Saturday, May 27, 2023


24 May, 2023

If I had the words, I'd put a title here

□ [“Fists and Weaves Fly in Massive Brawl at Chicago O’Hare Airport"]

This is happening more often these days and as usual, blacks are the main participants.  For an oppressed minority, they sure have a lot of violent people.  But that's why Democrats have always been in charge of them.  We never hear of any causes or reasons for these fights to be happening, they just start and that's all.

Blacks are obviously the targets of the most leftist propaganda and, as Democrats, they know how blacks will respond, so is this deliberate or just a side-effect of whatever else is going on?  They might be worried about losing all their government money next week.  And none of them are standing up to call out 'knock this sh*t off!'

What would you expect, their leaders are against fathers, against families, against religion and individuality.  That's the way to ruin a generation and they've been at this for generations.  They're the poster child for leftist slaves.

24 May, 2023

□ [“White Supremacist' Who Crashed U-Haul into White House Barrier Bought His Nazi Flag Online, Supports Eugenics and One World Order, is NOT a US Citizen"]

I haven't paid much attention to this since it happened a few days ago.  The obvious guess was that it was a false-flag.  Just seeing his name, Sai Kandula, told he wasn't white.  Now maybe he's still a "white supremacist," they're a very diverse group, but it seemed unlikely.  So of course he follows the standard leftist rhetoric.  He was talking about killing Biden, that's probably an increasing desire.

So it might be a false-flag, or generic leftist insanity.  Don't know, don't care, but he told the court that his intent was to “get to the White House, seize power, and be put in charge of the nation.”  He would “kill the President if that’s what I have to do and would hurt anyone that would stand in my way.”  So as you might expect, the government is only charging him with one count of property depredation.  Maybe more "white supremacists" should be trying to do that.

Of course the media is ignoring this.  A "white supremacist" trying to kill Biden?  Not worth the attention.  They don't even show pix of him so anyone else who looks like that might be suspicious.  It's like they really don't want the public to be informed.

24 May, 2023

□ [“White House Says There Will be a Recession and Millions of Jobs Lost if Republicans Don’t Bend to Biden’s Demands on Debt Ceiling"]

We already have that and you still refuse to do anything about it.  This is just giving nonsensical orders to Congress and expecting them to obey, which they probably will.  I hope they won't.  More importantly, I hope enough people go on strike to just ruin their plans.  If we don't produce anything for them, they have nothing to loot.

I don't know what will happen whichever result we end up with.  If Republicans cave, it'll keep the rulers going a little while longer and that's all they can conceive of.  They'll always find more victims so they just focus on their current target.  That's why we need to go on strike, so they won't have any more except their own supporters.

If Republicans actually refuse to go along with the rulers, I think it'll be chaos.  Maybe not immediately on the street, but very soon.  We've put up with this for too long and their servants will immediately go for violence at the next opportunity.  I just want this over with.

24 May, 2023

The Force as a religion, could that be the source of the cult which made Star Wars so notable?  Could this be why Hollywood jumped on it?  That makes sense for a pseudo-religion but wouldn't there need to be something else?  At least scientology was formed by a self-absorbed pulp-writer, what would George Lucas have?  The only thing that comes to mind is that the first scenes were filmed in Tunisia.

Going far away to do a few scenes in a movie sounds strange, there are deserts closer than that.  Tunisia had just broken away from France 15 years earlier and were still on their first President, who would last another 15 years.  It was also the cite of Carthage, the ancient Roman enemy.  Could any cults have survived that destruction 2000+ years earlier?  I would assume cast and crew got to a bit of partying and sight-seeing when they weren't working.,

I also notice that Carthage was reportedly founded by Canaanites, the sons of Ham.  Or at least they shared the same language, which came from the other side of the Mediterranean.  I haven't really looked into this and am just writing it as a note-to-self, but Genesis does indicate a "curse of Ham" (or Canaan).  Is it possible that cult belief would have stemmed from whatever happened between Noah's son and grandson, and from there spread across the Mediterranean, and from there Carthage, then Rome, Europe, America and the Muslim world so that by the time Lucas and co. showed up, there was something to feed them which has spread to the rest of us from there?  Is being a "Jedi" still considered a religion?

24 May, 2023

□ [“Black Lives Matter Org Headed to Total Bankruptcy – Still Giving Seven Figure Salaries to Board Members and Co-Founder’s Family"]

This was obviously a sham.  The goal was to sucker as many blacks and leftists as possible, while helping themselves to as much government money as they could get.  They're probably also appointed to government positions, either to get paid for nothing or to impose their will on private companies and taxpayers.

