Sunday, April 9, 2023


06 April, 2023

The gas prices would be cheaper if you bought more Rococo Coffee.  Jus' saying...

□ [“Nike Hires Skinny-Legged Dylan Mulvaney to Sell Women’s Athletic Wear"]

This is the same creature whose advertising is getting rid of Bud Lite.  This has to be deliberate.  They're are actually trying to destroy their businesses although there's no way to understand why.  How is it possible to get people in charge of advertising who insist on doing this no matter what?

Leftists are rich, they have investments in these megacorporations, but how does that put them in charge?  They don't want to sell beer or sportswear, they want to advertise made-up genders, and do that using beer and sportswear.  They claim they're promoting "women" but avoid actually picking a real woman.  They give it tons of money to be in these ads which they won't recoup.

There has to be someone who would say 'no' to this but none of them are in charge of these giant corporations, so how did they get to that position?  How do you decide 'let's put someone who wants to stop selling beer in charge of advertising beer'?  How do you get in charge of a big business you want to destroy?  Did George Soros pay for them to get in these positions for some reason?

□ [“Another Transgender 'Male' Arrested for Planning a Fresh School Shooting in Colorado"]

And this is the new wave of attacks.  Insane females being pushed to pretend they're males and they're willing to shoot everybody as a result.  This might be the purpose of the ads for Bud Lite and Nike, so that the companies have to immediately cancel the ads, outraging the trans lunatics and this gives the government another excuse to ban guns.

It's not like the rulers are interested in protecting people, they certainly don't object to the deaths from "suddenly."  They had commanded the "vengeance" to start at the beginning of April, so here we are.  They've even spent the last few years whining about an "incitement to violence" and none of that gets mentioned these days, despite doing exactly that to cause exactly this.  There was the same affect with the antifa and BLM riots, which were "mostly peaceful" but January 6 was a violent insurrection which was so dangerous and deadly.

If there's an upside, it's that these creatures have demonstrated themselves to be completely worthless to anybody.  Their parents couldn't be bothered to keep them out of this mess, nobody else has to.  That's why guns are important, so that when these things start trying to kill people, just shoot them on the spot.

06 April, 2023

□ [“Charles’s Coronation Balcony Lineup Won’t Include Harry and Meghan Markle”]

Interesting.  I assume they’ll attend but they won’t be in the family’s public appearance.  I’m not a huge fan of the monarchy but this is an event so I can’t help but notice it.  My understanding is that Harry basically demanded everything his way or he’d leave the family, so the Queen went with that.  It’s not something you can get a redo on.

When Elizabeth took the throne, Elvis Presley was a highschooler thinking about getting into that music-thing.  Now England has to do another ceremony, this time for a dottering old man who wants to be king.  It was a very long generation but it’s over now.

There’s no reason to think the monarchy will last much longer.  Unless Charles drops dead soon, I think it’s unlikely there will be another coronation, although it’s possible there will be some pretenders.  Maybe we’ll get lucky and England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales will break up so they can each go back to having their own kings.

06 April, 2023

It's only been a couple days but haven't heard anything new on the Trump thing in NYC.  Far as I know, Trump hasn't even made any public statements, which is quite strange.  This is a point where they need to make preparations.  The government is going to target him for anything they can make up, so they need to be ready with their response.

Lots of people are pointing out similarities others have made, Bill Clinton paid off women to make them shut up, Hillary paid Russia for election-interfering documents and used classified information illegally, Biden stole classified information and sent his family members out to collect money for him.  That's all valid and maybe someone somewhere will prosecute them, claiming 'the law applies to everyone,' but I'm not optimistic.

This really needs to be public and explicit, a very clear and understandable comparison of anything they use against Trump to leftists getting away with the same thing and worse.  Not to mention the fact that they're using a local DA to prosecute someone for federal offenses which the feds were too lazy to do.  Not to mention the fact that this DA is known for throwing out felonies committed by other criminals, so why isn't he doing that here?  Not to mention that he doesn't even include the specific crimes in the charges.

