Tuesday, February 28, 2023


25 February, 2023

Do what you want, Br'er Biden, but don't throw us into the briar patch!

□ [“Biden on if China Sends Weapons to Russia to Fight Ukraine: 'We Would Respond'"]

They're responding to you sending weapons.  Why is it wrong for them to do what you do?  And what's your "response" supposed to be?  You're already at war with Eurasia, now you're going to add Eastasia to the enemies-list?

Why doesn't he just send Hunter to take care of things?  He's been paid very well by all these nations and must have connections.  He'd be bringing more money in than you're sending out.  Maybe he could help them set up more bio-labs and provide classified information.  They'll have a new virus for us, won't you be glad about that?

Notice that he's never giving any speeches to the people he's supposed to send out to stop China.  And Russia.  And their allies.  Something to show how great a leader he is.  But no, he limits that only to sycophants and friendly media.  None of them see anything wrong with that.

25 February, 2023

□ [“Biden ‘Can’t Recall’ if He Has Spoken to the Mayor of East Palestine, OH"]

How would he not know that?  Does he have the slightest clue what's been going on there for the last few weeks?  He says he's talked to "everyone there is to talk to," how would he know that if he doesn't know who he's talked to?

Between the "minor incursion" to the vaccine preventing you from getting the virus to inflation being temporary/caused by Russia/there before he got there, at some point you'd think Biden really needs to show that he has a clue what he's talking about.  Or at least whoever's in charge of him needs to make him do that.

Basically everything we're seeing every day is evidence that this was all planned and our rulers are trying to tear us all down as much as possible.  We already knew that, but it's just more proof.  Is it possible that they thought Trump would help finish the job, which is why they promoted him all those years, but then he didn't so now they have to catch up?

25 February, 2023

□ [“Boston Satanic convention on April 28, requires worshippers to have proof of Covid vaccination + they must wear an N-95 or KN-95"]

The immediate impression would be that these people should be rebelling.  Isn't that the whole point?  They're not going to obey the rules!  But the more you think about it, you realize that these are the sort of brainless servants that automatically obey.  That's what they're there for and that's all they'll ever be.

It's possible someone might have a motive to actually go there, but you'd think they'd see if they can get away with fake-proofs of the vaccine.  You'd think that would be tempting, but there probably won't be any problems there.  Satan creates fakes, but he doesn't accept them from others.

So why doesn't Satan protect them from the virus?  People who worship God believe He'll be there in even the darkest times, does Satan just shrug and go 'that's your problem'?  This does indicate that worship of Satan is impossible without acknowledging God, even the faithful refuse to accept that.  And that's the motive these people have been pushing on the rest of us for all these centuries.

25 February, 2023

□ [“Biden Scolds ABC’s David Muir For Asking About His Stolen Classified Documents Scandal"]

“But you’re trying to make a comparison [to Trump having classified documents.]  There’s degrees of irresponsibility that are – they can be significant degrees of responsibility.  The way in which the boxes were packed up from my office, apparently, not everything was gone through as meticulously as it should have.  But there was no intention.”

You couldn't get the documents out of the SCIF without intention.  You couldn't leave them in your offices or garage all these years without intention.  You wouldn't have even had access to the SCIF if you hadn't been trained to specifically not do things like this, so you need to have intention to defy those established rules.

You wouldn't have put the classified documents in boxes that any unauthorized person could grab and help themselves to.  You would have made sure they were only stored in secure locations, which your garage wasn't.  The people you're trying to send to war against China and Russia know how this works, you're just showing that they should absolutely not obey you on anything.

We know he's going to get away with this, the law doesn't apply to Democrats.  He might even send men-with-guns to search other people's homes for documents just to show off how special Democrats are compared to everybody else.

25 February, 2023

□ [“Revivals Spread to College Campuses Across the Nation"]

Unsure about this.  Partially it's just a news article so I have no proof that it's actually happening, but you could say that about everything else I post.  Partially I'm not confident about the religious groups being involved in this.  Never heard of them, know nothing about it, deliberately not even looking up any details about them, it's just that at this point, I'm not convinced it's not a show put on by our rulers.

