Friday, March 24, 2023


21 March, 2023

Posted on a Telegram resistance page about a recent discussion

Setting the dates, the main thing is that it needs to be as soon as possible.  I was/am hoping that March 21 would be the start date, or even March 20 because people might as well start on Monday.  So maybe the target date should be next Monday and encourage people to start earlier if they can.

How to get the message out, that's where I draw a blank.  No idea if internet is workable, what other options are there?  Just put notes on trees, windows, people's doors?  Trust that everybody can pass the message along in conversation?  That last option is workable, revolutionaries and underground movements have always used something like that.

My other recommendation is that we work out a command structure similar to an Army unit.  Human nature means there will be single commanders, but hopefully we can get multiple people.  S-1 as a staff, S-2 as intelligence, S-3 as connection to other units, S-4 as supply/funding, etc.  My 10 years in the Army was limited to one unit and it wasn't "regular Army" so I'm limited in what other options could work but at least I know of something about 'non-regular' units.  I really think that's the sort of thing we need, especially for setting up a resistance.

Two more ideas that are less important, but I might as well throw them in.  First of all, barter and trade will obviously return on a large scale but something will need to be worked out regarding currency.  I do think the US dollar is the best option we have for the time being.  People who know more about money than I do can work out better alternatives, but individual units will need a measurable way to interact.  Farmers can provide food, everybody needs that, but what about medical care, transportation, mechanical ability for trade?

Second, most of the veterans involved would have t-shirts or some sort of souvenir with their particular unit's logo on that.  It might be most effective to just sew one of each together as a guidon representing each unit.  It would be distinctive, each unit would be different, yet recognizable.  I'll make up an example, but a former-Marine looking for help or connection might see a Marine logo on the guidon and would know that there's someone there he could talk to in ways he couldn't with other branches.  There's going to be a lot of desperation out there and none of us are immune.

21 March, 2023

Why is Linus never in the sky with diamonds?

Saw an article quoting Variety that the new Captain Marvel movie would be a "so-so" success, estimating $40 million at 4,000 theaters on opening weekend, Friday through Sunday.  If each ticket costs $7, that's 477 tickets sold each day at each theater.  Does all that money go to Warner Bros or do the theaters get to keep any?  Even if it all goes back to Warner Bros, they have to pay for promotion, staff, taxes and so on, it's not all profit.

477 tickets per day on opening weekend doesn't sound like a "so-so" result.  The first three days of the new Top Gun movie had $126,707,459 at 4735 theaters.  At 7 dollars each, that's 1275 tickets per theater per day.  I don't go to movies so I'm just guessing what tickets actually cost but if they're more than 7$, fewer people need to show up.

And looking it up, it seems Captain Marvel barely reached $30 million on opening weekend, 1/4 of what a "hit movie" made last year on opening weekend.  353 tickets per day per theater at $7 a ticket.  Are people going to come back and see it repeatedly?  Will they tell their friends how great it is and now their friends want to see it too?  Is there any chance of getting 500 people to show up to a theater and see this movie on the same day?

This doesn't look to me like "so-so" ticket sales, but I'm not Variety and I didn't see the early estimates, so maybe they know better.

I'm trying to figure out if this is similar to what's happened to Captain Marvel all these years.  He was created based on Superman's success but clearly not a rip-off.  Yet DC kept suing Fawcett over it until Fawcett went broke, and bought the characters.  Then Marvel had started becoming successful and started suing DC for using the character's name, which is why they finally made up that stupid "Shazam" title.

This is just lawyers causing problems for something no one else would care about.  Who cares if characters have the same names, people do that in real life.  And why hang on to these trademarks in the first place?  Just change the costume, the name and a few details and you've got a new character.  Warner and Disney are still acting like DC and Marvel always did and it's not good.

21 March, 2023

□ [“Anthony Fauci Blames Anti-Vaccine Mandate Republicans for Covid and Says He Will Break Their Will"]

Black people are telling him to his face that they aren't taking the poison but he can't blame him for that, they're just like children.  He blames Republicans because that's who black people listen to and everybody knows it, even though they're the least-vaccinated skin color.  He sure as hell isn't going to say anything about their freedom or their right to choose.  Democrats know best, just obey.

