Tuesday, June 20, 2023


17 June, 2023

I can't think of anything to put here. You got any ideas?

□ [“New Jersey Department of Education Reports 4,200 Percent Increase in Students Claiming to be ‘Nonbinary’ in Four Years"]

The goal is to impose their insanity directly into children.  These kids are either mindlessly obedient or they're just going along with what they're told.  No idea which or what percentage is choosing each side.  What I don't get is why there isn't a universal resistance, parents just coming forth and demanding this abuse stop.

Obviously I don't have a clue how this operates but you'd think it would be simple, every parents group across the US getting in contact with each other to speak up and put an end to this.  Every city will work differently but could it really be that hard to work out?  And it is starting to look like most parents are totally opposed to this.

There is the argument that 'most people don't pay attention to this stuff' which would account for parents doing nothing.  I've always tended to disbelieve that approach but I do have to wonder how much of it is actually true, because what other alternative is there for any parents who disagree with this monstrosity?

Put this out to all the parental organizations that they need to speak out and refuse to take part in this any longer.  Their children are being perverted every day that nothing is done about this.  Fight back or just admit that you've lost permanently.  There is no other option.

17 June, 2023

□ [“Spotify Parts Ways With Harry and Meghan After Paying Them a Reported $20 Million for 12 Podcasts"]

Why would you give this much money to people who don't do anything or have any real fans?  I have to wonder if this is just funneling money like Ukraine or bit-coin or something like that.  If there's a safe way to move money like that, it would be connected to British royalty, but keep in mind these two aren't British royalty anymore, assuming they ever were.

Yet somehow they're leftist icons, despite getting so much money for so little work.  How many mansions around the world would they have to have to stop whining about how oppressed they are?  We should get a time machine and go back to show Winston Churchill clips of these two and tell him 'this is what you're fighting for.'  That would have ended the war in a hurry.

At this point in the internet's existence, why would anybody be stupid enough to pay 20 million dollars for any form of web content?  The customers aren't going to pay for any of this crap so what other options are there?  Fortunately I know nothing about streaming services but although they might have ways to move money around beyond the basic concept of sales, that wouldn't do much good for anybody, yet Spotify handed over this much cash for nothing?  Even if it had been genuinely popular, it couldn't be used for anything.  This just makes no sense.

17 June, 2023

□ [“DC Comic Book About Gay Superhero Couple Features Sex Scenes, Child at Pride Parade"]

All these decades of knowing that corporate-owned comics were just propaganda and this is what it's come to.  No one can sell these comic books but the point isn't to sell them, it's to maintain company property.  They're also probably used to develop ideas for movies, tv shows and cartoons which are much more expensive to produce, but might have an audience somewhere.

At least I got to grow up to a point where I wasn't really interested in the superhero genre anyway and what affection I still had was mostly limited to stories that meant a great deal to me when I was younger.  And this was all *before* most people had ever heard of these intellectual properties.  Now they're all common and that's not even counting their use as leftist propaganda.

Do the people who run these companies all hang out at gay-orgies so they can, um, interact without putting this on the record?  That seems unbelievable but given the world we live in now, it also seems quite likely.  Hollywood, the music industry, the Muslim world and other foreigners.  I'd like to be wrong about this but what are the odds?

17 June, 2023

□ [“DOJ Moving to Silence Trump – He Would Be Unable to Speak Out on Case Materials Under Potential New Order"]

They're just going after him with anything they can.  No way to know if this will work or if Trump and co. have a back-up plan ready.  We have no way to know how much of a chance either side has although as always, I'd bet on the bad guys.  But that's just how I roll, you might be different.  And something about this just doesn't come across as blatant tyranny winning everything, although I'm not sure what to point to specifically.

We've had enough of this.  That's really a meme that needs to be spread everywhere, that we refuse to put up with this any longer.  Our rulers want us to be completely submissive and we need to show them that won't happen.  I'm surprised Civil War 2.0 hasn't started in the streets yet but it's coming soon.  Is there going to be some major event that makes it start - Trump being imprisoned? - or will it just happen somewhere on some street in some city and spread from there?

The rulers are starting to go after disarming the populous.  The IRS and ATF sent armed agents into a gun store in Great Falls, Montana and grabbed all the Form 4473 used to get info on every customer.  They'll start doing that everywhere in the country to get all our data on file.  Because they said it was "IRS business."

