Thursday, March 16, 2023


13 March, 2023

This is not the blog you're looking for.  Move along.

□ [“Tens of Thousands of Dutch Farmers Protest in The Hague:  ‘Resist Much, Obey Little!’”]

The whole world needs more of this.  As farmers, they have to acknowledge reality in order to do their job.  If they don’t do that, everybody starves.  That’s how it really works, which would explain all the contempt leftists always have for them.  I assume there’s been times where they claimed to support farmers, but that always gets forgotten, contradicted by whatever new cause leftists come up with.

Not sure why, but I can’t say I expect these protests in the Netherlands to succeed, except maybe as inspiration for the rest of us, which would be nice.

One possible benefit is that more people are looking into how to grow their own food with the minimum of land and supplies.  Haven’t tried it myself but it may actually be possible to grow enough food inside an apartment.  Don’t know how long it takes or how much production you can get, but it’s definitely worth looking into.

13 March, 2023

□ [“Trading Halted at 30 Banks as Market Opens – NYSE Halts Trading at Charles Schwab"]

Obviously this is the big deal for today.  No one knows what's going to happen, other than our rulers increasing their power and helping themselves to anything they can take from us.  They're trying to claim that there isn't going to be a bailout although it obviously is.  That will include money going to Chinese tech companies who worked through Silicon Valley Bank.  Chinese law requires those to be owned only by China so they're getting the bailout too.

Biden actually showed up to give a speech today, for a few minutes and not taking any questions.  Of course he blamed Trump for signing a bill Congress had passed.  When is Trump going to stop being POTUS so that someone else is actually responsible for what's going on today?

Sure is convenient that this comes out as people are looking closer at Biden's financial connections with China, as well as other high-ranking Democrats.  What an amazing coincidence.  How long until this happens to other banks?  Months?  Days?  Hours?

□ [“Billionaire Hedge Fund Boss Bill Ackman Demands Biden Guarantee All Deposits or Economy will Melt Down"]

You want poor people to pay for your bank deposits?  You expect Biden to make that happen, the guy who says the rich need to pay their own share?  Oh, right, it's Biden.  Taking from the poor is exactly what he's going to do.

All their rhetoric about taking from the rich gets ignored whenever there's an actual problem.  And they're threating the entire economy to do it.  You're really just advertising "let it crash," do you realize that?  We support your right to have that much money so we support you losing it because of your own investments.  Let's see if you can get by on ten or twenty thousand dollars a year like many millions of people have to do without any of your options.

Notice you're not even giving us a choice in the matter, we have to lose money to replace your lost money.  That's slavery.  That's taking from us without consent.  That's why we need to wipe you out and if it hurts the economy, we can live with that.  You can't.

I think this is part of the goal for digital currency.  Big banks will purchase smaller banks, so the consolidation will make it easier for government control.  Then they can just flip a switch and all our printed currency is gone.  What options will we have?

That's still why I think we need to go on strike.  Haven't seen any news on it, but I'll bet their busy moving power over to the WHO, who could say printed currency is a pandemic and no one would be permitted to disagree with them.

13 March, 2023

□ [“WHO pushes for a One World Government by issuing guidance to national parliamentarians"]

They're working out what orders to give.  The rich globalists and China's pets think they're in charge.  This actually is the sort of plan that I think is guaranteed to failure, but that doesn't mean they can't eradicate most of the world's population in the attempt.  Even if that fails, we still get China/Russia/Iran/etc. in much stronger positions than any other nation and they're the ones who've been dominating the rest of us.

Still trying to work out individualism vs. collectivism, which I think really is the point.  *I* must do something but you can go your own way, as opposed to *WE* must do this!!!  The individualist realizes the concept of working with other people, collaborating, trading, inspiring, bribing, threatening and so on, but it's based on the existence of individuals.  The collectivist fundamentally opposes anyone being permitted to think differently, much less go their own way.

