Thursday, February 16, 2023


13 February, 2023

□ [“Black Florida Rapper Killed His Pregnant Black Girlfriend In Front Of Her Toddler Just After He Was Acquitted Of Double Murder"]

Why didn't he just kill the toddler as well?  It's not like he's going to be punished for late term abortion.  No Democrat would oppose that and every black will vote Democrat, so what's the problem?  Can't say it's murder of a human being who deserves to live.

Is there any point where these people would say this is a bad idea?  Obviously not, they've all supported it this long.  Can't put a murderer in jail, his skin color won't let you.  And for that matter, where was the father of the toddler?  What are the odds that it's this particular murdered?  Just as likely the other baby daddy is in jail, even for murdering blacks.

Not sure this rapper will be able to continue as a recording artist.  The only other option is running for political office as a Democrat.  There's no way he can lose.

13 February, 2023

□ [“US Government Issues Travel Advisory – Warns All US Citizens to Leave Russia Immediately"]

This is new.  What's changed from a month or six months or a year ago?  Or two years?  Russia's not even a warzone like Ukraine is but they don't try to stop people from going there, look at all the rich people who've been visiting.

They did that for Afghanistan just before the Taliban took over, wonder if there's any similarity?  Remember the idiot we had in charge back then, saying there was no chance the Taliban could win?  At least he's been replaced by someone who knows what's going on.

So what's the plan?  Nukes?  Possibly.  Military attack, unlikely, at least from the US.  They're already having trouble, I'm already getting ads for *RE* enlisting, and if they only permit those who are vaccinated from Covid, they aren't going to find many FNG's.  You want to get young healthy men to sit through tons of classes on pretend-genders and then send them to a war Congress hasn't even voted on?  Not likely.

Ordering vassal states to send their forces?  Training Muslims to resist like we did against Russia's ally Iran?  Another possibility but I'd think that would bring more problems.  But it's clear that the people who've been supporting this war for the last year had no idea what they were talking about because Russia hasn't actually been losing this whole time.

13 February, 2023

□ [“Emergency Officials Responding to Two More Train Derailments – One in South Carolina, Another in Texas"]

Haven't paid much attention to the Ohio trainwreck a week ago which is only making news now, but it does look like more of these things are happening.  This is what happens when leftists are in charge, a lot more disasters because a lot fewer people will actually do real work to keep them from happening.

We just had problems a few weeks ago when every single airplane was forbidden to fly for the first time since 9/11 and the government still hasn't said why they did that.  Don't know if it's relevant or not, but nobody whose job is protecting the boarder from invaders bothered to do anything about the balloon that had invaded the continental US.

We can all see the way all the little details of our lives are getting worse because nobody's doing what they should they way they were when Trump was POTUS.  But the people who stole the elections are getting exactly what they want, what a coincidence.  You want to say their supporters are actually the majority?  Ok, but then you get to take all the blame for your failure to do anything remotely competently.

13 February, 2023

□ [“Pete Buttigieg Doesn’t Mention Ohio Derailment at Conference, But Finds Time to Say There Are Too Many White People Who Work in Construction"]

Because white men actually do construction.  What Pete is saying is that he wants construction to end.  Maybe he will permit it at some point in the future if the proper skin color is there, but until then, no more construction.  You have to be very focused on skin color to focus on that more than what is required to construct a building.

He's just showing that he has no clue what he's talking about, the requirements for beginning and completing construction work, and the fact that he's throwing this nonsense into what's supposed to be an interview on what he's paid for shows you what sort of sub-creature he is.  That's why he was appointed and not somebody who knew better.

And he doesn't even give any attention to the most recent transportation disaster, the latest that have happened since he became responsible for preventing them.  If he ever gets around to mentioning it, he'll just blame Russia or global warming or not having the correct skin color.  He represents the real enemy and that's all.

13 February, 2023

I'm saying it's aliens, so it's not aliens!

□ [“US General Says He Can’t Rule Out Aliens As More UFO’s Enter American Airspace"]

This is something I've been worried about, that the rulers will try to remake Watchmen for real.  I'm reasonably certain there aren't real aliens, at least none we need to be concerned of.  If they're capable of crossing large parts of the galaxy, they simply won't be operating on our level, and they'd have already gone through a similar evolution before they were capable of reaching that.

Put it this way, if we were willing to send living people on spaceships to some other part of the galaxy, how far out of our solar system would they be by this point?  We'd have major technological change just from getting close to light-speed, much less faster-than-light and such technology would at least be known through the world, even if it wasn't accessible to us.  You can't buy a space shuttle either but those have existed for decades.  It's not happening.

