Friday, April 21, 2023


18 April, 2023

I am Shirley, and don't think I'm serious.

□ [“Climate Cultists Blame Global Warming on Rice"]

Another food they're trying to get rid of, one of the most basic foods in history.  It hasn't killed the earth so far but all of a sudden it now needs to be stopped.  There's already not enough food and they want to ban more because they can.  Rice comes from plants, so what else will they ban next?

Maybe they could point out that non-whites are the ones who depend on rice the most, that would get them more support.  At least according to their own claims of racism.  It's like abortion and shooting people, just point out that blacks do it the most and look how much more support you'd get.

□ [“Gas Prices on the Rise Again But This Time the Strategic Oil Reserves Are Empty"]

And they're still doing this.  It's pretty clear at this point that the intention is to destroy the US and our allies, given that Russia and China and Iran aren't remotely interested in quitting fossil fuels.  They're basically getting us to advertise how horrible we are so the rest of the world will turn to them.

I've always wondered about the Strategic Oil Reserve.  The whole point is that it's not really storing enough to supply the country, or even the military, for very long, so what does it matter?  My guess is that it's setting an example for other fuel producers.  In addition to all the other mindless government regulations, the SOR helps to maintain maximum production most efficiently.  Like I said, that's just a guess, but I can't think of any other purpose for it.  So of course our rulers want it gone.

18 April, 2023

□ [“Lone White Woman Swarmed and Brutally Attacked by Dozens of Black Teens in Chicago"]

□ [“Illinois State Senator Defends Violent, Rioting Teens in Chicago: 'It’s a Mass Protest'"]

It doesn't look like a protest.  What are they protesting?  Being ruled by Democrats for centuries?  What did this chick have to do with that?  Nothing, she's just a victim created by government policy and their mindless tools.

At least in red states, people would be able to pull out their guns and start shooting before these attackers get close, but this is what Chicago does to itself.  That's why Democrats are going to use fossil fuels to meet there in a year or so to decide who will steal the next elections.  They couldn't do that on the internet, it has to be in person.

None of the leaders are in the slightest danger, only the people who vote for them have to worry.  Of course the criminals themselves aren't in the slightest danger, they're probably getting paid for this.  It's all they know and they obey.

18 April, 2023

□ [“Biden’s Education Secretary Miguel Cardona Refuses Three Times to Answer the Question: What is a Woman?"]

He doesn't know what a woman is and he gets paid to impose policies specifically aimed at women.  A convenient way of avoiding any responsibility for their decisions, they don't know what what they're doing.  Or rather, they do know but they don't want to say that under oath, but he's not willing to admit that.  He'd rather look too stupid to oversee Title IX which covers womens sports than defy his leftism with the truth.

 Some sissy girls-with-vaginas are annoyed by this.  Those who have actual abilities and direction see how much damaging this is to their gender, the one they've been supporting all these decades.  They may even be noticing that they've had the same leaders all this time, the Democrats in power.  This is what you've been working for, ladies, and now you don't get any protection from men.  You're so good at taking care of yourself from big, strong women-with-penises, go for it.

This really does show where civilization come from, recognizing that men are men, women are women and there are no other genders.  Destroying that reality is what our rulers are aiming for, no matter the cost.  It's not going to work out for them but will increase suffering and misery, so that's enough for those in power.

18 April, 2023

□ [“Speaker McCarthy Says the House GOP Will Increase the Debt Limit and Cut Spending"]

Because he's so trustworthy so far.  They won't cut spending and the debt limit is a pointless rule since it just keeps getting changed.  When this rule was created in 1940, the debt ceiling was 49 billion dollars.  1990 was the last time they even increased it by less than 49 billion and it's been increased many many in the last 80 years.

If the government creates the money, why don't they just print out enough to pay the debt and that'll be that?  I don't get the point of a debt ceiling in the first place but obviously our rulers like it this way, even those who self-identify as Republicans.  This has always been an example of the uniparty-in-action.