Have to admit, what with WWIII and the impending economic collapse and the arrest of Trump, I haven't been paying too much attention to the virus these days.  Several months ago, Biden said the pandemic was over anyway, but it's not like anyone listens to him.

I still wonder if this was deliberate from the start or if it just happened this way.  Yes, I take it as a given that China developed the virus and the vaccine was deliberate poison, but I still keep the option open that it was totally natural at the start and the rulers twisted it from there, just to get possible other perspectives.  It's like noticing that the flu was nonexistent for the last few years, it was covid making people sick.

21 March, 2023

□ [“Trump to Be Indicted Wednesday, Will Be Asked to Surrender for Arraignment Next Week"]

Why don't more criminals be treated this way?  Especially in New York City, given how their crime rates just keep going up.  30 murders in January 2023, why don't they announce the indictments and ask for them to surrender next week?  Rape, robbery, felony assault, burglary, grand larceny, and there were 73 shootings.  This shows what's really important in this city.

For that matter, why don't the statute of limitations apply here?  Falsifying business records is a misdemeanor that's only valid for two years.  *If* you can connect it to some felony, it can be used up to (I think) five years, which still isn't relevant for a 2016 crime, no matter what.  The DoJ and New York State never bothered to go with this despite all the years of investigations, why is NYC stuck with this and why now?

It's like our rulers are trying to get the stupidest option, to prove they can do anything they want no matter what, and there's no possible negative consequences for them.  They're even focusing everything on Michael Cohen, who actually committed the supposed crime and testified years ago that he didn't even tell Trump about it.  A lot more suspicious behavior went into putting the Steele Dossier together and when was the last time that was a big deal to liberals?  Hillary gave campaign money for it, wasn't that ever relevant?  Bueller?

This delay has been said to be because of some witness, but I'm not paying enough attention to even look into the details.  You'd think they would have all this in place, yet they don't for some reason, but are still pursuing it anyway?  And this is the best use of their time?  This is what they're paid for?

□ [“Bomb Threat Called In to Lower Manhattan Court Where Trump Hearing is Being Held"]

Of course.  Did they also leave messages of "white supremacy" and say Russia paid them to do it?  It demonstrates the success of our leftist rulers that we have absolutely no reason to trust any news they put out.  It was a 911 call to a courthouse, pretty sure they'd be able to track where the call came from.  Will they put up a fake criminal and add that to the charges against Trump or has this already been forgotten about?

There are protestors, not sure if any are in NYC itself, but in other places around the country.  I'm still not a supporter of those.  It might be useful to find allies and put together organizations and resistance, but I'd think there would be some better ways for that.  Not sure what, the internet is probably spied on and how else are you supposed to meet anybody?  Maybe I'm just complaining for its own sake.

Odd how this has taken over the news now, with much less about WWIII, the economy, the banks crashing, the virus, Hunter's laptop and all the rest of it.  Suddenly the only thing that matters is a fake court trying to find an excuse to go after the POTUS for a years-old misdemeanor.  But this is the show they're putting on to hide everything else they're doing.

21 March, 2023

□ [“The Lines Are Drawn – China and Russia Sign Major Economic Agreement Today"]

You could say Biden's entire career has been about erasing Richard Nixon's success in splitting these two nations up.  On the other hand, you could also say that nothing could keep these wacky peoples apart for long, they were meant for each other.  I'm not sure why you'd say that, but you say a lot of strange things.

For that matter, isn't this effectively doing the 'new world order' thing?  Unification?  They're already part of the World Economic Forum and the World Health Organization, which liberals totally support and China/Russia are already part of, here's another branch for them to work on.  What are you going to do, say that any member of BRICS isn't allowed to be part of the "new world order"?  Go to war against a majority of the world's population, most of whom aren't white?

As the saying goes, you can what you want and still not be very happy.  And why didn't they do this under Trump, since we keep being told that he helped them so much?

22 March, 2023

When they arrest Trump, we can play the new Guns'n'Roses album! Any day now

□ [“Trump New York Grand Jury Wednesday Session Canceled After Bombshell Report that DA Bragg Withheld Evidence from Jury"]

I'm sure this doesn't end the charade, they'll just make up something else and keep going with it, but I really do wonder if this is having its own effect on the Trump-haters.  Just the fact that they've been going after him all these years and still haven't gotten anywhere has got to be depressing for anybody with the slightest common sense.  I get it, you'll say leftists don't have any common sense, but seriously, think about it.

