Wednesday, May 3, 2023

202305 News Report - 20230503

Just so you know, the latest booklet is released, collecting the polished essays from April as well as collecting all The Struggling comic strips.  You'll like this one so much, you'll need to buy a six pack and share it with your friends:

202304 Light-but-Wiser

I've also discovered that Microsoft Word can read text outloud, which can be recorded by your laptop and add visuals.  The videos I've made aren't any good, but I've created a batch of audio covering the Bud Lite articles I wrote across April.  They're available on Rumble.

30 April, 2023

Why are we still here?

□ [“Ireland’s New ‘Hate Speech’ Laws Make Possessing ‘Hateful’ Content on Devices a Jailable Offense”]

They decide what “hate speech” is so they can arrest you if they want.  Whatever they decide to arrest you for can be on your computer.  How do they know what’s on your computer, are they already spying on everybody to find something to arrest them?

Also, what if your computer was hacked?  The hacker could plant “hate speech” without your knowledge, giving the government an excuse to arrest you for whatever they don’t like.  The rulers see nothing wrong with that.  They don’t even bother to define “hate speech,” they can arrest you for whatever they want and you can’t stop them.

The English should have done that with the Irish, just arrest them for whatever they’re accused of and call it “hate speech.”  The Irish would have automatically obeyed.

30 April, 2023

□ [“Bud Light Turns Off YouTube Comments After Tacky, Pandering NFL Draft Commercial”]

You don’t get help by shutting off comments, especially from the people you want to appeal to.  I’d be selling a lot more books if that were the case [hint hint] but I’m not a large corporation selling addictive substances to millions of people.  Yet.  What’s your excuse, that your preferred customers are too stupid to find Coors or Miller?

And they really need to drop the rule that you can’t use the product you’re promoting.  It’s bad advertising for an audience you’re desperate to regain if nobody in the beer commercials actually drinks the stuff.  Sure, you had these customers before but that was a whole month ago and look what’s happened since.  Sober up and get straight!

□ [“Fetterman Chugs a Beer After Spending Two Months in a Psych Ward Following Massive Stroke”]

See?  That’s how you do it!  Of course he’s not drinking Bud Lite, you wouldn’t catch him dead with that stuff, but he’s still chucking away.  The booze was brought in by another congressman who says he could drink this all day, and they’re at work!  They actually film themselves drinking it, that’s how to treat someone who’s just had a stroke.  So crack open a nice cold Iron City Beer, mister pretend-congressman, we salute you!

Once upon a time, you’d use Bud Lite for that, but not today, thanks to Bud Lite itself.  Maybe they could start aiming for minors, their current supporters would like that.

30 April, 2023

□ [“Indiana County Councilman Triggers Woke Liberals, Says He’s Now a Lesbian ‘Woman of Color’”]

This should be happening more often.  Leftists claim they can make up whatever they are so show them how it works.  Make them comply with their own rules.  We can make jokes like that – my pronouns are “5.56” and “9mm” – but we need more of this.

They’ll need to explain why we can invent our gender but must keep the skin color we’re born with and convince the genders and skin colors who were stupid enough to go along with this.  That won’t get them very far once the rest of us stop disagreeing.  Even those who opposed it now make up their genders so take them seriously.

Just think of what it would do for diversity of thought.  We never got to hear those who self-identify as black, gay or female who disagree with leftists, they all said the exact same things.  The people in charge required that, but now they’ll have to permit different ideas they’d never been exposed to before.  That will be fun to watch.

30 April, 2023

□ [“Biden Has Little-Known Personal Stake in Ukraine Car Dealerships That Predates Burisma”]

This could explain why so many of our rulers wait to take office before getting rich.  They and their supporters invest in companies around the world.  Car dealers would be a great place for sleazy people to work and are also fairly low-level, so there’s not many aspects for hustle or smuggle, other than the basics of car dealerships of course.

This may even explain a lot about investments in Eastern Europe for the last few decades.  They’d desperately need help so wealthy Americans could move in to sell the latest crap, trucking companies, VCRs, CDs, all the modern goodies and actually useful requirements for a working society.  It’s not like the ex-Soviet states could manufacture their own to any great degree, although they’ve probably learned since then.

But people always need car dealers and from there, it’d be easy to get in with fuel companies, electricity and others which would be more suspicious like military tools, oil, transportation, all that stuff.  A new congressman may be expected to invest on Day One, just to show they’re in, and it's all done oversees so there's fewer investigations going on.

