Sunday, June 4, 2023

202306 We've Had Enough - 20230604

01 June, 2023

Do you have the Sodomy Flag raised?

□ [“It Begins:  US Embassies Around The World Fly Pride Flag"]

This is showing the world that we've occupied.  The enemy is in charge and they represent us.  Nothing we can do about it, they've got all the guns.  Well, we have some, but they're working on taking those away.  This shows the trans psychos who are shooting people recently and there are probably more who aren't getting any publicity.  They want to destroy us and they're encouraging the rest of the world to go on strike.

Do they have them at the embassies in Muslim countries?  We did in Afghanistan right before the Taliban took over so are we still encouraging the enemy there?  It's all about encouraging the enemy and a lot of other people seem to be in line with me that it's demon-based.  We aren't all talking to each other, I'm sure few people are reading my thoughts, we're all realizing this individually.

There's no way to know what other countries think of this.  We can't grasp each individual of a nation, we have no way to contemplate them beyond seeing them as part of a nation, even if we have friends and colleagues over there that we talk to regularly.  But the world has seen America as freedom for a couple centuries and this is showing them what's wrong with us now.  I could believe that this is why BRICS is getting so much attention because more and more countries are desperate to find an alternative if we've fallen.

01 June, 2023

□ [“Globalists Rev Up Plans to Engineer Global Famine:  13 Nations Agree to Convert Over to Less-Productive ‘Green’ Farming Methods"]

They're trying to start a famine.  There's no other way to explain it.  Yeah, they'll use it to seize power and will create chaos to seize more power, and there's the goal of population distribution, but that's why they're aiming at a famine.  We've already seen them stealing farms in Europe and Canada, and this would explain why Bill Gates is buying so much farmland, to make sure no one else uses it.

As you might expect, Russia and China are not participating in this.  They will continue to grow food, their opponents will not.  When you go for a few weeks without eating, you will be much more willing to support Russia and China, the only question is if they're willing to do anything to help.

But our masters are going for all four horsemen of the apocalypse, that's blatantly obvious now.  And they're being so blatantly open about it, there's some rhetoric about how at some point somebody will create "new technologies" to make everything perfect, but they have no direction towards that.  They only specify that they must be obeyed to produce less food which will magically avoid famine.

We need to start immediately looking into what is the cheapest and easiest way to produce food and how much it will take for each individual to live on.  Most of us don't have back yards to grow on so there's a limit.  I've just googled but beans look very easy, rice does not.  We also need to include how long it takes to grow food and how long it lasts.

I have never ever been a fan of beans, but if that's what it takes to survive...  What little I've found on google is that they don't require major supplies and they do last for several years, so quite possibly if we start growing them now, there would be enough to get through the winter.  Would that work?  What other options are there?

People who know better than me need to start putting this out, and remember, Keep It Simple, Stupid.  Very basic, very understandable information that anybody can use.  Pictures would help but if electricity dies, we can't see the pix so make sure it's something we can copy down on a sticky note or notebook.

01 June, 2023

□ [“McCarthy-Biden Debt Ceiling Bill Passes House, Advances to Senate"]

Dunno if I have much to say, it was obvious this would happen.  Couldn't have passed without Democrats and it was produced by fake-Republicans anyway so what else would you expect?  Safe to assume the Senate will pass it without a problem.  The deep state is probably already spending the money, as well as increasing taxes and making new laws to punish us for breaking.

More businesses will collapse, the price of what remains will get much higher and the thugs will be moving in more and more on us.  We can't keep waiting for this, we need to resist all of it.  How many of our enemies do you think will actually remove the gay flag at the end of June?  They might as well keep it up all year.  Unlike the American flag, it's illegal to burn that.

We need a sequel to the Declaration of Independence.  We can't just go through this acting like everything will turn out fine.  I would also say those who would sign it should agree to a flag.  Doesn't require 50 states but I would say have it be American flag turned upside down.  Under normal times, this would be a signal of distress, which it would be here but until that distress is over, it should be the flag we unite under.

I've said it before but I think whatever organizations we can unite under should each form a guidon which would basically be sewing together whatever military (police, etc.) t-shirts we can, to represent who we've stood for as individuals as well as providing symbols for others who see them.  A former Marine on his own might recognize a marine logo in the guidon and realize there's someone available to contact for help.

01 June, 2023

□ [“Jamie Foxx Paralyzed and Blinded Due to ‘Blood Clot in His Brain’ Following COVID-19 Shot"]

One of those rare blacks who actually got the vaccine and this was the result, what a surprise.  This may be why none of the pro-vaccine people ever complained about how few blacks were getting it, because then they'd be asked why so many are suddenly dying or getting permanently damaged.  But they can ignore that.