From what we've heard of the charges they would be imposing, they'd long-passed the expiration date.  If there was anything to work with, Muller and all the other investigations could have used it then.  But instead they held off and let some Manhattan DA look stupid a few years later.  Just stealing classified information would put most people in jail on the spot, years of investigation by Congress, Mueller, etc.

There must be leftists who aren't incredibly rich and they would be having the same sort of problems the rest of us are going through on this day-to-day struggle.  They have to wonder why they're following these insane people obsessed with somebody that they never catch.  I get the impression that a lot of them are quietly turning away from leftism.  I have no real experience but it's always sounded like they don't break up from a big argument, people just disappear in the shadows.

But keep in mind, this is also the sort of thing that makes me worry Trump has always been on their side and we're the ones being set-up.  I'm fairly confident that isn't the case, but if I had any money, I wouldn't bet on it.

□ [“Soros-Backed Bragg’s Bogus Case Falling Apart Due to 'Major Dissention' in DA’s Office"]

It's not totally clear what the issue is.  Some articles say Michael Cohen's testimony isn't working, since he's already been convicted for saying he did everything and Trump had nothing to do with it.  It's also said that DA Alvin Bragg had flat-out hidden hundreds of pages of testimony from the Grand Jury because it contradicted his case.  That second one is more believable, but both of them start making you wonder how this guy became a prosecutor?  Is this the way he wins all cases?

And of course there's always commentary insisting that, after all this time, actual useful evidence has been found which nobody else had ever noticed before, and *now* it's going to set Trump up permanently.  They'd failed all the previous times because it was just a set-up, leading to this heroic victory.

None of this is giving the impression of a fairness in court.  It's like saying they can't have a trial because one of the jurors is refusing a bribe to vote "guilty."  I know Grand Juries are different than normal courts and I don't pretend to understand the difference, but this really does seem to be flailing at a loss.

22 March, 2023

□ [“Biden Tells Bizarre Story About Dr. Jill Putting Messages on His Mirror While He’s Shaving, ‘Stop Trying to Make Me Love You’"]

Well, that would explain a lot.  Why did she ever marry him in the first place, money and power?  Obviously that worked out, but she's probably sick of this and it's not like he's ever learned anything from the experience.

And how is anybody supposed to respond to this.  If you want Joe Biden taken seriously, then he really meant this, she actually wrote that on his mirror for him to read.  If he's just reading off a prompter, then it shows he has no idea what he's saying in public.  He gave no impression that he knew anyway, saying it was just a wacky joke between the two of them.  Instead he made it clear that she doesn't love him and he demonstrates that he's never noticed that.

What other alternative is there, that he's just babbling nonsense?  He doesn't know what he's saying so no one should pay attention to him?  That's believable but his supporters wouldn't like it.  Maybe they put that on people's bathroom mirrors all the time.

22 March, 2023

□ [“Bakhmut Falls, Artyomovsk Rises – Strategic and Symbolic City in Eastern Ukraine Fully Encircled by Russian Forces – Kiev Leaves 10k Soldiers Trapped in the ‘Cauldron'"]

Well Ukraine can get more soldiers to replace them, no big deal.  There's always more where they came from, at least if there only two genders, which Ukraine says there is but their supporters say there isn't, no idea how that works.

But what do you do when abandoning 10,000 men who fought for you?  How do you come to that decision?  It's like Biden ditching lots of US military in Afghanistan, that doesn't make the survivors happy.  How do you even explain it to their replacements?  "I'm willing to abandon you just as easily as I abandoned your predecessors, now get out there and fight!"  Even with all the endless victory celebrations of the last year, that has to hurt morale, at least a little bit.  Zelensky even called it the "the fortress of our morale" and has now abandoned his forces there.

And for what, this unimportant dust-spot of a town?  This place has no strategic or tactical benefits whatsoever, according to Ukraine.  It was a visiting-spot for Ivan the Terrible and Peter the Great, famous Ukrainians who always struggled against Russia's failed attempts to take over Ukraine.  It was part of Nazi Germany for just under two years, maybe they learned something from that experience.

