Monday, March 20, 2023


As you know, I've just finished a book lately.  The A-side is essays, covering the last couple months of current events and tyranny.  The B-side covers the same topics in a collection of The Struggling comic strips, so that'll be at least as much fun as putting an ad at the start of this post.

17 March, 2023

Why don't we just invade Russia? Third time's the charm!

□ [“Hunter Biden Sues Computer Repairman John Paul Mac Isaac”]

Um.  For the last few years, we've been told it wasn't Hunter's laptop and he had nothing to do with whatever the computer store was holding.  Government officials insisted any claims to the contrary were false.  The media reported this as well.  So what is there to sue for?

Apparently the computer repairman had no right to copy the contents of the laptop that wasn't Hunter's, even though Hunter signed the documents asking him to repair the laptop which requires making back-up copies of the memory contents.

You can't do the job I'm paying you for on a computer that's not mine, so now I'm taking you to court.  That's what Hunter is saying here.  They're going to need a liberal-friendly court to get away with that, but I'm sure one will be easy to find.  Is there any reason to think the contents of Hunter's laptop still exist, except maybe by government officials who want to threaten his father?

17 March, 2023

□ [“Janet Yellen Admits Smaller Regional Midwest Banks Will Not Be Bailed Out”]

If it's not a big bank owned by rich leftists, you're out of luck.  This is how favoritism works but it's ok when Democrats do it.  Bonus points if China has a lot of big accounts at the bank.  It's clear that at least one purpose of this is to wipe out as many banks as possible so the survivors will go over to the required digital currency, but I assume simply hurting poor people is its own reward for our rulers.

It's not like people don't already have lots of incentive to get all their money out of the banks now while the banks still exist.  This is just encouraging them even further.  I doubt even the big banks will be all that confident, if the government is so quick to turn on the others and have already been doing everything they can to wipe out the economy.

I don't get why they think this will work.  I've pointed out that banking is very complicated and few people remotely understand it, that's how it works as a tool for all the countless different aspects where people use it.  Just to get this started, they'll have to cut down on all those options and they're already throwing the economy down the drain.  How hard is going to be to start basic banking systems for those who are denied access to what our rulers have imposed?

17 March, 2023

□ [“Utah Mom Unloads On School After Her Daughter Was Given 'Gross' Bugs to Eat for 'Climate Change' Project”]

Was this even a thing a year ago?  And now they're already imposing it on children and don't require consent.  The girl didn't want to eat bugs, she asked if her report could be about how bad it was and told that was not permitted.  The only response would be to say how beneficial it was to eat bugs.

These people should be shot.  I don't see any other benefit to keeping them around, taking up time and money for prisons and guards and so forth.  Even a bullet would be too expensive, just reuse the noose over and over.  Digging a big hole and dropping them in to watch them all die of starvation sounds fun, but I think it's a fundamentally bad idea.

They don't want to self-identify as humans who should be treated the way they treat the rest of us, let's show them how that works.  At most, they identify us as household pets and if they've made their way into a Utah middle school, they're not going to stop there.  We need to take them all down.

17 March, 2023

□ [“Journalist Discovers Greta Thunberg’s Ties to Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum”]

□ [“Biden’s DOJ Tells Court More Than 1,000 People Could Still Face Charges in Connection with January 6”]

□ [“Sam Bankman-Fried Paid Himself Over $2 Billion and His Team Another $1 Billion Before Filing for Bankruptcy”]

I see stories like this and something about them is looking clearer about the conspiracy oppressing the whole world although I still can't figure out what.  It's easy to say the rulers are doing this because they want to, but that still doesn't explain everything.  Why do it this way, or at all?

In some cases, there are easier answers, or at least partial-answers.  January 6 was the excuse to overthrow the Constitution and the government, so they're going to keep pushing it even though they aren't even going after Trump anymore.  FTX was used to funnel money so Bankman and his people helped themselves to it before everything fell apart.  The WEF wants a puppet to show off as they impose their will.  I get that much, it just doesn't seem like a full explanation.

I'm not particularly religious, but this is definitely the sort of time where the need for prayer is obvious.  Where else are we going to find hope?  Other people?  I can try to inspire people for a resistance but look how well that's worked out.

