Saturday, June 24, 2023


21 June, 2023

"Daddy, what did you do in the pride months?" "Back then I still thought I was a woman."

□ [“Five Years Ago Today, Climate Change Hoaxer Greta Thunberg Said the World Would End"]

On January 24, 2006, Al Gore insisted there were only ten years left to “save the planet from turning into a total frying pan.”  Ten years and one day later, I wrote:

The deadline has passed.  There is nothing that can be done about global warming from this moment forward.  Zero.  Zip.  Zilch.  Nada.  Nothing.  The science is settled.  Global warming believers can just go on about their lives. 

Yet for some reason, a couple of years after that, there was this person who is famous for nothing except saying that “A top climate scientist is warning that climate change will wipe out all of humanity unless we stop using fossil fuels over the next five years.”

Well ok, another deadline has passed.  It wasn't just some nobody making this claim, it was a TOP CLIMATE SCIENTIST who was born without a name.  Who else can you believe?  It's over, humanity will be wiped out, that's the end of it.

This 'global warming' hysteria is basically a cult.  Not sure when it officially started but it was the late 60s when it became common, just like a lot of other cults we've been dealing with since then.  I still think it's basically a modern version of Earth-worship and it's aimed at successful economies.  Russia and China never get complaints about this, even from westerners.  It's the American rich who fly around the world to whine about this and impose their will on Americans who can't afford to fly around.

21 June, 2023

□ [“Jane Fonda Leading Hollywood Bigwig ‘Summit’ to Discuss How Movies Can be Used to Push Climate Change Propaganda"]

The cult-behavior always seems to aim for the rich and famous first.  I noticed this with scientology, where L. Ron Hubbard really just wanted to hang out with other rich and famous people.  They don't go out on the streets in poor neighborhoods or knock on your door to convert you, they stay in their mansions and limit their influence to others of that sort.

In both areas, and probably others, they especially go for the people who were born rich and famous and have never known any other life.  So here we have Hanoi Jane Fonda who's in her mid-80s now and has been deluded into thinking she's special since Day One.  Of course she wants to impose propaganda on the peasants, that's what she's there for.  I bet she's a huge supporter of Ukraine and wants troops sent there ASAP.

Whatever cults are spread by Hollywood have been there from the start, but I've always thought it was a result of the 20th Century's technological growth.  It follows from Broadway and theater where scum can get away with anything by pretending they're wonderful actors, but movies required much more industry - video, sound, lighting - as well as transporting copies of the work all across the country at once.  This just meant dealing with more people, more companies, more cities.  There's far more areas to develop and pervert.

So now she's just ordering everybody important to gather together under her command.  They'll burn fossil fuels to come visit her this week and get their orders to pass on to the peons.  I'm sure there will be more cult behavior going on there in Los Angeles this week.

21 June, 2023

□ [“Boston First Responders Horrified to Find Four Children at Transgender-Drag Party with a Dead Body and Drugs and Sex Toys Scattered Throughout the Home"]

It's depressing how many stories like this we're running across every day and these are just the ones he happen to hear about, just imagine how many more child rapists are out there that we don't hear about.  Perverts gotta pervert and they demand to celebrate their pride this month.

But until recently, this was expected to be kept hidden because anyone who was caught would be severely punished.  But now they want everyone to know about their child abuse, they want it celebrated.  All of our rulers support this and probably take part in it personally.  Since they oppose natural reproduction, that's the only way to make sure they carry on to the next generation.

What options are there to wipe out these monsters?  Unfortunately it is part of human nature so I doubt it can be removed forever but pretend for the sake of argument that you had the authority to do something about these people now.  What would you do?  How would you find them and how would you deal with them?

I ask because I'm not really sure what I would do in those circumstances.  Do you just knock on every door and search for kids inside?  If any are found, you expect proof that they're related to the residents or you'll take them away?  And then what?  I have been thinking about this and I don't know how it should be handled.

