Sunday, February 12, 2023


09 February, 2023

My love pump has been licked up to eleven

I've finally found the theme song for the transgender movement:

□ [“Lick My Love Pump tutorial"]

Just simple lines intertwining between stupid and clever.  It's in D minor which is the saddest of all keys.  It's like, how much more sad could this be and the answer is none.  None more sad.  When people hear you're transgender, they'll weep instantly, I don't know why.  But it does sound better when it's played in Dubly.

Using this song will make their appeal more selective, to put a greased naked woman on all fours, with a dog collar around her neck and a leash, and a man's arm extended out up to here holding the leash, and pushing a black glove in her face to sniff it.

Some people might ask a practical question at this point, do you follow it up with Stonehenge?  Are they making too big a thing of it?  The answer is yes, of course you're going to follow it up with f***ing Stonehenge!  Making a big thing out of it would be a good idea.  You'll feel like a preserved moose on stage.

09 February, 2023

□ [“BBC Reporter Confronts Bill Gates on His Hypocrisy on Climate Activism as He Continues to Fly Private All Over the World"]

Something definitely seems odd that anyone would ask this question.  You'd think it would be specifically forbidden before the interview even starts and they certainly aren't allowed to broadcast it.  That'll probably be a new policy for BBC but again, you'd think the royal family would have made this SOP ages ago.

As might expect, Gates is entirely comfortable with doing this because he has billions of dollars to spend.  It's everybody else who needs to be prevented from doing this because he says so.  He also spends money to stop them.  There aren't many like him because he has so much money but there's a lot of people who would like to be.  And they all hate money.

There's something to the 'queen bee' metaphor, the one in charge who produces everything for the future.  All the servants will die for her and without her.  This seems very natural to the human collectivists to mentally aspire to this.  The servants will kill themselves to defend the queen, the equivalent of a suicide bomber.

I saw an article recently.  I didn't read it closely because I wanted to save it for later and now I can't find it, but the premise was that Gates was effectively a frontman for computers.  He didn't invent anything in Microsoft, he just handled the rights and sold them for lots of money.  That's not very specific and I wish I could find the article, but it struck me about leftists how they hang on to anything that might be popular so they can take over and use it for the revolution.  In Gates' case, he became a bajillionare in the process, which gives him a lot more influence.

The reason I bring this up is because it struck me as a typical leftist behavior.  Since they aren't working on anything themselves, as individuals, they'll always rush to link up with others.  That's basically collectivism.  It even makes sense in context, the people inventing computers want to focus on that so they get someone who can handle negotiations and public appearances.

That is basically how society works.  Freedom permits us to have as much or as little to do with others as we choose.  You want to meet everybody, or stick with your family and friends, or put up with your co-workers and head to the bar every Friday night, or whatever.  But all that would limit your attention to what you're interested in or required to do.  There are those who oppose that, they want everybody and everything.

09 February, 2023

□ [“China Spy Balloon That Biden Allowed to Float Over Military Installations Was Capable of Collecting Communications Signals"]

China is apparently going to keep pushing this, for their own amusement if nothing else.  They already know everything they need to know about their servants in the US government so there's not going to be any backlash there.  They're also showing the rest of us that our rulers will just let this happen.  We can be attacked, invaded, whatever, with our masters' total support.

It's taken less time to decide that the same thing happened to Trump than it did to shoot down this balloon.  Not that they offer any proof, just their nonsensical claims which shows why our rulers can't be trusted.  China understands that too, they just know how to use the mindless lackies.  If it was happening under Trump, Democrats could have impeached him for that.

□ [“'China Knows Exactly What the Deal is With Us' – Biden When Asked if His Handling of China Spy Balloon Was a 'Dereliction of Duty'"]

See?  Even Biden admits it and that's why China will get away with it.  They can do it again if they want, who's going to stop them?  If they can do it us, they can do it to any of our allies who are basically in the same predicament.  It's all about destroying the USA and our rulers want that just as much as our enemies.  They'll make it happen.

09 February, 2023

□ [“Russian Parliament Speaker on Nord Stream Attack: 'Joe Biden is a Terrorist Who Must be Brought to Justice'"]

This is getting freaky.  It's basically like our masters planned this all along to get us to war with Russia.  Naturally Russia can handle their side of the arrangement.  But no sane person could expect anyone to go along with this, and our masters couldn't either.

