Sunday, March 12, 2023


09 March, 2023

The world always ends when I'm taking a shower!

□ [“National Archives Retrieved Nine Boxes of Biden Documents From Boston Office”]

Once again, something is definitely going on here.  Can’t say Biden is so helpful because then you have to ask why he took all these documents in the first place.  Or why he didn’t return them when this whole thing started?  Why didn’t he start going through all his homes and offices to see if he had anything else?

But the documents aren’t called “classified,” is this the media trying to protect Biden or are they really his property and he has no reason to give them back to the National Archives, which he’s doing anyway.  How strange.

I still think this is all taken from the Mar-a-Lago documents.  Just a guess, it’s technically possible in theory that I might be wrong about something, but it really looks like the rulers were tricked into the raid and had no clue what it would reveal about them.

The raid was discussed before it happened, I was even writing about it, so there were preparations.  It’s still unclear who was working with who or what the target was.  Were they actually going after Trump or did they just make it look that way?  It’s the FBI so there’s a chance the might have faked it.  I know it’s the FBI but come on, it’s the FBI!

09 March, 2023

□ [“Jill Biden’s Primetime Special Was CNN’s Worst Weekday Performance in Nearly One Year”]

It’s clear that they aren’t trying to find an audience because somehow that isn’t required to stay in business.  They’re technically a private network, founded in 1980 by Ted Turner and purchased in 1996 by AOL/Time-Warner.  Anybody who buys cable gets access to them and someone do, once in a while.  But even without that, they’d still be able to promote themselves to their own supporters just as they are now.

They don’t use Jill’s husband, they’d prefer someone who can stay coherent for a few hours of filming.  Advertisers must get deals from this somewhere because why else would they get ads here?  Then again, why would they have ads on CNN in general?  People going through an airport get so hypnotized that they’ll remember to spend money on whatever was advertised after they get to their destination?

How much did Jill get paid to do this, that’d be part of the budget.  It might just be bribery since it’s not like there’s an audience.  What else is the tv network there for?

09 March, 2023

□ [“Mitch McConnell Concussion in Fall at Private Dinner, Hospitalized for Observation+Treatment:”]

Another Senator downed.  The guy is older than Biden, why is he still there?  Are the leaders under attack or just having normal ‘old people’ occurrences?  The media just says it’s normal health problems, they’ll be just fine, so that’s automatically suspicious.

I haven’t counted but I think this means Democrats are back in control of the Senate to the extent they ever lost it to pseudo-Republicans like McConnell.  It wouldn’t matter, Biden makes all the decisions, or at least gives out the orders he’s received.

But Democrats always insist they’re all about the young, yet the very-old people are in charge.  Just step aside and let someone else take over.  They were complaining about Ruth Bader Ginsberg just a couple years ago, although they waited until after she died.  Before that, she was totally healthy and would be around for a long time.

09 March, 2023

□ [“Former J6 Committee Chairman Bennie Thompson Says He Had No Access to January 6 Footage”]

Members of Congress are fine with having no access to footage of so-called attacks on Congress filmed in Congress?  They’ll believe what they’re told and use that to make decisions?  Would Republicans obey if any of them had been on the committee?

I haven’t paid much attention to this stuff for the last couple years but it really comes across as a deliberate fake which our rulers knew their followers would be stupid enough to believe.  Otherwise they’d start asking how it’s proof of an insurrection that they’re now allowed to see.  Can’t point to people getting killed, or even the weapons used by the attackers.  Cameras filmed it all but you can’t use it!

You know the media reports on this, don’t you?  They covered the committee’s use of footage they hadn’t been allowed to see according to whoever made that decision.  So the media can report falsehoods that Congress tells them and nobody is bothered to find the actual truth.  That doesn’t make them look good.

You’re the coup!  You project your actions onto others as an excuse to punish them.  Your supporters obey you, because that’s how much you care about democracy.

09 March, 2023

□ [“Big Media Joins Forces to Give the US, Germany and the West a Way Out of Ukraine”]

Why is this coming out now?  Suddenly it’s Ukraine who destroyed the pipeline but nobody in charge had anything to do with it.  This was announced just after Germany’s prime minister visits the White House?  What happened, did he threaten that either Ukraine gets blamed or Germany leaves NATO?

