Friday, February 24, 2023


21 February, 2023

Isn’t the world over yet?

□ [“Nebraska coal train derailment sparks emergency operation”]

There should be no doubt that this is deliberate.  If our rulers weren’t responsible, they’d be looking for info on who did this.  They suddenly became willing to shoot down anything that might be a balloon, so what about train wrecks?  The sheer number of them makes it easier to expect enemy action and be wrong than to not expect it and be wrong.

Our masters just want to crack down on railroads and all forms of transportation.  That may be the overall target although there’s also requiring gender training to give workers less time to prevent accidents.  Whatever happens, the goal is to increase their power and make others suffer.  The rest of it is just details to be worked out.

We’re out of time.  By next week, the rulers could declare railroads as a cause of disease and shut them down.  What back-up plans do we have?

21 February, 2023

□ [“Al Gore’s ‘Green’ Investment Firm Owns Shares in Companies That Pollute”]

The purpose is to take control, never mind problem they invented to complain about.  Maybe they’ll buy shares of stock, maybe they’ll have friends or family members buy it.  Or they’ll just send in a squad of government-approved leftists to make decisions for the company, but the point is to take control.  They’ll make money from this which is what they pretend to oppose, sorta like pollution.

It’s another example of leftists insisting “*I* had nothing to do with this!”  No, you just profit from it thanks to people you pay to work for you.  You wouldn’t see Trump making such an idiotic claim, which is why you always blame him for everything.  We saw that with Sarah Palin being blamed for things she obviously had nothing to do with, by those who claim they have nothing to do with the businesses they invest in.

Why such blatant hypocrisy?  Al Gore and Joe Biden sexually abuse women but none of their supporters have the slightest objection.  They burn a lot of fuel – Gore’s father used to run a very profitably petroleum company – also with no complaints from their supporters.  They don’t permit complaints, only obedience.

21 February, 2023

□ [“Worse Than First Reported – 930 Illinois Schools Only 1 in 10 Children Can Do Grade Level Math”]

These are people who believe you can ‘self-identify’ as not being stupid and reward those who agree, punishing the rest.  This has been going on for a long time and could never go wrong, that’s why they have such a high opinion of themselves.

I guess I can see the notion that this is some magically new generation who will be anything the masters want, but there’s obvious problems with that.  Competence doesn’t work that way and is required to produce food, medicine, etc.  They’re trying to bring back the Stone Age, which was environmentally-friendly by the way.

Why do they think this will work?  There’s already millions of people avoiding this insanity and teaching their children accordingly so they can produce more competent people than the rulers.  If the goal is to destroy everything, that’s believable, but it makes rebuilding anything impossible.  This is where I have to wonder if that’s the plan, it’s why China/Russia/etc. are planning by backing the self-appointed masters.

21 February, 2023

□ [“Biden Tells Polish President He Wanted to be Called ‘Bidenski’ Because He Grew Up Surrounded by Polish Immigrants”"]

I thought he grew up being surrounded by blacks, can’t he tell the difference?  It’s basically clear by now that he has no idea what he’s talking about, we just have to wonder if he’s making this up himself or if he’s just told what to say.

Within a week, the self-appointed world government could say Biden spreads pandemics and can get rid of him any way they want.  It’s a sign of how low we’ve sunk that they would get a lot of support for getting rid of him on-the-spot, as would China.  They’ve known how to handle frontmen for a long time and it’s not like Biden could do anything about it.  Even if he wasn’t senile, he supported this all along.

This was definitely the point of stealing the 2020 election.  It may also have been the goal for Hillary and Al Gore.  I get the impression that the purpose of Bill and Obama was to weaken the opposition, not to bring the actual New World Order themselves.  But then what about Carter?  What about Bush Sr. or Jr?  Hell, what about Trump or Reagan?  It wouldn’t be hard to speculate to LBJ or JFK, either Roosevelt, etc.

So what do we do?  By February 27, the WHO will have authority to immediately command any nation while complaints about them will be looked at whenever someone gets around to it.  They’ve gotten from bad to worse this far, they aren’t going to stop.