When are we going to stop ignoring this?  It hasn't happened to too many famous people but even I've heard of this guy (even if I don't know what he's famous for) so this must have some impact.  We know they're going to send out another virus, we can assume they're filling every other medical shot with this poison, when are we going to speak out against this?

Foxx only got the shot because it was required to get a movie role.  That's the sort of oppression these tyrants have been foisting on us for over two years and they've never even been challenged on it, much less had to answer for it.  What we need are some guillotines.

01 June, 2023

□ [“Is Russia Pre-empting The Ukrainian Offensive?"]

If true, it's not surprising.  They're still hitting Kiev and it's even said that they took down some visiting NATO leaders in the process.  NATO has to work for the rulers who want death and famine so they can't do much militarily and Ukraine doesn't seem to have anybody who's actually capable of leading an army, if they even have one.

We're already finding that money and weapons supposedly sent to Ukraine are actually being given to Central American gangs and probably all over the world, just pretending to be support for Ukraine.  We already knew they weren't getting everything anyway but now I have to wonder how much they've ever received.  If that's the case, then it shows that they're either working *with* Putin or they're working *for* him, whether they know it or not.

There's also reports that Russia is hitting eastern Ukraine, all the way across the country from Bakhmut.  Poland is wary but there's nothing that they can do about it (except for our media reporting that the Russian military was completely destroyed over a year ago).  I have to wonder how much of this was just a distraction to help those who self-identify as rulers of the world.

02 June, 2023

Spoiler:  It's still getting worse for all of us

Not sure when this happened but I just saw a video of high schoolers in Quebec ripping down a trans flag in their school.  Those nutty high school kids...  But this is Quebec, not where we'd expect such a thing.  The video also mentions that this has happened elsewhere in Canada this year.

It's becoming very clear that these made-up genders are the tyrants' goal, or at least the tool for whatever their real goal is.  They demand on imposing it upon everyone immediately, no dissent is permitted.  Some of us opposed it from the start but everybody else is sick and tired of it now, with the exception of those who actively support made-up genders and the handful of real people who this might actually apply to.

What worries me is that this is the excuse our masters need to exterminate humanity.  I know, that sounds completely insane, but look at what they've been doing up to now.  If the only way to protect fictional genders is to slaughter everybody else, why wouldn't they do that ASAP?

02 June, 2023

□ [“Whistleblower Who Was Set to Reveal 'Explosive' Information on the Biden Crime Family Before Disappearing Speaks Out In Interview – Is Hiding Out as Fugitive in Undisclosed Foreign Location"]

I haven't paid much attention but isn't this the second accuser in a row who has to run away to another country?  Biden's rape accuse had to run to Russia and this one has to go somewhere without a name.  Gotta admit, that doesn't make either look good, but happening at the same time?  That absolutely does look like someone has been ordered to get rid of the accusers, one way or another.  Who will the third one be?

They need to pretend they'll win the next election fairly so they need to purge or silence anybody who dares speak out.  A lot of those people aren't using the proper brand-new pronouns so they deserved to be silenced anyway, but that's probably just a disguise for the blatant censorship of anyone who disagrees.  Tyrants do not appreciate criticism.

They've also had enough of all these decades of women whining about Democrats raping them.  Here they're trying to pretend that's serious with that ugly woman who totally believes Trump wanted her instead of the sexy women he's married and/or banged.  So that's all they need to shut everybody up, or else you'll suffer.

02 June, 2023

□ [“Karine Jean-Pierre Reveals a Doctor Did Not Examine Biden After Massive Fall"]

Do you really want it to look deliberate?  Because this is how you make it look deliberate.  If you care about this old clumsy person so much, you'd check him out medically when he crashes to the floor, as he did yesterday, and then again an hour later when he bashes his head against the door.  Yet here she's basically saying that the people who get paid to look at him can't be bothered.

I guess it's possible that they did look at him out as required but she's lying about that because it's natural for her to do that.  For that matter, it's even more believable that nobody told her what was going on.  Why would they bother?

There are subtle methods of assassination which are intended to appear normal, so it's best for those in charge to keep medics around.  Or maybe that's why these medics are too lazy, they're in on the scheme.  You really would think these people would give at least the slightest attention to stuff like this, but they support Biden so you get what you get.

02 June, 2023

□ [“Ireland Plans to Slaughter 200,000 Farting Cows to Save Planet from ‘Global Warming’"]

And where are the animal rights activists and PETA?  Haven't heard much from them for a while now.  All those animals that must be protected because they have every right to live, but now they'll just be slaughtered without a problem.  It looks like the activists were all told to obey, it's just late-term abortion or something.  And they were so dedicated to their beliefs that they stay silent no matter what.