I also think this is the fundamental goal from God, or one of the goals anyway.  Each one of us is an individual with our own respective part of play in God's plan, which we'll never fully comprehend.  The collectivist rejects this and, by extension, rejects God.  I think it's also based on the differences between men and women, and even there, each individual follows their own path, whether they realize it or not.  Just by denying individuality is effectively proving God's point against His adversary.

This has always been a part of humanity, only the modern era has provided enough technological advance to give people time and energy to show it off.  Very few kings or emperors have been able to text self-pix to someone a thousand miles away, but any American teenager can do that now.

14 March, 2023

OJ Simpson is looking into who caused the bank failures!

□ [“Moody’s Cuts Outlook For Entire US Banking Sector, Puts Six Banks on ‘Downgrade’ Watch"]

Small banks being targeted for takeover by bigger banks or just more weaknesses being exploited as the whole system gets ready to crash?  Does it really matter?  Our masters wanted this so it's easier to impose digital currency on the nation and the world.

How long have they been planning this?  By making fuel more expensive, the price of everything else goes up, just as Obama promised to do in 2008.  In 2020, Trump warned that if he lost, we'd see a recession that could destroy the country.  The left has spent decades brainwashing children about how horrible money is.

□ [“Woke Video Made By Signature Bank Before They Went Broke"]

And this is who they've implanted in the economic system.  Notice that none of the left are complaining about the stockholders selling out right before the collapse.  They knew it was coming and totally supported that, no matter how much misery it causes the customer.  That's how they work.

□ [“DOJ, SEC Investigating Silicon Valley Bank Collapse"]

They're looking into who needs their protection and who they can turn against.  The final results will only have coincidental similarities to the truth.  This way they can keep the details private until they've decided what results they'll find, or make up.  The rich people and the board members will be kept safe from the results of their own decisions.

At most, it might be an excuse to turn against China for all their use of these banks.  Of course China will get to keep the bailout money, that's just expected, but our rulers will rant and rave about how horribly China ran America's banks and they'll expect better results from China's digital currency and China's World Health Organization.

Off the top of my head, one easy way to impose digital currency is to follow FDR's example and shut the banks down.  People would need money to pay bills and such, so that's where the government also gives the option to install the digital controller, it would be just a simple jab like the vaccine.

14 March, 2023

□ [“Russian SU-27s Attacked U.S. Reaper MQ-9 Drone Over Black Sea: Dumped Fuel on Drone, Then Forced Crash After Colliding, Breaking Drone’s Propeller"]

Maybe they would have had a different response if we'd sent a balloon.  And yes, US European Command complained about the fuel being spilled because it's environmentally-unfriendly.  Never heard of a war before where vehicles were destroyed and lost fuel as a result.  That's the 21st Century for ya.

Of course the US is also complaining that Russia's acting like its at war, even though it is and the US is totally involved with.  I'll admit, part of this doesn't make sense.  The Russian aircraft dumped fuel onto the MQ-9?  That's what the article says but why?  Then the two collided, which sounds more like the Russian pilot just rammed it deliberately, to show he could.

But we'll 'make our concerns known to Russian officials.'  Doesn't sound threatening, doesn't even sound like we get to send our drones anywhere we want and there's nothing you can do about it.  We didn't even say that to Iran or Afghanistan when they took Americans captive, why would we care so much for an unmanned drone?

14 March, 2023

□ [“Xi JinPing Assumes Peacemaker Role – Speak with Zelensky Next Week After Discussions w/Putin”]

Was this always the plan or just a new development?  My guess is the former but was Ukraine always in on it or will they just have to go along with the people in charge?  The world has had two years of US leadership now that they finally got rid of Trump.

China also just made a peace deal between Iran and Saudi Arabia, Biden couldn’t be bothered to do that.  More non-white nations are looking into joining BRICS.  Biden supporters claim to oppose Russia and China yet are doing everything possible to make this happen.  You just have to wonder if they’re all pawns of China, are they stupid enough to think this will work somehow, or does it matter one way or the other?

Oh, but their New World Order will take care of everything!!!  They see no way this could go wrong or be used against them.  As it stands, it looks like China and Russia are going to get most of the weapons and money we sent to Ukraine.