17 June, 2023

I was a little worried that the Flash movie might actually be successful but there's almost a 0% chance I was wrong about that, based on opening night.  It made $24.5 million, less than half of the opening night for that Spider-Man cartoon movie, about 2/3 of what the Little Mermaid remake and just over half of what Ant Man 3 and Guardians of the Galaxy 3.  Of those four movies, only two were remotely successful in theaters.  We've long since left the era where people will hear about this great movie that's in theaters and will eventually turn it into a hit.  Nowadays, opening weekend is the best it will ever do. 

The only real interest I have in paying attention to this is that the Barry Allen Flash was the one who set off the Silver Age of comics.  As the Flash, I always preferred Wally West and Jay Gerrick, and even there, I was never a huge fan of the characters.  He also set off the multiverse in "The Flash of Two Worlds" which appeared just a month or so before Fantastic Four #1.  But seriously, whatever merits the Flash has as a character, he's really not that important or interesting.  He's just another guy in tights with unrealistic abilities.

Then there's cult-leader child-rapist Ezra Miller who can make up his own gender so of course he's promoted as the hero.  That's another example of people not willing to put up with this nonsense any longer and another reason why the people in charge of these companies hate us all.

There's also the fact that people are just plain tired of superheroes.  It's ok when you're young, but you're expected to grow out of it in a few years and only us devoted comics fans were able to last.  They've already wiped out the comics medium so it's spent far too long with few other genres or attention given to any work.  An amusing fantasy to waste a little time with, ok, but they don't add anything to our lives and the very nature of the genre is to insist that they're the most important.

18 June, 2023

Like Coke, the New Bud Lite will replace the old brand.

The Flash has made $40 million in its first two days. Ant-Man 3 made $80 million in its first two days and you know what a hit that movie was. Can the Flash catch Ant-Man?

The Little Mermaid remake had made $68 million in its first two days.  Guardians of the Galaxy 3 made $87 million in two days and it's only recently made the point where it'll probably make a profit or at least break even.  The Spider-Man cartoon movie made a little more than that but I've heard it was cheaper to make so it probably qualifies as a hit.

In 2012, Avengers made $80 million on its first day.  That's what an actual hit looks like in the modern era.  The Flash is not likely to do that well.  At least Ant-Man 3 had some famous people in it and was all about this 'multi-verse' nonsense, what does The Flash have to offer?

People don't want to waste money they don't have to see yet another boring superhero movie starring a woman-abuser who gets away with it and is paid a lot of money to pretend he's a hero.  The whole concept of a multiverse degrades what makes fiction interesting, wanting to see how the story ends and the fact that the movie studios keep doubling down on this just drives people away.

I'm still worried that this is all deliberate.  There's Bud Lite and similar companies being ditched by former customers, there's the movie studios on strike, there's just the way that nobody anywhere seems to be saying "Stop the self-destruction!"  If they aren't doing this on purpose, what other reason would there be?  You can't make multiple $200 million movies while pushing away your fans, so what's the next step?  A.I?  That might make movies no one wants to see but it won't sell beer.

18 June, 2023

□ [“ACLU Complains Man Who Raped and Murdered Two People, Including a 14-Year-Old Girl, Didn’t Get Sex Change Before Execution"]

This is the hill you want to die on so let's get that started.  You will never ever take the side of a 14-year old girl raped to death, you will always take the side of the rapist.  No doubt or hesitation, no self-questioning that maybe you should find a better target.  That's what you fight for and you won't stop until you're dead.  Ok, your terms are acceptable.

It's clear that a lot of companies were aimed at this month, since it celebrates one of the seven deadly sins.  They've even manufactured a made-up holiday to celebrate it, which I think is tomorrow.  The goal is to tear down every part of civilization and replace it with whatever nonsense takes their fancy.  This is what we're at war with.

We need to start putting together a list of the people who take this side so we know who to purge.  It's increasingly clear that people don't want to put up with this crap any longer and our masters want to impose this on us no matter how much suffering it causes.

18 June, 2023

□ [“California Lawmakers Start Downplaying Possibility of Reparations Payments: ‘It Might Take a Little Time’"]

A slight glimpse of reality?  They don't remotely have the money to pay for the promises they made and sad to say, this is the best recent example of leftists saying they need to stop what they're doing before it's too late.  Just pretend they promised something else, that'll work, right?