Just a random thought, make of it what you will.

30 April, 2023

Tomorrow is a holiday for socialists and witches, “International Workers Day” and May Day.  Ok, I keep saying they’ll hit us *tomorrow* but I only have to be right once.  Will it happen?  Probably not but they do love their holidays and we’re out of time.

Between war, economy and tyrants, I’m surprised we’ve lasted this long.  We can say we’re here through God’s grace but what does that actually mean?  What are we supposed to do?  At least the tyrants see food to devour, i.e. us, what do we have?

What about a crusade?  It’s not like we need to go a long distance, there’s conflict right here.  I guess it’s just another way to perceive of a resistance but we really need one.  You'd think a lot of veterans would be eager to get involved for what we were trained for.

Otherwise, what do we have?  Just looking at headlines, the rulers are doubling down and getting away with it.  Chuck Schumer is threatening judges with “prescriptive requirements” if they don’t obey him, despite him having no chance of get votes for his threats.  Fauci insists that he never ordered the country shut down, despite him saying just that on camera.  Chicago’s ex-mayor ignores the criminal violence under her watch.  That’s just a few examples and these people are all high-ranking influential leaders of our tyranny.  They’re proud of this and we’re the ones who get to suffer because of them.

But they have problems.  Cuba has banned the “Workers Day” celebrations due to gas and food shortages, not to mention regular blackouts.  They can’t allow a lot of very angry people to get together in a large group.  Then there’s the riots going on in Paris…

01 May, 2023

You can't have May Day without the government, and the government can take it away!

□ [“President Trump to Hold CNN Town Hall Next Week"]

But why?  I get the idea that he thinks he can go anywhere, and the courage it would take to go on enemy turf.  It just doesn't seem remotely sensible.  I would expect them to have a dozen set-ups, from questions to throwing a naked underage girl at him.  They only need to catch him once.

There are some obvious benefits, assuming they don't successfully rig a trap.  Biden obviously doesn't have the courage to take whatever the media can throw at him.  Trump is going to be asked a lot tougher questions than the few Biden ever actually receives.  CNN is obviously going to get huge ratings for the show, again demonstrating how few people have the slightest interest in looking at Biden, who somehow got more votes than anybody in history.  As a promo, it's a good idea, nothing wrong with it.

I just really don't see any reason Trump should trust any media, especially CNN.  Almost all the viewers will be there for him, not because they'd watch CNN under any other circumstances.  He could just go on a few youtube channels for all the sense that it makes and that's not counting whatever traps they set up.

01 May, 2023

□ [“North Carolina’s Leading Medical Institutions Offer ‘Transgender’ Treatments to 2, 3, and 4 Years Old"]

This is more than worshiping demons, these people must be literally under control by demons, because what else would keep any of them from thinking there must be something wrong with this?  None of them are saying that first they should find out if mutilating children ruins them for the rest of their lives.  The sheer number of suicides should stop any sane person.

But instead they want more of that.  A two year old doesn't know anything, but you're going to push this on them?  I'm willing to vote for the execution of anybody who remotely supports this sort of thing and I'd bet I'm not the only one who thinks that.  I'd also bet that our side would have a lot more experience with fighting and shooting people than the child molesters do.

This is just normal for all those leftists who think anything they've made up must be imposed on the world, but how can there be so many who do this?  I don't see any way to explain this except actual demons lurking around inside the bodies of their victims, trying to spread the disease to every other body.

01 May, 2023

□ [“Hunter Biden Appears Before Judge For Hearing to Lower Child Support Payments"]

Like this will go anywhere.  Sure, we'll find out more about how much money he's bringing in but it's not going to make any difference.  Leftists won't care that he abandoned his child, he's rich and white, he can do that.  I don't pay much attention, was this his brother's wife or some stripper, assuming there's a difference between them?

So ok, we'll get a bit more info about the sleaze he lives by, following his father's example, but what will that matter?  At some point there needs to be an end to investigating to just go after him.  Make it public or not, that doesn't really matter, but teasing for years that something *might* be found out and *might* lead to *some* legal action in the unforeseeable future is utterly pointless.

It occurs to me that this is a reflection of the nonsense the left always threw out against a Republican POTUS, 'we know he's guilty, just get on with it!'  Not sure what there is to say to that, it happens to be true.  Just another sign that this country is broke and, no matter how hard we fight or how successful we are, the country we loved is never coming back.  So what are we going to do about it?