But our masters pretending we're being invaded by aliens with different skin color, that's unfortunately believable.  Not sure how workable it would really be, but we're ruled by people who would be willing to try no matter how stupid the idea is, and they'd be doing everything possible to force us to believe and obey.

At a guess, I would say an attempt would fall apart, precisely because we haven't advanced beyond whatever limitations genuine aliens would have reached.  But I also think any attempt would basically destroy everything else on the planet, intellectually if not physically.  There'd be no point pretending earth government even exist since there's nothing they could do to stop the space aliens.  We'd just be turning against everybody else and ripping it all apart.  And maybe that's what our masters want.

14 February, 2023

Roses are red, violets are blue. That's racist!

I go back and forth on whether these new "objects" are from China teasing us or if our rulers are just putting them up to look good by shooting them down.  Both options are just as likely, and yes, it might be Russia or someone else teasing us as well.

One argument that our rulers aren't faking this is because these make it too obvious that the borders need to be secured and that includes the southern border.  You think China can't put a balloon in through Mexico?  From there it's very easy to recognize that the enemy could send in other "objects."  Or "people" for that matter.

There's too many people involved with our rulers who have to at least pretend to know what's going on.  They would at least have to be specifically forbidden to talk about sealing the borders, which would let them know what our masters want.  The only way this would work is if everybody's on China's payroll and they all know it.

14 February, 2023

□ [“Democrat Senator Dianne Feinstein Announces Retirement at End of Term"]

□ [“'I Haven’t Made That Decision – I Haven’t Released Anything' – Dianne Feinstein Disputes Her Own Retirement Announcement!"]

I haven't found if the statement was something she said in public or if it was just a press release from her office, but either way, it's basically a trap set for her.  She's not capable of doing anything and if she really did make the public statement herself, she's proving it by not having a clue about the big decision she just announced.  That would be the sort of thing that she really should step down for right now.

It works the same way if she had nothing to do with the news going out that she wasn't running again.  It's not like she has any way to prove the decision was made without her.  I would guess her people are the ones who released the statement, although it's an open question whether they did it on their own or if the orders came down from whoever they actually work for.  It's certainly possible that Feinstein's office had nothing to with it, the orders were given to NBC directly, but that seems unlikely because Feinstein's office would put out that they never said such a thing.

But I do think the pressure to quit now will be increasing.  Those who steal elections have the most knowledge and biggest worries about someone else stealing them and even some leftists must recognize that keeping rich old white people in charge contradicts what they pretend to believe in.  As always, this may be part of the plan.  She steps down and is replaced by some brand new person who brings in wonderful totalitarian laws that leftists in both parties immediately vote for because they wish they all could be California.

14 February, 2023

□ [“The State of New California Sends Delegates to Washington D.C."]

Not in favor of this, but just for the simple reason, I like 50 states.  You want to add one than you should have to cut one out and regardless, you should focus more on taking over the state you're already in.  But other than that, the basic idea is fine.

What I really don't like is happening up north, I think it's part of Oregon trying to join Idaho, or something like that, I might be wrong on the specifics.  But you're part of one state, you aren't willing to form your own, you want to just join another pre-existing state?  It might be workable if it's part of one country voluntarily joining another country but even there, most countries exist because that's who they are.  States are *parts* of a country, it doesn't work that way!

But they're going to do it, it's not like they want my opinion (yet.)  This sort of thing is going to be happening a lot more and not just in the US.  We all know the decades of rhetoric Canada has with Quebec, or the centuries of attacks the civilized English have faced from those drunken bogtrotters, but more of that will be coming soon.  Everyone's going to learn that Sheep shagger Lives Matter!  Or, y'know, whatever they're called in your particular region, because they're going to demand their own country.

Hate to say it, but this is probably another aspect of civilization our rulers have planned for, in a 'heads we win, tails you lose' sort of situation.  Any new nation that forms will be desperate for attention and respect, which would most likely come from the self-appointed world government.  That's going to happen, no matter what.

14 February, 2023

□ [“Former DNI and Liar James Clapper Says He Never Called Hunter’s Laptop Russian Disinformation"]

Something must be going on here which we aren't being told about it.  He's waited two and a half years to suddenly claim 'I never said that!  It's a media lie that I said that!'  He could have immediately tried to clarify the matter, posting on the internet or giving other interviews to more trustworthy media outlets.  Yet for some reason he didn't.

Clapper and 50 other people who claimed to be intelligence officers went around saying Hunter's laptop was Russian disinformation and none of them had bothered to speak out about being misinterpreted until now.  They were so trustworthy when they called it "Russian disinformation," what's changed?  You could have at least told the media reporting what you said that you weren't 100% certain you had any idea what you were talking about.  It might be real and you wouldn't want them to get into trouble for the "disinformation" you provided them.