21 June, 2023

□ [“Huge Explosion Rocks Central Paris, Injuring Almost 30 People"]

So far there's no word on what caused this although I did just see an article about illegal immigrants setting up a camp in Paris.  Maybe there's a connection?  Or maybe it's just some other type of accident, or terrorist attack or something.  Maybe Russia's invading, who knows?

But this all seems to be happening more often these days, as everything breaks down.  Near as I can tell, it's happening all over the world, at least in the previously-civilized nations.  It also seems to be nation-specific, so a problem for France isn't the same as a problem for the US or China.  My guess is that the "new world order" has aimed at specific targets for each nation and, for whatever reason, knows what will do the most damage.

Really, we can't do any more than work locally.  The internet makes us think we can perceive all around the world and our masters enjoy that, but really we can't.  We need to find ways to form alliances in our cities and neighborhoods so that we can work together and, God willing, strike back against our tyrants.  There's no other hope.

21 June, 2023

It might just be meaningless distractions, but it does look like something is going on somewhere.  It's basically public knowledge now that the poison-vaccines were useless against the Chinese virus and it's also coming out that Hillary was behind the Russiagate documents, as if we didn't already know either of those.  Still the fact that even Congress is admitting this stuff might be relevant.

I still think that's might be the reason they're going after Trump, as a way to keep their supporters from knowing the truth.  This could be a trap set by Trump & co. or it may just be standard tyranny seizing power as much as possible.  The House of Representatives has just voted to censure Adam Schiff for repeatedly lying about Trump and Russia.  I'm sure that won't go anywhere but it is on the record.

I have no clue what percentage of Democrats are brainwashed lunatics and which ones had actually come to those beliefs naturally, but the latter must be freaking out by all that's gone on in the last three years, especially after voting for a guy who promised to get things back to normal.  They don't want this trans nonsense, they don't want gas prices to skyrocket and take everything else with them, they don't want war, they don't want children raped and they're not getting that.

At least leftists already know they have rightwingers as a permanent enemy, they're going to have to turn against their own supporters soon, assuming they haven't already.  Just look at how irrelevant blacks are to the transgender movement, it's clear which group is more important to the rulers.  Women are basically non-existent because none of them even have a clue what a woman actually is.  They're only useful now to have abortions.  I doubt blacks or women will make much of a difference in this conflict but every little bit helps.

22 June, 2023

Who bet on the space aliens being responsible for everything?

□ [“Biden In Trouble: Huge Line of People Wait to Watch RFK Jr."]

I wonder if this is just propaganda.  It's unlikely but it's possible that the leaders are trying to make it look like anyone is permitted to challenge Biden.  The Kennedys are white and rich but basically unknown.  Ted Kennedy wiped out whatever chance they had to get anywhere, so all that's left is this rich old guy.

And there's also the fact that Biden is kept hidden almost all the time so there's no other options for Democrats to look at.  I don't know if this guy can do anything but he's being given some publicity for whatever reason.  Who knows, this might just be a puppet to see what Democrats are willing to turn against Biden, probably to punish them in the near-future.  Or maybe the crowd is just old people who have been obsessed by the Kennedys their whole lives.

I don't get the point of dropping the primaries.  Or for that matter, why not just have RFK Jr. go up against Trump and/or Ron DeSantis or whoever.  That's a valid way of getting attention and making their point to the public.  This is definitely a way the major parties want to prevent.  They can't allow people to have that much choice, the leaders are the only ones who make election decisions.

22 June, 2023

□ [“Pope Kisses Brazil Communist Lula on the Cheek at Vatican as South America Falls Under Dark Cloud of Socialism"]

South America was probably helpful taking over the Catholic Church.  They've had Cuba, then Venezuela and it just keeps speeding up.  I don't know how devout South America is but that's helped their rulers tie them down.  It's worked for so far so it's not like there's any reason to complain about that.