I have no experience with assuming people are stupid enough to believe my nonsense, so I'm not sure how one would back away from that.  I assume you'd have to worry that your subjects will turn against you if you disappoint them like this, and you've already proven that they're not remotely equal to you by tricking them into this.  You'd have to be the master to do this and that means you need to keep them in their place, even when you make them angry.

So what's the response going to be?  How many blacks are stupid enough to go along with this and how many have finally had enough?  The leaders probably knew they were lying right from the start so what will the response be?

18 June, 2023

□ [“Obama Appointed Judge Rules ‘There Are Only Two Genders’ T-Shirt is Not a 'Protected Speech'"]

They're using this month to increase their tyranny.  It's quite possible that was the whole point, as well as as expand the nonsense which is always an advantage for leftists.  A 12-year old was wearing a t-shirt that challenged the elite class and that's not permitted.  They never side with freedom, only with oppression.

□ [“Transgender Activists Complain So AMC Cancels Documentary Showcasing People Who Regret Sex Change"]

This happens in media too.  They actively want to censor anything that criticizes them.  I can't imagine why anyone would want to see such a documentary but the whole point of freedom is that other people are allowed to say thing you don't like.  None of our rulers will ever take that side, except maybe as a political advantage.  They can't be treated the way they treat everybody else.

There's a reason the First Amendment is the *first.*  The Founding Fathers had to argue about most of the amendments but this one they came up with right away, the right to disagree, even at a spiritual level.  [This is why religion is included.]  Then someone asked what would happen when the government refused to go along with that so the Second Amendment was written.

We already know the rulers want to get rid of the 2nd, they're pushing after the 1st as well.

18 June, 2023

□ [“Putin Tells the U.S. and NATO To 'Shove It!'"]

It's not clear but it appears that the westerners are getting tired of trying to win a war they can't admit to be taking part in.  Africa has just sent in some negotiators for peace although it's not clear whose side they're on.  I'd bet they side with Russia anyway but the west will go along with anything anyway.

At this point it looks like Russia's just taken a seat (in Ukraine) and are letting the attacks happen, wiping out more men and equipment without much in the way of losses themselves.  That makes sense and could explain how their plans have worked for a year and a half.  At this point it looks like they've taken whatever they want from Ukraine - unless they really want to rule Kiev again which would just be a pointless headache - so now it's just letting the other side get tired and weak.  And the Ukrainians too.

Just imagine how different the world would be if Russia and Ukraine had to solve their own problems without the west sticking its nose in where it doesn't belong.  But our rulers get all the benefits of being at war without even acknowledging it.  NATO hasn't even lowered its standards to the point where Ukraine is permitted to join but they're just ignoring that.  Ukraine hasn't even taken marriage being between one man and one woman out of its constitution and leftists don't mind.

So it's definitely very vague but I'm getting the impression that the rulers on our side are getting tired with this.  They either have to openly declare war against a nuclear power or give up all of their work in Ukraine, the biolabs, funneling money, the Nazis...

19 June, 2023

The law will apply to you unless you get vaccinated!

□ [“'We Do Not Support Taiwan Independence' – Tony Blinken Gives Green Light to Chicoms to Invade Taiwan"]

Well, that's game and match.  The only way it could be more official is if President Trump said this himself.  I assume that's one of the reasons he made the visit, to get instructions on how to tell the world that Taiwan is Chinese property and that's not going to change, regardless of what Taiwan thinks.  It's probably still unknown when China will move in but they'll decide that whenever they want.

So Taiwan is probably desperate, looking around for any allies that might actually stay with them.  Not sure who that would be, except maybe Japan who already has an idea of what China is like to deal with.  The US military must not be willing to give weapons and equipment to those non-white people when it's actually required to defend them, we've only do that for Ukraine.

We can take it as a given that leftists aren't going to get all supportive of these non-whites either.  They don't complain about China slave-mining in Africa to provide materials for solar powered devices.  Biden even promised to send troops in to defend Taiwan less than a year ago.  Nobody's going to believe him and only leftists will pretend they do.

19 June, 2023

□ [“American Medical Association Claims BMI is 'Racist' and Should Not Be Used Due to Its Origin in 19th Century White Body Standards"]

Everything is racism.  This is just another example of that, in this case as an excuse to make non-whites as fat as possible.  The people in charge of doctors want that to happen, everybody else has to obey.  Science is whatever they make up and anyone who disagrees is "racist."