Something about this appears to be a snapshot of our masters' plans.  They had identified their mindless subjects, so they were told to make noise about some nonsense and they obeyed, then they're told to shut up and they obey.  They claimed to protect life and then switch to actual murder without the slightest hesitation, and their reasoning is based on their farting which somehow kills the earth, so they have to die.  From there it affects the food change and will increase starvation, especially for humans.

That sums it up pretty well.  It doesn't explain the cult mentality they possess but that's clearly the basis for everything they do.  Somehow our rulers were able to pick these puppets out and control them.  They probably assume the rest of us are puppets, as shown by their 'you just listen to Fox news/Rush Limbaugh/Russian propaganda/MAGA/etc.' but that's seems to be projection on their part.  That's what they do, that's all they're there for and they're the ones who need to be slaughtered to save the planet.

02 June, 2023

For some reason I'm still paying attention to movies.  I almost never do that and it's even less often that I actually watch one.  When I do watch one, it's an old movie that I've seen many times before.  So why is this coming to my attention now?  That's the kind of world we live in.

Mostly I'm focused on Disney's problems.  It's taken as a given that the fifth Indiana Jones movie will be a complete failure.  I don't have any fondness for Indy, Last Crusade is one of my favorite movies of all time but you could probably count on one hand the number of times I've seen the first two and that's it.  But I'm trying to figure out why they were so determined to utterly ruin this franchise.

At the moment, what fascinates me is how they've utterly destroyed George Lucas' franchises.  For all his credit, he didn't create very many and most of what he did create was only successful because of the work of others.  I never saw Willow but it got a tv show which was cancelled very quickly.  Star Wars has been ripped to shreds and now they're taking down Indy.

It's one of those things that makes me wonder if this is the Hollywood equivalent of a demon sacrifice.  Otherwise what?  Did they just decide that it was an indestructible group of franchises and they've done the impossible within a decade?  Just as they have with Marvel?  With Pixar?

Well, there's also what they've done with the actual Disney characters, when was the last time you heard about some interesting new work from them?  I don't get the point of remaking classic cartoon movies as live action and changing the character's skin color, I certainly don't know why any of them were successful, but that seem to be over, based on Little Mermaid.

But anyway, George Lucas is now completely past-tense (except in the biological sense) and anything he actually had a role in is being erased by degradation from its new owners.  Somebody somewhere had to think that was a good idea and had the authority to make it happen.  Has anyone seen Palpatine lately?

03 June, 2023

Only the government can make up its own budgets and help itself to other people's money

□ [“CNBC: Increase in the Unemployment Rate is 'Much Worse' Than Expected… It Means Economy is 'Going Into a Recession'"]

We know.  We've been putting up with this for two years.  You've been parroting what your masters have told you to say so you're the ones who are totally surprised by this.  The masters have been getting exactly what they wanted so this was completely expected.  We already knew that.  You didn't even though it was your job to know this.

It is surprising that more and more media does seem to be pointing out that things aren't going perfectly well for their leftist leaders.  We know that the goal is to make people suffer and that's exactly what they're doing, but you'd think that the media would continue to cover that up.  I think it gets worse.

The rulers deliberately intended this to happen.  At most, their only problem is that it hasn't happened fast enough.  They wouldn't let the media say this sort of thing now so the question is, what are they going for?  Obviously they want us all dead, I'm asking about the specifics.  And why does the media suddenly feel the need to admit they have a clue what's really going on?

There have been "recessions" before without seizing absolute power, this might be about lining up with the WHO and the "new world order."  Can't let them take over if the citizens are naïve enough to think they get a vote so that needs to be dropped.  Gas is still far cheaper than our rulers want so that has to be stopped, along with food, medical care and the like.

03 June, 2023

□ [“Woke MLB Removes Pride Logo Overnight, Denies Boycott Claims"]

Of course you removed the logo right away.  It's a total coincidence.  Were you selling too much Bud Lite and you had to quit that as soon as possible?  They claim it was always deliberate to celebrate Lou Gehrig Day on June 1.  Wait, what?  You'll spend an entire month celebrating the oppression of these imaginary genders on behalf of Lou Gehrig?

The boycotts need to continue as much as possible.  At least baseball's fairly easy to ignore.  Well, it is for me, but if you're really a fan, there's at least kids sports and less-expensive alternatives if you really want to watch a game.  If watching games is all you care about, it may not be that difficult to find filmed version of the last century worth of sporting events.