They have to steal the trial even more than they steal elections, this is completely worthless otherwise.  And there is talk of going after Democrats the same way.  So far it's only talk, there is absolutely no reason to delay on that and every reason to have gotten it done last week.

06 April, 2023

□ [“Fauci:  ‘There Will Absolutely be an Outbreak of Another Pandemic…It May be Next Year…’”]

Do they know which one or will that decision be made later?  Maybe China will decide, given that we’re being told they have genuinely dangerous viruses ready to send out.  At least the poison-vaccine is already created, they’ll just use the same one again.

Why not?  It worked for them last time, everybody obeyed or was forced to obey so the rulers could seize power.  They’re the virus and there is no vaccine.

This well help the rulers keep everyone isolated.  We won’t be permitted to see others in person and anything we do on the internet will be spied on.  This will also help to eliminate real money.  Our masters have been watching things like this be done for decades in North Korea, thanks to China, now they want to take it world-wide.

07 April, 2023

Where oh where has my headline gone? Where oh where can it be?

□ [“‘There’s 4 Pages of Blame on Trump’ – Lefty Reporter Slams John Kirby Over NSC Report Blaming Trump For Biden’s Deadly Afghanistan Withdrawal"]

So there's an after-action report on the Afghanistan disaster.  That's strange considering Biden is the one who made it happen and even promised not to blame others.  Literally, on June 4, 2020, Biden tweeted "It's hard to believe this has to be said, but unlike this president, I'll do my job and take responsibility.  I won't blame others."  On August 16, 2020, he tweeted "I'll take responsibility instead of blaming others."  And here he is, blaming others.

It happened under your watch, idiot.  And not just that, you'd supposedly been in charge for over half a year before it happened.  If you can't make a decision to not lose a war in less than six months, you're not the one in charge.  Either way, you're responsible.  Were you too busy groping children to make any decisions?

Of course the report doesn't blame Biden in the slightest, it's like he wasn't remotely in charge.  That's not what a commanding officer does, which would explain Biden.  Biden has already blamed the generals who said everything would turn out fine and those generals have testified to Congress that they told Biden exactly what would happen, which it did, yet he ran away like a sissy little girl anyway.

And of course it's easy to find clips of Biden+ saying everything will be fine, the Taliban won't take over Afghanistan, the US isn't leaving, etc.  And then it happened.  Were they deliberately lying or just saying what they were told to say?  Either way, every faithful muslim in the world knows who won and who lost and the ones who focus on promoting made-up genders aren't the winners.

07 April, 2023

□ [“US-Saudi Tensions Escalate After Crown Prince Says He is No Longer Interested in ‘Pleasing’ the U.S."]

So now oil-rich Mecca is turning away from us, having found better allies like Iran.  Isn't that convenient for everybody?  This won't help the dollar either.  Hell, it doesn't even help transgenders and their supporters although obviously they have no clue what right is and only love what's wrong.

Of course we could produce our own oil and not need Saudi, but our rulers also oppose that so we're SOL.  They're turning off every possible ally, apparently uniting the entire world against us.  We can order NATO to fight Russia but they're all realizing that we really won't be on their side when push comes to shove and they're they ones who've had to deal with Russia for centuries.

It's this sort of thing that makes me wonder if this is really what the conspiracy is about, doing anything necessary to destroy the USA because that will somehow make everything perfect.  You get the feeling someone was reading about the Punic wars and saw what happened when they finally lost for the last time, the earth was salted to prevent anything from ever growing again.

It's like they're Sodom and Gomorrah seeking to get revenge on us for what happened to Lot's wife.

07 April, 2023

I'm starting to come to the conclusion that Egypt is the source of the basic evil cult that rules the world.  It's not the oldest civilization ever, but it's really the oldest one still standing.  Mesopotamia and Persia were overrun too many times over the years for anything to be left of an actual civilization and China just deleted everything it could at one point, so little is left for anyone to understand.

