Saturday, April 29, 2023


26 April, 2023

But why? The floor never hits the bodies first!

□ [“Ukraine’s Promised Counter Offensive Destined for Abject Failure"]

The article is certainly biased to one side, no denying that, but to be fair, the opposing side has been unanimous for the last year that Russia is totally losing every step of the way.  At no point do they admit that over a year later, all their losses are still on Ukrainian soil which doesn't really qualify as a loss for the invaders.  Yet Ukraine supporters do not acknowledge that in the slightest for over a year.  They don't even ask how Russia can be taking more and more territory in Ukraine if all they do is lose.  They just believe what they're told and anyone who says otherwise is lying!!!  Now give us money and weapons!

It's unconfirmed but I heard a few days ago that at the very beginning of the war, a lot of high-ranking NATO officials went to Ukraine to meet with high-ranking Ukrainians.  Russia bombed the building they were in so they all died.  If true, that would explain why NATO insists we're at war with Russia without needing any nation to actually, you know, declare war the way leftists used to insist that government should do.  It would have to be a low percentage of military leaders but taking any of them out would weaken NATO as a military force and you can understand why they'd want revenge on behalf of a nation which never bothered to join NATO in all these years.

The Ukraine supporters never remotely ask what's wrong with their side, which isn't how a war is handled.  All they can do is accuse anyone who disagrees of being Putin's puppets, projecting their own mindless obedience onto anyone who disagrees with them.  Russia and Ukraine have had to put up with each other for a lot longer than the United States has existed, so let them deal with it themselves and the rest of us can go on with our own lives.  But Ukraine supporters don't accept that, so this is where the real war is taking place.

26 April, 2023

□ [“Bud Light Has Suffered a ‘Staggering’ Loss in Sales, According to Latest Numbers"]

Quarterly reports are due in a week or so, so people should be putting those together by now and that info should start coming out.  The current numbers say a 17% drop, while their competitors are showing a roughly 17% rise in sales.  Good start, keep going.

Heard somewhere that the Las Vegas strip has taken a major hit, which should be a red light for that district.  Gamblers have a lot of experience in drinking and casinos have a lot of experience with keeping the gamblers gambling.  Casinos are expensive, they need to keep the money flowing in.  If the promotion of Budweiser products doesn't keep them wasting money at the tables, the Bud is gone without hesitation.

What's really going to hurt is that Budweiser doesn't even seem to have recognized the problem, which tells me that they knew what they were doing from the start.  But regardless, if they want to stay healthy, they need to put out immediately how wrong they were to do this.  They can blame the booze but they really need to be honest about how badly they screwed up.  Did they find some new target audience to buy the beer and that's why their losses are only 17%?

26 April, 2023

□ [“Sudanese Militants Seize US-Funded BioLab in Khartoum Containing Dangerous Samples of Measles, Cholera, Other Pathogens"]

Correct me if I'm wrong, but biolabs have big signs up if they're involved in dangerous bioweapons, right?  Signs that say something like "WE HAVE DEADLY BIOWEAPONS HERE!  RIGHT HERE!  IF YOU TAKE OVER THIS LAB, YOU CAN'T MISS THEM!"  Just so people know it's not some totally safe biolab that the US is funding in far-away countries.  They can't keep bioweapons secret from anybody, the US would never do such a thing!

Remember last year when Russia took over a bunch of US-funded biolabs in Ukraine and leftists were horrified although they insisted that everything was totally safe.  Now possible Russian allies - it's not clear who is on who's side, or at least I've been too lazy to look into it - have taken over more biolabs which got a lot of US money for whatever their purpose was.  As the saying goes, when it happens once, it's an accident.  When it happens a second time, it's a coincidence.  So where will it happen the third time as a result of enemy action?

But the WHO says it's dangerous so they'd better send their troops in to take control.  And just think, all this is has happened in the last eight months since the US set up its first ambassador to Sudan in 25 years.  Where would Sudan be today without the Biden administration getting involved for no reason?

26 April, 2023

□ [“Woke Disney Sues Ron DeSantis, Alleges 'Targeted Campaign of Government Retaliation'"]

And where are the leftists who always pretended to oppose big companies making their own rules regardless of what the government says?  Naturally a lot of RINOs are getting involved in this, but the rest of us say this should apply to every company.  If Disney gets privileges, so do the rest of them.  That's how equality works, but that's a word that leftists have recently dismissed.