Another down side, if you want to call it that, is how our masters get more desperate no matter what.  I do see reports that they're losing but I don't see any actual proof of that.  I think that's just their nature, kind of like the psycho who has no actual plans but appears to always be on the offense so he looks like he's got tons of back-up.  If nothing else, I think we need a resistance to stand up just to know who's fighting who.  I'd like some proof that our rulers aren't actually working for China and Russia, because just because they say they aren't doesn't mean it's true.  Or that Trump wasn't in on it all along.

Another worry I have is that there actually are plans, China has spent decades picking villages to eat bugs or make up brand-new genders, just to see the results.  Or they've told North Korea to do it.  We are in a time and place where reality would be very helpful, if we could find some.

17 March, 2023

□ [“Roger Waters reveals first music from re-recorded solo Dark Side of the Moon”]

I wonder if other rock stars do this?  I know Axl Rose remade Appetite For Destruction but I really suspect he was trying to prove that he was the only one who matters, the rest were just his employees.  Which they were, but Axl's insane.  Waters has been rich for his whole life and famous for most of it and now he decides to remake one of the most famous records ever?

That's delusion on a level I don't even want to remotely comprehend.  I would assume there are bands who are fooling around and record some new take on one of their classic songs, but I suspect that's closer to a live version than going all-in on production, especially considering how much time and expense is required.  Even in the 21st century, it takes a lot of work that could be used on something new.  It's not like he's not still being paid for the old album.

I have long since gotten over any interest in Pink Floyd.  I think I generally got sick of hearing the same songs over and over on the radio and their less-famous work wasn't all that interesting.  I really never understood why it was *that* popular.  It's not like Roger Taylor is sitting around trying to re-record A Night at the Opera, and at least he's still friends with the guitarist.  Of course Queen's not putting out any new albums either, which makes me sad. ☹

I don't know if it was deliberate or just happenstance, but for whatever reason, Dark Side took its place in rock history, and Waters was the closest Pink Floyd had to a famous member.  They used to walk around unrecognized at their own concerts.  But Waters has definitely spent the last half-century surrounded by people who say he knows best, so who else would he believe?

But this new version is totally pointless.  If you don’t remember the original, you’d get nothing out of this and if you do remember the original, it’s missing anything interesting.

18 March, 2023

Non-binary or binary, there are only two options

□ [“President Trump Says He Will Be Arrested Tuesday, Calls for Protests”]

We may have a target date now.  The government has announced that Trump will be arrested on Tuesday.  It's nice of them to give such advanced notice, accused criminals need that.  This was actually announced a couple days ago, I just hadn't bothered to pay much attention to it.

Trump paid off a stripper in 2017 and somehow that's a campaign violation, an "intent to defraud."  It's not clear who was defrauded by this but the government doesn't need to pay attention to laws unless they're convenient.  Look at all the women working for Harvey Weinstein who gave money to Hillary Clinton.

Why not arrest Hillary for taking all that money from Putin and then giving him the US nuclear plants?  Or was that ok because he passed it through the Clinton Foundation for convenience.  The Foundation shut down when Trump was in the White House but it's recently restarted.  And Putin was just charged with arrest by an international group with no authority.

This does look like a set-up.  I don't mean just in the obvious way, government tyranny, I mean in other ways.  Why didn't they just arrest Trump for the classified information in Mar-a-lago, a much more recent and, technically, a much more serious crime?  Why is this suddenly a big deal?

□ [“'That’s Not True!' – Biden When Confronted on House Oversight Memo Showing His Family Received $1 Million after China Wired $3 Million to Biden Associate”]

As I said, this just looks like some sort of sting operation or gimmick.  It's getting too obvious that Hunter Biden is only good for bringing in money for access to his father and that's what they've done for decades.  By extension, all the people who've protected Hunter and Biden are now being caught, and this is what they accused Trump of doing with his kids.

Bill Clinton gave Paula Jones a lot more money than Trump gave Stormy, how do you decide which guy gets to pay off women he rapes and which guy doesn't?  Well, which one's a Democrat?

So are they going to go through with it?  This is where it remains complicated.  It's possibly a hoax with Trump and Biden both involved.  Maybe it's a set-up from Biden and his side will flinch, which makes them look weak.  Maybe it's a set-up from Trump to push the enemy in a way they weren't prepared for.

What I'm worried about is that it's a set-up for us, to get as many people out protesting as possible so the labor camps can start being populated.  What I hope for most is that our rulers have been tricked into something and will stumble like Biden getting into Air Force One.  What I really want is for this to just come to an end.