Now it is true that even if this is part of the tyrant's scheme, God's plan will supersede that, so in the longest run, it'll be for the greater good.  It's just that everything but the longest run might be a victory for the anti-God movement.  So that's what I'm worried about.

And part of it is also personal.  I'm just not a religious-group person.  I think it's just better to quietly believe in God and get through your life.  But many people aren't like that, this is why organized religions exist.  Which is fine, they're also part of God's plan and are generally more helpful to more people than I am.  There's at least some benefit in collectivism and religion makes the best use of it.

I do see a benefit in that it could be inspiring all these individuals to belief in God, which will be for the better of them and everyone else.  So technically this could be a very good thing, I'm just not convinced that it isn't intended by our rulers.  Otherwise they'd be trying to shut these revivals down immediately.

26 February, 2023

The sink needs to be fixed. I don't want it to have more children!

□ [“Zelenskyy Trashes Americans Who Oppose Giving More of Our Money to Ukrainian Regime"]

He'll attack us but he still wants our money.  Those Vogue photo-shoots don't pay him enough, he's got to get bring in more cash.  We don't get a choice in the matter, which he totally supports.  He and our masters are on the same side, and it's not with us.

If he doesn't get our money, we might lose NATO?  What's the down side?  And why does he think he has any say in NATO, which his nation has never ever bothered to join?  That's like saying if Americans don't like him, we can vote him out of office.

“Don’t Americans enjoy the same things as we do? I don’t think we’re that different.”

You enjoy banning opposing political parties, media and the church.  That's quite a big difference.  Still haven't found any Ukraine supporters who have the slightest objection to any of this.  They're the ones who enjoy the same things he does, not us.  They'll decide who to ban and they expect obedience.

□ [“UK, Germany and France Respond to China Peace Deal on Ukraine"]

That's why they don't get any say in NATO, only the US and Ukraine make decisions there.  If Britain, France and Germany go along with China, we'll just have to go to war with them too.  They'll never stop us!

Anyway, the plan is that Ukraine is permitted to align with NATO for defense but not allowed to officially join.  In exchange, they'll start negotiating peace with Russia, which would mean they aren't getting some/most/all of the territory back.  There's nothing specific but the implication is that Britain, France and Germany are leaning in that direction.

So why now?  It's possible Russia has taken all the money, classified documents and biolabs so there's nothing else they need.  If this deal is agreed to, of course it would expand territory.  This would be an emotional bribe to Zelensky to accept a loss without actually admitting he lost.  Russia and China have lots of experience in that department.  So does Biden, but he doesn't know it.

Is it possible that this was the actual point of the Russia/Ukraine thing?  As far as invasions go, you'd think Russia would just slaughter anyone in their way because that what Russians do against much smaller nations.  Any surviving Ukrainians would resist Russia because that's been their relationship for the last several centuries.  But this could be a wider-range strategy to using their respective traits, with the US rushing towards WWIII and their subordinate nations closer to the firing line going 'we don't really want this.'  They already know we blew up the Nord Stream pipeline.

The elites and their media pets could be blindsided by the change, they were eager for war too.  They still have their awards for reporting on how healthy Ukraine was ninety years ago thanks to Russian policies on food production.  Leftists have a limit to supporting the lives of Ukrainians.

26 February, 2023

□ [“Biden Blames the Media When Asked Why So Many Americans Say They’re 'Worse Off' Financially Than When He Was Elected"]

Anybody who has to pay for food and every other bill knows they're doing worse financially, but that's not the sort of people you pay attention to.  You take money from other people and never think about it.  The fact that you're stupid enough to blame the media tells us how limited your view is.

You get 10% off of every deal your family member makes, you're probably much richer now than you were two years ago.  Obviously you have no clue what life is like for people in the real world.  You think the media is responsible for government spending and interest rate, shows how involved you are in finances.

What would it take to set up a separate economic system?  I'm specifically thinking of money.  Yes, there's all the arguments about basing it on gold and silver, but most of us don't have any of that.  We all still need a way to trade time and ability, you can't eat gold when you're hungry.  A paper currency would seem to be most likely and it would probably need to start with underground movements, but how do we get that working?