The medical industry hasn't been damaged enough yet by pretending there was a virus and only cloth masks on our face could protect us, so why not go all the way?  And they're telling us that certain skin colors are stupid enough to believe this, just like white liberals.

I don't get the point of destroying the medical industry.  Nobody's going to want the medics who are stupid enough to believe this and they're going to have to get rid of anybody who isn't.  But what I really don't get are why anybody is going along with this, other than the standard leftist policy to make anything that works untrustworthy and force everybody to go along with what doesn't work.

19 June, 2023

□ [“Fake News MSNBC: Biden Isn’t Campaigning Because he 'Doesn’t Have a Serious Challenger'"]

That's because the people in charge won't permit anybody else.  The fix, as they say, is in.  What you are saying is that Democrats, unanimously, are too weak and timid to dare taking a chance on anything, no matter how many decades they've spent saying they were great at their jobs and deserved to be POTUS.  This basically shows that the orders were given and everyone must obey.

□ [“Biden: 'I’ve Committed that by 2020, We Will Have Conserved 30% of All the Lands and Waters'"]

This is who they're sticking with.  Despite the (completely reasonable) suspicion that he's replaced by an impersonator at times, things like this show us that it's highly unlikely.  There's just no reason to do that and not make the copycat at least slightly more coherent than the real Biden.  I'm sure it happens and I've long suspected it's probably Secret Service policy, but it's clearly not being done on a regular basis.  What I'm surprised at is that this speech is in California.  Has he gotten that far across the US at all in the last two and a half years?

□ [“Democrat Rep. Physically Pulls Biden Across the Stage After His Speech"]

But they have show that he's not even capable of doing that.  He has no idea where he's going or what to do, so someone needs to grab his hand and lead.  Biden just obeys.

19 June, 2023

□ [“U.S. Director of National Intelligence to Declassify All Information on Covid-19 Origins by Sunday as Required by Law"]

This article came out a few days ago so, if the law was followed, this information should have come out yesterday.  No idea if that happened, I haven't heard anything.  This was another reason to destroy the medical industry, since they obviously showed they weren't trustworthy there.  But at this point, we don't even know if this info is worth trusting.

That's the real damage they've done.  Once upon a time, they used to follow a saying, 'What do we know, what do we think we know and what don't we know?'  This was a way to distinguish the facts and analyze what remained to find its purpose in manipulating the facts.  But that's what our rulers have wiped away so really, we don't know anything.  That's the way they want it so they can increase their power over everyone.

Then there's the countries we're at war with who have access to our foreign biolabs and have given that info over to the UN.  This is the sort of thing that would make rational people want the whole truth put out immediately so that it can't get any worse from there, but that's not how our rulers operate.

19 June, 2023

□ [“Scale of Bidens’ Illegal Payment Scandal Triples Overnight"]

More scandal, nothing will be done about it.  It's another example of how they should just release all the info immediately so that someone might be able to make use of it.  Otherwise it's just wasting time and we already know the rest of the government is totally in on this sort of thing.  It's sounding like Trump wasn't and *that's* why they all hated him.

We're told that over a dozen tapes have been released showing Hunter and his father speaking about the bribes they're getting.  I don't know if the tapes have come out to the public or if they're just being moved around to people in certain offices who describe what's on them.  Don't much care.  Once again, just put it all out there.  Let the Biden supporters admit that they don't care if he took bribes for decades, at least he's raised taxes and got us into war so that's all that matters.

That's why the uniparty is going on this 'the law applies to everybody' nonsense, because they know full well the laws don't apply to them and they can show that off to the world.  I don't get the point of the elite showing off their superiority to the rest of us but they obviously do.

20 June, 2023

Another one bites the dust!  When is it going to be my turn?

□ [“China Working to Establish Military Training Facility in Cuba"]

Just China?  Why not Russia too, since we keep being told they're trying to conquer the world?  This will probably also work as a central command post for the invaders they're sending across the southern border as well as puppet states like Venezuela.

One thing that's clear is that something has to be happening soon with all the military-aged males being sent in.  You don't just send troops to another country and expect them to sit around for a few years, they have to be preparing whatever attack they're going to make before they get caught.  [In theory, our rulers might do something to stop them.  I know, I know, but China wouldn't want to take that chance.]

This year is the 200th anniversary of the Monroe Doctrine, or it would be if John Kerry hadn't declared it was over a few years ago.  We know who he's getting orders from.

