or push their children to volunteer?  It’s not like the US military is limited to only two genders like Ukraine is, so where’s the line of volunteers?  Are they going to wait for a draft?

Oh, right, they’re leftists, of course they’ll wait for a draft.  Everyone else must be dragged along with them, no matter what.  And *that’s* when they’ll promote their made-up genders and people chosen by skin color, nothing could go wrong with that.

As always, I point out that the military is the closest to workable socialism, but it does so by establishing rank and solving problems at the lowest level possible.  You want to avoid First Sergeant or SGM getting involved.  The NCO creed specifies that officers must be giving maximum time to accomplish *their* duties, not ours.

Because the military learns from experience, there are times when lower ranking soldiers have the position of authority.  Everybody’s in uniform and works by the same rules, that’s not how the civilian world operates and that’s why, when pushed, leftist rulers impose a military structure on their subjects.

So why aren’t our masters who totally believe we’re fighting Russia trying to do anything about it?  Why aren’t their subordinates demanding more people sign up?  Why don’t they even notice something missing?  It just makes clear that the Russia/Ukraine thing isn’t about what wars have actually been for all of human existence, it’s something else.  I think it’s a fraud, but whatever it is, it’s not how wars work.

28 December, 2022

□ [“Dartmouth College’s $100 Million STEM Program:  White Men Need Not Apply?”]

‘Whites Only’ organizations are just as legal, might as well bring those back.  Our masters base decisions on skin color and want everybody to follow their example, so let’s go with that.  Actual standards would mean dumping people who don’t live up to requirements for intelligence or ability, but STEM needs to ignore that.

So what’s the backdoor for those who self-identify as the approved skin colors?  If you get to be a made-up gender and not need any evidence, you can do skin color too.

Obviously there will be lawsuits.  A free society would immediately throw these rules out, which probably won’t happen here.  Our rulers love judging people based on skin color, they’ll never stop.  But lawsuits themselves will take up time, making me wonder if everyone will be banned from accessing these STEM programs until the verdict comes out.  After that, only the skin colors most devoted to skin color-over-ability will be going through this program, ensuring that it falls to pieces quickly.

29 December, 2022

You can learn something new every day if you're not careful.

The release of G’n’R’s Use Your Illusion albums is closer to the Beatles hiring Pete Best as drummer and their first Hamburg residency than it is to today.  It would be a couple years before the Beatles hired another drummer and started recording albums.

The release of Spaghetti Incident is closer to the Beatles release of their fourth album, Beatles For Sale, than to today, and closer to the release of the Rolling Stones’ second album, which had three whole songs written by Jagger/Richards.

The day Axl Rose was born is closer to the day Bing Crosby was born in 1903 than to today.  Bing was over a decade older than Frank Sinatra and Sinatra was over a decade older than Elvis.  Elvis was still in his 20s when Axl was born.  Very soon, Axl’s birth date will be closer to the 1800s than it is to now.

And what has he done?  Another year older, a new one just begun.

29 December, 2022

□ [“China to drop COVID-19 quarantine requirement for incoming travelers”]

Ok, this is odd, China’s official goal is zero covid but they’re dropping their own mandate to quarantine all incomers?  At the same time, our masters are enforcing a rule that people coming *from* China must prove they don’t have the virus.

This is one of those things that just makes everything muddy.  I don’t see any plus or minus for any of this, beyond China’s rulers looking humiliated if they give up on their official goal.  That’s a good thing (for us) but what does it even mean?  Are they giving in to the protests?  Ok, but that’s not likely to stop the protestors.

29 December, 2022

□ [“WHO Chief Says Covid Boosters 'Are Used by Countries to Kill Children’”]

Yes, we know.  Kids are basically immune to viruses, that’s why chicken pox and the measles are so famous.  Kids can get those.  The tyrants showed their real goals by rushing to shove a long hard shaft into every child and ejaculate fluid without permission.

This is who they are, they’re not hiding it any longer.  Even those who aren’t pushing this support those who do.  Now, because of them, we’ve lost trust in medicine, we don’t what or who’s coming next, and they’re still imposing their tyranny onto us.

We don’t need a ‘war crimes’ trial, maybe that’ll come later.  What we need is everyone in the world to rise up, go straight to the rulers’ homes and start executions.  That’s the only way we’ll ever stop this and bring back sanity.  Then we can start locking their supporters away forever while the rest of us living in peace and prosperity.

29 December, 2022

□ [“Out With A Whimper:  Disbanding Jan 6th Panel Drops President Trump Subpoena”]

So yet another investigation of Trump comes to nothing.  They had everything ready, all they needed to do was make up the crimes, but they couldn’t even do that.

At this point, I’m theorizing that they keep running into things which would shatter themselves if publicly released and they just can’t figure out any way to go after Trump without that.  Just an example I made-up, but I always cite Hillary’s emails, that they keep running into those and seeing that she did the same things, only much worse and without any Presidential authority, so they can’t complain about Trump’s so-called ‘crimes’ that much if they’re so supportive of others who do the same thing.

They really are showing that they didn’t know what they were doing.  At the very least, they’d have demanded to humiliate Trump publicly, or at least they would have if they were competent.  It’s not like they have to worry about future elections.

29 December, 2022

□ [“In the Name of ‘Equity’ Virginia High School Withholding Academic Awards”]

‘You’re not here to learn anything and we’re not here to teach you anything.’  Schools are all about indoctrination, nothing else.  An argument can be made that they always have been, but at least in previous years their teaching had to include something useful, to look good if nothing else.  Now they’re not even bothering with that.

