Thursday, May 11, 2023


The latest news video:

The latest published book, "Spring Offensive", the last couple months of current events and The Struggling comic strips:

08 May, 2023

I've survived another day. Dammit.

□ [“Biden:  I’m Making it 'Mandatory' For Airlines to Compensate Passengers For Delayed or Canceled Flights"]

He has no authority to do this, nobody's even going to ask him about that.  The master just gives orders and the servants must obey.  Now granted, seizing power would require some sort of competence, but the desire is still very obvious, it's what gave him more votes than anybody in history.  In the same speech, he says that this weekend is Memorial Day, which anybody who looks at a calendar can see is false.

"My administration will propose a historic new rule that will make it mandatory, not voluntary, but mandatory, for all US airlines to compensate you with meals, hotels, taxis, rideshares and rebooking fees – and cash miles and/or travel vouchers whenever they are the ones to blame for the cancelation or delay… and that’s all on top of the cost of refunding your ticket."

Costs of airline tickets are going to skyrocket, assuming they haven't already.  Food, hotel, taxi, rebooking and refunds will all have to be paid for by someone, and that someone will be anybody buying tickets.  It's not like the companies can just hold off until something goes wrong and then start looking into this, it'll require massive set-up right away.  They'll probably get sued no matter what, so there's lawyer fees and all the judges will side with the master who made this rule.

His people have already been looking into what else they can decide is "mandatory, not voluntary."  They've already got Congress and the courts obeying.  This is not "we the people" who make any decisions.  This is as stupid as a tax on tea and look what that led to.

08 May, 2023

□ [“Biden Regime Releases Crippling Rules on Dishwashers, Washers, Dryers, Refrigerators to Advance 'Climate Change'"]

This was the point of the 'they'll ban gas stoves' comments a few months ago.  They're seizing control of basically all standard kitchen appliances, consent is not required.  This won't apply to our rulers' kitchens but they're special, they can ignore the rules.  Our homes belong to them, they get to make all the decisions. You don't let house pets choose what appliances to buy.

And the rules are all aimed at making the equipment smaller, slower and weaker, so it'll take more time and effort just to accomplish the same tasks they were invented for.  The more time peasants spend on basic tasks which the machines were built to handle, the less time they have to oppose the government, so the rulers get to make more decisions on what to ban next.

Guns, cars, planes, appliances, food, internet, medicine, just to name a few of the things they already control.  There's not much left and they're just seizing more.  And we're just going along with their delusions, letting them make up even more to impose on us.  Where's the breaking point?

08 May, 2023

□ [“Climate Czar John Kerry Spotted at Charles III’s Coronation"]

My first reaction is 'of course, he gets to burn fossil fuel to go see one of his kind put on a crown.'  Which is probably true and basically all the explanation we need.  But he didn't have to sit in the back rows with poor people like Jill Biden, he got to be closer to the front.  As always, I get to make a conspiracy theory out of that.

For many years now, the world has had self-appointed rulers, leftists who work together as a cult.  Kerry and Charles are both old, white and very rich, so they're in on that.  Ok, that's also not unexpected.  They're a higher rank than peons like the First Lady, duh.  But for some reason Kerry was wearing military medals.

50 years ago he made a big deal of tossing his medals away, to show how opposed to war he was, which is where his political career started.  He spent summer vacation in Vietnam and wrote himself up for a silver star and several purple hearts where he didn't need to spend a single day with the medics.  Then he threw them away and *now* he's wearing them?  Not wearing his military uniform, he's in civilian clothes like he's worn for his whole life?  WTF?

Medals in civies at a ceremony for the British monarch?  There is no reason for this, he has to be showing off to 'his crowd' of people.  I've been wondering if British royalty is still embedded everywhere.  Note that Disney recently defended their company-owned city in Florida by changing the contract to expire only when Charles' last descendants do.  There's also the way Charles and his family are exempt from laws like wildlife offenses, environmental pollution or taxes.

They've been able to make deals with each other at country clubs and orgies, there's probably a lot of conspiracies founded at places like that, and they show off at events like this.  Charles is planning to meet with the World Economic Forum in September to further impose their control over the rest of us.

08 May, 2023

□ [“The United States Gets A Major Black Eye in the Middle East Courtesy of the Arab League"]

Russia is involved so now Syria is now allowed to rejoin the Arab League, which they had been banned from for the last eleven years since the US invasion started.  Bashir Assad is still in charge, despite US policy to get rid of him for, well, all this time, almost half the time he's been Syria's ruler.  He took over from his father in 2000.

So the US doing to Syria what Russia is doing to Ukraine has turned Syria's neighbors against the US.  I'm too lazy to look it up, but I'm pretty sure none of those countries have a lot of white people, so that's even more of the world's dark-skinned population working against us, thanks to leftists.  We invaded Syria around the time we overthrew Ukraine's government, the last time Russia invaded.