For some reason Francis is meeting up with rulers from the Americas, probably to confirm whatever the next step is in their grand mission.  South America doesn't get their history from England and France like we do but Spain and Portugal aren't exactly mindless pagans, how could they let this happen now?

I'm not a church-goer so I don't now the specifics, but can local churches break away from this tyranny?  Or just have the members stop showing up and form their own?  Don't know what's legally considered a "church" but it's not (yet) illegal for several dozen people to get together and discuss religion.  They're not making any money so at present, there wouldn't be anything to tax although I'm sure our rulers are working on that.

22 June, 2023

□ [“Bud Light: 'Please Drink Our Beer Again, You Oafish Hicks'"]

After two months of sales crumbling, they finally made a public statement, a commercial showing men being idiots and women laughing at them.  Men are the largest percentage of customers, 70% or so from what we've heard, all the other genders make up a minority, so who else are they going to insult as a way to get their customers back?

Whoever came up with this probably got a bonus or a raise.  It's not like anybody was permitted to ask who this was supposed to appeal to?  The whole point was to ditch their previous customers and get new ones, who's supposed to watch the commercial and say "I've never bought Bud Lite before but I'm going to start now"?

Guess what, the people who ditched Bud Lite have found a new beer and if they were willing to quit in the first place, they probably made sure it wasn't another Anheuser-Busch product.  The best you can say is that you kept the customers who didn't care about this nonsense in the first place, or else you can say that they were just too stupid to understand what's going on.  You should put that in an advertisement.

You're not going to fix the problem until you admit that you have a problem and really, *you're* the problem.  The refusal to drink your product has no chance of getting better, the best you can hope for is that it doesn't get worse, but to do that you have to recognize this fact.

22 June, 2023

□ [“Elon Musk Makes Trans Activists Melt Down After Declaring that Their Two Favorite Words are Now Slurs on Twitter"]

Ok, this is funny.  Trannies are using the word "cis" and "cisgender" as insults, so those words have been banned as slurs and can result in temporary bans.  [Note, I don't know if Musk has actual control over twitter but he's still the owner so he must have some say.]  So of course these idiots went nuts over this.

Dude, if I don't self-identify as "cis," you aren't permitted to call me "cis" and that's exactly the same rule you're trying to impose on what we're required to call you.  That's why these lunatics are so outraged, they can't be forced to live up to their own requirements.  The only alternative is that you can call me whatever you want and I can call you whatever I want, which is how freedom has worked for centuries.  And you oppose that.

About the most optimistic thing I can think of to say about what we're living through now is that almost everybody is fed up with this trans nonsense.  Why that hasn't started an open revolt against the rulers, I don't know, but it's getting closer because they're so over-obsessed with this vast minority of people stupid or crazy enough to think they can invent their own genders and they want this imposed upon every single aspect of life.  That's tiresome, that's oppressive and we've had enough.

22 June, 2023

□ [“'Now Is Not the Time to Talk Impeaching Biden' – Weak McCarthy Wilts Under Pressure – Won’t Pursue Impeachment"]

I haven't been following this stuff closely.  It's just a show, they aren't remotely going to do anything no matter how obvious the corruption is.  I have a bunch of articles about this open and just really don't have much to say.  They'd rather go after Trump again despite never proving anything through all the years of accusations.  We get it, the rules don't apply to our leaders.

This is the uniparty, they just pretend to disagree on most of the real issues.  The press goes along with it, nobody dares ask any serious questions.  They wouldn't want their audience to learn anything too important.  The IRS had recommend multiple felony charges against Hunter for the tens of millions of dollars he and his father received for foreign countries but the DOJ ignored that.  Hunter was demanding payments from other countries when his father was in the room.  The government has known all this for a long time but they aren't about enforcing the laws on *some* people.

They've got all this evidence so they can threaten people in the future if they want but otherwise they're not going to use it against anybody they like.  Only those they don't like have to worry, so watch your step to make sure you don't wind up on the wrong side.