Most impressive, Zelensky is forbidding his troops to surrender.  They will fight until they're dead and they don't get a say in the matter.  They can be punished for disobeying orders if they surrender and what other alternative is there?  NATO flying in for the rescue?  Russians deciding to abandon their standard practice of the last few thousand years?  Not likely.

Now Americans can get back to talking about the latest attempt to prosecute Trump.

22 March, 2023

□ [“Boy Transitioned to a Girl At Age 6 By His Stage Mom: 'I Don't Feel Like Myself [Anymore] Ever'"]

A six year old boy was mutilated by his mother and she's gotten to be on tv ever since.  I don't even want to guess how many other children have had this done to them for the last twenty years.  This is sickening in ways I rarely feel.

There should be a list of the doctors who are pushing this garbage onto children, so they can be found and removed from circulation as soon as possible.  I don't know what to do about the kids themselves, letting them live in misery sounds like the best option and just gets worse when you think about it, but the rest of these creatures...

I'm still hoping that there's a resistance movement coming soon.  God-fearing or just a bunch of Americans who have had enough, but we need these monsters on the list of people to be taken out.  I wouldn't vote for 'slowly and painfully' but it's definitely tempting.

22 March, 2023

“Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak.”

“All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when we are able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must appear inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near.”

“Engage people with what they expect; it is what they are able to discern and confirms their projections. It settles them into predictable patterns of response, occupying their minds while you wait for the extraordinary moment — that which they cannot anticipate.”

China and the KBG officer in charge of Russia have obviously never heard of the guy who said that, which is why we've spent the last year being told how weak they are.

23 March, 2023

I self-identify as speaking in code

□ [“Thursday NYC Trump Grand Jury Session Abruptly Canceled"]

I do think they're having serious problems from something they didn't remotely expect or prepare for.  That said, preparation involves looking into as many options as possible, because you might be wrong about something and you want to see that in advance as much as possible.  So what possible options are there?

We know they had something planned because of Trump's statement and they didn't ignore it or just respond "There are no upcoming court dates or plans to arrest Trump."  It is quite possible that they had no plans to arrest Trump, but their audience showed immediate glee so there is the desire.  I have no idea what else they might have been preparing to accomplish this week.

Did they suddenly get some information on some other crime nobody had bothered to notice in all these years of investigation so now they're totally focused on that?  I suppose that's technically possible, but who would have waited all this time to give them the info and what would they have to say?  There's been a little chatter that it's related to the classified files, but that's something which would have been moved on immediately.  They didn't even take those files in the raid and that was last August.  They wouldn't need a NYC DA to handle it unless it was entirely worthless.

My guess is that Trump's statement was more of a message, whether to his supporters, his opponents or both.  And not to all of them either, only to elite members who would get what he was talking about.  I don't know if it was actually about an arrest but something else that uses the same words.

23 March, 2023

□ [“Biden:  'I Like Babies Better Than People'"]

So babies aren't people.  That is apparently official US policy now, even they aren't aborted, they're not human and can't be treated like they are.  His wife's a people, not a baby, so this may be a response to her denying any love for him.  She gave him babies, he gave her money and power, that's basically it.

Strange that this stuff is coming out now after all these decades.  Not that any of us want to know about it in the first place, but why are they telling everybody this?  Or at least why is Biden telling us this?  Is this where his mind goes when he's told to make a speech?  Is this what his speechwriters tell him to say?  Ok, that sounds really bizarre, no explanation for that, best back off for the time being.

23 March, 2023

□ [“JPMorgan Says US Probably Headed For Recession Amid Banking Crisis"]

I'd actually be fine using a new term instead of "recession."  Correct me if I'm wrong, but it was only introduced so people wouldn't compare economic problems to the Great Depression.  "Disaster" is probably *too* accurate, but something along those lines would be fine.

This was the goal all along, that much is obvious.  It's what Obama and Hillary were supposed to do, but for whatever reason they were delayed for four years, so their pet Biden doubles down.  They can't just believe that everybody will magically wake up one day and be leftists and it's becoming clearer every day that they can't just impose their will on the nation, much less the whole world.

The big worry is that they're planning to kill several billion people so they can rule the survivors.  I don't have a clue what their plans are, but I think it's idiotic to assume they don't have forces in motion to reach that goal as soon as possible.  But I'm also worried that they have less-important goals in mind, molesting children, banning everyone else from using fossil fuels, pretend-money, stolen elections, etc.