Egypt sticks out to me because it seems like death-worship was the fundamental point of society, where the rulers were perceived as living gods.  They had writing, boats and enough manufacturing to construct pyramids.  To the extent we can perceive their religion, it was human and animal sacrifice.  The pharaohs rulers in early dynasties became more like priests, leaving their viziers to do the actual ruling.

It's just a made-up theory, but I'm still going on the idea that people actually lived a lot longer.  They also couldn't distinguish between God and His adversary, which explains the blood sacrifices.  We don't have specific dates to work with, but if you do the math, Abraham was born around the time of the longest-ruling pharaoh of the early dynasties.  Noah had been born about a century earlier and would live for another 50 years or so, along with ten generations that led to Abraham, whom God obviously had plans for.

Obviously Abraham, Noah and Curly had their roles to play in God's plan (nyuck nyuck nyuck) but whatever legacy of Egypt itself still exists.  Or it's just made up which is good enough for the true believers, why do they keep remaking movies about Cleopatra marrying her brother?  Just the fact that this doing this was so popular among Egypt's rulers looks strange.  When Greece broke up under Alexander the Great's death, Ptolemy took over and became totally Egyptian, marrying his sister and giving their children the exact same names as their parents.

I think that's one of the schemes of God's adversary, to get humans to link up closely to each other, as she wants to do with God, so that we can all go away and she can get back with God in private without us snooping on them.  He thinks that's a bad idea but she never learns.

07 April, 2023

□ [“WHO Quietly Backtracks and Says Healthy Children and Teens are Low Risk and Do Not Need COVID-19 Shot"]

They didn't need it three years ago but that didn't stop you.  Nobody needed it three years ago but oh well, you're going to push it on everyone, consent isn't required.  It's not like you can say you were telling the truth then, so that that means it's not like anybody will believe that you're telling the truth now.

But that doesn't matter, people will still keep pushing the poison-vaccine into children.  New York state is still passing a law to deny anything from children who aren't vaccinated.  Basically it's the masters making themselves look all nice and noble and their servants imposing the tyranny to get the blame for it.  And they're still not showing the slightest interest in all the deaths from "suddenly."

We need to put these people on trial immediately.  My suggestion would be to put the noose on them and then start the trial.  It would be quick and easy, 'any reason not to?  Answer now or say goodbye.'

We also need to start working out how many people are permanently mutilated as a result of this jab.  I don't know what should be done with them, but that's a decision we'll need to work out as soon as possible.

07 April, 2023

□ [“March Jobs: Cuts Surged by 15 Percent – Large Scale Layoffs Likely to Continue"]

The economy is ready to collapse.  We can expect the mass media to start the made-up genders suffer the most, even worse than blacks and women.  More importantly, nobody's willing to invest their time, energy or money into anything our rulers want, but they're all prevented from investing in anything else.  Without fuel and factories, there's no production or delivery, meaning there's no supplies for anybody except the elites.

□ [“JP Morgan’s Jamie Dimon: 'We May Need to Evoke Eminent Domain' to Seize Private Property to Build Wind and Solar Farms"]

But they're willing to seize from other people, it's part of their earth-worship.  You didn't know that's what banks were for?  Well that's why they make the decisions.  Notice he's not the slightest bit worried that his bank's assets will be seized using the same law that he demands against others.  That's how you know he's one of the elites, all he needs to do is add "the law applies to everybody."

Of course, he's a billionaire.  He owns multiple large lands in multiple states, those would be very easy to seize for a "solar farm."  But no one will ever ask him about this, much less go through with it.  He's just a (very rich) pawn, get rid of him and he'd be replaced by another mindless twin, but we really should start setting an example with these people.  They want money to be seized, start with theirs.  Doesn't matter if they survive the experience or not.

08 April, 2023

I did more writing before 9AM than most people do all day!

□ [“New Leaks of U.S./NATO Military Intelligence Documents Alarm Washington"]

In the last couple days, there have been leaks of classified documents covering what we're doing with Ukraine, covering training, weapons delivery and troop numbers.  They're dated recently, the end of February and beginning of March 2023.  Maybe someone can check if Hunter Biden's bank account recently got a large increase.

