Friday, June 16, 2023


13 June, 2023

If I could write that way, I wouldn't need the talcum powder.

It sounds like the United Nations is requiring Ukraine to provide evidence that Russia destroyed the dam last week.  Something about this seems like an unexpected mood-shift, why would they need any proof?  Isn't the UN supposed to accept that Russia is always to blame?

We don't hear much from the UN these days.  They're just there, sucking off the US, supporting globalism and giving Russia and China a lot of authority.  Well, they also have the World Health Organization which gets to decide whether or not a nation has whatever they're currently calling a virus.  I don't know if BRICS counts as a counterpart to the UN but it's typical for leftists to take something that's been around for 70 years for granted and look for the new thing.

Could that be the main goal of the Russia/Ukraine thing?  The west is showing off how decadent they are and basically motivating everyone else to turn against us?  There's absolutely no way to prove this but it sure sounds believable.

13 June, 2023

So Trump has been charged with 37 counts, but he doesn't need to pay any bond and can go anywhere in the world as long as he shows up to the next court appearance.  They're not worried he's going to more around all the other classified documents they haven't found yet?  This is ridiculous.  How do you stop him from being so *dangerous* to the country with this?

It's not even clear what the point of this is supposed to be.  He's still going to run for POTUS.  You can argue whether that's a good idea or not, but there's no law against it.  In addition to Hillary's private server and Biden storing classified documents in his garage, people are now remembering Bill Clinton hiding secret documents in his sock drawer, yet another example of someone the law doesn't apply to.  I guess they think they're convincing their own supporters but that's not going to work.

This conveniently hides any discussion of the news that Biden and Hunter were each given $5 million bribes by a Russian agent who was used by SVR, the modern KGB.  Totally legal, Russia got nothing for that, just trust them.

I really don't get what the point of this is or where it's supposed to go, but Trump will probably still be speaking out on this in a little while.  I don't have high hopes but hopefully I'm wrong.

13 June, 2023

It does look like different government forces are turning against each other at the higher levels.  Trump is the modern Emmanuel Goldstein and will never be defeated.  Biden and Hunter's problems are getting more attention and are much more believable than the nonsense against Trump.  It's not like anything will be done about it.  There's also the invasion and WWIII, as well as the Clintons, the Obamas and all the others of that kind.

One rumor says that Russia and China now have everything they need on Biden and our ruling class, if they didn't have it already, they got it from Ukraine.  That's also believable but what are they supposed to do with it?  It's why I keep saying we need a resistance movement.  Starting locally is probably the best option but it will hopefully grow and have to deal with others.

We can't just remain in stasis (if that word applies to life going downhill.)  Something will eventually happen that give no one any choice but to take action, I still think it would be better if our side takes the initiative on this.  The waiting is cutting everybody down, we really need to just get this started.

13 June, 2023

One problem we're all having which prevents us from forming any sort of resistance movement is that we're not clear which side is which.  As an obvious example, the people who care about Trump having classified documents don't care about Biden/Hillary/etc. doing the same thing, and vice versa.  Or people who care more about the Russia/Ukraine thing going on halfway around the world than they do the local economic suffering we're all living through every day.

It's difficult to see how these events line up for each individual.  There probably aren't a lot of people who care more about Russia/Ukraine and Trump's classified documents than the US economy and Hillary/Biden doing the same thing.  However, there probably are a lot of people who care about one of these events but don't pay much attention to the other event, and those are just two examples that were easy for me to pick.  There's a lot more differing conflicts going on in the world.

The trans-movement?  The Hollywood strike?  Gas prices?  US and Syria?  China and Taiwan?  The virus/vaccine?  How do you pick a side on each of them, or which topics to ignore?  And who else would share your views on all of these subjects?  All of this is making it harder to have a clue what other people think about anything, and it's all ignoring the basic problems of buying food, avoiding crime, getting a job, making your girlfriend happy, etc.

I don't have any answers, although I do think it will basically come down to two sides and sooner or later, we'll be able to tell who's with us or against us.  I just don't know how long that will take or how it will turn out.

13 June, 2023

It's definitely looking like this "pride" month is going to straighten a few things out.  Probably won't be any clear answers or direction by the time it ends in a few weeks, but our tyrants are really grabbing everything they can get their greasy hands on, but more and more of the rest of us are consciously realizing that we've had enough of this.