01 May, 2023

□ [“Shortages In Weapons Manufacturing And Skilled Labor Puts US Military Readiness At Risk"]

This is one of the slightly longer-range plans of the Russia/Ukraine thing, getting the US and Europe as disarmed as possible.  That makes it easier for Russia and China.  They have a lot more freedom to take over nations when their traditional enemies have thrown away all the useful weapons unless they're willing to go nuclear.  It's a very plausible explanation of why Russia has taken so long to handle Ukraine.

And notice that absolutely none of the Ukraine supporters are bothered by this.  They could be pointing to their tweets and posts and videos for the last year that the US and Europe need to start manufacturing more weapons and hiring more skilled workers.  But no, they're all on the side that Russia is easy to beat, and China, Iran, the rest of BRICS...

That's not how war works.  If you want to win, burning coal and fossil fuels are the way to go.  Setting through endless classes on imaginary genders who will punish you for using the wrong pronoun is not the way to go.  But that's where the Ukraine supporters all stand.  If anybody of them actually disagreed with this leftist nonsense and they cared about Ukraine, they'd be pointing out that their own fellow Ukraine supporters are causing more and more problems.  But no, it's only those who aren't all-in with them who are the bad guys.

01 May, 2023

□ [“Biden Administration Announces End to Federal COVID Vaccine Mandates"]

Have they got another virus ready to go or just planning to impose the poison-vaccine in everybody with other methods?  They're the ones who said it was required to everybody or we'd all be in hideous danger.  But as far as I know, they're finally ending it because they can't legally let illegal immigrants in otherwise.  There's probably also an intention to look like Biden actually did something useful to help promote next year's campaign.

What we do know is that there's not going to be any reaction to this, asking why they insisted everyone get this stupid drug to keep their jobs and be permitted to go outside if they're just going to drop it despite all of us who weren't foolish enough to go along with it.  And what was all the point of the countless booster shots people were supposed to get?  That's a lot of taxpayer money going to waste, just to destroy the economy and poison as many people as possible.

Will they at least keep the exceptions to the vaccine?  Congress didn't need to take it.  Federal workers didn't need to take it.  We were never even told why they were so special.  How come they weren't the first people in line to get the poison?  And then promise that it will keep anyone from getting the virus.  And that it will keep the virus from spreading.  Yet somehow they didn't even need to take it in the first place.

02 May, 2023

Tommy this, Tommy that, Tommy can you hear me?

□ [“Zelensky Issues Black List of US Politicians Ukraine Says 'Promotes Russian Propaganda' Due to Voicing Criticism of US Proxy War with Russia"]

So what, they're not going to be allowed to come visit and give you money like all the other rich people do in what pretends to be a war?  And as always, not a single leftist is going to speak up and say people have a right to criticize you.  Nope, none of that.  That's what they're fighting for.

And it's been pointed out that this is exactly what Joseph McCarthy did, prepare a list of all the Americans he suspected of serving Russia.  And he was basically right, that's what Russia did, so of course the left criticized him for it.  And now they're doing the same thing themselves.  They don't even have the self-awareness to admit this, they just obey.

They're definitely not going to question if any of these names are accurate, being put together by Zelensky who has nothing better to do than search the internet to list the people who criticize him.  Making lies about people is what they do.  They see nothing wrong with that and can't conceive of any reason anybody could disagree with them.

02 May, 2023

□ [“US Allies Are Preparing for Possibility of War Over Taiwan"]

This will happen, China will take Taiwan, that's a given.  As with Russia and Ukraine, China has always seen Taiwan as part of its property and doesn't like anyone else thinking otherwise.  Taiwan has been separated from China for much, much longer than Ukraine ever was, but China's in charge of the world, just as our leaders want it.  Furthermore, China moves at its own pace, so it's not in any hurry.

That said, I think it's not that likely we'll go to war over this no matter what.  Taiwan isn't paying our masters tons of money (as far as I know) so they have less incentive to protect those non-white people from invasion.  It is entirely possible that they'll be stupid enough to go to war anyway, I just think the odds are against it.

Only the left would be stupid enough to insist on undeclared-war against two nuclear powers and even they would have to see obvious problems with this.  Then there's the way our masters are cutting down our military, giving as much as possible to Ukraine for Russia to take over, and forcing our troops to focus on poison-vaccines and pretend-genders instead of killing the enemy and breaking his stuff.  A draft isn't going to work, even if our country hadn't already given authority to the WHO, and nobody's going to enlist for them.  Russia and China already have authority there so that won't happen.

