Friday, January 20, 2023


17 January, 2023

□ [“Former CNN Covid Absolutist Now Says We Are Overcounting Covid Deaths & Hospitalizations”]

You used these falsehoods to increase the number of people the virus killed.  You imposed these stupid ridiculous rules like pretending cloth did anything to stop it.  You killed sick people because all medical care was done over the telephone or internet.  You stole elections by requiring mail-in votes for the guy who promised to stop the virus on Day One and claimed the vaccine would prevent you from getting the virus at all.

□ [“Biden’s DOJ Fights to Reinstate Mask Mandate For Air Travel”]

Oh and look, the masters want to keep it going.  It’s been almost four months since Biden said it was over and nobody listens to him.  I suppose it could be a suitable definition of “stupidity,” how many people are still going along with this?

You censored those who said two years ago these deaths were miscounted.  We had the truth, you refused to believe it and called for punishment.  Your side hoped we would die for our disobedience.  You’re the virus and the only cure is 9mm or 5.56.

17 January, 2023

The media is mentioning Biden’s inability to store classified information, even asking questions.  They don’t get any answers but this is definitely a change.  *Maybe* they’re opposing tyranny but they’ve probably just been told to ask this and they obey.

But Biden is obviously told to not say anything.  He’s already claimed a garage was a totally acceptable location.  Even Trump supporters could just go to the Delaware mansion to protest and nobody would ever know.  The Secret Service doesn’t even know who visits the garage.  Even if they do stop someone from coming in, just say you’re carrying classified documents so they let you pass.  How would they know?

Yes, that’s a joke.  I’ve heard that Biden as Veep and Nancy Pelosi actually did refuse Secret Service guarding of his house.  That apparently is allowed, only the POTUS cannot.  He’s required to have Secret Service no matter what.  So is Biden, these days.

So is this a cover-up or a distraction?  Is it being used by the people who put Biden in place or by those who want to take the tyranny down?

Just the fact that this was known-but-hidden until January is strange.  It’s not like they couldn’t steal elections if it came out last November.  No one is asking if there’s a complete inventory to see how much classified information is missing or if they’ll make new rules to keep it where it should be.  What are the odds they’d even look into this?

Then it’s followed up with news about Hunter bribing his father.  Some people are even admitting Hunter’s laptop was real, though there’s no specifics on the contents.  This is where I’d still like to think there’s a plan underway.  No matter how depressing things get, there’s still hope.  Did Trump (or whoever) intentionally let the tyrants steal two consecutive elections so there could be no retreat from their world-domination?  Are these tactics to edge them along to where the people can rise up and overthrow them?

Maybe there’s a plan, but even if there is, I’d say ‘enough!’  Stop hiding this ‘wheels within wheels’ nonsense.  Those on our side are as bad as our enemies, there’s nothing definite.  It’s all suggestion and innuendo.  Even in Basic Training, there were specific goals and time limits in place.  At least encourage those willing to fight this war.

17 January, 2023

Bill Gates is skipping the WEF conference too?  There is definitely a plan going on, the three main wanna-be dictators are all staying home.

There’s some deeper conspiracy.  The rulers making this happen must know how much resistance there is, and the suffering they’ve caused hasn’t really even started yet.  I’ve seen a theory that this is the point, even the vaccinated are seeing how they’ve been poisoned and will turn against the rulers just like the rest of us.  The theory say that yes, we’ll all overthrow the self-identified rulers – pause for applause – and this will somehow convince the survivors to go along with the *real* world government.

I don’t see it.  A world-wide Galt’s Gulch would be more likely to start than overruling gov’t.  The maximum freedom for individuals and small groups.

17 January, 2023

□ [“‘Declaration of North America’ (DNA) with Canada and Mexico is a War Against the USA”]

This is why the distractions are here.  As the WEF sorts itself out with prostitutes, Biden, Trudeau and Obrador officially unified North America last week, using ‘woke’ nonsense that was directly taken from UN Agenda 21 and the WEF’s Agenda 2030.  There are Six Pillars:  Climate change and the environment – Diversity, equity, and inclusion – Competitiveness – Migration and development – Health – Regional security.