I think it just comes from the collectivist mentality.  The pawns must train new pawns to grow up to be pawns and that’s the limit of their insight.  Sure, they believe in the inevitable collectivist utopia but that’s why they get so much wrong.  They’d be proven wrong much faster if they permitted thought or dissent, so they ban that.

Actual standards would cause the same problem, some students are better at things than others.  This contradicts collectivism, therefore all standards must be lowered so anybody can pass and nobody can stand out as exceptional.

29 December, 2022

□ [“Comic Book Fans Shun Superheroes’ Woke Makeovers”]

It’s a long-established point that the decades-old characters are what they are.  If you want some different character, make new ones up!  But of course our masters don’t want that, they can’t create anything.  They want to destroy Superman, etc.

People should be creating their own strips, and just DROP THE CORPORATE-OWNED SUPERHERO NONSENSE!!!  Image started when I was in my teens and for all the negative complaints, it showed how there could be other things done with this wonderful medium.  Romance, funny animal, comedy, history, fantasy, secret agents, people sitting around and talking, enough with the guys-in-tights punching people!

I’ve wondered if superheroes matched the comics medium or vice-versa.  The stories were crappy but the cheap color printing looked captivating and it was made by a few sitting down and drawing pictures.  No other medium could match that, but Disney can do it now for huge costs.  People will pay to watch a screen for several hours.

Comics are now just movie storyboards.  Can’t have thought balloons because movie characters can’t show their thoughts.  So what?  You can’t see them in page layouts either, that’s why it’s a different medium!

Anyway, now they’re establishing the “multi-verse.”  They seem to use a lot of the same actors for Marvel and DC movies, probably to build Avengers/JLA, which took 20 years to make happen in comics.  They’ll also probably bring in every other franchise,

Are they also trying to build up the crappy-70s comics by deliberately making a bunch of Marvel movies that fail or at least don’t do very well?  The intent may be to build the X-Men up for the MCU, but they’re also doubling down on their woke garbage.  At least Claremont’s X-Men were interesting and entertaining, that’s what fiction is for.

30 December, 2022

The grocery store is running low on Soylent Green   :(

□ [“Bolsonaro Rules Out Military Intervention in Brazil, 'I Have No Support from Other Institutions to Act Against Lula!'"]

So he quits.  He drops everything and runs away, assuming he hasn't already.  He's betraying the millions of people who supported him to stand up against tyranny.  This begs the question if he was *always* secretly on the side of the rulers or if he's just a wuss.

Yes, you can say the same thing about Trump.  We can still go on strike, even as individuals, but we what we need most is a unified resistance and that requires serious leaders.  All the accounts I've seen say that Brazil was ready to fight for its freedom, just as the rest of us should, and now what?

I am not someone who believes in the 'end times' but if we're actually in them, can we please be told?  Or is this just wiping out hope and freedom for its own sake and we'll all live long lives after it's gone?

Bolsonaro has fled to the US.  His veep says there will be an announcement within 72 hours but the resistance movement should not stop.  We'll see.  I'm not optimistic.

30 December, 2022

□ [“Scientific American: Telling Black Women to Lose Weight is Racist"]

Black women are stupid enough to fall for this, it's proven science.  If they weren't, Scientific American wouldn't be pulling this nonsense, much less thinking everyone else would go along.  Who else do they think will go along with it?

Ok, it's not like black women would actually be reading this, but maybe in an upcoming issue, they'll prove that reading is racist.  They've got to keep lowering the standards somehow.

They're already encouraging black women to ruin their health and shorten their lives, which is what obesity does.  It even makes you more vulnerable to the virus, but here a famous scientific magazine is promoting that a certain skin color and gender do exactly that.

30 December, 2022

□ [“CDC Pressures Teachers to Increase ‘LGBTQ Inclusivity’ in Classroom Instruction"]

And another example.  They're making diseases up to expand their control.  LGBTQ isn't related to disease (unless you count AIDS which nobody has made a cure for in 40 years like they did with covid) but they're just sticking their shaft in and ejaculating flued.

It's about blurring everything together to eliminate individuality and always picking whatever is 'normal' to eradicate in the process.  Or 'decent,' 'sensible,' 'helpful,' any of those.  It's a basic example of collectivist mentality, that everything is part of everything else and anything that disagrees is bad.

30 December, 2022

□ [“Economist Zoltan Pozdar Warns of End of the Current US Dollar Dominance"]

Which is what the rulers want, it's what they've been pushing for.  The best way to make that happen is to shut down everything this country can do and promote everything our enemies can do, so it looks like they're moving on schedule.

I'm still trying to figure out what to do.  I notice gas prices have bounced up and down the last several days, at some point they're just going to stay high.  There's no way farmers can plan to grow food in this economy, at least more than they and their neighbors need.  They're trying to shut down the dollar and somehow switch everything to digital, which won't hold up to reality but they ignore that fact.

I would prefer to stay in America but I have seriously given thought on where in the world there is to flee to, and nothing comes up.  I've even looked at Antarctica, but the global warming would probably kill me immediately.  The whole world is on fire.  As much as I want to say God will sort it out, which is true, that's not something we can rely on.

30 December, 2022

□ [“Pelosi and House Drop Trump’s Tax Returns Resulting in One Big Nothing-Burger"]

Six years of tax returns, four of which were negative income, roughly about $50 million.  Is that supposed to mean something?  Let's see Nancy's tax returns, since she's the one who wants everything public and she's totally willing to expose others to public scrutiny.  She could even include her family members who've become very very very rich around her.

Trump complains about it but at this point, there's not much to expect from him.  Inspiration, maybe, but that's about it.  If you're going to do something, do it!  We can't wait, we're losing more and more every day.

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