It probably won’t help to bomb the homes of those who run WHO, though it might be fun anyway.  What other options are there, mobs?  Ok, but our rulers permit themselves protection by men-with-guns.  There’ll be no legitimate government response, they all side with the tyrants.  Otherwise they’d already be promoting a resistance.

So we need to get whatever back-up supplies remain and find connections and organizations.  We need to go on strike.  Just refuse to take part in this and be willing to fight if they try to force us.  What other options are there?

Just noting, all these rulers are quite old, near as I can tell, and don’t seem to have any young people around for replacements.  Even Xi Jinping will turn 70 in June.  At least China has an organized government, the others will probably find themselves in the position Lenin was after the revolution, needing to keep forming smaller and smaller groups which supplanted the previous administration.  So there were rebellions and conflicts going on there, but that won’t be much help for our side.

22 February, 2023

But they're hiring a lot of people to teach how to code!

□ [“I’m Taking Some Personal Time’:  Buttigieg Won’t Answer Reporter’s Questions on East Palestine”]

No one will even notice.  The DoT would do the same thing whether he showed up to work or not.  That’s how important he is.  He’ll probably spend his vacation time planning new disasters that will give the New World Order an excuse to intervene.

He proves this by saying he doesn’t know what Trump will do.  Trump will actually see what help people need and provide it for them.   You’d never catch Buttigieg doing that, he’s white!  It takes an orange man to get anything done.

"I could have spoken sooner about how strongly I felt about this incident.”

See?  Buttigieg is too lazy to talk about his emotions, It takes no time or effort and he couldn’t even do that, much less help anybody.  But he’s found plenty of time to go on tv to discuss things that had nothing to do with his job.  Talk about a train wreck...

22 February, 2023

□ [“US Stonewalls Nord Stream UN Investigation”]

So the US is defying organization in charge of the WHO?  Those are the people the US gave the authority too.  Russia’s also part of the WHO, and the UN, what a coincidence!  You’d think the people who spent decades saying we should obey the UN and that the US must be destroyed would at least notice this.

But then again, you’d think at least some of them would admit how incriminating it is that Biden and his officials promised to destroy Nord Stream.  Y’know, like that was a really bad thing to say.  Near as I can tell, this hasn’t been mentioned much these days, certainly not by anybody defending the administration or their media servants.

If you want the world to turn against the US and unite under China and Russia, what would you be doing differently?  Increasing your tyranny isn’t helpful to anybody except you and what else is there?  Supporting the UN?  It looks like our rulers are being blocked at every corner, which Russia and China have a lot of experience with.

22 February, 2023

When are people going to speak out and demand the government do something about people dying from “suddenly”?  They claimed they didn’t want people to die, that’s why they required everyone to get a fake-vaccine.  Why is this different?  Why aren’t they trying to find out what causes “suddenly” so they can do something about it?

Just the fact that they’re all silent about this shows us that they don’t really oppose the deaths, which suggests in turn that we already know the truth about all these deaths.  They could just go on tv or youtube or something to say how they loved the dead person and they’ll do whatever they can to keep it from happening to anyone else.

It would make them look more trustworthy, like they’d live up to their claims about caring.  It might even help people.  But they’ll uniformly avoid doing that.  Thus it shows the conspiracy they’re all working for, which started the virus so it could start the vaccine so it could have an excuse to seize power.

22 February, 2023

□ [“Massive Fire Erupts in Brooklyn Lumber Storage Warehouse, Injuring 5 Firefighters”]

□ [“2 dead, 3 Injured in an Explosion at an Industrial Facility in Medley, Florida”]

Until we get some proof to the contrary, I’ll just to assume our rulers cause all these fires and explosions.  *Maybe* at least some of them are just accidents but better to assume it’s enemy action and be wrong than to assume it’s just an accident and be wrong.

What, are they just going to blame Russia?  Well, probably, but there’s not much evidence of that.  Ok, there’s not much evidence of anything other than internet articles saying it happened, but this keeps happening at plants that provide tools and supplies to maintain the infrastructure.  Soon it will collapse and there will be no way to repair it.