18 March, 2023

□ [“Biden HHS Official Rachel Levine Says Changing Kids’ Genders Will Soon be Normalized”]

That is not how to build anything.  That is how to warp anything living and healthy to death.  As always, they're aim for child abuse and showing exactly why morality and civilization was built over all these centuries.  Which is what they want to destroy, starting with children.

I've seen accounts that the rulers are actually behaving like a cornered animal, with nothing to lose.  That's believable but I have to wonder if that's just their nature.  It doesn't matter how much they're winning, they'll always think otherwise, no matter how high up the ladder they've reached.  It's one reason sane people often realize that they've made it as high as they'll ever get and trying for more would be worthless at best and dangerous at worst.  These creatures never do that.

I would like to think that there will be time spent examining popular culture of the last century to figure out how these creatures were permitted to thrive.  But keep in mind, that also means an opportunity for them to escape, thanks to whoever conducts the investigation, so burning them at the stake may well be the best option.  If permitting them to live means everyone else has to suffer, there's only one solution and they're the ones who made that decision.  Maybe it's best to be forgotten.

18 March, 2023

□ [“Maxine Waters Claims President Trump is Trying to 'Organize His Domestic Terrorists' by Calling for Protests”]

Democrats have supported protests for decades.  They've done a lot more bombings and murders too.  This is projecting their own desires onto their opponents as an excuse for punishment.  Don't know how it will work out, but that doesn't look good for them.  Something about this just comes off as desperate.

We could set a city on fire like Democrats do, obviously that would prove we aren't domestic terrorists.  We could just make sure we all have weapons ready to use, unlike the so-called "domestic terrorists" they claim to oppose.  I really do think this is the tipping point.  Whatever the results turn out to be, something is gone forever.  Hopefully it'll just be the bad people who are gone, but I'm not optimistic.  As Maxine would say, we'll need to get a little more confrontational.  We'll get in their faces and make them know that they aren't welcome here.

18 March, 2023

□ [“Even CNN is Reporting on Biden Corruption After Biden Family Received $1 Million Indirectly From Chinese Company”]

Here's an example, this does seem to be going somewhere.  I don't pretend to understand it but this seems like the more they try to silence evidence that Biden has been taking the money all these years, and by extension everybody who works with him, the more that evidence is coming out because that's the accusations they're making on Trump.

And even CNN is putting this out?  Are they doing this so no one will notice and later on they can say 'well you'd know if you watched CNN'?  It's just strange that even the media is getting close to admitting this is a problem, and the more they promote the claims about Trump, the more they'll look stupid if they blatantly ignore what the pretend-POTUS has done his entire career.

18 March, 2023

□ [“Economic Study: 186 US Banks Are in Trouble and at Risk of Insolvency – May Collapse Like Silicon Valley Bank”]

This we can expect to happen any day.  People are already trying to get their money out of banks and that's just going to push the decline.  We really need to restore actual currency and our masters want it gone so they can impose their digital chains on us.

Of course the banks owned by fellow leftists will be protected so that their owners won't lose any money.  They can sell their stock just before the collapse and make out with a profit, never mind what happens to the non-rich liberals.  Because they care and they know best.  And they have men with guns to impose their will on everyone else.

This is what they were going to do with Hillary, isn't it?  That was the plan.  She wouldn't have any more authority than Biden does and no one could criticize her because she was an old, rich white woman.  I've never thought it was a coincidence that Biden wasn't even considered to follow Obama.  Beau died just as the presidential races would be starting, so Biden had a reason to stay out of it.  Up until election night, I sure expected Hillary to win.  It was odd that she suddenly cancelled her victory celebration the previous week and was too drunk to concede on Election Night.

Anyway, the point is that the left is even more annoyed than usual because they lost out on four years of tyranny.  They simply didn't see this coming and desperately wanted revenge.  I can only hope that they'll mess themselves up before they get anywhere close to the devestation they're trying to impose on the world.  They've already gotten far enough.  We have to stop them.

19 March, 2023

But what songs do we pick for the soundtrack?

□ [“Calls Grow on the Left for Trump to Be Held Without Bail – For a Misdemeanor”]

They really want this.  It's one of those things where you have to believe there's some mastermind behind this because none of these people see any way this could go wrong.  Why didn't they just arrest him at Mar-a-Lago?  They already knew about the supposed crime, and it's not like having classified information did anything so why not?

Just looking at the leftists fantasizing about this, their comments are ridiculous.  Trump's a flight risk?  You're the ones who set up the arrest date in the future, he could "flee" tomorrow.  Wouldn't stop his supporters, so why the delay?  Because you're the ones hallucinating this.

