Friday, May 19, 2023


16 May, 2023

I didn't know I was ignorant, why didn't anybody tell me?

□ [“Durham Releases Final Report Concluding FBI Had No Verified Intel When it Opened Crossfire Hurricane Investigation Into Trump"]

This came out yesterday.  It didn't really have anything new for most of us, I was just waiting to see the reaction and it too is basically what you'd expect.  The left basically refuses to accept any of it, although some of their leaders - including pseudo-Republicans - are a bit awkward, given how eager they were to blame Trump for all the stuff they had proof on which never went anywhere.

Naturally no one will face legal action for lying, cover-up or trying to hid relevant information from the investigator.  The legal door only swings one way and that's against the accused, unless they're liberal.  Crossfire Hurricane was a lie from the start and they knew it, believing whatever Russia told them and blaming Russia for that.

Was the point just a distraction?  False accusations last forever but investigating them is immediately forgotten as no big deal.  The FBI agents who went on tv to lie about this won't get in any trouble.  If the media cared about what people thought, they'd have hesitated on this in the first place.  Hillary and Obama were in on this from the start and they know how their servants obey.  Nancy Pelosi promised she had cold hard evidence this was true, nothing ever came of that.

It's quite possible the point might have been to distract Trump and keep him from actually clearing out more of the scum from DC, all to get us closer to the target date of 2030.

16 May, 2023

□ [“IRS Whistleblower and Entire Team Abruptly Removed from Hunter Biden Investigation at Request of Justice Department"]

They didn't want a special investigator, they wanted to have complete control over what was found and make sure it wasn't released unless it made Trump look bad.  So people who find anything else get removed, as we see here.  No warning, it just happened all of a sudden.

Congress has made statements criticizing the Attorney General for this but it won't go anywhere.  The laws don't apply to some people and government will protect them at all costs.  The person in charge is close to the person being investigated so who cares if there's a conflict-of-interest.  You don't give authority to people who can do what they want, you only give to those who you can get rid of for any reason.  Otherwise they'll take away your power.

Will there be any other attempts?  Maybe but I doubt it.  Only Democrats impeach, Republicans just obey.  This is how a banana republic operates and that's what we are now.

16 May, 2023

□ [“Dianne Feinstein Apparently Doesn’t Remember Her Recent Months-Long Absence From DC"]

She gets asked about her absence and her response is “Oh, I’m feeling fine. I have a problem with the leg.”  Then another reporter asked and she said “No, I haven’t been gone. I’ve been working.”  It's like she doesn't know what being 'gone' means.  She was asked again about working remotely from home and before her staff managed to wheel her away, she answered “No, I’ve been here.  I’ve been voting.  Please.  You either know or don’t know.”

It is possible she's not completely senile and is just blatantly lying to the media.  Who's going to stop her?  It's not like she'd be in trouble for it, she's rich, white and leftist.  If she says she's been in Congress for the last three months and Congress says she's been gone, who are you going to believe?

Safe to assume she's basically a ventriloquist dummy and her staff is putting out all the words she's credited for saying.  They have to keep her there because then there'd be a fight to replace her.  This way they can all say she'll live forever and who's going to say otherwise?  The media?

16 May, 2023

□ [“Biden Regime Announces $11 Billion Investment to Tackle Climate Change"]

It's just more bribing states with non-existent money and using that to seize control.  These were funds from last August's "Inflation Reduction Act" which has done nothing to stop inflation and wasn't intended to.  It's also an excuse to get into rural section and force them to use energy the government can control.

They're still pushing digital currency, still destroying the economy and just waiting for everything to collapse.  There's no way to know how long it'll be until that happens.  It's undeniable that this is their goal, everything else is just an excuse to seize power or a distraction to keep us from noticing.  Inventing 'global warming' was a masterstroke on their part, look at how much power it's let them grab in the 50 years since that happened.

The people who can't take this any more are starting to step away, where they'll eventually find those of us who stopped taking this a long time ago.  Sooner or later, there will be an active resistance movement, it's the wait that's killing us.  Meanwhile our rulers just boast that their appeal is becoming more selective.

The money supply is going down massively, just as the government has to solve the default.  I assume Republicans will just obey the rulers.  Maybe they'll get a few bonuses for it but they'll help finish the destruction of the economy and pretending that digital currency will work.

I know I keep saying they have an actual plan in place that's working much better than all their previous attempt to rule the world, but I do recognize that leftists are very bad at plans.  The collapse will happen, they will seize more power, but that won't work out for anybody, even them.