This month is definitely giving a lot of us a real sense of 'WE'VE HAD ENOUGH!'  Even a lot of solid Democrat voter groups are repulsed by this imposition of made-up genders on everything and everybody.  We all have more than enough problems to deal with without those creatures but they're the ones the government gives top priority to.  Not good.

I do think this month will help demonstrate the division, it's where we'll find the people who agree with us on most-if-not-all topics.  Still have no idea how that will work, we're all individuals so I could barely even guess at which topics will be relevant, much less which side of each gets picked.  But I think it will go a long way towards demonstrating which people support minority rule and they're the ones in charge of us.

13 June, 2023

Not sure why, but I am paying attention to some pop culture events.  We're all waiting for the Helena Shaw movie, guest-starring Indiana Jones, to bomb.  Gotta admit, I've been wondering what the odds are of Harrison Ford dying of "suddenly" in the next week or so and what difference that would make for the box office.  Is that a sacrifice Hollywood would be willing to make?

I'm also looking at the Flash movie.  Somehow Warner Bros. is promoting this thing beyond all reason, promoting the brief Michael Keaton appearance - and we know Christopher Reeve, George Clooney, Adam West and Lynda Carter make appearances.  They're all doing this for a cult-leading child rapist so they can promote the multiverse.  Why don't they just get one from an alternate-universe where he didn't get caught?  Why would you want a Flash that gets caught?

There's Disney's problems, there's the writer's strike nobody seems to care about.  Some of their demands make sense, others just sound stupid.  They don't get much attention.  That's why I keep wondering if there's something deliberate about all this, tying in to current events.  Remember, Hollywood is about worshiping demons and their leaders have insane plans for the world, could all this have been deliberate to show up at the same time?

Things like this make me wish I hadn't given up on writing fiction because it sure sounds like a good idea for a book.  Maybe someone could even make a movie out of it?

13 June, 2023

□ [“Massachusetts Students Revolt Against “Pride” Month Spirit Day; Glare at Teachers, Tear Down Signs, Wear Red, White and Blue, Chant 'U.S.A. Are My Pronouns!'"]

Quite amusing.  Don't know how likely this is but there's at least a sense that more kids are getting rebellious these days, which is how the left has always pretended to want them.  Funny how schools don't seem to teach the downside of rebellions.  The benevolent all-knowing leaders will handle everything, even if it contradicts what they've been saying for decades.

That's something I've been trying to look into, what basic contradictions are the left into, but I'm not sure where to start.  There's stuff like promoting a war in Ukraine which Congress never voted for and never even bothered to join our military alliances, despite spending the last couple decades insisting that we must always do that.  There's 'your body, your choice' except when it comes to getting a poison-vaccine.  There's always believing women and blacks, except when they're attacking Democrats, and they can be ignored anyway because the trans movement is the new big thing.

There's also obvious hypocrisy like burning fossil fuel to travel around the world to talk about global warming.  There's also the way they're suddenly pro-American whenever they're in charge and imposing tyranny on us, but for these I can't think of specifically relevant examples.  We know it's there, but it's just blaming Al Gore or John Kerry or someone like that.  I'm trying to think of examples where millions of leftists uses basic phrases which they're doing the opposite of whenever they can.

14 June, 2023

Chocolate republic, strawberry republic or vanilla republic?

Heard part of Trump's speech.  Just a few notes, for one thing I'd forgotten about hearing him speak.  He's not a good speaker but he is very good at using his limited abilities.  There's also the fact that we've had to listen to babbling Biden for two and a half years.

What I heard, Trump didn't say all that much that was interesting.  We need to act *NOW* so he talks about what he'll do in a year and a half when he returns to the White House.  If he said anything more relevant, I stepped out for a few minutes.

Biden hasn't been in public for the last couple days.  We're told he has dental surgery, which doesn't really need a couple days.  Why not do it on one of his long weekends instead of taking up work days?  Has he even seen a dentist in ages?  As old and rich as he is, you think he'd have regular medical attention.  Or is there some other excuse for him not being public?

14 June, 2023

The movie studios have to plan a few years out, what will be popular then?  Since they're part of the official media for our rulers, it's looking like they expected things to be completely different now and are turning out completely wrong.  The Disney flops are the most immediate example but this must be causing panic.  They thought everything would go the way they wanted two years ago.

