Tuesday, May 23, 2023


20 May, 2023

I can't feel it coming in the air tonight. What's wrong?

□ [“‘Bakhmut Has Fallen!’ – Russian Forces on the Brink of Capturing Strategic Donbas City – Ukrainians Control Half a Square Mile – Last Stronghold Under Heavy Attack"]

They must be getting ready for the "spring offensive," only a month left before they have to change the name to "summer offensive."  But as Zelensky said, Bakhmut is “the fortress of our morale” so it's not a big deal if Russia wins a victory once in a blue moon.  It's not like they've had any other victories in the last 15 months, according to their western supporters.  Russia's army is gone, their air force is useless, they've never won anything.  Ukraine's probably got another dozen fortresses of morale set up.

What is odd is that Zelensky isn't even in the country these days.  He's been using fossil fuels to kill the earth by travelling all around it.  Does he know something about Ukrainian defense that the media isn't telling the rest of us?  You know, like they do about the "spring offensive" and last year's "fall offensive" and all the losses Russia has suffered?

I keep pointing this out but at no point for the last year have any Ukraine supporters ever wondered if something is going wrong on their side.  Just doing that helps encourage other people to take the opposite side, and considering most of the world started with no interest whatsoever in the Russia/Ukraine thing, that's not a good plan.  Yet they've stuck with it no matter how many deaths there are on their side.

I'm still ambivalent if Russia is actually fighting the "new world order" or if they just want to be in charge of it.  Either way it would be believable.  Are they doing this as pro-Russians or are they just serving China?  Still believable either way.  Yet the people on one side never question any of this.

20 May, 2023

□ [“Biden Keeps Kamala Harris Far Away from Debt Ceiling Negotiations; Veep Attends WNBA Game, Spending Weekend in Los Angeles With 'No Public Events Scheduled'"]

Things like this make me wonder if Biden actually has retained at least a sliver of ability to make decisions.  What other reason would there be for showing off how worthless she is to any actual problems being faced?  You'd think they'd at least make her look like she's contributing something, showing how someone who self-identifies as female can be qualified to be POTUS, but she isn't.

I guess it's theoretically possible that this is the point.  Everybody among the leadership could be so brainwashed that they believe she'll be wonderful at the job, so everyone goes go out of their way to avoid demonstrating that to the whole world.  I can't actually believe that but it's the only other explanation I can think of, beyond Biden having the intelligence to make a decision that others listen to.  This is where we're at, thanks to them.

I also think the delay is deliberate.  Either they expect Republicans to cave in or they want the crash to happen.  This is how bullying and gaslighting works, making people go along with you and then blame them for the failure.  The only way to get out of this is to refuse to take part.  We know the collapse will happen any day, we need to prepare for it and work with our allies, leave the rest to get what they voted for.

20 May, 2023

□ [“Georgia Couple Arrested After 10-Year-Old Abused Child Weighing 37 Pounds Escapes Home Looking for Food"]

This one just bothers me.  I'm fine with executing any parents who abuse their children like this, but I can't think of a good way to make that happen.  The only options I see would basically be government-imposition, or at least local tribes.  Short of having people in each neighborhood gang up to check every house and make sure no one's imprisoned any starving children, I don't see any solution.

Most people would never think of such a thing so part of it would fix itself.  If you've got three well-fed kids standing next to you, there probably isn't a fourth chained up in your basement.  But we might need to check anyway.  However the inspections are done, that would be a good time to start counting gender, skin color, sexual preference and political views, just to work out patterns on those who *are* caught doing this.

Maybe this sort of thing has always happened, unfortunate but if it's the truth, then it's the truth.  It's easy to blame leftism or whatever and it would be helpful to find that as the cause, but regardless, something needs to be done.  It's really looking like we're at a point where the bad people need to be completely exterminated, but anybody who thinks they know how that will work basically defines themselves as not being capable of making that decision.

20 May, 2023

□ [“Liberal Celebrity Chef Gets Exemption From Gas Stove Ban in California City"]

That's how dangerous burning fossil fuels are to the earth.  That's how devote liberals are to their own laws.  That's how you know who the elite are, that they can ignore all of it because they say so.  Are there any other laws he gets to ignore because he feels like it or should we just assume he can ignore all of them?  He works for rich people so the ones in charge know who the exceptions are.

