Thursday, January 12, 2023


09 January, 2023

Megatron must be stopped, as long as the cost isn't too high.

□ [“Brazil’s Jair Bolsonaro Rushed to Florida Hospital with Severe Abdominal Pain”]

Convenient timing.  This sort of thing just makes it look suspicious.  If nothing else, you’d think he had have gone back to Brazil to be with his people.

It's just the timing on things like this make me wonder if the rulers have actually implanted some sort of biological weapons.  Is there some restriction on setting it to ‘kill’?  Would it be too obvious if they did that?  Now I have to waste time thinking about possibilities for something that could, by all logical sense, never remotely happen.  Maybe it’s a gamble, something between ‘death’ and ‘nothing happens’ to him?

Or maybe it’s all a fake, our rulers have a reason to tell Bolsonaro’s supporters to feel sorry for him.  Was he vaccinated?

□ [“AOC and Other Globalists Claim Brazil Protests Were Done by Fascists and Those Who Disagree Lula’s ‘Win’ Should be Punished”]

And look, our rulers are immediately unanimous.  Not a single one of them has the slightest doubt about opposing the people.  None of them say Brazil can handle its own problems.  They’re uniformly in-line with the masters and you will be punished.

How does that even work?  The Brazilian military is siding with the people, so you’ll have to overcome the military to get anywhere.  That’s the first problem.  The second problem is you’ll need a looooooot of men with guns if you expect to impose your will on the vast number of citizens opposed to you.  That will require supply, logistics, transportation, maintenance, communication, administration... all to handle support for the men with guns you’re sending out to stomp on the people forever.

Third problem, what will you do with the people who disagree?  Brazil doesn’t have enough prisons, those will require construction tools, equipment, fuel, workers, food...  Or will you just order mass shootings?  Obviously nobody on your side will object to that.  Fourth problem, how are you going to run the rest of the country while you’re busy killing everyone who disagrees with you?

They really haven’t thought this through very well.

The immediate inspiration is to follow Brazil’s example and show up in all 50 state capitals.  I totally oppose that idea and am positive it would never work, but can’t get it out of my head and if we are going to do it, I’d volunteer to help.

Organization would be difficult, I’m not even sure what the goals would be, that’s why my recommendation is that we do the opposite and all go on strike the same day.  But anyway, the bigger problem would be from frauds, federal agents or otherwise, who are there to cause problems.  It sounds like Brazil had some of them and turned them over to the police immediately.  That’s fine, good for them, I’m still skeptical Americans would be able to do that.

Still, I really love the idea.  Doesn’t have to be limited to state capitals either, some states have capitals too far from most of the population.  But something like this needs to happen by the end of January.

09 January, 2023

□ [“Feds Consider Ban on Gas-Powered Stoves to Address Pollution Problem”]

“Consider”?  They’ve obviously ready for this.  They can’t produce electricity but they’ll decide every stove in existence can only be powered by electricity.  What they can do is turn every stove off any time they feel like it.  That’s the real goal.

Best of all, China and Russia know this and they can control electricity too, even turning it off on people they don’t like.  This sort of thing makes you wonder if our rulers are openly working for them or if they’re just too stupid to know any better.  That’s probably why Russia and China picked them.

We could just go back to using wood as Germans are doing now since they’re not permitted to have Russian fuel.  Because they care so much about the earth.

09 January, 2023

□ [“World Economic Forum Declares Pedophiles ‘Will Save Humanity’”]

This came out about a week ago.  “Age gap love violate human rights.”  Seriously.  Preventing the rape of children violates the rapist’s human rights.  Allowing it will save humanity from itself, that’s the goal.

It helps that children are too young to reproduce, if you call that “help.”  This lines up with their other goals, destroying the family and depopulating the planet.  So naturally they want the laws against raping children to be removed.  The media is already promoting this, the New York Times, CNN, BBC and many governments around the world.

How many generations have they done this to?  The current trend is fairly recent, but the more I look into history, the more it looks like there’ve always been people doing this.  There’s no way to know how much of this pedophilia (and demon worship?) is connected to the past and how much just arose wherever it happened to be.  It’s the sort of thing nobody wants to look into, except those who already agree with it.

But this is the sort of thing we need to fight back en masse.  The rulers want to own our future forever and will take anything they want.