I wonder if the stuff with Disney, Bud Lite, Twitter and probably others are a target in the WWIII we're watching unfold.  It might be because they all woke up one day and became leftist perverts or maybe it has something to do with their control over the Uniparty.  I definitely think human trafficking is involved because our leaders all love that, although other than Disney, I can't speculate how it's part of this.  It's like demon-worship, I assume it's there even if we can't see it off-hand.

This is a part of the war which basically makes no sense.  There's very little that we can see and there isn't much in the way of news on a day-to-day basis.  Every organization has a lot of people involved and we know little-to-none of them, what they do or think.  Most of them have probably signed legal documents forbidding them to say anything in public anyway.  The closest to anything there would be someone delivering beer to a store where they could at least ask how sales are and discuss it with the people there.

But here they're trying to take down a state government, which undoubtedly helps the federal tyrants.  In addition to WWIII, we also get Civil War 2.0. and Democrats want their slaves.

26 April, 2023

□ [“Biden: 'I Can’t Even Say How Old I Am…I Can’t Even Say the Number. It Doesn’t Register with Me'"]

They have to find out how many real votes they need to fake to keep this lump of rotting flesh in office.  Even members of the media are starting to point out that this is a problem, not because they won't vote for him, just to see how many people aren't really happy with this geezer in charge.  They need to take care of this in advance.

There won't be any calls to get someone competent instead.  Biden will probably be closer to 99% of the vote when the election happens than he was last time like Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez did, because everybody loves what he's done to the country, including giving his authority away to WHO and the 'new world order.'  Right there should be an obvious sign of the fake elections, people want Biden in charge so badly that they want him giving his power away to others.

So there's pictures of him using cheat sheets to have a clue what anyone asks him in the rare occasion anyone is permitted to ask questions in public.  There's slowly more information about the cheats and lies used to set-up his election and falsely accuse Trump of stealing elections and lying.  Hunter and the rest of the family's criminality isn't being ignored, at least not by normal people.  But our leaders will just carry on as they always have, and they'll get away with it.

27 April, 2023

This post has no title, just words and a meme

I'm still trying to figure out what Disney/Marvel is doing for this stupid 'multiverse' idea.  One thing that occurred to me was that it could be easily argued that this was an idea Marvel had helped to create.  Despite being men in tights punishing others in stories aimed at children, there are still some relevant aspects.

For one thing, most comics at the time didn't have ongoing characters and those did that didn't have much in the way of continuity.  Kids weren't expected to read for more than a few years anyway and the creators were all well into adulthood.  There was nothing to be changed and the stories were handed in to the editor who published them when he felt like it.  The editors at DC paid very little attention to each other's books.

Marvel was barely away from cancellation and had a very small staff by this point.  Obviously other people were involved but their advance came down to three people, Kirby, Ditko and Lee who had a limited number of comics they were allowed to publish.  With Kirby and Ditko coming up with the stories and Stan editing and adding the dialogue, it was much easier to pay attention to what was going on with their characters.  That way, when the characters met - which I think was mainly a way to promote each other's comics, they were all up-to-date on what was going on in their own lives at the time.

That's basically a new concept in any medium, producing work that builds on previous releases.  There were stories serialized, but when they ended, they'd be collected and known as a novel.  Actors who appeared in other movies or tv shows were either new characters made up for the episode or basically playing themselves as famous actors.  I've never seen George Reeves appearance on I Love Lucy so I'm not sure if he was playing Superman or himself as a tv actor on Superman, but just the rarity of such an event helps this episode remain famous today.

Comic strips couldn't really build continuity because there wasn't enough space to put that information in a strip and people weren't expected to read every single day without exception.  Marvel actually brought in fans who did read every issue (and complain when they were contradictory.)  It would be a long time before DC really started taking that seriously and other major comics never bothered to start, at least not for a long time.

But this is a perception which just doesn't happen in other mediums, even though it resembles real life.  We're all starring in our own stories and even when we meet other people, we're each doing our own thing.  But Stan, Jack and Steve were able to handle that with their fictional characters because it was small and limited enough that they could keep track of it all.

