Monday, January 16, 2023


13 January, 2023

Now when you go to Las Vegas, you have to put up with the Lisa Marie impersonators!

□ [“‘Things Can be Planted’ – Democrat Rep. Hank Johnson Says He is ‘Suspicious’ of Classified Documents Found in Biden’s Garage”]

So you’re saying that someone broke into Biden’s home and nobody noticed, the Veep’s home has no security.  You could just break in and take anything you want.  Or leave anything you want.  You’re telling the world this is how Biden’s house is handled.

Or are you saying that someone was invited into Biden’s house and carried this box of files with them.  Then they saw the garage and when they left, nobody noticed that they were no longer carrying the box.  Nobody asked where this new box in the garage came from.  Nobody opened the box to see what was in it, like classified information.

Or are you saying that somehow someone stole classified information and decided this box was the best place to put it, so they brought it to Joe Biden’s house because what else are you gonna do with stolen classified information?  Is that what you're saying?  They didn’t steal classified data for themselves to use it somewhere more useful and they have waited all these years for anybody to notice that classified data was missing?

But then, no one has even noticed the missing data or checked the logs to see who signed it out.  These secure locations probably have cameras, they could show who took it out.  Unless the SCIF is as unprotected as Joe Biden's garage.

It’s said on the internet that this is actually our true masters’ plan to get Biden to step down for being too old and incompetent.  The theory is that Kamala Harris would take over and still be allowed to run for two terms.  There’s a law which says the Veep can only have 10 years – it’s not Amendment 25 and I haven’t found where it comes from – but by the end of January, Harris can’t have two terms.

A nice idea – well, not the Kamala part – but doubtful.  Biden’s just a figurehead, they could get rid of him any time, politely or otherwise.  Why would they go through this charade, just tell him to go on tv and say he’s quitting, he’s too old, etc.  They’re showing he can get away with worst things than they blamed Trump for, or Hillary before Trump.  It seems more likely that they’ll show off how their rules don’t apply to them.

13 January, 2023

□ [“Media begins squirming over Biden”]

One way they could help Biden is to show pictures of a SCIF to demonstrate how secure Biden’s garage was for top-secret information.  They can do that at government organizations, just send a camara crew.  Or if that’s too much like work, just use a cell phone.  The pix can be compared to the pix of Biden’s garage and show everything.

This is possibly a direct attack to get rid of Biden, I just don’t think our rulers are responsible for it.  They’ll purge people but not just for doing their job, which in Biden’s case has been to look stupid for the last fifty years.

Maybe they’re willing to sacrifice Biden for some reason, I just don’t see why.  What would they get without him that they can’t get with him?  As always, just because the enemy is stupid and lousy at planning doesn’t mean we can rely on that.

13 January, 2023

□ [“Buttigieg Refused Key Meetings During Unanounced Secret 'Paternity Leave’”]

Yet another hassle our rulers have to pretend is important even though they ignore it and make everything worse.  And that’s what Buttigieg does.  His vacation was “long-planned” so it had priority over the suffering of Americans because transportation failed.  A beach in Europe deserved his attention far more than trains or airplanes in the US.

The point is obviously to destroy transportation.  Medieval peasants spent their entire lives in the same fifty-mile radius.  Assuming we’re permitted to live, our rulers want to get back to that.  Did Buttigieg take this job to make that happen or just to gain power without having to deal with elections?  He’s already talked about as a great replacement for Biden and I assume the media will just do more of that.

What sort of transportation back-up do we have?  If fuel gets shut off, our cars are worthless.  No idea if electric cars would be workable, what else?  Bicycles would seem the most likely option, but I’m sure how they could be used for transporting anything else.  The horse and buggy would be doable, if you’re rich enough to have a horse.

This is what they’re pushing us into and they see nothing wrong with that.

13 January, 2023

□ [“CDC to Investigate Link Between Pfizer’s mRNA Covid Vaccines and Strokes”]

Haven’t they already checked everything that needs to be checked like they’re supposed to do before releasing the drugs to the public?  Well, maybe not.  But they’re still going to require everyone to take it though, right?  That’s a given.

But now, it’s like they’ve just discovered some brand-new medical problem after all these centuries.  There’s something in our bodies that carry blood and it can magically be blocked somehow, like an ischemic brain stroke.  So enough people have died from this by now that they feel obligated to look into why it’s happening.

It’ll probably take years to determine anything but in the meantime, anybody complaining about the deaths will be told to shut up and wait for their results.  Our rulers have done everything possible to destroy any trust in the medical field, but they don’t need trust.  They only require obedience.  All of us can be replaced.

