Tuesday, April 25, 2023


22 April, 2023

Until such time as the world ends, we will act as if it continues to spin on. HELLLLPPPP!!!

□ [“Woke Bud Light Executive Behind Transgender Dylan Mulvaney Marketing Campaign Takes Leave of Absence”]

So she’s still getting paid for her leave of absence?  Probably getting paid just as much as she was paid to actually show up to work as the Vice President of Marketing.  She makes public statements about her employer’s inferior customers and still gets paid without having to do anything, how nice.  Sure puts those lower-class workers in their place, but that’s what you expect from Budweiser.

Still a couple weeks before Quarterly Sales Reports come out so we won't get any hard numbers until then (unless we're lucky) but putting this lady on vacation isn't remotely enough.  I don't care whether Budweiser products restore their previous glory or whether no one ever tastes that slop ever again.

You want marketing, you put this lady on a commercial, explaining why she’s qualified to be the Vice President of Marketing.  She'll describe the President of Marketing who obviously supports her and all of her employees who do what she tells them, even the low-level unnamed employee who thought this was a good idea and gets all the blame.  Then there’s the interviewer she made this public statement for and how it shows her marketing abilities which she went to college for.  Then there’s the "inclusivity" she gets paid for, she'll need to describe how important that is to her and how it affects her marketing skills.

It would be a long ad but you don't want the brand to be in decline, do you?  Gonna have to do something so you might as well publicize the people who made this possible.  It’s their job.

22 April, 2023

□ [“Transgender Exposes Penis to Four Freshman Girls in Wisconsin High School Locker Room”]

Well they haven't gotten enough penis in their lives yet, so that has to be changed.  Their consent isn't required.  Who would they even complain to?  No one anywhere along the chain-of-command thinks young teenage girls' permission is needed before they get some big hard penises.  That’s the way the people in charge want it and they're powerful enough to force that penis on everyone else.

I have nothing to base this on, but it does look like this is nearing a turning point.  There’s enough problems in enough people’s lives that this vast minority rule isn't going to work.  People don't want to put up with these pretend-genders which are imposed by the same people who deny us fuel and food and make everything more expensive.  And they're in line with perversion.

I don't get what’s supposed to happen next but as always, I assume our masters have planned for this.  Maybe it’s not a plan in-and-of itself, but a planned response to our response.  We simply cannot take it as a given that they're brainless robots because someone needed to program them.  That’s also why I think going on strike is the best option because that’s simply no response, so they don't know what to do next.

But this made-up gender thing is definitely at the forefront of what they're pushing for.

22 April, 2023

□ [“First Death Linked to New COVID Subvariant ‘Arcturus’ Confirmed”]

Oh boy, another virus just after the previous virus emergency finally ended!  But everything’s still in place for them to impose their power on the rest of us.  What amazing timing!  So did it come from the balloon or did China just have some people bring it on from the southern border?  Doesn't matter, our masters are ready to lock us down.

They still haven't covered all the lies for the last few years, saying masks don't work and then telling everyone to wear masks, saying the vaccine will keep you from getting the virus and then that it will keep you from spreading the virus and then admitting that it does nothing like that, not to mention the deaths from "suddenly."  All the rich, famous leftists who get to ignore those rules.  And that’s just a few of the lies and excuses to seize money and power.

This is something I really worry that our rulers will succeed at, given how many people are still putting cloth on their faces.  We really need to work out distinctions between people stupid enough to do that versus those who were smart enough to not get the poison-vaccine.  There’s no way to accurately account for that, especially given how easy it is to lie about, but it’s a start, just to start working out who is or isn't on our side.

22 April, 2023

□ [“'They All Live in Fear of Trump. It’s a Cult.' – Announcer Bob Costas on CNN Referring to the GOP”]

□ [“DNC Protects Biden, Says There Will Be No Debates”]

Someone paid to say whatever he’s told claims there’s a cult but has nothing to say about the leader that no one is permitted to challenge and is fully protected.  It’s definitely another case of projecting what they're doing onto others and blaming the others for it.  Even Trump supporters can criticize his support for Disney, no Biden supporter criticizes his support for Disney.

