Monday, April 17, 2023


14 April, 2023

Don't buy Bud Lite, buy Rococo Coffee instead!

□ [“Anheuser-Busch Releases Weak Statement"]

Is there any more proof needed that this was deliberate?  After all these losses, they wait until Friday afternoon to finally making a public statement and it has nothing to say.  It's signed by CEO Brendon Whitworth, six paragraphs about how wonderful he and Bud Lite are and exactly one sentence saying “We never intended to be part of a discussion that divides people.”

You're not the one who makes those decisions, that comes from whoever's in charge.  If you're going to claim you're in charge, then you need to explain why our employees are doing exactly what you claim you never wanted them to do.  Are they still getting paid for that or did they do it in their off-time?  He never says anything about that.

But he's going to keep working tirelessly to bring great beer to consumers, just as he's been doing so that's not going to change.  That's why he's in charge.  He wants this to happen.  At this point, I think the goal is to make companies fail, I just have to wonder how they were able to be put in charge of them to begin with.

Note:  after I wrote this, I saw another article saying Budweiser had suspended its partnership with the trans they gave tons of money to, but they're doing it very quietly.  It's believable that they're not willing to make such a public announcement and covered for it with their CEO making such a stupid public statement, but that's not good enough.  You were willing to pay him this much and stick with him this long, you need to have the common decency to say you're dropping him and why.

I hope the ban will continue, but at the very least, your customers deserve recognition if you ever want it to stop.  You were willing to publicly support this made-up gender, you have to publicly say that you were wrong.

14 April, 2023

□ [“Discord Leaks: China to Provide Russia With Lethal Aid in Ukraine War"]

That's the way wars go, you're allowed to send weapons/etc. to your allies.  How long will be before US leftists say China is breaking the rules by participating in this war?  Sure, the US is already doing that, but the rules don't apply to us.  Hopefully there's at least someone somewhere in leadership who realizes it's stupid to complain about China doing what the US is doing, although the leak already shows our rulers being quite worried about China's involvement.

And actually looking at the article, China says exactly that.  It's always been a stupid idea for the US to be involved, now we're giving every other nation on the planet an excuse to be involved and against us.  We've also given every other nation on the planet a reason to be against us any, which is how our masters got their jobs.

This would explain why Russia has taken so long on Ukraine, possibly toying with them like a cat.  The longer this goes, the deeper and deeper our rulers dig themselves.  They can't keep the military they already have so a draft isn't going to work.  Their antifa/BLM armed forces are only useful against Americans so they won't help.  Their economy is in the toilet and making us all suffer so there's no encouragement to fight on their side.

And that's just for us as Americans, the rest of the world has had to put up with this for decades and all the rich white people funneling leftist rhetoric into their nations.  Consciously or not, this is what they've worked for.

14 April, 2023

□ [“New York City Appoints First-Ever Rat Czar"]

That's a career for you, a job that was never needed before and you can keep it for the rest of your life.  Then when you quit or die, someone else will replace you because the problem will still be right there.  This is probably just a way to suck up to the people in charge and try to get promoted, none of them have to actually see the rats.

This is just a sham to pretend they're doing something to help people out of a problem they caused.  They'll get government funding and probably have the authority to just break into anybody's homes for whatever reason they want, saying they're looking for rats.

Just look at their rhetoric, 'every New Yorker hates rats!'  They weren't a problem until you were in charge so there's one solution right there.  They also point out that their attention is for "communities of color."  So the white people can just suffer the rats, sucks to be them.

14 April, 2023

□ [“Washington State Passes Bill Allowing Government to Take Away Minor From Parents If They Refuse To Agree to Gender Transition Surgery"]

Another reason for the government intrusion, they get to destroy the family by promoting these made-up genders.  This what they groom kids towards, so the people in charge can do whatever they want.  But how do they find doctors who are willing to go along with this depravity?