But I also make sure to stress that I don't know everything, I may be missing something in my analysis.  This is what really worries me, nukes, space aliens, fake space aliens, I'm worried that they've got something else ready to hit us with.  It's why I keep saying we need to go on strike so they get nothing from us, and from there unite as a resistance movement.  I keep saying this over and over but I'll keep repeating it as long as possible.

17 May, 2023

You throw like someone who self-identifies as a girl!

□ [“Anheuser-Busch to Produce Bud Light Bottles With Camo Print in Desperate Attempt to Recover"]

This is just stupid.  It doesn't remotely look like camouflage patterns but they're pretending it is, and that's somehow going to make people want to by Bud Lite again.  They've changed the brand logo, which is actually clever, so it says "America" but a quick look at the design tells you what company makes this, and there's a "Budweiser" logo on the bottle as well, in case you missed it.

They're not going to turn around on this insanity.  Their ESG score is far more important to the people in charge than selling a product to customers who want it.  It's like they exist in a hidden world which only leftists can see and therefor ignore everybody else, except as enemies, and that includes their customers.  And we're watching other companies join in.

□ [“Adidas Unveils Homely Male as Company’s Newest Women’s Swimwear Model"]

I think the goal is to force everybody to buy this stuff because there's no other options, especially cheap ones, and just the effort of keeping track of what products are made by which megacorporations who pull this stunt is an enormous headache.  It's the sort of thing leftist activists brag about, being wealthy enough to pick-and-choose what to buy from which companies when most people would just want a cheap, efficient product and then go on with their lives.

We'll need to work out local production of as much as possible, as well as how to produce as much as possible.  Does anybody know how to make shoes of any kind?  What about running shoes or tough workboots?  How about cloth to make shirts or pants?  Dishes for serving food?  We're going to need to work out a way to learn how to do that as soon as possible from people who still know.

17 May, 2023

□ [“Marjorie Taylor Greene Introduces Articles of Impeachment Against U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland"]

□ [“House Speaker McCarthy Considers Removing Serial Liar Adam Schiff from Congress After Durham Report Released"]

□ [“Democrat Lawmakers Reintroduce Bill to Pack the U.S. Supreme Court, Add Four More Liberal Judges"]

They're all going in on this, trying to tear apart the other branches.  I'm not sure if it's distraction or if they're actually trying to get something done before the collapse.  Maybe a little of both.  But Civil War 2.0 is almost here.

Don't know if it's true but I've seen a report - can't remember where - that about 24 states run by Republicans have all decided to send their National Guard to help with the southern border.  Hopefully that will help.  It's also a sign that more states are willing to work together and turn against our tyrants.  That's going to lead to more troubles but it's a start.

I'm really surprised that more people have just been going bonkers these days.  There's headlines and stuff on fights and shootings and so on, but you'd think nearly every city would be rioting and we'd been seeing corpses everywhere in the streets.  Maybe there are and I just don't see it, I'm not very sociable, but it does show that some Americans are capable of restraining themselves, even in hardships like this.  Or they're just brainwashed into silence, I dunno.

17 May, 2023

□ [“NIH Begins Testing of Clinical Trial of Universal Flu Vaccine Based on mRNA"]

They've just invented this all of a sudden.  All those decades of trying to figure out how to stop the flu and they suddenly figured it out, just like Covid.  Ok, their vaccine doesn't stop covid either but they promise this one will actually work.  And even if it doesn't, everyone will be forced to take it.  And ignore any deaths from "suddenly" that happen afterwards.

They're getting fifty whole people into this test for Phase 1, age 18-49, that'll tell them everything they need to know.  The FDA has probably already approved the drug, they just need to do a few official tests and then it's ready.  Wonder which company bribed enough people to be the manufacturers.

I still can't figure out how they've taken over all the medical fields.  How can anybody become a doctor if they aren't smart enough to question this blatant contradiction of everything that makes medical science work, like not killing people with this injected poison?  There must be doctors who see this is wrong, why aren't they willing to stand up?

17 May, 2023

□ [“$1.1 Billion U.S. Patriot Missile System in Ukraine ‘Likely Damaged’ After Massive Russian Attack”]

What a surprise!  They might have killed US service members in the bombings, but that probably wouldn't be reported.  They're cheap to replace, a lot less than a patriot missile.  And no liberal will complain that the money used for these could provide jobs and homes for veterans, or walls to keep out invaders, they'll just want to send more missiles.  Maybe someone somewhere will even know how to use them.