Basically I can't get away from the impression that they have some larger plan in mind - besides erasing most of us from existence - and even the economy crises are just stepping-stones.  They already rule most of the world, technically, and have an increasing number of men-with-guns to impose their will on the rest of us.  They probably are a demon-worshipping cult, but I don't get how that would translate into the daily increase in misery they're imposing on us.

23 March, 2023

□ [“New Normal:  Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, and Pennsylvania Work on Legislations to Have More Defibrillator Access in Schools"]

Oh look, someone has finally gotten around to thinking they should do something about all the deaths from "suddenly" that weren't happening a few years ago.  No idea if this will get anywhere in the legislatures, but I would think smaller groups are hopefully working on things like this.

At this point, I have to think people should start finding out who their friends are and working out who they can rely on when things get bad.  Make sure they've been gathering back-up supplies, make sure everybody is in contact with each other.  Work out code words if you need them.  Perhaps even form an actual group and start working out plans, "when things go bad, grab your stuff and we'll meet here."

I have no idea how workable it would be for people, but maybe you could all meet in one place this weekend to discuss preparations and plans.  Or just do it in 2's and 3's.  Or meet on livechat.  But we clearly cannot trust the government at any level and who else can we rely on when everything falls apart?  I'm surprised it hasn't already happened, I was expecting that to be the point of Trump's announcement.

I have no idea what plans will work and I assume different plans will work differently for different groups.  The best I can hope for is that some groups have good enough plans that they have a chance to survive what's coming up.

23 March, 2023

□ [“The Bidens Tells Canadian Governor General 'It’s Been Really Warm Because of Global Warming in the United States'"]

Ok, what is this?  It was "global warming" when I was in school being told about it.  Before that, it was "global cooling."  Then it became "climate change" because they needed the same solution but "warming" and "cooling" don't work that way.  But all of a sudden, it's "global warming" again?

It can't be a coincidence, Jill and Joe both using the term that hasn't been used in decades.  Except for yesterday when the UN Secretary-General used the term, saying "Global warming is a global warning that we are on the wrong track.  And melting glaciers are the canary in the coalmine."

My first thought is this is some sort of code word.  Why else would three people of the highest elites on the planet suddenly go back to the 80s/90s for their terminology, the same phrase at the same time?  Anyone 'in the know' will get whatever they're talking about, the rest of us will ignore them and go on with our miserable lives.

We know they use codewords, they're all gays and spies, that's part of the job requirement.  I was wondering if that was what Trump was doing in his announcement of being arrested.  I also thought that explained his reaction just before declaring his candidacy for POTUS.  I don't remember the specific video and it's been a long time since I've seen it, but it was a Comedy Central Celebrity Roast or something like that, where Hillary was the speaker and said something.  Maybe it was just the editing, and I don't remember the comment, but as I recall, she wasn't making fun of Trump at that moment.  She had before or after that part, which gets the leftist attention that *that's* why he challenged her automatic victory for POTUS, but it just didn't look right to me.  Trump and Hillary moved in the same circles, they'd know at least some of the same codes.  Anyway, I've always wondered about that.

24 March, 2023

Why don't they just make an electric Camaro to get more sales?

□ [“Clueless Leaders Don’t Understand Why Recruitment for Woke Military is Down"]

In fact they specifically deny it.  The Marine Commandant General Berger said “I don’t see it.  I don’t hear it.  They’re not talking about it.  It’s not a factor for them at all.  I don’t see a conversation or an impact of woke-ism in the rank and file, at all.”

For one thing, you'd think any military leader is fully aware that lower ranks are very capable of hiding things from higher ranks.  Particularly for officers, you'd really expect them to understand that lower ranks can always find ways to keep details that would get them punished away from their leadership.  Maybe it's a Marine thing, "I want my senior leaders to know everything I do that they can punish me for."

That could be what's going on right here, the Marine general is lying to Congress because he'll be punished if they learned the truth.  There's at least a possibility, but apparently no one would dare lie to him about their support for made-up genders if they might be punished for telling the truth.