Speaking of which, there doesn't seem to be much in the way of news on Ukraine.  Have they ever started their spring offensive?  Spring is half over so if they haven't, they're running out of time.  If they have, has there been any change on the ground?  The EU is talking about sanctions on Chinese companies that deal with Russia, like that's going to help anybody.

08 May, 2023

□ [“Governor Abbott Deploys 'Texas Tactical Border Force' In Wake Of Title 42’s End"]

Well, at least somebody's getting ready.  I might wind up spending the rest of the evening, seeing if there's any way I can help.  There must be groups of civilians with prior-military experience.  This is Texas, or close enough, you'd really think it would be easier to find people who are willing to fight back.

This is another part of Civil War 2.0.  The federal government won't protect it's borders so the state and local have to do it.  The people have to stand for themselves.  In a way, you could say that's a good thing but this never should have happened.  For all we know, the federal government may even send in troops to protect non-American invaders.

I go back and forth on if this will be utter disaster right away or if it's going to be slow and quiet.  Frankly, I don' t know which would be worse.  If everything happens at once, it'll be a clear sign to the entire world that the 'old world order' is over.  Otherwise, the rulers will just keep slipping their pets through to replace us, along with all the slaves, drugs, disease, etc.  Get your back-up supplies.

09 May, 2023

Not a good start...

Not sure what I’ll write tonight.  I deliberately started late, I’d finished the latest book and given what we’re up against, there’s no reason to think I’ll ever finish another.  That cuts down on motivation, but I haven’t quit writing.  So let’s see what’s going on...

□ [“The Numbers Are In:  Bud Light Hit with Devastating News on April Sales”]

This is what we expected.  Anheuser was down 12.5% just from the last month after their brilliant promotion.  Bud Lite itself was down 21.4% while other brands from the company are also down, Budweiser fell 11.5%.  Coors and Miller increased in sales for some reason.  They probably don’t have such great marketing so what’s their secret?

I don’t expect Bud to change course.  What incentive do they have?  They aren’t interested in their customers, it’s probably more important to show off to other *woke* corporations.  The people in charge will stay rich even if the company goes broke and the employees have to look for new jobs, that’s all that matters.

Why are they doing this?  I don’t know, it makes no sense, but it’s the same type of self-destruction that we see in Disney, professional sports, the US military and government...  It’s clearly a leftist policy no matter where they are.

Could the money for Ukraine be funneled to pay off these *woke* corporations who are losing their customers?  A lot of money probably comes from elsewhere, not just to support Ukraine, and there are probably other places to funnel money, but then, there are probably also a lot more recipients of this funding and funneling.

That would explain a lot.  Russia gets Ukraine and the mindless left just insists on more money without ever looking into who does what with it.  There are a few leftists that are starting to ask why we’re giving so much money to a problem we have nothing to do with and there’s no accountability, but they can easily be silenced.

Sure, there are problems when more people expect bribes or payoff but they don’t individually care about that, they’re not paying for it.  It’s a tax to fund the “new world order,” so the supporters are eager to do this with other people’s money.  Meanwhile Disney, Budweiser, antifa, BLM, etc. get funded no matter how *woke* they are.

That may not be what’s actually happening but it sure sounds believable.

09 May, 2023

□ [“‘We Cut the Deficit by $160 Billion Dollars!  Billion!  B-I-L-L-I-O-N!’ – Biden Lashes Out at Reporter Asking Him About Budget Cuts”]

The fiscal collapse is close enough that Biden was forced to actually meet with a Republican.  Biden said he wouldn't vote for a proposed budget bill, like he's in the Senate or something.  The press were allowed to briefly see them together and then kicked out.  There will be no spending cuts, they believe they create the money anyway.

We don't know how long we have until the economic collapse.  I've heard the beginning of June.  Of course that will be affected by the invasion and probably other events as well.  McCarthy came out of the meeting and said it was a waste of time.  Biden doesn't know what the budget is and he's certainly not going to spend less, and the Democrats were all on his side.  They probably told him what to say.

Face it, Congress could threaten Biden to go along by releasing all the information they have on him and Hunter's ties with foreign nations.  The fact that they don't do that shows that they aren't going to do anything meaningful except obey the world rulers.  That will still fail but that's probably the plan all along, to make sure the US has nothing to rely on when back-up is desperately needed.

09 May, 2023

□ [“Biden Regime to Send Ukraine Another $1.2 Billion Military Aid, Air Defense Systems+Ammo”]

By now we can see that the point is to defund/disarm the west.  We don’t even know if there really is a Russia/Ukraine war going on or if it’s just a show.  It’s Russia so maybe Democrats are still working with them, or for them, regardless of the outcome.  And they get to take away American’s money and military equipment.

