Thursday, June 8, 2023


05 June, 2023

Are we going to survive this? No. Next question.

□ [“'They Have Spare Rooms' – NYC Mayor Eric Adams Wants to House Illegal Aliens in 'Private Residences'“] 

And there goes the Third Amendment to the Constitution.  You don't get to put your forces into people's private homes, that's not going to happen.  They will rebel and you will be the first target.  Or the second, other than the invading forces you insist have the right to take over people's homes.  How many are stored in your home, which also has a lot of spare rooms?  Any at all?  Gracie Mansion probably has a few spare rooms.

Oh, you want to pretend they aren't your military forces?  You need armed government agents to send them in, you need armed government agents to order people to give up their homes to them.  Your agents have ranks, uniforms, guns and are commanded by the government.  You're going to need to argue that the military doesn't do that.

Then there's the fact that you're doing this for felons.  It is against the law to enter the United States without permission and you are breaking federal law in support of this.  You are breaking the law to take away people's rights to their own homes to install your felons there.  Not to mention any other crime these invaders choose to commit, rape, murder, etc.

If I were in charge, Adams would be on a noose by the end of the week.  I'm not in charge so it may take ten days or so.

05 June, 2023

□ [“Mike Pence Officially Jumps in 2024 Race'“] 

Why?  I get that politicians are delusional, but it usually has to be based on something.  Joe Biden ran for POTUS twice and never got close to making it through the primaries, that's why he needed the real rulers to handle things the third time around.  Hillary Clinton technically had a few years in the Senate from a state she wasn't even from, but at least she had a ring on her finger to show her real worth.

But Mike Pence has none of that.  A few terms as a generic politician and that's that.  Nobody's citing how wonderful he was as Veep and the way he turned against Trump tells us that's what his real job was.  So who's he supposed to appeal to?  How does he have nobody around to point out that he has no chance whatsoever?

He's one of those examples where I realized the extension of the uniparty.  His job is to make sure Biden wins again and in the meantime, take up a space that would otherwise be filled by someone who might get more votes.  He won't challenge voter fraud and will say as many negative things as possible about Trump supporters.  You could say this about Nikki Haley too and I'm pretty sure I've said nice things about both of them in the past.

05 June, 2023

□ [“Ad Agency That Introduced Dylan Mulvaney to Bud Light Is in ‘Serious Panic Mode’”] 

What panic could there be?  I think Bud Lite's loss is up to $27 million by however-they-measure it - Memorial Day weekend did not go the way they hoped - and it's all thanks to this ad agency.  Can any other agency in history point to such a major impact from their services in such a short period of time?  Sounds like you should be making sure that's at the top-of-the-list regarding your company's achievements.

If nothing else, how are other companies supposed to learn from your example if you refuse to say anything about it.  This is what you did to a big company for a popular brand, this is what you can do to everybody else.  This ad agency is from San Francisco, you don't think they'd want to learn everything they could about that sort of business?

On a more serious note, this boycott is having a real difference.  I can't remember where I saw the list but apparently a lot of big-name companies have immediately dropped their pro-trans symbol and we're not even a week into this pride month.  I think it's just a small step that *appears* to be a big step, changing their advertising, but it suggests they see the damage coming if they obey the rulers.

Furthermore, each company deals with their own connections and associates for production, transport, promotion, etc.  Each of their employees sees a huge problem if they go along with this trans-tyranny and are fed up with personally as well as professionally.  All I can say about that right now is KEEP GOING!

05 June, 2023

□ [“World Health Organization Will Take Up EU System behind Digital Vaccine Passports to 'Facilitate Global Mobility' and 'Better Protect Citizens'“] 

Like the United Nations, the EU has long been a training mechanism for those who want to rule the world.  Face it, unless you count China or something like that, it was the first ever.  Europe did basically rule the world and it did establish all the tyrannical politics that are still underway everywhere.

The French don't control their own country.  The Spanish, Italians, the English, all of their rulers have handed over authority to an unelected elite that want to impose their will upon the world, just as they've done for the EU, and probably are trying to do with NATO and every other international organization or group.

Whatever conspiracy theories are true, I think they're all working together here.  Sooner or later they'll turn on each other but not until they've inflicted the world with maximum misery.  At some point they'll find a real limit to their power and then the ones in charge can only seize more from each other.  But until then they'll work together uniformly to take from the rest of us, as we see here with "digital vaccine passports."