This is another example of a problem they caused so they can inject themselves into the solution, which coincidentally gives them all the authority.  This made-up gender nonsense didn't exist twenty years ago - although looking at old movies and TV shows, I wonder how many of it was included in subtle ways, to send messages to 'those in the know.'  But now they've seized power and they want more.

And this surgical mutilation has the benefit of ruining the childrens' lives permanently.  The suicide rate is very high and of course it's *society's fault* for not going along with this insanity enough.  That is the opposite of taking care of children and that's all our masters want to do.  We need to fight this sort of depravity and if it requires guns, then we should be willing to do that.

14 April, 2023

□ [“US National Guardsman Jack Teixeira Officially Charged with Leaking Secret Pentagon Documents"]

As with everything else, there's no reason to think this will go anywhere.  Our rulers can use classified documents as toilet paper and nobody would have the slightest objection to that, at least legally.  But everybody who's had a security clearance in the last several decades sees it different, we know what would have happened to us if we'd done a fraction of what these people get away with.

It's also becoming increasingly clear that this was a set-up.  A young FNG who somehow has access to classified documents and somehow manages to steal them and post them online with nobody noticing for months.  Leftists have been doing that for years but this guy is a problem?  Biden kept classified documents in his garage that were brought there when he was a Senator, over a dozen years ago at least, that's not how the law works for everybody.

But this guy is young, white and supposedly right-wing so the left is demanding he be punished.  What a coincidence.  They were printed documents, you can't just print those out without anybody noticing, yet he had gotten away with that too.  I wonder if this is somehow about setting up an excuse for Biden, Hillary and the others, similar to the Mar-a-Lago raid.  Not a clue what excuse this would mean but it's the best explanation I can think of.  What other options are there, putting out info on Ukraine's failure so that the US has an excuse to run away like in Afghanistan?

14 April, 2023

1:  Our rulers work for China

2:  They're sending invaders across the southern border.  Probably from their own military forces but a lot of disposable troops on the ground.

3:  They're turning over authority to the WHO which has its own military, from China and Russia if nothing else.

4:  Blowing up energy and food plants, it might just be practice for an actually takedown of everything.

5:  They're planning another virus.  They'll use biolabs and it will probably be a lot more dangerous than covid.

This makes sense as a plan.  They know they can't win militarily, too many Americans have guns, so this would be how they're going to wipe us out.  So what are we going to do about it?

15 April, 2023

Somewhere over the rainbow there's an alternate universe where your dreams really do come true

□ [“The 21 Year Old Leaker — Something Is Not Right"]

Still hearing about the leakage of classified information.  Some people are wondering how this can happen with Democrats in charge and who they can blame instead.  We've also been told that the leaker was IM, it was his job to repair machines.

That's believable, they need someone who can keep their computers working and whoever they pick is going to get a security clearance just so they can do that job.  That said, such people would be obvious suspects from the day they start work and any intelligent commander would have policies in place to make sure they'd never get their hands on anything that's not relevant to their job and would be caught immediately if they tried.  Pretty sure such policies have been in place for decades so the idea that they just let low-ranking newbies wander around and help themselves to top-secret documents is not very likely.

This has to be deliberate.  That doesn't really explain anything, we don't know why this happened and aren't sure we can trust what we've been told.  Was the 21-year old responsible?  Is he just a fall-guy?  Did he have anything to do with this?  Then there's the way this information seems to be about Ukraine and nothing else.  Haven't checked the released documents so I can't confirm that, but that's what I've heard and what little I have seen myself.  There's five other continents, why not release classified info on the US actions there?

One suggestion is that it's a way for our masters to prepare the public for Ukraine's upcoming failure.  That's as believable as anything else, but then why not go through the media?  Just tell them to report how everything in Ukraine is fine so they'll ignore it from now on?  It's not like the media wouldn't obey, so why drag this kid in?  They're willing to make up direct lies anyway, why go through this?

15 April, 2023

□ [“Former Trump Campaign Manager Unveils '100% Woke Free American Beer' In Response To Bud Light"]

Ok, this is a neat idea, I'm wondering how doable it is on as low a level as possible.  It's obviously going to break some laws and I don't have a clue how homebrew works, but how possible is it to put out the recipe for Ultra Right Beer and provide the logo, bottles and whatever else is required?  An underground resistance is going to need something to drink.