23 June, 2023

My gift is my post and this one's for you

Still looking at the movie box office.  With six days of release, The Flash has already come down to third place.  Second place was an even bigger bomb, Elemental by Pixar, and first place was the animated Spider-Man movie which had been released three weeks earlier.  I gather the cartoons are actually cheaper to produce to this may not be a big hit but it should definitely be making a profit by this point.

I'm starting to wonder why studios don't just start releasing some older material.  The real Indiana Jones movies would have a better chance of success than the new one and have long-since made a profit so there wouldn't be much work needed.  As it stands, I've already noticed an increasing number of youtube videos of young people covering older movies and they seem genuinely surprised at what actual quality looks like.

I've also been wondering when the DVD movement is going to return.  Perhaps even the VCR although that's somewhat more unlikely.  I still have my VCR and tapes but I haven't had a television in close to two decades so I have no idea if they could even be plugged in anywhere.  But regardless, both formats would have an obvious defense against our tyrants and their internet censorship.  If you can still play the videos, you get to see the actual work and not the new version where Vader tells Luke "I self-identify as your mother."

Also regarding the recent box office failures, I haven't yet noticed anybody pointing out the economy as a cause.  However tempted people might be to see a movie, if they have to choose between buying a ticket or buying food, the movie loses.  Then there's just the lack of interest in seeing all this *woke* nonsense and the actors telling us what horrible people we are, that adds up as well.

23 June, 2023

□ [“Coors Light to Host Denver Pride Parade, After Apparently Learning Nothing From Bud Light Fiasco"]

So Bud Lite was saying 'no other company would ever be as stupid as we were' and Coors said "hold my beer."  But I refused to hold it because I didn't want people thinking I was, you know, that way.

Bud Lite sales keep going down, the most recent update only came out a couple days ago, so of course Coors wants in on that.  I haven't seen any message they put out to their stockholders or distributors that 'you're going to lose a lot of money because of what we do and that's why we're doing it.'  It's things like this that show it's really deliberate.  Still can't figure out why they're being so blatantly stupid but that's what they're doing.  Might as well call it "corporate suicide."

If I had any interest in starting a beer company, I would just call it "Transphobic Beer" or something along those lines.  Based on current events, it sounds like it would be a big seller.  Like we didn't already need an excuse to get drunk.

23 June, 2023

□ [“Hyped Ukraine Counteroffensive Flops:  Zelensky, MSM Have To Admit Failure"]

And that was the "spring offensive" we had been told to wait for all this time.  It basically look like Russia is just sitting there letting Ukraine take the initiative and fighting them back when they do.  That's no mean feat considering we've heard for almost a year and a half that Russia's military was completely destroyed so what exactly is causing any Ukraine failure anywhere along the line?  We never get told, funny how that works.

And *this* is what all these western rulers took our money away for?  Yes, I know, they funneled it away and kept much of it for themselves, but for the sake of argument, just pretend it all went to Ukrainian military, and here's the result.  Might as well have given it away to the defenders of Yemen and Syria for all the good it would do, but certain countries are allowed to be invaded without liberals complaining about it.

It also comes across like desperation, which could be expected after Bakhmut, losing the "fortress of morale."  If the troops aren't forced to do this, they'll have no reason to fight at all.  At least this way they'll be dead which is all the Ukrainian leaders need at the moment.  Remember when Zelensky said he would be pressured to compromise with Russia if Bakhmut fell?  Well he was obviously lying about that because this is still going on and nobody says anything about peace.

23 June, 2023

□ [“First Openly Transgender New Hampshire State Legislator Arrested for Distributing 'Child Sexual Abuse Images'"]

The first one that's "openly" transgender, so there have been others before.  I guess it would be easy to find out which ones were arrested for child porn in the last few decades.  A lot of these arrests seem to be happening this month, I guess they really like celebrating it for some reason.