It doesn't seem likely that they could be faked, unless someone knew exactly what top secret documents look like and why.  I never had more than a secret clearance, but I do know that military documents in general have a lot of details that the normal users have no idea what they mean and thieves would have even less of a clue, meaning that you couldn't fake them unless you knew everything needed for an accurate original document, otherwise you'd be caught easily.  They kinda treat classified documents seriously, or they should anyway.

Is it a deliberate leak to give fake information to the enemy?  That's possible although I have no idea why you'd do that.  Russia has lots of experience with US intel documents, it doesn't seem like they'd be likely to just believe it without hesitation, even if it's absolutely true.  They have their own plans in place, good, bad or otherwise.  Doesn't mean it wasn't a plot to release fake info, just that it doesn't make much sense.

Maybe someone can check if Hunter Biden's bank account recently got a large deposit.  Or Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.  He'd publicly promised to warn China if there were any plans to attack them, why not include China's ally to that list?

08 April, 2023

□ [“CNN Finally Admits What We All Knew About US Economy: Is Its Confession Way Too Late?"]

They're still lying about how well the economy is doing, but are finally admitting that there might be *some* problems with all the huge corporations firing lots of employees.  CNN is part of a large corporation so that might be how they finally noticed.

If even the media is finally getting around to noticing, how long will it be before it becomes obvious to our ruling class?  I'm sure many of them will never notice, they'll go home to their mansions and give orders to their servants, but even some of them might be making back-up plans for what's about to happen.

They also need to make it look like they have a clue what's actually going on instead of the propaganda they fill up the news channels with.  I don't think it will work but they at least have to try to maintain respectability from the few viewers they have left.  Otherwise it'll be too obvious that the only audience they have are puppets who will believe anything, which is what they've been doing for years.

08 April, 2023

□ [“Biden Finally Mentions Nashville Shooting – to Defend Democrats Expelled From Tennessee Legislature"]

Haven't paid much attention to Nashville for the last several years so I haven't been focused on what's going on here, but it looks like it was more than just city politics.  Blatant leftists were kicked out of the legislature and now it's arguing whether or not they can come back.  It's Nashville, so I assume Democrats have the whole government locked in, so what's the problem?

Kamala Harris rush in because she has nothing better to do.  Barack Obama tweeted about it, not someone anybody's been asking to hear more from these days.  Apparently a 9-year old was mutilated by transgender surgery and all the expected people support that without question.

AOC needed to tweet something stupid, "If you thought youth organizing was strong, just wait for what’s coming. Gen Z don’t play."  Yes they do, that's all they ever learned in school and they're prevented from becoming adults by people like you.  Gen X is the last one worth a damn.  We were forced to listen to Nirvana and Pearl Jam and couldn't even surf the internet for decent porn.  That teaches you something about life.

Anyway, a transgender creature shot a bunch of a kids in Nashville a week ago, how come that didn't make any of these people upset?  I have no idea what, but something about this is clearly being done deliberately and it must have bigger goals than generic leftism.  Are they just tryin to take over a government building which they complain about when Republicans do it?  Are they thrilled about arresting government officials like Trump?  What is the point of this?

08 April, 2023

□ [“3 New ‘Star Wars’ Movies Announced, Including Return of Daisy Ridley’s Rey 15 Years After ‘The Rise of Skywalker’"]

They probably are serious about this but I doubt they'll get very far.  Given Disney's bad performance so far, why would anyone really want to spend hundreds of millions of dollars to make a movie nobody wants?  You could do that a lot cheaper.  It doesn't help that they're so determined to make sure everybody knows that the director has dark skin and self-identifies as female, because that's really all you need to know about it.