Part of me is still skeptical on this.  Basically I'll need some proof that they didn't really want degrading devastation and misery as their primary goals.  Disney, Bud Lite, Democrats, none of them are saying they got anything wrong, which would be the first clue of what they were working towards.  Just the fact that all these companies are trying to be more like Bud Lite tells us what they're after.  They make plans years out as well, we just don't see it on theater screens.

But that's still an interesting thought.  We know intellectually that companies make plans years or decades out, but we don't know how each company works so we have no way of perceiving that.  Then there's the distinctions between businesses that need time to work out what gets released compared to those who need to produce their results right now.  Car mechanics don't plan for what car they'll fix in five years, the customer needs to be able to drive now, but the companies that provide tools and supplies for those mechanics have a different schedule.

So this all provides a demonstration of how individuals each have their own views and make their own decisions, which collectivists always avoid as much as possible.  Of course, like it or not, they're still human beings, so they bring their individuality into it.  They're all fighting for their careers or specific projects they're working on, they disagree with each other and they have to pretend to go along with their bosses.  How do you promote women when your employer wants you to believe that anybody can self-identify as female?  How do you sell a beer when your primary goal is to say that anybody can self-identify as female?  How do you promote a commercial for a movie that was designed years ago to show how great the economy is today and expect everyone to go along with it?

Or do you just ignore that and say it's all Trump's fault?  Or Putin's?  That's what the collectivists want you to do, but it doesn't work very well.

14 June, 2023

□ [“Mike Pence Says He 'Cannot Defend What is Alleged' in the Federal Indictment Against Trump"]

But he's not the slightest bit worried about all the documents he had taken and kept for years, funny how that works.  He's not remotely concerned about any of the Democrats who took all these classified documents for years in their offices or homes.  No, he's only focused on one guy who did that.

What I don't get about Pence is who he thinks he's fooling?  He can basically cut off all Trump voters which guarantees that he has no chance whatsoever.  I doubt that a candidate gets privileges that a former Veep wouldn't get so he's not adding anything to his legacy here.  He may already have his concession speech to Biden ready.

Seriously, how many voters in 2020 said "I don't really like Trump but that Mike Pence guy is doing great"?  Guess what, whatever today's opinions of Trump may be, Pence definitely hasn't improved.  If this is the level of candidate Republicans intend to nominate, Biden has zero chance of losing and that's if it's a fair election.  Pence and his kind already know that, that's why they're here.  What's the alternative, talk about what a great job Trump did as POTUS, the only reason people outside Indiana know who Pence is?

14 June, 2023

□ [“'Are There Tapes That You Accepted Bribes, President Biden?' – Biden Stunned After New York Post Reporter Ambushes Him with Question"]

This is a surprise, just the fact that someone would be allowed to get close and ask a question.  It's possible this was approved of by whoever's in charge but I'm not sure where that would go.  There's too many possibilities to guess at.

Biden ignored the question entirely, maybe the next reporter will have a little girl with them, but that's not going to go away.  It's more and more clear that he and his family have been taking major bribes over the decades, including from Russia, China and Ukraine.  If he was ordered to set Ukraine up for complete failure, what would he be doing differently?  Talk about how big a supporter he is, waste US and European weapons and equipment, and when Russia and China are ready, that'll be that.  I don't know how likely that is but it's entirely possible.  Then there's all the other nations of the world who had to pay him over the decades...

This is something that shows the Uniparty in operation.  In theory, there could be a lot of Biden supporters who don't care if he takes bribes or care about the Russia/Ukraine thing.  That would be understandable, there's too many other problems going on in our lives these days.  There are definitely Trump supporters who don't care about Russia/Ukraine and probably those who doesn't see much interest in Biden taking bribes, it's typical for members of Congress.  But flip the sides and that changes.

Trump takes bribes?  Oh, he must be punished!  Biden is accused of doing what Trump was accused of doing, ok, go after him just as harshly as they did Trump.  Russia/Ukraine is such a big deal that we must all focus on it and they've been paying our POTUS bribes for years?  Well *that's* going to be a problem.  What are *you* going to do about it?

That's probably why they're going for the 'law applies to everybody' rhetoric which is obviously false.  They've always gotten away with it and they're in charge, so just keep going.  Some of us have seen this problem for a long time and more are realizing it every day.  So what are *they* going to do about it?

