Thursday, April 13, 2023


10 April, 2023

If this made any sense, it would be banned

□ [“King Charles Infuriated Harry with New Rule After Meghan Announced as Fiancée – ‘Not a Bank’”]

Interesting, apparently the offspring don’t actually have as much money as you’d expect, so marrying one for the money doesn’t work.  Even in their degraded state, I’d expect this from the British Royal Family.  Princes can’t help themselves to money and that goes double for their kids.  They’re targeted by more scam artists than anyone else.

There needs to be at least a semblance of respectability.  One of the oldest, richest families ever, the kids should get some clue what it’s like to not buy anything they want.  You know, like normal people have to live with.  All your friends are rich, just sponge off them and maybe you’ll have a chance to reach the monarchy.

Charles was probably kept ignorant of family assets, although he probably learned something from the decades he spent as the Queen’s stand-in.  You don’t know what being in charge is like until it’s you and monarchs probably realized that a long time ago.

No one will ever accuse me of respect for Prince Charles but I think he probably has at least a slightly better clue now what his ancestors had to do and the kids are now the ones waiting for him to die so they can replace him.  As for Meghan, I’m surprised she hasn’t divorced that loser yet.  Tearing down the British is all she has to offer anyone.

10 April, 2023

□ [“Mass Shooting in Louisville, Kentucky – Five People Killed, Shooter is Also Deceased"]

Not too far from the Nashville shooting where they were all upset over leftists being kicked out of state government and Kamala Harris just visited to give orders.  I assumed the shooter would be another transgender, but near as I can tell, he doesn't self-identify as one of those.  He is leftist though, which is basically the same thing.  He was also an employee at the bank he shot up.

□ [“Police Confirm Second Louisville Shooting Outside Jefferson Community & Technical College… Only Blocks From Louisville Bank"]

Not enough time to get a copycat, this is someone who was given the same orders, although it looks like this shooter didn't hit anybody and fled.  I think the primary goal is an excuse to ban guns from everybody because leftists want to shoot as many as possible, although there are probably other goals for this.  Have to give them something to do until riot season start and they can be called "mostly peaceful" again.

They're giving orders to their followers.  AOC and Bruce Springsteen guitarist Steven Van Zandt both tweeted about their foot soldiers Gen Z moving in for the kill.  Van Zandt was literal, "Gen Z, Gen Y, Gen X will unite and exterminate these cockroaches once and for all."

"Exterminate" isn't a term used for people you consider equal to you, you filthy-rich Baby Boomer.  It's what you call your inferiors and that's exactly what you want.  That's what all of our rulers want to do with us.  And that's what's being don, in Louisville and everywhere else.  When are we going to start fighting back and show them what it's like to be exterminated?

10 April, 2023

□ [“Bud Light Goes Quiet, No Social Media Posts Since Making Dylan Mulvaney Its Spokestrans”]

Well they're kind of stuck.  They can either appeal to customers or they can get a good ESG score, but they can't do both.  I'd like to know how long it takes for recent sales figures to be released so (if they're trustworthy) we can confirm if there's actual a drop in sales.  Either way, a lot of people who actually work for Budweiser have to be increasingly open about this not being a good way to get customers.  Unless they're drunk, in which case they'll take anything.

But they've completely shut up on social media since the ad came out.  Vice President of Marketing Alissa Heinerscheid hasn't said anything either, but she already has now-deleted posts about how "Bud Light had been kind of a brand of fratty, kind of out of touch humor."  The people who buy her product aren't the kind she wants and everybody knows it.  That's what she's paid for.  You could also call the customers "working class" but the same thing applies, that's not the people she hangs out with.

It's also become known that the trans in the ads for Bud and Nike has been used in crowd-scenes for The Ellen Show and The Price is Right.  He also does ads for Olay and Tampax because of course.  When you're an insane predator, all you see is prey.

10 April, 2023

□ [“Dalai Lama Issues Apology for Asking Young Indian Boy to Suck His Tongue"]

We need to put a stop to the 'it's just their culture' nonsense.  There's right and there's wrong and if your culture insist on you telling boys to suck your tongue, that's wrong.  Girls too.

There's old stories of Ghandi insisting on sleeping naked with little girls to test his chastity, no mention made of how often he failed the test.  Mao Tse Tung did the same thing.  They're all leftist icons for a reason.

