Tuesday, January 3, 2023

202301 Classified Struggling - 20230103

31 December, 2022

□ [“California Laws Take Effect January 1st – Including Punishing Doctors For Covid ‘Misinformation’”]

They just keep pushing for more tyranny.  The government decides what’s true and punishes anyone who disagrees.  They see no way this could fail because they think they’ll always be the ones making decisions and are never wrong about anything.

Do they make up these new stupid laws as they go or were these always planned?  I could go either way but I do think they wrote out the plan for the 2020s so they’re ready for the new year.  They’ve gotten away with it so far, it’s not like there’s any reason to slow down or rethink things.  That’s why modern life is so depressing, it’ll just get worse.

What would it take to actually start a resistance?  We can’t each produce our own food, shelter, defense, medicine, etc, we require interaction with others sooner rather than later.  Building something now will make our masters to fall away sooner.

□ [“Second ABC News Producer Dies Suddenly by Undisclosed Causes”]

At what point will even those who demanded everyone get the poison start changing their minds?  I get that they’re paid to lie and pretend they’re always right, but just the increasing number of deaths would start affecting some of them.

To keep pushing this, they’d basically need to be aware that they’re in a death cult, and you’d think that would make promoting the deaths into a good thing, not just ignoring them.  Human nature being what it is, some of them would have to realize this.

Nobody’s even looking into these causes of death, at least not openly, defeating the purpose of learning, medicine and any benefits.  Even if only the elite will get to survive, they’d have to clean their toilets, maintain their airplanes, transport their food…

I rarely use terms like ‘human ingenuity’ but it’s becoming very obvious that there are serious problems and we’re headed for disaster.  Even our rulers’ servants should be demanding a change of direction.  I get that some wouldn’t but you’d think there would be others who would be quietly running away.

31 December, 2022

□ [“Biden’s New ‘Green Truck’ Rules Will Hurt U.S. Trucking Industry And Increase Inflation”]

They’re just tearing down anything that works to replace it with their insane fantasies.  Only the big rich companies can even consider going along with these rules, everything else will be shut down.  That includes all the supplies they transport.

It’s very necessary to start working out which supplies are crucial and what can be produced locally.  These days, there probably aren’t that many supplies, so unfortunately it will also be necessary to determine what we can live without.

I don’t know if the rulers are trying to destroy everything or if they really think this stupidity will work, but there will suffering, I mean even more than there already is.  We need to push it onto our rulers and their servants as much as possible.

How long until the truckers quit?  Not long enough, but days?  Weeks?  This can’t go on and as the say goes, everything that can’t last forever ends.

31 December, 2022

You call that a year? I could shit better than that!

□ [“Text and Email Evidence that Pelosi Staffers Secretly Decreased Security at US Capitol for Jan 6 While Pelosi Was Organizing Film Crew that Day”]

It was obviously a set-up, an excuse to harass whoever they don’t like, imprison them for years with no charges for a crime and just seizing more power.  This is what they’ve always wanted and they aren’t happy about having had to put it off this long.

They had to ignore basic concepts of security for this.  The Capitol has three sets of doors, the one behind you has to lock to open the one in front of you, so you can’t be followed but you can be trapped.  This all had to be turned off just so people could get into the building, that’s what security is about.  And who’s in charge of Capitol security?

Why it’s the same lady who has no security for her very-expensive house filled with very-expensive possessions which was broken into yet again.  The most recent attack was just a couple months ago and nobody seems to be bringing it up anymore.

Were any actual Trump supporters involved or were they all government agents?  It probably doesn’t matter that much at this point, just curious.

31 December, 2022

So what will happen in the new year?  I have no clue.  My guess is that our rulers already plan to double down on the schemes that have worked out for them so far.  I really hope there’s a resistance somewhere but so far there’s no clue of that.

Beyond that, I dunno.  I’ve basically given up all hope for the future and don’t see any options.  If there was someplace to run to, ok.  If there was a resistance to support, fine.  Otherwise I just focus on writing about this stuff and maybe someone will find it worthwhile long after I’m dead.  Depressing I know, but that’s the world we live in.

Will there be a war?  A fake one, probably.  A real one?  No idea.  More viruses?  Sure, they can make up whatever they want to impose on us.  Economic collapse?  Probably.  Will there be riots?  I hope so but that’s the sort of thing I’d rather not see, much less live through.  It really looks like we’re one bad day away from utter anarchy and we know there will be bad days in the very near future, like, tomorrow.