This could be used by entrepreneurs.  I'll keep it simple just to see how I can understand it, that way people who know better can think of ways to fix my mistakes.  Let's say I want to make beer and sell a little of it to others in support of freedom, so there's this Ultra Right Beer.  I pay the company owner $20 or so for a license and the recipe, along with $.01 for each bottle I hope to sell.  It would basically me picking whatever I can sell it for and keeping the money.  I've only got two friends who want it so that won't be much, but if you have 500 friends who all want to get blitzed for freedom, you'd have a lot more money coming in.

Like I said, I know that the law will oppose basically anything I'm describing.  And I would think that any level of success in selling this beer would require more employees very quickly.  Production, transport, accounting, ingredients, sales.  There's also the question of who's in charge, the owner of Ultra Right Beer or whoever's making it in your neighborhood.  But I do like this.  I'll only take 5% on sales if anybody wants to use my ideas. 😊

15 April, 2023

□ [“Democrats Who Have Allowed Crime to Flourish in Chicago Outraged About Closure of Walmart Stores"]

So start your own outlets and show Walmart how it should be done, do I have to think of everything?  This is basically the house slaves giving orders to the field hands despite having absolutely no idea what's going on outside.  The master doesn't like Walmart so they don't either and if everybody else has to suffer, well good!

Oh look, they threaten to boycott Walmart if it doesn't stay in their crime-infested city.  That's the same effect as it not being there in the first place, so what are you complaining about?  It's like refusing to have sex with your girlfriend after she's dumped you for some other guy, that's not going to work and you're stupid if you think it will.

But it lines up with our masters claiming that the economy is doing great, which anybody who's not rich and government-funded knows is false.  We're all buying a lot less because expenses are getting higher.  Of course this also affects the companies trying to sell their product, so they can't buy supplies, hire employees or expand.  Luxuries are the first things to go when people have financial problems and that's what normal people have to live through thanks to our masters.  Chicago's not going to do anything to stop crime so why should any business stay there?

15 April, 2023

Still unofficial and Disney may put out the opposite news any day just to shut people up, but the rumor is that they're getting ready to replace the actor for Kang in upcoming Marvel movies.  It's still not clear what DC is doing with the actor playing the Flash who ran a religious cult.  Both characters are meant to set up a multiverse - I still think an Avengers/JLA crossover is the intended goal - and the actors keep messing it up.

This defeats the whole point of a multiverse.  Just get the version from the next-Earth-over and keep going with it.  We've already seen them screwing this up by not getting the Black Panther actor from a universe where he isn't dead.  Now you're messing it up with two characters who are supposed to be the focal point.  Especially with the Flash, Barry Allen is where this whole idea came from, remember?  Well, no, they probably don't, but there are people who do.

This basically guarantees the movies are going to fail.  They'd have to point out that this a completely fictional concept, it has no basis in reality and even if it did, they have no connection whatsoever to any alternate universes, so please buy tickets to all their big-budget movies about that very concept.  Why not just redo the Superman movie where Lex Luthor successfully blows up the west coast, Gene Hackman and Christopher Reeve are still alive in that universe.

We've already got 80 years of superheroes as people who get unrealistic powers through unrealistic means, then decide that putting on tights and punching people is the most sensible way to react to that.  From there we've gotten a lot of unrealistic ideas and now they're trying to make those concepts go viral, but they can't even follow through with it as a movie, much less reality.

15 April, 2023

□ [“Obese Airline Passenger Whines About 'Discrimination' - Demands Free Seats and Makes Other Ludicrous Requests in Petition to FAA"]

They need to be ignored.  They get the same treatment they pay for as anybody else, but this thing wants more seats and nicer treatment from people who don't want to look at such blubber.  You forced yourself to be like this, no one else did, so you live with that.  Oozing your problems onto everyone else isn't thoughtful or even decent.  Naturally this thing demands the government do more to make it happy.