26 February, 2023

□ [“Democrat Bill in California Would Eventually Ban All Tobacco Sales, but Not Marijuana"]

So people will be bringing them in by truck.  For that matter, people from other countries can be bringing them in, it's not like you're going to check.  Lemme guess, you'll just eliminate the term "black market" because it's racist and that'll solve everything.  Not like smuggling in illegal drugs, this one will really work.

It's like the target goal is to reduce everything to masters and slaves.  Everybody else is trying to get away from California but leftists keep promoting it as the example all the other rulers must follow.  Is there any chance they'll learn anything?  San Francisco is looking at ending its bans with any state that didn't agree with them on abortion or LSGBTMQ issues, turns out they haven't found any evidence that it affected other states but it made life a lot more expensive for San Francisco.

Although putting it that way, it's surprising that they'd even consider removing the ban.  Making decisions for others didn't do anything so you'd think they'd only double down on it.  Anything else would mean admitting they were wrong and if they did that, they might be wrong about other things.

26 February, 2023

□ [“US Energy Department Now Claims Covid Came from a Lab But US Agencies Still Not Willing to Say Covid Was Dropped Intentionally"]

So the Department of Energy is racist, is that what they're saying?  Because for years we've been told it's racist to say the virus came from a lab.  The government and their media pets have attacked and silenced anyone who dared to say it came from a lab.  And now the government itself is saying the virus came from a lab.

Seriously?  No one is permitted to be right about anything until the government says it first and they will censor anyone who is right before the government is?  Is that really what you're going for because it seems like a horrible idea that will only result in people saying what you want to hear no matter how wrong it is.

You censored and lied to keep people from knowing the truth, you don't think there will be consequences for that?  Well, of course you don't but there will be.  And we haven't even reached the part of the story about this being deliberate from the start.  Just like Nord Stream.  Just like Russia/Ukraine.  Just like the New World Order.

Under remotely normal circumstances, I would say the world is ready to rise up against our rulers, but I really don't think they'd have made all this happen for the finale, they've got much worse things to hit us with and they'll start that any day now.

27 February, 2023

I'm coming 'round the mountains with Susanna on her knees.

□ [“Kirby on DOE Lab Leak Report: 'There is Not a Consensus Right Now in the US Government About Exactly How Covid Started'"]

So who will you be arresting for "disinformation"?  Can't say that the virus started in a Chinese lab and it didn't start in a Chinese lab, they can't both be true, and for the last few years the government has forbidden people to say that's where it started.  So who are you going to punish?  Those evil Biden-appointees in the Department of Energy?

What do you think Mao or Stalin would do if a part of their government were suddenly in disagreement with another part and the ones being disagreed with were in-line with the benevolent leader's views?  They wouldn't be talking to the press about it, but otherwise...

Most likely, the side you've been banning all these years is right, and you're going to continue banning this.  A land of freedom doesn't require consensus, people just go their own way.  But that's not what you brought in, so what are you going to do about this?

27 February, 2023

□ [“Janet Yellen Makes ‘Surprise’ Visit to Kiev to Announce Another $1.25 Billion in Aid to Ukraine"]

Treasury has nothing to do with Ukraine but she has nothing better to do apparently.  Just take lots of money over to where the laundry is, that's always been part of the deal.  If it takes earth-killing fossil fuel to get there, she'll do it.

Even if China's peace deal gets agreed, the rulers are clearly not going to stop moving as much money as possible through Ukraine to whatever else they're funding on the sly.  It's worked for them this long, why quit now?  They might worry that they'll be found out, but probably not.  They keep having all these rich and famous Americans fly over without the slightest danger, what else could they worry about?

I can't cite any specific evidence but it looks to me like there's been a slight shift in direction over the last couple days, like more people are realizing that they really don't want WWIII and that puts them into conflict with those who do.  Then there's just the realization that all the people who want imaginary genders are on their side, all those who want to ban fossil fuels are on their side, everybody who demanded the unvaccinated go home and die are on their side.  At some point a sensible person would have to stop and wonder if they've actually chosen the wrong side.

Otherwise they get to talk like the infamous socialists on trial, "I was just following orders!"