He should at least be required to make a public statement to the public, who can't afford to visit his restaurant, about how he gets the privileges they are denied.  That would show how much he really gets for killing the earth with fossil fuels.  Not just the money and celebrity but the genuine pleasure he has for being superior to the rest of us.

It's also noted that the building plans were approved in 2019, years before the law was passed.  This shows the extent of government control, with the primary goal to be preventing anyone from doing anything.  Four years and they haven't even started building a single building yet.  One building for rich people to show off at, just imagine how long it would take for them to build something for poor people.

21 May, 2023

Let's you and him drink Rococo Coffee!

□ [“Nation’s Largest LGBTQ Org Suspends Anheuser-Busch’s Perfect Corporate Equality Index Score Over Dylan Mulvaney Fiasco"]

They're willing to dump their long-established customers to get these new people and then the new people ditch them at a moment's notice.  That's why they're in charge, who else would be stupid enough to do that?  Ok, we probably all did something that stupid when we were in puberty, but it was a lot cheaper then.

The Human Rights Commission - who ran against Trump for POTUS in 2016 - will cut down the company's CEI score if they don't comply.  This is a ridiculous threat, there's nothing to comply with.  They were already doing what HRC demanded so there's no reason their score should go down, but now the trans movement demands more so that's all it takes.  What you did yesterday gets ignored, they'll take whatever they want for any reason they make up today.

So is the point of this to cut down some giant corporations and set an example to anyone else that they'd better obey or else?  Is Budweiser setting themselves up as a sacrifice to show the world what these creatures are willing to do to anyone that crosses their path?  Is it just destroying a stereotypical right wing product?  Preparation for the upcoming economic collapse?  No way to know.

21 May, 2023

□ [“Biden Attempts to Paint Losing Bakhmut, Ukraine as a Loss for Russia at G7 Meetings"]

Napoleon and Hitler pointed to a lot of losses Russia had.  How did that work out for them?  Biden is just saying whatever he's told to say but no one anywhere among Ukraine supporters seems to have the slightest clue of how military operations work, where one of the first things to do is see what you might be wrong about.  Biden already said the Russia/Ukraine thing would be some minor event, just as he said the Taliban had no chance of taking over Afghanistan, just like he said that taking the vaccine would keep you from getting the virus.  That's who Ukraine supporters side with.

You can't get peace when one side is refusing to acknowledge reality, so that's the war Ukraine supporters want.  None of them ask why Zelensky said Bakhmut was important two months ago, trapped his soldiers there and let them die, but now says it didn't matter.  They're certainly not going to ask why they've been told for the last 15 months how Russia was always defeated every step of the way.  But then, they're also not getting off the internet and going to Ukraine to fight for it, since they claim this war is such a big deal.

Next month, 81 nations will get together in St. Petersburg to base currency on gold, which Russia and China produce a large amount of.  The Ukraine supporters are all on the side that backs digital currency, the same way they back transgenders and global warming.  This shows us how their side gets united, because some probably do publicly claim to oppose some of that other stuff, but it never gets in the way of their Ukraine support.  They may not know what they're doing, but the other side does.

As an example, take St. Petersburg itself.  Founded by Peter the Great in 1703 and named after Saint Peter, the names was changed in 1914 because "burg" was a German word and they were at war with Germany.  So they called it Petrograd.  Then they renamed it a decade later after Lenin when he died.  For close to 70 years, it was only "Leningrad" until the regime collapsed and the city voted to go back to the true name.

I think of that often when I see our rulers renaming whatever they can these days.  That's what these people have always been after, thinking they can reshape everything to be the way they want forever.  They do that with place names, they do that with digital currency and they think they can do that with Russia, no matter the cost.  And they never ever consider that they're driving people away.  BRICS will probably have a lot more members after next month's meeting and the war will spread even further.

21 May, 2023

□ [“NAACP Warns African Americans to Avoid Florida Due to Perceived 'Hostility to Black Americans, People of Color, and LGBTQ Individuals'"]

Florida should put up a sign saying "No blacks allowed."  NAACP would totally agree with that.  They're the ones who insist on no blacks being allowed in Florida and they know who's stupid enough to fall for that.  No blacks at spring break, no blacks at Disneyland, none whatsoever.  They could kick out all the blacks that are already there.