05 June, 2023

□ [“Gas Prices Will Double In The Weeks Ahead As Stations Face Massive Supply Outages”] 

We've had a break for a little while, gas prices are much higher than they were before Biden self-identified as POTUS instead of much much much higher.  But it sounds like that's coming to an end.  So that means prices for food and everything else will start going up.  We're already expecting more bank collapses and electricity being turned off, not to mention the invasion.

So there's that.  There's also whatever plans the rulers have to impose the rest of their tyranny on us.  If we cite January 6, 2021 as the starting date, we're over 1/4 of the way to their 2030 target date.  I'm sure the rulers have seen any number of their plans aren't working but they have a lot more and there are at least options to speed up.  I highly doubt they expect us to spend 9 1/2 years in misery and then show up to save everybody.

Are these pretend-genders the goal or just a tool to help the rulers?  Not sure, how would we see the difference?  They aren't capable of surviving on their own, unlike human beings who have done that for thousands of years.  It might be demon worship or it might be just trying to tear everything down.  But that's what this month is here to celebrate.  At this point I'm not even sure we're going to still be around by July.  We know they don't want anybody celebrating the 4th.

06 June, 2023

I had a plan to fix everything, but it meant starting with Hillary being arrested, so...

□ [“New York Times Finally Acknowledges Nazis Fighting For Ukraine – Then Attempts to Justify With Their 'Complicated History'“] 

Many of us noticed this over a year ago.  It's also very easy to find that Ukraine sided with Nazis against Russia in the past so it's understandable that they'd do it again.  Assuming they ever got rid of the Nazis they worked with before.  You'd have to ask them and they're too busy siding with Nazis to answer.

I do try to restrain myself only to conspiracy theories I make up - less chance of being wrong - but it's long-been said that the Nazis had some sort of pagan, mystical aspect.  Some descriptions include Hitler and/or us actually living *within* the earth.  I have no idea about that, but what we do know lines up with the world as it's transpired for the last century or so.

Fascism was immediately popular when Mussolini got it started.  Hitler was even more popular, he at least had some competence, understood modern media better, ruled a bigger, more powerful country.  It wasn't until the war actually got going that a lot of people turned against him, including Russia and America.  So whether or not Hitler had a clue about it, he'd have people around who were at the tip of the spear as far as 20th century degradation went.

The Night of the Long Knives purge in 1934 was about getting rid of the leaders of the SA Brownshirts, and most of them were gay.  The fashion, the media, movies, the bullying of anyone who disagrees, all those go along with basic fascism/nazism and also line up quite well with our modern antifa-supporting tyrants.

So that's where I wondering what could there be in Ukraine that our rulers are so desperate to support at all costs.  Or at least who are they funneling money for that's followed this path for decades?  It's one reason I try to avoid other people's conspiracy theories because the answer might as well be the Illuminati or the Rothchild family or whoever.  And maybe that's the case, I'm just quite skeptical.

But what I do find interesting is that these people would be as close as possible to the modern-day transgender movement.  They might not be *that* insane or they just might not have seen enough movies and videos and propaganda to go along with it.

Joe Biden was picked to be the guy in charge because there was no chance he'd purge anybody no matter what.  He told us Russia/Ukraine would be a minor event.  Then he said he wouldn't send weapons to Ukraine because that would be World War III.  He also said that it would be a long time before the Taliban took over Afghanistan.  He might blame the people who told him to say these things but he won't fire them and find anybody who knows what they're talking about.

So what is now changing that the NYT finally admits that yes, Nazis support Ukraine just as leftists do, but it's somehow different.  It's like that example of '*maybe* they really were working for Hitler,' there's a lot of different threads, way too many for any individuals to account for, so it's possible there's one direct line going through all these events, or multiple lines, or something else.  It's definitely why people just shrug and say "let God sort it out."

06 June, 2023

□ [“Bud Light Risks Losing Retail Shelf Space if They’re Unable to Reverse Plunging Sales”] 

Beer company execs and salesmen will understand this better than I do, but September is when the stores decide how much space they'll give their best sellers and Bud Lite is no longer in that category.  If they don't change by then, that's it for them.  So what is Anhueser going to do?

Top-of-my-head guess, nothing.  They have no chance of fixing it and won't bother to try.  At best they may come out with a brand-new beer that's exactly like Bud Lite, it just has a different name.  I can't imagine that will work but stranger things have happened.  Just the fact that you have a beer company getting rid of as many customers as possible in favor of some imaginary gender is mindboggling.  Would anybody have made a bet on that six months ago?