So I think that perception is at least partially what's helping to fuel this 'multiverse' nonsense, even though it's clearly going the wrong way, like we all live in our own separate universes.  Then there's the collectivist corporate influence coming in from above.  It's also why I wonder if Disney/Marvel and DC/Warner Bros. are having such problems with movies now.  All they know is the corporate-owned style which requires enormous numbers of people to create even the most basic product.  Even the worst comics never had to deal with that many people and we're talking about a medium which can be added to by one person sitting down and drawing a series of pictures with their own characters.

I should add that I think it's specific to the comics medium, that and animated cartoons are the only ones we have some strange-yet-willful ignorance of who actually creates them.  As very small children, we learn what drawing and painting are, we learn how to write so we know that's what writers do.  Soon we learn that people need to play a musical instrument to actually make music.  Theater, tv and movies, we start to recognize actors and see them playing different roles.  But comics and cartoons, we find it very easy to pay attention to the characters and stories and nothing else.

27 April, 2023

□ [“Cosmetics Giant Maybelline Fails to Learn from Bud Light – Pays Fake Woman Dylan Mulvaney to Model its Makeup"]

This just shows that it's 100% deliberate.  They don't care how much it hurts the company or how many customers they chase away, they're going to keep promoting this creature.  I'd heard they were doing this a little while ago, but they obviously haven't changed their minds while watching what this thing has done to one of the most popular beers on the planet, they want more of that.

If nothing else, why insist that it be the same insane lunatic promoting the product?  They obviously aren't trying to find someone that looks good - odd for a makeup company - and they've already seen what he brings to the mix.  Why not pick a different transgender individual to give money to?  This is very very deliberate.  Or they're just drunk, I dunno...

Ok, the left sees a benefit to breaking large corporations, I could get that, but then why aren't they promoting how glad they are that Budweiser and Maybelline are damaging themselves like this?  It's not like they're going to buy any of the product to show how proud they are of the made-up gender promoting it, so what's the up-side?  Benefits from government regulations that most of us have no clue about?

27 April, 2023

□ [“Karine Jean-Pierre Says It’s 'Entirely Normal' For Biden to Have Notecard with Reporter’s Question Written On It"]

Does she have all the questions she's asked written on notepads?  She could hold them up right there for the cameras to show now *normal* it is.  Of course that would show that all questions must be approved in advance and suggest that she doesn't really think about them, she just repeats what she's told.  Which is basically the truth, so why not admit it?

The media is at least slightly trying to stand up for themselves to look like something other than mindless puppets just like their audience.  Why don't actual POTUSs have to use these, why does this old idiot need to know everything in advance just to give a basic answer to soft questions?  We can't even ask if he made that decision himself or did someone tell him to do that.

It's looking more and more like all of this is a diversion.  The decrepit idiot who self-identifies as our leader, the media's recent problems, the trans nonsense, the virus/vaccine, even Russia/Ukraine and the economy.  It's all trying to keep us from standing up against whatever the real enemy is, whether it's China or Artificial Intelligence or a demon cult.

27 April, 2023

□ [“Hackers are breaking into AT&T email accounts to steal cryptocurrency"]

It does sounds like the push for cryptocurrency is facing problems.  With printed money, we can actually look at it and it doesn't take a lot of experience to see if it's fake.  Cryptocurrency is all based on computers, which can be hacked, which get controlled by whoever runs that system, and there's no proof that it's worth anything in the first place.

Obviously I support printed money.  It's probably better for it to be based on gold and silver, although that's not a big deal to me.  I don't pretend to know anything about the basis for money, but I recognize its importance as a tool for trade, far better than vague barter or blatant theft.  It's vital for a peaceful group, that we can trade this money for those goods and services and both sides agree with what the money is worth.

Bitcoin was clearly a sham, I've noticed that seems to have gone away, as have other attempts at a cybercurrency.  Whoever actually supports this stuff is probably waiting for the government to handle everything, as with every other part of life.  They command, we obey and that's all the currency required for existence.

