Tuesday, January 24, 2023


21 January, 2023

I could have known better, but I chose not to.  Pay me.

□ [“AWOL Navy Seal Becomes Sixth American Killed in Ukraine”]

AWOL?  Really?  He put all that time and effort into becoming part of America’s Special Operations Forces but then just ditched it all and ran away because some other country mattered way more to him?  That’s what really happened and so he’d be charged with desertion, if he was still alive?  Uh-huh.  Right…

It actually gets still-weirder.  According to the DoD report on his death, he joined the Navy in 2005 and became a SEAL in 2007.  He ETS’d in 2014 but then rejoined in 2015.  Then he went AWOL in March 2019.  Then he showed up in Ukraine and died.

If this is what really happened, our rulers are lowering the standards for SEALS and other SOF units.  It’s more likely they were following orders, whether from the military or their secret masters.  This has been planned for a long time and it’s now being used to make sure we’re at war, no Congressional votes or anything of the sort.

21 January, 2023

□ [“Biden Administration Demands Judge Reinstate Mask Mandate on Planes, Trains, and Buses”]

They could have done this nine months ago when a court shot down their mask mandate, but that would have been too much work.  It’s just about a deadly pandemic that had already ended, according to the man upstairs, so they waited.  Now they want it back.

It could have been done when Democrats had complete control of Congress, but it was no big deal.  Democrats would have said the POTUS has no authority to just make up laws and control everybody.  They had accused Trump of doing that, even though he didn’t.  So now they’re going to do exactly that and Democrats are so happy about it.

Biden has the power to do this and can ignore any judge that says he doesn’t, just as Democrats have always worked for.  They control your body, no one can stop them.

21 January, 2023

□ [“MSNBC’s Frank Figliuzzi, Next Logical Step is Biden ‘Consenting’ to FBI Search of His Property”]

Biden doesn't even know the meaning of the word 'consent.'  He doesn't want to, he doesn't have to.  He's going to keep doing it and he'll going to get away with it.  His own employees at the FBI have already said they aren't going to find out if there's any other missing classified information in Biden's possession.

□ [“More Classified Documents Found at Biden’s Delaware Home in DOJ Search"]

See?  No one's going to get upset.  No one's going to demand his property be checked.  Maybe somewhere down the line they'll get around to saying someone should go in and look, but only in specified locations.  If Jill's underwear drawer isn't on the list, no one will look there.  They will not be treated like Trump.  Leftists would oppose that.

They're allowed to do this, they oppose "equality" and that new word they use, "equity."  The elite enjoy making up new ways to divide their subordinates.  They'll use any excuse that comes along.  Biden’s an old rich white man, can’t have “equity” with him.

21 January, 2023

□ [“Longtime Fox News Executive Dies After Suffering Heart Attack at 47"]

Is there any point where the media will actually ask what's going on?  Well, we already know what's going on, but the media gets to participate too.  They get to drop dead of heart problems at a surprisingly young age too, just like our young athletes.  And the media is the one who's been promoting this all these years.

At this point I assume Fox News was created as a target for leftist hate, even though they're basically leftists as well.  Maybe they're just faking it, maybe they actually do disagree with the left on one or two topics, that's enough to qualify as an enemy.  It certainly makes it easy for leftists to say "you sound like Fox News" which is idiotically contradictory in several ways.

Anyway, as standard media figures, they're going to keep promoting the poison and ignoring the deaths, even as it happens to them.  That's what they're paid for and they don't want to change that.  We really need to break away from these creatures.

21 January, 2023

□ [“Microsoft to Layoff 10,000 Employees as Part of a Massive Cost-Cutting Initiative"]

Been wondering about this.  Google and Facebook are also cutting several thousand employees each.  Or Amazon, I forget which.  Twitter is also doing that but they have an actual reason.  These are all the biggest, best-known internet companies who've been supporting our rulers for years and now are being thrown out.

As far as I know - don't take my word for it - there hasn't been such such an internet-based corporate problem since AOL purchased Time-Warner and immediately failed.  Everybody immediately decided to forget about that experience, but they presumably learned something.  But now this is happening.

What are these employees going to do?  Do any of them have any useful skills?  Will the government require them to be hired everywhere else?  Probably, safe to assume every single one of those being fired are completely in-line with our rulers.  They'll take what they get and like it, just as they required of the rest of us.

All these systems seem to be working badly anyway, getting worse over the last few years.  The companies will probably be keeping that up though.

