Saturday, March 4, 2023

202303 The Ideas of March - 20230304

01 March, 2023

Women get manicures but men don't get womancures

□ [“As Biden Attacks US Coal Producers, China Builds New Coal Plants at Break-Neck Speed”]

This shows how ridiculous our masters are.  They pretend that these fuels kill the earth but they ignore what any other nation does.  They should be involved, right?  We’re all the same planet.  But no, they’ll just make us suffer, that’ll be enough.

China won’t listen to them, nor will anyone else influenced by China, so how does that help the planet?  But our rulers still need to keep their planes and cars fueled.  Just because it’s denied to the rest of us doesn’t mean they’ll go without.

It’s possible they’ll use this to start a war with China, but why do they think anyone will believe this?  It’s a bad idea but that wouldn’t stop them, but maybe they never thought of it, or China told them not to do this.  That’s the world our rulers made.

01 March, 2023

□ [“Lori Lightfoot Blames Chicago Racism/Sexism for Election Loss, ‘I’m a Black Woman in America’”]

She’s black?  When did this happen?  Did anyone else know?  You really should tell voters that sort of thing before the election, or even the previous election.

Her claim really doesn’t help though.  Better to use this line before being elected the first time, not waiting until she’d been mayor for a couple years and losing re-election.  The voters can just look at how much worse they are with her in charge.

Just saying this will show everybody why they don’t want black women in charge, they won’t make that mistake again.  I’m sure whoever’s in charge will tell her to back off and say she didn’t really mean the people who elected her last time are racist and sexist.  Might as well say every black woman is just like her, no difference whatsoever.

Well, ok, it’s Chicago, so Democrats already know that, they probably just made sure this elections was stolen like the others, but you get my point.

01 March, 2023

There’s *something* going on.  Don’t know what, barely any guesses, much less facts, but something about the approach seems different.  Hopefully it’s a resistance movement like I’ve calling for.  I do think something like that exists in the deep state by regulation.  Or maybe they’re just teasing us with hope, that makes just as much sense.

Are the invading balloons and “objects” still going on?  Are they being shot down right away or just allowed to carry out their mission and we’re not told?  It was such a big deal a few weeks ago, our rulers talking about how they’d prevent dangers from crossing our borders illegally.  Except for when they don’t, but never mind that.

Or could this just another example of the evil foreign invasions that the media starts ignoring, like the Saudi Arabia/Yemen thing?  That’s gone on since the previous Russia/Ukraine thing and liberals never complain about those non-white people dying.

It also seems like World War III is getting into (slightly) clearer shape.  I haven’t heard of the New World Order announcing its signed agreements to rule the world, those were due last weekend.  Could this be the basis for that ‘deep state resistance’ I’ve wondered about?  Biden handed his so-called authority over, that would definitely qualify as an achilles heel.  Of all the places to look for hope, that’s what I picked?

01 March, 2023

□ [“Three Years Later, FBI Director Wray Admits Covid-19 Virus Likely Came from China Lab Leak”]

Something is going on these days.  What the point of this sudden change?  All of a sudden, 'yeah it came from a Chinese lab' from the people who said it was racist to say that, and disinformation and all the rest of that stuff.

As always, my first worry is that this is deliberate, to advance our rulers' goals.  Like it or not, that's just a reasonable assumption.  That said, nothing about this seems to be going according-to-plan and I can't think of any reason this makes the slightest bit of sense to anyone.  They'd have to tell their supporters to completely ignore this *and* every single one of them would have to be unquestioningly obedient.  There's no way to believe that would happen.

First of all, the supporters have spent years telling us we must believe the government.  Second of all, the government and their minions have been saying the exact opposite for three years.  Third of all, they can't all have been ignoring the deaths from "suddenly," which only happens to people who got the magic cure for a virus which was totally natural and didn't come from China.

Even if you have a positive, trustworthy relationship, there would need to be acknowledgement of doing a complete 180 on something so important.  Our rulers and their mindless subjects don't have a positive, trustworthy relationship.  This would just cause divisions that they've tried to avoid, the basic problem of all totalitarian regimes.

□ [“Left Wing Hack Stephen Colbert Mocks Report That Covid Leaked From a Lab"]

Perfect example.  He's just attacking the Biden-run Department of Energy, 'stay in your lane!'  Now he's got to add the Biden-run FBI to that list of people he's forbidding to say what he doesn't want to hear.  I'm sure this will be ignored, but it's an example of the cracks that will spread.