How do we put up guards for these areas?  The business owners won’t, they either side with the rulers or they’ll lose insurance if they say it was arson.  But the lower-class needs the jobs and everybody needs tools and supplies.  Any other options for back-up?

22 February, 2023

□ [“NPR to lay off 10 percent of its workforce ‘even as general economy seems on mend’”]

Leftist-run companies keep firing people, sometimes many people.  Is that normal in the healthy economy they reported on, or are they not allowed to question that?

Anecdotally, it looks to me like more businesses are calling out for *competent* employees these days.  Wasn’t ‘diversity hiring’ supposed to handle that?  Otherwise companies would be stuck with incompetents they hired for diversity, so they just won’t hire any.  Then they’re short workers and go out of business.

I’d like to think the competent have gone on strike, but even if they haven’t, this still demonstrates Atlas Shrugged in ways we really never wanted to see.  Who is going to hit the bottom first, and who will realize that there’s no bottom to hit?

23 February, 2023

You could have done this nice and easy, but now... You have to order some Rococo Coffee...

□ [“Pete Buttigieg Sneaks Into East Palestine at 7 AM"]

Did he spend all this time biking or did he use earth-killing fossil fuels to get there?  Just a couple days ago, he said he was taking "personal time."  How did that work out?  Did that personal time finally give him a clue what he could to do help?  Because he said a while ago he'd actually bring in help when he finally got around to visiting, not like Trump.

But he does keep focusing on that 2015 congressional law which is somehow responsible for Republicans making this happen.  My guess is that the rulers used the near-strike by railroad workers to force the workers to obey, now they say the companies owe them.

□ [“White House Says Biden Has No Plans to Visit Ohio Derailment Site, Despite Having Plenty of Time to Visit Ukraine"]

Three weeks later, he's only now getting around to claiming he'll set up some group to provide aid.  How many have died while waiting for him?  He's just waiting for the NWO to take over, he already answers to them anyway.  Russia and China can see this.

23 February, 2023

□ [“Fashion Designer Whose Luggage Went Missing in Washington DC, Then Saw Sam Brinton Swanning Around In Her Hand-Made Clothes"]

This is getting some attention.  Not sure it'll do any good, but at least it's a bit of entertainment before the world collapses.  Brinton stole a black woman's clothes in 2018.  He'll get away with it because that's what he does.  The woman contacted the FBI who haven't done anything whatsoever to help for five years, why would they start now?

How many other creatures has Biden appointed who can just take whatever they want?  That's example they want to set, so there's probably a lot of them.  Some of them may even self-identify as a real gender, or even know what a "woman" is.  Ok, not many, but I'm sure a few do.

But they can't all be acting like small, stupid children every minute of the day.  Some of them must know better, and they're the ones filling the ruling class with these creatures.  What we can be certain about is that, no matter how many of these things get caught stealing from us, none of them will ever regret it.  There will be no public statement that they were wrong to do so, no shame, no learning experience.  He might send back the stolen clothes, just to avoid future lawsuits, but that's about it.

23 February, 2023

□ [“Hunter Biden Misses Midnight Deadline to Turn Over Business Records to Oversight Committee – Subpoenas Coming"]

Big deal, this won't make a difference.  The rulers have made it very clear that laws don't apply to them and they can ignore any order they want.  They don't even have to claim this is being made-up by evil right wingers because Hunter's business dealings, drug and sex addiction and family problems have been known for a long time.

It's quite possible that this is just leftists who self-identify as Republicans are pretending that they want to do something about this.  Maybe there are some actual Americans pushing for this but they're a small minority.  They'd have to actually do something for this to be relevant.

If the world doesn't fall apart soon *and* the tyrants don't continue to expand their power *and* everything else continues as normal, this will go on for many years.  Eventually Hunter will have to give up something but that'll be enough for Congress, no matter who runs in.  He'll spend the rest of his life in mansions with drugs and children, only taking breaks to get more money from Ukraine or China or whoever.