My first guess was that this would be a trilogy about Rey but it looks like even Disney can't be that stupid.  There's another movie set in the New Republic and a third supposedly about the origins of the Jedi.  Would anybody want to see these movies if they had nothing to do with Star Wars, even the name on the label?  We can already tell the answer is "no," otherwise they'd just do the movies without calling them Star Wars until post-production.

They've killed the franchise.  It's still a stumbling zombie corpse but it's dead.  At least Marvel has hundreds of established characters and thousands of stories, even if most of them aren't any good.  Star Wars was just an action/sci-fi movie serial with some neat characters and toys.  It's like they're trying to make it a religion without any clue what a religion actually does.

08 April, 2023

□ [“'We All Have To Be Very Careful' – Democrats Worried About Celebrating Trump Indictment"]

Oh *suddenly* they're about doing their jobs.  How does Nashville fit in with that, given how much attention they're giving it right now?  They're still saying the economy is doing great, so they don't have anything to do there.  Other making it worse but that's natural for them.

What are they doing to get the non-white countries to stop trying to join BRICS?  They've already got roughly half the world's population and that's just going to keep going up, even though we're trying to start a war with them.  Don't have any evidence (of course) but it does look like we're getting very close to the target date.

It think it's more likely that a number of them are lawyers and realize this isn't remotely a strong case.  Even worse, some of them realize it can be used against them a lot easier.  Luckily this lines up with needed to pretend their serious professionals.  Not sure who they're kidding but that's what they're doing anyway.

An unnamed representative says they don't want Trump to look like a victim and they would just be spreading kerosene.  That's what they've been doing for years, no reason to stop now.  Something about this sticks out, like it's Obama or Hillary or whoever's really in charge, giving orders to get their pets to shut up.  Somebody higher up has to see the risk they're taking and it'll only work if they keep the people oppressed.  One false move and they're dead, we'll make sure of that.

09 April, 2023

And so this is Easter and what have you done?

□ [“Years After ‘Scr*w Your Freedom’ Statement, Arnold Schwarzenegger Issues Public Apology: 'I’m Sorry for Saying Those Words'"]

He's a rich and famous politician, attacking people's freedoms is just automatic for them.  He will never defend anyone else's rights.  He's one of the people who made be realize that a lot of Democrats self-identify as Republicans.  You can say it's California, what else could Republicans do, but look at how he opposes freedom without the slightest hesitation, not to mention spending money, banning guns and fossil fuels and all the other leftist stereotypes.

He also led me to start wondering about the leftist gay movement, given that gay men usually try to look good for other men, especially if they're social climbers.  Arnold started out as a European weight lifter and would marry a Kennedy.  No proof obviously but if he's not actually in the cult himself, he knows a lot who are.

He's on the side who pretends cloth can stop a virus and promoting the poison-vaccine because people will die if he doesn't.  People have been dying from exactly that and all he can say is that he should have communicated better about how to remove other people's freedoms.  That's what he's been doing his whole life, he's not going to change now.

09 April, 2023

□ [“French President Macron:  Europe Must Reduce Its Dependence on United States"]

This is what he got from out of trying to convince China to turn against its ally Russia and save Ukraine.  All that fossil fuel he burned and this is the only result he's willing to tell the world about, that they need to get away from the US.  What does Ukraine get out of that?  He could have done that on the telephone!

I pointed out just a few days ago that he wouldn't get anything from this except getting away from those annoying Paris riots.  I'm probably not the only one who saw this coming but I'm not on the French payroll.  Even worse, falls back on the old idea that Europe needs to be a "third superpower," and adding a new stupid phrase, “strategic autonomy.”  That was the sort of rhetoric they used decades ago when they were making a "European Union," look how that worked out.  They can't even get Ukraine to join and they'd been talking about that since 2005, although for some reason they suddenly applied for membership at the end of February 2022.

All he did was prove that he's as much a pawn of China as Biden is, or at least a tool of whoever's really running these things.  Was this always the point of the trip or was he really going for further instructions?  If there were any real French left, they'd be getting the guillotine ready for him, but his people got rid of them a long time ago.

