Monday, May 15, 2023


12 May, 2023

All enemies, foreign and domestic, dislike Rococo Coffee.

□ [“‘Brits are dying in their tens of thousands and we don't really have any idea why’”]

32,441 deaths the government can’t account for between May-December 2022.  More British deaths than in previous years, even counting the virus which they say isn’t causing these.  They have no idea why this is happening and don’t mention the vaccine.

They support death, they would look into this otherwise.  The list of possibilities includes weight gain, dementia and warm weather, they could at least add the poison-vaccine to the ‘possible causes.’  What else in the last year or two has changed so much in so many lives that could cause these deaths from “suddenly”?

Our rulers planned this.  They couldn’t let the vaccinated all drop dead at once, it would be too obvious.  Their servants need to be replaced by illegal immigrants.

The vaccine alters MRNA, modifying genes so your body no longer qualifies as homo sapien.  You can’t legally own humans but if you’re a new species, the vaccine manufacturers own the patents and can do anything to their property, i.e. you.

This sounds outrageous but it lines up with our rulers world-conquest and with population reduction.  It explains why they ignore all the suffering of the inferior species except to impose more.  That’s why they funded a Chinese bio-lab for a virus and their supporters shut everything down in mindless panic.  They would create uncertainty and fear to deliver an untested poison-vaccine to their subjects.  To make this happen, they needed total government power over large corporations and they didn’t hesitate.

12 May, 2023

□ [“Union President Urges Teachers to Erase and Hide Their Social Media History”]

There’s a lot to hide.  For many years, they’ve been open about their desire to destroy the family and molest children, but more are being caught, so they’re told to remove any public record of what they’ve said.  They even get ads for a service that “scans your social media to catch forgotten posts that may not reflect who you are today.”

They delude themselves that censorship of what they’ve said and done will make things better.  No one will ever know if they erase their public statements of support for what they now *pretend* is wrong, so they’ll keep their jobs and continue to get away with it.  Erasing history is yet-another example of using 1984 as a training manual.

No one in the teachers union will oppose this or insist that honesty is the best policy.  They refuse to acknowledge what they’ve said and done in the past so they can keep being funded by taxpayers to go after children.

12 May, 2023

□ [“Karine Jean-Pierre Claims Mass Releases of Illegals Aren’t Happening”]

Yet there’s plenty of video over the last couple days to show that she’s lying.  I’ve been watching some from El Paso since yesterday.  The government even knows where to put its transport vehicles so they block as many cameras as possible.

It’s been said that all these immigrants will get tons of money for free, so they have nothing to work for or focus on.  Since they have no experience with this much money, they’ll quickly run out, no matter how much the government pours in, and that’s where the chaos will come from.  It’s believable, no idea if that’s what’s going to happen.

But they will know that government sucks up to them as long as they agree with leftist rulers.  I also don’t know if they’ll go along with that but it’s not going to work either way.  They didn’t refuse to use intelligence and ability in their home country only to bring it to this racist, sexist homophobic, anti-trans tyranny that our rulers say we are.

5 U.S. Code § 3331

An individual, except the President, elected or appointed to an office of honor or profit in the civil service or uniformed services, shall take the following oath: “I, AB, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.” This section does not affect other oaths required by law.

5 U.S. Code § 3332

An officer, within 30 days after the effective date of his appointment, shall file with the oath of office required by section 3331 of this title an affidavit that neither he nor anyone acting in his behalf has given, transferred, promised, or paid any consideration for or in the expectation or hope of receiving assistance in securing the appointment.

I haven't found the specific requirements for notification but it is standard to require documents to be made official or they don't count.

12 May, 2023

So if the rulers never actually signed their oaths of office and had them notarized as required by law, then all of the rules they’ve made are completely illegal and can be thrown out.  But some of us actually swore an oath to “defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.”  There’s a convincing argument that this oath doesn’t end just because we get our DD 214.

We need to reunite to fight for the country we swore to protect, which requires leaders.  Whatever else has happened to me, I’m still of that mentality.  This is where we could really use commanders to provide a mission with goals and required steps.  How can there not be retired officers and senior NCO’s calling out where to form up?

I’m sort of the ‘odd man out’ on that.  I was in for ten years but never made it past E-5.  I only had two clerks in my entire career and they were both awesome, so I’ve got no basis to call out ‘form on me!’  I was very good at making contacts with people in uniform but that ability did not carry over to the civilian world.  Sucks to be me.

They’re going after us no matter what, to keep us from fulfilling our oaths, but there’s a saying.  I forget the specific words but it’s basically ‘never underestimate the soldier’s ability to break the rules.’  We need to defy all the orders given by our foreign and domestic enemies.  They aren’t going away until we make that happen.