But now it’s those crazy Ukrainians who did it.  Strange that Russia isn’t blamed for this like everything else, although Russia could have shut the pipeline down without breaking it.  Now we can ask if the Ukrainians used weapons sent or purchased by the US.  There’s still no Ukraine supporters who admit US leaders openly said they’d destroy the pipeline, a connection that could be looked into.  If they were interested.

You can’t just go diving hundreds of feet below arctic water and you can’t just drag in the thousands of pounds of required explosives.  That would require a lot of expensive equipment and support crews, which would be suspiciously noticed by anyone  overseeing the pipeline’s security.  Any Baltic nation would be looking into that.

10 March, 2023

□ [“Trump Is Publishing Book Of Letters From Hillary, Oprah, President Reagan And Many Others"]

This is quite amusing.  I assume the people quoted will either ignore it or just say it's a forgery, but probably the former.  They'd be asked to show what they actually wrote and would either be caught lying or would be caught as committing their own forgeries.  They never seem to be asked why they hung around with Trump so much if they hated him way back when.  What else could they say, that they had their servants do all the work?

Then there's the question of what other mistakes of character have they made?  Is Oprah going to explain why she gave girls to Harvey Weinstein?  Is Hillary going to explain why Harvey was such a big supporter of her and her husband?  That's a question no one in Hollywood ever seems to be asked, but they all hate Trump, even those who used to like him.

One of the worst things I have to say about Trump is that I can't comprehend why he ever dealt with these people.  I get that he wanted to be famous and that generally means hanging out with other famous people.  He was also rich enough that he could hang out with famous people anyway, particularly in his younger years in New York City.  Construction on Trump Tower started in 1979, less than a mile away from Studio 54.  It had stopped being the hot spot a year earlier but Trump was still in his early-30s and had gone there with Ivanka.

10 March, 2023

□ [“Russian Broadcasting Announces a 'Nuclear Strike Has Been Conducted' After Hackers Break Into System"]

More Ukrainian hackers who have nothing whatsoever to do with the government?  Was the US behind this?  Russia having its own problems?  Russia not having any problems, it just claims this happened?  Any other options?  It really happened and has nothing to do with hackers?

What's Russia's response going to be?  If they think they've been nuked, what incentive do they have to not return fire?  This really isn't a situation sane people want to be in.  What if this happens to the US, what will the response be?  We've already said there's no chance the Chinese virus came from a lab in China and look how that worked out?

But we were told Trump would start World War III?  That's basically just another example of insane people projecting their own desires onto others.  Normally you'd think that nuclear defense would be a level where everybody is trained from day one to check everything before they push the button, but that's no longer a world we live in.

10 March, 2023

□ [“The Soldier Referral Program a Failure For Army Recruiting After Initial Launch"]

Yet the power presentation says it's "The Army's most important program to fill our ranks."  So are the less-important programs doing as well?  It seems to be about promotion and ribbons for those who convince their friends to enlist.  There have been similar programs back in the day, but that was when we had a real army.

Almost three thousand potential soldiers were looked at, less than three dozen actually enlisted and made it to Basic Training.  Those who make it to Basic often don't get much further anyway, so this really isn't helpful, yet it's the "most important program"?  The Army's already failing to meet its goals for recruiting so this really isn't helpful.

If you want war with Russia and China, a military would be really helpful, yet our leaders are completely failing.  You might say deliberately failing.  Where are all the people who claim to believe in dozens of genders?  Where are all those who want to kill Russians?  Why not just point to all the vaccines you're required to take?

10 March, 2023

□ [“Wells Fargo Says 'Technical Issue' Causing Customers to See Missing Deposits in Their Accounts"]

Is this the next step?  War, transportation, economy, and now people don't even have access to their own bank accounts?  Rent, bills, groceries, those still need to be purchased on a regular basis, but the latest paychecks just aren't appearing?  Could be a total accident, but who's going to believe that nowadays?