Based on what I’ve seen, which I don’t pretend is confirmed or accurate, Ukraine still hasn’t started their “spring offensive.”  They’ve advertised it for months, what’s the hold-up?  Too many victories so they haven’t bothered to get around to this one?

It’s just another example of the world falling apart.  Sudan, South Africa and Brazil are having major problems, now Pakistan has caught fire.  Other nations are probably close to that too.  As always, I’m trying to figure out how we got to this point.

10 May, 2023

We need a reduction of population.  Let's start putting together a list of names.

□ [“James Comer Identifies Nine Bidens Who are Implicated in Corruption”]

Ok, they’ve listed Bidens who bring in money from foreign countries while providing absolutely nothing except access to Biden.  No skills, no attributes, just getting paid and giving 10% to the big guy.  We get that, so what are you going to do about it?

Nothing.  This kind of stuff is probably done by everyone in government, at least in elected positions.  It’s probably one reason they hated Trump so much, he had actually ran businesses which did stuff so he didn’t need this money.  Most Republican leaders didn’t want any part of that despite spending their careers pretending to want exactly that.  That’s why they’re now showing that they really are part of the Uniparty.

This won’t get any attention.  The media won’t mention it and we already know Congress won’t do anything.  It’s just propaganda, they need to hide the truth if they want to keep their jobs, even in this economy they claim is doing so well.

10 May, 2023

□ [“Dianne Feinstein Returns to Senate in Wheelchair, ‘Experiencing Vision/Balance Impairments’"]

All she'll do is the bare minimum of whatever is required to actually cast a vote, nothing more.  But they've probably already approved dozens of pets to tear apart the nation even more than they already have.  It's part of "systemic change," a leftist code term for getting rid of anything they don't like and nobody else gets any say in it.  You know, totalitarianism.  That's why they cling to power on their death bed.

The rulers are trying to destroy us.  Whether they consciously realize that or not, their goals are always aimed at us, bringing poverty and suffering to maximize obedience.  As we can see from transgenders, illegal immigrants and their standard skin-color slaves, our masters' desires can probably be measured by who they support and by how much, the more destructive, the better.

There's probably been some delay on votes because she's been too busy dying to show up.  You'd think Democrats would be pushing to get rid of whatever rules make that happen, and will probably get a lot of Republican support.  Because, y'know, they *may* take over again one day and *then* they'll show 'em!

10 May, 2023

□ [“Trump During CNN Town Hall: When You Look at What Happened During the 2020 Election, Unless You’re a Very Stupid Person You See… It Was a Rigged Election"]

Some of us knew that two and a half years ago.  We also thought you'd actually do something about it.  Or at least point out what they were doing and what they'd do to us if you lost, which is what happened.  So now what?  You get to go on CNN, wow!

I'm exaggerating for that last part, obviously it took some guts to do this.  I didn't even know it was happening today so I've only glanced at a few articles, not really looking into it.  He's obviously willing to do what Biden would never even consider doing and face a lot harder questions.  Just the willingness to go through with that shows a lot more courage and intelligence, and what little I've seen indicates he was even winning over the crowd there.  No idea how many were already Trump supporters but it's CNN, they can't have been happy to hear the laughter and applause.

But what is this supposed to do?  It's not going to stop our rulers from stealing more elections and there's still a year and a half before the next one anyway.  They've already had two and a half years to increase their power and our suffering.  They want us gone permanently and are well on the way to making that happen.  If Trump isn't going to lead a resistance movement now, he's a waste of time.

10 May, 2023

Still thinking about Artificial Intelligence, still don't have much to say about it.  But I've heard one idea that stuck out as relevant, our rulers are using it to spy on it.  AI is spying on each of us on the internet so it can copy us.  They could be using this fake crimes that they can accuse us of.  The courts are already stolen or will be so that's all they need to put us away forever.

There's probably other reasons for this but that's what I noticed, that they're making internet clones of each of us.  That's very believable.  No idea if they could actually put that into a robot form, but if they don't, that does look like somewhat of a problem.  Real people believing whatever the computer tells them just sounds like it will lead to failure, and the real people who don't automatically believe the AI would be much less affected in the first place.

11 May, 2023

And in the end, the content you download is equal to the content you provide...

Well today's the day.  The invasion had already started, it's frankly been going on for years, but this is it.  Over 700,000 are expected to move in immediately, a lot more forces than Russia sent into Ukraine.  Can't find specifics but it might be more than the Russian and Ukrainian militaries combined, at least in the invasion.  Russia has about 1.5 million in its total military, Ukraine has 200-and-some thousand.

Anyway, we're still nervous about what will happen.  Immense invasion and destruction or a slower movement and takeover?  I don't get why there aren't resistance forces coming together already, I cannot believe that 100% of the population is this apathetic.  But if they exist, where are they?  How do we get in contact and support?