10 January, 2023

If a tyrant makes you cry, is that tearanny?

□ [“'That’s Something That Will Happen' Congressman Byron Donalds, Impeaching Biden On the Table”]

Highly doubt it.  That’s why you only have a small majority of one house.  You’d need Democrats to turn against Biden and they have no incentive.  What’s the worst that can happen, they can be personally responsible for the first official woman POTUS? 

Some things are currently going on but these are actually part of the problem. Biden’s office had classified information illegally, there’s Hunter’s laptop, stuff like that has been known about for years but has only come out now?  It’s like they’ve already planned a schedule for these things to be pushed to the public.  Can’t guarantee they predict how the public will respond but there’s good odds.

Maybe this will go somewhere but I’m not optimistic.  It comes off as more of a distraction than anything else.

10 January, 2023

□ [“Top Secret Intelligence Documents Related to Ukraine, Iran Found in Biden’s Private Office”]

“Found” is the wrong word.  The FBI and the DOJ have known about them for a while.  They haven’t done anything and won’t start now, but they didn’t just “find” them.

They were at the Penn Biden Center, an office Biden opened as Veep, when he did *not* have the authority to declassify whatever he wants.  Only the POTUS can do that and if Obama had done so, that would be on record.  Biden could declassify those documents on the spot now, he self-identifies as POTUS, but no one would stop him.

But it would be a bad thing if a Republican did it.  Hillary got away with this too and these are just the ones who got caught.

Reportedly there are ten documents, covering Ukraine and Iran, stored in a box with unclassified documents.  How do you even get to a point where that makes sense?  And how many more are Biden’s people pushing out to anyone who wants to see them?

10 January, 2023

□ [“China Upped Its Donations 400% to the Biden Center, $50M After Biden Announced his Campaign”]

I’ve wondered how much “classified information” is pushed out by government officials, ignoring the law to help destroy the US.  I doubt that it’s about moving the documents themselves, just go to a SCIF, read a bunch of them and then go out with your friends or your Chinese mistress and tell them anything they want to know.

It’s not like the enemy can’t find ways to access you, they’ve been doing that for hundreds of years.  How many Chinese kids get sent to play with Biden as their parents go through the files?  But these Americans would also say they’re in a ‘resistance’ movement, to overthrow our rulers.  They already have, now it’s just a matter of time.

And China knows how to handle that.  They’ve got power, experience and full access to the US government because of their servants.  Allies in Russia and Iran can also benefit, all because their minions hate the US and somehow managed to seize control.

So, if our enemies can be classified as enemies, it looks like China’s the one that’s really against us.  Aren’t you glad I figured that out?  What would you do without me?

10 January, 2023

□ [“Brazil:  Up to 1700 Patriots Held in Lula’s Concentration Camp, 2 Allegedly Dead”]

The people need to keep pushing and the military needs to join in.  That much is a given.  China and leftists want to be in charge and taking Brazil would mean control of most of South America.  They’re also setting up mass concentration camps for their subjects.  That’s how they intend to rule the world.

It’s starting to sound like this was a set-up.  Haven’t worked out the specifics but the government knew it could crack down on the people, so they planned this.  They’re probably looking up every contact the prisoners have and other protestors.  If 90% of the people are “domestic terrorists,” that’s fine.  Just arrest everybody who didn’t show up for Lula’s public appearances, that’s who you’ll want to get rid of.

From there, they’d probably get information, funding, supplies, etc. from the CIA, WEF and others.  This is where it becomes guesswork, figuring out who’s allied with whom, who supplies whom, what the chain-of-command is, etc.

Also, not sure this is true, but apparently Brazil law requires election results to be reviewed by the military for accuracy, which Lula hasn’t done.  It’s certainly believable, stolen elections are the new trend, but unless you’ve already purged the military, they aren’t the ones you want to be caught lying to.  That’s already happened in America.

10 January, 2023

□ [“Secret WHO Negotiations for Pandemic Treaty Taking Place This Week”]

And here we go.  They plan to move the WHO from an advisory committee to a governing committee.  They’ll get to decide whatever “potential” problems they can intervene on and ignore any concept of freedom.  We’ll all need to have IDs as proof of our servitude and they’ll keep all the info they want on everybody and everything.

How nice.