Safe to say this wasn't the first time he's done this, just the first time he got caught, and a lot more people are noticing how every leftist is promoting child abuse, so he had to make a pretend apology.  But these animals have been infiltrating every organization they can and can only declare "victory" every day.

10 April, 2023

□ [“Biden to NBC’s Al Roker: ‘I Plan on Running in 2024’"]

"I plan on running Al, but we’re not prepared to announce it yet."

You just did.  We already knew that, but you've gone on tv to tell the whole world you'd be running for POTUS.  Maybe you'll even win this time, that would be a nice change.  This isn't something you can go do it for real sometime next week or next month or next year.  You've just done it now.  And you don't even realize that.

He could just tell us what information he's going to declassify next year, that makes a much sense.

□ [“Lefty White House Reporters Groan After Karine Jean-Pierre Absurdly Claims Biden Takes More Questions Than Any Other President"]

They're really showing off how delusional they are.  If they make up that Biden actually talks to people then that's what really happens and the media must report it that way.  It's gotten them this far, no reason to quit now and they won't.

And the media sure isn't going to bother saying anything about that.  You could take footage from a random month of Trump getting questions and dare anybody to to the same with Biden, but no one would dare take up that challenge.

10 April, 2023

Still thinking about Star Wars and even remembering the Thrawn trilogy, which I haven’t read for a long time.  The characters were totally believable, you could totally believe the actors playing those roles like this.  The details added more to the galaxy it took place in.  I’ve read some of the other Timothy Zahn books – some I liked, some I didn’t – and absolutely none of the other books/comics/whatever, but I’d always cited that trilogy as bringing the franchise back.

Not sure how it would work without Luke, Han and Leia, but the basic plot could be brought into a workable movie trilogy.  An imperial commander has started winning again and figured out how to bring back clones, with a believable plan to restore the Empire.  Since I never followed the other books, I don’t know any details, but there were implications of a threat from outside the galaxy, the Yuuzon Vong, which could be set up in this trilogy for a series of movie sequels.

I wouldn’t be interested in seeing them but there are other people.  The ideas exist, they could clearly be used.  Yet Disney’s not going to do that.  When they bought the franchise, they made a really stupid decision to list all the previous fanbooks as “Legends” so that the only new releases would be official, which just removes interest in their intellectual property.

I don’t get how people could be that obsessed with Star Wars.  I was a huge fan as a kid but that was basically it for me.  There’s fondness for the Zahn books that I liked but otherwise there’s three movies and nothing else.  Yet other people were obsessed over it for decades and they’ve all been pushed away for some incredibly stupid reason.

No one’s going to present any decent ideas to this megacorporation, never mind how “woke” they are, because of all the resistance required to get it through committee after committee, and that’s before it even gets decided and changed to meet the required standards, and that’s before there’s anything to do with funding or designing special effects.  Anybody with actual talent would want to just go and make something but that’s not how Disney works and they’re the ones making the decisions.

That’s probably why I give Zahn the credits.  There really wasn’t much in the way of an established Star Wars universe to work with and he was basically allowed to make up everything he wanted to do.  The few details given about the Clone Wars were a lot more interesting under his writing than what we got in whichever prequel they were finally used.  He’s the one who named the Empire’s capital planet “Coruscant.”

That’s creativity and that’s what’s missing from this insane idea to bring back whatsername for another movie after the horrible final trilogy.  I’m still pretty sure those movies will never get made, they just needed to make an announcement for some reason and that’s what they picked.  It’s not like I’ll be seeing any of them.

11 April, 2023

Another day, another disaster...

“There’s been some concern.  That if we play five or six new songs, then there can’t that many more on the album.  Au contraire, mon frére.  We’re just playing the songs we’re not considering putting out as singles or anything.  So, you’ll get 18 songs, and about 10 extra tracks.  And when that, when the record company feels that has run its course, then you’ll get it all over again.  By that time, I should be done with the third album.  So we’ll see if all goes well boys and girls.”

 – Axl, August 26, 2002

That was over 20 years ago.  If you count 'Sympathy for the Devil," "Oh My God," "Hard School" and "Absurd," there's the 18 songs, so where are the 10 extra tracks?  Slash and Duff could have added whatever to those and released them by now, if they actually existed.