Seymour Hersh has released another article, which is of course unverified, that Poland and the Baltics are tired of pretending they support Ukraine, given that they've been invaded by Ukrainians.  It also says that even some American rulers don't like it.  CIA director William Burns is complaining about how Ukraine's corrupt leaders are helping themselves to US money.

There's also the point that Biden isn't getting full, accurate information.  That's believable but I could see several options.  For one thing, his people know he's not capable of handling much so they wouldn't bother to tell him.  For another, they could quite possibly be lying about what they do tell him.  For a third, he's Biden so he'll make up his own nonsense.  And that's not counting other possibilities, like the people briefing Biden being lied to by their subordinates, or Biden just obeying what he's told by his masters.

18 May, 2023

Are we done yet?

□ [“Biden’s Non-Binary Ex-Nuclear Waste Official Sam Brinton Arrested Again"]

A "fugitive from justice."  Have they ever taken away his Top Secret security clearance or would that be too homophobic?  How many others like him are they giving high ranking positions to?  It's not clear but apparently he skipped out on a court date regarding the oppressive women who opposed him wearing their clothes.  The most recent information says he's now being held in prison without bond and will be seen in court today regarding his "fugitive from justice" status.

It is possible that his access to nuclear information is why they finally have to keep him in jail.  I'm kind of surprised they let him get away with stealing women's clothes, but at least one of them was black so they deserve it.  Just a misdemeanor.

So how much nuclear info has he given to Russia and China?  Or anyone else, but who do you think would want the most data as they send their soldiers into the US through the southern border?  Can't say he respects the law, can't say he respects other Americans, can say he'll make insane decisions for no reason and can say he's on the side of our masters to take total control of us.  They supported him, they stood by him and they're still protecting him as much as possible.

18 May, 2023

□ [“Ukraine’s Suicidal Offensive is Bleeding Out”]

There’s a rumor that Europe and NATO are feeding Russia info to put an end to this.  The US is pushing this war and NATO doesn’t really want it.  Has Ukraine used up the west’s supplies over the last year or are those for the still-delayed Spring Offensive?

So Ukraine is now attacking anywhere they can and it’s not working.  I’d think this was the Spring Offensive but they say no, they haven’t gotten to that yet.  Normally you’d distrust anything from a warzone but Ukraine supporters always believe Ukraine.

It’s clear that this was all a set-up.  Otherwise Russia could have taken Ukraine fairly quickly.  So are they going slowly to set the west up to weaken us for when the actual war starts or are they working with the west?  I’m not sure which is worse.

It’s not clear how much info Russia has taken on Ukraine funneling money.  You’d think that would’ve been an early target last year or at least take all that info by now to get the secrets on our rulers.  Henry Kissinger says there can be no peace without Ukraine joining NATO, contradicting what he said last fall.

18 May, 2023

□ [“Allies of New Chicago Mayor Release Economic Plan Titled ‘First We Get the Money’”]

They’re helping themselves to the new money, 12 billion dollars in new taxes.  They might need to spend some of that on walls to keep people from escaping.  That’s always the goal of tyrants and they never see anything that could go wrong with it.

They add income tax, wealth tax and a 1 or 2$ tax for transactions.  They also increase already-existing taxes, quadrupling jet fuel.  They’ll also need to spend more on investigation, enforcement and imprisonment for those who don’t pay up, as well as police to check their own officials to see if they’re taking bribes.  Because Chicago!

One can argue in support of cities but there’s also the fact that such people can only exist there.  They need many many thousands of targets to fund their insane desires.  By their own nature, they can’t produce anything without victims and are destroying the city within until invaders take and destroy it from without.

18 May, 2023

□ [“Secretive Bilderberg Group to meet this weekend to discuss Ukraine, U.S. Leadership, China-Russia, changes to banking system and artificial intelligence”]

Final plans for the takeover?  I’m sure this qualifies as our self-appointed masters conspiring, I just don’t think there’s anything special.  A lot of them already belong to the World Health Organization and/or the World Economic Forum.  Yeah, the conspiracy is going on here but it would be going on regardless.  It just stands out because they’re doing it right now, although I might have a different pov if I were invited, hint hint.

Target date for the fiscal crisis is June 1.  I still assume Republicans will crumble on the debt ceiling and get a few token benefits in return.  They’re just trying to delay the collapse but I think this is where it finally breaks down.  Too many people are involved and will react in their own individual ways at the unescapable disaster, which will expand the collapse.  This will continue down the line, making it finally happen.

It’s interesting that “US leadership” is on the list.  Will they remove Biden or is this about the US itself as the world leader?  We’ll only find out after the fact.