14 March, 2023

□ [“Biden Claims He Had an ‘Epiphany’ on Same-Sex Marriage as a Teen”]

He says he was a high school senior, circa 1961, when he suddenly supported gay marriage.  Yet he told the Senate in 1973 that he opposed gays working for the federal government, they were a security risk.  He did ad that he hadn’t given it much thought.

He voted for the 1996 “Defense of Marriage” act that marriage was between a man and a woman, whether biological or self-identification.  He’d defend the vote in 2004, saying no state was required to recognize another state’s same-sex marriage.

If he’s deluded enough to make this claim despite evidence to the contrary, what else does he lie about?  There’s certainly no reason to think his father ever said that.  But nobody dares to challenge him on his public record for the last fifty years.

Hell, he could have won the 2008 primaries when Obama claimed marriage was between a man and a woman.  We already know Biden was far more popular among voters.  Obama got fewer votes for his second term and Biden totally buried him either way, because he’s what the voters really wanted!

15 March, 2023

This wouldn't be happening if you all bought my books.

□ [“Next Level Gaslighting: Data Suggests Lack of Sleep Decreases Vaccine Effectiveness"]

They really are drawn to the notion that anything they make up is real and they can impose it on the rest of us.  You couldn't design a chemical that only works when your body gets a specific quantity of sleep, much less anything that has something to do with a virus.  If they could do that, they'd just make the chemical so it doesn't matter how much sleep you've gotten.

Strange how they never cite the size of a person's body that could alter the chemical's effect on them.  Why not?  We already know it's harder for blood to make it all the way through obese people than skinny people, so why is this chemical not affected by that?  Nobody bothers to ask that question.

It's things like that which make it clear the intent is to kill as many people as possible.  Otherwise they'd be worried about their constant false claims coming back to them from people who really don't like or trust them.  But they don't have the slightest worry about that and I'm not willing to say they're just too stupid to realize it.  Maybe most of them are but some wouldn't be.

15 March, 2023

□ [“Color Revolutions: Biden Regime Sponsoring a Coup and Training Palestinian Terrorist Army in Israel"]

Not a surprise, they want Israel the most, but our rulers probably have those going on for every country in the world.  They've got to make sure their servants are in charge everywhere to pass along the master's orders.  Wouldn't surprise me if they're aiming for that to happen in Russia by November, or October, depending on which calendar you use.  Got to celebrate the anniversary somehow.

That actually makes sense that this is where all the money is being funneled to, or at least most of the money, training private military forces to overthrow the particular rulers in each nation.  I'm sure some like Iran or China aren't on the list, or maybe they are but help themselves to the money sent to the revolutionaries.

Obviously it's impossible to guess who would be targeted.  Some are probably obvious - Israel - but that's because they'd obviously be on the list no matter what.  Then there's, I dunno, the European Union.  Would they be protected by the world rulers or would they be overthrown just to prove the rulers can.  Their nations are white so it's not like anyone would defend them.

There's also other probabilities.  The Catholic Church?  The USA on January 6 when Pelosi, Schumer, McConnell and Pence all had an excuse to avoid certifying the electoral votes?  Prince Charles?  Would these changes be the results or just another step on a process that's been in place for a long time?

15 March, 2023

□ [“Only One Person Claps When Biden Tries to Ignite Paltry Crowd in Las Vegas"]

The most popular POTUS in history and nobody wants to see him.  Not even to catch a glimpse.  That's how many supporters he has.  You think that his people (he must have some) would announce that they can't be anywhere near him because the virus will kill them.  He promised to stop it on Day One and he promised the vaccine would keep people safe and was clearly lying about that, so don't take any chances.

It might be an interesting question, how many people actually support Biden and how many support the false election/overthrow of the nation itself and don't care who's supposedly the winner?  That's the real enemy.

More importantly, that's why the real rulers are pushing down on this as much as possible, everywhere in the world.  They don't want to risk having any country led by someone who defies them.  They're not even trying to hide it, getting more people to show up and pretend they support Biden.  Looking at the picture, there's a lot of people who aren't even wearing masks.