Skin color and pan-sexuality are specified as priorities.  By “diversity” and “inclusion,” they will obviously ban anybody who disagrees.  Girls-with-vaginas will just have to shut up and suck it because big strong women-with-penises are more important.  Their cult around health and the environment gives them all the excuse they need to order anything they want.  They own you, your life and your body.

If they feel like making up a new virus, they can infect you with anything.  This also helps the Mexican cartels run their drugs and slaves everywhere.  The cartels are also helped by China who wants to run everything else everywhere.  To me it sounds like a call for the sequel to the American Revolution.  This time it’s personal.

17 January, 2023

“Equity of outcome” is a new phrase the left loves.  Everybody has to end in the same place – Hell? – no matter what.  No, that doesn’t include our rulers, that’s why they’re in charge.  This was discussed back in the early 2000s and I suspect the elites all agreed on it back then and have been following it ever since.  *That’s* why they feel so free to ignore rules, their hidden government doesn’t require them to obey ours.  And of course they only choose subordinates who go along with all that, no matter what.

Think about it, that explains Obama, the resistance to Trump, the election thefts, pretending there’s some disease out there, the media…

It’s possible the Occupy Wall Street movement in October 2011 was the first open iteration of this, followed by Black Lives Matter and nonsense like that.  Those ‘in the know’ treated it differently, like it was somehow effective at anything.  It’s looked to me like that’s the path they’ve followed ever since.

18 January, 2023

□ [“FAA Quietly Indicates that US Pilots’ Hearts Are Damaged After Taking Vaccines”]

They’ve ‘widened’ the EKG parameters for pilots.  Before this change, pilots would be grounded if their EKG went beyond specified limits.  But for some reason, in October 2022, many pilots heartrates began appearing outside of those lines.

How could this be?  Weren’t they all supposed to be vaccinated?

The government ordered pilots to take the poison and fired them if they didn’t.  Now they have to lower the standards just to keep the planes flying.  That’s why the rich and powerful are hiring unvaccinated pilots.  Maybe we’ll learn at some point that this affects more than just pilots.  Any chance mobs will go after the people who did this?

18 January, 2023

□ [“A Sign?  Karine Jean-Pierre Refers to Kamala Harris as ‘the President’”]

It’s things like this that make me think I knew it, our elites have self-proclaimed a hidden government which is what they’re really following.  I’m not sure how, when or why, but it basically comes off that they’re obeying whoever their real leaders are and ignoring everyone else as much as possible, except as their servants.

□ [“At WEF, John Kerry Claims to Be Part of a ‘Select Group of Human Beings’”]

We see that here.  No one says they don’t know everything or that they’re ever wrong about anything.  They’re all very rich and powerful, surrounded by people who are paid to agree with them.  I did not know that Kerry’s mother was from the Forbes family, a very rich centuries-old clan.  I just knew he kept marrying rich and richer women.

I don’t know if they qualify as a cult or a religion because there’s no specific leader.  But otherwise, that’s exactly what they seem to be, sending out signals to those ‘in the know.’  People who aren’t rich have to deal with actual problems on a daily basis, but peasants and pets can easily be taught simple orders while our natural rulers carry on.

18 January, 2023

□ [“Politifact Defends Joe Biden Pawing, Groping, Rubbing Little Children and Women”]

Maybe this will come out, more stuff that we’ve known about for a long time.  Biden always gets away with it so there’s no incentive for the victims to complain.  Who’s more powerful, Joe Biden or Harvey Weinstein?  Who’s more liberal, Biden or Weinstein?  Who’s would turn against him, given what he gets away with in public?

This could be another attack on Biden, not legally, but public image.  He does what leftists have always pretended to oppose, so they could suddenly get “woke” and horrified by Biden.   He’s an old rich white man, somebody needs to stop him!  Many of them are closer to Biden than you or I, they’d know what he does behind closed doors.  The Secret Service ladies have to see things they really don't want to look at.

Trying to remember, did Biden say anything about this recently, how he’s going to know better, won’t do it anymore, etc.  I think he did but don’t recall any details.  Clearly he learned nothing and isn’t going to change now.  That’s how liberals want it.  He knows they want it and they want him to give it to them, oh yeah.

18 January, 2023

Biden is storing classified information in Melania's closets.