Apparently Congress is trying to interview all of these people, who knows if that will go anywhere?  As far as I know, none of the media is reporting on this.  If you want to know the truth, they aren't there to help.  You'd think decency would encourage them to report that they were completely wrong on what they'd previously reported, but no.  That makes no sense, if anybody finds out elsewhere that they were wrong, they'll be unwilling to trust them in the future, so being upfront and honest about it would be the best option, but none of them choose that.

14 February, 2023

□ [“Ukraine and Russia Are Violating Ban on Chemical Weapon Use in War – Is It Accelerating?"]

Based on this, Ukraine is sending in drones to spray riot-control gas against Russian troops and Russians are using something similar on the front-lines.  As little reason as there is to trust any front-line media, it is a little more believable when they have video of both sides doing the same thing to violate the 1993 Chemical Weapons Convention.

But then again, it might be a relevant point that Ukraine may never have signed the agreement, so they can use chemical weapons as much as they want.  They wouldn't have all those labs if they didn't get anything out of it.  Ok, looking it up, they both signed the agreement, so the issue is does that matter to anybody?  Do we really think *any* nation who signed has stopped making them?

There would be some requirements, don't use them except as a last resort, or only in situations where you can 100% guarantee you won't be caught.  Or maybe just because you can and it's not like the rest of the world will do anything about it.  This is how wars get bigger.  We'd all be better off if we'd just shrugged and let Russia/Ukraine handle their own problems, but one side is really not willing to do that.

15 February, 2023

This is a Virus-Free Zone!

□ [“In 23 Baltimore Schools, 53 Illinois Schools, Not a Single Student Can Do Math at Grade Level"]

This has to be deliberate.  There's no way they could spread this much ignorance in complete defiance of the basic concepts of teaching without knowing what they're doing.  Just the teachers looking at their bank accounts to see if they got a paycheck would make at least some of them notice that they're completely failing at their jobs but still getting paid and making sure they received every penny.

They would also realize why many parents *don't* send their kids to these crappy schools.  Any teacher who actually wanted kids to learn would be the first to say 'keep them away from me.'  But they're not doing that.  Other than getting access to children they can molest, it's tough to think of a reason why anyone would do this.

The people in charge want them to do this to make sure that nobody can do anything without the government.  Yeah, there's also getting kids to molest, but the real goal is to destroy any ability, intelligence or individuality.  They also need to remove the concept of 'family.'  Nothing exists except government property and the 'queen bees' run the government.

But they're just being passed to the next grade and given a diploma.  All they can do is repeat what they're told about global warming and Critical Race Theory.  That doesn't produce food, books or electricity.  Those who actually know how to do such things will soon die.

15 February, 2023

□ [“John Kirby Says Chinese Balloon Program Operated During Previous Presidency But They Did Not Detect It, We Detected It"]

Did you use your magic time machine to go back several years and see what the people running the government were somehow incapable of seeing at the time?  Or are you implying that you did see it at the time and nobody could be bothered to telling the guy in charge?  Maybe he was busy dealing with "Russian misinformation" about Hunter's laptop or stolen elections and was too busy to hear about this.

But still, you'd think "anonymous sources" could tell the media about this, and Democratic candidates for office.  Just think of how many more votes Biden would have gotten if he'd been able to say 'Trump lets China invade the continental US but if I'm elected, that's not going to happen!'  Ok, it would make him look bad to let exactly that happen as Biden did, but you'd be able to make it sound like this is a real thing and not something you're making up now.

Still haven't heard any word on this happening in 2022 or 2021, when Trump wasn't in charge.  Are you trying to convince us that China's just taking a couple years off, balloons are really big and complicated so they need a break?  It's really not believable considering what else China has been doing while Biden self-identifies as POTUS but you really don't seem to want to look into that.

A much simpler explanation is that you're just making all this up now.  You still haven't explained why the first one was allowed into the US at all, and it took days for you to get around to telling Biden, and then you ignored him for days to shoot it down.  It's not like it's a problem, you just increase the count of deaths from "suddenly" and go on about your day.

15 February, 2023

□ [“Tanker Spills Toxic Chemicals After Rolling Over, Arizona Interstate Shutdown For Hours"]

This has happened a couple times in the last week and it sounds like it'll be happening more often.  Notice how none of the people who oppose spraying chemicals through the air or setting them on fire are complaining about this.  It leads to death, aren't they supposed to be against that, or are they all lazy?  Or is this part of some larger scheme?