Remember, part of the point of being individuals is that we're all going to come up with different viewpoints and this makes it really easy to see problems with our rulers' narrative.  They can focus all they want on the collective, they're going to have their own conclusions and will have to aspire to mindlessness for any hope of avoiding those.  Colbert gets paid to say this nonsense but the crew on his show, the staffers on his tv network, the viewers, the advertisers, every single person there can see a problem.  You going to punish them like the FBI?

02 March, 2023

If I knew better, I'd know that I don't know better

Another indication that something is being changed and it actually helps our side?  I've heard that the crest at Windsor Castle has been removed.  This is the sort of world we live in, no idea if that's true or what it means in the first place, all I get is some random comment on the internet and have to spend time pondering that.  Internet searches for information gets me nowhere.

If it's not true, it's just standard false information, passed along to give us false hope or just because someone didn't know any better.  That's unfortunately a normal part of life.  At least on our side, it's normal to tell whoever's repeating this to 'grow up!' and go on with our lives.  Our opponents have the habit of not accepting that at any cost, for themselves anyway, although they'll impose it on others, calling it "dis/mis information" that must be banned.  They don't just shrug and move on.

So what if it is true?  It would definitely be a signal to those 'in the know.'  Something has happened that no one expected.  It's the sort of indicator given out which most people won't notice.  Those who live in the vicinity and drive by every day wouldn't even notice.  Even if they did, the response would be 'must be cleaning it' or something along those lines.

It is Windsor Castle which has a little bit of history, so over the centuries this sort of recognition would get through, but there's no way to know how or to whom.  Your great-great-great-great-great grandfather's best friend worked as a castle guard, that's how you know what you're looking at.  Who's going to comprehend that and what is anybody going to do about it?

02 March, 2023

□ [“Pentagon Inspector General: Biden is Hiding Classified Documents Detailing Side Deals He Made with Taliban and Against US Troops"]

This *has* to be something.  Pentagon Inspector General isn't a position you get for sucking up to the big guy.  If it was, this would never have come out, nobody would look for it or care if they found it.  But instead it's being reported in public.  I don't expect this to go anywhere but that's just because I'm a negative pessimist who still looks great in a mankini.  [Note to self, is that last part relevant?  Consider removing it.]

If Biden really wants to self-identify as POTUS, then that means he has to submit to the Uniform Code of Military Justice.  I have very little experience with UCMJ and most of what I do have falls into the 'don't do stupid things' category.  But one reason it exists is so that the military has ability to handle things their own way.  You know how everybody has to regularly sit through First Sergeant's lecture about not driving drunk or hitting your wife?  That's because when you get caught doing that, you have defied 1SG's orders.  Civilian courts will get their turn but now he gets the first shot.

Selling out American troops?  Giving our enemy complete access to every weapon and piece of equipment?  Conducting his own deals with the Taliban?  "Aiding the enemy" is Section 903b Article 103b and is a death penalty offense.  About the only argument Biden could make is that he's too stupid to know what he was doing.  I'll leave it to the lawyers to decide if that's a valid argument but it's not very helpful to the defendant.  It's totally believable though, gotta give him that.

Because that seems very relevant  to the situation and the impression I get that *something* has changed for the better.  The military can't just turn on their leaders, even for good reasons.  That's something that's beaten into us right from the start.  Civilian leaders would be even more problematic and the pretend-POTUS...?  He's surrounded by sycophants with made-up genders that he's put in charge of the men in uniform.  That *is* something that even Joe Biden would be rightfully defended from.  There aren't too many nations that last without the military trying to take over.  There's a reason the old saying says 'all history is military history.'

How long will it take to do anything?  That I can't say.  The military can't just turn on the guy who claims to be in charge of them, no matter what.  They'd have to push against every other form of justice in the government, all the leftists and their international allies.  That could take forever and wind up meaningless.  That said, one thing the military knows how to do is change decisions very quickly when the alternative is immediately being killed and they bring that into every aspect of life.  If there's a way to take Biden out to a firing squad within six hours and point to every legal justification, they'll know how to do it.

Biden himself is obviously just a small piece of the problem.  Getting rid of him won't change anything, it's how he got there that needs to be fought and destroyed.  Of course that will take time, I have no idea if anybody reading this will still be alive by the time any progress is made on that, dying from old age or any other reason.  But this is the biggest slice of hope I've seen in years.  Keep that going.