22 January, 2023

What's the term for words you don't know?

□ [“Canadian Urgent Care Physician Warns of Stroke Season After Flu Season”]

Well, this saves a lot of money on drugs, they just inject the same poison into everyone for anything.  Then people start dropping a few weeks later, that’s the goal.

I’m sure much fewer people would get the standard vaccine if they had any choice in the matter, i.e. the military would be out of luck.  By now, there’s no doubt the rulers are all-in on as much population reduction as possible.  It’s part of the long-term plan.

When are we going to purge these creatures?  I know it’s Canada but even they must have some citizens who can think.  They’re just foisting this upon all their patients, their pets, their targets, to reduce the population, because that’s what doctors are for.

22 January, 2023

□ [“China Sent Hunter Biden a 3-Carat Diamond When His Father Stole/Relocated Classified Documents”]

Well maybe Hunter is just lying and he had actually started painting years earlier, before anonymous people gave him tons of money for paintings!  Didja ever think of that?  Do I have to come up with everything for you people?

At this point, we have no idea if Hunter’s laptop still exists.  The contents do and our elites probably know them well.  I think there’s a reasonable chance that there isn’t anything relevant except to make Hunter and his family look bad, but it is possible they include some connections we aren’t supposed to know about.

Face it, Hunter had no clue what was going on and his “employers” weren’t stupid enough to tell him anything important.  At best, this could be used to blackmail someone who actually knew what it meant.  His father, maybe, but we’ll never know.

22 January, 2023

□ [“Pelosi’s Daughter Claims Nancy Performed An Exorcism Over Her San Francisco Mansion To Banish ‘Evil Spirits’ After Her Husband’s Hammer Attack”]

□ [“Local Catholic Church Says No Exorcism Took Place at Pelosi Home”]

She didn’t say it was a Christian exorcism.

“I think that weighed really heavy on her soul.  I think she felt really guilty.  I think that really broke her.  Over Thanksgiving, she had priests coming, trying to have an exorcism of the house and having prayer services.”

There are other religions with “priests.”  Nancy can’t even take communion at the local church and doesn’t seem remotely bothered by it, that’s how devoted she is.  It’s far more believable that she called in Jim Jones’ supporters or even Scientologists, any form of actual demon-worshippers.  If she really has to find Catholics, she’ll just bribe them, like having her husband send some small children over to them.

It's possible Nancy has emotional problems with all the accidents her husband gets into with strange men who mysteriously vanish afterwards, but there’s no reason to think she asks God what she got wrong in her life.  That’s what Judgement Day is for.

22 January, 2023

Some leftist recently tweeted about how the word “woke” was *actually* about blacks, so calling someone “woke” is *actually* white supremacy.  WTF?

They make up words and definitions, that’s what they do.  As always, I assume it’s projection.  They self-identify as blacks and think that excuses anything they do.

They seized some power by saying skin color should be ignored, but they wanted more so now skin color is how you judge people and can treat the skin color you hate different from the others.  They’re setting the rules and denying rights to others.  It only works for people who are stupid enough to fall for it and there are a lot of those.

22 January, 2023

□ [“Justice Department 'May' Search Other Locations Linked to Biden After More Classified Documents Turn Up at Wilmington Home"]

Or they may not.  Or they may claim they did but actually sat around playing on their cellphones.  Life's an ever-unfolding mystery.

It is possible that Biden's half-century of getting his hands on anything he wants without permission may have made him quite useful to foreign powers and anyone else who wants to take advantage of this.  I know it's just hopeless fantasy but I would still like to believe that there actually is something working its way through the system and that's one reason Biden was permitted to steal elections, so that his connections would be revealed.

Even another media outlet has said this makes him look bad.  They're just saying what they're told to, but at some level, even people in the media know how classified information is actually treated.  It's not that they oppose what Biden, Hillary or any other liberal does with it, it's that they realize that anybody who's ever had a security clearance knows that only liberals are permitted to get away with this, everyone else would be punished.  *That's* the problem they see coming.

You can keep stealing elections but you'll only get the people who are totally free to steal secret information because there's no consequence and anybody who knows better can see who the threats really are.

23 January, 2023

On the bright side, at least things can't get any worse.

□ [“Bidenomics:  Egg Prices So High, Border Patrol Reports a Surge in Egg Smuggling at US Border”]

If I had any place to put them, I’d be buying chickens and roosters.  Soon there will be some big money in that.  There may even be guards on the border, inspecting the influx of guns and child slaves to make sure no one is carrying eggs.  They’re already putting up signs to say uncooked eggs crossing the border may have horrible diseases.