13 May, 2023

Super easy but it's barely convenient.

□ [“State Department Refuses to Provide Info About John Kerry’s Globetrotting and Meeting Foreigners”]

Has he ever signed his Oath of Office?  Probably not, his office doesn’t exist.  It was a special position created just for him.  There may be some standard document required for government officials who deal with foreigners but has he signed that?

Suck-up to Ted Kennedy for decades, Secretary of State after Hillary, he even got the war in Syria started...  Given leftist response to the 2004 election where they stopped whining almost immediately – unlike their behavior in 2000 or 2016 – could he be the official ruler of America as far as the self-appointed world government is concerned?  This would certainly explain why they found a spot for Biden and Harris.

So he’ll never need to submit anything to subordinates like the State Department.  He was known for ignoring them back when he was in charge, that would never change.  Old, rich, never did anything outside of government, he’s as self-appointed an elite as you can get.  Naturally he’s always gotten along very well with China and Klaus Schwab.

Even if he’s not in charge, he ranks much higher in the ‘new world order’ than Biden or Harris.  Liberals support this no matter what but do they have any clue about it?

13 May, 2023

□ [“Biden Says White Supremacists are Greatest Threat to Country – Khaki-Clad Patriot Front Group Holds March in DC Hours Later”]

What amazing timing.  And nobody in Washington DC is bothering them as they march and chant, not even Antifa or BLM object to the greatest threat to our country, who would have expected that?  Maybe there’d be better attendance if they advertised, ‘big march in DC on Saturday!’  But they probably told everyone who really needed to know.  Maybe this is how the new IRS hires are being trained.

What kind of resistance movement requires these uniforms?  They’re all wearing the same hats, shirts and pants, they’re carrying the same shields and most importantly, they’ve all got the same virus-protection masks.  It’d be more convincing if they were out marching on the southern border but they must not want that much believability.

It’s just another example of why we need to go on strike.  It’s the only option, we don’t know who to trust so we can’t work with anybody.  Yes, this makes it harder to form a real resistance movement, but I don’t see any way to fix that.  Not obeying our masters is the best way to go but it prevents other people on our side from uniting.

13 May, 2023

□ [“Pope Francis Meets Up With President Zelensky”]

Shows how important a warzone is when you’ve got enough spare time to use fossil-fueled transportation to go a thousand miles away to meet some rich old man in Rome.  Ukraine isn’t even a Catholic nation so what would they have to talk about?   Is he going to be bringing back guns, tanks and rockets to help the fight?

□ [“Pope Francis Calls Pedophiles ‘Children of God’ Who Deserve ‘Love’ and ‘Pastoral Care’”]

Well, they may have other common interests.  Do Ukrainians support pedophiles as Zelensky and Francis?  Their supporters certainly do, it’s been over a year and I still haven’t found anyone who complains about Ukraine’s opinion on transgenders.

That’s just standard leftism to say the criminals are the real victims and they deserve everything they take from us.  And all these people actively support Ukraine.  They self-identify as being so “critical,” they never question any of this.  They’ve always been this way, they’re just more honest about it these days for some reason.

13 May, 2023

□ [“Taiwan defense minister says Taiwan will not let US 'blow up Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co.' during Chinese attack”]

A Democrat congressman said “the U.S. should make it very clear to the Chinese that if you invade Taiwan, we’re going to blow up TSMC.”  We saw this when a certain US official said he’d destroy the Nord Stream pipeline, which happened a little while later.  But Taiwan thinks it gets a say in the matter.  We may need to replace Taiwan’s government with people who are more obedient, as we did with Ukraine in 2014.

But this doesn’t encourage Taiwan to go along with US policy.  They’re non-white so our rulers don’t care what they think, but the fact that this came out suggests that China’s upcoming takeover is coming shortly, which I’ve been trying to deny for months.  So now Taiwan is just getting more incentive to get the hell away from us.

Less than two and a half years into this and the US has driven most of the world away.  Even if we pretend there’s a chance for fair elections, they’ve still got another year and a half before there’s any change of direction and we know that won’t happen.

14 May, 2023

Brain and brain!  Who are the brain police?

□ [“Muslim Teens Attack Belgian School ‘LGBTQIA+ Event’ While Shouting ‘Allahu Akbar’”]

There’s no question who will win this conflict.  First of all, there aren’t as many delusional trans-cultists as they like to believe.  Second, Muslims submit to the will of God so victory is inevitable.  What do these leftist idiots have for defense, men with guns?  That worked so well in Afghanistan for the most powerful nation in history.