27 April, 2023

□ [“Indiana School Employees Charged After Forcing 7-Year-Old Special Needs Boy to Eat His Own Vomit With a Spoon"]

And we're letting these creatures live why?  Children are the targets for all tyrants and schools are the most convenient place to brainwash them.  These schools are filled with abusive perverts and scum who should just be executed on the spot.  It's very easy to understand why so many parents are trying to get their kids out, as is why the government wants to mandate more and more.

You cand understand why it's so easy to hire these monsters, they're in line with the abuse and demon-worship of our rulers.  They've been there for a long time and have been tearing all civility and decency down wherever they can.  They have nothing else to do with their lives, so they go to school and get paid for it.

This is going to continue until we stand up.  Several people were involved in abusing this 7-year old and only a few were even punished.  They're not a minority and they're not going away, they lust after power and control over every child, no matter how old.  Only then, so they say, will the world be the way they want it, perfect.  If and when things go kinetic, they're going to be some of the first targets and that alone will make a much better world for our children.

28 April, 2023

The 2020s would be more fun if we had a cool 1980s soundtrack.

□ [“The Biden-Harris 2024 Campaign is Off to an Awkward Start – Only 1,800 People Tune In to Watch Joe and Kamala"]

That's how important they are.  That's how respected they are.  That's how many people want to see them.  More votes than anyone in history and that's how many Americans want anything to do with them.  It would be even worse if some of those viewers are 'bots.

But this is the myth they want to impose on everybody without our consent, that our rulers are so loved and admired.  They bring every day of suffering we have with less money, less supplies and more rules against our lives, we must thank them for this.

How much of this is deliberate mockery of America and of us?  Whatever else you can say about them, at least previous POTUS' could live up to basic requirements and they had to look competent on camera.  But now the rulers aren't even bothering with that and every day shows that they can get away with this, so why change?  Their contempt for all of us exudes through every step they take and every agent they said against the people.

Biden is clearly getting worse, apparently even some of his staff are willing to admit that to media that's willing to publish it.  That's very strange but it suggests how bad the situation is getting.  I could totally believe that the real masters are using an imposter for Biden but that doesn't explain why he's just getting worse and, to the extent we ever see him, it seems to be going on at a faster rate these days.

It's still another year before he has to run for POTUS and if he wants to win this time, he needs to do something, but so far it sounds like they're planning to keep him in the basement the whole time.  They're also looking into preventing any debates against any actual competitors from his own party, although I assume they'll be forced to drop out soon the way Kamala Harris was last time.

At his age, just waking up in the morning requires a bit of luck and you only need to lose one time.  There's got to be someone at the top who's thought of that.  I'm sure both parties have dealt with this a lot, their leader being challenged for re-election, it just seems unlikely that they'd be willing to put up with that this time around.  Any challenges will be made behind closed doors and we are only permitted to see the results, up through election night.

28 April, 2023

□ [“Trans Woman Dylan Mulvaney Thinks People Should be Arrested for Referring to Him 'Using ‘He’ Pronouns'"]

The articles written about me using “he” pronouns and calling me a man over and over again, and I feel like that should be illegal!

That's what this thing wants to do.  That's not freedom, that's not choice.  That's blatant tyranny and imprisoning anyone who says anything he doesn't like.  His *feelings* make all the laws that are needed.  Nobody had a clue who he was until he was given all this money by giant corporations so this is the natural next step.

The news headline and all the commenters now have incentive to make sure they use the 'he' pronoun when they refer to him.  He made that happen, not us, and he wants to arrest us for that.  It's going to require a lot more men-with-guns to imprison a lot more people, probably going to need to build more jails, which requires construction, supplies and staff, just to enforce the law he *feels* like having.  Unless he just orders his troops to just shoot them on the spot.

He gets the freedom to say he's a woman, it's everybody else's freedom that he wants to deny.  He'll also damage large corporations in the process, although at least you can argue that they had the freedom to put him in advertisements and drive away customers.  But he's openly admitted he wants people jailed for disagreeing with him, and that's how our masters want it.

Sure puts women in their place though.  Just a few years ago, leftists were horrified that any white person would dare to put on blackface, that's so racist!  But at the same time, they support any male putting on womanface and beating those sissy girls-with-vaginas down hard.  But at least we can all agree that he does not qualify as a *man* by any stretch of the imagination.