It probably won't happen but it would be really cool if the players just refused to take part in this.  Just have a few dozen of them refuse to put up with this and form their own teams.  Have fun with it, put together a handful of teams to play each other in a park or something.  Something like that would definitely benefit the fans.

03 June, 2023

□ [“Ukraine Supporter with Nazi Flag Kills Himself in Police Standoff in Chicago – Media Conveniently Ignores His Ukraine Flag in Reports"]

So is this a Republican trying to take advantage of Chicago's lack of police?  Who else would have a Nazi flag?  Well, except for Ukrainians themselves.  After all this time, no liberal is going to tell Azov to stop using the swastika.  Instead they have started talking about how the swastika is used everywhere and it's totally wrong to say white people can't do that.  Even though they've spent the last 70 years saying that it's wrong to have a swastika.

So which is it?  Were the Ukrainian Nazis wearing the swastika before they started supporting German Nazis?  Probably not, but it apparently inspires them and their supporters, which is why nobody gets told to stop using them.  That shows who's in charge.

For an interesting change, Zelensky has admitted that Ukraine cannot join NATO as long as hostilities continue.  In a recent Estonia interview, he said "We understand that we will not drag any NATO country into war.  Therefore, we understand that we will not be members of NATO as long as this war is going on. Not because we do not want to, but because it is impossible."

Interesting.  NATO must have rules that you can't be at war and then join NATO and expect them to help.  It's a valid question why NATO hasn't changed the rules or just ignored them since that's what they're doing do anyway, but still...  Also worth noting, Hungary is calling for peace and Switzerland has passed a law refusing to send Ukraine any more weapons.

Kiev is still keeps being hit with rockets.  It seems like they aren't aimed at major destruction, it's like they're either fired at command headquarters and/or they're just testing what defenses are in place.  Well, that's believable, finding out what defenses there are before the assault.  It's not like you can hide them from being used when the drones are coming in or magically install news ones afterwards.

03 June, 2023

□ [“Dallas City Council to City Employees: Use Preferred Pronouns or Risk Termination"]

Yes, massa, we will identify you as you insist on being identified.  We gets no say in that.  That's what they're doing, self-identifying as the master, why not be honest about it?  Or maybe honesty's not one of their traits.

It's not like any of these people are going to stand up, they probably wouldn't have become city employees if they had that kind of courage.  They certainly won't permit their subjects to defy them, no government would permit that.  And they're threatening people with losing their jobs if they don't obey, that would qualify as compulsive speech, forcing people to say things against their will, but the government allows itself to do that.  They say so.

I really wish these people would refuse to work in such a hostile work environment, they should just walk out.  As should we all.  The masters are just encouraged by the fact that people will stay and go along with this insane tyranny.  At some point that's going to have to end and we'll fight back, we should make that sooner rather than later.

03 June, 2023

□ [“Biden Regime Announces 20-Year Ban on Oil and Gas Drilling Outside New Mexico’s Chaco"]

More banning, less fuel, more expensive to get what's left, until they ban that too.  The local tribes aren't happy about, they thought they had sovereignty, but instead they just have to shut up and obey the white man.

Where does this authority come from to tell the indians what they aren't allowed to do and prevent them from making any more money?  It's the king's decree, that's all it takes.  No idea if it's true but I've heard the Navajo voted for Trump, that may be why they're being extra-punished, besides their non-white skin color.

The left never notices their own hypocrisy, nor do their supporters.  Why treat the non-white this way?  Why take control over their land?  Might as well ask why they're still paid to teach how wrong it is to treat these tribes and skin colors that way, they do it because they can get away with it.  We need a resistance and a Declaration of Independence.

04 June, 2023

Why aren't Ukrainians showing the gay pride flag?

□ [“Multinational Corporations Celebrate Pride Month in America, But No Rainbows to Be Found in Middle East Marketing"]

We've all noticed this.  Well, maybe our rulers haven't, but everyone else knows that it's just following the government's rules and different governments have different rules that the companies have to pretend to go along with.  That probably damages the point of doing this in the first place, it shows how the government is the one demanding this happen and the companies aren't interested.  They'll stay out of this stuff if they get the choice but the rulers don't permit any choice.

It's one of those things that makes me wonder if this really does come from the Muslim Democrats, they know how to handle the infidel and for good or bad, they are pushing the rulers in this direction.  They might be doing it to demonstrate the superiority of Islam to the world, they made be doing it to encourage the pagans to rush to hell along with anyone who agrees with them.  Probably both, different for every individual.

