Wednesday, May 31, 2023


28 May, 2023

Happy pri DEMON th

□ [“Lindsey Graham Travels to Kiev to Promise Whatever the GOP Candidates Say the Uniparty Congress Will Keep Feeding Ukraine Weapons"]

Demonstrating how the Uniparty works, some of them are just pretending to disagree with the others for whatever reason.  You can basically tell who's in the uniparty by how much they're eager to waste on Ukraine which, almost a year and a half later, still isn't our problem in the first place.  Just the sheer inability to see any reason people aren't interested in getting involved shows what these people are, not to mention how eager they are to side with Joe Biden, transgenders and people who use fossil fuel to travel the world and say we must be denied fossil fuel.  Ukraine über alles!

They're not even trying to give all their own money away to defeat Russia, they insist on taking ours.  Poor people just have to suffer because of something going on halfway around the world, that's how much Ukraine supporters care.  It's not like they're in any danger of losing elections in the future.

Naturally this happened right after Republicans caved in on the debt limit and right before Memorial Day.  They don't want anyone remembering what those men died for, they've got their own causes for us to die for and we don't get a say in the matter.  That's what they're fighting for.

28 May, 2023

□ [“McCarthy and Biden Reach 'Agreement in Principle' on Debt Ceiling"]

That was quick.  Could have caved in a month or two ago, but I guess they would have gotten fewer campaign donations if they did that.  They still need to give Democrats time to write the bill, then they'll vote for it without bothering to read it.

I still haven't looked at it except for a few details.  All the new IRS hires keep their jobs, wonder where they'll get the money for that.  Technically there's no new taxes, so we're told, but it's not like the government can't find other ways to take our money and use it however they want.  They'll keep spending as much as they want, it doesn't come out of their pockets.  Even the few good parts we're told about, we have no way to know if they're real or if the government has to bother following them.  What's the worst that could happen?  Now double that and maybe we'll be getting close to the real results.

I've always been a big supporter of the two-party system.  I just think it works as a moral compass, pick whichever side you believe in, or at least the one you hate the least.  But we're at the point where neither side works for us.  It's impossible to form a competent third party but it's also impossible to take over one of the existing ones.  The uniparty already rules both and they'll just keep expanding their power, which this bill will totally help.

It is possible some Republicans will resist this but we need some evidence that it's not just putting on a show and then they'll give in.

28 May, 2023

□ [“Tech Sector Layoffs Are Hitting People Hired to Fight ‘Misinformation’ and ‘Hate Speech’"]

This makes for an obvious 'learn to code' joke, but it is a bit odd.  Bud Lite and the other companies have hire people for these jobs, how come the tech sector is the one going straight to firing them?  Yes, we know they shouldn't have been hired in the first place, but were the techs fighting to hold on to them for a long period of time before it came to this?  Did a lot of other people get fired first?

It may be the fact that these people's jobs were to censor us on the internet, but then that leads me to wonder if they can just be replaced by A.I.  The computer can scan what people say just as quickly and probably just as well, it can prevent people from posting the same way, and it doesn't demand worker benefits, so what reason would the company have to keep human beings around?  Pets?  Sex?

So what are these people going to do for jobs?  Do they have any other skills besides sitting around and censoring others?  As you might expect, liberals are outraged by this in ways that they never are when working class people lose their jobs.  You'd think they could at least demonstrate how great the economy is.

28 May, 2023

□ [“Russia Claims They Collected Evidence of Avian Flu Pathogens with Lethality Rate up to 40% in Humans at US Biolab in Ukraine"]

Could just pump some people with that and send them across the southern border, what would our rulers do about that?  We've already had the uniparty insisting that there's nothing of the sort and the media censoring any mention of these biolabs.  The Pentagon finally admitted that we have 46 biolabs in Ukraine alone and Russia has reported all this to the United Nations.

Funny (not *ha-ha* funny) how all the people on one side are adamant that the US government would never ever lie about something, nor would the military, never mind all the previous decades of insisting that they lie about this sort of thing all the time.  Then there's all their supporters who really really want population reduction and here's a way to make that happen.