28 April, 2023

□ [“A Torrent Of Layoffs!  Here Are 16 Large Companies That Have Just Announced Mass Terminations"]

We're at the economic cliff.  These are just the big companies, we know that there's many many more getting ready for the same thing.  How do they decide who to fire?  Under normal circumstances, you'd think it would be the least-competent employees, but we aren't in normal circumstances anymore.  Old employees aren't *woke* and the government is just imposing more and more regulations, so who's most likely to lose their jobs?

Near as I can tell, it's also very difficult to find a new one.  So what are people supposed to do?  Beg the government for help?  This could be an incentive to push digital currency, you can't buy food without it and you have no other income.  That's actually quite believable, it might be the main purpose for this economic destruction, at least in the short term.

The banks are getting ready to collapse and our government just keeps putting out that everything is totally fine.  None of the rulers ever ask what we think about this, just like digital currency, mandatory vaccines or the WHO and the "new world order."  They self-identify as knowing best, we're just here to obey.

28 April, 2023

□ [“California Regulators Vote to Ban New Diesel Truck Sales By 2036 and Mandate They All Be Zero Emission By 2042"]

They think this will work although we can assume the bill lists a lot of exceptions for rich liberals.  But how do you even decide that banning what you don't like is going to work?  Seize more and more power to implement your will?  Shut down any business that doesn't comply and leave the survivors much smaller and weaker than they were before?  Exterminate people from starvation?

These are the same people who say eating bugs and population reduction are good things.  They also say that reality is whatever they imagine it to be, and they have men with guns to impose their will on everyone else.  If they haven't banned guns yet, they will shortly, along with plastic, manufacturing, trains and everything else.

They have to know this will start a resistance.  I'm very surprised that one hasn't already started but it will, no doubt about that.  Clearly they would know that and would want to delay it as long as possible, but when it happens, what do they have planned?  If nothing else, some of them have military experience, some even have business experience, they know things can go wrong and no matter how good a plan may be, the enemy gets a vote, so what are they preparing for?

Can't be direct combat, they would obviously lose.  Too many people would refuse to take part in digital currency, just like they refused to get the fake-vaccines, so can't use influence there.  Invasion by China or someone is possible, but that would require way too many people to travel too far to fight for too much territory and China has enough problems at home.  I still think our rulers are ready to use nukes, a real deadly virus or fake space aliens or something along those lines.

29 April, 2023

Catch you on the flip side, dudemeisters!

No idea if this is true, but I've heard that Biden and the heads of departments in the executive branch have not signed their Oaths of Office.  This might explain the fake Oval Office Biden used and might still be using.  But what I want to know is what that means for the military.

The POTUS falls under UCMJ, that's how he justifies being in charge.  Biden self-identifies as POTUS so I don't see any reason they couldn't just turn against him on the spot.  Ok, I don't see any reason they couldn't do that even if he's signed his Oath of Office, but still...  Now there would be defenses in place to stop the military from doing that, and of course he's appointed as much scum as possible at the top of the ladder, so it's understandable that they couldn't just turn on him, but is there a reason they haven't been developing such a plan all this time?

This is an example of where the decisions would be made far too high up for any of us to have the slightest clue what's involved.  You'd think every department would have their own policies regarding the man in charge, and that's not counting the Secret Service or the Department of Homeland Security.  Just the sheer number of plans that would be made would be impossible to count, much less deal with, and that's not counting the corrupt individuals involved.  They'd only want Biden out if they replace him and they'd have to fight each other for that privilege.

29 April, 2023

□ [“Bud Light Reportedly Preparing Huge Marketing ‘Blitz’ as Sales Crumble"]

You're just getting rid of more money that way.  Why not offer it to the customers you no longer have, that would help just as much.  The only chance this has of working is if the first line in every ad is 'boy did we screw up big time!'  Safe to assume that's not going to be the option they go with.

The decision was made at a close-door meeting in Washington DC.  And that helps how exactly?  You willfully caused all these problems for your retailers and distributors, but Washington DC is where you go for help.  That tells us a lot about your priorities and is the opposite of encouraging sales of your product.  But I think you already know that, this is why you're doubling down on the mess you created.