And, just a note, Donald Trump has been indicating which side he's on, taking Disney's side against the Florida government, while Don Jr. takes Budweiser's side.  That's a good way to make them look like they've always been part of the uniparty and they just put on a show for the peasants.  If Trump really wants more people to support him, this isn't the way to go, but I need more convincing that he really wants the support.

Budweiser's last Quarterly Earnings Report was February 10, so it won't be long before we find out how well their latest ads have worked out.

18 April, 2023

□ [“FDA:  Monovalent Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 Vaccines Are No Longer Authorized, New Protocols Announced"]

The virus is still going on even though now we're all just waiting for the sequel.  Some poison-vaccines are now not authorized in the US but other poisons are still just fine and everybody should get them.  I don't see any actual reason for this announcement, maybe they've found away to increase deaths from "suddenly."

I'm actually surprised we've even heard about this, there hasn't been much news on the virus/vaccine lately.  There's still deaths from "suddenly" but not much else.  I definitely don't understand why people aren't outraged about this.  They've only just bothered to getting around to ending the so-called pandemic and it's not like anything is better.  You might be allowed to go to a government building without a cloth on your face, that's about it.

With all the practice they've had from this pathetic virus, they're probably quite prepared for when a real one shows up later-this-year or early-next year.  They'd steal elections even without it but China will be ready for their next step and there's the government incompetence and punishing anyone who disagrees.  So what are we going to do about it?

19 April, 2023

And what misery have we discovered today?

□ [“Fetterman Can Barely Read Opening Remarks at Subcommittee Hearing"]

I'm wondering if the real motivation for dragging him back was to help out with the problem they're having with Dianne Feinstein.  She flat-out says she'll be back when her doctors permit her to travel, which isn't going to happen any time soon, so the rulers just demanded Fetterman come back in now, no matter what.  He'll have to drop dead for them to give him any longer time off.  But if that happens, at least he'll still vote Democrat.

The Judiciary Committee just failed a vote to kick Feinstein out.  I'll assume Democrats will find some way to throw out the rules.  I still like my suggestion that the party should fire anyone over 70 years old and set an example, but what else could they do?  They might need some pretense of legality, so maybe they'll just do a full Senate vote to get rid of Feinstein, they'd probably win that one.  No idea if there's any Senate rules against such a thing but we're way past those now.

It's not like they'd need to worry about what precedent they're setting for Republicans, they've made sure that only one party will win elections from now on, maybe sometimes there'll be people who self-identify as Republicans as a hoax, but that's basically it.  Just mail in your votes and they'll be counted by someone somewhere, so Democrats can continue to win.  And that's how the Senate will work from now on.

19 April, 2023

□ [“Biden Regime Announces Another Military Package for Ukraine"]

By this point it's clear that this is about laundering as much money as possible.  Otherwise someone would want to make sure that it goes to the right people and doesn't get stolen anywhere, but that obviously doesn't happen.  We learned a week ago that Zelensky had embezzled $400 million of US money intended to buy diesel fuel for Ukraine's military vehicles.  He's much much richer now than he was when the war started and no one's even looking into that.  The only real question is what percentage of the money does Russia get?  Or the Big Guy.

As an extra bonus, it even hurts westerners.  Russia hasn't really been affected by any of the sanctions, but Europe has.  That's why BRICS is getting so many nations willing to join.  China's still got all the leaders on the payroll, or their family members, so that continues as always.  AOC is now a millionaire, which she wasn't when she got into Congress a couple years ago.  And none of her supporters complain about that, they're too busy complaining about rich people and demanding tax increases.

This would also explain why Russia just didn't use its numbers to just plow over Ukraine right away.  They'd get less money from the US if they did that.  They get to play the "heavy" and get all the attention while the rulers grab everything they can and blame Russia.