□ [“60% of DOJ Manhattan Attorneys Reportedly 'Want No Part' of Soros Connected DA Braggs Made-up Case Against President Trump”]

Just the fact that they can't even get everybody on their own side to agree with this is surprising, although they'll probably all show up to party in court if it ever gets that far.  If this article is correct, it indicates how the people making this decision have no clue about reality and oppose anyone suggesting that they might be wrong about anything.  This is how you sucker victims into a trap and they refuse to see it coming.

I just saw a news article that Trump might not be arrested on Tuesday.  It was pretty meaningless, a theory there's still one more witness who needs to get aboard.  That sounds ridiculous, but I'm curious about the larger suggestion that the rulers won't actually have enough courage to go through with it.  I've always wondered why this happens, but it does, refusing to follow through on a success that they're so insanely convinced will work.  That never stops them from going through these unrealistic beliefs in the first place, so how does this happen?

An example I always ponder is how, when a Soviet Chief Secretary had died and a new one needed to take over, all the influential members of the politburo (or whatever the highest group of leaders was) would stare at each other, nobody willing to make a move, until someone finally had the courage to get up and walk out front to say they would be in charge.  It's the sort of thing a rational man can't comprehend.  You want to be in charge, that's how you got this far, so why hesitate at this point?  You'd think someone would rush forward just to show they were different from everyone else.

You're insisting that our children can have made-up genders but you're not honest enough to seize power outright?  How does anyone get to that point, particularly if they actually have an opportunity to seize power?  How do you have nothing else in your life to focus on?  And yet here they are.

I've also heard that Trump won't be arrested because he's in Florida which would require DeSantis to approve.  If true, that's funny.

□ [“NYPD Mobilizing 700 ‘Disorder Control’ Riot Cops Ahead Of Trump’s Unprecedented Arrest”]

They're getting ready to crush the opposition.  Whether there's a protest or if everybody goes on strike, that's what they're going to do.  It also sounds like there is a strike being attempted.  It may start on the 21st or it may just be something people pick up on.  Either way, I doubt anybody can see how this will end.

My first worry is that there are enough armed government employees to obey and simply attack the rest of us.  My second worry is that something similar will happen from gangs or invaders coming in from the south.  My third worry is that enough people are poor and miserable enough that they'd give up.  That's completely understandable but this is the point where we can't let that happen.  And honestly, to an extent, I don't think it will in any real sense.  At least not for a while.

I think there's enough faith and decency for sensible people to work together and find ways to survive whatever is going to happen.  Some will wuss out, some will turn traitor, some will just kill themselves.  Of course I don't know what the results will be, I just know that we need to push back as much as possible.  Going on strike is the first step.  Resistance is the second.  The third will be bringing an end to these beasts who declare themselves our masters and punish us for disobedience.

My fourth worry is that they actually have some plan ready, and keep in mind, these people control the nuclear arsenal.  They have lots of other options too.  It's their valley and their shadow.

19 March, 2023

□ [“Biden’s Bailout of SVB Saved China, Gavin Newsome, Buzzfeed, VOX and BLM”]

Part of me wonders if our rulers think the game is up so they're trying to cash out all their allies while there's still time.  That probably isn't the case, everything will always be wonderful forever, but I wonder if they might be affected by something like this, at least subconsciously.

They have to identify their allies to save this bank.  This makes it obvious why this bank is being saved but others aren't.  So that doesn't help any other banks or any other bank customers and they already have to deal with the inflation the rulers say isn't happening.

We're all getting worse and some of us don't have much leeway to fall back on.  Our rulers, of course, have all the money they want.  At this point, you have to wonder if those who support our rulers are rich enough and stupid enough to make Hunter Biden the best of the lot, because everyone else has to see the disaster coming.

19 March, 2023

□ [“Warren Buffet Brought in to Solve Banking Crisis – Over 20 Private Jets Land in Omaha on Saturday”]

What are they planning?  The economy is expected to fall apart any day.  Well, ok, that's their plan.  Then they'll say we all get to use their new money and the ruling class will be in place to decide everything.  But why do they need to do this in person?  Can't they afford a cellphone?  Do they need to sign documents that can't be done online?

Over 180 other banks are being described as having as many problems as the ones our rulers bailed out.  These rich people all have other interests so they'd be discussing that, but what is the point of this?

These are some of the people giving orders to our rulers, they must have seen this coming.  What else are they going to throw at us?