□ [“One of Silicon Valley's top banks fails; assets are seized"]

And this happens the same day.  The article says people were getting cash withdrawals, too many for a bank to handle.  What does Silicon Valley know that they aren't telling the rest of us about?  That's two hits in one day and it's not like banks have been doing all that well so far this year, or decade.

What's the target date for the crash?  Yes, there's still the requirement to get as many back-up supplies as possible, but there will be a point where that's all, there's no more to get unless you shoot other people to take their stuff.  There's just an increasing number of signs that this is going to happen any day.

10 March, 2023

□ [“'Anonymous' Biden Official Who Lied to Press About Trump-Era Spy Balloons Is Exposed"]

Colin Kahl, Undersecretary of Defense for Policy, is the one who released classified information to the media so they would complain about Trump and ignore Biden.  Because it's classified, he's going to need approval to just put it out to the public, or get charged with releasing classified information.  Oh who are we kidding, no Democrat ever gets charged with a felony.  The government will just protect him by claiming it wasn't classified.

One of the balloons barely made it over Hawaii for a few minutes, that's apparently as close as they got.  I guess that's believable but the idea that nobody even knew about it at the time?  Don't we have surveillance precisely to see if any invaders are coming in?  Frankly, it's more believable that they just kept quiet about it so Trump would get blamed if anything went wrong, which is what they're doing now.

11 March, 2023

Are they doing this deliberately or just too stupid to know any better?

□ [“U.S.-Based Chinese Scientists Violate Government Policy by Continuing to Collaborate with China’s Military, thus Acting Contrary to American National Security Interests"]

That only matters if we haven't ceded our national independence to an unelected group of leftists China is in control of.  But we have, so these scientists can now obey China and ignore US laws, there won't be any punishment.  We've already seen that, Biden pretended to ban scientists from the Chinese Academy of Military Medical Sciences in 2021, yet here they are.

Is it just a show for the masses or did Biden's people really think they were going to ban the taxpayer-funded military medical scientists from the US?  Either way, China obviously knew how to handle it, by ignoring the US government except for getting taxpayer money.  This may be why it's finally being admitted that the virus came from China.  Not that that matters now.

China's just going to behave like they're automatically in charge of everything, and our rulers have obeyed them up through now so that's not going to change.  That's worked for China all these millennia so why change now?

□ [“COVID Origin Declassification Bill Sent To Biden’s Desk – Will He Sign It?"]

What is going on?  The House and the Senate have unanimously voted to release the info on the virus coming from a Chinese lab?  Unanimously???  How is it possible for all of them to agree on that?  Either something big is about to happen and they need to get people ready for it right away or this is just the next step in the master's plan.  I'm ambivalent on which option is more likely.

I assume Biden will sign it, it would be suicidal if he didn't.  Or just incredibly stupid so I'm not going to absolutely guarantee he'll sign it.  He probably will but he may need to show that he'll defy Congress like Trump supposedly did all the time.  Or he may have just gotten orders to not sign it, giving Congress an excuse to get rid of him.

But just the fact that this is happening at all is utterly bizarre.  You think there'd be 20-30 minimum in both houses who'd vote against this bill for any number of reasons.  Remember, we used to be told that the virus was totally natural and totally deadly and anybody who said otherwise needed to be silenced, by some of the people supporting this bill.  What has changed?

11 March, 2023

□ [“Fears Rise that Silicon Valley Bank Might Only Be the Beginning of Bank Failures"]

The next disaster has arrived, the largest bank failure since 2008.  I don't pretend to know anything about economics so really all I do is look at who's doing what and trying to figure out why in ways that have nothing to do with economics.  For instance, I've always wondered if the 2008 collapse was an excuse to make people desperate for Obama to fix everything.  Couldn't do it for Hillary in 2016 because then Obama would be blamed and she was already planning her victory celebrations.

Anyway, I'm currently curious about which famous people are currently taking the hit.  I've heard Oprah Winfrey has lost a lot, as have the former British royalty Harry+Meghan.  I suspect they haven't lost *everything* just because they're way too rich to be able to store everything in one place, but I may be wrong.  If these people are involved here, then a lot of others would be there too.  I'm also wondering when we're going to hear that it's all Russia's fault, because everything else is.