Axl is just lying.  His employees probably recorded stuff in the studio but there's little to nothing in the way of Axl vocals and he's the sole owner of the G'n'R franchise.  If the music was actually finished, it could be released.  Metallica just made a video promoting their latest album and showed that it was being released on record, CD and cassette.  It's not like those require some magical abilities no one else can possess, they just made a decision and carried it through.  They had finished work and wanted their fans to hear it.  They did that so they can move on and do the next work.

Axl lies, Axl's employees sign contracts telling them to lie, there is no finished work that can be released and that's the end.  They could just sit in a room for a few hours and crank out something like they did for the songs on Appetite that they still play in every concert but they don't get paid for that.

How do you make 18 songs + 10 bonus tracks into 14 songs + 0 bonus tracks six years later?

How do you say "soon is the word" for the video you'll be releasing next week and still hasn't been released 14 years later?

That's not honesty.  That's making up nonsense and being surrounded by people who never call him out on it, as Axl has been doing for decades.  An honest person would make sure to tell people what they were wrong about.  Liars surrounded by sycophants have no reason to clarify what they were wrong about.

At least with Eddie Van Halen, you would think there'd at least be a bunch of tracks of him playing guitar for five or ten minutes.  He's EVH, at least some fans would like that.  I think it was Metallica but I may be mis-remembering, one of the big bands were going to put out a bunch of guitar riffs that they'd never used.  That sounds like a neat idea.  With Prince, I could believe that he'd put out so damn many albums that there really is nothing left.

They could just have the band jamming and Axl going 'woah oh oh' because there's no lyrics, that would be worth listening to at least once.  Hell, they could do it right now, except for...

11 April, 2023

□ [“Biden Signs GOP-Proposed Bill Ending Covid-19 'National Emergency'"]

After 810 days, he finally ended the "emergency" he promised to end on Day One.  The "emergency" started on March 13, retroactively to March 1, so of the 1135 days, over 71% of them have been under Biden.  But now he can finally allow invaders to legally enter the US instead of what they've been doing for the last two and a half years.  They'll still keep all the anti-virus regulations though.

□ [“Swiss Government Temporarily Halts Vaccinations Against Covid-19 Including for High-Risk Individuals"]

Of course we have little in the way of media to tell us about this, but from what we can see, the truth of the virus and poison-vaccine seems to be getting more obvious.  I'm still not convinced that it was a deliberate Chinese lab creation, but I'm certainly willing to consider the possibility.  But the poison was completely intentional, the goal is to kill as many people as possible, particularly Americans and white people.

It was also an excuse to give the WHO absolute power to self-identify as an unelected world government, which is obviously quite successful.  That's why I think it was just convenient for Congress to get around to passing this bill and the pretend-POTUS to get around to signing it, they've gotten everything they want.

11 April, 2023

□ [“Congressional Leaders in ‘Gang of Eight’ Gain Access to Trump, Pence, Biden Classified Documents"]

After months of delay, they've finally gotten around to looking into the classified documents stolen by the self-identified POTUS many years ago.  How nice.  No idea if they've bothered to go in yet, but safe to assume they've all been modified, clarified, whatever needs to be done so that only Trump will get blamed for anything.

It's also coming out that Biden was definitely told about the Mar-a-Lago raid.  That doesn't mean he knew anything but anybody with a working brain who'd been told would have known.  So that was a lie all along that he only learned when watching TV.  When did he find out he was storing classified documents in his garage?

We're also learning that plenty of other people have had total access to this info, George Soros' son is a regular visitor and donor.  Pretty sure he's not the only one, his Veep secretary has told Congress where they've all gone, including Chinatown, but it's Trump they're going after so no one will be punished for it.  They were all working around Congress and quite possibly working around Biden other than having him sign whatever they told him to.  Has to use the feds to go after his opponent.  Hunter Biden also sent classified government documents to his employer in Ukraine, what a coincidence.

11 April, 2023

□ [“Pentagon Leaks: US Intelligence Expects Modest Results From Ukrainian Spring Offensive"]

That totally important Ukraine city Bakhmut which really isn't important at all is finally ready to fall if Russia ever bothers to get around to it.  And if Ukraine ever gets around to that offensive they were planning for early Spring, they might match their heroic victories last winter and last fall and all of them before that.  So they lose a city, big deal.  They'll just add another victory to the ever-increasing list.