The vote on this in May but we already know they’re doing this.  If 51% of the member vote ‘yes’ for this, that’ll be the law for everyone, end of story.

The WHO is a United Nations agency, another layer of domination.  Does the UN control the WHO or vice-versa?  That’s only a passing question, the peons won’t be told anything, it’s none of our business.  We’re here to serve, assuming we’re allowed to live.

I knew 2023 to be when the tyrants really come out in the open, so here they are.

11 January, 2023

□ [“Biden Aides Find Another Batch of Classified Documents At Separate Location”]

No details, no where or when, they’re just getting in front of the bad news.  That’s the only excuse I can think of, otherwise they could say it happened last week and the fake-POTUS declassified it.  Doesn’t need to be true, it’s not like they’ll be challenged.

You’d think that at some point even their loyal minions would ask ‘how much classified info has been taken from a safe location?’  You could also ask if the people doing the removal were authorized to handle classified material, loading it into these office boxes and transporting them to an unsecure location.

Biden’s public statement announces ignorance and surprise, “I don’t know what’s in the documents.”  Of course not, that would require a working brain, but the people under his command would know what they identified and transferred.  Some of the documents cover Iran and Ukraine, two nations we’ve had contact with in the last few years.  For all we know, it could just be check stubs for Hunter.

Biden could still just declassify it right now and we’d all get to see what this was.

11 January, 2023

□ [“The Creepy Cult Surrounding the Gas Stove Panic Gets Exposed”]

California says it will gas stoves and their nationwide subordinates immediately jump in to follow along for an issue that didn’t exist a week ago.  AOC, Elizabeth Warren, Jill Biden and Kamala Harris weren’t complaining about how deadly gas stoves must be banned, they never even mentioned gas stoves before.  They all tweeted pix of themselves cooking at gas stoves, but now they want them banned.

They have no skepticism and won’t apologize for killing the earth and injuring themselves or whatever they’re complaining about.  They’re in lockstep with the media, all from some random WEF-funded study.  They won’t ban their own stoves, just yours.

It’s about control, banning things within our own homes.  The replacements will be electric so the government can turn them off any time it wants.

11 January, 2023

□ [“Zelensky Speaks at Golden Globe Awards – Assures West ‘There Will Be No Third World War’”]

Basically guaranteeing WWIII will start any day.  Obviously he’s got enough free time to handle US tv awards ceremonies, it’s not like he needs to pay attention to other stuff.  Sure he’s just on a video but that’s still someone who doesn’t take this seriously.  Does he really have nothing better to do than hang out with rich people?

Other nations want to be involved in something that’s none of their business, not a good sign.  Our incompetent government can’t handle planes and trains, so it definitely can’t run a war.  They force soldiers to focus on vaccines and spending more time on memorizing made-up genders than actually fighting.  That’s not how a war is handled, but that’s what the people demanding this war want.

China is ready to move in on Taiwan, how long until our masters restart the draft?  That would be so mindbogglingly stupid that I’m convinced they’ll do that.  The military fails at enlistment and the rulers won’t drop the ‘woke’ approach or avoid wars, so what else is there to do but draft everybody?  Remember the 60s when they claimed to oppose fighting some other country’s war?  They want that now, so do their followers.

11 January, 2023

□ [“Biden Extends Covid Emergency as Omicron Subvariant XBB.1.5 Spreads”]

□ [“DOD Memo Rescinds COVID Shot Mandate”]

The guy who promised to end the pandemic on Day One is still keeping it going in Year Three of his rule.   He also wants to kick out those who don’t submit to his orders for the vaccine.  I’d like to ask an officer how that works.  Being in command does involve listening to your troops, at least if you want them to defend you in battle.

My guess is the leftists in command will demand that unvaccinated troops be first sent into battle.  This would be stupid, but that’s the leftists in command for you.  Their idea of military command is sending the people you want to die into battle first.  How will supplies and logistics handle that?  Will they receive combat pay and if so, does that apply to fighting China and Iran or just Russia?  Where are the planes suppose to fly to?

None of the people who really want this war will be risking their lives, they just give orders to others.  I’d even bet that they’ll only draft *one* of the dozens of genders, just like Ukraine does.  Not a single leftist complains about that.  Those in charge don’t need to acknowledge reality and nothing could go wrong with that.