20 March, 2023

Her majesty's not a very nice girl. And she talks too much.

□ [“'We Won’t Accept a Ceasefire' – NSC Communications Director John Kirby Says War Should Continue Because a Ceasefire Would Favor Putin"]

So what will you do if Ukraine accepts a ceasefire?  Will you punish them for disobedience?  Can't have peace if you don't have ceasefire so you've being very explicit that you don't want peace.  Then again, they don't even tell Congress to declare war.  That would require a lot of politician's to openly state their views on this, which might keep them from leaving office wealthier than when they started.

Democrats wouldn't have accepted a ceasefire with North Vietnam either, although it's possible they might have accepted South Vietnam's disagreement on the matter, but they really wanted to fight Russia, China and their subordinates, so they sent in the military.

Isn't there any point where these people would think they've gone too far and look too stupid to be in charge of anything?  Obviously they make sure they're only surrounded by idiots who automatically agree with them, but can't any of them see anything that might go wrong with this?

20 March, 2023

□ [“The Iraq War: 20 Years Later"]

Iraq was a sensible decision. Just based on 9/11, the House of Islam had hit us hard and we needed to respond much much harder. Afghanistan was the right choice but it was also too unimportant to the rest of the world. Mecca wouldn't have worked because every Muslim in the world would have resisted - although I said at the time there must have been enough US soldiers who were both Muslim and airborne, so just send them in. Iran was already too much of a problem.

Syria might have been a better choice. They were also engaged in what Saddam was into and they were allies so Saddam would have jumped in on their side anyway, but it would have been too difficult to explain to the public. At least we'd had a long-running fight with Iraq.

I always thought we should take the Monolith approach to Afghanistan, as in 2001: A Space Odyssey. We're here, we're not leaving. You kill one of us, we kill fifty of you and we'll keep doing that until you learn a better way to live.

I don't know think that would have worked with Iraq and can't think of a better option, but one thing we did was bring all the Muslim terrorists there so we could shoot them instead of letting them come here so they could shoot us. You can argue there was more to this decision, but as a post-9/11 response, I supported it then and still do. I just wish we'd have handled it better.

And people like Joe Biden, John Kerry, Hillary Clinton, etc. supported it at the time, then they said they were lied to, and now they want us to fight Russia.  Considering they started out doing this with Vietnam, they've obviously got a lot of experience supporting war and lying about whatever it takes to make it happen.  At this point, I'm not sure what to think about GWB or Dick Cheney, but at the time I certainly supported them and I'd still stand by my reasons at the time, whether they were correct or not.

20 March, 2023

□ [“Big 4 Firm KPMG Gave SVB and Signature Bank Clean Bills of Health Days Before Banks Collapsed"]

□ [“Silicon Valley Bank Was on Federal Reserve’s Radar For More Than a Year – Fed Reserve of San Francisco Issued Six Citations and Flagged Bank as Ticking Time Bomb"]

□ [“Western Country Central Banks Over the Weekend Organize to Provide Daily Liquidity of Dollars"]

There's other stories like these.  The banks are ready to fall apart and it sounds like they've all been propped up by the government for years anyway.  This same government has made it clear that we can't trust anything else, from medical issues to border security to war.  Even a lot of their supporters are complaining about it now.  It's amusing to see a Hollywood leftist says she's now much less rich than she was a couple months ago.

How many of these people are ready to live without what they've taken for granted all their lives?  They didn't get to where they are by being sane, now they have to face a fraction of what normal people have to deal with, and have all the sycophants paid to be with them.  They also have the folks on their side who say the economy is doing great and have been covering it up all these years.

It's still unclear if Trump will actually be arrested tomorrow.  It's also unclear what the response will be whether he is or isn't.  But the economy is obviously ready to collapse and everything else is going to follow.  Whether our rulers have that planned or not, they'll seize more power at every opportunity.  Get your back-up supplies, make contacts to people you can rely on, we need that now.

20 March, 2023

□ [“Western Propagandists Have Trouble Reading the Tactical Situation in Bakhmut"]

So we're still just loading up money and weapons for Ukraine like we did for years with Afghanistan?  Because how did that work out?  We ran away screaming like little sissy girls-with-vaginas and left it for them, and who was in charge of that?  Oh right, the guy who wants war with Russia and all his supporters.