There's a couple of articles about similar problems with Target.  A shareholder is suing to find out what the hell this company is up to even as employees are expected to take part in "pride month" activities.  The customer is supposed to be the most important part of the enterprise but the companies are trying to get away from that as quickly as possible.  Do they expect the government to mandate every citizen purchase their product?  Well, liberals loved that when it happened a decade ago so...

06 June, 2023

□ [“Media Is Silent After 34-Yr-Old Trans Man Is Charged With Stabbing His Recently Retired Father to Death”] 

I still can't get past the impression that these creatures aren't the target audience, they're more about the worthless to be sacrificed for whatever the real goal is.  At most it's like they're supposed to inspire the rest of us to be worthless sacrifices for our rulers, which is disturbingly believable.

Because they're psycho, they'll also try to kill as many other people as possible, promoting the death-worship and/or population reduction, both of which are mainstream liberal practices these days.  It's possible the media is waiting for the chance to start promoting these events as great news and everybody should be more like that.  They haven't figured out how, yet, but they're working on it.

There's also the basic "benefit" (if you want to call it that) of brainwashing people up to and including self-mutilation.  Once that happens, they're completely useless as human beings.  They can't work, they can't create, they certainly can't produce the next generation of human beings, they have nothing except what the government provides.  So naturally (if you can call it that) they completely support all government provision and intervention on anything anywhere at any time, no exceptions.  Except abortion which also kills human beings and prevents the next generation.

06 June, 2023

□ [“Karine Jean-Pierre: 'We Have Seen Legal Migration Go Down Significantly' Because of Biden’s Plan”] 

That's because the law is gone.  Illegal immigration is much much higher and that was the plan.  We know that, we just can't tell if you know that and are lying or if you're too stupid to know that.  It might even be both, who knows?

□ [“'Kidnapping Charges?' – California Governor Gavin Newsom Threatens Legal Action Against DeSantis Over Migrant Flights”] 

At the state level, they're using it as an excuse to turn against each other.  Ignore those who broke the law in the first place, ignore the human traffickers - just a polite version of 'slave trade' - that brought them here, you want to attack another state for sending you people you don't want but you're fine with them being sent people they don't want.

Newsom's comments even specifically deny Martha's Vineyard doing exactly that, kicking out the people they don't want.  They're all taking this message from above, whoever's in charge of Biden's office.  At least Newsom's people claim they're a "sanctuary" for these very people they don't want and nobody asks how that works.

06 June, 2023

□ [“CDC Warns Deadly Bacteria That ‘Kills Up To 50 Percent Of Patients’ Detected Across US Gulf Coast”] 

Is this the next virus they've been getting ready or has China come up with a new surprise?  It's just lurking in the soil and the water and has never been noticed before in all these centuries, how believable.  Even though you've never noticed it for all these years, you know how many people get it every year and half of them die.

They say it infects 160,000 people a year and kills 80,000, but they only have actual records of four people in the last couple years, two of whom died.  That's a big difference but they aren't even bothering to ask how they'd missed it all this time.  What are they paid for?

So it won't be long before they require everybody to take drugs and put masks on.  I don't think they'll fool as many people this time around but then, I didn't think they'd fool that many people last time and I still see people wearing cloth on their faces.  I would say there has to be a rebellion if they try this again but once again, I would have expected one last time and that's why Joe Biden isn't in a nursing home like he deserves.

07 June, 2023

I'm scared paranoia is out to get me!

□ [“Ukraine Yields to International Pressure and Launches Ill-Fated Offensive”] 

Well, it's been a few days, it's only fair to give both sides of a warzone a little leeway and wait to get a clue about what's actually happening.  And if course it's what we already expected.  I'm sure Ukraine is winning in places but nothing stands out.  The press isn't raving about their massive victory anywhere.  As far as I recall, there's not even much rhetoric about how the Russian military has been destroyed yet-again.

An interesting point is that the Ukrainians who were sent to other nations to learn how to actually fight weren't all sent to the same nation, so they all learned different techniques which don't line up with each other.  Sure, they can all speak Russian but the battlefield really isn't where you show off some new skill you learned.  That's what training is for.  All these months of planning for the "spring offensive" and they never thought of that?  Isn't that the point of a proxy war?

For that matter, would Ukraine have kept fighting this long without their Western masters?  Well, without the western masters, Russia and Ukraine wouldn't have had anything to fight about, at least no more than usual after the world ignored 2014.