02 March, 2023

□ [“Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Workers Being Cut in Wave of Corporate Layoffs"]

Well that must be a sign that the economy is doing great.  It's not like these people will be missing any meals or not paying their bills.  Besides, they surely have some other useful skills to offer, right?  They probably already know how to code.

I think people are definitely getting tired of the liberal racism.  Even if the economy was doing well, we're getting sick of it.  It's kinda like global warming and fossil fuels, the people getting paid the most to complain the most about identifying people by skin color only focus on skin color.  And as usual, you don't find very many who side with one of these and oppose the other, shutting down fuel production but thinking "diversity/equity" talk is nonsense or vice-versa.

There was an amusing story a week ago on how these people weren't getting any paid appointments to make their speeches during Black History Month of all times.  There is a point where people can't afford to put up with this imposed nonsense and pay for real benefits and everybody except these creatures knows we're well past that point by now.

But keep in mind, this might not be fully true.  If anybody's going to get fired for financial problems by their employers, they'll probably be among the last in line.

02 March, 2023

□ [“Zelensky: 'US Will Have to Send Sons and Daughters to War'"]

Why would we send in our daughters?  There are dozens of other genders we'd rather sacrifice first.  That could even be that part of the deal, just think of how much more support there would be if it was announced that every single gender would be drafted except for women.  And men because everybody's equal to men so men aren't needed.  Ukraine's leaders are sending their sons to other countries to avoid the draft, how transphobic!

Why not?  That's what the people supporting this guy believe.  And he's obviously got access to Russia's military strategies, so much for classified information there.  He says they'll just keep invading the rest of Europe although there's no indication that Russia has the slightest interest in that.  He'd better be careful though, the US has a habit of overthrowing Ukrainian rulers who say bad things about us.

German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius says Germany doesn't have the military to actually defend the nation, so that may be a hint for where Russia will go next.  Of course, if Germany doesn't have that kind of military, what are the odds anyone else in Europe does?  All these decades in NATO and this is what we end up with?

Could have just said 'let Russia and Ukraine solve their own problems,' but now our rulers have spent a year moving towards WWIII, and don't have a clue how to make it work for them.  How... inspiring.  But at least they use the correct pronouns, can't take that away from them!

02 March, 2023

□ [“New York Teacher ‘Forced’ 5th Grade Girl to Become Transgender – Causing Suicidal Thoughts”]

And if *he* had killed *himself,* nobody would have blamed the teacher.  That's the way our masters want it.  That's what this teacher is there to provide.

We really need to get back to a form of quick capital punishment.  It needs to be handled at the lowest-possible level but I don't see any other way to purge these inhuman creatures from existence, or even from getting paid to push their thing onto children.

How far back does this go?  What specific events can we point to where they decided *this* was the way things should be in defiance of nature and morality?  It doesn't help that these beasts always try to re-write the past, so famous people from previous centuries were always one of 'them.'  But even ten or twenty years ago, this wasn't remotely common, so there must be some significant turns.

03 March, 2023

All we are saying is Don't Try Peace!  It doesn't work!  Stay away if you know what's good for you!

□ [“‘Stockpile food and water’: South Africa faces ‘civil war’ conditions if power grid collapses"]

Another nation falling apart.  It would be easy to say South Africa didn't used to have these problems because they weren't ruled by blacks, but I think things like this are happening everywhere around the world these days.  We just don't hear about those.

There's been an energy shortage so the ruler has declared a 'state of disaster.'  There's a need to stock up on food, water and whatever other supplies they can get.  And there's worries about looting and other forms of violence.  Safe to assume that's also getting closer to everywhere else.  So what are they going to do about it?

This would definitely be something the New World Order is prepared for.  Of course we don't know what their plans are, other than totalitarianism, but this is definitely what they would have planned, so the whole world is begging them to take over and rule us forever.  But how did they expect to handle the steps to get there?

03 March, 2023

□ [“FBI Was Against Mar-a-Lago Raid, Argued With DOJ Prosecutors"]

I go back and forth on this one.  It's been a while since the FBI has had a good reputation, so they deserve whatever problems they're getting.  But there's also that they might be selling out their allies to save themselves.  There's also the chance that this is part of the resistance, setting their allies up in the first place.