Less than two months ago, Biden himself raved for the glories victories Ukraine had won.  Kind of like Afghanistan, so maybe in a few months he'll say nobody ever told him what was actually happening.  I'm beginning to wonder if Russia's overall plan was to delay it long enough to (a) pick up as much money and weapons as possible when they finally won and (b) to show how weak and helpless the US and Europe are thanks to our rulers.  There's a lot of arguments to favor that perspective.

The documents also indicate that Egypt, which receives a lot of US military aid, is selling missiles to Russia because they know what side they're really on.  The UAE is also cozying up to Russia, yet another non-white nation.  And there's also NATO troops on the ground, from Britain, Latvia, France, Netherlands and 14 troops from the US of A.  That would be a special forces team, maybe a few attachments, probably 10th Group, maybe 5th or 19th. It's like Vietnam all over again, Democrats must be thrilled.

11 April, 2023

□ [“Steven Van Zandt Backtracks on Call for Genocide of Republican 'Cockroaches'"]

His sycophants all agree that exterminating cockroaches was *obviously* a reference to voting.  None of them actually point to how extermination works that way but they unquestioningly agree with it.  It's only symbolism now after his urge to kill millions of people is on twitter.  Before that he was totally serious about what he wanted to do to the inferiors.

These people have been surrounded by fame and fortune for most of their lives.  If they hadn't, they would have needed to find a new line of work decades ago.  But they obeyed so now they expect everyone to obey them.  Disobedience will be severely punished, they have men with guns to impose their will on the masses.

And because the law applies to everybody, there won't be any investigation of his threats of hatred and violence.  Nothing extreme there, all of those people think that way.  They're so special that they get to make up the rules for others.

12 April, 2023

If transgender "women" could have periods, they'd all be gone within 28 days.

□ [“Anheuser-Busch Suffers Astounding $3 Billion Loss in Market Cap Value"]

Is this a set-up?  The most obvious guess is that they thought it was totally brilliant to get rid of those inferior customers and find all-new ones to buy the product, but what if that wasn't the actual plan?  First of all, they're causing serious damage to a large corporation, so liberals would love that and ask how they can do it more often.  Second of all, they're getting a decent count of just how many people there are out there who will turn on them.

Third of all, it provides a lot of distraction from everything else they're doing to the world.  There's more explosions at food farms, they've got to spread a new virus around with no one noticing, there's the Chinese control of digital currency to push for, there's a lot of other stuff, but instead they give all this attention to a beer that most people insist they never ever drink.

Nike ran ads with the same creature, why aren't they having any problems?  There's a lot of opportunities to learn from and all they have to do is put out a worthless tool and have the veep of management talk about how inferior their customers are to her.

Maybe I'm wrong and this was just a stupid idea on their part that's backfiring big time, but I think it's really important to look into what advantage they might be getting without being noticed.  Other big companies are striking out in similar ways right now, that's got to be a deliberate plan on their part.

12 April, 2023

□ [“Doctors Sound Alarm Over Proposed Changes to Definition of Death in Federal Guidance"]

They're going to do this so they can take what they want from your body after they self-identify you as living up to their new definition of "death."  That old version of "death" didn't give them enough authority.  Naturally this isn't an actual law, it's just an agreement by lawyers and so-called "experts" to make your decisions.  If they didn't know best, they wouldn't be the people in charge.

They're getting rid of that word “irreversible.”  Doesn't matter if the body can be healed, they get what they want and nobody can stop them.  Of course they might make mistakes but well, too late now.  You'll just have to live with that.  Or not, whatever.

It's probably death-worship, that's just the most logical answer for why they would do this, impose their will on everybody else and permit no disagreement.  They're doing this everywhere else, why not with medical care too?  This is where the long-term problems are, we all need medical care sooner or later and now we can't trust any of them.

12 April, 2023

□ [“Biden Treasury Sec. Janet Yellen Says ‘The United States is Doing Extremely Well, Economically’"]

So is she blatantly lying or does she have no clue what words are coming out of her mouth?  Or was this the goal all along, so that yes, by their standards, this is going "extremely well."  It's just the rest of us who realize how much suffering is really happening.

Every few days there's more news.  Whole Foods is shutting down in San Francisco, Walmart is shutting down in Chicago.  Large Democrat cities where people won't be able to get supplies from woke companies.  The government is on the side of the criminals - as long as they have the right skin color - so they can just take what they want for free.  That doesn't help supplies for anybody else but they don't matter, it's only poor people who get hurt.  They'll win all the elections with no difficulty.