There's also the dam which was hit a couple days ago but it still seems a little too recent to know the specifics.  I am immensely surprised to hear that Westerners aren't automatically blaming Russia.  Blowing up a Russian dam to flood Russian towns full of Russians would be right up their alley, wouldn't it?  Zelensky sure thinks so, and isn't he in charge?  Instead people start thinking of the Nord Stream pipeline Biden promised to destroy that got destroyed.

07 June, 2023

□ [“Karine Jean-Pierre Says Grocery Prices Have Skyrocketed Under Biden Because of 'Avian Flu' and 'Poor Weather'“] 

I'm trying to think of a historical example where the official spokesman was so stupid and/or such a liar and/or just repeated what her masters told her to say that everybody just stopped pretending to listen in the first place.  There must be something like that but even if there isn't, why not set a precedence?

Any job of supply and logistics, one of the first steps to identifying a problem is to see if *I* did anything that caused it, or the people I'm working with.  Food producers managed to get through a lot of years of weather and flu without these problems, the only change has been who the rulers are and their open desires to reduce the population and have total control over anyone who survives.  They're also trying to raise fuel prices so food costs a lot more to transport, ring any bells?

No, probably not.  The "house servants" never had any reason to know how the food got to the house and she's no different.  It's like Democrats are still in charge and they don't like dissent.

07 June, 2023

□ [“Biden Bribery Allegations Involve Business Person From Ukraine Who Sent 'Substantial Bribe' to Joe Biden”] 

This sort of investigation is still going on, or at least pretending to.  Hunter's being investigated as well.  They're also supposed to arrest Trump this week, or at least charge him with something.  Part of me thinks there's *something* going on here that *might* actually produce something useful, but part of me thinks it's just distraction.  Maybe both, the question would be which side will win.

I don't see much point to following this.  I assume it's going to end the worst-way possible, maybe I'll be wrong and we'll get lucky.  But *if* there's a counter-conspiracy to try to overthrow our rulers, it's possible that they're using Trump as the target to distract.  I mean that in a good way, ever since the 'classified information' story came out, I noticed that Biden and Mike Pence were immediately discovered with documents they shouldn't have.  We already know Hillary was doing this and probably others as well.

So using Trump would distract leftists because he's a target, giving whoever's really on our side room to put together everything they need to justify taking the tyrants down.  Now I know you're saying 'just get it started!'  And I completely agree, I see no reason why they've wasted so much time.  They could be 100% to need to delay, they could setting us up for another trap or anywhere in between.

But if I'm right, at least partially, these investigations are intended to go somewhere worthwhile.  I've heard it from a number of sources that virtually *everybody* knows something is wrong now.  I can take credit for saying that publicly for a long time now, but never mind, I do know there are people who have seen this before I did and were in a position where they could do *something* about it.  Don't know what, couldn't say if I did, but something has be done and I think it is going on.

So even though I say these investigations aren't worth paying much attention to, I still do pay *some* attention.  Don't really care about the specifics, just trying to see if I can tell what direction they're moving.

07 June, 2023

□ [“FBI asked Twitter to censor journalists on behalf of Ukraine”] 

Those who enforce our nation's laws will defy the First Amendment on behalf of a foreign nation, one that pays our rulers a lot of money under the table.  That's how a banana republic works, and it's what leftists always complain about when they aren't the ones in charge.

The FBI connected with Twitter about this in March 2022, just as the war started.  The same war that Biden said would be minor and he'd destroy the Nord Stream pipeline for, but this shows that it was very deliberate.  From that, it's safe to assume they're going after everything else for the same reason.

Every other government agency is probably in on this sort of behavior but the FBI obviously gets most of the attention.  They didn't even hesitate to give orders for another country.  It doesn't look like Twitter obeyed them (unless I'm reading it wrong) but the fact remains, our rulers' police force didn't hesitate to order censorship.  They're going to crush us unless we do something about it.

07 June, 2023

□ [“Trans Actress Claims Anti-LGBT Attack Outside Hotel, That Took Place Last Year”] 

Not sure why, but I still have some sort of interest in her.  I've only seen two things she's ever done in her life and both of them were X-Men movies where she played Kitty Pryde.  That's probably why I notice, whatever the hell Kitty Pryde represented to Hollywood, she's gotta live up to that.  And this is what she's become.

Amusingly, it does help prove the point that most of us have known from childhood, don't send a girl to do a man's job.  Jussie Smollett makes up this insane lie about racists he knew were white despite having their face covered in the middle of the night in a Chicago snow storm attacked him and people took that seriously for a while, until video of him hanging out with the black guys in a gym and buying them their props so they could film the attack.