It costs extra fossil fuel just to drag this blubber around but she won't hear of paying for it herself.  Of course she also expects special seatbelts and all the other trimmings which she can't bother to pay for herself.  She demands, everyone else must obey.

If this age of tyranny ever comes to an end, one benefit the survivors will see is a lot more women (and men) who see benefits in being thin.  They've have had to put up with these bloated pigs all their lives and be determined to not let that happen to them.  And in case it does, they'll have the basic human decency to admit it's their own fault and not force other people to suffer.

16 April, 2023

If I knew it would come to this, I wouldn't have bought a Rococo Coffee!

□ [“UN Wants to Decriminalize Sex Between Minors and Adults"]

And conveniently they don't say what a minor is.  Given that UN employees have already been openly having sex with children - Haiti in 2017, for instance - they are not going to have an age-limit.  As young as you want, and any law that says otherwise can be ignored because the UN says so.  They even throw in the word 'consensual,' as if that's how an adult/child relationship works.

This is a big help to sex-trafficking, which anyone who supports the UN is already a part of.  I still think this is the ultimate goal of the so-called world government, at least in physical terms.  They have mental and spiritual goals as well, but in the physical sense, it's sticking their dick into children and getting away with it no matter what anyone else thinks.

It would be an enormous project and I don't have a clue how to start, but I'd think an investigation into every UN ambassador and staff would expose a very large part of the modern trafficking network.  The problem is that anybody who could do that is probably already working for these tyrants.

16 April, 2023

□ [“Biden Returns From Four-Day Taxpayer-Funded Vacation in Ireland, Immediately Retreats to Rehoboth Beach For Another Weekend Vacation"]

He's obviously getting worse.  It's Biden so it's hard to tell but it looks like his decline is speeding up.  This isn't something you can stop or reverse, he's just going downhill and will keep doing that until he dies.  Yet none of his supporters see anything wrong with that.

It's like this is a fundamental aspect of collectivism, everything is automatically fine no matter what kind of shape the Queen Bee is.  This is why they end when the queen does.  For the bees, it's just nature.  I'm sure all humans have the capability of not being part of the hive but so many of them avoid that at all costs, no matter what the consequences are.

Just look at the way nobody is trying to replace Biden.  How is that even possible, they wouldn't be at the highest ranks of the government if they didn't want power but there's no urge to strive for it.  They couldn't even try if they didn't cover themselves with the latest collectivist rhetoric to run for office but once they're there, but they basically stop.

I've been thinking about the Soviet Politboro recently, because I think this was going on there too.  They'd stay in power as long as possible (assuming they could avoid the purges) but once the leader was dead, they were all very hesitant on replacing him.  I can't even conceive of what that must have been like, struggling their whole lives to get close to the top, very experienced in how things worked at that level, but never actively trying to seize power.

16 April, 2023

□ [“Man Takes Dog to Vet for ‘Gender Transition’ in Viral Video"]

It's obviously a prank but it demonstrates where we are in this society that no one can point out how insane it is to push this on a creature which can't actually communicate with human beings.  The guy is told to go find a specialist, a general clinic won't do that.  We no longer live in a world where you can tell freaks like that to go f*ck themselves.

At least the people behind the desk kicked the guy out, they had some decency.  But just the fact that anybody would think of doing this to see what happens is appalling.  I can't even find where this event happened.  Probably not a blue city, there'd be a lot of people there willing to go along with it without any hesitation.

Anecdotes like this are entertaining but when are we going to start getting together to fight for our lives?  Our rulers obviously oppose that so what's stopping us?  I'm still thinking of ancient Egypt and what do you think they would do if a dog was brought in and they were told he wanted to be a she?

16 April, 2023

□ [“Buttigieg Says Traffic Fatalities Happen Because of 'A Lot of Reasons Related to Discrimination'"]

Haven't heard from this guy for a while, but with all the wrecks that have happened lately, this is obviously why they keep happening.