There's the Nord Stream pipeline, the train crash in Ohio, now this.  That's not counting the food shortages, the poison-vaccine or the way they're trying to start WWIII against a nuclear power.  Are they just trying to catch up on things they couldn't get away with when Trump was in charge?

□ [“East Palestine Town Meeting Scheduled for Tonight on Derailment and Toxic Explosion – Overflow Crowd Expected"]

Is this something we can do to get a resistance started?  For the sake of argument, assume the government isn't making these things happen.  They're sure as hell not doing anything to protect us, so we really need to start grouping together.  Nobody else will do that for us.

15 February, 2023

□ [“World Series Poker Player Caught On Hot Mic 'I Wish I Never Got the Vaccine'"]

Pretty sure more people are coming to this conclusion.  It's suggested that the player even made sure to do this on camera to put it on record that he'd been having medical issues since the poison.  The guy he's talking to only got it a month ago because he couldn't enter the US to play in this tournament without it.

One thing that bothers me is why medics are being so silent about this?  Everybody else can see the problems this is causing, much much more than the so-called virus ever did, why can't they?  How could they possibly in a position to be forced to stay silent?  It's not like they'll be trusted for anything else, which will lead to more people dying because you're supposed to be able to trust your own doctor.

For that matter, a lot of the people who took the vaccine and are worried about every bodily discomfort they feel would start deciding that they have nothing else to lose, it's just a matter of time until the poison takes them down.  I don't know if they'll become suicide bombers but they might not be far from that example.  I would definitely recommend they form a mob and go straight towards the people who forced this on them, all the way up the chain-of-command.

15 February, 2023

□ [“Meet Disney’s 'Biromantic Asexual' Executive Director 'Adding Queerness' and CRT to Children’s Programming"]

Been thinking about this article all day, though I'm still not sure what to say.  Where do these things come from, who makes them?  Why would anybody put it into some position of authority?  At least I can understand why they would all go for Disney, propaganda to sway all the kids.

The established Disney characters have been ignored for a long time, the rulers consider them worthless, but we've all seen what they've managed to do to Star Wars and Marvel since then.  Those are just the biggest franchises, obviously they own a lot more intellectual property which is all being aimed for this goal.  Then there's whatever other nonsense they create these days, at least whatever people will actually pay to watch.

One thing I'm trying to figure out is why these creatures always need to pervert what already exists.  Why do they think that will work?  Ruining Star Wars can only damage the One True Trilogy, it's not going to make people interested in droids that do anal on the Death Star or whatever the spin-offs are.  The point of creating something is for interesting characters and stories you want to flesh out.  Even a blatant rip-off would require some imagination.

I don't get why this thing is given a job and put on video, much less allowed to make any decisions.  But that's what they're after.

16 February, 2023

I would have had a good life, but there weren't enough cookies!

□ [“Buttigieg Tries To Blame Trump Administration For Ohio Train Disaster and Toxic Chemical Plume"]

What's even stupider is that he's blaming Trump for a policy in 2018 based on a law Congress had passed in 2015.  Trump obeyed the law and that caused these disasters, that's what he's saying.  So what disaster-causing laws does he ignore?  The alternative is to say that it was no big deal when Trump did it, that's why nobody complained.

Just think, every second he spends on getting rid of white people from construction sites and making sure every bathroom is unisex is another second he doesn't spend preventing transportation disasters.  He's doing his job, nothing more.  That's why he got this position.

□ [“Crews On the Scene in Van Buren, Michigan After Train Derails – At Least 6 Cars Off the Track"]

When was the last time we had two trainwrecks in a week?  Maybe this was a part of the new contracts the government forced upon workers, that they'd be allowed to let this happen.  Makes sense, what else would they do?  Can't reduce the number of hours on duty, can't hire white people, more train wrecks seems like the only option if you want these people to keep coming to work.

If you want people to stay away from transport because of fear, what would you be doing differently?

16 February, 2023

□ [“Yale Woke Religion Vs. Yale Muslim Students: Push for guaranteed religious accommodations as new housing process takes effect"]

Since 9/11, Democrats have gone out of their way to submit to the House of Islam.  Notice that they never complain about slavery, even though Muhammad owned slaves and many people are named in his honor to this day.  The first three generations of Islam are the ideal to be returned to and they owned a lot of slaves.  You can understand why leftists would respect that.

Muslims also know how to manipulate the infidel, and I've long-wondered if that's why they have such a hold on Democrats and the insane leftism.  It's been a long time since I've read the Koran and I've never read any of the commentary, so I don't know if there's anything specifically in scripture, but they've obviously had lots of experience with that over the last 1500 years.  The infidel set themselves up for insanity, wonder why...