This guy was arrested for credit card fraud in 2008, a hoax bomb threat in 2015 and arrested twice in 2022 for violating a protective order on someone he was stalking.  Yet the same month as his second arrest, he was re-elected to the state legislature.  As you might expect, he is a loyal Democrat and if you see a picture of him, he barely looks human.  Despite all these felony arrests, he doesn't seem to have spent much time in jail, probably because he's a leftist who is *openly* transgender.

It seems like just a simplistic conspiracy theory to say that the whole point of the Democratic Party is to promote child abuse and by extension, everyone else, but I'm starting to wonder how much proof would be needed to show that's not the case.  Just the fact that this party, and politicians in general, aren't demanding that all these perverts be exiled from office immediately shows us how many seem to be all-in on this and they have the authority to impose it on everybody.  Prove me wrong.

23 June, 2023

□ [“Karine Jean-Pierre Spars with Reporters Repeatedly Pressing Her on the Hunter-Joe Tag-Team Text Demanding Chinese Business Associate Pay Up"]

There's several stories about this, officials being required to insist that nothing was illegal and the laws don't apply to them anyway.  I still don't pay much attention to this but I get the impression that there's basically real evidence out there now, even the media is aware of this and they have to at least pretend they're trying to ask for the truth from our rulers.

It's still clear that nothing's going to be done about it.  About the only possibility I can think of is that China's the one ordering the media to ask these questions.  This would explain why the administration isn't just giving blatant lies which the media happily reports and everyone else is forced to be silent.  They are active supporters of censorship so that's going to happen soon anyway.

Even Hunter's lawyer has spoken out, saying that Hunter was taking too many drugs to be coherent so nobody should listen to him.  Drugs aren't legal either but yet again the law doesn't apply to some people.  And Democrats have no reason to worry what black men will think about any of this.

24 June, 2023

You can keep Ukraine but only if you buy some Rococo Coffee!

□ [“Liberal Utopia Austin, Texas Homeless Map Shows a Shocking 10K Living in Camps"]

I've been wondering how much of this is going on these days without us knowing.  The whole point of homelessness is that they aren't easy to find and keep count of, but the nonstop insistence of how great the economy is shows us that the rulers want to keep the real numbers secret for as long as possible.  Put it this way, how long until you're one of the homeless?

Is this deliberate population reduction or just the result of government having total control over everything?  I guess it's probably both but there's no way to know if our masters are conscious of either goal.  Some of them, yes, but the majority might just be following orders and this is the natural result.  It's one of those things where collectivists are still individuals, no matter how much they deny that, so there's no way to know which ones actually think that way and which ones are just repeating what they're told.

It's also a valid question how much of homelessness is based on desperation or insanity?  If they've got money for drugs and cellphones, they might not be homeless just because they're poor.  People who are genuinely poor to the point where they can't find a place to live would be looking to get out of that as soon as possible and it would work if they have any intelligence or ability.  If they don't, I'm not sure what options there are.

24 June, 2023

□ [“World Health Organization’s ‘Comprehensive Sexuality Education’ Teaches Young Children Masturbation"]

The self-appointed rulers of the world are going after your children.  They need some way to celebrate Child-abuse Pride Month.  As far as they're concerned, it would take only a few years to pervert everybody from the next generation and there's nothing their parents can do to stop it.  As the saying goes, "we're here, we're queer, we're coming after your children."  They really do say that at pride demonstrations.

It does look like an increasing number of people have chosen this month to get completely fed up with the notion of made-up genders and child abuse.  Nobody advocating these things ever shows the slightest bit of resistance or notion that they're doing anything wrong, but they all show an absolute desire to impose it on the rest of us, no consent required.  It's just been getting worse every year for all of our lives and we need to put a stop to it.