□ [“White House Condemns Bud Light Boycott — Says ‘Dangerous Rhetoric’ and ‘Vitriolic Language and Violence’ Needs to Stop”]

Or Bud Lite.  Or the pedophiles and demon worshippers.  Or all the support you've gotten from Russia and China.  Oh but no one lives in fear of Biden, they lust after what he gets.

When is the break-up finally going to happen?  At this point we can all see it but nobody seems to be moving.  I can understand that but you'd think someone somewhere would just be quitting.  Or outright fighting back although that seems unlikely for anyone who actually understands what’s required.

I'm just covering this stuff and waiting for the collapse, there must be people who know more and can point to a target date.  I would have said two and a half years ago but I don't get a vote.  So when are we going to get a resistance together and fight back?  I do get that their numbers are actually quite small although probably not as small as we'd like.  The problem is that so many others are willing to comply with them and that’s got to come to a halt.

22 April, 2023

□ [“Sudan Officials to Help Evacuate Stranded Americans From War Zone Following Failed Coup Attempt”]

I've heard we have special operations coming in to help them escape so this is probably just making sure someone else gets the credit, that’s how they work.  But after several days, whoever’s in charge finally realized that they'd look bad if they abandon all these Americans again.  This isn't about helping people, it’s about not looking bad.

So where else will this happen next?  It’s safe to assume this is ready to happen in a lot of other parts of the world and they have no incentive to protect American citizens.  Our own government won't do that, but other governments are getting away from the US Dollar so they don't even need to look good.  Muslim nations are increasingly getting away from the dollar, Indonesia just announced that.  They'll probably work to protect Chinese citizens though, how nice.

One thing I'll give our rulers credit for is that this seems to be happening all over the world and specific to each nation.  Good or bad, America has always been able to just be American and expect everyone else to go along with that.  So this isn't just conquest of us, this is destroying us from top to bottom and salting the soil forever.

23 April, 2023

Dammit Jim, I self-identify as a doctor!

□ [“Bill Maher Asks Why Black Celebrities Don’t Speak Out Against Black Crimes Like in Chicago and New York”]

Because they don't want to be punished, duh!  They only get their money and mansions by going along with the masters who totally support the violence in Democrat-run cities.  And that’s if they even notice, it’s not like they're chosen to be celebrities for their intellect.  They don't have to live there, so who cares?

Do blacks have the right to disagree with Democrats?  Of course not.  Do Democrats support police?  Of course not.  Do Democrats want to teach about the freedom America has brought the world?  Of course not.  Democrats have owned blacks for centuries and they're not going to stop.

A couple decades ago, the term "baby daddy" didn't even exist, but it’s all blacks know now, thanks to Democrats.  By an amazing coincidence, these same Democrats want to destroy the family.  They're also willing to help themselves to billions of dollars from other people based on skin color.  Any black person stupid enough to go along with all of this demonstrates inferiority and they all vote Democrat.  Just look at how any black who doesn't gets treated.  That’s the way the masters want it.

Basically what’s been done to blacks for centuries is what our masters want to do to everybody forever.  And Bill Maher has spent his whole life helping them do that.

23 April, 2023

□ [“New York Governor Kathy Hochul Considering Ban on Sale of ‘ALL’ Tobacco Products”]

Banning drugs worked before so why not do it again?  This time it might even be as successful as prohibition.  As liberals always say, the government will decide what’s done with your body, you don't get any say in the matter.  None of them see anything wrong with this.

Drug dealers aren't going to switch to digital currency so this will keep printed money in circulation, has anybody thought of that?  Framing, production, transportation, all of them will know from the start that they don't have to follow government regulations, or pay taxes.  By the way, what’s the government going to do to replace the taxes they're no longer getting from what used to be legal?  How are you going to pay for the extra police forces you'll need to arrest people for smoking tobacco, a Native American creation?

How long will it be before they spread this to eating meat or buying gasoline?  There’s never any limit for totalitarians.  As the old saying goes, anything that’s not mandatory is banned.