This is what Democrats have always worked for, they expect to stay in charge when it happens.  That's not what the Chinese military is planning.  The leftists might stay there as pets but they'll have to know their place and never challenge it.  Even then it might not work for long, China probably expects some competency in its servants.  The Democrat leaders who made this happen didn't get there through competency.

11 May, 2023

□ [“'Mercy Rule': CNN Abruptly Cut Trump Town Hall Short by Twenty Minutes"]

This must have been aired last night while I was writing, there were a lot more articles much later.  That's how little attention I had been paying to this.  He was obviously prepared and certainly knows how to be entertaining.  I go back and forth on that, he can be fun to watch but, at least in his brief political career, I did tend more towards the 'stop behaving like that' mentality.  Not criticizing his accomplishments, just not interested in the behavior that made him so famous.  It's obviously worked for him so it's not like he'd listen to my complaints.

But CNN had to cut him out?  What did they replace him with for the rest of the expected 90-minutes?  They had to know what was going to happen, had they never heard of Donald Trump?  Of course all the other propagandists are outraged, showing them to be the wusses we all know they are.  None of them are standing up and saying give them a shot, they're tough enough to take on Trump.

Or Biden, for that matter.  Trump didn't even get lost when trying to find his way off stage, you know they'd have gotten that on video.  But they asked Trump about classified documents, they wouldn't dare ask Biden.  CNN even denied that Biden had any in Chinatown which Biden's own assistants have told Congress they do.  That's what they call "news."

But ok, that was a quick little bit of entertainment, now back to the mass suffering our rulers impose on us.

11 May, 2023

□ [“Debt Ceiling Meeting Between Biden and Congressional Leaders Postponed"]

I thought they just had a meeting, was this supposed to be another one?  Biden can't handle two whole meetings in a week, unless there are children there he can feel up.  What else does he have to do with his time?  What else does he have to do regarding a debt crisis?

At the moment, my guess is that Biden will give in.  It's unclear if Republicans will also give but I can't even finish this sentence.  At best, they'll manage to keep the crisis going a little while longer, but it's possible even that won't happen.  Everything I see indicates the crisis is much bigger and much more immediate than anything we've ever seen before.  It's deliberate so all the rulers need to do is hold off for a little while longer and they'll be able to seize everything.

Biden has deliberately avoided dealing with Congress about this for months, so that's probably something he learned in the Senate at some point, and may even still remember.  I'm sure they have officially approve dealing with each other on a given subject and they've long known ways to avoid that rule.  Just a guess.

Biden's also going to spend whatever he wants, or at least his people will.  They have no incentive not to, it's not like there's any fair elections coming up or they have a duty to follow the Constitution.  They're all about destroying it and they'll spend all our money to do it.

11 May, 2023

□ [“Biden Regime Green-Lights Release of Illegal Aliens into the United States with 'Legally Questionable' Memo"]

Seizing power, breaking the law, replacing actual Americans with people they *think* will be more obedient, in accordance with China and the NWO.  They had to steal elections to get this far, but those elections were American so they needed to be destroyed.

Democrats say that America is oppressive, so why do these immigrants want to come here in the first place?  Democrats are in charge and complain more about global warming, homophobia, sexism and racism now than they did a decade ago, or two decades, three, four, five...  This is the result of them being in charge, so of course the oppressed want more of that.  Or they made it up as an excuse to seize power, which has worked out well for them.

The House has passed some bill to claim they'll try to stop this, we already know the Senate won't bother with it, so that's worthless..  If we survive, and that's a big "if," the survivors are going to be very devoted to building walls and forbidding unpermitted entry.

11 May, 2023

□ [“Biden’s White House Closet Swings Wide Open – Back Room ‘Explosions’ Come to Light Over Border Inaction"]

Anonymous sources, so make of that what you will.  It's believable though.  He complains that nobody tells him anything, like he'd remember it if they did.  He's also the one who chose these people to handle Homeland Security and the border, but he's not going to say 'the buck stops here.'  Blame someone else, that's his policy.

He's also spent the last couple years being told what he wants to hear, even more than as Senator or Veep, so it makes sense that he'd get angry very quickly when he sees anything he doesn't like.  He even tops it off by not have a plan to fix the situation, he's just going to attack people who self-identify as his subordinates.

He's supposed to be in charge of the military, he could order them to seal the border right now, shoot anybody who tries to get in.  But that would solve the problem, which he's not permitted to do.  Or at least it would make more space to come up with a better solution, but this is their ideal choice so that won't happen either.  He's not even going to look at why the people he chose won't tell him the truth but that's too much like work.  Just give him some children to toy with and he'll go along with what happens, no matter how bad it gets.

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