27 February, 2023

□ [“CNN Guest Drops Truth Bomb on Democrats Ignoring American Suffering in East Palestine Because They Voted for Trump"]

Just to keep an open mind, it is possible that they ignore suffering because they just want people to die and being Trump voters isn't the defining factor.  Democrats don't tell blacks to stop shooting blacks or stop aborting blacks and we already know that if they voted for Trump, they ain't black.

That said, it's quite possible that Trump voters topped the list of the people they wanted dead first.  We're hearing that poisonous vaccines are aimed at red states and saline versions to blue states.  Don't know if that's true, but it sounds believable.  Less chance of getting caught blatantly murdering people, even if it means you don't get as many deaths as you want.

But as a black female (if that's what she self-identifies as) she's not going to be treated well by Democrats for this.  She'd better shape up immediately or that'll be the end for her.  I'm surprised she was even permitted on CNN.  But she sounded fairly leftist and emotional in her comment, they'll probably give her a pass for that.  Still, it's surprise that they even aired this much.

27 February, 2023

□ [“Vermont High School Girls Basketball Team Forfeits State Tournament Game Due To Trans Player On Opposing Team"]

Well it's a start.  I'm not a sports fan but one thing I will credit athletes for is that they do realize how important it is to work as individuals.  If they aren't in shape, they're worthless to the team.  That does require some awareness and, by extension, female athletes have to realize that they'll never be the best in the world.  It's biologically impossible.  Yet if they have any devotion to themselves and their chosen sport, they'll continue working out to be the best they can be.  That's a good thing.

And that's also what our rulers want to wipe out.  They'll make the decisions and anyone who disagrees will lose.  They won't permit any fair play, here or anywhere else.  It's also one reason why they impose this on children as young as possible.  They want to erase all of human existence and delude themselves into thinking they can rebuild it their way.  That only leads to failure but they'll never stop.  They can only be defeated.

We need more of this.  I'm probably deluding myself but I'd like to think this could lead us back to a place where boys are boys and girls are girls, in a good way.  That's been torn apart for a half-century or more, and the result is now that girls don't even get to participate because they're easily beaten by women-with-penises.

27 February, 2023

□ [“Dems Silencing Truth About ‘Brain Dead’ Fetterman Until August To Avoid Special Election"]

This is just a distraction.  He's no more brain dead than any other Democrat in the Senate and anyway, they could just steal a special election, no big deal.  The more elections you steal, the more you're capable of stealing.  Not hard to understand.

Fetterman's spokeman says he's doing well.  No pix of course, that's how good he's doing.  That's what his doctor said before the election, look how that turned out.  Or don't, you might start to ask why Democrats were putting him through this in the first place.  Don't they have anyone else?  Someone who is actually capable of taking care of themselves and have other people around if they aren't?  Because Fetterman doesn't fit in to either category.

I guess my interest in this is just in the 'how can they do this to someone?' sense.  They're doing it to Biden, but he's been around for half a century, they're at least used to him.  The only reason I can think of is that they really are a cult and anybody promoted must be a member, so this was the best they had to offer.  What other options are there?

28 February, 2023

You call it a day?  That's not a day!  THIS is a day!  Oh wait, it's over...

□ [“Marvel’s Newest Movie Made History…But Not in a Good Way"]

I still can't believe we live in a world where Ant Man is known to anybody but comics geeks.  Even worse, there are people who actually like him.  How did we get to this point?  They had to keep changing his name to keep the character going, sometimes replacing him with a new character, and nothing worked.  The Wasp had a bit more leeway as a ditzy dame, competent when the story required it.  But this...

I think the replacements were already established before these movies started happening, but I don't specifically remember and am not going to look it up.  Not an Ant Man-fan.  Even stranger, I have actually seen the first two movies, because I was bored and wanted to work out a theory on the Marvel Universe, which I don't even remember.  I don't remember the movies either.