23 April, 2023

□ [“Former CIA Director David Petraeus: US-Trained Ukrainian Counter Offensive to Begin in May with Goal of Severing Russia’s Land Route to Crimea”]

The speech was made on March 30, so it’s taken nearly a month for this classified information to be released to the public about upcoming military plans.  I forget, was Petraeus punished for leaking classified information or was he allowed to that because he worked for Democrats?  I do remember there were threats of taking away his fourth star because the law applies to everybody.

What are the odds this is remotely real?  Someone who ran the CIA yelling 'hey Putin, we're going to attack you right here!  In this place right here, not somewhere else!  These are the weapons we're going to be using!  But it’s not going to happen for several weeks!'  Could he be that stupid?  Skimming through my books, I've definitely defended Petraeus before, but that was quite a while ago.

And this might just be a show to keep funneling US weapons and money away from the troops who can actually use them to defend our nation, like we've been doing for the last year.  The big guy’s gotta get his ten percent and his family needs to work through all those shell companies.

23 April, 2023

□ [“Ousted Chicago Mayor Lightfoot Now 'Cares' About Crime Victims, Democrats Need to ‘speak the Truth About Violent Crime in Our Cities' After Letting Her City Burn for Years”]

□ [“Mayor Adams Takes Shot at Biden, Claims NYC is Being ‘Destroyed’ by Fed Gov’t”]

I do not get this, devout leftists bouncing back and forth from demanding more leftism imposed on everyone and saying 'this isn't working!'  At a guess, I'll say they have no idea what they're talking about and are just responding on the spur-of-the-moment, usually to impose more leftism which is causing the problems.

It’s also clear that they only became mayor as a step towards more power.  Otherwise Democrats find mayors completely worthless and, at least when it’s them, totally incapable of accomplishing anything because they don't have enough power.  I'm honestly surprised very many of them have gone for state government offices.

I do think there’s some pushback.  Not sure how much or how meaningful it is to these rich people who actively support crime against the poor, but as the suffering spreads, there must be more and more of these voters who are pissed.  'We elected you to stop this, not expand it!'  Probably won't mean anything but they have to pretend, at least for a short period of time, that they have the slightest interest in the pawns they control.

23 April, 2023

There is a bit more media attacks on Biden for being senile, stupid, incompetent, corrupt and sponsored by Rococo Coffee.  [Wait, what?]  It’s quite possible they're getting ready for his scheduled announcement that he'll be running for POTUS again, hopefully winning an election this time.  But considering how the media has behaved for the last 2 6 20 years decades, I'm not sure what they're expecting our reaction to be.

First of all, they'd have to explain all the ways they've protected Biden and his puppeteers.  Trump did give us economic disaster and World War III, so he’s bad!!!  That’s not going to help.  Any sensible person sees enormous problems that Biden brought us with full media support.  Second of all, there’s absolutely no chance whatsoever that they won't immediately resort to complete support once he makes the announcement.  Third of all, we've got no reason to believe them no matter what.

Four of all, he’s just going to steal the election again, we already know that.  Short of an announcement that Trump really did win in 2020, there’s nothing to be done to fix that.  We know they'll lie on behalf of our rulers and elections are completely irrelevant for the foreseeable future.  That’s how they want it.

So who are they trying to convince with this stuff now?  Is this just to show their few living supporters what disputing opinions look like, just to say they did it and then everyone will get back in line and obey?  That’s the only excuse I can think of, it’s not like they have any chance of getting real people back to agreeing with them.

24 April, 2023

What should I self-identify as in matters vegetable, animal and mineral?

□ [“Susan Rice Announces that She Is Leaving the Biden White House Next Month"]

I've seen that she was actually fired but I'm very very doubtful of that.  If nothing else, who would have the authority to fire her, Michelle Obama?  Doesn't seem likely, they have the same skin color.  Anyway, my guess is that she's moving on to the 'new world order' and no longer has to sit at the kiddy table with Biden.  I'd be fine with being proven wrong, but I'd need some actual proof.