Biden's on record that he will destroy the pipeline if Russia invades Ukraine.  He and his people are already on record as opposing the pipeline's existence from the start.  Nobody is going to enlist in the military to get revenge on the destruction of a pipeline in Europe which our rulers didn't want in the first place.  The only people that stupid already think we're at war with Russia but still haven't enlisted in the military, or just armored up and flown over as mercenaries.

So who do they think will follow threw with this?  It gives the rulers the excuse to raise taxes, fuel costs, censorship, etc. but that's not going to get the people more supportive.  I can't imagine that would work in Europe either, which is closer to the front lines than the US.

It's possible there's some legal definition that applies, but I definitely don't think the word "terrorism" is relevant.  It's just a standard "act of war."  Biden attacking Germany isn't any more a case of terrorism than Putin invading Russia, even if Putin admits responsibility for his decisions and Biden has no clue what he's doing.  Unless Biden qualifies as a member of the 'globalists,' who probably would qualify as terrorists until they publicly identify their 'secret government' that they obey.

That's what it comes down to, it's the globalists against the rest of us.  That's who WWIII is against.  We need to get rid of them.  Between nukes, viruses and anything else they can come up with, I'd expect them to hit the whole world at any time to get rid of all the excess population so they can rule the remainder in peace.

Things are getting hectic.  Between our pretend-POTUS trying to get a war going, the vaccine deaths, the economic problems, invented genders, global warming, the leftist cult, they really seem to be nearing a tipping point.

This has gone on all through history.  Just look at famous quotes from Mao or Che Guevara and it's clearly what they're after today.  I really do think they've managed to self-identify as right-wingers in a number of ways to gain power and influence in those fields.  You can see that by how they make blacks spread out over the US to always vote Democrat.

They're ready to hit us with other weapons.  There was recently a huge earthquake in Turkey and Syria, places we've had problems with for years.  Turkey isn't going along with us on Ukraine and we invaded Syria almost a decade ago with no liberal complaints.  At least I have enough experience to know we have weapons most people don't know about and I only ever learned about a fraction of them.

Near as I can tell, Trump ordered the troops out of Syria and the DoD defied/lied to him to keep them there, meaning Biden's first day was to increase the troops.  They still don't even explain what that's about.  Syria was Iraq's ally and the US didn't spend so much time there.

10 February, 2023

□ [“High Altitude Object Shot Down Over Alaska on Biden’s Orders"]

What's the point, they've already shot down their credibility.  There's no reason to believe them on this.  Why must this "object" be immediately shot down without hesitation?  How is it different from the one you let cross the entire United States and wait until it reached the ocean without doing a thing?  We're told Biden wanted it shot down then and was completely ignored like a worthless old geezer.

For all we know, they're just making it up in the first place to make the false claims that they'll actually protect us from invasion, unlike all the other times.  That's what they're paid for.  Nobody anywhere along the line was willing to point out that they'd look lazy and stupid if they let the last one get through, what's changed now?

And why is a nation we're supposedly at total peace with sending these "objects" that must be shot down?  We wouldn't let China's ally Russia do that, would we?  Ok, they claim it's still unknown who sent it, so shooting it down was the only possible solution.

Credibility is one of those things that you need to work to maintain or you lose it.  Had to announce this right away instead of keeping it secret like you did the last time.  Could have just shot it down as part of your standard daily tasks and moved on, no fuss.  But you wanted attention immediately, that's the priority.

□ [“FBI Seizes Classified Documents From Mike Pence’s Home"]

This may be part of an ongoing plan.  I doubt Pence or Biden had any particularly evil reason for taking classified documents, they just wanted to for some reason and they get to do that.  Trump would probably be the same thing, although it might have been a set-up for this ongoing plan.

Hillary would be a much bigger target, blatantly denying the laws of secrecy, but even there, she doesn't pay attention to laws.  The point is probably more about 'everybody does it' than about anyone in particular, although it's entirely possible there are exceptions.  It's also possible that China/Russia/etc. know specifically who has access to these documents and "persuades them" to take some home.

A competent administration would be very interested in finding out what China/etc. has learned from our classified data.  What do we do which they know as much about as we do because they had access to all our files?  They know where we're sending troops and can watch our troops doing whatever without our knowledge.  That's gotta be something our intelligence agencies have considered over the years, although obviously I can't even speculate how they would react to this.

□ [“Justin Trudeau Hijacks Canada’s Healthcare and Threatens Provincial Premiers to Cut Off Healthcare Funding Unless They Agree to Digital Health ID"]

Thus showing how leftism is fundamentally tyrannical.  They want to control the government and they want the government to control everything.  That way they can deny anything to anybody for any reason.  You can't have health care if you don't obey me, my decision is what matters.