11 January, 2023

Most people are looking forward to WWIII but I'll hold out for the sequel.

□ [“All US Flights Grounded”]

If the government has control of something, they can shut it down any time, that’s what Democrats have always supported.  No reason was given, just an estimated time of reopening, 9am eastern which became 9:30am.  They did reopen at some point.

□ [“‘Glitches and Complications Happen All the Time’ – Pete Buttigieg Has No Idea What Went Wrong”]

They didn’t happen before you were in charge.  This is the first time all domestic flights have been grounded since 9/11, with four simultaneous hijackings and a destroyed skyscraper.  And Buttigieg doesn’t even know what happened, it just did.  At least he found time to talk about it on MSNBC.  Surprised that he wasn’t on vacation again.

SouthWest airlines had this problems about a week ago, there’s the unloaded ships on the west coast, there’s the truckers being forced to stay at work no matter what.  But the Department of Transportation would rather focus on “racial equity,” “inclusion,” “income inequality,” “environmental justice” and “climate change.”

If Buttigieg has to choose between airplanes flying through the sky or using the correct pronouns, there’s no doubt which one he’s going to pick.  He doesn't work for the American people, he just takes our money, gives us orders and removes transportation from our lives.  That’s what he's paid for and he never misses a flight.

So is this deliberate or is he just too stupid and lazy to do his job?  That isn’t necessarily contradictory, he may just be following orders, stupid, lazy *and* deliberate.

There are also other possibilities.  An enemy attack?  China does have access to everything.  But our rulers have deliberately dismissed cyberattacks as a possibility.  They don’t know what it is but they know what it definitely isn’t?  It could be a deliberate strike, like to the (unconfirmed) shutdowns of energy substations.  That seems unlikely, one would think that there would be no way to hit every domestic flight like this. 

The dismissal of cyberattack seems a bit suspicious but that may just be because our rulers are untrustworthy.  The argument could go either way.  It’s like investigating a murder victim, you shouldn’t waste time seeing how he got his head cut off if his head is still attached, but automatically saying ‘there’s no chance he was poisoned’ without a legitimate reason seems a bit iffy.  Or it’s like our leaders saying the vaccine has nothing to do with the massive increase in deaths from “suddenly,” just trust them!

There’s also an Amtrak train that’s been stranded for over 29 hours.  It left DC for Florida on Monday but got stuck in South Carolina.  The crew is not permitted to operate the train and there were no replacements.  Or food.  And people aren’t permitted to leave.  Nor are their animals, who can’t use toilets the way normal people do.

The federal government runs Amtrak, they own it and the Secretary of Transportation is responsible for it, but they can’t keep a train running.  They aren’t providing repair or replacement and they won’t permit the customers to leave.  That’s how the government runs things, which they really like and want more of.

So is this a result of the trainworker strike or is it like Atlas Shrugged, which was also a strike, just in a different way?  Maybe it’s just standard government incompetence.

12 January, 2023

If you can read this, you'd better have a security clearance. Bring one for the rest of us too.

□ [“Canada’s Flight Entry System Hit with 'Outage' After US and Philippines Airspace Shut Down in Last Week"]

Ok, this is either enemy action or deliberate sabotage.  It's possible agents are working individually, but the timing is just too close to be coincidence.  You can't just shut down national airspace on a whim.

The closest I can think of is that there is some secret triggerswitch that is capable of shutting down all the airlines, some weapons none of us have ever heard of and couldn't talk about if we had.  But if that was the case, anybody with access to such a controller would be high-ranking enough to be immediately discovered.  Or it would be China (or whoever) hacking the system, which would bring everything else out in the open because everyone would need to know what else they can do.  If they could do that to airplanes, they could do it to electricity, trains, dams, the internet, etc.

But Canada already knows that it has nothing to do with the other country's air-traffic difficulties.  How nice.  Ok, they would want to keep it on the down-and-low, that makes sense, but it's also what our rulers would say as they break us down even more than they've already been doing.  Nothing special, just standard glitches and complications that happen every day, go on about your lives.

12 January, 2023

□ [“Another Batch of Classified Documents Found in Biden's Delaware Garage"]

It's a little unclear if this was a third batch or if it's revealing the location of the second.  Until we're told otherwise, I'll just assume the latter but I'll also assume there's a third location of classified documents, a fourth, fifth, etc.  We just haven't been told yet.