Seriously, get into a car and demonstrate how to drive it, then demonstrate how it's driven by discrimination.  Keep your seatbelt on so you'll be safe when it crashes, but that's how you'll show everybody wtf you're talking about.  Also show how roads and railways are constructed and then show the discriminator-method that you're claiming people use.

That's not a joke, he's literally saying that's how the roads are designed.  We already know he has no clue what he's talking about, which is probably one reason he hasn't said much for a few months, but that shows why he should never had had this job in the first place.  I'm surprised he didn't blame global warming for car wrecks.

16 April, 2023

□ [“Compton gas station looted by violent mob, cops powerless to stop it"]

So there we go, this is Los Angeles and this is how the not-white people behave.  They can get away with it because "racism."  The police wouldn't do anything, they wouldn't even call for back-up.  The store wouldn't be allowed to have any guns for protection.  All these people are good for is looting.

How long until this starts happening everywhere else?  Well, everywhere rich leftists don't live anyway.  There's no reason to open a store or any kind of business, there's no reason to produce any more than you personally need and can trade with your allies.  That's poverty on a social level and that's how our rulers want it.

This is the animals taking over the farm.  They say they know best and they'll kill anyone who disagrees.  I don't even have anything to add, I'm just disgusted with life.

17 April, 2023

Dear God, please give me a title for this post

□ [“More Unanswered Red Flags Regarding Jack Texeira"]

More comments about the low-ranking Air National Guardsman who somehow managed to steal tons of classified documents and post them on the internet for months with nobody bothering to notice.  There's the suggestion that he stole from multiple sources which there's no way he'd have access to, and description of how difficult it would be to gain access to any of these sources, much less all of them.  The unit doesn't have missions 24/7 so he'd be surrounded by everyone else who comes in once or twice a month, unless he breaks in on his own time which would immediately be noticed.

This is a deliberate set-up, that much is clear to anyone with any experience with classified information.  It's not even a case of 'once you sneak your way past the guards at the door, you can get away with anything.'  There's a reason some information is classified at various levels and they have ways to keep track of anyone who wants to get their hands on it.

I'm wondering if the set-up is aimed at the actual enemy.  There was the Mar-a-Lago raid last fall, there's no way that could happen without Biden's approval, even if he just signed whatever paperwork he was told to sign.  You can't just do that to the POTUS and that applies to Trump at least as much as it applies to Biden.  That's the standard you're setting and consider that one of the POTUS' jobs is to be in charge of the military.

That's not something you can set standards for and then ignore them.  Biden stole classified information as a Senator and stored it in his garage since then, the standards have to apply to him as well.  There's also Hillary, Mike Pence and probably others, none of whom actually claimed to hold the office of the Presidency.  Hillary and Pence's status was probably specific as First Lady and Veep, but ignore that for the moment.

By pretending to be POTUS, Biden is part of the Uniform Code of Military Justice, the same rules that apply to the lowest-ranking newbies.  If he gets to ignore it, they get to ignore him.  That makes war with Russia difficult, not to mention imposing your will on the populous, but there's still a lot of men-with-guns out there who are really pissed off at him and have already organized.

This is probably just blind hope on my part, hoping that something is being done against our tyrants.  One the one hand, they could have done this two years ago, but on the other hand, it is a very long and complicated task.  Biden's already surrounded by his sycophants and forces like antifa, not to mention whatever China or the WHO have sent in.  So it's not quick fix.  Hell, it may not even be happening at all, but I've got nothing else.

17 April, 2023

Democrats continue to be annoyed by Dianne Feinstein.  She won't quit her job and she can't be replaced on committees without 60 Senators voting to dump the bitch.  Obviously there are quite a few Republicans who would vote to help Democrats as much as possible, but getting that many votes would still be difficult.  Feinstein and Fetterman were the Democratic majority and Mitch McConnell is still out sick too.