The FBI handled the Mar-a Lago raid.  They're on the front lines no matter what.  The question is if they made the decisions or if they were just the goons handling it.  Either way, there would be a lot of other decision-makers involved and even more whose approval would be required, up to and including Biden.  And the people who tell him what to do.

Based on what we know about the FBI these days, yes, I'd blame them for as much as possible.  That said, one of the points of making plans is to take into account things you might be wrong about.  'No plan survives first contact with the enemy' is a long-standing truth that anybody involved in preparation for a raid like this would know.

Could this actually part of a long-range plan against our rulers?  That is possible.  Don't know how or why, but it's definitely worth thinking about it, at least until it's totally confirmed that they were just going after Trump because 'orange man bad' so they'll treat it as criminal rather than a civil matter.

03 March, 2023

□ [“Democrat Mayor Arrested for Possession of Child Pornography Met With Pelosi, Dalai Lama, Lady Gaga and Drank Beers With Pete Buttigieg"]

My first impression is that stories like this are just about drawing lines between people that happened to pass each other at some point.  Famous people do have to deal with fans who really really want a picture with them.  And that may be all this is, just pointing out how these people have a lot of common interests and implying that child porn is one of those.

But the left has been complaining for a long time how Republicans keep winning city and state election and I'm pretty sure they've been looking at ways to steal those just as much as national elections.  And they'd use the sort of connections that gay males have.  He's in Maryland, that's not far from DC at all.

I do wonder why he resigned as mayor a few hours before the arrest.  There must be some legal reason but I can't imagine what it would be.  Just from human nature, I'd expect there to be more 'they want me gone, they'll have to come get me!'  But I can't think of any examples of that happening.

My next impression is that this is setting up an attack on Buttigieg, but that's still seems iffy.  You'd think there'd be better ways to do this - his job performance, for instance - and if there is any connection to their pedophilia, something about this doesn't seem like the best direction.  They could blame Trump for letting him go to the White House last year.

03 March, 2023

□ [“Emails Reveal Hunter Biden Coached Joe’s Office on How to Answer Burisma Questions"]

This was in 2014 when Hunter was a paid employee of Burisma, a natural gas company based in Ukraine.  He's paid by a foreign entity and uses his connections to affect US policy.  That might be a big deal, what was his father doing in 2014?  Oh, right.  Can you imagine how Democrats would react to this if father and son had the last name "Trump"?

What other paid foreign entities have influence over Biden, or other US politicians?  A lot of them even put their children on the board of directors for these foreign companies and by an amazing coincidence, get very rich while in office.

□ [“Two Russian Oligarchs Who Did Business With Hunter Somehow Avoided Getting Put on the Sanctions List"]

What amazing luck.  Do they have a list of fabulously rich Russians that have nothing to do with Putin because the Russian government has so little power over businesses?  And those are the ones who dealt with Hunter.

So far, it doesn't sound like a big deal, just meetings and talk.  No idea if Hunter was actually paid, at least for anything that's on public record.  But Hunter has some influence with the people who give orders to silence anyone who put information out on public record.  Maybe that's why Hunter's lawyer just quit.

03 March, 2023

□ [“AOC Blames Her Staffer For Not Paying Met Gala Expenses Amid House Ethics Probe”]

Democrats know that it’s always the subordinates' fault, never the man in charge.  Ignore the rules, the buck doesn’t stop with them.  They didn’t even pay it to begin with.

I always wondered what she did with that $30,000 “tax the rich” dress she wore once and we've never seen her with again.  Did she pay for that dress?  There are people who don't spend $30,000 on clothes in a whole year that they have to wear repeatedly, but those people wouldn't be on her side.  They couldn't afford it.

As with all Democrats, we should expect nothing will come of this.  She'll say how horrible the rich are and they'll keep giving her money and gifts for that.  She's always struck me as someone who's not even trying to be complicated, she's going straight for wealth and power regardless of what nonsense comes out of her mouth.  As Pelosi and Feinstein get close to death, this is what they've left behind.

04 March, 2023

Keith Richards vs. Batman: There can be only one!

□ [“China-Endorsed WHO Demands US Officials Release Proof COVID was Leaked from Wuhan Lab"]

Just post it on the internet.  That way everybody will know.  We're basically at a point where there is absolutely no trust, so just make everything public.  Sooner or later we'll find stuff that needs to be kept secret and have to restart the process, but in the meantime, just publish everything.