Do they really think blacks are going to care about gays?  Or whatever the made-up genders are?  There's been this odd transgender nonsense about how they're just like blacks, even though it's always been very specific that you cannot self-identify as black.  You're born that way, that's what you are.  And of course a lot of white liberals get paid very well to pretend their black and keep dark-skinned people from taking their race-based jobs.

It does seem to be based on the idea that you can make-up whatever you are and I think they expect to include skin color.  Maybe with tattoos, skin die or just slaughtering all the whites, but I think something along those lines is the goal.  Blacks will be expected to obey, just as they are now.

21 May, 2023

□ [“NYC ‘Crackdown’ on Shoplifting Makes It Easier to Be a First-Time Offender, Thieves Will Have Kiosks In-Store"]

When are we going to find a replacement for police?  Good or bad, they have to obey the masters and the masters support criminals, which defeats the whole purpose of a police force.  So when are we going to start working that out?

Local organizations make sense.  If police are permitted to exist, they'd probably appreciate the help.  Keeping order wouldn't be a problem, the problems come with courts and prisons, as well as how easy they are to just not use.  It's one of those things that sounds nice but would you really want that aimed at you?

I really don't see an option there other than what we have now and that clearly doesn't work.  But the rulers are using this to break down business and torment their subjects so we need to figure something out, fast.  Civil War 2.0 might just break us all up permanently.

22 May, 2023

If I knew then what I know now, I would have known nothing then.

The left is still insisting that Bakhmut was completely worthless and Russia gets nothing from taking it.  Yet I can't find a single one who answer why the soldiers of the 45th Brigade had to suffer 70+% casualties failing to defend it.

Or the 43rd Brigade.  Or the 26th Brigade.  The 28th Brigade, 62nd Brigade, 63rd Brigade, 53rd Brigade, 60th Brigade, 24th Brigade, 57th Brigade, 30th Brigade, Advance Rubizh Brigade, Advance Azov Brigade, Advance Uragan Brigade, Advance Spartan Brigade, 109th Brigade, 116th Brigade, 119th Brigade, 241st Brigade, 93rd Brigade, 77th Brigade, 46th Brigade, 4th Brigade, 17th Brigade or the 61st Brigade of Jaegers.

Or the Special Forces and Spetsnaz Regiments, the 5th Assault Regiment and the 8th Regiment of Special Forces.  Or the Kraken Battalions, 122nd Battalion, 68th Battalion, 214th OPFOR Battalion, 49th Rifle Battalion, 15th Mountain Assault Battalion, Omega and the Border Guard Donetsk.  Or the 8th Regiment of the UDAR UAVs, the Shershenm Adam, Karlsen, Terra, Skala, Madyar, Khartia, Kep, Seneka.  Or the WASP Legions, the Dudaev Battalion, Georgian Legion, Mansur Battalion, Shamil Battalion, Gonor or the Normandy Legion.

That's a lot of people you're sentencing to death to protect something that's so unimportant.  We knew two months ago that there was no retreat which is just a bad way to handle things.  Any military experience is a lesson that things always go wrong so why would you deny your soldiers a path to retreat?

22 May, 2023

□ [“Dozens of Senators Are Being Issued Taxpayer-Funded Satellite Phones in Preparation for a 'Disruptive Event'"]

Did this happen during any previous government shutdowns?  I'm pretty sure it didn't.  They're not preparing for the shutdown, they're preparing for the collapse of the economy.  It is odd that they aren't giving one to every Senator, but then, it's not like satellites can't be targeted in WWIII.  It just gives the impression that they'll protect themselves, everyone else is screwed.

It happened in Afghanistan, it happened in Sudan, it'll happen in Ukraine before too long, our rulers will ditch Americans as soon as possible but they'll protect their own assets.  It probably helps China too, they do produce most of the world's cell phones.  And satellites.

They're going to keep communication, that means they'll have electricity.  If they have electricity, that will keep a number of home and work equipment.  Not sure about internet.  What are the peasants going to have and what will we be able to work with?  For that matter, what about their servants?  They probably wouldn't be there if they weren't pro-feudalism but many of them wouldn't like being in this situation where they can lose everything.