23 February, 2023

□ [“'This is a Nightmare': New Brazillian Law Would Imprison Those Who Refuse Mandatory Covid 'Vaccination'"]

Which the NWO will love and immediately impose on the rest of the world.  They've got full-info on everyone who got the poison, so they'll know who didn't.  Sure, they get full access to all computers so they'll know everything about the rest of us, but you get my point.  They'll know who the targets are and they're looking forward to imprisoning anyone who doesn't comply.

It's basically 'kill or be killed.'  Why are more people not standing up for this?  It's not going to go any better.  Another term that comes to mind is 'street justice.'  That's going to happen no matter what, the question is who's on which side?

That's why I keep pushing for a resistance movement, and pointing out that going on strike is the best way to start, so that those of us who want freedom can recognize the others and see who to work with.  They want us in chains and jails to the extent they don't want us dead, so we need to push back.

23 February, 2023

Has something happened to concert ticket prices?  I have finished my time going to those, but from what I hear, new tours from any name are ridiculously expensive.  Haven't actually checked to be sure but the anecdotes I've heard make it sound quite bad.

They really really need to keep poor people from getting in.  Even the cheapest seats are out of their range, and that's not counting snacks, parking, taxes, etc.  All this so you can hear a decades-old song about being a poor man making his way in the world?  What kind of people are stupid enough to go with that?

There's very few acts that I can get the point of saying 'I went to see them just to say I did.'  I assume other people have different preferences, but the prices are still ridiculous enough to make that pointless.  You could just watch them on the internet for a lot cheaper.

In fact, why don't they do that?  Less expenses and travelling.  Why not just put a 5$ price for a video of a concerts where everybody's in the front row?  The effect would be the same and probably just as profitable.

They're probably making up some money for not touring the last couple of years but that also means they didn't have to spend money on equipment, transport, employees, etc.  I am wondering if part of the reason is that they're funding money to the NWO.  I've also noticed that they have the exact same excuse Bernie Sanders is using for his ticket prices, "I have nothing to do with it!"

24 February, 2023

I'm not in this for your war. I expect to be well paid. Buy my books!

□ [“United Nations Votes To Demand Russia Exit Ukraine Immediately"]

This isn't helpful, probably why they're doing it.  If it had any authority, Russia could veto it, simple as that.  The list of votes probably makes a decent summary of who's most involved with the NWO.  Those who voted against or abstained aren't exactly the nicest type either.

China and India abstained, meaning half the world's population doesn't want in on this and they aren't even white.  But they Russia's allies, does that make a difference or can we just ignore the non-whites?  South Africa also abstained.  Hmmm, Russia and the former-Russia countries are the only whites on their side, near as I can tell.  The other white countries are all together.

The UN has helpfully been ignoring Nord Stream and the US biolabs in Ukraine, not a chance they'd want to look into that.  It's less like WWIII and more like yet another example set by 1984, of the tyrants respectively using the war as excuse to keep their subjects poor and needy.

This could be the end of the United Nations.  Their emotion-based response would be to ban Russia and anyone who supports them, which is the exact opposite of United Nations.  Their WHO commanders wouldn't get very far without that support either, defeating the point of ruling the world.

One thing I would very much like to hope, and probably has no chance of happening, is that the militaries will get involved.  Obviously my focus is on the US military but I'd think most of them would have some sort of preparations to stop this insanity before it goes too far.  Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get the DeLorean for my date with Kelly Bundy.

24 February, 2023

□ [“Anti-War Protest in Washington D.C. Garners Support of Conservatives, Libertarians, Leftists! Protesters Demand 'No More Funding To Ukraine!'"]

Well that happened immediately, where they all ready for the big day?  Was anybody singing "Give Peace A Chance" or would that get them arrested?

I'm sure the point was to identify as many opponents as possible to send to the labor camps first, but it sounds like the people in charge of this event are the 'loyal opposition.'  They claim this is a bad thing but they don't really oppose it.  When push comes to shove, they'll be in the rear giving the orders.