There's the people who lie about a virus, they lie about a vaccine for the virus, they try to shut the country down to force everyone to take the vaccine and they want fewer people to be alive, then there's Russia.  Who's more believable?  This is one of those things where Russia might be telling the complete truth precisely because our rulers will insist they're lying, just to get more people killed.  It's also possible that Russia just took the biolab and knew how to turn its contents into weapons.  Or they just made the bioweapon by themselves and blame us.  None of that answers the question of what our rulers are going to do about that, but then, no one's ever going to ask that question.

28 May, 2023

□ [“Universal Studios to Host All-Ages ‘Pride Night’ Featuring Drag Shows, Photo Ops With Children’s Characters"]

There's a few articles about minor victories against this fictional-gender insanity, but then there's more like this.  Big companies with a couple years of experience with media and promotion, going all-in on this nonsense.  Doesn't matter how much its hurt every other company that's tried it, they're part of the oligarchs and they know best.

Maybe this is where the strike will get started, seeing as how the consumer needs to drop more and more companies because of this nonsense.  They'll start talking to friends and colleagues and start working out how to produce more needed goods without having to deal with the government or pretend-genders.  Maybe I'm just being overly optimistic but doesn't that sound nice?

It's pretty clear that this is where the front-line battle is taking place.  Yeah, it's going on everywhere else too, but this imposition of imaginary-genders is such a priority for our tyrants that it has to be either the main goal or a trick to hide the main goal.  Either way, we need to fight back as much as possible.

29 May, 2023

They died so we could have this

□ [“'What is She Doing Here?' Dianne Feinstein Confused Over Kamala Harris Presiding Over Senate"]

I know, right?  She has no talent beyond being a mistress for powerful married men, she can't speak, she can't think, what the hell is she doing in the Senate?  At least Dianne is publicly willing to ask what these sissies are too afraid to do.  Good job, Senator Feinstein!

But then, it is possible that she really doesn't remember what's been going on the last several years and she only recognizes Harris from those days back in San Francisco.  You know, when Harris was the mayor's mistress, not long after Feinstein had that same job.  Um, I mean "mayor," that's the, the job I'm referring to, not the, you know, the other thing.  But that may be why Dianne is asking "what is she doing here?"  Sluts like that shouldn't be in decent places.

Meanwhile, in the Senate, it's also possible that Dianne really has no clue who she's looking at.  She may just be pointing out to everyone and asking 'who's that?'  'Who's that?'  'What do they do?'  It's not like she's there to know anything, her only job is to sign documents until she dies and she has to be there in person to do it.  It's also not like they're going to put her on live tv to show that she can hold her own intellectually with Joe Biden.

What is she doing here?  But then again, what am I doing here?  What are any of us doing here?  I think it was Jean-Paul Sartre who once said "how do you spell 'Sartre'?"  He was not mentally well.

29 May, 2023

□ [“Albanian Kosovo Police Invades Serbian-Controlled Municipalities to Depose Elected Mayors – Serbian Citizens React Violently – NATO Peacekeepers Clash With Protesters"]

You know, we don't have enough conflict these days, everybody's too nice!  Maybe the Balkans can give us something interesting, we haven't heard much from them lately.  We're already having problems with Turkey deciding after 70 years that NATO isn't going the right way, this might help.

To the extent that the Balkans aren't all that historical - I'm not saying that, I'm just making a point - they've long been attached to all the major historical examples.  Greece, Rome, Turkey, Russia, Austria, for instance, and their respective allies.

Something like this is showing how very close we are to WWIII being open.  Every part of the world is in the same sort of mess thanks to our tyrants and they're just pushing it more and more.  It's their insanity and their cult-worship that's the real problem but now that things are breaking down everywhere, it will take very little for the fight to become kinetic.  Thanks to Serbia, this has happened before, and at least back then there were people trying to stop it.  We don't have that anymore.

29 May, 2023

□ [“China Snubs Pentagon Chief Lloyd Austin"]

Usually meetings with a high-ranking US official but the US had asked for this meeting weeks ago.  It comes off like a demotion, that China knows it just needs to put out orders and these people have to obey.  What are they going to do, oppose China?  Not bloody likely.  Just shut up and do what you're told, US officials.

China has experience with senile leaders and mindless cults, that's how they know how to treat our rulers.  It's also why I think they're the ones in charge of the so-called "new world order."  The ones who are working to make that happen are mindless puppets or just too stupid to get anywhere, but they can impose their will on everyone else, letting China follow its own plans.