09 April, 2023

□ [“Budweiser Has New Ad with Dylan Mulvaney Since the Last One Did So Well"]

The *why* they're doing something so stupid and just doubling down on it has been figured out.  The Human Rights Campaign, obviously named after Hillary, is behind it.  It's a non-profit advocacy group founded in 1980 which has been pushing itself deeper and deeper into Democrats and businesses ever since.

In 2002, they started a Corporate Equality Index (CEI) to judge businesses on whatever social matters they made up at the moment.  Not being elected or having any actual role in the business, the CEI score affects a businesses public appearance and is part of the Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance (ESG) “ethical investing” movement.

It definitely affects laws, Biden has vetoed a Republican bill to eliminated ESG investments.  There's little doubt that other regulations are affected by this group, things that normal people never hear about but are quite relevant to operating a business, particularly one big enough to show up on CEI scales.

This is how fascism works, the government imposes its will on so-called "private industry."  They have to obey or else, and what the customers actually want is completely irrelevant.  Don't know if it's true, but I've heard Budweiser is doing quite well in the stock market these days, despite advertising that their customers should look elsewhere for beer.  The rulers are giving orders and getting paid for it to push this leftist agenda no matter how much gets torn down in the process.

It's about destroying everything that gets in the way of their bully tactics.  They get massive funding by groups like BlackStone and George Soros to censor anybody who says anything they don't like.  How long until businesses start advertising that they refuse to take part in things like this?  It would get them a lot more customers, although it may have to be an underground market.

09 April, 2023

□ [“Merchandiser Claims No One is Buying Anheuser-Busch Products"]

Anecdotal but amusing.  He gets paid to sell Anheuser products so he won't be able to feed his family if customers don't start buying.  I certainly hope more products are getting hit by this.  I glimpse at the beer section in stores when I pass by but that doesn't tell me anything.  It may have been completely empty five minutes before I walked in but someone restocked it.

One thing that would definitely help is if most people start looking for more local sources of food, and other requirements for that matter.  I would assume a lot more people are planting gardens this year than in previous decades because they don't know how long the grocery stores will be open.  If I was able to do that, I would.  [I live in apartment.  I also can't start an indoor garden although I was surprised to see how productive that could be.]

One possibility that could be looked into is, not exactly a collective garden, but employment of that sort.  I don't know how it would work with feet on the ground, but there should be a way where people can help the garden owner produce food and get paid in food.  No idea how it could be worked out or who is trustworthy.  Maybe write down a given dollar value for each hour worked and in the autumn, the worker is paid in crops for the total number of hours worked.

It wouldn't take long to start growing grains and hops to make beer either.  Just a thought.  Feed your family and get paid for it.

09 April, 2023

Me-sa thinken that new Star Wars movie will be poo-doo! Prova me wrong!

For some reason, I'm still paying attention to the announcement of new Star Wars movies.  Not sure why, it's not like I have any interest in seeing them, but I've been thinking about them lately.  It's quite possible Disney just needed to announce something to cover for the CEI score.  That's totally believable.  There's also the fact that they really don't look good these days, having destroyed some of the most profitable franchises in history, so they need to at least pretend they're making good decisions.

The actress playing Rey Palpatine [congrats to whoever came up with that joke] hasn't had much of a career other than these movies so it's understandable why she'd come back, but to do what?  She already knows everything and never fails, so what's the point of telling yet another very expensive story about her?  They could add a plot, maybe that would help.

It's also amazing how much credit the prequels are now getting.  Hate to admit it but they did have an actual story.  The characters had goals, they faced problems.  Thinking about it, they didn't really change, Anakin grew older in between the first and second but otherwise he was ready to be Darth Vader pretty early on and just needed an excuse.  But still, there was actually something going on which are not happening in any of these later movies, at least the few I've seen.

Disney can pump out product but they aren't producing anything that makes it worth watching, and only devote fans even bother to see it once.  It's not just them, this seems to be happening across pop culture these days but it still makes no sense.  That's not how to great a good movie, or any art form for that matter.

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