14 January, 2023

I could have gotten the virus if I had tried harder

Still mostly a rumor, but airlines are looking for pilots who haven’t gotten the poison vaccine.   They are very specific about this, unlike pro-sports, they need people who are physically *and* mentally competent.  Apparently they’re finding *something* wrong with the pilots they have now, having fired everyone who wouldn’t get vaccinated.

It takes years to become a pilot, you can’t just hire newbies, especially if you require “diversity.”  That won’t help when your engine stops and the plane is several thousand feet away from crashing.  Our rulers don’t demand “woke” for their private jets.

We need to know is what medical issue is requiring them to replace the force-vaccinated pilots.  What’s wrong with those who obeyed to keep their job?  Why are the people who didn’t obey more important all of a sudden?

Maybe this is just a false rumor and planes still fly normally.  Except for when they’re shut down twice in the last month but that doesn’t count, you can ask anyone.

14 January, 2023

□ [“Swiss Police And Military Setting Up Roadblocks and Checking Finger Prints Near WEF Summit”]

Our rulers will save the world next week by travelling on earth-killing fuel to a face-to-face meeting because telephones and emails are way too expensive for them to use.  This meeting will happen in a country known for officially taking no part in world goings-on, making it a great place to funnel money and everything else.

Thanks to these people, we now live in a world where the first reaction to hearing about this is ‘they’re all in one place, that’s an easy target.’  The rest of us wouldn’t be all that upset if *somebody* did *something* about them.  This is the world they made.

What is the point of this?  Don’t they have all the genocidal tyrannies ready?  Do they just want to do drugs and show off their boytoys for some demon-worshipping?  Maybe there are final documents they need to sign or something, that’s all I can think of.

14 January, 2023

□ [“US Army Vet From Iowa Rats Out Ukrainian Corruption”]

Interest in the Russia/Ukraine thing has really dropped.  I have several articles for days but just had nothing to say.  There isn’t much else.  Whatever the hell they’re doing is still going on, maybe.  Russia is always totally defeated but that’s it.

This article covers the Ukraine’s common third-world corruption.  There’s also the ruler, Zelensky, who’s not doing anything for the people.  He’s all in for the government itself, only that matters, banning media, churches and political parties that don't agree with him.  No leftist ever complains or dares to suggest he might be banning the wrong group.  The bans are what matters.  The victims, not so much.

That’s what a nation is as far as our rulers are concerned.  It’s all about them and whatever they want to get rid of.  We are unimportant, except as targets.

14 January, 2023

□ [“Historic Increase in Working Class Disabilities and Deaths after COVID Vaccine Mandates"]

All of the world leaders who exempted themselves from this poison need to be given it immediately.  In public.  There will not be peace until that is done.  This is non-negotiable, they're the ones claiming the vaccine was "safe and effective."  Then they can live up to it.  Or die from it, no big loss.

We'll also need to get a list of everybody who was vaccinated.  For their own health as much as ours.  Who is now especially vulnerable and who isn't.  I'd suggest giving all the vaccinated a tattoo on their foreheads so anyone can recognize them but that'll be something we can work out.

I can see some leeway for those who promoted this poison if they immediately turn in their supervisors who pushed them to do this although it's iffy how much that would help.  Maybe if they attack the people forcing everyone to get the vaccine with as much vengeance and hostility that they had attacked everyone who wasn't vaccinated?  I dunno, something else to work out.

For those who faked the jab, I'm unsure.  They deserve credit for not going along with the poison but also deserve blame for pretending they had gone along with it.  And that only applies if they weren't in charge of anyone.  People who faked the vaccine and influenced others to get the real one can be treated like everyone else in charge who forced this poison onto the world.  For those who just wanted to keep their job and found a way to fake it, maybe a separate tattoo on their forehead and they'll be allowed to go on with their lives.

The big problem I see is doctors and nurses who pushed this crap.  They have the advantage of not being so easy to replace.  No idea what should be done with them.  But our rulers, those who insisted on this?  We need vengeance and we need it now.

14 January, 2023

□ [“Pentagon Announces Ukrainian Troops Will Train In Oklahoma"]

Our rulers really want this to be another Vietnam, although North Vietnam wasn't a nuclear power.  It was just supported by Russia and China.  What other difference is there, that they aren't white?

Officially it's jut a hundred or so, being sent over for hands-on training with Patriot missiles.  Officially.  It will take several months for them to learn this, so it might just be a waste of time.  But if it works, they can teach others how to use US missile systems, that's nice of them.