19 April, 2023

□ [“'Climate Change is a Crisis of Our Lifetime!' – Biden’s Secretary of Interior Starts Crying During Hearing"]

And this is why women shouldn't be allowed out without the man in charge.  This insane creature probably doesn't even know what a woman is, but she can emotionally break down to earn a paycheck, and for what, this pseudo-religion of earth-worship.  Note that all the people who pretend they can self-identify as a woman share these same beliefs, no matter how little they actually follow it themselves.  Imposing their will on everybody else is the priority.

She's already been pointed out to lie to Congress under oath and obviously nobody's going to be punished for that.  That's how their religion works, the truth is whatever they make up whenever they feel like it.  That's what they intend to impose on everybody else as an excuse to increase their power.

Still trying to work it out, but this all lines up with their goals and the intent behind their decisions.  It's a literal example of what leftism is and how it works, destroying everything in its path to seize more power and blaming everyone else for the suffering they cause in the process.  It's also obviously what made America great, the freedom to ignore this nonsense and get on with one's own life.  This is what leftists have always opposed.

19 April, 2023

□ [“UN Report on Libya: Human Rights Catastrophe is Worsening – European Union Is Funding Entities Involved in Human Slavery – Militias Cracking Down Hard on Christians"]

And this is probably tied to the earth-worship and funneling money through Ukraine, establishing a world-wide human-trafficking organization.  This would explain why the US was so intent on attacking Ukraine and Hillary just laughed the results off to Congress, our leaders are in on that.  They've also spent the last twenty years working with Muslims who are eager to restore the Salaf, the first three generations of Islam who owned a lot of slaves.

And none of the liberals complain about that.  They want to erase the name of any slaveholder, except Prophet Mohammed, they never even mention that.  This is another aspect of the earth-worshipping religion, which I assume is a convenient pawn for Muslims around the world.  I've always wondered if that was why they were so eager to support Iran.  They've probably been doing that since Carter was POTUS but it's been blatantly obvious for the last decade or so.

So where are the leftists?  Where is the opposition to slavery?  Where is the support for freedom of non-whites?  Where is the basic decency to oppose disaster?  It's been almost a dozen years since Libya even had a government, what are they doing to fix that?  Nothing, they're trying to expand that everywhere and they'll be the masters of the world.

19 April, 2023

□ [“CDC Director Rochelle Walensky Finally Admits Vaccinated Individuals Can Spread Covid Virus"]

It doesn't stop you from spreading a virus, just like it didn't stop you from getting the virus, just like it increases your risk of dying from "suddenly."  That's the opposite of what a vaccine actually does, but they still want to force this poison into everybody's bodies, no consent required.

This is part of their delusional religion, she calls this an "evolution of science."  No, it's a flat-out lie because real vaccines prevent you from getting a virus in the first place and don't cause any other bodily harm.  And she wanted to censor anyone who disagreed with her.  That's not science, that's totalitarianism.

Before long, they'll be offering a "brand new" chemical to prevent the deaths from "suddenly" which they'll force on everyone.  I can understand most other excuses but I really can't figure out why there's not a resistance movement looking to put everyone who supported this on a noose.  If we actually survive - and I'm not optimistic on that - this will go down in history and one of the biggest atrocities ever.  And they made it happen without the slightest hesitation.

20 April, 2023

When I rule the world, the First Lady will be Kelly Bundy!

□ [“US Residents Stranded in Sudan after Failed Coup Attempt – 'Too Late' for Evacuations"]

Haven't paid close attention but I did know Sudan was having some sort or civil war.  I do have to wonder why we don't have a government that actually does anything to protect its citizens.  Ok, it's an obvious answer, look who our rulers are, but you get the point.  They spend so much time pretending they care so much about us and they always ditch us at the first opportunity.

This goes back at least as far as Rome, your citizens are under your protection wherever they go.  And until a couple years ago, even our rulers agreed with that.  This is the sort of thing everyone should be asking, 'who will you ditch next?'  If they were black, would you abandon them just as quickly?  Or transgender?