They're losing tons of money but still keep paying the people in charge way more than they deserve.  Wouldn't surprise me if they funnel a lot of it to the Democrat party, gotta give the big guy 10%.  Weakness and corruption is all they have to offer, that's why they're surrounded by men with guns.

Are they trying to seize power or just grab everything they can?  Probably both but that doesn't mean they have the capability, so I'm more curious what actions they're taking and why.

25 May, 2023

We can just self-identify the government as not shut down or in debt.

□ [“WHO Chief Warns of Potential Deadlier Disease than COVID, Urges Global Preparedness"]

□ [“WHO Director Demands Sovereignty and Control Over All Member Nations Due to Global Warming Crisis"]

They always make up crises whose only solution is to give them more power, what a coincidence.  These are examples of the WHO insisting that they already rule us, no further pretense needed.  They're going straight to tyranny, no hesitation.  They must have been really pissed off when Trump got us out of the WHO and they want to make up for.

When is there going to be resistance and how will they do it?  I really can't imagine them just ordering thousand of troops be sent by some obedient nation around the world to crush citizens who disagree, so what other options are there?  To the extent they can form their own private military, that might be an option, but you'd think they need to be public about recruitment.

Could they have figured out how to make clones?  That's depressingly believable, especially if they can be programmed to mindless obedience.  Do we really want to find out that it was just a preview, "begun the Clone Wars have!"  I'm sure there will be resistance around the world but then, I'm genuinely surprised there isn't resistance already.

25 May, 2023

□ [“In Huge Blow to Biden, Supreme Court Unanimously Rules Against EPA in Wetlands Dispute"]

It's just another excuse to ignore the law and the courts.  It's about pretending to care about the planet and defining it however you want.  Everybody is forced to obey, that's the main point.  In this case, the EPA decided that it defined "waters of the U.S." regardless of what the law actually said.

This loss is just on paper, they'll keep doing this.  They can go 10 different ways at the same time and don't really care if one attempt fails.  It can be used for propaganda so it might even be a bonus to fail once in a while.  They're even using this as an excuse to attack the Supreme Court, like they didn't have enough excuses already.

It's also an excuse to seize private land by saying it contains whatever their current definitions are.  It's already announced that private property will be taken away by our rulers.  No idea how long they expect it to take but that's part of the 2030 plans.

25 May, 2023

It's been several days and Zelensky still hasn't bothered to return to the country he's theoretically in charge of.  His website has articles of him meeting with European leaders today.  There must be some reason he can't be bothered to go home.  His people would be so happy to see him.  But he's got a lot of reasons to smile.

□ [“Moscow’s ‘pyrrhic victory’ in Bakhmut prompts unrest in the Russian military, but it’s all smiles for Zelensky"]

All those soldiers who died because he sent them to a strategically-useless location and were prevented from retreating, no wonder he's smiling.  How many deaths will it take before he finds any reason to not smile?  Only one way to find out.

Will Kiev be the next target?  They'll go there sooner or later.  There may be a repeat of the 1941 Battle of Kiev where Russians didn't retreat and, well, that didn't work out well for them.  Notice that no articles are citing Ukraine as being defeated as the Nazis took Kiev, only Russians.  Tells you which side they're on.

Like Germany, France also didn't do a lot of retreating when they invaded Russia.  The Russians retreated, which turned out to be a good decision which led to their victory.  I'm still trying to find any Ukraine supporter who has any awareness that retreat is very valid option when it comes to keeping your soldiers alive.  I can't find a single one who says it could have been done or that it's a bad idea to put them in a situation where they can't retreat even if they want to.  It's like they want to ignore reality, just like the smiling Zelensky and never consider the possibility that Russia knows something about retreats.

So far the only media reports I've found have been all about how wonderful Ukraine is doing and how horrible Russia is always losing.  Nothing whatsoever to say about the Ukrainians who died failing to protect Bakhmut.  But then, I can't think of any real mention that's been made of that for the last year+.

25 May, 2023

□ [“Democrats to Biden:  Get ‘off the bench’ in the debt limit fight"]

Dude, do you know what a federal holiday is?  There's one of those this weekend!  He's really not going to do anything before a long weekend and you can't make him.  Whatcha gonna do, speak out against an old, rich, white man?  He's got fossil fuels to burn to get back to Delaware and you'd better not get in his way.