Note:  I did find elsewhere that the phones were offered to all the senators but only 50 accepted.  Who knows if that's true?

22 May, 2023

□ [“'Of Course No One Will Blame Me!' – Biden Raves on Debt Ceiling Talks and Looming Default"]

Is he senile?  Is he an idiot?  Is he lying?  Yes, he can be more than one of those but I suspect it's just the orders he's been given.  He's spent all these decades eager to be seen with all the people in all the meetings, to at least look like he's doing something no matter what.  But now he's just going to veto anything he doesn't like.  He expects obedience.

The media won't blame him and he might not be aware that anything else exists, but that's not the same thing.  Whoever's handling his teleprompter isn't helping.  Just a guess but I'd say the shutdown is guaranteed unless Republicans collapse, which is a strong possibility.  The Senate won't deal with the House and Biden will be told to veto anything anyway.

This might be part of the plan.  The UN, World Health Organization (WHO), Bill and Melinda Gates Society, and World Trade Organization are meeting this week to set up documents for the "new world order."  These won't require our vote, but they will set the rulers up for control over everything.  They'll come out in January and our masters will all vote for them by June 2024.

So they need chaos everywhere, as much as possible.  Shutting down the American government will be a lot of help to make that happen.  Anybody have a clue how to prove me wrong on this?

22 May, 2023

□ [“Bud Light Buying Back Unsold, Expired Beer from Suffering Wholesalers"]

There's gotta be something in the government regulations that say a company can never admit to being wrong, not if they want to keep their ESG score or whatever it's called.  [I'm pretty sure that acronym is close to the actual term if not correct.  Depressing that I've actually learned what that thing is.]  Anybody else would admit to their customers that they screwed up big time, but not Bud Lite.

What's stopping them from telling their former customers that they screwed up big-time?  Nothing else is going to prevent the number of former customers from growing.  The only other alternative is that they genuinely want to keep reducing the number of customers they have, which is insane but it does seem to be what corporate leaders are into.

I'm fine with crushing Anheuser itself but that need to be just a starting point.  We really need to start wiping out any corporation that pulls this stunt or even considers it.  The fact that they've gone this long without even attempting an apology or just admitting that they won't apologize tells us which side they're on.  We are at war and they aren't with us, so that's all we need to know.

23 May, 2023

You wanna make something of it? Like what?

□ [“Ukrainians Attack Across the Border in Belgorod, Russian Territory"]

Were these troops going to be used for the "spring offensive" or did they just have nothing better to do?  It doesn't do anything about the Russian in Ukraine and if this account is true, there's barely a handful of vehicles and less than a battalion of troops.  What are they supposed to do, live off the land?  What's going to happen when they fail to take anything?

They could have done this a week ago.  Or a year ago since Russia has done nothing but lose for the last fifteen months.  Why now?  It's obviously for publicity, nothing else.  They have to keep deluding their supporters that something worthwhile is happening, but that really should be running low by now.  Two months ago, Zelensky said that if Bahkmut fell, he'd be pressured to give in.  Well, as of the last couple days, he has not admitted that Russia has taken the city and they have this pretend photo-op to distract the masses.

They don't even have the sense to realize that Russians have no reason to think Ukraine isn't part of Russia [other than 'it's not worth it.']  Look at a map of 1990, no Ukraine.  1960, no Ukraine.  1930, 1900, 1870, 1840, 1810, 1780...  You can disagree with Russia but dismissing opposing viewpoints is, well, something liberals do.  And they spent all these decades supporting Russia.

This is just a guess off the top of my head, but I'll assume Zelensky will be gone soon.  Maybe the timing was set up so he'll go away when the economy collapses next week.  He might not even return to Ukraine, I can't imagine anybody there wants to deal with him at the moment.  Nobody seems to mind that he hasn't been there for a while anyway.  It's not like he's not rich and hangs out with the "new world order" so assuming he's not assassinated, he'll be fine.  Ukraine will suffer, just another country that our rulers wanted broken down because they could get away with it.

Whether or not that might lead to peace, I dunno.  Russia and Ukraine haven't had peace at the best of times for the last few centuries so there's no reason that would stop now no matter what.  Maybe Ukraine will come to its senses and maybe Russia will help it out, but what are the odds of that?