So Yale has to deny a certain skin-color's rights if they're going to impose their gender nonsense.  I know Muslims come in all races and you probably know that too, but the leftists-in-charge don't know that.  They know all Muslims are dark-skinned and their sissy girls-with-vaginas will need to be abused if true leftism is going to be there for the big strong women-with-penises.

The girls also have to get naked to purify themselves with water before prayer time, five times a day.  Of course the women-with-penises want to watch that, it's their right to gaze their eyes on that.  Five times a day.  We can do that.  I mean, uh, they can do that.  As, y'know, women.  You can't stop them.

In the short-term, I think the Muslims will win this argument.  They've got the skin color that is never wrong, according to the people imposing these insane rules.  But I think the rulers will respond by specifying that certain skin colors get to be treated specially, and they'll ignore the very religion which requires this, dismissing it as religious nonsense.  This will let more people see the problems and fight for their own privileges, making leftist society much more complicated than it already is, at least until it eventually falls apart.  However long that takes.

16 February, 2023

□ [“Democrat Sen. John Fetterman Checks Into Hospital For Depression"]

Why, did he realize he's not as intelligent as Biden?  That would certainly be depressing.

Clearly he's an example of the puppets our rulers intend to install, knowing that elections are irrelevant.  He hasn't been there for six weeks and he keeps going to the hospital for mental reasons, that's not how you learn to do a new job.  But he's there for "depression."

And none of his people are saying he needs to step down and fix himself, they're going to keep that potato sack right where he is until he dies.  Everyone assumes his wife is making all the actual decisions, which is probably true, but it's the nature of this that stands out for me.  People who don't even pretend to care about elections are in charge, they just foist their housepets thought that task to get all the blame.  That's happened for a long time, going back to kings and emperors, but these creatures always go for it when they have the chance.

16 February, 2023

□ [“Russia Calls for UN Security Council to Investigate Nord Stream Attack"]

No Democrat, no liberal, no leftist on the planet cares what the UN thinks or says.  Unless it helps them gain power, but other than that...

So what are they going to do?  I'm not sure the UN itself is worth anything but it could lead to something happening elsewhere.  China and Germany both want an investigation as well.  Of course China would stand with its ally but Germany is supposed to be on our side.  They need to obey us or we're going to punish them!  More than we already have, I mean.

I get the desire to ban energy from the world except for the people in charge.  I also get the desire to blame Russia for everything.  But I don't get why we would do this when the basic result would seem to be to turn the world against the USA.  It's our rulers who did this.  They must have some supporters who are alive, and I don't pretend to understand why we haven't overthrown them yet, but most civilized countries aren't going to blame America itself for Nord Stream.

But it's also clearly an example of why all elections have to be stolen in the future.  Whoever's actually in charge has got Biden on a leash to take all the blame but this is leading the rulers closer to their actual goal which could never win a real election.  Of course there's still the UN who is full of nations which don't remotely care about real elections either and have gotten to spend decades working on US soil for this.

□ [“The FBI Search for Biden's Classified Documents Expands Again"]

Is this going somewhere?  They've searched the University of Delaware twice and now it's said that Biden's attorneys took classified documents to Boston.  I will admit, if this is true, it's believable and quite possibly even helpful.  I don't think they would be bothering with this investigation if it was just to hide Biden's criminal activities.

Now this could all be a lie to lead us suckers on, that's entirely possible as well.  But otherwise it does look like they're following the trail from Biden's classified documents, and it's even possible that this started from Trump's classified documents.  If this is actually happening, it does look like the sort of investigation that would really happen.  And on that level, it is believable that we won't hear many details because they're classified.  No one would be transparent about this.

Which is still a downside, it means we still don't have a clue what's really going on.  Ok, they can look into Biden's useless family members getting tons of money from China, Saudi Arabia and others, and they can follow the links from there.  But what is this supposed to accomplish and for who?

We really do need some clarity on this.  But that's not going to happen, is it?

I've already forgotten to do this a few times but I'd like to include links to where you can give me boodles of money for the most recent monthly collection of these pamphlets:

202301 Classified Struggling

It's more than just a collection, the material is edited, formatted, organized, and it includes a lot of news headlines I didn't comment on but was still looking at.  I've also included the comic strips I did last month.

Every several days, I've written enough material to make a pamphlet, as you see here.  Then every month, I publish a fuller version of the material as a booklet.  Eventually the material will be collected as a full book, but I try to vary when and how for each book.  Maybe it'll be the first 200 pages I get, maybe it'll be separated by subject matter or some other reason.  I'll figure that out when I get that far.

Anyway, if you've read this far, you know you want to give me money, so here's an excuse.

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