Avengers movies, yes, I like and have seen many times.  Beyond that, there's Cap 3 because I needed to kill a few hours and it did have most of the Avengers in it, and then Ant Man 1 and 2.  I was tempted to see the recent Spider-Man movie just to get the earlier actors, but not that tempted.  I would totally watch WandaVision if it was mostly about making fun of old sit-coms, but as far as I know, it wasn't, and that's the extent of my interest in the MCU.  If I really want anything to do with these characters, I still have all my comics, and I started edging away from superheroes a long time ago.

What I am interested in is trying to figure out how they're trying to do to movie audiences what Marvel did to comics readers all those decades.  They've clearly succeeded in establishing the reputation as the cool, happening place, but also cranking out tons of formulaic nonsense.  You can replace the scripter or the inker and still have a monthly comic with the same characters, but here they're stuck with the same actors who will get old and die.

Since movies are a much much much much bigger industry than comics ever were, there's a lot more complication and a lot more things that can go wrong.  So what have they successfully transferred from the comics industry that has obviously worked, at least until it doesn't?

The main thing I can see is that they've managed to get a bunch of people who will mindlessly see whatever movie they're told to.  But to do that, they had to get to a point where making $100 million in a single week isn't remotely a hit movie.  So they buy tickets because they're told to and watch it once, and that's that.  It dropped by over 2/3 in the second week and cost $200 million to make, not counting promotion which probably doubled the costs.

Movie profits were always dubious at the best of times and I doubt that's changed, so it's never totally clear how much they bring in and how much they actually keep.  Foreign profits aren't helpful either, to know how much profit there's been.  And that's assuming we can actually trust the reports on how many tickets were sold.  Then there's the added transfers to streaming or wherever they go now, how much money is actually brought in there and is it actually spent to watch a given program?

So they've managed to manufacture their puppets to depend on propaganda.  The recent Doctor Strange movie had some point about how almost no universes actually use *money* and this Ant Man movie insists socialism actually works because cartoon ants do it.  They've smoothed out the distinctions between movies, Disney, comics, Marvel, and probably many other aspects of life, and got paid very well for it.

Clearly they're trying to establish the multiverse in accordance with Marvel and DC comics, and probably their own cult beliefs, and I think they're aiming for an Avengers/JLA crossover.  Gotta give the fans something, and at least at some level they need to pretend they want to make a profit.  They're clearly deluded enough to think they can do that.

The continuity of the movies was really neat, no denying that.  But it also turns people off.  I had only the slightest clue who the X-Men were when they appeared in Secret Wars and Secret War II, and those appearances did absolutely nothing to interest me further.  A year later, I had become a fan of the muties but that wasn't because of Marvel continuity.  I read the mutant franchise for several years but was definitely getting tired of it and eventually the only titles I read were Excalibur and X-Factor because of the creators.  When they left, so did I.  And that's where all the characters have stayed as far as I'm concerned.

But they expect many more people to waste much more time and money following movie after movie, tv show after tv show, just to keep up on all the intricate details?  That's not going to happen.  It's easier to just not spend any time and money on this franchise and just focus on stuff that's fund to watch for an hour and a half.

28 February, 2023

□ [“‘Major’ US Marshals Computer Hacked, Compromises Sensitive Information"]

Big deal, this happened to SOCOM earlier this month.  If it was a big deal, don't you think they'd have done something about it?  If it's not climate change, it doesn't matter!  Sensitive information is just kept in boxes in the garage, that's good enough.

So what claims are they going to make now to show it doesn't matter?  That it's Trump's fault because he's only been gone for 25 months?  That there's no classified or sensitive information that's actually relevant to anybody?

I'd say it's China just because they're the obvious subjects but obviously there are dozens of other possibilities.  There's probably thousands of 'bots being sent at these computers every hour but you don't need that many to get through to lead to problems.  Whoever's sending the 'bots has probably gone through all the required trans-vaccinated training, the people supposed to defend against them still have more to get through so they'll just have to wait.

And these units are the first line of defense against Russia and China.

28 February, 2023

□ [“Buttigieg Says Climate Change Will Be ‘One of the Biggest Things He Will Be Remembered For’ While Defending His Constant Private Jet Travel"]

Which isn't transportation, so it's understandable that you won't accept being remembered for that.  You'd just look bad every step of the way if anybody thought you had anything to with transportation.  But you don't.