23 May, 2023

□ [“Democrat Rep. Jayapal Says There Will be 'A Huge Backlash…in the Streets' if White House Caves to McCarthy and Agrees to Spending Cuts"]

And no leftist objects to the threats of violence.  They can do that any time they don't get everything they want.  Nope, dark skinned and from a rich leftist neighborhood, that's all you need for violence.

This is definitely deliberate.  There's no way both sides can agree and Biden will veto whatever he's told to, so there won't be any agreement unless Republicans completely cave in.  Which does seem likely, although the House has already passed their budget so it does limit Democrat response.  The Senate can refuse it and pass their own budget, which the House will refuse, or they can pass it and Biden vetoes it.

I'm sure there are ways of merging the two bills, I've deliberately avoided paying any attention to things like that over the years, but I do assume the result will defeat Republicans one way or another.  So there is that option too.

How much violence will there be?  No idea.  Prepare for the worst, but that's a given.  The big cities, probably, they all vote Democrat so they're always violent.  Smaller cities and the rest, we don't know.  One question mark is the armed leftist forces they've been putting together for several years, or the invaders they're bringing in now.  We don't know what they'll do or why.  Hopefully we'll have armed forces ready to stand against them but as far as I know, we still don't have those.

There's still a chance that this won't happen next week, that something will come along to prevent it.  No idea what but it's technically possible.  Still, if I had a vote on the matter, I'd say just get the collapse started.  We've all been waiting for it all this time, let's get it over with.

23 May, 2023

□ [“Target Execs Hold Emergency Meeting to Avoid a 'Bud Light Situation' After Hiring Trans Satanist to Design Satanic Kids Clothing"]

What is the point of an "emergency meeting"?  You chose to do this, you didn't care how many customers you lost from doing this, you're going to keep doing it and you're not going to make any public statement on the matter.  That is the 'Bud Lite situation,' just accept it.

This does say they're trying to reduce and hide the 'PRIDE' clothes, hoping to avoid the problem, and that does help.  Keeping it out of your customers' way is helping the customers, that's a plus.  Don't know if it will make any real difference but it's at least an attempt.  To be fair, it is Target so there's more you can buy and it's possible they're the best choice for any or all of what you need.  Bud Lite doesn't have that option.  If you pick another brand of alcohol, it might be made by the same company but if you don't buy alcohol, that's basically it.

It also stands out that they had publicly announced this "emergency meeting."  Bud Lite hasn't done that, as far as I know, but we know they have.  They've got to keep their moral going as much as possible, such meetings would be needed.  You see how it helps to at least make it clear that you really didn't want to go along with this in the first place and you're minimizing it as much as you can.  It's not much but it's something.

These companies are doing all this for a vast minority of people who are vastly insane.  If this isn't demon worship, what else could it be?  They deny the freedom to choose otherwise and all decisions come from government.  If that's not fascism, what else could it be?

23 May, 2023

□ [“FDA Now Recommends that Healthy People Aged 5 to 65 Should Get Only One Dose of the mRNA Bivalent COVID Vaccine, No More Additional Boosters Required"]

Maybe they improved the poison-vaccine enough so that you only need one dose.  It's not like anybody needed it before and nobody needed the boosters.  Some of the boosters are no longer permitted for humans and some of the vaccines are no longer permitted in the USA.  They're also probably pumping the poison into other drugs.

So what's the next virus going to do?  It'll be here before November 2024, we know that.  I'll guess that the administration will talk about how wonderful they were against Covid.  Any thinking person will see what a lie that is but we're in the minority so we might as well get used to that.  But still, the fact that they waited two and a half years to get around to what they promised on "day one" tells us what they're after.

So will the next virus be seriously dangerous?  That's quite plausible, China's probably gotten a lot of work done since the last one.  Our rulers are doing everything they can to make medical care untrustworthy so if people start getting sick for real, that will cause even more problems.  And it'll give them another excuse to push the poison-vaccine.  If the next virus isn't a big deal, no one will pay attention to it, just as we did with the last several "national emergencies" caused by viruses.  I look those up periodically and never remember them, I didn't even noticed while I was living through them.

Spring Offensive

202304 Light-but-Wiser


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