□ [“CNN Reports on Biden Crime Family, Admits Joe Met with Son Hunter’s Corrupt Business Partners”]

Clearly there has been some change in the policy.  Me being me, I’ll assume it’s all part of the overarching plan.  My guess is that the media finally realized that they have no credibility.  They can’t promote the agenda when everyone assumes they’ll say only good things about the masters.  We only check the media to see what they’re currently lying about, trying to figure out why they’re telling these particular lies.

Unfortunately some people will believe the media no matter what.  I hope it’s a much smaller percentage than anyone realizes, but they are there, no getting around that.  Media supporters are also the ideal leftist pawns which is what they want the rest of us to be.  At least to the extent they don’t just assume that we’re already the pawns.

It won’t work, it just shows us that they hide stories that would make their owners look bad.  What else have they lied about all these years, other than calling Hunter’s laptop “Russian disinformation.”  So now we see that CNN itself is “disinformation.”

Maybe Hunter is talking to keep out of jail.  Well, he’s rich and famous so those rules don’t apply to him, but he’d look bad to his peers.  Or maybe all the charges will suddenly be dropped and the media praises Biden for standing up against all odds.  Or we’ll attack Russia tomorrow and everything else will be old news.

But it’s still an obvious set-up.  The FBI says it won’t pay any attention to Biden sending in his paid help was sent in to check the classified info, even without security clearances.  They can do anything they want, the FBI will never know.  They had already announced that Hunter’s laptop was Russian “disinformation.”

So why are they still hiding what everybody already knows what Biden did with classified info if he’s being set up for failure and replaced with a younger puppet?  People can pursue contradictory goals, I think that’s what causes many conspiracy theories.  It’s also why dictators and the military keep people moving together, keeping them out of individual directions.  It’s probably also one reason government is generally incompetent.

That all makes sense (assuming you understood what I’m saying.)  It would also explain much of the insanity.  The problem is that much of this seems very easy to fix.  "Get Trump!” is an easy command, everybody should understand that.  You’d think “protect Biden” makes just as much sense.  It has, mostly, so why aren’t they protecting Biden here?  They’re still protecting him in other ways, even on the same issue.

This may be where it becomes easy to blame Russia, whitey or the Jews for anything that doesn’t fit.  It may also be the mentality that leads to a cult atmosphere, only the leader can make sense of everything so we all turn to him for guidance.

19 January, 2023

I used to have a joke here but somebody stole it.

□ [“Are Those Running the Country Gearing Up for Ten Years of Kamala Harris in the White House?”]

A bit more information.  Specifically the 22nd Amendment tells us a Veep cannot take over for two years and still be eligible for more than one more term.

Ok.  So what?  Pretending for the sake of argument that our masters pay any attention to the Constitution, it’s not like they measuring this down to the day.  They don’t need to worry about losing elections anymore either.  Biden could die tomorrow, next week or next year and Harris would stay as available as she’s been her whole life.  She’ll probably get over 100 million votes, the new most-popular POTUS in history.

Replacing Biden is believable and that could explain why the media is suddenly (vaguely) turning against him.  So he is disposable as of tomorrow.  Not that I think it’s a big deal, they can replace Harris too.  It’s believable that Biden drops dead tomorrow and the left just sees that as the next step of the plan, I just don’t think it will happen.

19 January, 2023

□ [“Alec Baldwin Rages After Criminal Charges Against Him in Shooting Death of Halyna Hutchins”]

Of course he’s whining.  He’ll have to waste time and money but otherwise he won’t be punished.  Other people would be, but he’s a rich white male.

As producer of the film, his approval was needed to use real ammunition and as far as I know, anybody making that decision has to sit through at least one ‘gun safety’ class.  And what’s the first rule of gun safety?  That’s right, he knew the gun was loaded.  What’s the second rule?  What’s the third rule?  And that’s what happened.

He would have signed a paper signifying that he sat through the ‘gun safety’ class.  If he’d followed any of those rules, his victim would still be alive.  I still think it was deliberate, performing some literal human sacrifice.  It’s probably one reason he won’t be punished for anything.  Unlike Baldwin, I don’t get caught up insisting I’m absolutely right about everything, so I’m trying to think of other options.

No idea how it would be possible, but this may have been a deliberate set-up.  Someone had loaded the weapon, hoping Baldwin wouldn’t make the slightest effort to check first.  Maybe his armed bodyguards would know who did this.