I can’t stop from believing that our rulers have planned much of this.  Just the number of people I see still going around with cloth on their faces indicates how many obedient servants there really are out there.

We can’t lose any more than they’re already taking from us.  How many want another year as wonderful as 2022, which very quickly made 2021 look like a great year, which had very quickly made 2020 look like a great year, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016...

They can’t be stopped, not peacefully.  We need to stand and fight.

01 January, 2023

This year is already depressing.

□ [“California is Now a ‘Sanctuary State’ For Transgender Children"]

How much would it cost to build a wall around California?  That and send all the insane children and their abusive parents there to stay forever?  Northern California might be willing to help out.

The main worry is that California does have airports and access to the ocean.  In theory, rocket launchers might help stop them from escaping but overall, it probably wouldn't be hard to escape.

It's not just California that's the problem though, every big city does this, no matter what state they're located in.  Perverts can thrive there and grow worse over time.  People in the country do have to maintain a sense of reality, at least if they want to eat every day, and even more if they produce food for others to eat every day.

Going on strike would mean the rulers and their servants can't see anyone who has dropped out, they can only see each other.  They can only abuse each other.  This has long been understood, from "Town Mouse and Country Mouse" to Ayn Rand.

01 January, 2023

Last year they built up a bunch of laws to impose on us now, taxes and removal of transportation.  They're ignoring all the real laws, freeing the prisoners to attack us, and making up new so-called laws to punish decent people with.  They've broken the medical system, the supply chain, the borders.  They've still got a pretend-virus to excuse any new rules they come up with.

When will it break down?  I'm honestly surprised we made it through 2022.  I was hoping that the truckers would go on strike and that would stop them in their tracks, but it still hasn't happened.  Instead, things just look more hopeless on a daily basis and nobody's standing up against it.

At some level, we can't lose hope, but we can definitely lose sanity.  We're not begging for death but we're getting close to the point where we don't much care.  How can we let them just devour us without even fighting back?  Whatever their plans are, it won't improve our lives but they still get more and more control without resistance.

□ [“Democrats to Increase Taxes in 2023 During Highest Inflation in 40 Years and Worst Stock-Bond-Equity Losses Since 1871"]

It's always about sucking more out of us.  There's taxes on income, stock, oil, coal and natural gas which will all be passed on to the consumers.  They might not stop even when actual disaster arrives, they certainly won't stop before then.

Is this what they're deliberately aiming for or is it just absolute insanity that they *think* it'll work this time?  How can you even tell the difference?  Hell, how do you even get to this point?

It's government worship, which I think is basically part of the collectivist mentality.  We're not individuals, we're just parts of a larger entity, which only the rulers understand.  If government just makes its own money, then it can drop all taxes and not notice the difference.  Then there's the 'one world' belief that they can bring everyone together in unison.  This will just make things worse, which will make our rulers happy.

01 January, 2023

□ [“Democrat Senator Amy Klobuchar Calls For Regulations on Social Media Companies For 'Misinformation, Disinformation'"]

And they always go straight for censorship.  I'm sure their servants are threatened by this and they seek to be unquestioningly obedient, but the censorship is only noticeable on people who disagree with the rulers.  There's never any 'we'll just have to disagree.'

That's what she says here, the government will sue social media companies if they don't censor anyone who disagrees.  This is how fascism works, government commands private companies to keep the peons in line.  There is no freedom, there is nothing without government permission.

Collectivists do think of themselves as naturally in charge, being 'superior' to everybody who doesn't 'see everything.'  Individuals focus on their own issues, collectivists don't even perceive of that, except in a negative way which is their goal to prevent all others from doing.  I suppose it's fundamentally atheism because belief in any higher power would require them to acknowledge there are things outside of government control, which they refuse to accept.

01 January, 2023

Haven't heard anything yet about outrageous details from Trump's tax forms.  Nobody's points to any blatant disregard of the laws.  It's just the rulers deciding they can do whatever they want and nobody can stop them, but don't dare treat them that way or you'll be punished.

The Russia collusion went nowhere, two impeachments went nowhere, the FBI raid on Mara-Lago went nowhere, the January 6 committee went nowhere, now there's this.  What will they do next because they're not going to stop going after him?

They could look at the tax laws, but that would take work.  Trump obviously obeyed them.  Rich people have to go through a bunch of loopholes that most of us don't even comprehend, and I wonder if half-the-reason is just so that rich people are required to spend tons of money on lawyers and accountants.  If you're not paying for all these employees, you pay higher taxes.

But that doesn't satisfy Democrats, so now they'll go after anyone who spends more than $600.  Because that's how much they care.