There's the saying, 'fleeing a sinking ship,' but I definitely see no reason to believe that.  They have the stolen elections in place so there's nothing to worry about there.  With normal Democrats it might not be a problem, but Biden's age and health means they would have had a replacement ready to go from the start.  I definitely don't think they're worried about Hunter's laptop or the loss of classified information or whatever other investigations are supposedly going on.

I definitely don't think there should be any worry about who's going to run the White House now.  If she was actually fired, whoever fired her will be in charge and appoint a replacement.  If she wasn't, it'll stay the same.  Now the replacement might be even more incompetent, but then again, from their point-of-view, they've gotten exactly what they wanted, who would disagree with that?

24 April, 2023

□ [“Second Woke Bud Executive Placed On Leave Following Boycott Calls"]

Still waiting for quarterly statements to find out how well the company is actually doing but uhhhhh, no.  This is just a start.  Reportedly it's Daniel Blake, Busch’s Group Vice President of Marketing.  We're also told that VP of global marketing for Budweiser Todd Allen has replaced Alissa Heinerscheid.

What?  The veep of global marketing, the group veep of marketing and the veep of Bud Lite marketing?  Are there any Presidents in any of the marketing divisions or are they all veeps all the way down the line?  Whatever happened to that unnamed low-level employee who came up with the idea in the first place?  Does he/she/it still have a job?  Or anybody who checks in on what marketing he/she/it is doing just in case it might cost the company billions of dollars?  If you want the customers to come back, you really need to put out more information.

Frankly I think anybody above production and transport should be very very worried about losing their jobs and for that matter, I wouldn't complain too much if they all had to learn to code.  I'm certainly worried that this is just a distraction set-up by our rulers, but otherwise, we need to start tearing these large companies apart and this is as good a place to start as any.

And we're told the company has hired "two consultants with experience in Washington, D.C.’s, conservative circles."  That has nothing to do with lower class workers but apparently that's the point, spend money on unnamed "consultants" with connections to DC.  We've already been hearing how unnamed experts say the boycott won't work and Budweiser will come through stronger than ever.  No mention is made of how much beer these unnamed experts drink, but they get paid to say everything will be fine and the people in charge listen to them.

24 April, 2023

□ [“Biden: 'There’s No Such Thing as Someone Else’s Child…Our Nation’s Children Are All of Our Children'"]

That's not how parenthood works, and we can prove that by sending Hunter Biden out to visit his parents' house.  But you wouldn't do that, you're keeping him close to you for some reason.  Just the fact that you didn't abort Hunter proves that you don't have a clue what you're talking about.

Obviously the plan is to take away everybody else's children and luckily they have all the pedophiles on their side.  It's a common totalitarian policy to eliminate the concept of parenthood and assume nothing can go wrong from that.  Then things go wrong and they need to seize even more power just to stay in charge and the government has to be much harsher than whoever they had overthrown.

And this is just a repeat of Hillary Clinton, it takes one child to raze a village.  This is the sort of cult they've been part of for a long time.  Demon-worship and child-molesting always seem to be part of the package and we can see that now.  So what are we going to do about it?  This can't be handled peacefully.

24 April, 2023

□ [“NBCUniversal CEO Jeff Shell Forced Out After Sexual Harassment Investigation"]

□ [“Don Lemon Fired From CNN"]

□ [“Tucker Carlson Out At Fox"]

Three fires in a day, two of them popular screen personalities.  NBC is part of Universal, CNN is part of Warner Bros/Discovery.  Fox is Fox.  It must be a total coincidence because no one from ABC/Disney or CBS/Paramount got fired today.  Well, nobody important, that's all that matters.

But seriously, I do think it's probably a coincidence, at least all the different reasons given for the firing.  Having it all happen at once is probably the biggest argument that it isn't remotely a coincidence, but that still leaves us with trying to figure out why.  Don Lemon was an idiot who sucked a lot of dick to get this far, but eventually the fact that he could check all the blocks on the 'diversity list' wasn't good enough.  He couldn't hold his own show and he couldn't get along with co-workers on a morning show.