We also learn that the young, dark-skinned lesbian in charge of the bank's "risk management" included nothing about her work for a bank's risk management, but she made sure everyone knew her skin color and sexual preference.  Who else would you hire to avoid risks?  If she had any stock or money in this bank, she's probably made sure to get it out quickly, like a lot of high-ranking managers did.  They knew what was coming, even if they kept it hidden from the customers.

There's also someone paid to go on CNBC and recently said how well the bank was doing.  He'll probably be asked a few questions since he's white and possibly not gay.  [well, he's on CNBC, so, you know...]  Did he really have no idea what he was talking about or was he blatantly lying to his audience?  No matter how many times you fly a plane well, it takes only one crash to be considered a bad pilot, if you survive.

So now all bank customers will be worried, as will all the people in charge of banks.  At least those who actually work for the banks and aren't paid by the government.  Since the government invents all the money in existence, they may just buy the banks.  Of course taxes will go up but that's what our masters want.

The federal government insures bank accounts up to $250,000.  From what we're hearing, very few Silicon Valley accounts were below $250 grand, so those who weren't informed ahead of time to get their money out took a huge hit.  All I have to go on is the name, but Silicon Valley itself had a lot of very rich leftists, so losing this local bank would hurt quite a bit.  As far as I know, most people don't have multiple bank accounts in different banks, although those who work internationally probably do.  What would be the point?  So if they lose this, or if other banks start collapsing, that's losing everything all of a sudden.

Those who are ready to panic now have an excuse.  Those who were looking to exploit those who panic are ready to move.  There's the people who lived paycheck-by-paycheck who really have no idea what they're going to do in a week or two.  Then there's the people who live off the government, how are they going to respond?  Obedient or utterly nuts?  Then there's the government itself moving in, which they'll do even if the other banks don't collapse.

Some people have been preparing for this.  Most of them probably helped to cause it, but it's possible there are some who aren't.  Does anybody miss the happy go-lucky days of 2022 yet?

11 March, 2023

□ [“China Helps Iran and Saudi Arabia Reestablish Diplomatic Relations"]

Iran is China's ally and Saudi wants to be part of BRICS so they have lots to talk about.  China wants the fuel to come through safely.  It's not like anyone is willing to rely on the US.  At best, they're willing to exploit it and that's all our rulers are good for.

What does this mean for Saudi and Iran?  Saudi has Mecca, a detail which rarely seems to be mentioned when anyone talks about them.  But like it or not, that is a very important detail to everybody in the region, except Israel.

The Saudis had ruled it for a couple centuries and nobody cared, then in the 20th century oil was discovered and that had become a big deal by then.  Meanwhile, Iran has several thousand years of history in addition to being Shi-ite, so they have a perspective few other nations no the planet could even come close to.  They’re also going nuclear.

Other than going along with China, at least in the short-term, I don't have any idea where this will go.  BRICS is trying to form another option to US hegemony and, with full leftist support, that seems to be what they're doing at the moment.  As far as I know, leftists like John Kerry, Al Gore and Hollywood don't have anything bad to say about BRICS.  Are they employees or just mindless puppets?

12 March, 2023

Russia has stolen an hour and I want it back!

□ [“FDIC to Make Good All Deposits at Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank"]

Something about this strikes me as desperate.  As I've said, I'm not an economist so I have no idea how the details work, but it strikes me as a finger in the dike, and not in a good way.  The rulers haven't taken our guns yet or implanted us with cyber-tracking devises, so they need to keep everything together until they get that accomplished.

In theory, I would assume there's no problem.  If the world was normal, the people who deal with those particular banks might be a bit worried but we'd know everything would work out fine.  But we don't live in a world like that anymore, do we?  No, thanks to the people in charge.  They want to get rid of our money anyway and prevent us from doing anything without government permission.

Why don't they just say they'll print all the money we want so we can never run out?  Government creates money, that's what the left claims.  It's more likely they know that we'll do anything to buy food, and for those who don't have back-up supplies, they'll be right.

□ [“Janet Yellen: No Federal Govt Bailout of Silicon Valley Bank; Economy Is in 'Good Shape''"]

Is she lying or does she have no clue what words are coming out of her mouth?  Any day, I expect the government to guarantee it will bail out any bank having problems.  Totally understandable, that'll just give them an excuse to take more control.