Will they soon ban cows and pigs for the same reason?  It would help our rulers to push everyone to eat insects, so beef and pork won't be legal for much longer.  You’d think they’d include videos of the WEF meeting that show people eating what they want to force on the rest of us, but well, they probably didn’t have anyone who ate insects.

We need to work out how to produce food, we really can’t go without that for very long.  Farming, ranching, guards, supplies, transport, we need to figure that out before it’s too late.  This is an area where I think barter would be workable, at least in the short term.  I provide food for your cattle, you provide me meat, eggs, milk, etc.  It’s where reasonable men would figure out how to work together until a workable economy can be restored, even though that won’t happen until our masters have been wiped out.

23 January, 2023

□ [“Karine Jean-Pierre Repeatedly Dodges Questions on Biden Classified Documents Scandal"]

It does make them look bad.  There was a "consent" to an FBI search of Biden's house (plural?) because the FBI looks kinda stupid if they're going to just let the suspect's hand-picked loyal employees do all the searching for illegal documents.  Keep in mind that they did not bother to ask for Trump's "consent" at Mara-Lago, they just busted the door down.

They keep saying that Biden takes this matter soooooo serious, or they used to say that anyway.  But they keep finding more and more classified documents which go back to his days in the Senate.  If he waited to take classified documents home until his very last day in the Senate, that was over fourteen years ago, and he's kept them ever since.  And that's *IF* he waited until his final day in the Senate.  If he took the stuff earlier at any point in his decades-long career, then he's had it longer.

How many documents would need to be found in his possession before he's obviously not taking this as seriously as he claims, or as seriously as his supporters claim?  The agents discovering these aren't even taking pictures of them on the floor to post on the internet like they did with Trump.

And as you might expect, there's even precedent for what Biden shouldn't be allowed to get away with.  In 1977, Jimmy Carter nominated Ted Sorenson as CIA director.  Sorenson had classified documents at his house.  Because of that, Biden joined Republicans to oppose Sorenson's nomination, citing the Espionage Act, accusing him of carelessly ignoring the law and should be denied that position because of it.

23 January, 2023

□ [“Karine Jean-Pierre: 'The House Republicans’ Latest Attempt to Raise Prices For American Families will Result in Oil Supply Shortages and Help Putin'"]

You're the ones raising prices on oil supplies with the intention of banning them permanently.  You're the ones who've been helping Putin.  You've all been giving him control of US uranium since at least 2012.  You told Europe to ignore Trump and keep buying Russian fuel.  You shut down US fuel production on your first day.

These is the behavior of a stupid bully, blaming other people for their own actions.  "Stop hitting yourself!  Stop hitting yourself!"  You're the ones trying to destroy everything, that's all you do.  Lying about it is just automatic, it's not like you ever have to worry about elections in the future.

There's no point to a media.  These are just parrots repeating whatever they're told to say and they don't need to see if it's accurate.  Our masters just lower the standards and remove all thought.  They take the power from us, they don't create anything, so they'll just keep that up.

23 January, 2023

□ [“Woke Medical Journal Says Humans Are No More Valuable Than Animals, Calls For Shift Away From Human-Centered Health Care"]

This is a typical tactic of insane leftists.  Animals aren't people.  They don't use the same blood, their organs aren't the same or in the same locations, but they don't care.  They're going to operate on everything the same way.  It's about lowering the standards.

How do they get so many people going along with this?  For our rulers, it's quite possible that the goal is to eliminate anything we might want to eat, but I just get the impression that this is about bringing us back to the level of, say, Aztecs.  They're obviously ready to commit sacrifices and are more-than-eager to eliminate the worship of God.

We really need to find out who is medically trained and *not* taking part in this.  Of course, then we'll need to figure out if anybody's lying about it, but that's at least a first step.  This is the sort of thing that has multiple goals and human extinction is definitely one of them.

23 January, 2023

□ [“FBI Special Agent Who Investigated Trump-Russia Collusion Arrested for… Conspiring with Russian Oligarch"]

Stuff like this is starting to come out.  Oligarch Oleg Deripaska was the one who had hired Christopher Steele, whom Democrats adored, and now we learn he was working with someone Steele paid to carry on the investigation.  These people have retired from the FBI and not just because they were paid so much Russian money, but now they aren't required to testify on whoever told them to do this in the first place.