14 June, 2023

□ [“All-Muslim Michigan City Council Bans 'Pride' Flag Displays on Government Property"]

Interesting, only five flags are permitted now, the US flag, the Michigan flag, the city flag, the Prisoner of War flag and the fifth one is apparently the national flags of immigrants.  That last one seems dubious but I probably wouldn't fit against it.  I don't get the point of the Prisoner of War flag, I never saw the reason for that.

Everybody on the city council is Muslim male, as is the mayor.  Not the sort of people Democrats would want a conflict with.  Other than calling them "white supremacists," what other option do they have?  They can kick them out of the Democratic party but that will lose a lot of black votes.  Democrats have only controlled blacks for a couple centuries, Muslims for a lot longer.

This might also be an example of having more respect for your enemies than for your allies.  Leftists do not like it when dark-skinned people disagree with them, at least they already know Republicans will do that.  Muslims already know the infidel will make bad decisions.  They'll put up with it when they have to but they're really getting at a point where they aren't going to tolerate it any longer.

15 June, 2023

Can we just flip to the last page?

□ [“Biden Goes ‘Off-Script’: 'We Have Plans to Build a Railroad From the Pacific All the Way Across the Indian Ocean'"]

There might be a reason he's not allowed in public very often.  It's actually a compliment that his masters have allowed him out as often as they do, that's not how tyranny normally operates.  I'm sure it's very controlled, and it's possible that they deliberately want to show how worthless he is, just to let the serfs know where we stand, but I will give them credit for permitting this in the first place.

For that matter, I'd be willing to bet that some right-wingers think it's a cool idea.  Not going to happen - how would you defend the entire Pacific/Indian line from an enemy assault? - but it's fun to think about and consider what's required for design and construction.  Of course there's also the obvious question, what the hell is he talking about?  The words are English but unless he's actually referring to a trans-oceanic railroad, that makes no sense whatsoever.

Is any media going to ask why he's babbling such nonsense?  Because that's actually a problem.  Media is apparently permitted to ask about the years of bribes so either they're allowed to cover this too or it becomes obvious that they're just following orders, and for some reason the bribery has been permitted.  Or are they just going to drop all of it, which is also a problem for the audience?  It seems like a no-win scenario.

15 June, 2023

□ [“6 Charged for Stealing and Selling Body Parts from Harvard Medical School and an Arkansas Morgue"]

Only one of them has their picture shown but this self-mutilation needs to be stopped.  The right side of his face is tattooed green, his right eye is tattooed black and spikes implanted in his mouth and skull.  I'd be fine with anyone who looks like that being locked away for life, never mind the crimes he and his associates committed.

I do think this sort of self-created monstrosity is a side-effect of the transgender movement, just a belief that you can be whatever you want no matter how unrealistic is.  I would expect it to cost a lot of money to ruin your body this way but it might be cheaper than I think and it's something I'd rather not investigate.  Just the notion of being a person who would do this is repulsive, I definitely don't want to know anything about the people performing these surgeries.

It also links up with the possibility of demon-worship.  I can see stealing from a morgue or a cemetery if you're desperate for money and this is the only option you've found, but he obviously doesn't have that sort of need.  There was a customer for these thefts but I don't see any reason given for why they wanted chunks of corpses in the first place.

15 June, 2023

□ [“When President Trump Was Being Indicted on Tuesday, Ronna McDaniel Was Releasing New GOP Convention Logo"]

It is becoming more and more clear who belongs to the Uniparty.  It's still a valid question of whether they've always been part of it or if they moved over at some point in their career, but there's no doubt at this point that these people have been placed in positions of Republican authority by Democrats, and here they have the person who's technically in charge of the party.

And nobody even asks them how many Trump voters they're willing to get rid of and who they expect to replace them with?  They may think they can "convince" Trump voters but Trump already did that and they obviously don't like it.  They don't care how many elections they lose, they're not going to follow what winning votes actually requires.  Has there ever been a worse mid-party election for the side that's supposed to gain seats than 2022?

A lot of this is probably typical politics but these days, I really think it's about supporting the "new world order."  They need to make sure people who oppose the real masters never get any power and they've infected both parties for decades.  It's easy to find nice things that I've said about people who were supporting this tyranny because I didn't know what they were really going for.  Even now, there's any number of names where I'm really not sure what to think of them, but in my defense, most of that has only come out in recent years, often after they died.

But we can already guarantee Republicans will lose big-time in 2024, even without stolen elections.  The only real question is if something unforeseeable will come up before then and change things in ways nobody can predict.