So the question is why Democrats aren't involved in this, particularly the Muslim members.  Why are they so willing to permit oppression of trans?  Why aren't they demanding Muslim nations obey them?  Or why aren't they supporting diversity and say Muslims have the right to oppose trans if they want to?  Why aren't they even being asked these questions?  You can make America more Muslim or you can make it more transgender, you can't do both and you're the ones claiming to submit to God's will.

As far as raping children, that's been part of all societies, Islam doesn't stand out for that.  At most, it gave its participants and excuse to do more of it.  One reason I supported the War on Terror was because Islam needs to be brought to the modern day and we were going to teach them.  Perhaps we did, which may be why these demons are so visible now.

04 June, 2023

□ [“Liberal Hollywood Hypocrites Figure Out Way to Avoid New Los Angeles ‘Mansion Tax’"]

They want higher taxes but refuse to pay higher taxes.  They claim they're so wonderful and it's only the *other* rich people who have to pay the higher taxes.  How stupid do you have to be to not think other rich people have tax accountants too?  Well, however stupid that is, Hollywood leftists got there.

The government can hire more people and spend more money on imposing these taxes and use them as excuse to impose more on poor people.  You gave them that excuse and at least you're rich enough to avoid it, everybody else just has to suffer.

The rich aren't the problem, the elite are the problem.  I'm sure there's some connection between the two but there's a major difference between people who know how to make money and defend everyone's right to do so and those who just have it and never give the slightest thought to how it works.  They're always surrounded by servants and sycophants so they can claim to believe anything, no matter how unrealistic and impose it on the rest of us, so long as they stay rich.

04 June, 2023

□ [“6 Women Under Age 40 Found Dead Within 100 Miles of Each Other Around Portland Raising Speculation of Serial Killer on the Loose"]

□ [“Cleveland Police Raises Concerns as Nearly Thirty Children Reported Missing in Two Weeks"]

These aren't the only recent stories I've seen like this and for that matter, a child in my neighborhood recently went missing.  There's also problems with planes and trains.  Are things like this more schemes by the rulers or just a side-effect of the invasion?  Or is there some other evil plot in play?

My guess would be the invasion but it's quite possible there's a demon cult.  We need to start organizing resistance protection and law enforcement.  Help from the police would be nice but face it, they work for the government.  We can keep a watch around our home and maybe even our local neighborhood but there needs to be coordination, communication and back-up if something actually happens.

Furthermore, a schedule needs to be worked out on a watch can be maintained on women and children. A lot of feminism from the last several decades is going to vanish very quickly when it comes down to either supporting men who protect you or letting the government have its way with you.  They don't even know what a woman is.

04 June, 2023

□ [“Ukraine begins ‘large-scale offensive’"]

For real?  You're not just getting our hopes up, are you?  Less than three weeks of Spring left, but as Zelensky said yesterday that the military was ready and couldn't wait for months, even though they've been doing just that.  One of his deputies also says that Ukraine still doesn't have enough weapons and ammo for a *successful* offensive.

A Russian article said the attacks were limited to Donbass and that they were going after vulnerable sections.  Have they confirmed that they're vulnerable or do they just appear that way?

Poland reports that Ukraine has taken over Krasnystaw.  Not the military, but the refugees, they're in charge of the Polish city and Poland doesn't like that.  Like Hungary and (I think) one of the Baltic states, it's starting to sound like those who are closer to the front lines than Ukraine supporters are really not liking the way this is going.  They've got long experience with Russia and at least some of them are members of NATO but that's apparently not enough.

If the Russia/Ukraine thing hadn't happened, somewhere else would be appearing to be the moral center of leftism, but since it's what we're looking at now, there it is.  They can abuse their own people (all two genders) and their allies whom they never bother to actually join with.  In return they get to suck money and weapons away from the west to leave us helpless against enemies foreign and domestic, all in coordination with the goals of leftist demon worship.

04 June, 2023

□ [“‘Boycott Target’ Rap Song Jumps Past Morgan Wallen, Taylor Swift to Become No. 1 Song on iTunes"]

We need more of this but at least it's something, standing up to the tyrants and their slaves.  We are getting kind of desperate for any sort of contact with sane people.  So far we aren't just flat-out breaking away but this is an example of that and it quickly found an audience.

The government's going to need to censor music (and rap) that says things like this.  Or more likely, they're order itunes and stores and such to stop selling them.  There will be an underground movement, perhaps there already is, but supplies and products people need and want will be easier to find there than out here under the ruler's eyes.

But we need to show these corporations that we don't belong to them and we're not willing to put up with their tyranny any longer.  They're going to stick with the brand-new genders so let them be the new customers.  That'll handle the supply and production and distribution, they can do it without us.

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