“Please tell me that’s not true,” said the lawmaker, who was granted anonymity for fear of angering the White House. “You’re going to see a caucus that’s so pissed if he’s stupid enough to do that.”

He's already announced he's going to do that.  And he's Joe Biden, so that's all you need to know.  Now it's your job to obey him until he gets around to making a law for you to pass.  He'll get around to it when he gets around to it.  It's like leaving Americans in Sudan or Afghanistan, he doesn't care.  Not his problem.  Fix it yourself.

So there's a week left until the official date of the collapse.  Assuming this isn't just a show and they've already made the agreements that Republicans will cave in.  Four of those days are a holiday weekend, and today's essentially over, at least for upper-class people with jobs.  They can spend that weekend getting campaign funds.

26 May, 2023

I don't have much to say today. Get used to it.

□ [“Janet Yellen Gives New June 5 Deadline on Debt Ceiling to Cover Biden for Holiday Weekend Vacation"]

You could have done that last week.  Or last month.  Nothing was preventing you from announcing that the June 1 deadline wasn't real, or stopping you from making up some other deadline when everything will collapse if you don't get everything you want.  Sounds like she's just lazy, although obviously it's just a tactic to push things back a few days.

It'll probably work.  If there's no deal ten days from now, she'll just come out and say the deadline is pushed back again.  In the meantime, we'll just keep suffering through our lives.  At least our rulers get a long weekend with a paid holiday.

 And what a weekend!  This holiday is about men who didn't die for *this*!  What is it going to take for everybody to remember that?  Why are we just letting the tyranny have its way with all of us?  There's definitely enough people out there who see the real problem, why are they not united and fighting back?

26 May, 2023

□ [“Target Works w/ GLSEN, Education Group to Promote Gender Transition Without Parental Consent”]

□ [“Los Angeles Dodgers Pander to Christians After Inviting Anti-Catholic Trans Nuns to Pride Night”]

What is the conspiracy that's making all these companies do this?  None of them realize this is a bad idea and refuse to do this, they don't even admit that it was a bad idea and the government is forcing them to do this.  Just flat-out say that if they don't obey, the latest government rules will make them shut down for good.  You can argue why they don't just shut down their business in the first place but at least that's understandable.

This is how fascism works, the only thing that distinguishes it from communism.  The government doesn't own the businesses, they just make all the decisions and the businesses have to obey or go out of business.  That's not counting the cult required to impose fictional genders on the world.  Nor is it counting the child abuse, mutilation and earth-worship.

This is why we need to go on strike, just to avoid contributing anything to these businesses run by leftists and controlled by the government.  That really is where we can start producing for people on our side and no one else.  That's the only option, like it or not.

26 May, 2023

□ [“Missouri v. Biden Lawsuit Discovery:  Biden Regime Designates Your Thoughts as Part of Government Infrastructure – They Control Your 'Cognitive Infrastructure'"]

Slavery, fascism, they own your thoughts.  They can tell you what to think.  As always, it's another example of something leftists have claimed to oppose for decades that they eagerly do the first chance they get.  They also want to ban any thoughts they don't like.

Freedom, privacy, they want nothing of the sort.  The scary part is that would explain why they have so many people who support them without question, that this program is already in operation, at least in beta.  It would also explain the uniparty, they don't need orders and manipulation, they just vote as they're told and the rest is a sham put on for the peasants.  That sounds unrealistic but...

Who's supposed to be in charge of this?  If it's an elected official, what would keep them from controlling how people vote?  And if it's not an elected official, then there's your dictator.  Just the fact that nobody's challenging this in any major way is disturbing.  If there really are demons which these cults are worshipping, then they'd be going straight for this position.

27 May, 2023

I was going to Toschi Station to pick up some drugs and whores!

□ [“RFK Jr. Calls on Biden to Honor His 1992 Vote and Release the JFK Assassination Documents"]

Biden isn't going to respond to this.  Biden's people aren't going to respond to this.  They definitely aren't going to follow a law.  He used the virus as an excuse to prevent the release in 2021 so what's the incentive now?  Might as well say he should follow a law he voted for thirty years ago, the guy doesn't know what he did yesterday.

It's not like moving the US embassy to Jerusalem which he also voted into law and then was ignored for decades.  Setting up an embassy is a big deal, especially in Jerusalem.  Trump actually followed the law which everybody else ignored.  I've been genuinely surprised that the embassy hasn't been moved in the last few years.  Could this be an explanation for the increase in Jew-hatred we see now?  *Some* people previously ruled Jerusalem and don't like the notion of others being in charge and those people vote Democrat.