20 June, 2023

□ [“Obama-Appointed Judge Strikes Down Arkansas’ Ban on Gender Transition Procedures For Minors"]

There has to be a stop to this.  These people were put into life-long unelected positions to impose this abuse of children.  As far as they're concerned, judges make the laws and nobody can ever change that.  I'm trying to figure out why they have this mindless obsession with judges making decisions for everybody but then, I don't know why they think kids can make up their own gender.

It's also strange that, for all the dozen and dozens of genders these people insist are real, only two of them require surgery and drugs for transition.  There's a convincing argument that this transgender nonsense isn't the actual goal, it's just a leftist excuse to deny reality.  I'm not sure I agree with that but there's definitely a connection.

Otherwise, I'm still wondering how long it will before they start including race as something you can self-identify as.  I am convinced that the only reason this hasn't happened yet is because blacks refuse to go along with it, but how long will that last?  If the choice is between blacks and trans, there's no doubt who our rulers will side with.

20 June, 2023

The Flash movie is a bomb.  It's been out for four days and has barely reached $61 million domestic across over 4200 theaters.  It's averaging $5700 per theater per day and most theaters hold at least 200 people at a time so if a movie ticket costs $10 - well that's what they cost back when I went to theaters - that's only 570 people going to see this movie at each theater in a single day.  If tickets cost more then it means they have fewer customers.

They're deliberately not making movies people want to see, they've got some other agenda and the famous people come out to tell the public how horrible they are for not spending money to see these movies.  I'm starting to get the theory that these companies are already working on digital currency or something along those lines because otherwise someone would be screaming "STOP DOING THIS!"

You can argue that they're a cult and I would probably agree with that, but this isn't something they would just start doing and expect it to work.  There has to be some other plan in motion and until I see evidence otherwise, I'll assume making movies no one wants to see is part of the strategy.  We've still got a week or so before we all get the chance to avoid seeing Helena Shaw, guest starring Indiana Jones.

It's all the attacks on potential customers that shows they're up to something.  It's too mind-bogglingly stupid otherwise.  They know they're not going to convince anybody so the point is to make themselves look good to...?  Their masters?  Each other?  Who are they trying to show off to since being in a movie isn't enough for celebrity ego?

20 June, 2023

□ [“Huge Surprise! Democrat US Attorney in Delaware Strikes Sweetheart Plea Deal With Hunter Biden, the Son of His Boss"]

As expected, the left is going bonkers about how the laws apply to everybody.  Nobody even bothered to wonder how much more money he funneled through Ukraine to avoid taxes, but we can assume the investigations are completely done, no one will ever do any more whatsoever.  The big guy has given the orders.

It's not like rappers Lil Wayne and Kodak Black who committed the same gun crimes, possessing a firearm illegally, they aren't white so they get to be imprisoned for years.  I don't know if they failed to pay $2 million in taxes like Hunter did but rich Democrat white kids in a Democrat-run state under a Democrat pretend-POTUS get treated the same way.

So of course it was all a waste of time and energy and the best you can is that the time and energy would have been used on something to destroy American even more.  At this point, we'd be lucky to even qualify as a banana republic, the rulers just get what they want and they want to make us miserable.

20 June, 2023

□ [“Pentagon Discloses 'Accounting Error' Resulting in $6.2 Billion Surplus for Ukraine"]

This is equipment so either it can be spread to leftists around the world or Russia can use it for target practice.  That seems to be the main point of the Russia/Ukraine thing, to keep funneling weapons for the enemy to use and money for the elites.  Wouldn't surprise me if Russia gets a percentage of the money.  For that matter, it wouldn't surprise me if some of it also goes to Disney and Warner Bros. so they can keep making movies no one wants to see.

And there's never any resistance, much less legal ramifications for any of this.  The rulers get to do whatever they want and the rest of us get to pay for it.  This is why we need to go on strike so that they won't get anything from us and we can work out relationships with competent productive people.  Not like the military where they can't even do basic math and cost us billions of dollars by *accident.*

Just a a sudden thought, I never knew much about military financing, I just knew that my unit was special and got to spend a lot more money than most in some strange ways.  I'm not sure how much of that applies to government in general but is it possible that our rulers have expanded these secret financing methods?  Probably, but for all I know, they already did that.  Never mind, forget I said anything.

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