The news is vague as always, but has anything been happening on Russian soil?  For all of Ukraine's amazing victories and Russia's complete helplessness that we've been told about for the last year, this all seems to still be happening entirely in Ukraine.  Isn't there any point where you have to wonder if all your support for the mouse isn't really helping it fight back against the cat?

What's the worst that's happening, Russia's economy is doing as badly as ours?  Well, that's normal for Russia, can't say the same about the US and Europe.  China's having problems but they're a collectivist ruled by a dictator, which is also typical for China.  But our rulers don't see it that way.  They think our economy is great and Russia's been consistently losing for a year.  They're even ready to arrest a political opponent, just like Russia and China do.  They're also ready to take out their political opponents, just like Russia, China and Ukraine.  And they want this war to happen.

20 March, 2023

□ [“Paris is Burning: Macron Survives Vote of No-Confidence-Pension Reform Will Become Law Without a Parliament Vote-Massive Protests Throughout France"]

This one throws me.  Isn't the point that people can work longer without retirement, age 64 instead of 62?  That's something right wingers should support, but Macron just imposed it and the people are rioting because they want to retire at age 62.  By all rights, this should be an event where the people are wrong and the tyrant is right, but then I have to realize what I just wrote in the first part of this sentence.  This is why we should all hate the French.

One thing I think the world rulers have gotten right is that they seem to be specifically aiming different techniques and tactics at the nations those would be most suitable for.  Brazil didn't want a blatant dictator, the US had Trump for the tyrants to turn on, Europe has a couple generations who believe imposing unity is the only way to handle things, Japan is just psycho, and so on.  So here we have France making the right decision through tyranny and the people resist it just as we're trying to do everywhere else.

I think we're reaching a real follow-up to the first World War, not just a more expensive sequel.  In many ways, all civilized history had been building to that eruption.  There was the follow-up, then the Cold War which spread around the world, then communism was defeated, and all we've seen in the 21st Century so far.  I've also pointed out that at least World War II set a new standard and the men who fought that had earned a right to die in peace.  Well they're almost all gone now.  At this point, I doubt we'll wait until the final veteran dies, their generation is effectively gone now.  And here comes the flood.

20 March, 2023

□ [“GOP Presidential Candidate John Anthony Castro Calls on New Yorkers to Beat Trump Supporters with a Baseball Bat"]

One thing this will hopefully accomplish is to push out the leftists who self-identify as Republicans.  That's one reason I recommend going on strike, just because that will help recognize others who have done the same.  This guy ran for Congress once in a run-off election and didn't even make it through the first round.  That sort of delusion isn't needed, but he clearly wants people he's never met and doesn't like to be beaten up.

The strain is staring to get to all of us, but I think those on our side have a more sensible approach to life.  If this arrest is real and it does actually happen, I really think the point is to lure out all the Trump supporters they can for exactly this sort of beating, or murder.

If it actually goes through, I'll assume the rulers have everything set, at least for Trump.  They've got the guns, they've got the judges and juries, they've got the jails.  Very soon, he'll probably be found mysteriously dead like he'd just decided to testify against Hillary.  Whoever gets selected to investigate the death will become the new leftist celebrity.

□ [“Steel Barricades Placed Outside of Manhattan DA Office"]

So will they go through with this?  On the one hand, they could chicken out.  On the other hand, they could want to prove how strong and bold they are so they do this no matter what the consequences are.  On the third hand, this may be part of the plan, that Biden and other Democrats have done a lot worse for a lot longer, so if you can attack Trump, all bets are off, up to and including their Secret Service protection.

On the fourth hand, I don't see any possible happy ending for this.  The closest we could get is if everybody goes on strike so the only people who show up are government employees paid to pretend they oppose the government and look stupid.  They would still just get pretend-arrested and used as propaganda to attack the rest of us.  Otherwise it looks like disaster will happen no matter which results are reached tomorrow.  The rulers will seize even more power and attack anyone who disagrees, imprisoning everyone and will sort it out later.  The only option is some form of resistance and I have no idea how that will work.

But on the thumb (which is where my fifth hand is located) that might have been the point.  Either our rulers are trying to impose their will upon the world, or at least the USA, or there has already been plans in place to resist them and they're ready to move in.  So far, it looks like something will be different in 24 hours, whether or not it's obvious to everyone.

As much as I hated jumping from airplanes, one thing I always appreciated about it was that we were all in the same position and if it didn't work, we'd barely have time to realize there was a problem before we were dead.  We're all in on this.  Stand up, hook up, shuffle to the door...

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