I’ve long wondered if this was part of the actual purpose to the 9/11 response.  Yes, I’ve heard conspiracy theories about 9/11 itself but those aren’t relevant here.  The Muslim world needs to be fixed, that’s indisputable.  Islam has always known how to manipulate the infidel and leftists immediately focused on their skin-color.  GWB was POTUS on 9/11 and look who took office after him.  Was that part of the plan?

One thing I’m convinced we learned from Afghanistan and Iraq is how these people actually work.  In so doing, the point might have been to get Muslims and leftists together to take power and tear each other apart.  That sounds insane but still...

Blacks and poor people were already turning against leftists for this trans-gender insanity, now Muslims are coming out.  Our rulers consider them all cattle to be moved around on command until the world is perfect.  The sense that ‘we have had enough of this’ is getting stronger and is all turned against our masters.  I wish they’d felt like this ten years ago but this is the world God gives us so that’s where we have to live.

14 May, 2023

□ [“CNN Claims Store Closures in Blue Cities Have Nothing to do With Crime”]

Ok, they’re ignoring what the business owners say and how stores actually work, i.e. they’re closing down because of crime.  But what stood out for me is that they blame online shopping and working from home.  This suggests who their audience is.

Poor people don’t work from home.  You don’t inventory a warehouse or deliver factory supplies at home.  You don’t get paid to clean toilets or fix car engines at home.  You have to go out and do that or it won’t get done, but that’s not the CNN audience.

When the virus started, leftists insisted that everything was shut down despite all the working-class people who still showed up to work every day.  Our rulers completely ignored them even as they imposed more restrictions and regulations.  Poor people saw that gas was cheaper back then, but now we have rulers who demand higher fuel prices.

I’ve never figured this out about leftists, their rhetoric is focused on poor people but their actions ignore them entirely and focus on the rich.  It’s like the working class literally doesn’t exist for them, they’re just expected to obey.  They’re using Bud Lite and Disney to turn against poor people now, all to benefit the ridiculously rich rulers.

14 May, 2023

□ [“Russians Missiles Hit Ukrainian Ammunition Depot in Khmelnytsky Causing Massive Explosion – Cache of British Depleted Uranium Tank Shells”]

Thank you, Britain, for sending all these Challenger 2 tanks with radioactive shells, they make for good target practice.  Can you imagine how much worse it’d be if you hadn’t gotten involved and told both sides to stop fighting?  But you didn’t, so now Ukraine has much more radiation than before.  This didn’t happen in Russia, it’s Ukraine!

How much more depleted uranium – Ukrainium? – do they have, thanks to their western allies?  Will soldiers be sent to defend every depot or should we just assume this was a fluke and Russia has no chance of finding any more?  And even if they did, their air force has been destroyed by the last year+ of total defeat so they won’t even try?

This is where the rulers of the west have to stand up and say they’ll just double down and send more depleted uranium!  They’ll do that anyway, why not just admit it?  Can’t complain about one side destroying the other’s weapons, that’s how war works.

They’ll complain but they’ll still provide more targets.  The people who want to be in this war, even if they don’t officially declare it, all understand that Ukraine must be destroyed in order to save it.  If you don’t like it, find a different war.

14 May, 2023

□ [“San Diego Border Patrol Arrest Afghan on the FBI’s Terror Watchlist Who Illegally Crossed Border”]

□ [“At Least Seven People Shot in Arizona City On U.S.-Mexico Border – Suspect on the Loose”]

□ [“CBP Officers Intercept Improvised Bomb at US-Mexico Border”]

I’m surprised this isn’t happening more often, but it probably takes a few days to take over their new surroundings, even longer when the government is sending them to red states.  They want this and we get to pay for it, with our lives if that’s what it takes.

And this is just who’s been caught and reported on.  How many others brought in their weapons and slaves without being noticed?  We can pretend 99.9% of the invaders are wonderful people who’ll bring the greatness to America that they gave their home nations but it only takes one bad apple to spoil the whole bunch.  And we know that there’s way more bad ones than that running around loose, thanks to our masters.

We’re now a third world country.  Stolen elections, power-hungry tyrants, media propaganda to gaslight us.  They give terrorists free access to everything and saying the real terrorism is “white supremacy.”  How do we get a genuine resistance movement to fight for a country where we produce food, fuel and medicine?  We’ll need those soon.

□ [“El Paso Public Health Warns of Outbreaks From Illegal Immigrants, Chickenpox, TB, and STD”]

We’re looking at *real* pandemics now, plural.  For the last three years, health care was forced to spread stupid lies, now we can’t trust them.  I’m very worried that the population will soon go down big-time as we’re infested with every strain of lunacy.