But Kitty's not remotely capable of that.  Her description of the attack sounds ludicrous and she's the one claiming to be man, why did she run away crying like a sissy girl?  At least Jussie is probably turned on by the suffering imposed on him, what's Kitty's excuse?  She didn't have anybody around who'd tell her this was a bad idea?

Why do these people think anyone would recognize them in normal clothes without makeup and cgi?  Or care who they were?  Hollywood is clearly run by a very closed organization who have no clue what real people are like.

08 June, 2023

Just so you know, George Clooney appears in the Flash movie. That's the surprise ending.

□ [“The Ukrainian Counteroffensive – Heavy Fighting in Zaporozhie – Kiev’s Forces Taking Massive Losses"]

Did the media get tired of reporting Ukraine's constant triumphs for the last fifteen months?  I haven't found anything on that.  At most there's the same 'yay Ukraine' and even that's not giving any information on how and where these victories are taking place.  Maybe the media is bored with it but you'd think at least their fans would want to know what's going on.  Well, I guess they know their fans better than I do.

Something about the media coverage just seems different suddenly.  There's still no mention of the troops lost while failing to protect the worthless Bakhmut, but it does seem like something has been lost there, a "fortress of morale" of some sort.  The "spring offensive" is just coming off as desperation and not exactly as threatening as the Battle of the Bulge.  The Germans lost that battle in about ten days, by the way, although it took another month to finish them off.  They also lost a lot of the best units they had left at that point in the war, which doesn't count dealing with Russia.

Anyway, what is the point of this other than putting on a show of desperation for the world?  I assume Ukraine has taken some ground in places but nothing stands out and most of what I see is them attacking and Russia repelling them.  We've been waiting all this time and this is all they can do?  What happened to the massive victories of the last year and a half?

08 June, 2023

□ [“Reporter Asks Joe Biden About 'Evidence in an FBI File' Showing He 'Sold Out the Country'"]

So the House Oversight Committee was given an excuse to not hold FBI Director Chris Wray in contempt, they got to go into a scif and they saw documents that Biden took bribes.  This was in regards to getting the Ukraine prosecutor fired for investigating Hunter.  Why Biden would need a bribe for that is unclear, but maybe it was just part of doing business, he threatened Ukraine with denying them money if the prosecutor wasn't fired.

Ok.  So what?  This is why I would say just throw the information out there, who cares if it's classified?  Did this help our rulers get tied deeper into Ukraine or something because otherwise it just comes off like a bribe like every other member of Congress gets.  They're not going to prosecute him so why bother?

Otherwise the only part that stands out to me is that this is specifically part of the incident Biden bragged about to an audience, his bullying Ukraine into ignoring the law if they knew what was good for them.  I assume these people had just as many dealings with Russia, China or a bunch of others, so this is an interesting coincidence but I don't see much beyond that.

Biden's response is "where's the money?"  Wherever Ukraine funneled it, duh!  I must say his response was less incoherent than usual, whatever that's worth.  But we're tired of waiting for this and our rulers don't seem remotely interested in doing anything about it.

08 June, 2023

Saw an interesting theory about the Canadian forest fires going on currently.  Apparently they don't resemble actual forest fires and the suspicion is that they were started with chemicals, the ammonia nitrate stolen from a train last month to be specific.

Well it's believable, I'll give it that.  There's a lot of fires and they all started at roughly the same time so it's definitely deliberate.  The left is already insisting this proves we need more rules on global warming, as if forest fires aren't natural in the first place and starting forest fires has nothing to do with the climate.  What are they going to do, stop people from stealing chemicals from trains and using them to burn trees in another country?  That'll stop dozens of fires from being started at the same time across hundreds of miles?

It's definitely deliberate, although if I have to guess, I'd say it's probably the foreign military-age males who've been entering the country thanks to Biden.  Possibly domestic environmentalists but I can't see them as smart enough to pull this off on their own.  If nothing else, the train would have records and cameras showing what they did.  Or it might be some other stolen chemicals in the first place.

□ [“Satellite Imagery from College of DuPage Meteorology Department Shows Over a Dozen Fires in Quebec Start Up at Almost the Exact Same Time"]

And after I'd written the above, I saw this article.  There ya go.