02 May, 2023

□ [“'Hush Up, Boy!' Biden Tells Non-White Muslim Guest at Eid-al-Fitr Reception"]

Did he have to think about all the possible options and outcomes if he addresses a dark-skinned man as "boy" or is it just automatic?  That's always been how he treats them and they have to obey.  Or else.

Could this be explained by his senility, as he resorts to the long-standing practices of his youth and adulthood as he was trained by long-time Democrat Robert Byrd.  Or is he as sharp and up-to-date as his supporters claim he is and sets the example for all of us to address those people?  Safe to say no blacks are going to be allowed to criticize him for this, but what about the high-ranking liberals?

Well, probably not, they were trained by Robert Byrd and his kind too.  They know what their followers and successors want to hear, they've been doing that for centuries.  By the way, I didn't check the video to make sure the Muslim was dark-skinned, I know there are many white Muslims, but since leftists and Biden set the example to assume their skin color, that's what I'll call those boys.

02 May, 2023

□ [“First Republic Bank Becomes Second Largest Bank In History to Collapse"]

□ [“US Regional Bank Stocks Crash – PacWest Down 30%, Western Alliance Down 25%, Metropolitan Bank Down 21%"]

The banks are going to crash.  More of them are having problems and even the people supporting our ruler's healthy economy must know there's problems, although they're probably rich enough to save themselves.  That won't help the rest of us.  And this is happening just as the government wants to force us all to use digital currency where they can shut off anybody they don't like for any reason.

□ [“Democrat Lawmaker Lois Frankel Sold First Republic Stock Before It Crashed by 80% – Bought JPMorgan Stock Which Just Bought First Republic Instead"]

And yet our rulers are in no danger of becoming equal to the commoners who are losing all their money.  No, they will stay in total control and maintain their multiple mansions, don't worry about them.  If people like her, Dianne Feinstein or Nancy Pelosi are so perfect at investments, why don't they publicly announce what they're selling and buying so other people can profit as much as them?  It's like Hillary advertising cattle futures, show off the investor's skill.

One thing I wonder about digital currency is how it's supposed to get everyone involved?  A lot of people aren't going to be remotely interested in the first place and are going to interact to produce material for survival based on cash, so first of all that will cut out whatever they could bring to digital currency and second, wouldn't that limit the government's control over what they spend and why?  Are they going to send men-with-guns to break into everyone's home and burn any cash they find?

02 May, 2023

□ [“Incompetent Secretary of Interior is Unaware China Controls Critical Minerals Needed for Electric Vehicles"]

She is asked for the world's biggest producer of lithium, refined cobalt and natural graphite, which are all required to build the electric cars she demands everyone purchase, and she doesn't have a clue.  She and everyone who supports her demands China get complete control over the purchases they demand everyone make.

Ignore the fact that she got this job because of her skin color, do you think China's stupid enough to not know all these mindless subjects are in positions of authority all across the world?  They get to push buying Chinese product and giving China more influence everywhere so that they can force it upon their respective nations.  I'm still somewhat ambivalent on if China's the actual threat going on here but they absolutely know how to take advantage of what our masters are doing to us.

So in addition to this, they have the banks collapsing, they have large businesses needing to fire a lot of employees, they've got the mandated digital currency, there's another virus ready to go and Hollywood just went on strike.  There's probably a lot more problems going on right now that I'm blanking on, and that's what we're failing to fight back against at any level.

03 May, 2023

Biden should tell Vladimir he'll have more flexibility after the election

□ [“Karine Jean-Pierre Proudly Announces Trilateral Commission Stooge Ajay Banga as New World Bank President Who Will Address ‘Climate Change and Pandemics’"]

The Trilateral Commission runs the World Bank.  Banks don't have anything to do with global warming or disease, but the Executive Directors have "selected" him to handle those.  So is this our new supreme ruler?  I suppose it might be a competitor to the World Health Organization but at our level, that doesn't really matter.  They want to erase the concept of 'nation.'  So of course we don't have any say in the matter.

What are they going to do when their commands are ignored?  At least the WHO has the UN to send men-with-guns and they can command nations with police and military, what does this self-appointed commission have to work with?  They can threaten to control people with money but that only works up to a point, and then there's nothing to go on.