Also, do they know you're spying on them?  Because that might change what they're willing to say to others if they think it will be reported to higher-ups and get them punished.  Even if you aren't spying on them, all they need to do is suspect you are and that will affect their conversations with others.  Yet this guy has never learned about this at any point in his long career.

And when will the military implement the diversity quotas that the "woke" adore?  Why not just say any unit that doesn't have the required number of blacks, lesbians and every other gender should be shut down until enough service members have enlisted to fill the ranks?  That's the way you want it, so go ahead and make it that way.

If that announcement doesn't increase the number of service members who enlist, then start kicking the white males out until the percentages are accurate.  You need to represent the nation you're serving and you don't have nearly enough fat people.  Do I have to think of everything for you?

We've got China, Russia and Iran ready to start attacking, assuming they haven't started already, don't you think it's a good idea to get the military up to proper genders *before* that happens?  Nobody's going to want to see white men doing all the work, especially young and healthy ones.

24 March, 2023

□ [“Now in Sixth Week, Incommunicado Fetterman to Remain in Psych Ward 'At Least Over a Week'"]

He was so popular and well-known among his comrades.  They were envious of all his accomplishments.  Just think of what he could accomplish if he ever showed up to work.  At least he still gets paid and gets the Congressional medicare system that us peons aren't permitted to use.

It basically shows how unimportant everyone in Congress is to running the nation.  They could all be locked away in a psych ward and we wouldn't notice.  As far as I know, no one has bothered releasing any video of him showing that he's conscious and can actually speak.  We'll just take their word for it, or we would if there were any.

What have Pennsylvanians gotten for his service?  What has the Senate gotten?  What has the Democratic party gotten, other than keeping out anyone else who might actually, y'know, be there.  And none of them are complaining in the slightest.  Not even as an act for the peons.  That tells what we need to know about their plans for him.

As I write this, there pix of this guy have been released.  Well, they claim to be this guy, but his ears don't stick out, his head is much thinner and his facial expression is much more normal than the dazed blank look he had before this experience.  Yeah, that's totally the same guy.

24 March, 2023

□ [“Biden Orders a Retaliatory Air Strike Against a Suspected Iran-Funded Base in Syria"]

It will be proportionate and deliberate action to limit the risk of escalation and minimize casualties.  That'll teach Iran a lesson!  We could minimize casualties even further by not having an airstrike at all.  But the pilots need time in the air so whadyagonnado?

Syria and Iran aren't neighbors, how did Iran get any influence there in the first place?  A large majority is Sunni so, according to the leftists who always opposed the US being in places like Syria, they have only hatred for Shi'ites like Iranians.  There is no possible way different branches of Islam could unite against the infidel.  So how did Iran get there in the first place?

Trump killed an Iranian military leader with drones in January 2020, Qassem Soleimani, at Baghdad International Airport for attacking the US embassy there.  That was criticized by the UN, Russia and all Democrats running for POTUS at the time, including Joe Biden.  Wikipedia has a full page of criticism for Trump doing what Biden wants to do.  Literally, Soleimani was in the Iranian Revolutionary Guard and Biden's staff has announced that our response will be in a place where the Revolutionary Guard is operating.

24 March, 2023

□ [“‘Largest Satanic Gathering in History’ Will Require Masks and Vaccinations"]

“Satancon attendees must be 18 or over and have proof of COVID vaccination.  Attendees must wear an N-95, KN-95, or disposable surgical mask.  Gaiters, bandanas, and cloth masks will not be allowed.”

I guess you could say their appeal is becoming more selective.  The cheapest tickets are $95 so it's not like they have any need for poor people.  Or non-whites, based on what little video they have showing attendees.  But I guess everybody's eating very well so they can easily afford the tickets.  And those expensive masks.

You'd think the misery our rulers are imposing on the world would push a lot of people away from events like this, and quite possibly that will happen here, but then, people stupid enough to do this in the first place aren't going to turn back just because they're being hustled by demon-worshippers and it's worked for this long, why change it?

I definitely think events like this will start becoming rarer.  Or at least they'll need to have some actual use to people.  I can't find any list of shops in the Satancon marketplace for any year but could one get some homemade food or useful tools for construction or vehicle maintenance?  This thing is only permitted by a society they want to destroy and they don't see any contradiction.

The latest book on sale, Resist:  There's current events, whatever I'm thinking about, and The Struggling comic strip

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