08 June, 2023

□ [“Salute to the LBGTQ?? San Francisco Police Record Viral Video Saluting the Pride Flag"]

Well until something better comes along, I'm going to assume this is the official flag of the "new world order."  The rulers will probably keep changing it on a regular basis just to show they can.  It's already a crime to burn it, not like the American flag.  Perhaps San Francisco expects to be the new capitol city of the region.

□ [“Trans Male Oklahoma Student Illegally Allowed by School to Use Girls’ Bathroom Assaults Female Student"]

And this is what they want all across the world.  Every big strong woman-with-a-penis is entitled to beat up any sissy girl-with a-vagina for any reason.  You'd better show this penis some respect, girlie, or you'll get what you deserve.  Show it some respect, right now!  I'm waiting!

The rulers are trying to impose this on all children.  It's a natural result from getting rid of real men as fathers.  That's the only way civilization can exist and they're willing to get rid of it in favor of their own made-up fantasies which always result in violence, especially against females.  That's liberalism's ultimate goal, as shown by the fact that they never ever resist this at any point along the way.

08 June, 2023

□ [“'Non-Binary' Influencer Has Meltdown After President Trump Features Him in Campaign Ad"]

Just an odd idea I had when looking at this article.  First of all, "influencer" seems to be some sort of new version of advertising, trying to get through the internet.  It was an "influencer" who gave Bud Lite all the promotion they deserve.  Do any of the people with that job description have the slightest clue how many real genders there are or do they all think the same exact way?

Second of all, looking at the pictures of this guy, I suddenly started thinking of the "Leave Britney Alone" guy.  Remember 2007?  Britney Spears had reached legal age a few years ago and was getting all the attention a sexy drunken slut should expect.  Ok, fine, famous people do that, but this guy made a youtube video whining like a little bitch about her getting the attention she deserved.  And he got a lot of publicity for it.

So, having not thought of him for fifteen years or so, it turns out he has a wikipedia page and as you can probably guess, he has a new gender.  He also spent sometime in gay porn.  And I have to wonder if this is a direct result which our rulers intended.  Pop music had died in the 90s because the companies promoted boring stuff, Britney helped bring it back because girls like hearing catchy tunes, no matter how horrible, and the ultimate goal may very well have been to inspire creatures like this whose whole life had been on the internet to push for the brand-new genders.

Could this have been the point, using pop culture to push this onto children?  On the one hand, I'm sure that's the evil goal with everything and the megacorporations are just throwing enough sh*t at a wall until something sticks, but I have to wonder if this actually met the goal every step of the way.  I always blame Nirvana's breakthrough album for killing whatever rock music was worth, and it came out from Geffen Records one week before the company released Guns'n'Roses' follow-up to their smash hit, which was itself the culmination of the glam hard-rock movement, itself built from the earlier glam-rock movement - as well as others, I'm trying to simplify the concept as much as possible - like David Bowie and Queen.

All of these bands and more held high status for what brought us here today as well as ruining civilization.  And as far as I know, absolutely none of them (that are still alive) disagree with the transgender movement at any point, or the "new world order" as a whole.  There are certainly earlier examples - the Velvet Underground being an obvious one - and you can point to some bands that don't really go along with all of it, Metallica or whoever.

Obviously I'm missing a lot of points here as well as other aspects like Hollywood and the invention of the internet.  If Britney never existed it still would have happened the same way, but I'm writing this just because it looks like I've gotten a glimpse of a direct path through the decades and this random creature who whines about Trump inspired it.

08 June, 2023

□ [“Muslim-Led Coalition Protests in Montgomery County Against LGBT Books in Schools"]

This is a pleasant surprise.  I've long assumed that Muslims side with leftists because they know how to manipulate the infidel for however many decades it takes to bring the Muslims to the forefront.  And maybe that's what's happened, that Democrats have ruined themselves so badly that they can't even steal elections in Democrat regions without Muslims taking over.

And maybe that's part of it, but I'd like to think that at least some of them really aren't going to put up with this any more.  They don't want their children poisoned by this any more.  The left either needs to force Muslim submission or give them special privileges which are denied to everyone else.  Or they can treat everybody equally and admit that all parents have those rights, but we know the left would never do that.

I assume the media and Democrat leaders will completely ignore this, especially those who are Muslim.  They're thrilled when white Christian parents are arrested for this exact thing, it's not like they can call Muslims "white supremacists."

I also get the sense that we're seeing a very subtle change with regard to slavery.  Muslims have owned slaves since Day One and no liberal will get far if they criticize Muhammed for that.

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