They're not getting their customers back.  They're trying to find some imaginary customers to replace them which makes no sense.  This is an advantage leftists always have, they're capable of presenting themselves as knowing what they're doing so all sensible people can at least let them have their way.

□ [“Nation’s Largest LGBTQ Org Demands Anheuser-Busch ‘Reaffirm Support For Trans Community’"]

I don't know how much of this is actually relevant and how much of this is just distraction from important things going on in the world, but this just shows off how delusional these creatures are.  You're not helping anybody by getting involved and you're hurting the company.  You could easily show real support on a video, buy some Bud Lite, show us the receipt to prove that you actually paid for it.  Open the can and start drinking.  Your reaction will show how supportive you really are of these imaginary genders.

It's not an ad so I'd assume it's fine to film yourself actually drinking it.  And what's the deal with that?  Beer commercials don't actually show people drinking the beer.  I assume there's some law about this but it's mindbogglingly stupid.  You can't self-identify a beer as being good if you don't actually drink it and this shows you're only in it for the money.  Which is fine if you support making money but you people don't.  You claim to have principles, like telling Bud Lite what to do for you.

How do you inspire corporate suicide like this?  It just seems like Budweiser must be threatened or bribed somehow to make this happen, but the sheer number of people who would have to be involved seems ridiculous.  Despite the leftist stereotype, corporations are made of actual people with their own views.  A lot of people along the way would see what a horrible idea this is, and anybody who wasn't pro-trans would have the decency to point that out.  So the corporation's leaders *should* be firing anyone who silenced people that were pointing out how stupid this was.

Maybe the point is to show how easy it is to destroy a company aimed at the working class, I dunno.  But this is absolutely deliberate and they're not going to stop until we fight back and win.  And when we do win, nobody's going to celebrate with a Bud Lite.

29 April, 2023

□ [“Prominent Veterans Blast Biden for Pattern of Leaving Americans Behind in Foreign Countries"]

So it's like the rest of the world, they send their scum to the US and then ditch them.  Wait, what?  Anyway, our masters are repeatedly showing off what they think of the people they claim to be responsible for, they aren't on our side and the whole world knows it.

I've been looking into veterans' groups to see if there's anything they're willing to do about this.  Haven't found any yet and I don't remotely understand that.  Just the last 20 years gave us a clue what actual tyranny looks like, and the veterans from earlier decades came from a civilized society so they already knew that.  So what does it take to start getting something done?

I am very tempted to start spray-painting on every wall "VETERANS, WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO ABOUT THIS?"  It's very tempting and I'm largely wondering how far I could get before being arrested.  If I could get through a couple miles, ok, but if I got caught right away, not worth it.

By the way, why is the media willfully ignoring the abandonment of Americans?  How do they even get to that?  If a Republican were POTUS, they would be outraged, endlessly going on about the suffering of Americans that our evil leaders do nothing about.  Yet when it's happening right now, they say nothing.  What's the analogy, being trapped by a lion and pushing other people out so the lion will eat you last?  That's what they're doing.

29 April, 2023

□ [“Unarmed 'Security Ambassadors' Who Replaced Police Officers in West Hollywood Stand By and Watch Violence Directly In Front of Them"]

They got a paycheck, what else do you expect?  The mayor calls this "bang for the buck."  These city employees didn't even get involved in the violence happening before their eyes.  They didn't even call for actual help, someone who would actually do something.  They just waste space and money while contributing absolutely nothing to anybody.  That's the whole purpose.  They didn't even film it so the actual criminal could be identified and caught.

Thinking about it, that's actually believable.  If the criminal got caught (by someone) he'd be put on trial and then the "security ambassadors" would have to testify against them in court.  Then because it's California, the criminal would be allowed to walk out free and might want revenge on them.  They don't get paid to protect others and they certainly don't get paid to put themselves in danger.

How do we get our rulers treated the same way?  How do we return the favor for the torture they've inflicted on us?  How do we bring it home that they don't get any special treatment?  That's just a long-range question, there's no way to answer it in our lifetimes, but that really needs to be taken as a given that our rulers don't get this elite status without being treated exactly the way they treat others.

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