So why are you there?  Why are you taking other people's money to use earth-killing fuel to go around?  It sounds like you get all the advantages of killing the earth with your travels and none of the costs of making it happen.  Can't you at least say everybody else has the right to use planes to get around and not pay for it themselves, or are you trying to show how special you are?

Of course he's not going to stop, that's how you get to show off being part of the elite.  It's your inferiors who get prevented from doing the things you do.  They don't even get to take vacations as much as you do, but then, they have actual problems to deal with.  That's not what you're there for.

28 February, 2023

□ [“NATO Pokes Russian Bear – Agrees to Plan for Ukraine to Become Member State"]

It could have joined a month ago.  Or two months ago.  Six months ago.  A year ago.  Two years ago.  Four years ago.  Eight years ago.  What's changed?  North Atlantic hadn't lowered the standards enough for it to join yet?  We weren't close enough to WWIII yet?  Ukraine wasn't desperate enough yet, they needed our help for a year before they became desperate enough?

I would hope Europe says 'f*ck now!' because this is just an obvious last-track attempt to prevent complete failure, but that's probably not going to happen.  The people in charge want this no matter the cost.  They're the ones repeating nonsense about Putin wanting to conquer the world, or at least Europe, or at least the dozen-or-so nations that were formed in 1991 and have gotten along with Russia ever since.

It's the US and NATO that keeps pushing into their territory.  Somehow it's bad when Russia does it but it's good when we do it.  Because America, England, France, Spain and Germany have never been known for helping themselves to land and anyway, they're white so it's good when they do it.  At least according to the liberals who want this war to happen.

It basically comes down to a game of 'chicken.'  Russia is really not a nation that's going to work with, not on their own turf.  They've gone through Goths, Huns, Persians, Norse, Mongols, French and Germans, not to mention their own leaders and having to put up with every winter.  In a game of 'chicken,' they will pick the 'nobody survives' option and have a lot more experience doing that.  It's how they've survived this long.  Then there's their background as the 'New Rome,' which they've had since before the voyages of Columbus.

Wanting to fight them is stupid enough.  Having to expand your tyranny just so you can send others to do the actual fighting is utterly insane.  Deluding yourself into thinking you have some higher goal should get you put up against the wall and shot so everyone else can just go on with their lives without you.

□ [“BREAKING:  Biden calls for a national draft. Men and women are to be selected to fight in Ukraine."]

Another fake video.  Doesn't look as good as the last one a couple weeks ago, but it's otherwise believable.  The left wants war, the military can't find enough people now and this won't help, so they'll need to restart the draft.  Obviously they'll only draft one of the dozens and dozens of genders they say they believe in, but big deal.  Ukraine did that too and no leftist complains.

But this is going to come to a head.  The left already government forcing everybody to follow any orders, they've already got laws and regulations and policies set up to give them any excuse they want, and they already want World War III.  The best I can say is that if any of them have a working brain, they'll realize that this is really a bad idea and, dare I say it, might even start questioning some of the other demands the draft-supporters have made which led us here.

It probably won't come to a real draft.  There's really no way the rulers could justify that and only their supporters would go along with it.  Given how few of them are doing anything to contribute at all, that's not going to help.  It would be a waste of money and earth-killing fuel to send them overseas.  It's not like they're going to do anything otherwise.  For that matter, it's safe to say none of them would actually qualify for a draft.

But the rulers are working out ways to coerce us into their planned structures and use us for whatever they want.  That's why they're in charge, we don't get a say in the matter.

The booklet collecting January's pamphlets.  God willing, within a few days, February's booklet will be available.  I'm planning to call it "Balloonatic."  You'll love it just as we've loved the last month of current events covered in it.

202301 Classified Struggling


This is just the latest in-line of booklets:

202202 Thought                              202203 Daily Planet

202204 End Times                          202205 Feint

202206 Shaming of the True           202207 Fulcrum

202208 Message in a Bottle            202209 Strike One

202210 Fiscal Year Zero                  202210 Don’t Ask Questions

202211 Take Thanks                        202212 Scrapbook

Just buy them and make a little boy happy.

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