02 January, 2023

If I knew then what I know now, I'd have changed the calendar. Happy 2022, everybody!

□ [“Elon Musk:  Fauci Files to Drop Later This Week"]

These are going nowhere.  Otherwise, Fauci's files could have been released a month ago, when he was still a government employee and under a lot of regulations which he's no longer bothered by.  The government might censor twitter anyway, but that would just be about proving that they can, rather than any actual relevance.

This is a charade.  It's entirely possible that there will be damning information about Fauci and even there, our masters will shrug and go on with their tyranny.  That may even be what Musk is there for, to give us some hope and then squash us even further. 

02 January, 2023

□ [“Infrastructure Bill Installs Kill Switches in All New Vehicles, Turns America into a Police State"]

They are all about preventing anybody from moving without permission.  Of course the rich and famous won't be affected, they're special.  Although it has been pointed out that in tyrannies such as this one, the elite are kept in line by recognizing their privileges can be taken away for any reason.

Take it as a given that these kill switches will be vulnerable hackers, but that would mean people can modify the ones in their own cars.  Not sure which would be better, to outright disconnect them or if it's possible to give them a fake access to your vehicle, so it looks to the cops like their equipment isn't working when they can't make your car shut down.

It's just always more for these people.  They're never willing to leave you alone, and you get to pay for the privilege of putting up with them.  I'm surprised they didn't mandate buying these cars.

02 January, 2023

□ [“D-Arizona Katie Hobbs Sworn Into Office At Illegitimate Private Ceremony, Breaks Out In Laughter When Asked To Swear That She Will Support the Constitution"]

One thing that's clear is that these stolen elections are ensuring that the rulers only get 'their kind' into office.  They're here to destroy the country and there's barely a vague pretense otherwise.  Doesn't matter which party they're in.  They've obviously been using this to take Republican seats for quite a while.

It's probably safe to guess they're doing this in every nation around the world that actually has elections.  The ones that don't are already allied with our rulers.  Some of them are probably having problems but we don't get to see that.

I really think 2023 is when the break will come.  I know, I keep saying that every year, but I only need to be right once.  We can't keep this up.  Who knows if they'll even bother to have elections next year.  Probably, just for pretense but there's no chance they'll be legitimate.

02 January, 2023

□ [“Despite Some 10-15 GOP Reps Reportedly Not Likely to Vote for Him Tomorrow – McCarthy Has Reportedly Moved into the Speaker’s Office"]

It's already set-up, the vote is only for the media.  If they aren't actual leftists, they're completely agreeable.  There will be no hearings on Biden or his people, they all get along.  There certainly won't be any investigation of voter fraud, that's how they got power.

So of course he's already moved into the office.  He's already got the position no matter how few votes he gets.  Whoever's speaking out against him is probably just going for bribes.

02 January, 2023

They're still pushing the virus, three years into it and two years since promising to end it on 'day one.'  That's how big a deal it is for them.  They got all the power and can impose themselves on everyone's lives.

They're still requiring everyone to wear masks, sometimes people even obey.  Not much point when even the rulers can't agree on whether or not masks work, or keep changing their minds entirely.  The main point seems to be continually injecting untested chemicals into people's bodies and ignoring when they suddenly drop dead afterwards.

When is this going to break?  The rulers would lose their power if the people stop taking part in this, so when are we going to go on strike?

Then there's the supply crisis.  Gas prices are already bouncing around.  Inflation, massive price increases, transportation, those are all getting worse.  The longer we wait, the stronger our rulers get and the weaker the rest of us are.  You don't need a gun, you need to be surrounded by 50,000 men with guns who are as pissed off as you are.

03 January, 2023

I'm going nowhere. Somebody help me. See the New York Times for more details.

□ [“RINO Congressman Don Bacon Threatens Conservatives: I’ll Help Democrats Elect Next Speaker if GOP Hold-Outs Reject Kevin McCarthy"]

This is an example of those who self-identify as Republicans.  The goal is not to help Democrats, that's the job description, yet he's openly saying he'll help Democrats.  The person he's defending will also help Democrats.

I can't figure out how, but this is what the left has been building for decades.  He's from Illinois, was in the Air Force, and for some reason ran for office in Nebraska?  Ok, he was at Offutt, so he was living around Omaha anyway, but it still comes off being aimed at a red state.  No point moving back to Illinois, right?  Or any blue state where they already agree with him.