There's no chance this was an accident.  The documents weren't just moved last month, the DOJ knew about them before the November elections, and kept it quiet so voters wouldn't know.  The FBI had just raided Mara-Lago in August because the POTUS had classified documents and some people might be stupid enough to think Democrats would live up to the standards they pretend to believe in.

Biden has held these documents since he was VEEP, so it's been years.  Besides taking them from the original location, are we expected to believe that nobody moved them from one place to another?  Nobody even looked inside the boxes for all this time?

Why is this coming out now?  A distraction?  The next step in our rulers plans?  Enemy action?  A resistance movement?

12 January, 2023

□ [“Merrick Garland Appoints Robert Hur as Special Counsel to Investigate Biden’s Handling of Classified Documents"]

Here comes the cover-up, nothing to see here.  Just standard giving-out-secrets which any non-Democrat would be severely punished for.  Will we hear anything about this ever again?  Other than the standard 'nothing wrong here' final report, I mean.  About the only thing we can hope is that China/etc. really is in on this and they'll put out info at the worst possible time for our rulers.

I suppose it's possible that Democrats could suddenly realize how close they are to going over a cliff, but that's not likely.  They'd rather take the rest of us with them.  So they pick a 'special counsel' who's from totally-Democrat Maryland and spent years working with people like Christopher Wray and Rod Rosenstein who blamed Russia for everything.

They've probably already got the verdict written, although maybe the investigation will last longer so everybody can get well-paid.  It would be nice if someone involved looked into this and suddenly announced that tons of classified documents had been removed.  You can blame previous administrations if you want, but our rulers have been there for two years and never did anything about it until now, the buck stops there.

12 January, 2023

□ [“54-Year-Old Lisa Marie Presley Suffered Full Cardiac Arrest at Home, Rushed to Hospital"]

And then she died.  Any particular reason?  You'd think someone who's been famous literally her entire life could afford decent healthcare, but maybe not Lisa Marie.  Is there any point where the rich and famous might wonder if something is going on to take them down too?

It's also startling to see that she's only 54 years old.  As I said, she's literally been famous for her entire life, but you'd just think she'd be older.  I had the same reaction when her first ex-husband died, Michael Jackson career had lasted for several decades and he was only 50.  That's just not *old*!

Also, just mentioning an odd coincidence.  Before finding out about this, I'd had an Elvis song in my head, wondering if I could re-write the lyrics, so I played the song.  "I feel like suddenly I could die" works as a lyric but it obviously isn't in the right tone, so checked the news and saw this.

Even spookier, yesterday I had the song "16 Tons" in my head, so I googled it for a youtube link.  Along with the one-and-only relevant version, I found a link to a live version by ZZ Top and Jeff Beck.  Despite not being a fan of either, I decided 'what the hell' and played that one instead.  And then I found out Beck had just died.

Once is an accident, twice is a coincidence.  What music should I listen to next?

12 January, 2023

□ [“Regime Planning to Deny Conservative Senators and Representatives Their Seats – 1000 'Lulag' Concentration Camp Inmates Forced to Get the Vax"]

Are they getting a unique tattoo as well?  Or does the vaccine mean that's not necessary?  This is just blatant tyranny with no pretense for freedom, banning government members who disagree.  We already see that with Ukraine and leftists support it entirely.

I'm sure some of the people who supported the tyrants are realizing this was a big mistake and are slowly starting to step away, but that's never stopped totalitarianism before.  They're just going to get louder and demand more.  At this point, I think the military should just overthrow Lula.  It won't solve the problem but it's so tempting otherwise.  At least it would create a noticeable dent in the world rulers' organization.

This is the natural result of stolen elections.  Soon Biden will be told to the same thing, or his replacement will.  As always, I say we need to go on strike.  That way we'll find out who's on our side and those who aren't will have to get by on their own.  From there, we'll have a resistance, the majority of people and those who are armed.  That's still a couple steps down the line but we need to get ready now.

What's the alternative?  Wait until the next batch of elections are stolen?  Wait until the poison vaccine is mandatory and boosters are required every week?  Wait until some disaster comes along and everything immediately gets far worse than it is already?  Or just assume that these extermination camps are different from ones in the past?

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