Don't know anything about Carlson and obviously the other guy wasn't famous, so I'd guess Lemon was just case of finally getting rid of him.  It's amusing that he said he had no idea this would happen, like being demoted to a morning co-host and being forced to take 'time off' for arguing with the others wasn't enough of a sign for him.  Shows you what he was there for.  He even whines on twitter about it and CNN makes a public statement saying his claims are false.  That's amusing, I'll give it that.  I'm going on 20 years without a television so I barely have a clue who any of these people are.

But Fox was one of the first examples that made me think that most/all of the media was a set-up for leftists, because of how they always focused on it with a 'two minute hate.'  Any disagreement was always dismissed with "you probably heard that on Fox News!" which let them ignore any disagreement and not even bother to check if their claims were true, which is what they always accuse Fox of doing.

I probably noticed this before I got rid of cable and then all tv, but that made it really obvious.  I clearly didn't get any perspective from Fox but you're the one bringing it into the conversation.  I don't know or care where you get your perspective from, whether you thought of it yourself or if you're just reading from a teleprompter, I'm interested in the perspective and how right or wrong it is.  That's not what 21st century media does.  So that's what I think Fox is there for, a plant for leftists to focus on and a way to give idiots who disagree with leftists something to hear a bit of reality from.

Even if I'm wrong and Rupert Murdoch is actually a true right-winger, his children are absolutely not and they're the ones making decisions.

24 April, 2023

□ [“John Kerry Says People will Soon ‘See Their Farms and Crops Ripped Away’ or 'Their Homes Destroyed' Due to Climate Change"]

That's not what climate does.  That's proven by the fact that they've spent all these decades obsessed with the temperature going up a couple decrees, which happens every single day when the sun sets.  It happens every single year when the snow starts.  And he's stupid enough to stay crops just get ripped away and homes destroyed?

This is definitely where the cult is focused.  They can worship demons or they can just go along with others who worship demons.  They can massacre humans or they can send men-with-guns in to handle it for them, burning down houses and farms.  They never stop using fossil fuel to heat their own homes or travel around the world, it's just orders to impose on other people.  This lines up with them brainwashing children to have no idea what reality is, all they can do is mindlessly obey or be punished.

I think Kerry is really putting out a threat, they're coming to burn everything down and no one can stop them.  Global warming is just a delusion for their followers, this is about imposing their control over the entire world down to the last atom.  I haven't looked much into their HAARP project (High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program) but that's totally believable.  That's the sort of thing I worry about and there's no reason to believe they aren't ready to use it at any time.

25 April, 2023

You can't eat gold, can you? Just curious.

□ [“Medical Journal Article Recounts Tale of 18-Year-Old Boy Killed on the Operating Table in Quixotic Bid to 'Become a Woman'"]

This article is from 2016.  They mutilated a child to death and *THEN* this nonsense started about making up your gender.  Nobody gave it any attention before but *NOW* they punish anyone who disagrees and the government is expected to pay for everything at our costs.  Safe to say the use of poison drugs was also advanced.  If anybody's actually read Obamacare, there are probably policies on this included.

We need execution squads.  Who's going to handle the nooses, who's going to guard the prisoners, how do we set up something that qualifies as a trial.  We also need to start putting together a list of who takes part in this mutilation and who supports it.  I have no idea what the right answer would be, but how would torture be used to make sure that everybody who supports this abuse names all of their conspirators?

They're part of torture, you don't just make an appointment with a surgeon to get your body chopped up, especially if you're a kid.  You go through months or years of drugs and you stay on them for life after the surgery.  Your life is permanently damaged and the people who support this want it to happen to everyone.  I'm theoretically fine with these monsters being tortured to death but I think it's better that the death happen very quickly, so the amount of pain isn't relevant.

I have no idea what can be done about the victims.  I'd be more likely to work as in support for the executors so I'd leave that up to people with more decency.  My priority is wiping these motherfuckers off the face of the earth ASAP.  How do we get started and what can I do to help?

25 April, 2023

□ [“Biden Launches 2024 Reelection Campaign with Online Video"]

How many takes did they need to make him coherent?  He didn't even have an audience around, thrilled that he was going to continue his Presidential success.  He is right, we're in a battle for the soul of America and he's trying to destroy it.  He also says it's about freedom and doesn't say which side he's on.  "I think you know the answer."  His claim that everyone is equal contradicts his claims about "MAGA extremists," that's many tens of millions of voters you consider inferior.