It is quite possible that this is just another aspect of the world tyrants.  This could be their version of an executive branch while the WHO is the legislative or military.  They'd obviously need more branches than the three listed in the US Constitution - I speculated 'executive branch' just because they appointed a single leader - and there would certainly be conflict among them regardless.  Being unelected rulers, they don't even need to let anybody know who's in charge.  It's long been known that Stalin had ruled from the Kremlin for a couple years before Russians who weren't in the ruling party had any clue who he was, and he's one of the prime examples they're following.

Ajay Banga will become President of the World Bank on June 2.  Sounds like that's when the real war will start.

03 May, 2023

□ [“Ukraine Attempted to Hit Kremlin with Drones Overnight in Putin Assassination Attempt"]

Oh come on!  If you're going to strike at a king, you need to kill him!  Is this a joke?  Did someone in Ukraine decide they need to get rid of Zelensky and they'll let Putin do the actual work?  That's the only excuse I can think of, because otherwise they've given Russia the right to do the same thing and Russia is much bigger, much more powerful, much larger population and much more experience in successfully assassinating people it doesn't like.

Maybe it's another example of how we have no idea what to believe about the Russia/Ukraine thing.  Maybe the US did the bombing as a way to overthrow the Ukrainian government like we did in 2014 (or South Vietnamese President Ngô Đình Diệm in 1963.)  Has Russia ever bothered to shut down the electricity, internet or water supply for the nation they're invading?  Maybe there is no war and it's all just fake news which our leaders use.

Or maybe it's all a charade to funnel as much money as possible through Ukraine and give the western economies more time to collapse which they're obviously headed towards.  US and Europe's military just keeps shrinking.  Even Ukraine can't be bothered to draft more than one of the dozens and dozens of genders their supporters believes really exist.  Joe Biden could tell them they aren't getting another penny unless they draft all the 'they/them's to fight for their country.  Well son of a bitch, he's not going to say that.

So I'm ambivalent on the so-called news of drones aimed at the Kremlin.  As with everything else, there's not much to believe in no matter what.  Now we get to see how the true believers react.

03 May, 2023

□ [“Woke Navy Hires Drag Queen to Address Plummeting Recruiting Numbers"]

Ok, it is the navy, so... well...  It's understandable.  But seriously, WTF?  This is not a priority to winning battles which is the whole point of a military.  There's a reason naval standards are the oldest of all militaries, because that's where men had to establish a completely different system just to stay alive, with or without combat.  And now they're stupid enough to think this will fix the huge problems they're already having?

No nation on earth is going to be scared of the militaries because of their preferred pronouns, and that's the priority for the people.  Do we expect our enemies to laugh themselves to death?  Do they hope to get sponsorship from Bud Lite?  It won't be long before these kind of ads are used for all the military branches, probably approved by Chinese generals.

The only thing that's going to change this is a real war and that requires us to survive long enough.  The odds aren't good, at least on the latter.  But where are the veterans?  You think they'd be capable of working together to get something done.  Then again, they'd call me and that hasn't happened yet.

03 May, 2023

□ [“University of Texas-Austin Scrubs Feminist Glossary Using the Word ‘Wimmin’ to Avoid Using the Word ‘Men’"]

They really have nothing better to do.  They obviously aren't lacking money or food, they must not be hanging out with anybody who has those kind of problems.  Lots of free time so they want to make up words to replace that pointless gender nobody cares about.

What will they do people who disobey them?  That's going to happen, you don't just order people to make up a new stupid word and think they'll go along, so what punishments will they have in place?  Prison?  Execution?  Gonna need something to get people to pretend 'wimmin' is an actual word.  And what does it say about women that they have to make up a new word for themselves just to avoid men?  Why stop there, just order women to make up a whole new language so we never have to pay attention to them anyway?

03 May, 2023

□ [“Human Rights Campaign and Other Gay Pressure Groups Demand That Budweiser Affirm and Validate Dylan Mulvaney"]

But that would mean they'd lose all those customers!  Then who's going to replace the handful of Bud Lite drinkers who quit because the company promotes transgenders to sell beer?  Budweiser's going to have to obey, there's no way they can risk losing the massive income they get from *those* customers.

This shows the benefits of actually having real customers as well as the motivation of leftists in general, particularly these made-up genders.  They ditched the people who actually bought their product in exchange from people who impose threats if they don't get what they want and they'd never wanted the product in the first place.

This makes a good example of what our enemy does, even if the *why* is still incomprehensible.  They don't want to sell Bud Lite or Disney movies or Fox or military service or anything else they've been destroying, they want to use those as tools to control everyone.  They don't see anything to lose, they can just move on to the next tool.

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