19 January, 2023

□ [“Jamie Lee Curtis Under Fire After Social Media Post of Photo of Young Naked Child in Box”]

An example of the conspiracy I follow.  If not literally centered in Hollywood, it’s close enough.  She’s been married to Spinal Tap’s lead guitarist since that movie came out, but she’s been famous all her life.  Her parents were Tony Curtis and Janet Leigh, both famous actors by the time she was born.   Curtis had small parts in Spartacus and Rosemary’s Baby which I believe were both crucial for this conspiracy.

An industry around raping children would have many Hollywood supporters.  The second and third generations would know nothing else, surrounded by the rich and famous so they automatically silence anyone who thinks differently.  So Curtis posts a picture of a naked child for everyone to see and doesn’t think twice about it.

□ [“Madonna Accused of Pornography and Child Trafficking in Southern Africa – Ethiopian World Federation Urges President of Malawi to Conduct Investigation”]

They’ve been doing this for generations.  The internet really helped to find anyone who might be interested or brainwashed.  Movies and television were already used for this.  Before then, only the elite could really be involved with on a regular basis.

This is what the people in charge of our popular culture have been after for decades, if not centuries.  They never get enough of it.

19 January, 2023

□ [“Al Gore Gives Unhinged Climate Change Rant at WEF – ‘Oceans are Boiling' Creating Atmospheric Rivers and the Rain Bombs’”]

Another example of someone who’s spent his life in the lap of luxury.  His father got wealthy through decades in Congress and the Senate.  There’s a reason the highway outside Fort Campbell is named ‘Al Gore Sr.’  He opposed giving rights to blacks until Lyndon Johnson told him this would make them vote Democrat for centuries.

So Gore Jr. uses his airplanes to travel all around the world over and over about how bad fuel is, as do the people agreeing his every word.  He doesn’t point to an ocean that actually boils or anything real, but he doesn’t need to.  That's not what he’s there for.

People like Al Gore and John Kerry are rather open about how superior they are to the rest of us, they’ve always been.  This ‘global warming’ stuff is just an excuse to impose their will on the rest of us.  And Hollywood loves them too, what a coincidence!

19 January, 2023

□ [“Saudi Arabia Announces Readiness to Trade in Currencies Other than US Dollar”]

□ [“Russia is working with Iran on a gold-backed stablecoin”]

Our rulers have been trying to make this happen but I think the point was that they’re so rich, they can claim to hate money and nothing goes wrong for them.  For the rest of us, and nations which haven’t plunged into insanity, they can see advantages to building their own currency.  The world will connect to that, as the US has fallen.

As a difference of degree, I don’t pretend to know anything about economics, but I’ve always been glad that the US dollar ruled.  It was taken as a given that everybody looked up to it because we were superior.  What are we supposed to do now?  No idea.

The enemy is all uniting under the BRICS.  They also tell our masters what to do.  Way outside my paygrade, but maybe the goal was to set all these nations up together for failure.  It makes as much sense as anything else.  There’s also the sudden deaths or being fired among world leaders, it’s not even specifically coming from the vaccine.

19 January, 2023

A random thought on conspiracy:  David Crosby died today.  His father worked for Hollywood most of his life and their ancestors were rich for centuries.  Many of them have their own wikipedia pages and obviously had contacts with far more famous people.

As a member of CSN&Y, there were many more contacts with the rich and famous of this era.  I don’t know if it was deliberate or it’s just the location but they were connected to everyone, as were the Mamas and the Papas and later the Eagles.  They were all inspired by the Beach Boys, which dramatically expands the number of famous people who got involved over the years, from Charles Manson to Guns’n’Roses.

They like the sleaze, so they promote sex with children and inventing genders, there’s the glam rock scene.  There was also David Bowie’s influence, but that’s another example of how far these connections run.  Even worse, all these famous people were surrounded by many many others who never became famous, so it’s both very large and influential, while still being intertwined and monotonous.

Whatever conspiracies there are, I think places like Crosby’s life and ancestry are an example of where they were formed.

20 January, 2023

Crisis on Infinite Unicycles

□ [“Biden State Department Bans Times New Roman Font. Really."]

An example of government idiocy.  If you don't have anything better to do than worry about what font is approved, you need a new job.  But to the government, that *is* your job.