But nothing is going to be done about it.  The spy groups don't want the public to know what they do and those who support our rulers will never question that.  JFK was a rich white man who abused women, he deserved to die anyway.  None of them will speak out or even notice what any of this is about.

27 May, 2023

□ [“Italian Police Deliver Beatdown to Transgender After He Attacked Them and Allegedly Exposed Himself to Children"]

These creatures seem to be the ground troops for our tyrants.  They're probably quite expendable so that helps too.  They're also insane so they'll attack anybody for any reason, might as well just send them to people who oppose our rulers.  This seems to be happening quite a lot these days, part of the increased insanity.  And Pride Month!

There's also a few more articles I've seen, bomb threats against Target stores in Utah to oppose them not being as pro-trans as the rulers command, as well as parents successfully opposing these pretend-genders getting to compete in female sports at school.  This is probably convenient for our masters, the *real* terrorists are winning against the oppressed transgenders so more rights and freedoms need to be taken away from everybody.

Then again, this may be a reaction to Muslim support of Democrats, pushing the infidel into complete insanity and thereby showing the value of belief in God.  I'm not convinced that's the plan but it's certainly possible.  It might not even be intentional, just a natural result of submission to God's will, a tale as old as time.

27 May, 2023

□ [“'I Don’t Bow to Anybody!' – Biden After Reporter Needles Him on Democrat Criticism of His Willingness to Cave to McCarthy on Work Requirements"]

Unless you're told to.  Biden said this yesterday and added that a deal would be reached by midnight.  “With regard to debt limit things are looking good. Very optimistic. I hope we’ll have some clear evidence tonight before the clock strikes 12 that we have a deal. Very close.”

So how did that work out?  Don't see any reports on this deal, no evidence, nothing.  Is anybody going to ask what Biden was talking about or if he even had a clue what he was saying?  Probably not, Biden's on vacation, he can't be bothered.  That's how important it is.  Nobody will even ask any of his spokesmen about this, that's really shows importance.

Even though I still assume Republicans will cave, this has to be embarrassing Democrats.  He's not doing anything to publicly support them and at least the House has passed a budget as required.  Like it or not, they've done their part a month ago, now it's up to the Senate and the guy who pretends to be POTUS.  At least, *if* they're trying to prevent the collapse on whatever their latest date is.

So either Republicans will cave in or Democrats actively want the collapse to happen.  It's technically possible that Democrats will cave in, but it's also possible that they don't want the collapse to happen.  Both seem unlikely.

27 May, 2023

□ [“Kamala Harris Delivers West Point Commencement Address, Warns Cadets The 'Climate Crisis' is the 'Biggest Challenges the Military Will Face'"]

They're trying to destroy the US military.  Maybe they already have, that's not even counting the poison-vaccine, but West Point is where the leaders are supposed to come from.  Nobody who takes this seriously will be a competent leader and everyone else was denied.  No one is permitted to challenge them, even the military force they claim to depend on for defense.

What is the Ukraine military doing about the "climate crisis"?  It's possible that a few of the leaders might mention it in speeches, but otherwise its obvious that they aren't remotely thinking about destroying the earth with their fossil-fueled vehicles brought in by the US and Europe.  Because that's how the military handles a crisis.

There must be precedents of the military having to follow orders of insane people, which you'd think would be part of officer training.  Of course there's also examples of officers being purged if they said the wrong thing, which is safe to say how our rulers operate, so I definitely don't know what they'll do about it.  Well, they could overthrow the tyrants but I don't get a vote on that.

I may have enlisted in the "kinder, gentler army" but at least we knew how to kill the enemy.  These people...  I'm surprised Harris didn't say "white supremacy" was the greatest threat.

27 May, 2023

□ [“Migrants Allowed to Enroll in Chicago Schools Without Health Records After Years of Draconian Covid Rules"]

What happened to people being required to stay home if they aren't vaccinated?  What happened to the unvaccinated being denied health care and anything else that their superiors get to do?  What happened to the crisis not being over until *EVERYONE* is vaccinated since a lot of us still aren't?

And now these unvaccinated are allowed to be around your children and there's nothing you can do about it.  Kind of a weird change of priorities.  It's not like they have to follow the rules, they already broke those just by being here and the rulers completely support that.

The goal is to destroy America but do they consciously know that or do they think this somehow makes it better?  The leaders obviously know what they're doing but how many of their supporters do?  They may think it's about defeating "white supremacy" or increasing government spending or just getting Democratic votes, something like that.

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