As you might remember, American leftists have been gaga for Canadian healthcare for decades, demanding that we should be much more like them.  They ignore that rich Canadians who needed healthcare just came to the US because it was cheaper and faster and better.  That's what our rulers want to eliminate by being in charge of everything.

This also makes a point about the bigger the government, the more ways they have influence and control over everyone else, even those who aren't involved in government, at least officially.  The only question is how much the rulers continue to pretend that private institutions are still permitted to exist.  Naturally they're expected to obey regardless, but how do they get to this distinction?

There's been articles out lately about internet sites like Yahoo, Amazon, Facebook firing thousands of people.  It's believable that, as much as they pretend otherwise, they still live in the real world with the failing economy the rest of us are suffering in.  It makes an amusing thought, they helped put us in this mess so now they get to suffer.  There's also a valid question, do they have any actual skills that other companies will pay for?  Probably not.

But that's making me wonder if there's a reason for this.  Like everything else, my first assumption is that our masters have this planned, and it seems strange that these companies would all be hit at the same time.  Financial crisis, recession, sure, but still...

Could this be a way to build more forces for the upcoming conflicts?  There's official government agents, there's side-projects like antifa and blm, now they might add another layer of expendables.  These people already agree with the rulers and have nothing else to do with their lives, why not move them into barracks, provide food, electricity, etc. and train them to be mindless drones?

The companies never really needed them, they'll be moving towards AI ahead of everyone else, so this way they wouldn't be risking anybody important.  They're all in favor of losing money anyway so that would work as an investment.

□ [“Sen. John Fetterman Released From Hospital"]

This is another strange habit our masters have these days, openly brainless puppets placed into positions of authority.  Biden is probably the oldest example but why do they keep using people who so blatantly incapable of basic tasks?  This guy can't talk.  He had a stroke last year, he's having serious problems now and went to the hospital yesterday, but they let him go.

The only reason I can think of is that they simply don't want anybody who might be capable of changing sides.  Only a mindless drone can meet their standards.  I don't know why they would make that decisions but it's the only possibility I can think of.

How do you get to a point where that's the option our rulers pick?  Even five or ten years ago, they required people to at least look competent.  Biden could do that way back when, Obama...  Hillary was obviously worthless but you can expect that from a woman, Bill Clinton was great.  He seemed to really like just getting out and dealing with everybody.  I got the impression that he was leftist less out of belief and more because it gave him easier sex and more power.

But now it's like our rulers believe that all of their inferiors are completely worthless, so they'll only select frontmen who clearly are worthless.  Why else would they do it, losing a bet?  An active demon-worshipping/child-molesting conspiracy and they can only pick from the group, no matter how deranged?

11 February, 2023

Do they have anything to cure us from the vaccine?

□ [“Nord Stream:  'The German People Have a Right to Know who Attacked Us'"]

Our rulers only need to point out that Joe Biden just says nonsense which can be totally ignored.  That would solve everything.  Or they could have Biden go on tv and say he was really stupid and didn't know what he was talking about, at least when he says he's going to destroy Nord Stream if Russia invades Ukraine.  He was blatantly lying about that, but all the rest of the time he only says the truth.

Or they could just admit 'yeah, we destroyed it because we wanted to, there's nothing you can do to stop us, so just obey!'  That would make just as much sense, and have the virtue of honesty.  It's also admitting that we'll attack NATO members for whatever reason we think of, which isn't really a good thing, so that will cause other problems.  NATO is supposed to unite against an attack and that would mean they're all against us.

Because to Germany, and the rest of Europe, and the rest of the world, it's looking like we're actively making things worse for everybody.  They're not going to support that and if that means siding with Russia and China, such things have happened before.

How did Biden even hear about this operation in advance?  Was it one of those rare times he was in the room where others were making decisions?  Was it just a complete guess on his part that coincidentally happened to be correct?  Just the fact that all his supporters unanimously avoid the 'he really shouldn't have said that' perspective shows us where they're going for.

□ [“‘High-Altitude Object’ Shot Down Over Alaska Entered US Airspace Before it Was Detected"]

A third one?  How do they distinguish between the balloons that much be permitted to fly over the US and the "objects" that must be shot down as soon as possible?  For that matter, why don't they just come in the southern border, nobody would stop them there.

It's still a legitimate question if China is doing this to send in some secret weapon against us or if they're just amusing themselves by harassing our idiotic rulers.  In theory it could be both but I'd think the risk of having the weapons shot down without accomplishing the mission would negate the amusement.  It's also quite possible that only the first "object" was a weapon, which our masters let go through the whole US.