15 June, 2023

□ [“Pro-Russian Hacktivist Groups ‘KillNet, Anonymous Sudan, and REvil’ Announce to Destroy European Banking System in the 'Next 48 Hours'"]

□ [“Global Cyberattack Hits Multiple US Federal Government Agencies"]

An actual attack?  A meaningless threat?  An attempt to divert our attention away from something else?  And that's just considering it might be Russians doing this, what if it's someone else claiming to be Russia?  What if it's our own rulers doing this?  Maybe it's all a fake.

I have no idea what to do about the threat itself, all I know is we either have internet or we don't.  Hitting banks is bad enough, especially given the status of our economy, but if the government gets shut down, that's it, it's 'game on' and anybody who hesitates the next move will automatically lose, so a lot of people will react immediately.

I don't know what the results will be.  If we're already at war with Russia, they have every right to attack us in whatever way they see fit.  If it's somebody else, it's even more messy.  We can basically assume from the start that whoever it is has maximum access to western computer systems and at best, we might be wrong about that.  This really isn't the war I signed up for.

15 June, 2023

□ [“Biden Snaps At Reporter Asking 'Why Did the Ukraine/FBI Informant File Refer to You as The Big Guy?'"]

Something is going on here, they can't just have people keep asking this question if the press is completely obedient.  Biden's guards are supposed to keep anybody who might ask that question from getting close, yet this keeps happening.  Sooner or later, other media outlets are going to have to start covering this just to avoid looking completely stupid to their own readers.

The question is what's important, it's not likely that Biden has a clue what he's being asked about and even if he does, he's not going to answer.  That would be too close to the truth and he didn't get this far with that.  Probably wouldn't be hard to put together footage of Trump being asked a lot more difficult questions and being much better at answering but again, that doesn't help Biden.

I still don't expect this to go anyway, it's probably a distraction just to waste time while the "new world order" gets into place.  But at least it's something.  I just wish whoever was behind this would put their energy into something more useful and relevant.  Biden's got less chance of being punished than Trump does and Biden's obviously criminal.

16 June, 2023

If you can read this, let me know what it says.

□ [“Ukraine’s Faltering Offensive is Completely Lost on General Milley and Secretary of Defense Austin"]

This article is just covering how long it takes to accomplish basic training to be on a tank crew, not to mention the fact that these Ukrainians are being sent to take dozens of classes in dozens of different countries which don't even speak Ukrainian.  But the rulers insist that somehow they'll all magically learn everything perfectly in record-time *and* how to coordinate with each other who learned different courses in different countries with different languages.

There's also contradictory statements from our rulers.  Former general Ben Hodges says the "spring offensive" hasn't started yet and it'll take months to see any results.  But General David Petraeus said a couple weeks ago that it had already started and it would take 72-96 hours to see the results.  Which is it?

The Russia/Ukraine thing has never come across as a standard war but it's just looking more and more like some larger plan.  Maybe Russia is trying to 'de-nazify' Ukraine, or de-Americanize it for that matter.  Maybe it's a hoax for the ruling class.  I still haven't seen any Ukraine supporter with the slightest doubts that it's a standard war and they're always on one side.  They even talk like they've had specific discussions with Putin and know every detail of his plans, just so they can laugh about how bad his decisions were.  They never have the slightest doubt about any of this which is just bizarre.

Putin spent a large part of his life in a communist dictatorship and worked as a spy for them, yet he's the one with no clue how to distract people or get them to believe something else.  When did he tell you his specific goal was to win in a few days and why did you believe him without question?  Somehow they just know, as do our rulers who really want this war.  What could go wrong?

16 June, 2023

□ [“CONCACAF Match Suspended After Mexico Fans Continuously Throw Anti-Gay Chant at US Goalkeeper Matt Turner"]

Gimme an L!  Gimme an O!  Gimme an L!  What's that spell?  They stopped the game and whined about what soccer fans chant.  Or maybe it's because they're Mexican, we've been told that these Americans are all racist.  There's even a tweet about banning Mexico from playing in the United States for the next two years.  Seriously?  They can just walk across the border and play anything anytime they want, our masters support that 100%.

At a guess, I'd say this shows the degradation of the United States over the last couple years and what the rulers have aimed at for the last few decades.  The rest of the world still sees us as an inspiration, or at least our past-selves, and they're not happy about this insanity.  There's no reason to hesitate or obey our commands so they're not going to stop.  This is just the elites showing how out-of-touch they are with everyone else.