So will the military suddenly meet their enlistment goals or will none of the people who want this to happen join?  Enlistment hasn't been doing well for a while, basically since Biden took over, so how is this going to help?

□ [“NATO Taunted For Tweet Comparing Ukraine-Russia Conflict To Harry Potter And Other Famous Fantasy Films"]

None of the people encouraging war see any problem with this.  They can't be bothered to cite any real people, they can't refer to actual history and inspiration.  They want to wipe all that out of existence.  Just who do they think will be remotely capable of doing that?

Can't anybody involved see any problem with this?

□ [“Biden’s Woke DOD Expands Transgender Policies in Military"]

Well, maybe not.  This really shows the rulers' priorities and their sense of prioritization.  You're not going to win a war by expecting your men to sit and listen to this balderdash repeatedly until they say what you want to hear.  This is not how you get soldiers to fight for you and what's the alternative?

You can beat Russia in a war or you can cater to people who've complained about oppression for thousands of years because their brand-new pronouns weren't being used, but you can't do both.  Russia knows that.  China knows that.  Any sane person in the world knows that.  The people with nukes in charge of us do not.  And neither does NATO apparently.

And this is who you want to move control by the WHO to?  May not be in the official agreement but if they're in charge, they give the orders and you have to pass those along to your troops who didn't sign up for that and you expect to send to war?  This where I have to believe the rulers have some other plan because this is too stupid to go with otherwise.

24 February, 2023

□ [“Pennsylvania’s Democrat Governor Says He Will Reject Any Calls for Senator John Fetterman to Resign"]

You can't find another puppet?  One who actually shows up to whatever pretend-job you've given him?  This shows us how important it is to our rulers to steal every seat they can and not let it go no matter the cost.  It's not like they need to worry about future elections.

Also have to wonder what the Senate does these days anyway.  I'm sure there are time-killing activities, some of them even relevant to the job, sitting in committee or something, but it's not like he's needed for anything.  He could be dead and would still vote Democrat.

Should be noted that clinical depression isn't something that keeps you in the hospital for weeks, at least not if it's voluntary.  Someone who is involuntarily committed will be there for much longer, but there's a reason for that.

24 February, 2023

□ [“Democrats Complain About ‘Republican Attacks’ on Buttigieg Following Ohio Train Disaster"]

They could hire Hunter Biden to represent them, that might help.  He might just make a token appearance like Buttigieg did, but Hunter has connections that can get results.  Something to think about.  Even the media knows they have to pay much more attention to poor Buttigieg than the thousands and thousands of suffering Americans.  Priorities!

He finally showed up after a couple weeks, made an appearance with a hard hat - which he wants to prevent other whites from being able to wear - and brought absolutely no supplies.  He avoided having any normal town citizens around and wouldn't answer media questions.  He had a secretary to take care of that, as long as the cameras were turned off, which they weren't.

He and his peons keep focusing on Trump, claiming that he somehow defied a regulation which is totally responsible for this.  They offer no proof and I suspect it's just an excuse to impose more government authority everywhere.  And notice that the Biden administration and Buttigieg himself have not bothered to reinstate those rules they blame Trump for getting rid of which cause this.  They've had two years, what's the problem?  The people who've been in charge for years have nothing to do with this, it's the people who left years ago who are to blame?

Specifically, this is about the train not having electronically controlled pneumatic brakes.  Those were required for "High Hazard Flammable Trains," which this was not.  The rule Buttigieg is obsessed with had nothing to do with this train, it was a "mixed freight train" with only three cars.  You want to change the rules, you should at least know what they are first.  But Buttigieg doesn't do that.

Railway workers have been forced to accept a contract from these companies that they didn't want, that's not going to reduce the number of accidents, which is how our rulers want to do things.  This will keep happening and it will get worse.

Still advertising each booklet, collecting the previous month's pamphlets with edits, formats, etc.  Since I've started a comic strip, The Struggling, this also includes however many strips I got done this month.  As we near the end of February, there will be even more strips in the next booklet.  You know you want it...

202201 Classified Struggling

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