Are the Ukrainians vaccinated against covid or do they not need to be treated like the US military?  For that matter, do they believe there are more than two genders or do they follow official Ukraine policy?  I'm still waiting for any leftist to say they agree with Ukraine's transphobia, or that they would pay lots of money to support others who have the same transphobia.  Maybe these Ukrainians are teaching the Americans how to go after Trump supporters.

We're also getting ready to fight China, because there's not enough going on in the world.

15 January, 2023

Censorship: is there anything it *can't* do?

Could the airline troubles have to do with the vaccine?  Several pilots dying on the spot?  There are also some plane crashes.  Because it seems something like that would immediately demand everything stop.

Of course this is another example of everything going nuts.  Are we actually having more plane problems than we used to?  Even if we are, how many are actually caused by the vaccine?  We don't know and we basically can't trust anybody who says they do.

I'm trying to think of an example of what they're doing to us.  There is the 'abusive relationship' example, which lists everything the abuser does to the abused which is clearly what the leftist rulers are doing to us.  The point is to make us doubt everything and only our masters can save us.

15 January, 2023

□ [“'The White House Keeps Digging a Hole Deeper' – Mueller’s ‘Pitbull’ Andrew Weissmann Turns on Biden Amid Documents Scandal"]

They *could* be turning on him, I'm not saying that isn't a possibility.  My main objection is that it contradicts the whole point of installing Biden and stealing elections in general.  They can do whatever they want no matter what.  It even seems more likely that they'd purge him for the fun of it instead of pretending this is relevant to their supporters.

This guy speaking out is probably just filling up screen time for the news networks.  Maybe it's showing off that *some people* have a clue how important it is to not steal classified information, not like Hillary or that Clinton employee who stuffed his pants full of classified documents.  Maybe they're just putting on a show of how they treat Biden just as fair as they treated Trump and never mind the obvious contradictions to that.

If they were really serious, they would require a complete search of every house or office Biden uses, *and* his employees, since they obvious did the stealing for him.  They went all this time without having the slightest clue Biden had taken all these classified documents so far, who knows what else has been taken?

So obviously they aren't taking it that seriously.  Doesn't matter if you peasants actually know something about having a security clearance, you're not important.  Biden supporters are the only ones who matter.

15 January, 2023

□ [“Biden Economy: Banks Are Preparing for Billions in Losses in 2023"]

There's some sort of time-frame the rulers are working on, it's taken 2+ years go get the banks ready to collapse, so here they are.  Massive debt, increased taxes, people's bank-accounts have been dwindling, they're getting ready to go under unless the government takes over everything.

The credit card companies are probably having at least as many problems.  Hell, so is the stock market and every other economic institution leftists have always wanted to destroy.  These are the same people who still say we're not in a recession.  It's obvious which side they're on as for how the economy works.

One reason is to put everything on computer to give the rulers more control.  Another reason is just to make everything crazy and senseless, giving them still more power to seize.  And sorry to say, I just assume everyone in charge of banks are totally in favor of this.  As with everything else, it's not their customers that they work for.

15 January, 2023

□ [“Temporary Morgues are Being Built Across UK and Norway Due to Unprecedented Increase in Excess Deaths"]

We need to start working out how many actual deaths there are and why.  Try going with the most-simple basics, a picture and name of the dead so that we know there's no repetition.  Probably add a specific cause of death.  Might not be able to specify definite victims of the poison forced into their body, but as least it's a distinction between being hit by a car or something.  People killed in the same car wreck or school shooting can be linked obviously.

I also think we should start trying to work out a comparison to previous years for the same causes of death, just to see how much has changed.  People with better knowledge and access to medical records can work out better specifics, but in the 'keep it simple, stupid' approach, keep it basic so everyone can understand how many deaths for what cause.  From there we can work out who's probably dying from the vaccine and how many.

It's obvious our medics and rulers aren't remotely interested in these details.  People dying makes them look bad so they want to ignore it as much as possible.  The people need answers and our masters aren't going to help us.  It's another example of how we need to stand up and resist them.

15 January, 2023

□ [“Biden Leaves Crime Scene Home in Delaware to Attend Mass, Gets No Questions from White House Reporters"]

So is Biden being set-up by our rulers or is this just a game, showing that they can get away with anything?  The most suspicious thing to me is the timing.  The classified material had been taken out years ago and nobody worried about that.  Don't they do inventory on a regular basis the way they do for, you know, computers and vehicles and things like that?  You'd think classified information would be at least as important as a vacuum cleaner.

But it took years to discover that Biden was the one in possession of this material.  We still haven't been told if it was flat-out stolen from the SCIF or if Biden signed his name on the log to put on record that he was going in and taking stuff out.  Or one of Biden's employees.  But it was only discovered last year that he had done this, just a couple months after Trump's house was raided for doing this, but before the most-recent elections.