It's the US's own fault for pushing this trans-gay nonsense.  We've put up with it for a long time but they're just imposing it more and more onto everybody, basically shoving into our faces without our consent.  We've all had enough of that and things like this are going to happen more often.  And of course it'll give the rulers an excuse for blatant tyranny, as if they needed any.

16 June, 2023

□ [“'Strategic Destruction'- Former Employee and Whistleblower Alleges to Know Why Bud Light Executives Put Dylan Mulvaney’s Face on Cans"]

I'll need more convincing, partially that it's about deliberate self-destruction and partially the reasoning behind it.  The former is iffy-at-best and the latter just seems ridiculous.  It makes less sense than just flat-out shutting a company down so they can start a new one that'll live up to their political views, there's no point to that.  At least you can understand the basic motivation of self-destruction and, to be fair, these people are obviously insane so there's no rational explanation for why they're doing this.

They wouldn't pick such a method of doing this.  The whole point is that Bud Lite didn't put out tons of ads and spend lots of money to promote this trans beast.  It was just a small event and probably not the first one, but for some reason the customers responded to this one.

We've also been told that the head of Anheuser plans to go on a tour this fall and will actually meet people.  Sounds like an excuse to show him a bunch of puppets who are thrilled by how wonderful his products are, never mind what the actual sales are.  Will he be paying for the fossil fuel and the hotel rooms out of his own pocket?  Probably not.

At this point, nothing's going to help.  People who want to drink have found a replacement and there's no reason to go back, and Bud Lite hasn't found any new customers to replace their losses.  Now they have to justify their actions to all the distributors and stores that have lost money on this, and they're absolutely going to avoid saying that Bud Lite did anything wrong.  More people should use that excuse when they're drunk.

16 June, 2023

□ [“Penn State Professor Charged with Animal Cruelty After Being Caught Having Sex with His Pet Dog 'to Blow Off Steam'"]

Is there any reason why having sex with something outside your species shouldn't be an automatic death sentence?  I don't know, maybe I'm missing something, let me know if there's any reason humans that do this shouldn't be executed on the spot?  I try to be open minded, maybe cutting their genitals off is sufficient punishment.  But at the moment, that's not my opinion.

Of course he's a Democrat and has given a lot of money to them.  The authorities have been tracking him since 2014 but waited until he was caught having sex with the dog in a parking lot.  So of course he's always gotten away with it and probably would have now if it wasn't caught in public.

He's just babbling nonsense, 'blow off steam' is probably as relevant as saying he did it to win a high-school bet.  It's just utter shock from being caught *and* arrested.  He's an old white liberal, he never expected to be punished for anything.  Probably not that poor either, if he can spare money for Hillary, Elizabeth Warren and John Kerry.

If there's ever an actual resistance movement, people like this will be shot on sight if they're ever caught.  There's a reason civilized societies require sex to be a private act and this guy is just the latest example of what they can get away with in public.  There'll probably be another one tomorrow.

16 June, 2023

Disney's Chief Financial Officer just stepped down all of a sudden.  Their latest movie appears to be a bomb and there's still a couple weeks before Helena Shaw, guest starring Indiana Jones, is released.  What I've heard of the new movie, the first twenty minutes or so actually resemble an Indiana Jones movie.  That's believable, the first movie in the Star Wars sequels had a few similarities to the only three *real* Star Wars movies and that worked out so well for Disney, why not keep doing it?

It's things like that which make me wonder if this really is deliberate.  Maybe the people in charge are completely insane, maybe there's actually something underway to let the company survive regardless of what its stockholders or customers want.  I can't imagine what this might be - another vote for complete insanity - but I can't insist that's totally impossible.

This is going on with other companies.  Warner Bros. is getting ready to release Flash which sounds like the only thing keeping it from being a bomb is a few minutes of Michael Keaton as Batman, and Warner hasn't done well in movies recently.  Then there's Bud Lite, Target and those other companies who don't want their real customers, they'll self-identify has finding new people to get money from.

And all this lines up with Democrat behavior since 2020.  Basically any Democrat who had sanity sees that there are serious problems going on and the people in charge just want to double down on everything.  It really comes across like cult behavior, we just can't figure out what the cult is.  I go back and forth on whether or not it's actual demon-worship, but that sure simplifies an explanation and covers all the basics.

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