Because everything else seems to be connected these days, is this part of the US helping out Iran?  Or following up from Libya, which is right next to Sudan.  Or is this just another part of the worldwide disaster our rulers are imposing, and making Americans suffer from it is just a bonus?

20 April, 2023

□ [“Rep. Adam Schiff Claims Judiciary Committee Hearing on ‘Victims of Violent Crime in Manhattan’ is Meant to ‘Intimidate’ DA Alvin Bragg"]

How do you intimidate a DA from doing anything about the violent criminals taking up his city?  Or is this one of those 'elite' rules where he can pick political targets and all the victims of violent crimes are out of luck?  I'm guessing it's the latter.  Go out for a walk in NYC without your bodyguards, let us know what happens if you're ever found alive again.

Schiff is deliberately ignoring all the crime victims to do this, that's why he's in charge of Democrats.  That's also why they never need to worry about losing elections ever again.  How dare anybody point out all the violent crime we support, that's racist!!!!

They impose perversion and corruption, using violent thugs to impose their will on the citizens.  Tyranny is their life's work and we need to put an end to that.  We are well into Civil War 2.0 and I really don't get why only their side is organized.

20 April, 2023

□ [“Woke ESPN to Begin Layoffs Next Week as Part of Disney Cost Cutting Efforts"]

More Disney employees who need to learn to code.  For some reason, there are a number of internet trolls going around insisting that Disney is doing great financially but never have anything to say about all these people losing their jobs.  Healthy companies hire people, unhealthy ones fire them, that's a basic difference.  Are these trolls just spambots or are they real human beings who aspire to be spambots?

One thing I've noticed is that Disney always cares about the characters the most, everyone else can be replaced.  That's probably why they've linked up with Marvel so well.  I'm not sure how that would work for ESPN, I get the basic concept of liking your favorite sports team, but I don't get how that could be expanded to highly-paid people on cameras talking about a sports team.  Well, maybe it can't be expanded, even if you're not *woke,* but why would Disney even try?

I wonder if this is what they're trying to build with the recent problems their biggest franchises are having.  As always, I go back to comics and I've pointed out that Marvel was in bad shape by the mid-70s.  Stan, Jack and Steve were gone, there wasn't any direction, just fanboys trying to repeat the same stories with the same characters they'd grown up with.  That wouldn't be turned around until Chris Claremont's X-Men became successful and Jim Shooter started running the company.  I still think that's what they're going for here, even though I can't imagine how.

But my guess is that's why they're ruining the characters.  There's still modern problems, being *woke,* but face it, Spider-Man can take a lot of damage and still be popular.  This may also explain the way all media seem to be focusing on characters and not anybody else.  The basic concept of telling a story and creating whatever characters are needed for that story and then moving on seems to have vanished.

20 April, 2023

□ [“Unhinged Florida State Rep. Claims Girls Will Cut Off Their Own Breasts If They Can’t Get Sex Change Surgeries"]

And you support that.  You want them mutilated and you don't have the slightest interest in if they survive afterwards, or if they commit suicide.  If I'm ever in charge, anyone who supports this will be mutilated to death.

So ok, fine.  Let them chop themselves up, that's what you want.  Any sane person would be preventing that from ever being an issue but that's not you.  You're already making the argument that these things are no longer human because of your action, so we might as well let them die since they won't be good for anything else in their short lives.  That's not a good way to go but that's what you're pushing for anyway.  And yes, we can start with you.

It's really mindboggling how these people have ever been allowed to get anywhere, much less take charge of us and order mutilation for their followers.  This is a death-worshipping cult and we need to start fighting back against them.  Can't even point to anyone who believes in this and doesn't also believe in global warming.

20 April, 2023

□ [“White House Reverses Course, Issues Statement Denying Biden Behind Political Interference in Hunter Investigation"]

So there are supposedly investigations going on.  If true, they're just a waste of time.  We already know nobody's going to be caught or punished for anything, unless they vote Republican.  The whole government is full of elitist corruption and it wants more.