If we actually had laws, it would be "collusion" to be paid by the nation you're investigating "collusion" with.  But instead we only have Democrats and everything they do is fine, even if it's the same illegal act they're investigating others for.  You don't think Russia knows how to handle people like that?  You think decades of communists living in palaces and paying tons of money to communists all around the world to live in palaces didn't mean anything to them?

Someone who thinks that would be stupid enough to fall for Russia and Russia would know how to use them.  I don't know if Russia is literally the most corrupt nation in history but for all intents-and-purposes, they're at the top of the list.  They know what to do with creatures like this and have gotten away with it for a long time.  It's one reason I think this whole scheme has been about telling everyone to blame Russia for anything.

So is this arrest just a step in a genuine investigation of a real conspiracy with Russia, or is it just our leaders shutting down anybody who might be looking into this?  Yeah, they'll send their servants to jail, no big deal, but that's it.

24 January, 2023

If you really cared about me, you would be buying this on Amazon.

□ [“Former Vice President Mike Pence Finds Classified Documents in His Indiana Home – Found Them Last Week"]

So we're starting to learn that many people have been helping themselves to classified information and storing it where it should *not* be stored.  That's not much of a surprise, it's just how our rulers roll.  What *is* a surprise is that they're just now getting around to even looking into this.  What else has been spread out for all these years and none of the people responsible have even noticed, much less looked into this?  How many other classified documents have been freely available to any intruder or enemy who wants them?

Classified documents are marked as "classified."  You can't accidentally take them, you know exactly what they are and whether or not you're allowed to just grab them.  You don't just wander around and find yourself in a SCIF without knowing it.  Even if you genuinely are stupid enough to do that, there is security keeping its eye on you, or at least there *should* be.

It's believable that Pence and others are thinking that it might be a good idea to check to see if they've stolen any classified documents, particularly those who have flat-out stated that they would never ever do such a thing because that would be wrong, as Pence did on CNN last November.  But they're only now finding out that they actually did what they say they didn't?

How does that work?  I'm going to steal classified information but I'm not going to know that's what I'm doing.  I'm going to store it in my house which has so many documents that nobody has even bothered to look at them for all these years, much less organize them.  I don't have a clue what is stored in my house which I paid a lot of money for and have a lot of employees to take care of.

It's things like this that make me think there really is some sort of resistance movement going on.  There's got to be a lot of others who are starting to wonder if they actually committed the crimes they were so glad to see Trump attacked for.  Maybe within a few years, they'll get around to actually looking at what they have at home.  Not that we'll ever hear about it.

24 January, 2023

□ [“After Mass Layoffs At MSNBC, Rachel Maddow Becomes 'Most Hated' For Her $30 Million Salary"]

She should demand a pay-increase for being so oppressed, even if it's just her co-workers being fired who hate her.  She deserves $60 million a year minimum.  She works one whole day a week, that's 52 whole days every single year without exception, unless she goes on vacation or something.  If NBC has to fire more employees to afford that, sucks to be them.

If you need to fire the people who run the cameras to afford it, that's fine.  The maintenance crew for the cameras, that's fine.  The people who supply equipment for the maintenance crew, the people who purchase the equipment, whatever it takes because she's oppressed.  Then there's the people who run the microphones, the film editors, the lighting, there's the maintenance crews for all of that, the suppliers, etc.  There's a lot of people NBC could be firing to give Maddow the money she deserves and she wouldn't complain in the slightest.

Her last show had 1.69 million viewers, why not charge them for the privilege of watching this popular newscaster?  That's the point, they're privileged, she's oppressed so hand over the money now!  It looks like Fox had nine shows that had more viewers, meaning a lot more people on-screen and off, so of course they can't pay so much money.

How do you even run a company like this?  You need the employees, the technology, connection to the world, but there's no way the advertisers are really getting anything, yet they still pay for it.  With so many channels available, it's not possible to get enough viewers to be worthwhile, and there's just fewer and fewer people watching tv in the first place.  I got rid of mine back in 2005.  If I really need a video, there's youtube and when I do that, it's not like I need news coverage.  There's a lot of people thinking that way.  Where does her $30 million/year come from and why?

24 January, 2023

□ [“Antifa Members Arrested in Atlanta are White and Five Aren’t Even From Georgia"]

It's basically a given by now that Antifa is the leftist military, their ground troops.  It's not clear how much they have to do with any actual decision-making and how much they're just thugs who do what they're told.  Probably the latter but there may be some of the former involved.