15 May, 2023

If 'if's and 'but's were candy and nuts, it'd mean we've landed in the wrong alternate universe

□ [“92-Year-Old George Soros Denies Rumor that He’s Dead: 'I Am Alive and Healthy'"]

This is a bit weird.  At his age, it's absolutely impossible for him to be healthy.  With his staff and security, you'd think he'd be required to provide proof every day that he hasn't died yet, so nothing would be given out on that.  He's rich and powerful so no one has any reason to make up rumors and even if they did, it's not like they've been heard of.  I'm thinking of Jerry Lee Lewis who did have such rumors a couple of days before he died, put out a text that he was still alive, and then dropped dead.

So just the fact that this happen stands out.  Given his age and health problems, he's not going to last much longer no matter what, so what's this about?  And given everything he's imposed on the world, what reason do we have to believe any of this?

And thanks to him, my thoughts go to his demon cult.  How do they decide someone needs to be sacrificed?  There's people's natural opposition to dying, then there's having spent their whole lives thinking this is a good thing, so how does that get worked out?  I would think it needs to be a possibility, just to justify this.  'I'm very old, just go ahead and give me away to the [whoever] that gets all our other sacrifices.'

It's something most people don't look into, for good reason, so I'm not expecting any decent answers on this, but there must have been spies infiltrating, so the explanation exists somewhere.

15 May, 2023

□ [“Trump Announces He Will Release ALL of the JFK Assassination Files if Re-Elected President"]

You could have done that last time and you didn't.  Sure, you tried - so we're told - but it didn't happen.  There'd be even less incentive to make it happen if, by some miracle, you ever take office again.  Which we all know won't happen.  Just the fact that he's not calling out the self-appointed 'new world order' on a regular basis tells us how serious he is about this.

Trump has a lot of supporters, they'd go along with him if he did announce opposition to the world government.  We definitely need a resistance movement so that would do a lot to creating one.  And yet Trump isn't even trying to do that.  But then, why not just say whatever's in the JFK files, what are the rulers going to do about it?  They'd be admitting it's true if they go after him and it's not like they haven't tried to go after him before and failed.  Just put it out in one of his public speeches.

As to JFK's assassination, there's definitely some conspiracy because otherwise the info could just be released.  We're almost at the 60th anniversary, just put it out.  Almost everybody who was alive at the time is either dead or quite old.  I'd also assume that most of the people who've actually looked at the documents have been willing to pass that information on to their closest associates, probably part of the cult.

For the assassination itself, I'm ambivalent.  I've never followed the conspiracy theories much and certainly have no particular favorite.  My guess is that it was either a standard lunatic committing a typical assassination that just happened to be about a media idol or that it was an internal conspiracy precisely to manipulate the country as they've done ever since, so the real conspiracy was to motivate the conspiracy theorists.

15 May, 2023

□ [“California Reparations Task Force Calls for State Agency to Have Veto Power Over Local Real Estate Decisions"]

The state demanding control over your decisions, who would've expected that?  I've heard a convincing argument that they know there's no chance of stuff like this ever passing, it's just an excuse to blame Republicans for preventing it.  Well, if blacks are stupid enough to fall for that, then this is what they get.

Will this be applied to neighborhoods in Beverly Hills and Malibu or is it just the poor people who have government taking away their rights to make real estate decisions?  The rich people can just claim they're discriminating against the poor and if that keeps the blacks out, it's win-win.  No Democrat would permit them to complain about that.

They've got no incentive to stop unless the people actually rebel against them.  Before long, they'll be basing the price of food on the customer's skin color.  That should be ridiculous, but given what we've seen for the last few years, does any sensible person say that'll never happen?  The left would say that but they're lying.

15 May, 2023

□ [“Feminist Miller Lite Ad Resurfaces as Bud Light Sales Plummet Amid Dylan Mulvaney Fiasco"]

This was done in March.  Either it was ignored because it's not as totally stupid as Bud Lite or (possibly) it was never made public.  It is stupid, claiming that women were among those who invented beer without mentioning who any of the others were.  It also only mentions two genders out of all the dozens and dozens.

My first reaction was that it's proof these megacorporations are actively working to destroy themselves.  I still think that's what's happening, but this may not be an example of that.  Since it was done around the same time as the Bud Lite ad which started this, it's probably that the companies were trying to raise their ESG score.  The fact that we're only hearing about it now shows that it wasn't a big deal at the time.

But we're at a point where these companies need to pick a direction.  How will Miller respond?  They've had a big bonus from Bud Lite's problems, so will they join in or realize that this was a stupid idea?  Gotta say, if I had to bet, I wouldn't expect them to do the smart thing, but I've been wrong before.  It's a long commercial, I have no idea where it would have been aired.

What worries me is that they really are going to keep pushing this.  That's going to break down a lot more production and supply than any of us are expecting, causing a much bigger disaster every single time it goes wrong.

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