18 May, 2023

□ [“Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Introduces Articles of Impeachment Against Joe Biden”]

What took you so long?  We can support this but it seems like a distraction.  This week she filed impeachment for DC attorney Matthew Graves, FBI Director Christopher Wray, Attorney General Merrick Garland and DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.

Why stop there?  We need to get rid of everybody who works for Biden or his masters.  We need to get rid of those who are supporting the invasion at the southern border and those who required everybody to get injected with poison.  We need to eliminate those who are giving our national sovereignty to a self-proclaimed “new world order” and molest children so they’ll go along with made-up genders.

Is there a way to solve this problem without genocide?  Because at the moment, it looks like that’s what we need to do.  Anyone got a better option?

19 May, 2023

I self-identify as someone who doesn't accept made-up genders

□ [“University of Colorado:  Assume Everyone Is Trans – Greet New Acquaintances as 'They, Them, Theirs'"]

So the people in charge will tell you what genders to use about other people.  They make the decisions, you don't.  They tell you what to say, you obey.  It's like they're all little girls and we're their dolls, doing whatever they make us do.  And it's all to benefit people insane enough to believe they aren't male or female, the genders we're ordered to *not* recognize.

There's no resistance, there's just automatically demanding control and giving commands.  It's this sort of thing that makes 'demon possession' such a believable argument because what other reason would they have for automatically going straight for this?  It does line up with leftism, that no matter how stupid or insane an idea is, they'll devote all time and energy to it, regardless of the cost.

All this for a vast minority that they imagine exists.  I don't get why anyone's going along with this, you can't possibly believe they'll stop here.  They make up a virus and pretend a poison will save you from it, they make up genders and world rulers, it's not over by a long-shot.  The war has barely begun.

19 May, 2023

□ [“Illegal Alien Released by Biden Regime Charged with Brutally Raping Alabama Teen Girl"]

Was she hot?  I mean, it's not like we're going to do anything about it and it's not like we're going to protect Americans.  Could have just checked his criminal records in Honduras, but that would only show that they didn't want him in their country, so naturally we want him here.

There's a reason Muslim countries don't allow women to go outside without a man to protect them.  The other genders have to take their chances, but men should protect women from attackers.  Yet our rulers oppose that standard.  They'll take in as many rapists as they can get, and teen girls just have to shut up and take it.

And feminists completely support this, they want more of it.  That's why so many of the invaders are single military-age men.  American women are tired of all the wussies in their lives, they want some big strong manly men around who take what they want.

19 May, 2023

□ [“California Officials Launch Four Separate Investigations After 30-Ton Shipment of Explosive Chemicals Goes Missing"]

It's like putting arms and equipment in Ukraine, we've just got to give the invaders more stuff to steal and use against us.  This material was placed in a train car that was sealed on April 12, and when it arrived at its destination, the seals were intact but the material had magically vanished.  How long does it take to convert its contents into explosive weapons to use against us?

Oh, but California says it just somehow fell out of the car on the trip and no one noticed.  Everybody involved is blaming others for whatever went wrong and the government thinks four separate investigations will solve the matter.  They already know how to wreck trains that are carrying chemicals, they'll just use this as another excuse to seize power over transportation, because they didn't have enough yet.

It doesn't take four investigations to search the tracks the train used to see if stuff fell out.  Also I'm pretty sure trains have cameras pointed in all directions, particularly when transporting dangerous substances, so you could just check that.  Obviously this is a cover up, now the question is who stole the chemical and what will they do with it?  It's been over a month, how long does it take to manufacture a bomb from this stuff?

19 May, 2023

□ [“Ford’s LGBTQ-Themed Truck Ad Featuring 'Very Gay' Raptor Resurfaces Online"]

This is an ad from 2022 in England.  We do know that companies and celebrities do different ads in different countries and they don't mention this to their fans in the US.  So Ford doing this isn't surprising, nor even that we didn't hear about it until now.  But why is this coming out now, along with Miller Lite and other ads?

Maybe people are just checking ads from these companies over the last several years, but you'd think those would all be coming out basically at once instead of one or two every week or so.  Like everything else, this suggests there's a conspiracy behind this without giving us any clue about who or why.

Maybe it's about damaging these big companies, but that doesn't tell us who's behind this either.  Doing that would make it more believable to leak a few at a time, so we can see each of them and keep track of who to ban, as well as making the companies afraid of what might happen.  It could be a resistance movement or it could be the government showing that it's in control.

My vote would be to just put it all out now.  We know whose side these companies are on, particularly those in charge.  I don't see any benefit in letting things slowly get worse when we all know the collapse is almost here.

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