Obviously they don't get too many non-whites involved and it's unlikely any of these people came from poor families.  I'm not saying they're competent or intelligent, but they're clearly not from the 'societal oppressed' groups that they claim to support.  It's not like they get paid to go to work every day.

The location sticks out, why Atlanta?  I'm surprised to see that Georgia has had three Republican governors since 1872, the most recent three.  The Democrats were in complete control of the state legislature until the 1990s.  Obviously the state preferred Democrats in charge for centuries.  Atlanta has only had Democrat mayors since 1879, no exceptions whatsoever.  If the city is so oppressive, there's one political party that could be banned, the same one that says the city is so oppressive.

One fundamental aspect of leftism is that it requires the people who have benefited most from the society they want to destroy because it's so evil.  It's like mass suicide, they want to wipe themselves out, deluding themselves that it's only people they disagree with that they want to wipe out.  There's people who want to actually do something with their life, so they focus on that, and then there's these creatures.

It's an example of why I try to use the term 'individualist' and 'collectivist' to describe these people, the collectivists prevent themselves from recognizing anything that exists outside of their own viewpoints.  They oppose anything and anybody who says otherwise.  Because they know best.  If I were a religious person, I would suggest that *this* is the sort of person God is warning us about, those who serve His adversary without hesitation or doubt.  Just believing in God will make you question whether you're getting anything right or not, which is how God wants it to be for us.

24 January, 2023

□ [“U.S. Aid To Ukraine Now Exceeds Cost Of 2011 ‘Surge’ In Afghanistan"]

Getting close to the first anniversary of the Russia/Ukraine thing.  I'm still waiting for the people who've insisted that Russia has been totally losing all this time to acknowledge that they might, possibly, conceivably, have not been fully correct in their estimations.  Who are these people aiming at?  They're not going to convince anybody by being so unquestioning, then there's all the people who say this Russia/Ukraine thing is happening on the other side of the world, they can handle their own problems.  We've got enough over here.

But the media isn't getting into any of that.  They aren't mentioning the supposed victory Russia has been having lately in Soledar.  They're sucking up to Zelensky who doesn't seem to know what's happening either.  Most of us aren't on the battlefield, we have no idea what's going on, what's his excuse?

There's also unconfirmed reports that Ukrainian politicians and officials are fleeing, often with a lot of money.  This may be why Zelensky has forbidden travel, because that's what freedom-fighters do.  Assuming this is actually happening, there are several possibilities.  They know the war is lost and getting the hell out of Dodge.  They're being purged by Zelensky because they disagree with him, or are part of the religions and media he bans too, because that's how freedom-fighters operate.  Or maybe Russia is the one taking them down, either as pawns or as opponents.  No way to know.

But what we do know is that the left is unanimously advocating war and are too lazy to actually declare it.  They're just going to order others to get into battle.  There is not the slightest diversity in their attitude or propaganda.  In theory, one could totally support Ukraine and still be telling these people to take a reality-check.  But there is no one who does that, anywhere on their side.  That's a much bigger problem than federal Russia arguing with a Russian state.

24 January, 2023

How long until everything breaks down?  I really am surprised it hasn't happened yet, I was expecting it a year ago.  The food isn't getting better, nor is any other part of the supply chain.  Our masters are only pushing their imaginary goals even harder, giving the new world government all the authority and increasing our suffering.

I know there's more people out there who want to resist.  I'm even sure it's actually happening somewhere, but how do we find it and join?  How do we link up with others in our neighborhoods and cities?  What signals can we look for to find what we're after?  [And while I'm at it, what are the names and addresses of everybody involved and where do they store their money?  Just curious.]  It's not like everybody's just sitting on the couch and watching tv.  How do we get together and fight?

Because defense would be the first requirement along with food and water.  There would immediately be gangs going after everything they could get.  Living in the middle of nowhere would be helpful, less chance of danger, but the downside is that if there is danger, no one is there to help.  Obviously it's worse in cities, but at least there it's possible to find allies.  My point is that we need those people to start organizing immediately.

It would also help if they made themselves known, even if it's just by printing out a bunch of fliers and sticking them on people's door.  There is a down side to that, they'd be targets by our rulers and it would be quite possible that they're just a cult or mafia.  That is a problem that would need to be worked on but we need organized resistance and defense.  Without that, we're just targets.

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