It's not even clear what this is about, something about Hunter not paying taxes, but he still has plenty of money so he's fine there.  His father is in charge of the people investigating him and read off the teleprompter that he has nothing to do with it so that's obviously trustworthy.  Rich old white men don't have anything to worry about here and the left agrees.

It's probably just funneling more money to Ukraine so that Americans have less, that's basically a given at this point.  They'll probably attack the whistleblower soon.  Like any banana republic, they need to protect the rulers from the rules they impose on the rest of us.

21 April, 2023

If we don't know what gender someone is just by looking at them, how do we know their skin color?

So why didn't it happen years ago?  NATO just too lazy or were their standards still too high for Ukraine to meet?  Ukraine not paying enough in bribes?  Strange how this announcement has been made as all the leaks are coming out about how our rulers have been lying to us.  Will there be a vote on whether or not Ukraine can join or is democracy not permitted in NATO countries?

He's not giving a timeframe on when Ukraine will get around to joining, is that supposed to encourage anybody?  It's quite possible this is just to sucker the peons into believing that victory is just around the corner, as they've done for the last year.  Europe's had a year to start building up their military forces but they haven't bothered to do that, and the US is having a lot more problems finding active service members than they did a year or two ago.  That's not going to help but it's what the people who want WWIII are doing.

They're going to need a draft but I can't imagine even the NATO rulers are stupid enough to think that will work.  Keep in mind how many nations are moving into the BRICS+ side of things, they're going to be involved too and that won't work well for our side.  Just a thought, it's possible they'll start a draft so that anyone who disobeys can be put into work camps.  Can you think of any reason our rulers wouldn't do that, because I can't.  There's certainly no leftists who would oppose it.

21 April, 2023

□ [“Biological Man Pretending to Be a Woman, Issues Violent Threat to Anyone Who Suggests He Can’t Use Women’s Restroom: 'It will be the last mistake you ever make'"]

I've been wondering where and why this transgender nonsense started.  There's always been insanity, so we can understand that much.  It's believable that there have been women who, for one reason or another, pretended to be men so they could try to do a man's job.  Men pretending to be women has long been a part of theater and comedy, but that's deliberately pretend.

So where does this come from, that barely a decade ago no one was stupid enough to think there were more than two genders and now our tyrants will punish anyone who disagrees with however many dozens and dozens they've come up with.

Looking up the info on wikipedia or whatever is problematic, because these creatures share a trait with leftists, that they'll always re-write history to be how they want it to be, so there's nothing that can really be trusted on what it says.  There's not a lot in the way of evidence that people in previous centuries knew what gender actually was, much less self-identified as the opposite gender.  Why would one aspire to be a circus freak and then demand everyone join the freakshow?

I can believe that there's a long-running conspiracy to impose this insanity on everyone, but how did it stay so secret for so long and then take over everything everywhere?

21 April, 2023

□ [“DOJ Arrests 4 Black Leftists for Spreading Pro-Russia 'Propaganda' in Memes, Articles and Speeches"]

Why don't Republicans charge blacks with felonies for their tweets?  For that matter, why don't Democrats charge non-blacks with felonies for their tweets?  The dark-skinned people weren't supporting our rulers stance on Ukraine, so send them to jail for a long time!  They could have just shot somebody and they'd be freed in an hour.

Do blacks not have First Amendment rights?  Does anybody else?  Well, if they're told the Constitution doesn't include blacks, which is what leftists keep saying, that explains that.  Assuming they're stupid enough to believe it.  It's like the right to own guns, does it apply to blacks or not?

If you disagree with our masters, you work for Russia.  Our masters and their supporters are stupid enough to believe that.  Could this possibly be part of the resistance movement, getting these people to turn against their masters and being punished for it?  Not sure how that would work out but if true, it sounds like a neat idea.