Then there's the way this always lines up with Hollywood and our celebrities.  Few if any of them really differ from this advocacy.  Neither do the politicians they support.  It's almost spooky how they minimalized any individuality from all these people.  Once upon a time, they used to show diversity and restraint, back when they were saying their love was nobody else's business.  It wasn't very long ago and now they've ditched all that to impose their wishes on the world.

24 June, 2023

□ [“Rebelling Wagner Group Troops Stand Down After Reaching 125 Miles of Moscow, Will Return to Bases in Ukraine"]

So this was a thing that was happening for the last day or so.  For some reason, the private army/mercenaries/whatever had turned against Putin and decided they'd overthrow him, but then they changed their mind.  Ok, life goes on, what else is new?

My first thought was that the CIA and/or other American agencies had made this happen.  Because it's not like they've never gotten a military force to overthrow a leader before.  It seemed a little weird that they'd waited this long to get started, but they might be getting desperate at this point, like only Russia has the potential to defeat Russia.  That might still be what happened.  Or perhaps this was all a psi-op by Putin and Wagner Group.  Not sure how or why they'd do this but, well, it's Russia.

It might have been useful to see what Russian officials would immediately jump out in support of the traitors, that's certainly believable.  I was amused by watching all the Ukraine supporters immediately support Wagner Group, who they'd spent the last year+ calling "nazis" who need to be totally destroyed.  Not sure if it's true but I've even seen that the US had immediately dropped upcoming economic sanctions on Wagner because of this news report.

If that's the case, it definitely shows that Ukraine and its supporters are full of stupidity of the highest order.  Keep It Simple, Stupid.  If you want sanctions on this group, impose sanctions.  Don't change your mind just because they're suddenly on your side, they're still as evil as you always said they were.  These people aren't capable of holding to an actual principle and it's becoming more and more obvious every day.

Putin even gave a speech which, as far as I know, isn't something he does on any regular basis, but this one happened immediately.  That's strange.  What little I've read of the speech is fairly generic, but one line stood out, that “exactly this strike was dealt in 1917 when the country was in WW1, but its victory was stolen."

I really don't get what he's referring to.  Russia was totally losing WWI by 1917.  There was the February Revolution which overthrew the tsar and then the communists took over in November [or as they say in Russia, "October."]  The Provisional Government tried to keep the war going but they really had no chance.  Lenin took power insisting on peace but he refused to give in to Germany's demands, so Germany stomped Russia into the ground until he gave in.  Russia's new rulers were much better at using force on other Russians, and invading Poland.

Anyway, the immediate, unquestioning response by Ukraine supporters is basically that Americans should feel inspired by Wagner Group, a bunch of men with guns heading to the capitol city to overthrow the tyrants.  And I completely agree with that.

24 June, 2023

So how long do we have left?  That's really hard to tell.  Of course we don't know all of what's going on and even if we guessed everything right, there'd be no way to confirm it.  Our rulers are trying to lie and deny reality so there's not many other options to determine what's actually happening these days.

Look at how there's suddenly stories about the government having access to space aliens.  And they're just now talking about it after all these decades, but not in some big official statement, just enough to make people think there might be something to it.  I'd say just assume it's a distraction from real problems so ignore it until actual proof shows up, but it's not like everybody is convinced by my claims.  Then there are other actual problems which are also distractions, like the train and plane crashes going on.  It's all about imposing more problems on everybody so our rulers can carry out their real plans.

I will say that their plans aren't working as well as they expect.  I've spent all this time insisting that they have actual plans that really have worked for them so far, and I might be right about that, but they can't foresee everything.  There are places where they make bad guesses, where they expected something to happen and it didn't, and places where they're far behind schedule.  Of course we don't have any details on what they're actually doing and it's entirely possible there are areas where they just made it up as they went along, which causes further problems.

So I keep expecting everything to fall apart any day and it keeps being delayed for some reason.  It gives us more time to form an actual resistance movement and go on strike but that doesn't seem to be happening either.

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