15 March, 2023

□ [“Biden Gang Executed Hostile Takeover of FDIC – Now FDIC Bails Out SVB and Signature Bank But Won’t Say If They’ll Bailout All Banks"]

This is still going on.  I'm not paying too much attention, since I've never been an economist.  I'm just looking to see what patterns or clues there are to work with.  For one thing, it looks like the rulers are trying to cut down the number of banks so they can rule the ones that are left, probably to impose digital currency and keep funding China and other enemies.

It's being noted that the banks getting bailouts have very rich liberal leaders, what a coincidence.  But that doesn't mean there aren't the same types of people running other banks, just that they aren't as desperate.  Yet.  Also note that very few of these leaders have any financial experience, so the only reason they'd be in charge of a bank is to burn it down, as we're seeing on a daily basis.

□ [“Signature Bank Hosted Seminar On Gender Pronouns Like ‘Ze’ And ‘Hir’ 6 Months Before Collapse"]

Schools, Hollywood, banks, the military...  They want everything broken and defenseless.  Do they know they're planting poison to keep future generations from growing or are they deluded enough to think this is a good thing?  They willfully ignore the fact that every time this is tried before, it fails.  Does it even matter if this is deliberate or they really don't have a clue what they're doing?

15 March, 2023

□ [“Stock Market Rocked As Economy Continues To Spiral Out Of Control"]

So will this keep going or will the government step in and redesign the economy?  My guess is the latter but it may take a while.  All the other banks will be looked at for their leftists in charge, and they'll keep funneling money to their private militaries and whatever other bribery they need to do.

There will also be people and businesses just turning to government to fund everything, so they don't need to bother with what their business actually does and they can focus on leftist illusions instead.  There's got to be an end point to this but every day that passes makes sure it's worse for everybody before we reach that point.

The World Economic Forum definitely had this planned at their recent meeting, they're openly going for digital currency.  Can't do that without working electricity but the people making this happen have no clue how electricity works.  That's why it looks like demon-worship is always intended to bring us back to the stone age.

16 March, 2023

The end is taking longer to get here than I expected. I blame you for that.

□ [“Wisconsin Republican Senate Initiates Process to Scrub Wisconsin Voter Rolls of 3.8 Million Extra Names and Phantom Voters"]

Well, this is *something.*  Dunno how much and not sure it's really going to matter, but at least it's attempting to keep Democrats from stealing more elections.  Like that'll work, they've probably already got replacement schemes in place.  It wouldn't surprise me if the Republicans engaged in this are part of those replacement schemes.  That's how confident I am about all this.

This also shows what our rulers have done to us.  There's very little we can trust or rely on, every day is just getting us closer to death.  It wasn't like that even a few years ago.  For all the leftist urge to destroy us, we could just ignore it and go on with our lives.  Now look at what we're stuck with.

This sort of cleaning needs to be done, I'm not criticizing that.  But it's only one state and at this point, there's no reason to trust those who are handling it.  The point is to tear us down but there doesn't seem to be any hope on the horizon and *that's* what something needs to be done about, not just claiming to get rid of the imaginary people on the voter rolls of one state.

16 March, 2023

□ [“Japanese Officials Urge Government to Tell the Truth About Excess Deaths Following Vaccine Mandates – Reporting Shows 210,000 Excess Deaths, the Highest Number Since World War II"]

There's obviously the goal to purge the planet of humans anyway, but it's clear that another intention for the lab-originating virus was to attack the US for making it happen and then imposing the poison-vaccine.  210,000 deaths, that's more than Hiroshima and Nagasaki combined.

At least the atomic bombs had a reason.  Germany and Italy had already surrendered by the time they were created so there was no point bombing them.  Japanese soldiers didn't quit no matter what.  There's various anecdotes of them being found on various islands 20 or 30 years later, still at war.  There needed to be something to end the war immediately, without mass combat and slaughter, and this was the way to do it.

So now our rulers have created a lot more casualties to non-white people who aren't at war with us, and this is just one country out of the dozens they've inflicted their terror on.  Japan's not supposed to have a military but they've been rebuilding theirs, does the US really want to put up with that again?  Well, considering our rulers already want to fight China and Russia, why not?