And then we the people are only informed about this in early January of the following year?  That's how informed the media wants us to be.  There's got to be people who deal with classified information every day and are not happy that the rulers are getting such a pass on this.  Or course there's reason they couldn't just come out and talk about this but it's not hard to think of ways they could describe what would happen to other people if they did even a fraction of this.

The longer we wait for a resistance movement, the more entrenched our rulers will be when one finally gets started, which will definitely happen.  That's just human nature.  We need to fight back, with or without classified information in our garage.

16 January, 2023

This would be more fun to read if there were subtitles.

□ [“Biden Blocks Mount Rushmore 4th of July Fireworks For Third Year"]

This one really bothers me.  I wouldn't like shutting down the Statue of Liberty either, but that's a building which needs maintenance.  My one brief visit to NYC, I only got to see the statue from across the bay because it was still shut down in preparation for its hundredth birthday.  This one is a freaking mountain!!!  You don't shut it down!

Of course they're doing it because it celebrates our founding fathers.  They want to ban any celebration of the greatest country ever.  This monument is in our nation's heart and they want it gone.

If I had the power, I would order a fireworks display on Mount Rushmore every night, as a celebration and a call to arms.  Yes, it should happen elsewhere too, but this would be a signal that we are fighting back.

16 January, 2023

□ [“'BBC is the Virus' – At Least 6 BBC Buildings Across UK Covered with Photos of People Who Died from COVID Vaccine"]

This is the sort of thing we need, as a memorial and as a record of who the government has imposed death on.  We need to keep pushing this.  We need to make them pay.  And yes, that includes the media and all their supporters.

It's still a valid question, did they all know this was what they were doing or were they, as the old saying goes, just following orders?  Very slowly, a bit more is starting to come out regarding the poison our rulers have demanded everyone take, it's as easy as flavorade.  I don't know if there will ever be a real turning point and if there is, it's probably a long ways away, but at some point these monsters will actually realize what they've done.

It seems the recent events of a few media employees begging for forgiveness has gone away.  They know they're not going to get away with this.  They only way they'll get to survive is by pushing even harder than they already have.

It's also slowly starting to come out that the vaccines are bad for people.  Very slowly and of course government employees are saying everything's fine.  There are an increasing number of reports of cardiac injuries being up 70% and all among the vaccinated.  One of those reports is from the US military who still has a tendency to act like the soldiers matter.

It's understandable why they're after the military, can't do anything about Russia or China if the troops are all dying before they deploy.  Healthy young men, there's only one way to treat them as far as our rulers are concerned.

I do think this is close to a turning point.  The sheer quantity is outrageous and the fact that our rulers and their media subordinates are completely silent about it, to the extent they aren't blatantly lying, has got to turn any sensible person against them.

16 January, 2023

□ [“Hunter Biden Was Paying Joe Biden Almost $50,000 Per Month In 'Rent' to Live At His House"]

Well, that does it.  There's how the 'big guy' gets his share of what Hunter was paid.  That's how the bribes get paid and Biden doesn't even need to report the 'rent' on his taxes.  It's not like Delaware has gigantic mansions where someone would charge their son $50000/month to live.  But what Democrat would dare complain about someone getting lots of money from foreign governments like Russia and China and not even paying taxes?

Hunter's records listed that address as his residence.  Biden's records do not report receiving that much in rent.  This was the residence where Biden stored classified information in the garage before Hunter moved back in.  It's also the place where Biden did not keep a record of who visited the classified information sight.

Says something about you when even the Secret Service has no interest in who visits you.  Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi have that in common.  Nobody is watching over their house if you want to go in.

16 January, 2023

Odd, George Soros and Klaus Schwab are missing this week's WEF meeting.  That's just strange, they're on the verge of victory and they both sitting out?  What do they know that everyone else doesn't know?  Joe Biden's not going either but nobody would want him to.

Will Russia nuke Switzerland?  Do they both have the virus?  Or the vaccine?  It just seems strange, this is basically the first official meeting of the world government.  Our local rulers have handed over all the authority by now.  Any day now, they'll be open about it.  I don't know, maybe they have some demon sacrifices to finish off before the reach the final step.

As parasites, they really don't know how anything is produced.  They could order the poison vaccine to kill a bunch of people and mutilate a lot of others but unless they're actually planning on wiping out most of humanity, this is just insane and guaranteed to failure.  What really sucks for those of us who survive is that we have to put up with them in charge.  We really need to change that.

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