He doesn't bring up the Americans he's abandoned in Afghanistan or Sudan.  He doesn't mention all the drugs, viruses and slaves coming through the southern border which he defies law to keep open to anyone who comes in.  Doesn't mention how much less food there is thanks to him and how much more everything costs.  He doesn't even promote eating bugs.  Probably had this speech checked by China before he delivered it.

The Uniparty is enjoying this, they're already making sure Trump won't be permitted for the Republican primary debates.  I don't see any reason to think there will even be an election in a year and a half, even a fake one the rulers have already counted the votes for.  Just the fact that they're so supportive of Biden shows that they've already got everything ready for the steal.

25 April, 2023

□ [“Left-Wing Protesters Shut Down Montana House After Transgender Lawmaker Censured For Hateful Comments About Republicans"]

This is an example of the transgender insanity being at the forefront of all our rulers want.  Are these creatures the specific goal or are they just puppets being used to tear everything down and will be disposed of when it's convenient?  Although I notice that they usually wind up in blue cities, I suspect they're aimed at red states as much as possible, precisely to tear everything down.

If they're just tools being used to destroy everything, then it shows the real goal of our tyrants.  They're mutilating children as weapons to use against the rest of existence and calling that a good thing.  At least if transgenderism is itself the goal, that's understandable.  Insane people have to act insane, that's in the job description.

I'm a bit preoccupied on this at the moment, I recently heard an account of what's involved in the process and this was before I'd heard any of today's news events.  Just the monstrosity required for anyone to even consider permitting this is outrageous, and to infest children with this?  At the moment, if you had a couple thousand of these monsters tied up and awaiting execution, I'd volunteer to handle it if you keep providing a loaded weapon.  That's not really a sane or healthy way to behave and I'm not that emotional of a person but, well, here we are.

25 April, 2023

□ [“Anthony Fauci Says Don't Blame Him for Covid Lockdowns and School Closures"]

□ [“Justin Trudeau Now Says He Never Forced Anyone to Get the Covid Vaccine"]

More is coming out about the poison these people infected the world with.  Of course they need to lie and claim they didn't say exactly what they did say.  I'm not sure why, their mindless supporters will believe anything and nobody else will.  It's not like any other government official will punish them.

Notice that the`y don't have anything to say about the people who died from the poison vaccine.  That's how meaningful the 'if it saves us ONE LIFE' rhetoric is, or the 'if they're not vaccinated, let them die!'  They got what they wanted and didn't even have to suffer from the poison themselves.

Was this always the plan or did they just follow orders and this was how it worked out?  This lines up with the demon-worship our rulers have apparently been engaged in for generations.  I'm still quite skeptical about some of the other conspiracy theories we've been hearing in recent days, but at this point we're losing any clue of what reality is, which is how our masters want it.  I've said this before, but they're the real virus.

25 April, 2023

□ [“WHO Declares 'Biohazard Risk' In Sudan After Bio-Lab Seized By Military"]

And here we get the first official example of the WHO as rulers of the world.  If they call it a "biohazard," they can do anything they want and they can call anything a "biohazard."  Of course there's no details on who seized the lab or who it actually belongs to.  Remember when Russia was seizing US biolabs in Ukraine?  Good times!

Russia is also supporting at least some people in the Sudan war, what an odd coincidence.  There hasn't been as much attention to Sudan as there is to Ukraine, but that's obvious, they aren't white.  But that doesn't make certain people ignorant of what their biolabs are used for so they'll use all the influence they have to keep it secret.  As noted, that's why the WHO isn't giving any details on this.  They give orders, that's all they need to do.

Clearly they're trying to keep the WWIII part as quiet as possible, most likely to have as many victims as possible.  They all want a lower world population so that's understandable.  They also can't admit this is what they want, I just don't get how they expect to keep this up for much longer.  This is where I'm convinced they have some other plan ready that will wipe out everything.  Either that or they'll give China all the keys, which is basically the same thing.

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