As with everything else, we see the leftist minions repeat what they're told without any question.  What's changed that now these things must be shot down but they weren't a mere two weeks ago?  Why do they just recite reports from last week that say this happened in the Trump administration too?  They don't list dates or locations, they just say it happened and that's all.  Did it happen under the Obama or GWB administrations or are you too lazy to look into that?  For that matter, how many times did it happen in 2022 and 2021?

11 February, 2023

One thing that our rulers are making clear with Nord Stream and the balloons is that they aren't keeping track of anything and they don't have a clue how that makes them look.  There's no outright reaction like 'holy shit, something bad could have happened under our watch, we're just lucky that it didn't!'  Nothing like that.

This is just giving proof that they're responsible for it happening, it's part of their overall plan.  If they don't want the balloons to happen, they would be sweating with relief that they screwed up big time and luckily nothing happened, like the old saying about fools, drunks and children.  They're not children and as far as we know, they're not drunks, so that leaves only one option left.

That's what would happen under sensible masters.  But that's not what we have now.  They'll avoid thinking about the danger, they'll immediately blame Trump for everything.  And they've started shooting the "objects" down now so everything's fine, except for when they didn't.  They didn't destroy Germany's pipelines either, breaking their own promise to do exactly that and the praise administration members had for the pipeline being destroyed.  Because they care about our lives, which is why they ignore the massive increase in deaths from "suddenly."

Russia and China are getting a lot more from this administration than they did from Trump but their puppets never question that.  And this will just get worse in the near-future.

11 February, 2023

□ [“Breaking: FAA Closes Montana Airspace for NORAD Activity (Update: Reopened)"]

Now we get to do this.  Our rulers are showing they can't be trusted in the first place, so we have no idea if there's something going on, if this is just panic-attacks on their part, or if they've realized its an excuse to expand their power and shut down anything for any reason.

This is exactly the sort of situation where everyone in history has been able to rely on MEN who will take care of everything so the rest of us can go on about our business.  And who do our rulers most want to eliminate?  Men.  They'll lower the standards so anyone can do what men are capable of, which leaves us all vulnerable to enemies who aren't stupid enough to do that.

Human nature being what it is, I assume at least *some* of our rulers are doing the right thing, even if it's by accident.  But that's the world they force upon us, where there's absolutely no reason to trust them or rely on them.  All we can do is guess and rely on our own assessments while they try to demoralize us all.  This is what we have to fight.

11 February, 2023

□ [“Roger Waters Re-Recorded Pink Floyd’s The Dark Side of the Moon – ‘I Wrote It, So… Blah!’"]

Axl Rose did the same thing with Appetite For Destruction, indicating the same sort of self-absorbed megalomaniacal attitude towards his worthless employees who should count themselves lucky they were permitted to include their names on the finished work.

Rock stars being what they are, I'd assume others have done something like this, but as far as I know, they've all kept it to themselves.  If they really wanted to do it, they could just as easily include a live version on some album.  Ok, U2 is ready to release a bunch of re-recordings so it's not totally unique, but they are still a functioning band with the same original members after decades.

But this just seems bizarre.  Why would Waters need to focus on fifty-year old tracks?  Why is he so egotistical to demand all the credit for everything?  He's a ridiculously-rich leftist so there's that, surrounded only by people who tell him what he wants to hear.  He spends a lot more time on opposition to his former partners than anything useful, and he's now on his fifth wife.  So of course he's been a leftist icon for half a century and doesn't want that to change.

12 February, 2023

□ [“Gas Pipeline That Supplies Las Vegas Shuts Down Due to Leak on Busy Super Bowl Weekend"]

These sort of things are happening more often.  We can all check our Ayn Rand for previous examples, but those were fictional,  Now we get to go through the real thing.  Our rulers have lowered the standard so that you don't need the ability to maintain gaslines to get paid to maintain them.  Or anything else, at this rate.

This is what going over the edge looks like.  There's no clue who is responsible for anything and whether or not they're remotely capable of the job.  Are they stupid, lazy, or actively sabotaging whatever they can?  Are they doing it because they're paid by China or because they want to hurt as many people as possible?

As individuals, the answer can be different for each of them.  As a collective, that's what they are, destroying anything they don't like and they don't care what it costs.  Whether they know it or not, they're working for our rulers and against the rest of us.  They're using that to shut down fuel, transportation, supply, communication and everything else.  I really think we're at the point where any day now, it'll all be gone.  And then what will we do?