This is definitely something to worry about regarding World War III.  Our masters are stupid enough to insist they don't really belong to China and will defy them in anyway possible, so they'll choose the worst way they can find to prove it.  China's probably already prepared for whatever they pick and are probably setting up traps for us everywhere.  It's easy since they can send military men across our border with no one to stop them.

29 May, 2023

I can't believe I'm paying attention to this but there's a new Little Mermaid movie out now and all we've heard about it for months is how horrible it is.  Naturally Disney's response is that anyone who doesn't like it is racist.  Well, based on opening weekend, almost everybody in the world is racist.

The movie's domestic ticket sales this weekend were $117.5 million and it made another $68.3 million worldwide.  For some reason Disney is announcing how big of a hit that is, but Ant Man 3 also opened up on a four-day weekend and made $120.4 million domestic and another $121.3 million worldwide.  Based on the reports - assuming you can trust them - Ant Man 3 was a cheaper movie to make than this live-action mermaid remake.

I'm starting to work on a theory that the intent is for all these movies to fail so that the audience can be called racist and, I dunno, that provides an excuse for the government to censor everything.  Notice all the propaganda to say any disagreement is racist because they picked a black chick to star in a remake of a Danish fairy tale that didn't need to be remade.  I still haven't seen the 1989 version so I've got no incentive to see this one either, but those who do have incentive aren't bothering to see this.

I do wonder if there's a reason their fanboys are required to watch these movies on opening week.  Marvel had worked that out very well in the comics field and somehow they figured out how to take it to Hollywood.  But that no longer works, yet they keep doing it anyway.  That's where I think this is part of a cult, to deliberately prove their superiority to us and justify their absolute command.  Our rulers know best, no one else does.

30 May, 2023

Can we just flip to the last page and see how this ends?

Still haven't found any Ukraine supporters who have the slightest interest in all the soldiers who lost their lives to defend Bakhmut.  The location was worthless, there's no strategic benefit to defending it, yet Ukraine did that anyway, Ukraine failed completely and a lot of Ukrainians are dead because of that.  They might as well have never existed, at least based on the remembrance shown by their supporters.

If only there was some sort of day where people were urged to remember the lives that were lost in battle.  Citizens would be encouraged to look at why each battle happened and what they were fighting for.  We are not dead yet, so we have that time to learn from what those men served and why they were at that particular place at that chosen time.  But the people who support Ukraine show no interest whatsoever in such a memorial, they certainly aren't going to set up a whole day for that nonsense.  Even those who support the "new world order" and support Ukraine aren't going to bother.

So that idea of a day to show honor to soldiers who died to accomplish a mission is pretty stupid.  You'd never catch Ukraine supporters doing that.  But I don't get why they pretend to have any respect for the troops in the first place.  Just let them die and the rulers are still perfectly happy, that's why they're in charge.  Look at all the promotion they're doing for the "spring offensive" which they might get around to in June, assuming they don't change their minds at some point.

□ [“Ukraine’s Promised Spring Offensive Ain’t D-Day"]

We're suddenly hearing more about this "spring offensive" that we were promised for months.  They'd better hurry if they want it to still be spring.  Maybe Ukraine self-identifies summer as starting on some other date from the rest of the world.  Maybe spring never ends, can someone look into that for me?

Anyway, we've got to appreciate all the promotion they've been giving this.  Does anybody even remember last year's "fall offensive" or point to any benefits from it?  Media promotion is obviously a big deal to them so they made sure to start early on this one.  The best way to surprise your enemy is to advertise what you're planning to do so the world knows.

There are a couple of other reports which are sorta interesting, if you squint your eyes and pretend you're looking at pictures of Markie Post [wait, what?]  Russian drones are hitting Kiev.  Ok, that's probably been happening for the last year or so, but after their total defeat in Bakhmut, losing thousands and thousands of soldiers for no purpose, what's next but to try the same thing at Kiev?  Ukrainians might have to chip a nail or two to stop them this time!

The other report is that someone somewhere has apparently sent a couple dozen drones towards Moscow.  The Ukraine government has already announced that it has absolutely nothing to do with this, so what foreign agents are trying to blow up a city?  Obviously Ukraine can't be lying about this, they could have started it months ago if that was the case, so who's actually responsible?