16 March, 2023

□ [“House Oversight Committee Shows Bidens Received $1 Million after China Wired $3 Million to Biden Associate"]

□ [“House Oversight Shows Daughter-in-Law Hallie Biden Got China Cash in 2017 While Sleeping with Her Dead Husband’s Brother Hunter"]

Something else which *might* be something, but there's no reason to get our hopes up.  Yeah, the Biden family has been pulling in a lot of money for all these decades while pretending to be honest and pure and all that nonsense.  This is the sort of thing they accused Trump of doing, and the Bush family, and Republicans in general.  I'll assume there are Republicans like Mitt Romney, John McCain and whoever' in charge of Congress now, but that's more evidence of the "uniparty" rather than Democrats vs. Republicans.

I would like to think there is some point to this investigation.  All the other POTUS were smart enough to not be caught and anyway, they were surrounded by Congress who were involved in the same thing anyway, so they didn't want this to be public knowledge.  If I'm write and this is really what's going on, then Trump deserves full credit for taking all the attacks and giving the enemy the rope they need to hang themselves.

They've been using family members and "non-profits" to get away with it, along with friendly international companies run by their closest allies.  This is one of those areas where I think this *might* be a solid target to hit and other times, I wonder if this is just the New World Order looking to purge some of its less-worthwhile subordinates.  At least Trump had fans as a tv star and a party animal, no one's going to miss the Biden family no matter what.

Now all we need is a neutral judge.  That should be easy to find.

16 March, 2023

□ [“Federal Reserve Will Launch ‘FEDNOW’ Payment Service In July"]

And here they go.  Government bank whose goal is to wipe out all the other banks.  Everyone will be required to have digital id to use the bank account.  Safe to assume illegal immigrants will still have access, but the rest of us will be denied access no matter what.  It's also based on the presumption that the federal government makes all the money so they can never run out, meaning they'll be hacked and hustled a lot by people a lot smarter than they are.

They'll also be able to use their 'political correctness' rules (don't remember the current term) to deny use of any accounts if they declare you to be a 'deplorable.'  Presumably this will be used to prevent people from, you know, having their rent or food paid for just because they signed up with this account the government required them to do.

This also proves that they already have future elections set up.  What's the alternative, Trump gets re-elected and now he's in charge of this bank?  Or some other Republican who's not already in line with the masters?  Not gonna happen.

As long as there has been money, there have been people who have more money than they can carry around with them, so they need some place to store it.  Banking is very complicated and few people who aren't deeply into it have any clue how it works.  But this takes all that history and knowledge and throws it away to make the government the sole decider of what happens to everybody.  They're rushing away from freedom as fast as their private fossil fuel-consuming vehicles will take them.

16 March, 2023

□ [“Radical MN Lt. Gov. Flanagan Says 'Good Parents' Support Trans Intervention of Minors"]

Right, only bad parents refuse to hand over their kids so you can do whatever you want to them.

This is demonic behavior, seriously.  There's just no stopping them.  Notice that even blacks have spent the last few years demanding armed police to get rid of criminals and even gays have been coming out to say they don't want children and anyone who does should be arrested.  May not be a huge percentage but they do exist.  But these trans-creatures...

It's not "life affirming" to inject children with the nonsense that they can be whatever they make up, but these things are just doubling down on this day-after-day.  This is what they've always been going for since the dawn of time.

Near as I can tell, Sodom and Gomorrah stopped existing circa 2500BC, just as Egypt had become the biggest nation in history up to that point, Sumer and Assyria were growing, as was China and Mohenjo-Daro.  None of those states were known for being particularly moral, but God decided to send a message to some of them.  My dates are probably off and I'm making up my own basis in my "history project," but it does look like the most civilized of states realized that they shouldn't go too far in that direction, with Abraham as the front-man.

It had been a couple thousand years since God needed to show the earth what humans could do with Adam and Eve, but only now would some real growth happen.  Yet the earth always wants to get back to those earliest years.

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