There's no point in a purge, even if it were possible.  The new Uniparty members would join up and it would continue.  A third party isn't workable at present, that's how the Republican Party was founded in the first place.  Just step back and let these tyrants and their supporters do without you.  They're not going to stop tyranny and having people who actually support freedom around just gives them more incentive.  Without you, they have nothing to work with.

03 January, 2023

□ [“NFL Game Stopped Mid-Game"]

A Buffalo Bills player collapsed.  Heart problems.  Well he's 24 years old, isn't that expected?

Well, it didn't used to be, but NFL players have to be vaccinated against the virus.  The companies never bothered to run tests on what the effect is after a year, two years, three years, five years, they just pumped it inside everybody they could.

At what point will the rulers have to admit that this is actually a problem?  Ok, let's pretend for the sake of argument that the vaccine isn't causing this.  Then they need to prove that the vaccine has nothing to do with all these healthy vaccinated people suddenly being hit by massive heart problems, and they'll need to figure out what *is* causing it.

It wasn't happening like this before the rulers demanded everyone get this jab, that's a connection.  Pretending it's not happening is the only possible excuse and that won't help anybody.  At least the NFL has to spend a lot of money keeping its players healthy, they've got a reason to want to know what's going on.  They'd want to know if any more of these massive heart problems are going to show up on their star players.  As will the insurance companies, the marketers, all those organizations that make NFL a big business.

They postponed the game for this, still in the first quarter.  That's kind of a big deal right there.  Looking at the footage, he tackled someone, then jumped to his feet like an athlete is expected to do, then dropped backwards after a split-second pause.  He's clearly not injured in the slightest, this was all internal.  They probably wouldn't have ended the game there if he'd snapped a few bones.

Maybe even the media will get tired of covering up for this.  It does seem unlikely given the mindless zombies they are, but there's at least a chance that this might make a difference.  If they actually care about this game, the players and their favorite teams, this would hurt them worse than those of us who aren't remotely interested.  Furthermore, they'd know what other events like this they've had to cover up.

There's also the response our rulers have established.  If he didn't get the vaccine, then we don't care if he dies.  If he got the vaccine and died, at least he was saved from the virus so that's all that matters.  Everybody get the vaccine!!!

03 January, 2023

□ [“Kevin McCarthy Loses Third Vote For Speaker of House!"]

Why doesn't he just use his immense political abilities to win votes?  You'd think the people who actually know him would be the easiest targets.  Errrr, I mean, the easiest to win over since he's so good at politicking and totally deserves to be in charge.  Because frankly, I would think that if you've lost three votes in one day, that's a point where a sensible person would say 'ok, I'm not the one to go for, I'm out.'

That would actually be a benefit, if the circumstances were normal.  He would show common sensibilities by not fighting for power and letting someone else give it their try.  Then, when everyone else has failed, he looks good by staying out of their way and can say 'I'm still here.'

Of course he'll probably have won by hook or crook by the time I post this, just goes to show who our masters are these days.  They're going to get a Democrat one way or the other, might as well be Nancy Pelosi.

03 January, 2023

□ [“Jan 6 Committee Sealed All Important Videos and Documents for 50 Years"]

Well, people have given up on the JFK assassination after 60 years, they've gotta come up with something new.  It's not like they found anything they *want* people to see.  Even though that was supposedly their purpose all along.

That's how big it was, they didn't find anything worth showing the public and they really don't want us to know what they did find.  It would make the rulers look bad.  They could have just said right from the start that they'd hide everything they find, it's not like their servants would object.

So what'll the next investigating committee be about?  They're not going to stop, it's not like they have any responsibility to the public.  Trump is still out there so they have to keep attacking him.  This committee's evidence will be used to frame him and they don't even have to show it to anybody.

03 January, 2023

□ [“Supply chain crisis now threatens Biden's green-energy plans"]

They have the government ordering everybody to be involved in this and are still having problems getting by.  Partially it's because the government is ruining everything else it can grab and partially it's because there's no incentive.  They don't have to provide a practical product people want, they still show a profit anyway, so why bother?

It also makes the point that society and the supply chain are far too complicated for anybody to comprehend, which is why freedom is a good thing.  But our rulers oppose that and expect everybody to obey them.  The 'global warming' cult is just the excuse they've used for a few decades, they'd find another one right away if this one fell apart tomorrow.

Most people can see a problem with energy only being permitted when it's windy or when the sun is shining, then there's all the problems of bringing the equipment in from China to gather that energy.  Our rulers only see that they can gather power and do anything they want, regardless of reality.  They also cash in big-time with their friends, defeating the whole 'global unity' belief they pretend to have.

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