 Is she working directly for China or just taking orders from someone who is?  They get to pick who wins any competition, everybody else has to lose.  The government doesn't even have to follow its own laws like RICO. [Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations]  She's over 75 years old and she's not going to leave government any time soon, at least not under her own power.  There's so much more to destroy!  We haven't finished Year Zero yet!

12 April, 2023

□ [“Trudeau Foundation CEO and Board Resign Over Beijing-Linked Donation"]

But Trudeau insists he has absolutely no involvement with the organization named after him which gets all the benefits of the Canadian version of 'non-profit' tax breaks.  They even get lots of money from China to influence elections, yet Trudeau who keeps winning elections knows nothing about that.  That's believable.

He is an example of the conspiracy ranging across the free world and orchestrated by the non-free world.  Besides the foreign donations which help him win elections, it's well known that his mother was a total leftist, and often implied what happened when she met Fidel Castro nine months before Trudeau was born.  So of course he's been firmly implanted at the top of the Canadian government and able to push leftist agendas south of the border.

I assume these foundations all work together to funnel as much money as possible through Ukraine or wherever to fund the takeover of the world.  They're rich and never have to worry about voters, so they can get whatever they want.  This would be a convenient place to set up a demon-worshiping cult.  Oh, they probably already have one.

12 April, 2023

So how long will this last?  We all expect a complete collapse to happen any day now but when is the target date?  One reason I keep saying we need to go on strike is because that would create a target date, right away.  As miserable as we all are, the waiting just makes it worse.  We need to get this started.

And where will the collapse start?  Stock Market?  China invading Taiwan?  Russia winning in Ukraine?  Some business closing down that we'd all taken for granted for our whole lives?  Leftist government agents starting to pick up the dissenters for secret concentration camps?  There's quite a few possibilities and there's a lot more possibilities.  Joe Biden dropping dead?  Leftist government agents shooting him on camera?  A mass invasion across the Mexican border?

We can't wait until the collapse to start a resistance movement, that's the worst possible time, when everybody's scared and being attacked by people who need food.  Starting earlier means we can work out what back-up supplies are needed and start working to acquire them, there can be training and organizing.  I'm just saying the same things over and over but we really need to get this started now and not wait until the collapse.

13 April, 2023

I think it was Joe Biden who said it best, "End of quote." That really says it all.

□ [“'Evacuate Immediately' – Japan Warns Residents to Seek Shelter Following North Korean Missile Launch"]

This is worrisome.  The news came out yesterday and I haven't seen any updates.  North Korea shoots missiles, they do that, but were they aimed at Japan or at least closer than usual?  Or is Japan just a lot more nervous these days?

Japan's had to survive actual nuclear war, no other nation gets to say that.  They live right next to North Korea and have had a lot of troubles with China, this is not good for them.  China's on the move and has a few centuries of vengeance they'd like to get against Japan, who's going to stop them?  Like Ukraine, Japan has never bothered to get nuclear weapons (that we know of) and now they've got nuclear powers who want to expand their authority.

This isn't getting a lot of attention.  Since China's in control of our media and government, that's understandable.  We can focus on Ukraine or the wonderful economy or the next virus and not pay any attention to eastern Asia, at least not until it's too late.

13 April, 2023

□ [“Biden Reads 'End of Quote' Off of Teleprompter in Disastrous Speech to Irish Parliament"]

He's said this before, it must be an important moral lesson for him.  But we've been seeing more Biden idiocy than usual, just showing that he's out of it.  As I've said before, at least he used to have energy and could at least portray himself as a healthy adult, at least for the media.  But he's been getting worse in front of our eyes.  Hunter needs to show him around, he keeps getting lost, can't make coherent statements when he's just reading off the prompter.

Anybody who actually respected Biden would say he's totally wasted and should quit now to live quietly and peacefully for however long he has left.  That shows you what his actual supporters really think of him.  Even the media is pointing out more often how old and decrepit our leaders are, even daring to point out that almost all of them are Democrats.

Mitch McConnell has been having increasing problems that come with old age, so he's just announced his retirement.  But he's not a Democrat, at least in name.  After several months of getting paid for not bothering to come to work, Dianne Feinstein has finally gotten around to saying someone should take her place on the Judiciary Committee, but that's only temporary.  She'll be back, she says so.  No word on if replacements will be found for any other committee she's on, or Senate votes on anything.