A more important question is 'how many people are going to believe her?'  Our rulers have already told us that sending tanks to Ukraine will cause World War III and a vaccine will prevent you from getting a virus.  She says right here that the economy is in good shape which anyone who actually pays their own bills knows isn't true.  So why should anyone trust her?

Then there's the businesses who use Silicon Valley, wouldn't they be more centered around the west coast?  Hollywood, tech companies, I've seen that California wines were basically all based on that bank.  This will affect rich people who live in leftist country, even if they aren't using that actual bank.  And even more people will be worried.

12 March, 2023

□ [“Swedish Conspiracy Theorist Greta Thunberg Deletes 2018 Tweet Proclaiming World Would End in 2023"]

Well, she's still using fossil fuels to travel around the planet and say how bad it is to use fossil fuels.  It's just a recreation of Al Gore saying fifteen years ago the North Pole would vanish in five years.  If it means they stop using fossil fuels to travel, the world is just going to have to end.

Bill Gates recently admitted that his cult demands really wouldn't work for the developing world.  They wanted prosperity and that wouldn't come from rich white people flying jets around to say the same things they've been saying for decades.  They can keep coal mining and air-conditioning, it's the First World Nations that have to be cut down.  I suppose Gates gets credit for at least admitting that, although he left out that rich First Worlders like himself would continue to enjoy what they ban from everyone else.

It's basically "earth worship."  I'm sure other terms can be used but basically anything that isn't worship of God is "earth worship."  Earth wants it that way.  God has other plans, but she doesn't accept that.  So He has to keep giving her lessons until she finally learns better.

It looks like we're on the edge of the next big lesson, giving the increased cult-behavior of the global warming believers.  Let's see if any of us survive.

12 March, 2023

□ [“Russia has been sending some US-provided weapons captured in Ukraine to Iran"]

Well, it's CNN so that's a mark against it.  They also say that not that many weapons have been captured, Ukraine is required to report every single one that is captured, and that these weapons have been hard to track.  Ok, that last part kinda contradicts the previous claims.  Who do we have tracking US property sent around the world?

The US is also saying that Iran poses a threat.  No sh*t, Sherlock!  Did they just figure this out now or did they know it all along but had no reason to mention it until now?  It's like they're basically saying that dealing with this stuff is all beyond their abilities, yet they remain in charge without any doubts.

I've been wondering about the claims that Europe is somehow getting ready to fight a Russian invasion, despite the last year or so telling us that Europe doesn't really have any military forces to use if it comes to a fight.  At this point, neither does the US.  But what if Russia has no plans to conquer Europe in the first place?  That would make a complete waste of time and effort on Europe's part, letting them ignore whatever Russia's actually up to, along with China and Iran.

There's a reason so much of my text is in the form of questions, because I know I don't know everything and I could be wrong about what I do know, so this is the best way to look for better information.  The people promoting the vaccine booming economy war with Russia never seem to ask questions to see if they've gotten anything wrong.  They expect to know everything and don't accept anyone who disagrees.

12 March, 2023

So are we ready for the shut down?  We don't know yet that our rulers are ready but it's clearly going to happen any day now.  I suspect a lot of people are withdrawing as much money as they can from their bank accounts.  Maybe in small amounts, maybe all at once.  Perhaps they've worked out how much their basic bills are - rent, food, gas, etc. - and leave that in for convenient use, but take out the rest.

I'm still trying to figure out what we're going to do when the collapse finally happens.  How do we organize with competent people?  And what plans do our rulers have?  This is an aspect where I'm positive they have plans but I'm also fairly confident that those plans will fall apart quickly.  It might just excuse them to be open totalitarians if that wasn't already the plan, but whatever their reaction, it won't be what they were expecting.

There's getting back-up supplies, yes, but what else can we do?  There's going to be fear among even the most competent and protected, meaning it will be much worse for everyone else.  I'd basically be willing to spend most of my time working on supply and support for others - meaning you'd all miss my wonderful writings - but how, where, with whom?

I keep saying this but we need a resistance movement immediately.


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