This is where innovative Democrats could speak out.  It obviously wouldn't apply to the Senate as a whole, but the leaders of the party could vote for a rule that all members of their party has to get out of office once they reach a certain age.  That could work, they've got a lot more young Democrats than old ones, don't they?  Just make it a new party rule that you have to get out of office immediately if you've had your 72nd birthday.  That's a fair age, right?  Make it 75 if you really want to.

Ok, that would be 16 Senators and 37 in the House with five having their 75th birthday parties this year.  Of those, 42 of them are Democrats and that's not counting people like Bernie Sanders.  So if the Democrat Party really gets together and wants to send off those old farts, they might even inspire the Republicans to do the same thing.

Ok, there are a couple problems.  The old fogies might not want to leave and they're the ones in charge of the party, so it might be hard to pass a rule that they oppose.  But that's what inspiring the next generation is all about, isn't it?  Democrats always say they want to do that so, here you go.  Set the example.

17 April, 2023

□ [“Biden Calls a Lid First Thing This Morning, Hasn’t Been Seen in Days Since Returning From Ireland"]

Spending most of his time on a plane, then taking the weekend off, then first thing to do Monday morning is say nothing else will be done today.  How encouraging that is.  Even if you pretend to respect Biden, the fact that he just quits right away should be disturbing.  This will fight inflation how?  This will stop Russia how?  This promotes the transexual virus how?  Everybody else can see these problems which are much worse after he took charge, but he's just going away.

Someone suggested that this is why he has Hunter around now and keeps him nearby for public appearances, as one of the few people he remembers and can still recognize.  That's extremely believable and a sign of how degraded our nation's leadership has become.  Probably can't have his daughter around anymore, she's busy doing drugs and won't shower with him anymore.

The other two kids are dead, although I hadn't realized that Naomi died as a 1-year old in the same car crash with Biden's first wife, Neilia, right before his career got really going.  He had been elected to the Senate but hadn't taken office yet.

Anyway, this is one reason I don't really believe that there's an impersonator in place.  They'd want to keep him from looking worse on an ongoing basis.  It could be debated if they should make him look better but the whole point would be to keep him from looking worse, so an actual impersonator would be the same as having the real Biden.  Or having him on vacation, but you get my point.

17 April, 2023

□ [“Disney Lost Over a Quarter of a Billion Dollars on Two Woke Failures in 2022"]

This is just two movies from a year ago, obviously they've had plenty of other failures since then.  Disney is a perfect example of why I think these things are being done deliberately because there's no other reason to keep pushing this nonstop.  If you spend hundreds of millions of dollars to make a movie, it has to be a movie people will pay to see, and they keep failing at that.  Considering the economy, movies really are luxury items, so maybe it's a bad idea to spend that much to make one in the first place.  But if you do and you insist on making it "woke," it's a guaranteed failure.  That goes for all the other movies in your franchise.

Something can be done about it.  Warner Bros. made a point of cancelling Batgirl and it was basically finished.  We can only speculate why cancelling it was a better option than just putting it out and letting it be forgotten.  So why is Disney having these problems?  As far as I know, animation takes more time to produce than live-action movies, but considering most of their big-budget failures are cgi anyway, that's not very convincing.  Disney's style is different than other studios, ok, but wouldn't someone somewhere be able to say they should make movies that appeal to people?

To an extent, they can hide this by putting it on the tv networks, but that doesn't really help.  It gets publicity but one Disney outlet paying another Disney outlet for the rights to a Disney product isn't bringing any money in.  There's also the fact that they aren't coming up with any characters that work for toys or whatever other media they have, video games or something.

Would people be willing to see this movie if it wasn't part of a large franchise?  If the answer is 'no,' then cancel production now.  Or make the "woke" employees pay for production out of their own pockets.  You can even point out that they'll get to keep the profits, but that still requires a movie people want to see.  For some reason, leeches never think of that.

So that's why I think this is part of the plan, even though I can't imagine what the plan is.  No one anywhere is going to say 'stop' and until that happens, they'll keep going down.

202301 Classified Struggling

202302 Balloonatic

202303 The Ideas of March

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