21 April, 2023

□ [“'Racism is a Fundamental Driver of Environmental Injustice' – Biden Signs Executive Order Requiring All Federal Agencies to Prioritize 'Environmental Justice'"]

How do they prioritize "environmental justice" over "racial justice"?  And whatever happened to "social justice"?  How do any of these distinguish from actual justice, other than the dictator making up an excuse to seize more power?  Ohhhhh...

This is how we know there's only one political party in operation.  If there was more than one, the impeachment would have already started by now.  But no, those who self-identify as "Republicans" are totally fine with this guy making up his own laws with whatever money he wants.  They don't get paid to get involved with that stuff.

We really need to go on strike, refuse to take part in this horsesh*t!  They're going to keep pushing it as long as possible so the only alternative is to not be involved in any way.  They'll only have their mindless minions to rely on and that will break them down a lot quicker than anything else could.  Have weapons ready so we can start fighting back at any time, we can't tolerate this any longer.

21 April, 2023

□ [“The Biden Campaign Was Behind the '51 Intelligence Officers' Letter; Current Secretary of State Anthony Blinken was Directed by Biden to Organize The Campaign Op"]

Well, if this goes anywhere, I guess this is something.  They're following through the same lines they used against Trump.  'He's lying!'  'His agents put out fake information to steal an election!'  'He's protecting friends and family to abuse power!'  The difference is that they were lying about Trump and actually doing what they accused him of doing.

Ok, we already know that.  So what?  And they've been caught lying that Hunter's laptop wasn't his laptop and it didn't have anything illegal on it and he's not taking money from other nations and all that.  But nothing ever gets done about this.  Trump permitted government agents who worked for him to investigate him and turn against him.  No Democrat would ever do that.  They keep getting caught for perjury and always get away with it.

They're blatantly defying their own standards and nobody complains about that.  Their defenders also say the economy is doing great, Ukraine has been winning for over a year and there are dozens of genders.  They also burn fossil fuels to go around and say fossil fuels should be banned, and that blacks are oppressed for obeying them all these centuries.

This can't last, so how long until everything completely breaks down?  And when that happens, who's been planning all along to seize power?  It's easy to blame China but they're probably not the only ones involved.

21 April, 2023

Luke Skywalker has no idea what a lightsaber is until Old Ben explains it.  Luke has never heard of the Jedi or the Force.  Han Solo thinks these ideas are hokey nonsense.  High ranking imperial officers dismiss them as "sorcerer's ways."  Leia didn't send a message to a Jedi, she was trying to communicate with a military general.

People are supposed to know which ship made the Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs, but nobody knows anything about this organization that lasted for thousands of years all across the galaxy.  There's no hint of it anywhere, nobody mentions it.  But this is in in their lifetime!  Chewbacca worked with Jedis!  Order 66 is still in the living memory of everyone older than Luke and Leia.  And don't forget all those parents who had their younglings tested to see if they could be sent in for training.

And what about that training, they've got spaceships, computers, communications, robots.  At least some of the students and staff would need food and that's just a few of the requirements.  Then there's all the Jedi running around the galaxy with full authority to stick their noses into whatever they want.  Everybody in charge of every planet would be told about them just to get the job.  Who knows, maybe Palpatine's brought them back, or some large group just like them.

You can't run an organization like that for thousands of years and then have everybody forget about it within a decade or two or however old Luke and Leia were at the beginning of Star Wars.  Evidence of their existence would be widespread all across the galaxy.  If you can make trillions and trillions of people forget the evidence before their own eyes, not to mention all the droids who had interacted with them, then being Emperor is too small of a role for you to waste time with.

But that's what the franchise has been expecting people to believe for the last couple decades, even as they keep increasing the quantity of Jedis who couldn't be ignored.  Almost everyone on Earth knows what a lightsaber is, even if we've never actually seen one, but we're supposed to believe that Luke had no idea what Old Ben had just handed him.  You can't have it both ways.  The people on Tatooine have robots and landspeeders but they don't have movies, cartoons or video games showing warriors using energy swords?

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