The thing is, this comes off as an act of desperation, trying to pretend that Ukraine still has a chance without their "fortress of morale."  Ukraine can't even handle it themselves, all they can do is say it's fun to watch someone else doing the work.  Can't wait until June, when the biggest NATO air exercise in history takes place in Germany, Czech, Estonia, and Latvia, followed in July by a NATO summit in Lithuania.  Nothing suspicious about that.

30 May, 2023

□ [“DC Water Possibly Contaminated - Officials Issue 'Boil Water Advisory'"]

And which political party runs the local government?  And which political party demands more power for the government?  The same ones who are preventing people from drinking water, a basic part of life.  It's yet another example of what they want to prevent people from doing.

By the way, where do they get the electricity to boil water?  They have to ban gas stoves, so that's not an option.  They can cut down trees to build a fire, but it's not likely DC has all that many trees.  Now the rich people can afford electric stoves, but they can also have it transported in from outside the city.  What are the poor people going to do, other than continue to vote Democrat?

If that isn't weird enough, they can't actually confirm that the water is contaminated.  Yet the people in these neighborhoods will be told to continue boiling the water until it's no longer contaminated for two days.  Just another excuse of them making up rules to impose on the peasants.

30 May, 2023

□ [“Peer-Reviewed Study Finds Substantial 'Sudden and Sustained' Increase in Excess Mortality Since Early 2021"]

It's finally being noticed that the poison-vaccine is causing a lot of damage to a lot of people.  Not that they're willing to blame anybody for it.  The study states that, although they specifically point out that the vaccine caused deaths, they insist that there's no connection between the vaccine and the deaths, literally contradicting themselves.

Given that, they're lightyears away from blaming the people who made the vaccine or pushed it onto the masses.  There's a video out covering all the politicians and media who demanded everyone take the vaccine, nobody's safe until everyone gets jabbed, and there still hasn't been anybody going about that contradiction.  We haven't all been forced to take the poison so by your definition, you're not safe, yet somehow the pandemic is finally over so unvaccinated immigrants can illegally enter the country again.

When are we going to rise up about this?  If nothing else, we need to start working out truthful medical records for who has the poison and who doesn't, as well as what, if anything, can be done to help those who got it.  It's one thing to say 'they deserve it, let them die' but that's sinking to the rulers' level and it's not going to be easy for those who lose children or loved ones, especially those who were forced into this.  As much as we need and deserve revenge for all this, we can't lower ourselves to that level.

30 May, 2023

□ [“MSNBC Guest Claims Conservatives Boycotting Target is ‘Literally Terrorism’"]

You literally have no clue what terrorism is.  Are you too stupid to know that everyone has the right to not shop at a store if they choose or are you just lying to your followers who definitely are that stupid?  The left has suddenly been told how to define "terrorism" and magically they see it all around them now.  Where did that come from?

This is just another example of them making up whatever they want.  We've seen that for decades with "racism" and "fascism," now they've added "terrorism" to their vocabulary.  They know how safe it is, nobody's going to kill themselves to avoid buying stuff at Target, much less trying to show them what real terrorism is.  But their fairytale magically becomes reality because they say so, and everyone must agree with them or be punished.

This is definitely an example of leftism, making up a new definition for a word and ignoring what it really means, then accusing people they don't like of falling into that new definition.  If the accused don't know about this new meaning, they'll have to defend themselves, and if they do, they've already submitted to the will of the masters and their thugs.  They can even burn down your house and kill you because *that's* not terrorism.

31 May, 2023

You call this insanity? I could sh*t more insanity than this!

□ [“Here are the 44 Republicans Who Stand with 'We the People' and Won’t Vote for Biden & McCarthy’s Flawed Uniparty Bill"]

As I write this, the number has kept going up.  That is a good sign, although it might be a fake.  Or maybe they're just demanding more in bribes.  But it's going to need a lot of Democrat support to pass, which of course it will get.

Not that that's guaranteed.  I've seen some headlines suggesting that some Democrats don't like this bill either.  Didn't look into it so I don't know how true that is, but it's at least believable.  Or maybe they're demanding more in bribes too.  Thing is, I expect this bill to get enough votes to pass and the Senate will go for it and Biden will be told to put his name on the paper in front of him.

Even if by some miracle it doesn't pass, the government will just keep seizing money anyway.  We're the enemy, they'll attack us any way they can.  Democrats support this which is why they'll all vote for the bill, maybe one or two exceptions.  Why wouldn't they, it's a Democrat bill, just done by a few pseudo-Republicans.