12 February, 2023

□ [“Hollywood Producer Sentenced For Running Prostitution Ring That Supplied Well Known Wealthy Clients"]

This is a long-standing, Hollywood practice.  It would only be a coincidence if they actually deal with adult females.  It's quite likely one of the basic tasks of being a producer.  It's also quite possibly where they find other crew members and staff for movie-making, as well as hangers-on.  This has been standard-practice for decades at least.  The producer in this story had previously been imprisoned for sex crimes in Cuba.

Promoting itself as the "dream factory," Hollywood would also have lots of access to drugs and trafficking.  Cults would basically be required and you have to wonder how many 'producers' are chosen because they fit into any of these categories.  In their mansions, they could establish a whole different lifestyle, along with their servants, while being paid to pretend they believe in reality.

When I notice that a Hollywood star has been married for decades, by now I start assuming it's a sham.  The spouses have little to do with each other, it's just there to show off to the public when required.  They've been building this for a long time, promoting it through all media with their fame and fortune.

I don't know what to make of the reputations for places like Sodom, Gomorrah or Babel, but there are people trying to follow in their steps even today.  That's why they're in charge.

12 February, 2023

□ [“Italian Report Claims Pope Benedict Never Abdicated to Pope Francis – In His Last Book Benedict Warned About the Attack on Christians"]

I am baptized as a Catholic but I was a baby at the time and my opinion on the matter wasn't required.  I'm also not particularly interested in church history, so this means that I haven't paid close attention to the current goings-on.  The new guy is a blatant leftist and isn't really a 'new guy' by this point.  So did the previous pope set something up?

There must be resistance going on, but I can't even speculate on what, who or how.  Or how long, for that matter, there's certainly legends about the church leaders being resisted.  Even more has been known since Machiavelli wrote in Italian rather than Latin, despite working with the ruling class and their chosen popes.  I hadn't noticed before, but Martin Luther had just become a priest at that point, and he would also cause the church some difficulties.  It would take a century or two for the church to really see the problems, but I'm pretty sure when they finally did, they became devoted to learning from the experience, so it wouldn't happen again.

And now it's happened.  Maybe it's been around for a long time, I won't speculate on that, but clearly they're out in the open now.  Where would demon-worshippers most likely want to be?  The Vatican.  And Rome itself.  They took it over without even needing a fight.  How depressing.

12 February, 2023

□ [“Pentagon Holds Press Briefing After US Military Shoots Down Object Over Lake Huron"]

So this is the fourth time in the last week that such a thing has happened.  There's the balloon which got its full mission accomplished before our rulers got around to doing anything last Saturday.  Yesterday there was an "object" shot down in the Yukon, as well as another threat in Montana but no "object" was found.  Friday they shot an "object" down coming into Alaska.

Is there a reason for all of this happening all of a sudden?  Probably, but our masters won't tell us anything.  This helps them look good like they're totally opposed to any invading "object," unless you count the ones they let go through.  Their minions don't question this, they go immediately to claiming that it happened under previous administrations too, though they'll only name one administration and give no dates or locations where it happened.  But they say it did so we must believe them.

This is where it would be more helpful to have actual policies that you obey.  If you don't want any "objects" to invade, then why did you let the first one get through?  If Biden wants them shot down, then why did you ignore him for days?  If you're just faking the last three to make yourselves look good, what would you be doing differently?  Why should we believe any of this given your track-record so far?

And China knows all of that.  That's why there's a possibility that our rulers are faking this.  Hell, the first one may have been a fake just to see how long it takes us to notice.  The immediate target is to demoralize us and that's something they won't be lazy or incompetent about.

12 February, 2023

The Russia/Ukraine thing has really died down from the media.  When was the last time we heard about some heroic Ukrainian victory over a country that doesn't have an army, food, electricity or anything but propaganda, at least according to the Ukraine propagandists.  Maybe the war is over and we just haven't been told.

The "object" that was shot down on Friday was in the very northern part of Alaska.  There are other nations closer to that latitude than China, perhaps one of them send the "object."  Does China have any allies in that locale?  No, I mean an ally who fully understands how to manipulate leftist media in western countries, are there any of those?

I still have no idea what the Russia/Ukraine thing is about, so it's not clear if that'll be ending any time soon.  It seems very strange that the US, Germany and England are basically sending *everything* over there, no back-ups in case China or Iran or anyone else causes any problems.  That does stick out as one of the more-likely motivations for this, and obviously our rulers would side with Putin and China on that.

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