So the WHO has to give our rulers orders.  Our rulers have to resolve a problem between their subordinates on whether or not China provided the virus to the world.  They all have to account for their lies and secrecy overlaid on each other.  Just figuring out who to betray first would be tough.

As usual, I'll assume China will win-out   Whether or not they keep the WHO is more questionable.  They've been there since Day One and it's obviously done well for them but making it so obviously a pawn does turn people away from it.  The UN was supposed to do that and has made itself very dislikable over the decades, which is why it's so rarely mentioned that WHO is part of the UN.

04 March, 2023

□ [“'Being Hung Out To Dry' – Republicans Get Big Win, Dems Furious After Biden Caves And Will Sign Bill He Previously Opposed"]

The bill is to overrule DC's government who want to reduce punishment of crimes, giving criminals more opportunities like running for Congress.  Biden said he would veto it, but now says he will.  I am not finding any articles specifying where this bill is in the House or Senate.  Even if it's passed, it's not like the government has to enforce it.

It's just virtue-signaling anyway.  Democrats are saying they voted against the bill because they believed what Biden said.  That's an obvious mistake.  But now they have to face re-election showing their voters that they want criminals protected.  That's why election-theft needs to be in place, they look really bad to voters without it.

Keep in mind, Biden doesn't lie.  He's told what to say and has no clue what words are coming out of his mouth, but that's different.  Even before he was senile, it was a different story.  Probably.  Now he's just another example of rich old white men in charge of the party of youth.

□ [“11 House Democrats Snub Biden Speech To Go To Joni Mitchell Concert"]

Of course they'd rather listen to her, she's younger than Joe Biden.  She won't turn 80 until November.  Were the tickets expensive or did they get them for free?  Well, they probably get to hang out with a lot of other rich and famous people, so why bother putting up with whatever Biden says?

04 March, 2023

□ [“Biden FAA Black Nominee Can’t Answer a Single Question About Aviation from Republican Senator"]

Lemme guess, not a single Biden nominee in the last two years has a clue about aircraft.  Anybody who does wouldn't want to put up with these people, so you're stuck picking everybody who fills in the diversity requirements and never mind the actual job requirements.  Just look at how the Departments of Transportation and Defense are doing.

The mind-set of these creatures is disturbing, how would even aspire to such a position if you openly have no idea what it does?  You can steal clothes from women but that's not actually what you're paid to do.  And just think of how many more of these beasts are filling up the government, even more than they already had for decades.

Even worse, he's probably going to be approved.  He's made it this far without any actual talent and look who appointed him.  Ability is not something they look for.

04 March, 2023

□ [“Leaked Biden Regime Memo Admits They’re Prioritizing Climate Goals Over 'Energy Security'"]

"Security" as in 'there will be plenty of energy.'  The rulers don't want that.  They've got this cult belief in the world ending because of climate.  Al Gore promised it would happen and it did years ago, so he can fly his private jets all around the world, the crisis has already won.

The people believing in this never mention that.  They never point to any of the other broken promises made by the people who continue using fossil fuel to travel the world and maintain their multiple mansions.  None of them have missed a single plane trip or car ride because they were helping kill the earth like they claim will happen.  Their followers don't object in the slightest.

They don't have any control over the planet, the weather or the climate.  They just want to impose themselves on everybody else and they don't need permission.  This is probably a belief that has always been part of human nature but until the last century or so, no one was capable of pursuing it.  Poor people today have easy access to technology kings and emperors couldn't imagine and if you can read this, you prove the point.

04 March, 2023

□ [“Ukrainian Armed Forces Blow Up Bridges In Artemovsk Before Retreating"]

Ukraine is winning so much, they're going to get sick and tired of winning.  They're probably doing this just to give themselves a challenge for a change of pace.  Blowing up bridges and retreating, is there a better way to make the defeated Russians even more worried than they already are?

No idea how relevant or important this is, just amused as always that all these months of Russia running out of food, ammo, water, troops, everything but propaganda, and they're still there.  Isn't there any point where the people who've been in favor of this think that they might have gotten anything wrong?

To put it another way, why is Ukraine different from Saigon, Benghazi or Afghanistan?  What does that nation of white people desire more support than those others that we'd fight to protect until we ran away?  Unless you show how this situation is different from all the others, the ending will be the same.

202302 Balloonatic

A-side:  Current events and whatever thoughts run through my head, same as always

B-side:  The Struggling comic strip

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