This is America's version of the Soviet politboro, the executive committee who officially made the decisions but were old, weak, spineless and did I mention old?  Any actual work was done by their staff and the citizens could only obey.  We saw this a few years ago with Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who was surrounded by media saying how young and healthy she was.  Then she died old and weak, but then the left started screeching about how she should have quit years earlier so that Trump wouldn't be the one replacing her.

But as we can see, they've already forgotten that.  They could be denouncing Biden for preventing a woman from being POTUS but nope, he's staying right where he is and that's how leftists want it.

13 April, 2023

□ [“'No one at a senior level' was aware Bud Light had made the 'mistake' of partnering with trans influencer Dylan Mulvaney"]

Just the fact that Bud Lite has been completely silent tells you this was deliberate on their part.  They might not explain themselves or apologize, but they could at least carry on with the standard announcements about how great they are.  But no, they immediately decided the public didn't need to hear anything from them and they've stuck with that for well over a week now.  Not sure the figures are accurate, but we're told they've lost 6 billion dollars so far in April.  6 BILLION!

But now the media tells us that unnamed sources have told them none of the people in charge had a clue what their marketing department did.  Then why do they even have a marketing department?  That costs money, why would the people in charge pay for something that's not remotely connected to the business they run?  You can't promote beer that way, that's what unnamed sources are for!

These sources also say it was done by some "low-level marketing staffer."  Once again, that means the Vice President of Management was completely worthless, as is the President of Management and everybody else who works for them.  Some low-level person comes up with an ad and that's all it takes, the people in charge only hear about it later when they're seeing sales collapse.  Totally believable.

Remember when being in charge meant taking responsibility for what the people you were in charge of did?  Bud Lite might as well say they're all drunk so they don't know what they're doing, they can't be held responsible, because that's how they're acting.  So yes, I think this was intentional.

13 April, 2023

□ [“Leaker of Ukraine Classified Documents Arrested – A Massachusetts Air National Guardsman"]

I haven't been paying much attention to the leaked intelligence scandal, to the point that it looks like several scandals.  Maybe they're all the same one, I dunno.  But here's another example of a young, low-ranking person being totally responsible for one of them.  This is the scandal that lists how many western troops are on the ground in Ukraine and what the real number of casualties are.

The Washington Post and the New York Times were reporting on this guy before the FBI showed up to his house.  Were they the the ones who called the FBI or is this all a set-up?  Either way, it doesn't make the FBI look good.  They didn't do that for the classified documents Biden had in his garage all these years.

These documents are also including info on what Israel, South Korea and Poland are doing for Ukraine, which has a lot fewer weapons and ammo than we're told, and far more casualties too.  Could this be true?  Well, it's US intelligence, so...  I've noticed for quite a while that all we ever hear about is the enormous number of Russian casualties and basically nothing about Ukrainians being hurt in the slightest.  That's not really how you communicate information but that's what the American public gets told, and now there's new information.  We may also be hearing about how much money Ukraine has been funneling that came from the US taxpayer.

This has got to be causing serious problems for anybody who knows anything about classified documents, even leftists.  I just scanned a leftist site and even some of them are saying this makes no sense, how would this low-rank newbie be remotely capable of doing such a thing.  Then there's the services themselves that have such access.  As I was ETS-ing in 2016, I went by S-1 and they had a generic poster on the wall about protection for classified information and someone had added a sticky "This doesn't apply to Hillary."  Who do these laws apply to and who can ignore them?

13 April, 2023

□ [“China Releases Proof of Millions of Dollars of Payments from China Firm to Hunter Biden"]

This might be a different scandal, like I said, I'm not paying close attention to these.  This is showing off (some) of the money given by Chinese companies to the Biden family.  10% to the big guy was probably factored in.  Wonder what other information they have on the Bidens that could be released any time.

If it was any other nation, I'd say they'll probably put out most of the documents as soon as possible.  But China has a tendency of working at its own pace.  They're the center of the world, they're guaranteed success no matter how long it takes.

It's not like anything's going to be done about this.  Republicans are probably getting money too, from China or wherever.  They must be pissed that they never got any info on Trump getting paid, the statute of limitations would have ended on that one.  Maybe Hunter's laptop has that info.

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