31 May, 2023

□ [“Democrats Panicked by Possibility of Third Party ‘No Labels’ Candidate in 2024 – Believe it Would Hand the Election to Trump"]

As an idea, it's fine.  We can use a third alternative, and keep in mind I've always been a big supporter of the two-party system.  You pick the side you like or the side you hate the least, it's a very good way to demonstrate where you stand on good vs. evil.  Insisting on a third option just encourages evil and give a lot of people permanent government employment regardless of which party is currently at the top.

That said, the uniparty needs opposition on a massive scale, it's where the Republican party was formed in the first place.  At the time, there were Democrats and the rest who were usually losers.  Yes, there were a few Whig POTUS and you can count on one hand the number of times they ran the House and/or the Senate but where have you heard from them lately?

But back then, you couldn't really steal elections on a state or federal level.  That's obviously changed and it's why I don't see much benefit in this current 'third party' argument.  It's probably just hysteria on the part of Democrats to keep their few living, breathing voters in line.  I could see a party called "We've Had Enough" maybe getting some attention but that's about it.

I keep making the argument that we should go on strike but the masters keep giving me examples to point to, that's why we need to step back and refuse to take part in this anymore.  We've had enough.  I really don't think there's any chance of organizing a party, particularly on a national level, but going on strike would help us see who else is of the same mind and from there we could work out how to exist with each other, and do it without them.

31 May, 2023

□ [“World Health Organization Elects North Korea to its Executive Board"]

Showing how open-minded and powerful this self-appointed world government is.  If they say prison camps and forces labor are the only way to stop the next virus, that's going to happen and we don't get a say in the matter.  On the up side, just think of what all the skylines will look like from orbit.  We aren't going to be seeing much at night thanks to our benevolent leaders.

North Korea has always been a pawn for China, so this shows how they're in control of the WHO and the rest of the puppets can eagerly hand over absolute power.  Nobody in Congress is doing anything about this, they know their place.  The leaders of the WHO elect themselves without any problems.

This was definitely a long-term plan for the United Nations, to get every nation to realize the master was in charge.  Most of them already relied on the US, they infected the US and now they're tearing us apart to build the throne.

What are we going to do about it?  There will be resistance around the world, no doubt about that, and it's really not clear how the "new world order" intends to impose its will.  But one thing we need to worry about is the danger of trying to form a resistance movement around the world.  As hopeful as that would be, it may just be repeating the same problem.  Really, we need to be further away from each other so everybody can go their own way.

31 May, 2023

□ [“Ugandan Students from 13 Universities Protest Biden’s Sanction Threats Over Anti-Gay Law: 'We Don’t Want Your Pro-Gay Money'"]

This will not be getting a lot of publicity.  Don't want to give *those people* here any ideas, they kinda depend on pro-gay government money.  Also better hope other African nations don't start doing this, otherwise we'll need to whip them into shape.  Democrats have a lot of experience with that.

But they'd rather stand up for their beliefs than for money.  They'd rather oppose the US than be corrupted.  They'd rather go their own way rather than be like us.  Wait, isn't that what liberals always pretend to believe in?  I guess if they have to pick between gays and blacks, the blacks lose every time.

This is an example of the resistance we're seeing around the world and we need more of it.  It's also why I'm ambivalent about how much we should really unify.  I can understand totally wanting to support these students but there's just the basic fact that they're doing better without help.  That's what we all need more of these days.

31 May, 2023

□ [“Dylan Mulvaney now interested in girls"]

Gets all that money from corporations, suddenly sexy women are attracted enough to make you forget about the other stuff.  Kinda defeats the argument that they're just "born that way" but it's tough to see how much publicity that'll give him.  He didn't have any interest in those girls-with-vaginas he took jobs away from for money.

So what else does he have to offer?  Other than censoring anybody who disagrees with him because he's so oppressed.  Maybe he could destroy Bud Lite again, that might get him somewhere although it might be boring.  What other big companies are there who want to give him lots of money and lose their customers?

This insanity has to break down at some point, but when?  Just the fact that it's gone so far so quickly tells us that it's only a temporary madness but it also tells us they'll go straight to mass suicide with as many victims as possible, and we already know they have access to nukes.  We can pray to God to fix this, which He will at some point, but we have to do something if we want to be among the survivors.

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