The point is to lower the standards.  If you had assumed they were doing this because Times New Roman is racist, this would be one of the very rare times you'd be wrong.  This time, they're lowering the standards for people who can't read words.  Probably still safe to assume that skin color is the reason they can't read, but anyway...

Lowering standards is a way to crush anyone who disagrees while encouraging everyone else to stop thinking.  Otherwise they might see that there are higher goals to aim for, they'd recognize that not everyone will reach those goals, they'd be more capable of measuring what skills are required and how good or bad each individual is at them.  It's also easier to ban whatever you don't like and prevent anyone from complaining about it.

20 January, 2023

□ [“Is White Paint Racist? Norwegian Government Funds Research to Find Out"]

Only if you're stupid enough to fall for it.  The government of Norway is obviously stupid enough to fall for this and they get paid for it.  Maybe blacks are stupid enough to fall for this and, well, everybody has to be equal.

It's also a relevant question how much money are these people keeping for this and how much are they funneling to Ukraine or Iran or any other relevant entity they support.  Of course money must also be given to the higher up as bribes.  That's naturally how such systems work.

They're highly paid and get the privilege of blaming white people for everything.  Just don't disagree with them.  Because oppression.

20 January, 2023

□ [“Biden Regime Announces Massive $2.5 Billion Weapons Package for Ukraine"]

This is ridiculous, they're just cranking out everything they can with no accountability.  I'm beginning to think that one of Putin's main reasons for doing this is to get the US and Europe to cut themselves down in supplies and armaments just so we can't do anything ever again.  And it's working quite well.

For the last several months, there seems to be a lot less attention being given to the constant Ukrainian victories.  It's almost like the completely defeated, broken and bankrupt Russia still manages to show up to the battle field.  Even though they're guaranteed to lose.  Even though the whole military was sent to Ukraine and completely wiped out.  Anybody who wanted to invade could reach Moscow without breaking a sweat.  That's what we were told last spring.

The people reporting this stuff for the last year obviously didn't have a clue what they were talking about and yet they won't back down.  They won't even suggest that they might have been wrong about anything, but they'll keep helping themselves to our money and our weapons and sending them somewhere, doesn't matter where.  They're promoting Putin just by showing how little they know about anything but always calling him the bad guy.

20 January, 2023

□ [“'I Fly Commercial Exclusively!' – Climate Envoy John Kerry Rushes Away As Reporters in Davos Call Him Out For Flying on Private Jets"]

Nobody believes that any more than they believe he has a hunting license and eats at Wendy's.  This is just a blatant lie to pretend he doesn't kill the earth with airplane fuel any more than the peons do, despite using airplanes far more than any poor person.

He keeps his private yachts in another state so he doesn't have to pay taxes on them in the state he actually lives in.  This has been his schtick ever since he went to Vietnam for spring break and has called himself a war hero ever since.

At what point are these people going to be so old that they stop trying to get away with this nonsense?  He doesn't even mention if the pilots of his planes are vaccinated against Covid.  Because that disease is supposedly still around and is totally bad and all that stuff.

20 January, 2023

□ [“Paul Pelosi Attack Update: News Outlets Make Major Move in Court"]

This is still going on although we wouldn't know because there's so little coverage.  Apparently the naked Trump supporter who broke into the Pelosi house has been on trial for a while now.  Despite all the media attention given to his homophobic attack, they haven't been allowed to cover the trial, so now they're suing.  The New York Times, the San Francisco Chronicle, the Los Angeles Times, The Press Democrat, CNN, Fox News, The Washington Post, NBC, ABC, CBS and the Associated Press are all included in this court action to let the media cover the news.

So it was important that we all know how evil this illegal immigrant was, but they aren't showing us the evidence in court.  For all we know, there's proof that he's innocent of the charges, but he could be sent to jail without any complaints from the liberals.  You'd think the media wouldn't mind, but I'm wondering if this may be why they're at least pretending to have turned on Biden in recent days.  It would also make the Republican takeover of the House convenient, Nancy is no longer in charge, officially, so they can't attack her for anything.

It's definitely an example of something going on that we are not being told about.  You'd think the media would be able to publish anything as long as they sent their articles through Nancy's office for approval.  They've always wanted it that way so just admit it.  Or would that be too close to the truth?

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